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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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MeanJS migrations with mongo-migrate

MeanJS migrations with mongo-migrate

MeanJS uses the connect-mongo module instead of mongodb, so you will have to add mongodb to your project as a dependency.

$ npm install mongodb --save

Install mongo-migrate

$ npm install mongo-migrate --save

Create a new migration

$ node node_modules/mongo-migrate -runmm create migration-name


$ vi migrations/XXXX-migration-name.js


$ node node_modules/mongo-migrate -runmm -cfg config/migrations/development.json


$ node node_modules/mongo-migrate -runmm -cfg config/migrations/development.json down

Where config/migrations/development.json can be

	"mongoAppDb" : {
		"host" : "localhost",
		"db"   : "exampleDatabase"
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