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Created February 8, 2019 01:52
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calls get_full_data
calls create
calls delete
when debug is set to true
prints the message
when debug is set to false
does not print the message
when hash with string keys is passed
converts all the string keys to symbol
when string object is passed
returns the same object back
when nil object is passed
returns nil back
when hash is passed
normalizes the hash
duplicates the hash before modifying
when passed hash contains key hostid
deletes hostid from hash during normalization
when array is passed
normalizes the array
when hash is passed
returns the object id
when passed hash is empty
should be nil
when TrueClass is passed
should be truthy
when FalseClass is passed
should be falsy
should eq {:test1=>1, :test2=>2}
merged two hashes in new hash object
sets passed client object as class variable
raises an ApiError with message
should be empty
should eq "test-keys"
should eq "test-keyid"
raises an ApiError with message
logs the debug message
prints the result
when default_options is not empty
merges data with default options
logs the debug message
prints the result
logs the debug message
when ID already exists
calls update
when ID does not exist
calls create
logs the debug message
when dump and data are equal and force set to false
logs message
returns the integer data value based on key
when dump and data are equal and force set to true
parses the result from the api request
when dump and data are not equal and force set to false
parses the result from the api request
logs the debug message
when api request is successful
returns an array of hash return by an API
logs the debug message
when api request is successful
returns an array of hash return by an API
logs the debug message
when api request is successful
returns an array of hash return by an API
when api request is successful
returns an array of hash return by an API
logs the debug message
when data has `indentify` as a key
symbolizes the data
returns the id from the response
when data does not have `indentify` as a key
symbolizes the data
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
should eq "action"
should eq "name"
should eq "application"
should eq "name"
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when Application ID already exist
updates an object returns the object ID
when Application ID does not exist
creates an object returns the newly created object ID
when an API request raise ApiError
propogates the ApiError raise by an API
when an API request raise HttpError
propogates the HttpError raise by an API
should be truthy
should eq "configuration"
should eq "host"
should eq {:test=>1}
should eq {:test=>1}
/Users/sg045734/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/rspec-mocks-3.8.0/lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb:195: warning: removing `initialize' may cause serious problems
/Users/sg045734/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/rspec-mocks-3.8.0/lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb:265: warning: removing `initialize' may cause serious problems
/Users/sg045734/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/rspec-mocks-3.8.0/lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb:195: warning: removing `initialize' may cause serious problems
calls super with error message
when response is passed in
response class variable should be set
error class variable should be set
error message class variable should be set
when response is not passed in
should not set response class variable
should not set error class variable
should not set error message class variable
should eq "graph"
should eq "name"
logs debug message
should eq {:test=>1}
when filter is not nil or filter contains name
returns ids of filter matching graph
when filter is nil
returns all the ids
when filter is not nil or filter does not contain name
returns an empty array
should eq {:test=>1}
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when Graph ID already exist
updates an object returns the Graph ID
when Graph ID does not exist
creates an object returns the newly created object ID
updates an object returns the Graph ID
should eq "hostgroup"
should eq "name"
should eq "groupid"
should eq "host"
should eq "host"
logs debug message
should eq {:test=>1}
should eq {:available=>1, :groups=>[], :host=>nil, :interfaces=>[], :proxy_hostid=>nil, :status=>0}
when result is an empty hash
should be falsy
when result is not an empty hash
should be truthy
when Host ID already exist
updates an object returns the Host ID
when Host ID does not exist
creates an object returns the newly created object ID
should eq "httptest"
should eq "name"
should eq {:hostid=>nil, :name=>nil, :steps=>[]}
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when Host ID already exist
updates an object returns the Host ID
when Host ID does not exist
creates an object returns the newly created object ID
should eq "item"
should eq "name"
should eq {:authtype=>0, :data_type=>0, :delay=>60, :delay_flex=>"", :delta=>0, :formula=>0, :history=>60, :hos...sts=>"localhost", :trends=>365, :type=>7, :units=>"", :username=>"", :value_type=>3, :valuemapid=>0}
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when Item ID already exist
updates an object returns the Item ID
when Item ID does not exist
creates an object returns the newly created object ID
should eq "maintenance"
should eq "name"
should eq "mediatype"
should eq "description"
