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Created April 10, 2022 14:55
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Example of a Python-like generator implemented using C++20 coroutines
* @file generator.hpp
* @author
* @brief Example of a Python-like generator implemented
* using C++20 coroutines
* @date 2022-04-10
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 Andrea Mecchia
* C++20 coroutines allow us to create Python-like
* generators in C++.
* The following is a basic example of how to implement a
* generic generator type.
* Usage of the generator:
* ```cpp
* Generator<int> range(int start, int end, int step = 1)
* {
* for (int i = start; i < end; i += step)
* {
* co_yield i;
* }
* }
* int main()
* {
* for (auto i : range(10, 100, 10))
* {
* printf("%d\n", i);
* }
* // Or
* auto gen = range(10, 100, 10);
* while (gen())
* {
* printf("%d\n", *gen);
* }
* }
* ```
* See
#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <optional>
#include <coroutine>
template<typename> class Generator;
* @brief Iterator type used to iterate the values
* yielded by a generator object.
* @tparam T the type of the yield values
template<typename T>
class GeneratorIterator
using SelfT = GeneratorIterator;
using GeneratorT = Generator<T>;
using RefT = T&;
using PtrT = T*;
// ================================
// Iterator traits
// ================================
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = void;
using value_type = T;
using reference = RefT;
using pointer = PtrT;
* @brief Construct a new iterator for the given
* generator.
* @param gen_in ref to the generator to iterate
GeneratorIterator(GeneratorT& gen_in)
: gen{gen_in}
// Coroutine starts in suspend state, resume here
* @brief Returns a ref to the last yielded value.
inline RefT operator*()
return *gen;
* @brief Returns a ptr to the last yielded value.
PtrT operator->()
return &(**this);
* @brief Returns true only if this iterator and the
* given iterator refer to the same coroutine.
* @param other another gen iterator
* @return true if they refer to the same coroutine
* @return false otherwise
inline bool operator==(SelfT const& other)
// True if they refer to the same coroutine
return gen == other.gen;
* @brief Returns true only if the coroutine has
* reached the end of execution.
bool operator==(nullptr_t)
// The end iterator is a null pointer, so this is true if the coroutine has reached the end
return gen.done();
* @brief Returns false if this iterator and the
* given iterator refer to different coroutines.
* @param other another gen iterator
* @return true if they refer to different
* coroutines
* @return false otherwise
bool operator!=(SelfT const& other)
return !(*this == other);
* @brief Returns true if coroutine has not reached
* the end of execution.
inline bool operator!=(nullptr_t)
return !(*this == nullptr);
* @brief Resume coroutine, yield next value. Return
* ref to self.
SelfT& operator++()
// Resume coroutine
return gen(), *this;
/* The generator object. */
GeneratorT& gen;
* @brief Wrapper for coroutines that generate values of
* the given type.
* The coroutine starts in a suspend state, before
* reading the next value it must be resume by calling
* the generator or using `next()`.
* Resuming the coroutine after it reached the end of
* execution has undefined behavior. Use `done()` or
* cast to `bool` before resuming after the first time.
* After the generator has finished, you can still read
* the last yielded value.
* @tparam T value of the yield type
template<typename T>
class Generator
class Promise
friend Generator;
using HandleT = std::coroutine_handle<Promise>;
/* Return the generator object. */
Generator get_return_object()
return {HandleT::from_promise(*this)};
/* Always suspend at the beginning. */
constexpr std::suspend_always initial_suspend()
return {};
/* Never suspend at the end. */
constexpr std::suspend_never final_suspend() noexcept
return {};
/* Called when the routine does not handle the
exception */
void unhandled_exception() {}
/* Called when the routine returns void. */
void return_void() {}
/* Store the yield value. */
std::suspend_always yield_value(auto&& ...createArgs)
// Set the valut to yield
value = T{std::forward<decltype(createArgs)>(createArgs)...};
return {};
/* The next value to return.
Optional prevents constructing the object. */
std::optional<T> value;
using promise_type = Promise;
using YieldT = T;
using IteratorT = GeneratorIterator<T>;
* @brief Construct a new Generator object from the
* coroutine handle.
* @param handle_in the coroutine handle
Generator(Promise::HandleT&& handle_in)
: handle{std::move(handle_in)}
* @brief Resume the coroutine.
* @return true if coroutine has reached the end of
* execution
* @return false otherwise
bool operator()()
// Resume coroutine
return handle(), !handle.done();
* @brief Resume the coroutine and return the
* next generated value.
* @return next generated value
YieldT& next()
// Coroutine starts in suspend state, we resume here
// Return current yield value
return *handle.promise().value;
* @brief Returns a ref to the last yielded value.
* @{
inline YieldT& operator*()
return *handle.promise().value;
inline YieldT const& operator*() const
return *const_cast<Generator&>(*this);
/** @} */
* @brief Returns true if there are no more values
* to generate.
* @{
inline bool done() const
return handle.done();
inline operator bool() const
return handle.done();
/** @} */
* @brief Returns an iterator for this generator.
* Note that this only points to the beginning of
* the generator if the generator was never resumed.
inline IteratorT begin()
return {*this};
* @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the end
* of this generator.
constexpr auto end()
return nullptr;
/* The coroutine handle. */
Promise::HandleT handle;
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