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Created February 7, 2020 22:41
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----------------------------- MODULE ForceMove -----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, TLC, Utils
(* The purpose of this specification is to outline an algorithm that *)
(* guarantees that a challenge is registered on chain with turnNumber *)
(* equal to LatestTurnNumber. It is guaranteed even with an antagonist *)
(* who can do anything (including front-run Alice an arbitrary number of *)
(* times) except *)
(* - signing data with Alice's private key *)
(* - corrupting the blockchain *)
(* *)
(* This guarantee has a key assumption, namely: *)
(* 1. When a challenge is recorded on the adjudicator, Alice is always *)
(* able to *)
(* a) notice the event *)
(* b) submit a transaction *)
(* c) receive confirmation that that transaction was mined *)
(* all before the challenge times out. *)
(* *)
(* If guarantee is met, then either *)
(* A. the channel concludes at this state; or *)
(* B. someone responds with a move that progresses the channel *)
(* C. someone checkpoints with a move that progresses the *)
(* channel *)
(* *)
(* Alice must accept A. She must also accept C -- indeed, she must accept *)
(* any supported state that is recorded on chain, since she must have *)
(* signed at least one "recent" state in its support, and has no control *)
(* over what the other participants does after that state. She would be *)
(* most satisfied with B. *)
(* *)
(* In reality, it is possible that Alice receives a state with turnNumber *)
(* LatestTurnNumber+1, and in this case Alice could (gracefully) abort her *)
(* algorithm and continue the channel. A future version of this *)
(* specification could consider this possibility. *)
(* *)
(* By inductively applying her algorithm, Alice can therefore guarantee *)
(* that either the channel progresses as long as she wishes, or it *)
(* concludes on the latest state that she has. *)
/\ StartingTurnNumber \in Nat
/\ /\ NumParticipants \in Nat
/\ NumParticipants > 1
(* --algorithm forceMove
(* Alice calls adjudicator functions by submitting a pending transaction *)
(* with the function type and arguments. The adjudicator processes this *)
(* transaction and modifies the channel state on her behalf. However, *)
(* when Eve calls functions, she directly modifies the channel state. *)
(* This emulates a reality where Eve can consistently front-run Alice's *)
(* transactions, when desired. *)
channel = [turnNumber |-> 0, mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN ],
submittedTX = NULL,
Alice \in ParticipantIDXs \ { ParticipantIDX(LatestTurnNumber + 1) },
counter = 0 \* Auxilliary variable used in some properties and invariants.
\* We can't specify any properties that require any memory of the
\* behaviour up to the certain point (ie. the behaviour has passed through state X seven times in a row)
\* we thus have to embed the "memory" of the behaviour in the state itself,
\* if we want to check some property the depends on the history of the behaviour
Number == Nat \cup { 0 }
LatestTurnNumber == StartingTurnNumber + NumParticipants - 1
ParticipantIDXs == 1..NumParticipants
ParticipantIDX(turnNumber) == 1 + ((turnNumber - 1) % NumParticipants)
Signer(commitment) == ParticipantIDX(commitment.turnNumber)
MainHistoryTurnNumbers == 0..(StartingTurnNumber + NumParticipants)
ValidCommitments == [ turnNumber: Nat ]
AlicesCommitments == { c \in ValidCommitments :
/\ c.turnNumber \in MainHistoryTurnNumbers
StoredCommitments == { c \in AlicesCommitments : c.turnNumber >= StartingTurnNumber }
AlicesNextTurnNumber == CHOOSE n \in (LatestTurnNumber+1)..(LatestTurnNumber+NumParticipants) : ParticipantIDX(n) = Alice
TargetTurnNumbers == (LatestTurnNumber + 1)..(AlicesNextTurnNumber - 1)
EvesCommitments == { c \in ValidCommitments : c.turnNumber <= AlicesNextTurnNumber }
challengeOngoing == channel.mode = ChannelMode.CHALLENGE
channelOpen == channel.mode = ChannelMode.OPEN