should eq {:description=>"", :exec_path=>"", :gsm_modem=>"", :passwd=>"", :smtp_email=>"", :smtp_helo=>"", :smtp_server=>"", :type=>0, :username=>""}
should eq "mediatype"
should eq "description"
should eq {:description=>"", :exec_path=>"", :gsm_modem=>"", :passwd=>"", :smtp_email=>"", :smtp_helo=>"", :smtp_server=>"", :type=>0, :username=>""}
should eq "proxy"
should eq "host"
when result is not empty
returns the id of first proxy
when result is empty
should be nil
should equal true or equal false
should equal true or equal false
should eq "screen"
should eq "name"
when result is not empty
returns the id of first screen
when result is empty
should be nil
when screen already exist
returns the id of first screen
when screen doesn't exist
when data do not have all value for request
creates screen with default and rest of provided values
when data do not have all value for request
creates screen with values provided in data
should eq "script"
should eq "name"
should eq "testresult"
should eq "testresult"
sets client class variable
sets api_version class variable
should eq "template"
should eq "host"
when result is not empty
returns the id of first template
when result is empty
should be nil
should eq [1, 2]
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when api_request returns empty result
should be falsy
when api_request doesn not return empty result
should be truthy
when api_request returns empty result
should be falsy
when api_request doesn not return empty result
should be truthy
when api_request returns empty result
should be falsy
when api_request doesn not return empty result
should be truthy
should eq "trigger"
should eq "description"
logs debug message
should eq {:test=>1}
logs debug message
when dump and data hash are equal
logs debug message
returns item_id
when dump and data hash are not equal
logs debug message
returns newly created item_id
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
logs debug message
calls get_or_create function
logs debug message
calls get_or_create
should eq "usergroup"
should eq "name"
should eq "usrgrpid"
when permission is provided in data
uses permission provided in data
returns first usrgrpid
when permission is not provided in data
uses permission provided in data
returns first usrgrpid
when api returns nil result
returns nil
when returns result with usergroups
returns first usrgrpid
when api returns nil result
returns nil
when returns result with usergroups
returns first usrgrpid
when api returns nil result
returns nil
should eq "macro"
should eq "usermacro"
logs the debug message
when data has `indentify` as a key
symbolizes the data
returns the id from the response
when request response is empty
should be nil
when data does not have `indentify` as a key
symbolizes the data
logs the debug message
when data has `indentify` as a key
symbolizes the data
returns the id from the response
when request response is empty
should be nil
when data does not have `indentify` as a key
symbolizes the data
logs the debug message
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
logs the debug message
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
should eq [{"globalmacroid"=>"111", "testindentify"=>1}]
logs the debug message
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when id does not exist
returns the newly created ID
when ID already exist
returns the existing ID
when api response is not empty and contains result key
returns the first hostmacroid ID
when api response is empty
should be nil
when method contains `.get`
when result_key contains `global`
should eq {"globalmacroids"=>["111"]}
should eq "user"
should eq "alias"
should eq "userid"
should eq "userids"
when api_request returns nil result
should be nil
when api_request doesn not return empty result
returns first mediaid
when api_request returns nil result
should be nil
when api_request doesn not return empty result
returns first userid
should eq "valuemap"
should eq "name"
should eq "valuemapid"
logs debug message
when id is found
returns the id
when id is not found
creates a new id
when id is found
updates the data valueid item
when id is not found
creates a new valueid item
should be a kind of Integer
be in between 0 to 100_000
gets version using api_request
when api_version is already set
does not request an api for version
gets auth using api request
when proxy is provided and no_proxy flag is false
sets proxy class variables
sets auth_hash
when proxy is provided and no_proxy flag is true
does not proxy class variables
sets auth_hash
when proxy is not provided and no_proxy flag is false
does not proxy class variables
sets auth_hash
when major api_version is not supported
sets auth_hash
when method is apiinfo.version
adds auth information before generating json
when method is user.login
adds auth information before generating json
when method is not `apiinfo.version` or `user.login`
adds auth information before generating json
when response code is 200
returns the response body
when response code is not 200
raises HttpError
when timeout is given as an option
sets provided timeout
when proxy_uri is not provided
create http object without proxy
when debug is set to true
logs messages
logs DEBUG message
returns result from the response
when result contains error
raises ApiError
when body doesn not contain password as param
returns unparsed body
when body contains password as param
changes password to `***`
should eq {"result"=>"testresult"}
Finished in 0.17314 seconds (files took 0.256 seconds to load)
257 examples, 0 failures
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