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Created May 6, 2020 16:08
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amend = commit --amend
cane = commit --amend --no-edit
br = branch
brd = !git diff `git merge-base HEAD master`
brdt = !git difftool `git merge-base HEAD master`
brl = !git branch --sort=-committerdate | head -n 5
ci = commit
co = checkout
di = diff
dt = difftool
dth = difftool HEAD
lg = log --graph --decorate --color --all --format=format:\"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%cn>%Creset\"
st = status -s
type = cat-file -t
dump = cat-file -p
size = diff --numstat
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
quotepath = false
editor = nvim
[difftool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff --partial-changeset --relative-path \"$MERGED\" -- \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
tool = Kaleidoscope
compactionHeuristic = true
algorithm = patience
prompt = false
[mergetool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff --merge --output \"$MERGED\" --base \"$BASE\" -- \"$LOCAL\" --snapshot \"$REMOTE\" --snapshot
trustExitCode = true
prompt = false
tool = Kaleidoscope
ff = false
conflictstyle = diff3
ff = only
gpgsign = true
showUntrackedFiles = all
default = current
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