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Created March 27, 2010 13:19
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# NOTE: this script must be run from the root of the local Rakudo git repository
# This script wraps up all the bits and pieces used to get, build, and spec test
# Rakudo.
# The script optionally takes a single date argument of the format YYYY-mm-dd
# and builds a spectest summary for each day from that date to the last full day
# commit made to Rakudo. This is useful when generating spectest summary data
# over many days.
# The output is CSV data, designed for consumption by something like
# tools/
# Care is taken to build against the correct Rakudo version for the date
# (retrieved from a cloned git repository), and to test that against the
# correct test suite retrieved from a respective SVN revision. Not much care
# is taken elsewhere :)
# Example usage:
# perl tools/ 2010-02-23
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak);
use File::Path;
use DateTime;
use constant DO_DELETES => 1;
use constant SIM => 0;
my $PERL = q{/usr/bin/perl};
my $PARROT = q{parrot};
my $PARROT_INSTALL = q{parrot_install};
my $SPECTEST = q{t/spec};
my $SVN_SPECTEST = q{};
my $SUMMARY_FILE = q{spectest_summary.csv};
eval { main() };
if ($@) {
print STDERR "ERROR: $@";
sub main {
my $date = $ARGV[0] or croak "Please supply a date e.g. YYYY-mm-dd";
my ($y, $m, $d) = split /-/, $date;
my $past = DateTime->new('year' => $y,
'month' => $m,
'day' => $d);
my $today = DateTime->today;
# clean up the previous run's spectest summary file
while ($today >= $past) {
my $formatted_date = $past->ymd('-');
my $git_commit = git_revision($past);
checkout_git_branch($git_commit, $formatted_date);
my $spectest_result = spectest();
croak "No results retrieved for $formatted_date" if (! defined $spectest_result);
# TODO: how to get the number of files?
my $no_files = 0;
print "Result: $spectest_result\n";
my $result = massage_results($spectest_result,
open my $spectest_summary, ">>", $SUMMARY_FILE;
print $spectest_summary "$result\n";
close $spectest_summary;
$past->add(days => 1);
sub git_revision {
my $day = shift;
my $previous_day = $day->clone;
$previous_day->subtract(days => 1);
# It would be nice to use git to find the last commit for a given date
# using something like git log --before=<date>, however this uses the local
# timezone. Setting to the local timezone to UTC doesn't appear to do the
# same thing as what pmichaud's existing dateset seems to assume, so
# instead, we look for the first instance of a previous date in the git log
# and use that commit
my $git_log_cmd = qq{git log --date=short};
my $result = `$git_log_cmd 2>&1`;
my ($commit, $author, $date);
# TODO: potential infinite loop?
while ( $result =~ m|^commit \s+ (.+)$|gmx ) {
$commit = $1;
$result =~ m|^Author: \s+ (.+)$|gmx;
$author = $1;
$result =~ m|^Date: \s+ (.+)$|gmx;
$date = $1;
my ($y, $m, $d) = split /-/, $date;
my $commit_date = DateTime->new( year => $y,
month => $m,
day => $d );
# if we've found the previous day's last commit
# (or earlier if there wasn't one), we're done
last if ($commit_date <= $previous_day);
if ( ! defined $commit |
! defined $author |
! defined $date )
croak "Couldn't find last git commit for date: $previous_day";
return $commit;
sub make_clean {
my $make_clean_cmd = q{make clean};
print "Going to make clean\n";
sub make_realclean {
my $make_real_clean_cmd = q{make realclean};
print "Going to make realclean\n";
sub remove {
my $items = shift;
print "Removing: @$items\n";
map { `rm -rf $_` } @$items if (DO_DELETES && ! SIM);
#rmtree($items) if (DO_DELETES && ! SIM);
sub checkout_spectest {
my $date = shift;
print "Checking out spectest from SVN\n";
my $svn_checkout_cmd = qq|svn checkout --revision {$date} "$SVN_SPECTEST" $SPECTEST|;
sub checkout_git_branch {
my ($commit, $name) = (shift, shift);
$name = $commit if (! defined $name);
print "Checking out git commit: $commit, with name: $name\n";
my $git_checkout_cmd = qq{git checkout $commit};
my $git_change_branch_cmd = qq{git checkout -b $name};
sub build_rakudo {
my $configure_cmd = qq{$PERL --gen-parrot};
my $make_cmd = q{make};
print "Building rakudo\n";
sub spectest {
my $spectest_cmd = qq{$PERL tools/};
# build Test.pir
run('make Test.pir');
print "Running spec test summary\n";
my $result = q{"total",0,0,0,0,0,0}; # dummy result set for SIM
$result = `$spectest_cmd 2>&1` if (! SIM);
$result =~ m|^("total",.*)$|m;
my $total = $1;
return $total;
sub massage_results {
my ($spectest_result, $commit, $date, $no_files) = @_;
$commit =~ m|^(.{7})|;
my $formatted_commit = $1;
my $formatted_date = $date->ymd('-') . ' ' . $date->hms;
# we want a final result of the form
# 26/02/10 00:00, 403afe0, revision, pass, fail, todo, skip, regr, spec, files
my @data = split /\,/, $spectest_result;
# throw away the "total" string
shift @data;
# add our commit/revision string
unshift @data, $formatted_commit;
# add our date
unshift @data, qq{"$formatted_date"};
# add the number of test files
push @data, $no_files;
my $result = join ',', @data;
return $result;
sub run {
my $cmd = shift;
system $cmd if (! SIM);
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