A simple Lua script which plays a .wav sound whenever replay buffer is saved.
Download Half-Life 2 City Scanner NPC's camera shutter sound: https://github.com/sourcesounds/hl2/blob/master/sound/npc/scanner/scanner_photo1.wav
- Or use any .wav sound but make sure to match its name either in "Beep on replay buffer save.lua" (edit with any text editor) or rename your .wav file to "sound_npc_scanner_scanner_photo1.wav".
Put it in the same location with "Beep on replay buffer save.lua"
- A good way is to create a separate "scripts" folder in %AppData%\obs-studio\ and keep all your scripts there in case you need to backup your OBS Settings.
OBS → Tools → Scripts → +
This Lua script was downloaded from https://gist.github.com/snakecase/e816384a071cec31efbb4b9e429c108d
Thank you guys!
For those getting the default windows background sound, make sure your WAV file is uncompressed.
Windows seems to have issue playing compressed WAV files. Spent too much time googling before I stumbled upon this.