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Last active November 17, 2020 18:25
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Books, Online Courses, and Conferences.

My personal recommendations

Programming languages

  1. The C Programming language (ANSI)
  2. C++14 How to program - Paul and Harvey Dietel
  3. Java the complete reference - Herbert Schildt
  4. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
  5. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns A book by Addy Osmani

Subject Books

  1. Computer System Architecture - Morris Mano
  2. Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stallings
  3. Operating System Design Principles - William Stallings
  4. The Design of The UNIX OS
  5. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy - Narsima Karumanchi
  6. Computer Networks Top Down Approach - Forouzan
  7. Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri
  8. Designing Data Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann

My to-read book list

  1. Clean Architecture - Uncle BOB
  2. Clean Code - Uncle BOB
  3. Clean Coder - Uncle BOB
  4. The Practice of Programming - Brian Kernighan
  5. How to Design Program by MIT PRESS
  6. Understanding Computation by ORILEY
  7. Code Complete
  8. The Pragmatic Programmer
  10. SRS by Google
  11. Types and Programming Languages
  12. 7 languages in 7 weeks Series
  13. Modeling with Data - Ben Klemens
  14. The Little Lisper
  15. The Little Schemer
  16. Refactoring
  17. Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
  18. Functional programming in C++ by Ivan Cukic
  19. Design Patterns in Modern C++ by Dimtri Nesteruk
  20. Designing object-oriented software by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
  21. Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML
  22. Object-Oriented Software Construction by Berterand Meyer
  23. Object-Oriented Design Heuristics by Arthur Riel


  1. CS50 Understanding Technology
  2. CS50 Introduction to Computer Science
  3. Missing Semester IAP 2020
  4. MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms


  • To be added soon
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