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Created January 18, 2022 06:01
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calculator that evaluates polynomial expressions in the correct order based on operator precedence
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# simple compiler for evaluating polynomial expressions in the correct
# order based on operator precedence
# input is taken from either stdin or arguments (using perl's ARGV file handle)
# output is printed to stdout
use v5.14;
while (<>) {
# first add whitespace around all operators then split around whitespace
s/([\+\-\/\*\(\)])/ \1 /g;
my @toks = split(/\s+/, $_);
our @symbols;
for (@toks) {
if ($_ eq '+') { push @symbols, [ '+', $_ ]; }
elsif ($_ eq '-') { push @symbols, [ '-', $_ ]; }
elsif ($_ eq '/') { push @symbols, [ '/', $_ ]; }
elsif ($_ eq '*') { push @symbols, [ '*', $_ ]; }
elsif ($_ eq '(') { push @symbols, [ '(', $_ ]; }
elsif ($_ eq ')') { push @symbols, [ ')', $_ ]; }
elsif ($_ =~ /[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/) { push @symbols, [ 'VAL', $_ ]; }
# TODO: sometimes i get an empty string here if the first
# input is a single '(' character ??? (eg try just inputting "(4)")
elsif ($_) { die "unrecognized operator \"$_\""; }
my $count = scalar(@symbols);
# language rules:
# value is defined as a sequence of consecutive digits
# product is defined as <value> OR <product> * <product> OR
# <product> / <product> OR ( SUM )
# sum is defined as <product> or <sum> + <sum> or <sum> - <sum>
# expression is defined as a lone sum
# evaluation ends when there is only one expression remaining
my @ast;
while (scalar(@symbols)) {
my $sym_ref = shift(@symbols);
my @sym = @$sym_ref;
my %node = (lhs => undef, rhs => undef, txt => $sym[1]);
my $tp = $sym[0];
$node{tp} = $tp;
push(@ast, \%node);
for (;;) {
# now reduce according to the rules described above
if ($ast[-1]{tp} eq "VAL") {
# reduce value to product
$ast[-1]{tp} = 'PROD';
$ast[-1]{op} = 'LITERAL';
$ast[-1]{literal} = $ast[-1]{txt};
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 4 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq ')' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq 'SUM' &&
$ast[-3]{tp} eq '(' &&
$ast[-4]{tp} eq 'PROD') {
# implicit multiplication, eg 3(4)
my $rhs = pop(@ast);
my $lhs = pop(@ast);
my %newnode = ( tp => 'PROD', op => 'MULTIPLY',
lhs => $lhs, rhs => $rhs );
push(@ast, \%newnode);
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 3 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq ')' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq 'SUM' &&
$ast[-3]{tp} eq '(') {
my $exp = pop(@ast);
$exp->{tp} = 'PROD';
push(@ast, $exp);
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 3 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq 'PROD' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq '*' &&
$ast[-3]{tp} eq 'PROD') {
# reduce product * product to product
my $rhs = pop(@ast);
my $lhs = pop(@ast);
my %newnode = ( tp => 'PROD', op => "MULTIPLY",
lhs => $lhs, rhs => $rhs );
push(@ast, \%newnode);
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 3 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq 'PROD' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq '/' &&
$ast[-3]{tp} eq 'PROD') {
# reduce product / product to product
my $rhs = pop(@ast);
my $lhs = pop(@ast);
my %newnode = ( tp => 'PROD', op => 'DIVIDE',
lhs => $lhs, rhs => $rhs );
push(@ast, \%newnode);
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 2 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq 'PROD' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq '-') {
# reduce -prod to prod
my $lhs = pop(@ast);
my %newnode = ( tp => 'PROD', op => 'NEG', lhs => $lhs );
push(@ast, \%newnode);
} elsif ($ast[-1]{tp} eq 'PROD' &&
(scalar(@symbols) == 0 ||
($symbols[0]->[0] ne '*' &&
$symbols[0]->[0] ne '/' &&
$symbols[0]->[0] ne '('))) {
# reduce lone product to sum
$ast[-1]{tp} = 'SUM';
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 3 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq 'SUM' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq '+' &&
$ast[-3]{tp} eq 'SUM') {
# reduct sum + sum to sum
my $rhs = pop(@ast);
my $lhs = pop(@ast);
my %newnode = ( tp => 'SUM', op => 'ADD',
lhs => $lhs, rhs => $rhs );
push(@ast, \%newnode);
} elsif (scalar(@ast) >= 3 &&
$ast[-1]{tp} eq 'SUM' &&
$ast[-2]{tp} eq '-' &&
$ast[-3]{tp} eq 'SUM') {
# reduce sum - sum to sum
my $rhs = pop(@ast);
my $lhs = pop(@ast);
my %newnode = ( tp => 'SUM', op => 'SUB',
lhs => $lhs, rhs => $rhs );
push(@ast, \%newnode);
} elsif (scalar(@ast) == 1 && scalar(@symbols) == 0 &&
$ast[0]{tp} eq 'SUM') {
# reduce lone sum to expression
$ast[0]{tp} = 'EXPRESSION';
} else {
if (scalar(@ast) == 1 && scalar(@symbols == 0) &&
$ast[0]->{tp} eq 'EXPRESSION') {
my @prog;
my $n_vars = 0;
my $res_slot = compile_ast($ast[0], \@prog, \$n_vars);
push(@prog, "RET $res_slot");
my $res = exec_program(\@prog, $res_slot);
say $res;
} else {
say 'total of ' . scalar(@ast) . ' elements';
die "error: unable to reduce statement to a single root (final type is $ast[0]->{tp})";