increasesTurnNumber(commitment) == commitment.turnNumber > channel.turnNumber
validCommitment(c) == c \in ValidCommitments
validTransition(c) ==
/\ challengeOngoing
/\ c.turnNumber = channel.turnNumber + 1
AlicesGoalMet == channel.turnNumber \in TargetTurnNumbers
end define;
macro validateCommitment(c, type)
if ~validCommitment(c) then
print(<<type, c>>);
assert FALSE;
end if;
end macro;
macro clearChallenge(turnNumber)
assert turnNumber \in Nat;
channel := [
mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN,
turnNumber |-> turnNumber
end macro;
macro respondWithMove(commitment)
validateCommitment(commitment, "respond");
if validTransition(commitment)
then clearChallenge(commitment.turnNumber);
end if;
end macro;
macro checkpoint(commitment)
validateCommitment(commitment, "checkpoint");
if increasesTurnNumber(commitment)
then clearChallenge(commitment.turnNumber);
end if;
end macro;
macro forceMove(commitment)
validateCommitment(commitment, "forceMove");
\/ /\ channelOpen
/\ commitment.turnNumber >= channel.turnNumber
\/ /\ challengeOngoing
/\ commitment.turnNumber > channel.turnNumber
channel := [ mode |-> ChannelMode.CHALLENGE, turnNumber |-> commitment.turnNumber ];
\* By incrementing the number of forceMoves that have been called, we
\* multiply the number of distinct states by a large amount, but we can specify properties like
\* "Eve has not submitted 5 force moves"
\* counter := counter + 1;
end if;
end macro;
fair process adjudicator = "Adjudicator"
(* This process records submitted transactions. *)
while ~AlicesGoalMet \/ submittedTX # NULL do
if submittedTX # NULL then
if submittedTX.type = ForceMoveAPI.FORCE_MOVE then forceMove(submittedTX.commitment);
elsif submittedTX.type = ForceMoveAPI.RESPOND then respondWithMove(submittedTX.commitment);
elsif submittedTX.type = ForceMoveAPI.CHECKPOINT then checkpoint(submittedTX.commitment);
else assert FALSE;
end if;
submittedTX := NULL;
end if;
end while;
end process;
fair+ process alice = "Alice"
(* Alice has commitments (n - numParticipants)..(n-1). She wants to end *)
(* up with commitments (n - numParticipants + 1)..n. *)
(* *)
(* She is allowed to: *)
(* A. Call submitForceMove with any states that she currently has *)
(* B. Call respondWithMove whenever there's an active challenge where *)
(* it's her turn to move *)
(* C. Call checkpoint at any time. *)
while ~AlicesGoalMet do
await submittedTX = NULL;
if challengeOngoing then with turnNumber = channel.turnNumber do
if turnNumber < LatestTurnNumber then
\* Alice has signed commitments from StartingTurnNumber up to LastTurnNumber.
\* She would therefore call forceMove with the latest commitment
with commitment = CHOOSE c \in StoredCommitments : c.turnNumber = LatestTurnNumber do
submittedTX := [ type |-> ForceMoveAPI.FORCE_MOVE, commitment |-> commitment]; end with;
end if;
end with; else
submittedTX := [
commitment |-> [turnNumber |-> LatestTurnNumber ],
type |-> ForceMoveAPI.FORCE_MOVE
end if;
end while;
end process;
fair process eve = "Eve"
(* Eve can do almost anything. *)
(* *)
(* a. She can sign any data with any private key, except she cannot sign *)
(* a commitment with Alice's private key when the turn number is *)
(* greater than or equal to StartingTurnNumber *)
(* b. She can call any adjudicator function, at any time *)
(* c. She can front-run any transaction an arbitrary number of times: if *)
(* anyone else calls an adjudicator function in a transaction tx, she *)
(* can then choose to submit any transaction before tx is mined. *)
(* d. She can choose not to do anything, thus causing any active *)
(* challenge to expire. *)
(* *)
(* (d) is emulated by behaviours where execution is either *)
(* Alice->Adjudicator or Adjudicator->Alice *)
while ~AlicesGoalMet do
\* TODO: challenge with more commitments than this
with commitment \in EvesCommitments
do forceMove(commitment);
end with;
or if challengeOngoing
then either with commitment \in EvesCommitments
do respondWithMove(commitment); end with;
or with commitment \in EvesCommitments
