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Created March 22, 2018 02:40
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Python implementation of Prasad DK, et al.'s parameter-independent line-fitting method
# a more or less line-for-line transcription of the source available here:
# which is described in this paper:
# D. K. Prasad, C. Quek, M. K. H. Leung and S. Y. Cho, "A parameter independent line fitting method," The First Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Beijing, 2011, pp. 441-445.
# doi: 10.1109/ACPR.2011.6166585
# Operation is pretty simple, just pass an **ordered** Nx2 array of x/y coordinates, get line segments.
# A convenience ordering function is provided free of charge ;)
import numpy as np
# needed imports if you want to use the order_edges function :)
#from skimage import morphology
#from scipy.spatial import distance
#from collections import deque as dq
def prasad_lines(edge):
# edge should be a list of ordered coordinates
# all credit to
# adapted from MATLAB scripts here:
# don't expect a lot of commenting from me here,
# I don't claim to *understand* it, I just transcribed
% This function takes each array of edgepoints in edgelist, finds the
% size and position of the optimal deviation due to digitization
% (Prasad, D.K., et. al. 2011, ACPR) from the line that joins the
% endpoints, if the maximum deviation exceeds the optimal deviation due to
% digitization then the
% edge is shortened to the point of maximum deviation and the test is
% repeated. In this manner each edge is broken down to line segments,
% each of which adhere to the original data with the specified tolerance.
% Copyright (c) 2012 Dilip K. Prasad
% School of Computer Engineering
% Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
% in the Software with restriction for its use for research purpose only, subject to the following conditions:
% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
% The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
% Please cite the following work if this program is used
% [1] Dilip K. Prasad, Chai Quek, Maylor K.H. Leung, and Siu-Yeung Cho
% “A parameter independent line fitting method,” 1st Asian Conference
% on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2011), Beijing, China, 28-30 Nov, 2011.
% [2] Dilip K. Prasad and Maylor K. H. Leung, "Polygonal Representation of
% Digital Curves," Digital Image Processing, Stefan G. Stanciu (Ed.),
% InTech, 2012.
% April 2012 (Dilip K. Prasad) - Changes are made to adapt the line fitting method based on optimal deviation due to digitization
x = edge[:,0]
y = edge[:,1]
first = 0
last = len(edge)-1
seglist = []
seglist.append([x[0], y[0]])
D = []
precision = []
reliability = []
sum_dev = []
D_temp = []
while first<last:
mdev_results = prasad_maxlinedev(x[first:last], y[first:last])
while mdev_results['d_max'] > mdev_results['del_tol_max']:
last = mdev_results['index_d_max']+first
mdev_results = prasad_maxlinedev(x[first:last], y[first:last])
seglist.append([x[last], y[last]])
first = last
last = len(x)-1
precision_edge = np.mean(precision)
reliability_edge = np.sum(sum_dev)/np.sum(D)
return seglist, precision_edge, reliability_edge
def prasad_maxlinedev(x, y):
# all credit to
# adapted from MATLAB scripts here:
% This function takes each array of edgepoints in edgelist, finds the
% size and position of the optimal deviation due to digitization (Prasad, D.K., et. al. 2011, ACPR) from the line that joins the
% endpoints, if the maximum deviation exceeds the optimal deviation due to digitization then the
% edge is shortened to the point of maximum deviation and the test is
% repeated. In this manner each edge is broken down to line segments,
% each of which adhere to the original data with the specified tolerance.
x = x.astype(np.float)
y = y.astype(np.float)
results = {}
first = 0
last = len(x)-1
X = np.array([[x[0], y[0]], [x[last], y[last]]])
A = np.array([
[(y[0]-y[last]) / (y[0]*x[last] - y[last]*x[0])],
[(x[0]-x[last]) / (x[0]*y[last] - x[last]*y[0])]
if np.isnan(A[0]) and np.isnan(A[1]):
devmat = np.column_stack((x-x[first], y-y[first])) ** 2
dev = np.abs(np.sqrt(np.sum(devmat, axis=1)))
elif np.isinf(A[0]) and np.isinf(A[1]):
c = x[0]/y[0]
devmat = np.column_stack((
dev = np.abs(np.sum(devmat, axis=1))
devmat = np.column_stack((x, y))
dev = np.abs(np.matmul(devmat, A)-1.)/np.sqrt(np.sum(A**2))
results['d_max'] = np.max(dev)
results['index_d_max'] = np.argmax(dev)
results['precision'] = np.linalg.norm(dev, ord=2)/np.sqrt(float(last))
s_mat = np.column_stack((x-x[first], y-y[first])) ** 2
results['S_max'] = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(s_mat, axis=1)))
results['reliability'] = np.sum(dev)/results['S_max']
results['sum_dev'] = np.sum(dev)
results['del_phi_max'] = prasad_digital_error(results['S_max'])
results['del_tol_max'] = np.tan((results['del_phi_max']*results['S_max']))
return results
def prasad_digital_error(ss):
# all credit to
# adapted from MATLAB scripts here:
% This function computes the analytical error bound of the slope of a
% digital line. See [1] for the derivation.
