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Created May 7, 2014 14:54
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Install OpenSSH
$is_64bit = [IntPtr]::size -eq 8
$ssh_install_dir = "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH"
$ssh_installer = "$env:TEMP\setupssh-6.4p1-1.exe"
$ssh_download_url = ""
if ($is_64bit) {
$ssh_installer = "$env:TEMP\setupssh-6.4p1-1(x64).exe"
$ssh_download_url = ""
if (!(Test-Path $ssh_installer)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $ssh_download_url"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ssh_download_url, $ssh_installer)
if (!(Test-Path "$ssh_install_dir\bin\ssh.exe")) {
Write-Host "Installing OpenSSH"
Start-Process $ssh_installer "/S /port=22" -NoNewWindow -Wait
Stop-Service "OpenSSHd" -Force
Write-Host "Configuring necessary privileges for Administrator account to run SSH service"
$edit_rights_path = "$ssh_install_dir\bin\editrights.exe"
Start-Process $edit_rights_path "-a SeServiceLogonRight -u Administrator" -NoNewWindow -Wait
Write-Host "Setting SSH home directories"
(Get-Content "$ssh_install_dir\etc\passwd") |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace '/home/(\w+)', '/cygdrive/c/Users/$1' } |
Set-Content "$ssh_install_dir\etc\passwd"
Write-Host "Setting OpenSSH to be non-strict"
$sshd_config = Get-Content "$ssh_install_dir\etc\sshd_config"
$sshd_config = $sshd_config -replace 'StrictModes yes', 'StrictModes no'
$sshd_config = $sshd_config -replace '#PubkeyAuthentication yes', 'PubkeyAuthentication yes'
$sshd_config = $sshd_config -replace '#PermitUserEnvironment no', 'PermitUserEnvironment yes'
$sshd_config = $sshd_config -replace 'Banner /etc/banner.txt', '#Banner /etc/banner.txt'
Set-Content "$ssh_install_dir\etc\sshd_config" $sshd_config
Write-Host "Setting SSH temp directory to Windows temp"
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "$ssh_install_dir\tmp"
C:\Program` Files\OpenSSH\bin\junction.exe /accepteula "$ssh_install_dir\tmp" "C:\Windows\Temp"
Write-Host "Setting SSH environment"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh"
$sshenv = "TEMP=C:\Windows\Temp"
if ($is_64bit) {
$env_vars = "ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)", `
"ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files", `
"CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files", `
"CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files"
$sshenv = $sshenv + "`r`n" + ($env_vars -join "`r`n")
Set-Content C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\environment $sshenv
Write-Host "Setting OpenSSHd service account to administrator"
$service = gwmi win32_service -computer . -filter "name='opensshd'"
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