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Created October 18, 2022 10:53
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Convert an mzTab-M to MetaboLights MAF file using rmzTabM and metabolighteR
library(rmzTabM) ##
library(metabolighteR) ##
convertMzTab2MAF <- function(mzTabfile, MAFfile) {
mzTabTable <- readMzTab(mzTabfile)
## To turn these tables into objects, use the R6 class constructor method `new()`:
mzTabObject <- MzTab$new()$fromDataFrame(mzTabTable)
metadata <- mzTabObject$metadata
msassaynames <- sapply(metadata$assay, function(a) a$name)
smlTable <- extractSmallMoleculeSummary(mzTabTable)
smfTable <- extractSmallMoleculeFeatures(mzTabTable)
#smeTable <- extractSmallMoleculeEvidence(mzTabTable)
abundances <- as.matrix(smlTable[,which(grepl("abundance_assay", colnames(smlTable)))])
colnames(abundances) <- msassaynames
## Writing as MAF file
maf <- create.MAF(abundances=abundances)
## Adding in additional columns from MS-Dial output
#maf[,""] <- smlTable[,""]
maf[,"chemical_formula"] <- smlTable[,"chemical_formula"]
maf[,"smiles"] <- smlTable[,"smiles"]
maf[,"inchi"] <- smlTable[,"inchi"]
maf[,"metabolite_identification"] <- smlTable[,"chemical_name"]
## This only works if sml and smf have same dim and same order !!!
maf[,"retention_time"] <- smfTable[, "retention_time_in_seconds"]
maf[,"mass_to_charge"] <- smfTable[, "exp_mass_to_charge"]
## Database handling in mzTab is more powerful than in MAF,
## multiple databases are allowed. This is NOT considered here
maf[,"database"] <- metadata$database[[1]]$id ##
maf[,"database_version"] <- metadata$database[[1]]$version
maf[,"database_identifier"] <- smlTable[,"database_identifier"] ## Mybe strip the mzTab PREFIX ?
## Would require normalisation/mapping between scoring systems:
maf[,"reliability"] <- smlTable[,"best_id_confidence_value"]
write.MAF(maf, MAFfile)
## Example invocation:
## Reading the mzTab created by MS-Dial
## wget
## convertMzTab2MAF(mzTabfile="lcmsms_dda_hydrophilic_height_mzTab.txt", MAFfile="m_MTBLS007_v2_maf.tsv")
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