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Created April 11, 2017 17:46
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spring-spock-integration-testing blog post samples
class IntegrationTestMockingConfig {
private DetachedMockFactory factory = new DetachedMockFactory()
ExternalRankingService externalRankingService() {
class PersonControllerIntTest extends Specification {
@Autowired MockMvc mvc
* This is our mock we created in our test config.
* We inject it in so we can control it in our specs.
@Autowired ExternalRankingService externalRankingServiceMock
def "GetRank"() {
when: 'Calling getRank for a known seed data entity'
MvcResult mvcResult = mvc.perform(get("/persons/1/rank"))
then: 'we define the mock for JUST the external service'
externalRankingServiceMock.getRank(_) >> {
new Rank(level: 1, classification: 'Captain')
when: 'inspecting the contents'
def content = mvcResult.response.contentAsString
then: 'result contains mix of mocked service data and actual wired component data'
content == 'Capt James Kirk ~ Captain:Level 1'
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SampleTestApplicationWebIntegrationTests {
@Autowired private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
//You'll now be able to mock calls to VehicleDetailsService
@MockBean private VehicleDetailsService vehicleDetailsService;
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