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Created September 27, 2011 18:29
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Propane Hacks
Object.extend(Campfire.Message.prototype, {
addAvatar: function() {
if (this.actsLikeTextMessage()) {
var author = this.authorElement();
var avatar = '';
if (author.visible()) {
if ('strong').length === 0) {
//this.bodyCell.insert({top: '<strong style="color:#333;">'+author.textContent+'</strong><br>'});
this.bodyCell.insert({top: '<strong style="color:#333;"></strong>'});
avatar = author.getAttribute('data-avatar') || '';
author.insert({after: '<img alt="''" width="32" height="32" align="top" class="avatar" style="opacity: 1.0; margin-left: 5px; border-radius:3px" src="'+avatar+'">'});
/* if you can wrap rather than rewrite, use swizzle like this: */
swizzle(Campfire.Message, {
setAuthorVisibilityInRelationTo: function($super, message) {
/* defining a new responder is probably the best way to insulate your hacks from Campfire and Propane */
Campfire.AvatarMangler = Class.create({
initialize: function(chat) { = chat;
var messages =;
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
var message = messages[i];
onMessagesInserted: function(messages) {
var scrolledToBottom =;
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
var message = messages[i];
if (scrolledToBottom) {;
/* Here is how to install your responder into the running chat */
Campfire.Responders.push("AvatarMangler");"AvatarMangler", "avatarmangler");
body {
background-color:white ! important;
#upload_target {
display:none ! important;
div.bottom {
padding:0px ! important;
margin:0px ! important;
background-image: none ! important;
} {
margin-bottom: 5px ! important;
height: 10px ! important;
padding-bottom: 5px ! important;
div#clipper > div {
display:none ! important;
div.speak {
width: 100% ! important;
padding:0px ! important;
margin:0px ! important;
height:15px ! important;
bottom:0px ! important;
background: url() top repeat-x ! important;
div.Left div.col {
margin:0px ! important;
padding-top: 0px ! important;
padding-bottom: 0px ! important;
background-image:none ! important;
div#Header {
display:none ! important;
div#Sidebar {
display:fixed ! important;
right:-800px ! important;
margin:0px ! important;
padding:0px ! important;
div#corner_logo {
display:none ! important;
tbody#chat div, tbody#chat span {
font-size: 0.9em ! important;
div.Left {
width: 100% ! important;
padding: 0px ! important;
margin: 0px ! important;
div#Wrapper {
padding: 0px ! important;
margin: 0px ! important;
div#Container {
margin:0px auto 0pt ! important;
padding:0px ! important;
padding-bottom:5px ! important;
background-color:#FFFFFF ! important;
form#search_form { display: none ! important; }
tr.propane_search td { background-color: #ffd8d8 ! important; }
tr.propane_current_search td { background-color: #ff9090 ! important; }
div#open_bar { display: none ! important; }
tr.propane_alert_match:not(.propane_search) td.body { background-color: #D9FAD9 ! important; }
tr.propane_hidden_enterleave { display: none ! important; }
tbody#chat td.body {
vertical-align: middle;
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