phii = np.arange(0, np.pi*2, np.pi / 360)
s, phi = np.meshgrid(ss, phii)
term1 = []
term1.append(np.abs(np.sin(phi) + np.cos(phi)))
term1.append(np.abs(np.sin(phi) - np.cos(phi)))
term1.append(np.abs(np.sin(phi) + np.cos(phi)))
term1.append(np.abs(np.sin(phi) - np.cos(phi)))
tt2 = []
tt2.append((np.sin(phi))/ s)
tt2.append((np.cos(phi))/ s)
tt2.append((np.sin(phi) - np.cos(phi))/ s)
tt2.append((np.sin(phi) + np.cos(phi))/ s)
tt2.append(-(np.sin(phi))/ s)
tt2.append(-(np.cos(phi))/ s)
tt2.append(-(np.sin(phi) - np.cos(phi))/ s)
tt2.append(-(np.sin(phi) + np.cos(phi))/ s)
term2 = []
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[0] + tt2[0]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[1] + tt2[1]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[2] + tt2[2]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[3] + tt2[3]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[4] + tt2[4]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[5] + tt2[5]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[6] + tt2[6]**2))
term2.append(s* (1 - tt2[7] + tt2[7]**2))
case_value = []
for c_i in range(8):
ss = s[:,0]
t1 = term1[c_i]
t2 = term2[c_i]
case_value.append((1/ ss ** 2) * t1 * t2)
return np.max(case_value)
def order_points(edge_points):
# convert edge masks to ordered x-y coords
if isinstance(edge_points, list):
edge_points = np.array(edge_points)
if edge_points.shape[1] > 2:
# starting w/ imagelike thing, get the points
edge_points = np.column_stack(np.where(edge_points))
dists = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(edge_points))
# make tri...nary connectedness graph, max dist is ~1.4 for diagonal pix
# convert to 3 and 2 so singly-connected points are always <4
dists[dists > 1.5] = 0
dists[dists >1] = 3
dists[dists == 1] = 2
# check if we have easy edges
# any point w/ sum of connectivity weights <4 can only have single connection
dists_sum = np.sum(dists, axis=1)
ends = np.where(dists_sum<4)[0]
if len(ends)>0:
pt_i = ends[0]
first_i = ends[0]
got_end = True
# but if the edge has forex. a horiz & diag neighbor that'll fail
# so just pick zero and get going.
pt_i = 0
first_i = 0
got_end = False
# walk through our dist graph, gathering points as we go
inds = range(len(edge_points))
new_pts = dq()
forwards = True
# this tight lil bundle will get reused a bit...
# we are making a new list of points, and don't want to double-count points
# but we can't pop from edge_points directly, because then the indices from the
# dist mat will be wrong. Instead we make a list of all the indices and pop
# from that. But since popping will change the index/value parity, we
# have to double index inds.pop(inds.index(etc.))
while True:
# get dict of connected points and distances
# filtered by whether the index hasn't been added yet
connected_pts = {k: dists[pt_i,k] for k in np.where(dists[pt_i,:])[0] if k in inds}
# if we get nothing, we're either done or we have to go back to the first pt
if len(connected_pts) == 0:
if got_end:
# still have points left, go back to first and go backwards
# not conditioning on len(inds) because we might drop
# some degenerate diag points along the way
# if we accidentally started at an end it won't hurt much
pt_i = first_i
forwards = False
got_end = False
# got to the end lets get outta here
# find point with min distance (take horiz/vert points before diags)
pt_i = min(connected_pts, key=connected_pts.get)
if forwards:
return np.array(new_pts)
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