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sg045734@M1600382  ~/Desktop/code/knife-ets-release   dev ●  rspec
calls the correct methods
jira issue not provided
raises an error
no tags on repo
raises an error
returns an Octokit repository object
returns a GitHub repo string
returns an array of the tags
first tag is being released
returns an array with only the first tag
returns 0 by default
config option provided
returns index of release tag in array of tags
release tag config option provided
returns index of tag previous to release index by default
previous tag config option provided
returns index of release tag in array of tags
previous tag provided is not older than release tag
raises an error
raises an error if the tag name can't be found
returns the latest tag with no preceding 'v'
returns the comparison SHAs from the commits
returns uniq'd hash definition of committers on pull
returns a uniq'd array of user logins that commented on the pull
returns an array of hash definitions of pulls to render in the html
returns the template html string to render
returns rendered html
returns escaped, valid html
returns the title for the post
returns the JIRA project key based on the issue provided
returns a rest client resource
does nothing if ucern api returns a 2XX response
returns a hash from the parsed ucern JSON response
returns a hash definition of the ucern place to post to
the provided place name is duplicated in uCern
WARNING: Could not reliably determine uCern place with name: 'fake place name'. Content will not be posted in a place, move content manually after creation.
returns nil
returns the JSON to POST to the uCern api
POSTs content payload to html
returns the @http_object instance variable
when @http_object is nil
assigns it a new Net::HTTP object
when the URI uses https
sets the use_ssl option to true
when the URI does not use https
sets the use_ssl option to false
when the response code does not indicate success
raises an error
when the response is a redirect
retries the request five times
when the response code indicates success
when is_post is set to true
creates a POST request
when is_post is set to false or nil
creates a GET request
when the response does not have a next field
returns the message body
when the response has a next field
apppends a new body to the returned message
when the response does not have a Link field
returns nil
when the response has a Link field
returns the uri found in the Link field
returns command output
when the command is unsuccessful
when parameter error_ok is set to true
sets the output to an empty string
when error_ok parameter is not true
raises an error
when the repo info is correct
when the repo has a tag
sets the tagged property to true
when the repo does not have a tag
sets the tagged property to false
when the repo dev branch is merged
sets the dev_merged property to true
when the repo dev branch is not merged
sets the dev_merged property to false
when there are open pull requests
sets the pulls property to an array of their titles
when there are no open pull requests
sets the pulls property to an array of their titles
when the repo info is incorrect
will raise a RuntimeError
prints out the status report
when a repo is listed in 'config[:exclude_name]'
is not added to the @repos instance variable
when a repo is listed in 'config[:name]'
only lists that repo
when @issue_name is nil
creates a new issue and returns the issue_name
sets the @issue_name instance variable
sets the @issue_id instance variable
when @issue_name is not nil
returns @issue_name
sets the @issue_name instance variable
sets the @issue_id instance variable
appends the jira_key to the @subtasks instance variable
when the @component_id instance variable is nil
raises an invalid component error
when the @component_id instance variable is not nil
calls create_subtask for each item in @subtasks_desc
when instance variables are being set
assigns value to @project_meta
assigns to @component_id
assigns new array to @subtasks
assigns hardcoded array to @subtasks_desc
when the @jira_key instance variable is nil
calls the create_parent method
when the @jira_key instance variable is not nil
calls the find_jira_info method
returns the @vault_item instance variable
when the @vault_item instance variable is nil
assigns ChefVault item to @vault_item instance variable
when pull request to master is created succesfully
returns nil
prints github url
when issue while pull request creation
Unauthorized user
returns nil
prints error message
when the project is not set in the config
raises an error
when the release version is not set in the config
raises an error
when there are no runtime errors
calls the create_jira method
when setting instance variables
sets @jira_priority
sets @jira_issuetype
sets @project
sets @jira_url
sets @jira_project
sets @jira_key
sets @release_version
when the jira_component is nil
sets @component_name to the project name
when the jira_component is not nil
sets @component_name to the jira_component
when request is submitted successfully
returns response object
when host name is incorrect
raises SocketError
when request is incorrect
raises SocketError
when nil req_type is passed
returns nil
when ttp label is created & added successfully
returns string message
when incorrect document id is passed
raises StandardError
when new object of GitWrapper is crete with no url
uses default api url
sets instance variable @client
when new object of GitWrapper is crete with url
uses default api url
when pull request is created successful
returns html url for created pull request
when pull request is not created successful
returns detailed error message
when unauthorized error occurs in octokit
returns error message
when other errors occur in octokit
returns error message
Finished in 5.26 seconds (files took 1.13 seconds to load)
101 examples, 0 failures
Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/sg045734/Desktop/code/knife-ets-release/coverage. 858 / 901 LOC (95.23%) covered.
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