do checkpoint(commitment); end with;
end either;
end if; end either;
end while;
end process;
end algorithm;
VARIABLES channel, submittedTX, Alice, counter, pc
(* define statement *)
Number == Nat \cup { 0 }
LatestTurnNumber == StartingTurnNumber + NumParticipants - 1
ParticipantIDXs == 1..NumParticipants
ParticipantIDX(turnNumber) == 1 + ((turnNumber - 1) % NumParticipants)
Signer(commitment) == ParticipantIDX(commitment.turnNumber)
MainHistoryTurnNumbers == 0..(StartingTurnNumber + NumParticipants)
ValidCommitments == [ turnNumber: Nat ]
AlicesCommitments == { c \in ValidCommitments :
/\ c.turnNumber \in MainHistoryTurnNumbers
StoredCommitments == { c \in AlicesCommitments : c.turnNumber >= StartingTurnNumber }
AlicesNextTurnNumber == CHOOSE n \in (LatestTurnNumber+1)..(LatestTurnNumber+NumParticipants) : ParticipantIDX(n) = Alice
TargetTurnNumbers == (LatestTurnNumber + 1)..(AlicesNextTurnNumber - 1)
EvesCommitments == { c \in ValidCommitments : c.turnNumber <= AlicesNextTurnNumber }
challengeOngoing == channel.mode = ChannelMode.CHALLENGE
channelOpen == channel.mode = ChannelMode.OPEN
increasesTurnNumber(commitment) == commitment.turnNumber > channel.turnNumber
validCommitment(c) == c \in ValidCommitments
validTransition(c) ==
/\ challengeOngoing
/\ c.turnNumber = channel.turnNumber + 1
AlicesGoalMet == channel.turnNumber \in TargetTurnNumbers
vars == << channel, submittedTX, Alice, counter, pc >>
ProcSet == {"Adjudicator"} \cup {"Alice"} \cup {"Eve"}
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ channel = [turnNumber |-> 0, mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN ]
/\ submittedTX = NULL
/\ Alice \in ParticipantIDXs \ { ParticipantIDX(LatestTurnNumber + 1) }
/\ counter = 0
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "Adjudicator" -> "Adjudicator"
[] self = "Alice" -> "A"
[] self = "Eve" -> "E"]
Adjudicator == /\ pc["Adjudicator"] = "Adjudicator"
/\ IF ~AlicesGoalMet \/ submittedTX # NULL
THEN /\ IF submittedTX # NULL
THEN /\ IF submittedTX.type = ForceMoveAPI.FORCE_MOVE
THEN /\ IF ~validCommitment((submittedTX.commitment))
THEN /\ PrintT((<<"forceMove", (submittedTX.commitment)>>))
/\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5 of macro called at line 164, column 63.")
/\ IF \/ /\ channelOpen
/\ (submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber >= channel.turnNumber
\/ /\ challengeOngoing
/\ (submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber > channel.turnNumber
THEN /\ channel' = [ mode |-> ChannelMode.CHALLENGE, turnNumber |-> (submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber ]
/\ UNCHANGED channel
ELSE /\ IF submittedTX.type = ForceMoveAPI.RESPOND
THEN /\ IF ~validCommitment((submittedTX.commitment))
THEN /\ PrintT((<<"respond", (submittedTX.commitment)>>))
/\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5 of macro called at line 165, column 63.")
/\ IF validTransition((submittedTX.commitment))
THEN /\ Assert(((submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber) \in Nat,
"Failure of assertion at line 115, column 1 of macro called at line 165, column 63.")
/\ channel' = [
mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN,
turnNumber |-> ((submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber)
/\ UNCHANGED channel
ELSE /\ IF submittedTX.type = ForceMoveAPI.CHECKPOINT
THEN /\ IF ~validCommitment((submittedTX.commitment))
THEN /\ PrintT((<<"checkpoint", (submittedTX.commitment)>>))
/\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5 of macro called at line 166, column 63.")
/\ IF increasesTurnNumber((submittedTX.commitment))
THEN /\ Assert(((submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber) \in Nat,
"Failure of assertion at line 115, column 1 of macro called at line 166, column 63.")
/\ channel' = [
mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN,
turnNumber |-> ((submittedTX.commitment).turnNumber)
/\ UNCHANGED channel
ELSE /\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 167, column 14.")
