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Created April 16, 2011 06:51
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Save snarkyboojum/922935 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DailyMile comment(ers) script
use Modern::Perl;
use LWP::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
my $USERNAME = 'snarkyboojum';
$USERNAME = $ARGV[0] if (defined $ARGV[0]);
my $DEBUG = 0;
# dodgey way to track pagination globally
my $pagination = 1;
# commentors hash, keyed by username, value is the count
my %commentors = ();
# e.g.
sub getCommentors {
my $c = shift;
# template for getting entries RESTfully
my $getEntriesUrl = qq{$USERNAME/entries.json};
my $pages_left = 1;
my $action;
# get an entry e.g.
while ( $pages_left ) {
$action = $getEntriesUrl . qq{?page=$pagination};
my $data = getEntries($action);
$pages_left = pagesLeft($data);
# process JSON data
if ($pages_left && defined $data) {
foreach my $entry (@{ $data->{'entries'} }) {
foreach my $comments (@{ $entry->{'comments'} }) {
my $display_name = $comments->{'user'}{'display_name'};
my $name = $comments->{'user'}{'username'};
say Dumper($comments) if $DEBUG;
# ignore ourselves :)
next if (lc $name eq lc $USERNAME);
# populate our comment hash
if (! exists $c->{$display_name} ) {
$c->{$display_name} = 1;
else {
# let's not be naughty - play by DM API rules
sub showTopCommentors {
my $c = shift;
say Dumper($c) if $DEBUG;
my @top = reverse sort { $c->{$a} <=> $c->{$b} } keys %$c;
my $place = 1;
foreach my $id (@top) {
print "$place\. $id (" , $c->{$id}, ")\n";
sub getEntries {
my $url = shift;
say "Getting entries with: [$url]";
# use LWP::Simple::get() to get JSON data
my $json_data = get($url);
die "Couldn't get data using action: [$url]\n" unless defined $json_data;
my $data = decode_json($json_data);
return $data;
sub pagesLeft {
my $response = shift;
return 0 if (! defined $response);
say Dumper($response) if $DEBUG;
if (scalar @{ $response->{'entries'} } == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;
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