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Created March 1, 2016 21:52
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Save snej/b572157521134de83fb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple tool that scans an iOS library and checks the size of the bitcode segment for each included object file. It logs a warning for files with no bitcode or whose bitcode is less than 1Kbyte; or with the -v flag it logs the sizes of all bitcode segments.
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# By Jens Alfke. Do What Thou Wilt shall be the whole of the license.
def listBitcode(path, arch, verbose =false)
result = []
filename = nil
section = nil
output = `otool -l -arch #{arch} "#{path}"`
output.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /\((.+)\):$/ then
result << "#{filename}(#{arch}):\t**NONE**" if filename != nil
filename = $1
#puts $1+":"
elsif line =~ /sectname (\w+)/
section = $1
#puts "\t\tsectname #{$1}"
elsif line =~ /size 0x(\w+)/
#puts "\t\tsize #{$1}"
if section == "__bitcode"
size = $1.to_i(16)
warning = (size < 1024) ? " **TINY?**" : ""
result << "#{filename}(#{arch}):\t#{size}#{warning}" if verbose || warning!=""
filename = nil
result << "#{filename}(#{arch}): **NONE**" if filename != nil
return result
verbose = false
path = ARGV[0]
if !path then
puts "usage: bitcodesize [-v] objectfilename.a"
puts " Finds object files missing bitcode in a static library."
elsif path == "-v" then
verbose = true
path = ARGV[1]
puts (listBitcode(path, "arm64", verbose) + listBitcode(path, "armv7", verbose)).sort!
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