/\ UNCHANGED channel
/\ submittedTX' = NULL
/\ UNCHANGED << channel, submittedTX >>
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["Adjudicator"] = "Adjudicator"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["Adjudicator"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << channel, submittedTX >>
/\ UNCHANGED << Alice, counter >>
adjudicator == Adjudicator
A == /\ pc["Alice"] = "A"
/\ IF ~AlicesGoalMet
THEN /\ submittedTX = NULL
/\ IF challengeOngoing
THEN /\ LET turnNumber == channel.turnNumber IN
IF turnNumber < LatestTurnNumber
THEN /\ LET commitment == CHOOSE c \in StoredCommitments : c.turnNumber = LatestTurnNumber IN
submittedTX' = [ type |-> ForceMoveAPI.FORCE_MOVE, commitment |-> commitment]
/\ UNCHANGED submittedTX
ELSE /\ submittedTX' = [
commitment |-> [turnNumber |-> LatestTurnNumber ],
type |-> ForceMoveAPI.FORCE_MOVE
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["Alice"] = "A"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["Alice"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED submittedTX
/\ UNCHANGED << channel, Alice, counter >>
alice == A
E == /\ pc["Eve"] = "E"
/\ IF ~AlicesGoalMet
THEN /\ \/ /\ \E commitment \in EvesCommitments:
/\ IF ~validCommitment(commitment)
THEN /\ PrintT((<<"forceMove", commitment>>))
/\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5 of macro called at line 228, column 12.")
/\ IF \/ /\ channelOpen
/\ commitment.turnNumber >= channel.turnNumber
\/ /\ challengeOngoing
/\ commitment.turnNumber > channel.turnNumber
THEN /\ channel' = [ mode |-> ChannelMode.CHALLENGE, turnNumber |-> commitment.turnNumber ]
/\ UNCHANGED channel
\/ /\ IF challengeOngoing
THEN /\ \/ /\ \E commitment \in EvesCommitments:
/\ IF ~validCommitment(commitment)
THEN /\ PrintT((<<"respond", commitment>>))
/\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5 of macro called at line 232, column 12.")
/\ IF validTransition(commitment)
THEN /\ Assert((commitment.turnNumber) \in Nat,
"Failure of assertion at line 115, column 1 of macro called at line 232, column 12.")
/\ channel' = [
mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN,
turnNumber |-> (commitment.turnNumber)
/\ UNCHANGED channel
\/ /\ \E commitment \in EvesCommitments:
/\ IF ~validCommitment(commitment)
THEN /\ PrintT((<<"checkpoint", commitment>>))
/\ Assert(FALSE,
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5 of macro called at line 235, column 12.")
/\ IF increasesTurnNumber(commitment)
THEN /\ Assert((commitment.turnNumber) \in Nat,
"Failure of assertion at line 115, column 1 of macro called at line 235, column 12.")
/\ channel' = [
mode |-> ChannelMode.OPEN,
turnNumber |-> (commitment.turnNumber)
/\ UNCHANGED channel
/\ UNCHANGED channel
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["Eve"] = "E"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["Eve"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED channel
/\ UNCHANGED << submittedTX, Alice, counter >>
eve == E
(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
Next == adjudicator \/ alice \/ eve
\/ Terminating
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(adjudicator)
/\ SF_vars(alice)
/\ WF_vars(eve)
Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
AllowedTransactions == [ type: Range(ForceMoveAPI), commitment: ValidCommitments ]
AllowedChannels == [ mode: Range(ChannelMode), turnNumber: Number ]
\* Safety & liveness properties
TypeOK ==
/\ channel \in AllowedChannels
/\ submittedTX \in AllowedTransactions
AliceCanProgressChannel == <>[](channel.turnNumber \in TargetTurnNumbers)
\* We can verify that Alice can never directly modify the channel with this property, with
\* the exception that she can finalize the channel.
AliceMustSubmitTransactions == [][
/\ pc["Alice"] = "AliceTakesAction"
/\ pc'["Alice"] = "AliceMoves"
=> UNCHANGED channel
]_<<pc, channel>>
TurnNumberIncrements == [][
channel'.turnNumber >= channel.turnNumber
\* It's useful to specify the following invariants or properties, since we can
\* inspect the trace of behaviours that violate them to verify that the model
\* checker is working as intended.
EveCanGrieveAlice == counter < 5
\* Behaviours that violate this property exhibit Eve's ability to front-run:
\* Alice always submits a transaction that would change the channel state, if
\* it took effect immediately. Therefore, if the channel state is not changed
\* when a pending transaction is processed, Eve must have called a function
\* already.
EveCannotFrontRun ==[][
/\ submittedTX # NULL
/\ submittedTX' = NULL
\/ channel' # channel
\* By uncommenting the following line, one can inspect traces where Eve might
\* have front-run Alice multiple times
\* \/ counter <= 3
]_<<submittedTX, channel>>
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Wed Oct 30 10:01:58 NDT 2019 by andrewstewart
\* Created Tue Aug 06 14:38:11 MDT 2019 by andrewstewart
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