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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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import java.util.Random;
public class Game21
private int[] heap;
private Random rand = new Random();
private boolean computerOpponent;
private boolean lastPlayWins;
private boolean gameOver;
private boolean multi;
private int tokens;
private Player winner;
private Player[] player = new Player[2];
public Game21()
tokens = 21;
public Game21(String player1, String player2, boolean wins, boolean mult)
if (mult)
multi = mult;
tokens = 21;
player[0] = new Player(player1);
player[1] = new Player(player2);
lastPlayWins = wins;
public Game21(String player1, boolean wins, boolean mult) // computer oppenent
if (mult)
multi = mult;
tokens = 21;
player[0] = new Player(player1);
lastPlayWins = wins;
computerOpponent = true;
player[1] = new Player("NIM Bot 2000");
public void reset()
tokens = 21;
gameOver = false;
public void resetMulti(int len)
heap = new int[len];
for (int i =0; i<heap.length;i++)
heap[i] = rand.nextInt(10) + 1;
gameOver= false;
public String getWinner()
return winner.getName();
public int getTokens()
return tokens;
public boolean isGameOver()
return gameOver;
public boolean isComputerOpponent()
return computerOpponent;
public boolean isMulti()
return multi;
public int findMaxIndex(int[] array)
int max = array[0];
int idx = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i++)
if (max < array[i])
max = array[i];
idx = i;
return idx;
public void getComputerMoveMulti()
int len = heap.length;
int heapIndex = 0;
int finalTokens = 0;
int finalIndex = 0;
int xor = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
xor ^= heap[i];
if (xor==0) // no good move, make small random
boolean picked = false;
while (!picked)
heapIndex = rand.nextInt(len);
if (heap[heapIndex] > 0)
finalTokens = rand.nextInt(heap[heapIndex]);
picked = true;
int[] testHeap = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
testHeap[i] = heap[i] & xor;
heapIndex = findMaxIndex(testHeap);
finalTokens = (heap[heapIndex] - (xor ^ heap[heapIndex]));
takeTurnMulti(1, finalTokens, heapIndex);
System.out.println(player[1].getName() + " picks " + finalTokens + " token(s) from heap" + (heapIndex + 1));
public String showHeaps()
String result = "";
for (int i=0;i<heap.length;i++)
result += "Heap " + (i + 1) + " : " + heap[i] + "\t";
result += "\n";
return result;
public int getComputerMove()
int result, best;
if (lastPlayWins)
best = tokens % 4;
if (best==0) result = rand.nextInt(3) + 1;
result = best;
best = (tokens % 4) - 1;
if (best < 0) best = 3;
if (best == 0) best = rand.nextInt(3) + 1;
if (tokens <= 4 && tokens < 1) best = tokens - 1;
if (tokens==1) best = 1;
result = best;
System.out.println(player[1].getName() + " picks " + result + " token(s).");
return result;
public int getOtherPlayer(int n)
if (n == 0) return 1;
return 0;
public String getPlayer(int n)
return player[n].getName();
public int getWins(int n)
return player[n].getWins();
public void takeTurnMulti(int playerNum, int inTokens, int index)
if (!gameOver)
if (inTokens > heap[index]) inTokens = heap[index];
heap[index] -= inTokens;
int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<heap.length;i++) sum += heap[i];
if (sum <= 0)
if (lastPlayWins)
gameOver = true;
winner = player[playerNum];
gameOver = true;
winner = player[getOtherPlayer(playerNum)];
public void takeTurn(int playerNum, int inTokens)
if (!gameOver)
if (inTokens > 3) inTokens = 3;
tokens -= inTokens;
if (tokens <= 0)
if (lastPlayWins)
gameOver = true;
winner = player[playerNum];
gameOver = true;
winner = player[getOtherPlayer(playerNum)];
public class Nim
public static String getInputLine(String prompt)
String inString = "";
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader ibr = new BufferedReader( isr);
while (inString.equals(""))
inString = ibr.readLine();
catch (IOException ioe)
return inString;
public static void main( String [] args )
boolean gameWins = false;
boolean gameMult = false;
int numHeaps = 0;
int turn = 0;
Game21 game;
String player1 = getInputLine("What is your name? ");
String player2 = getInputLine("What is player 2's name, or 'computer' to play against computer? ");
String typeOfGame = getInputLine("What type of game would you like to play?\n (last move wins. type 'W', last move loses, type 'L') ");
String mult = getInputLine("Game style ('M' = multiple heaps; 'T' = 21)? ");
if (typeOfGame.equalsIgnoreCase("w"))
gameWins = true;
if (mult.equalsIgnoreCase("m"))
gameMult = true;
if (player2.equalsIgnoreCase("computer"))
game = new Game21(player1,gameWins, gameMult);
game = new Game21(player1, player2, gameWins, gameMult);
int tokens = 0;
int heap = 0;
int numRounds = Integer.parseInt(getInputLine("Enter number of rounds to play: "));
if (game.isMulti())
numHeaps = Integer.parseInt(getInputLine("Enter number of heaps (piles) from 2..n? "));
for (int i = 0; i < numRounds; i++)
turn = i%2;
System.out.println("========================GAME # " + (i+1) + "======================");
while (!game.isGameOver())
if (game.isMulti())
if (!game.isComputerOpponent() || turn==0)
tokens = Integer.parseInt(getInputLine(game.getPlayer(turn) + ", how many tokens do you take? "));
heap = (Integer.parseInt(getInputLine("From what heap:"))) - 1;
game.takeTurnMulti(turn, tokens, heap);
if (turn > 1) turn = 0;
System.out.println("TOKENS LEFT: " + game.getTokens());
if (!game.isComputerOpponent() || turn==0)
tokens = Integer.parseInt(getInputLine(game.getPlayer(turn) + ", how many tokens do you take? "));
tokens = game.getComputerMove();
game.takeTurn(turn, tokens);
if (turn > 1) turn = 0;
System.out.println(game.getWinner() + " IS THE WINNER!!!============================");
if (game.isMulti())
else game.reset();
System.out.println("Player 1:" + game.getPlayer(0) + "\t\t\tWins:" + game.getWins(0));
System.out.println("Player 2:" + game.getPlayer(1) + "\t\t\tWins:" + game.getWins(1));
public class Player
private String name;
private int wins;
public Player(String pname)
name = pname;
public String getName()
return name;
public void incrementWins()
public int getWins()
return wins;
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