# compile_ast assembles an abstract syntax tree into a simple assembly-like
# language. There is no flow-control so this language is not turing-complete.
# syntax is:
# OPERATOR <first_operand> <second_operand> <third_operand>
# the angle-brackets aren't used in the actual language, only in this
# documentation
# "slot" refers to memory locations, and is zero-indexed
# anything >= 0 is a valid slot, anything negative is invalid
# dst_slot is always a new slot, this language does not ever modify a memory
# location that has already been written to
# whitespace is used as a delimiter
# not all operators use all three operands, some only use the first 1 or 2
# operators with three operands:
# MUL <dst_slot> <lhs_slot> <rhs_slot>
# DIV <dst_slot> <lhs_slot> <rhs_slot>
# ADD <dst_slot> <lhs_slot> <rhs_slot>
# SUB <dst_slot> <lhs_slot> <rhs_slot>
# these all do what you'd expect them to. dst_slot is written to and
# lhs_slot and rhs_slot are read from.
# operators with two operands:
# MOV <dst_slot>, <literal_value>
# mov sets a destination to a literal value. this is used to initialize
# the program.
# operators with one operand:
# RET <src_slot>
# ret ends the program. the value contained in src_slot is the result of
# the calculation.
sub compile_ast {
my $root = shift;
my $prog = shift;
my $n_vars = shift;
my $lhs_res = -1;
my $rhs_res = -1;
$lhs_res = compile_ast($root->{lhs}, $prog, $n_vars) if ($root->{lhs});
$rhs_res = compile_ast($root->{rhs}, $prog, $n_vars) if ($root->{rhs});
if ($root->{op} eq "LITERAL") {
($lhs_res >= 0 || $rhs_res >= 0) && die "malformed LITERAL";
my $slot = ${$n_vars}++;
my $asm = "MOV $slot $root->{txt}";
push(@$prog, $asm);
return $slot;
} elsif ($root->{op} eq "MULTIPLY") {
($lhs_res >= 0 && $rhs_res >= 0) || die "malformed MULTIPLY";
my $slot = ${$n_vars}++;
my $asm = "MUL $slot $lhs_res $rhs_res";
push(@$prog, $asm);
return $slot;
} elsif ($root->{op} eq "DIVIDE") {
($lhs_res >= 0 && $rhs_res >= 0) || die "malformed DIVIDE";
my $slot = ${$n_vars}++;
my $asm = "DIV $slot $lhs_res $rhs_res";
push(@$prog, $asm);
return $slot;
} elsif ($root->{op} eq 'ADD' || $root->{op} eq 'SUB') {
($lhs_res >= 0 && $rhs_res >= 0) || die "malformed $root->{op}";
my $slot = ${$n_vars}++;
my $asm = "$root->{op} $slot $lhs_res $rhs_res";
push(@$prog, $asm);
return $slot;
} elsif ($root->{op} eq 'NEG') {
$lhs_res >= 0 || die "malformed NEG";
my $slot = ${$n_vars}++;
my $asm = "NEG $slot $lhs_res";
push(@$prog, $asm);
return $slot;
} else { die "unimplemented operator '$root->{op}'"; }
# this executes a program created by compile_ast.
# see the above comment for an explanation of the syntax
sub exec_program {
my ($program, $n_slots) = @_;
my @mem = (0) x $n_slots;
for (@$program) {
my @toks = split(/\s/, $_);
if ($toks[0] eq 'MOV') {
$mem[$toks[1]] = $toks[2];
} elsif ($toks[0] eq 'MUL') {
my $lhs = $mem[$toks[2]];
my $rhs = $mem[$toks[3]];
my $res = $lhs * $rhs;
$mem[$toks[1]] = $res;
} elsif ($toks[0] eq 'DIV') {
my $lhs = $mem[$toks[2]];
my $rhs = $mem[$toks[3]];
my $res = $lhs / $rhs;
$mem[$toks[1]] = $res;
} elsif ($toks[0] eq 'ADD') {
my $lhs = $mem[$toks[2]];
my $rhs = $mem[$toks[3]];
my $res = $lhs + $rhs;
$mem[$toks[1]] = $res;
} elsif ($toks[0] eq 'SUB') {
my $lhs = $mem[$toks[2]];
my $rhs = $mem[$toks[3]];
my $res = $lhs - $rhs;
$mem[$toks[1]] = $res;
} elsif ($toks[0] eq 'RET') {
return $mem[$toks[1]];
} elsif ($toks[0] eq 'NEG') {
my $lhs = $mem[$toks[2]];
$mem[$toks[1]] = -$lhs;
} else {
die "unknown assembler token '$toks[0]'";
die "no return statement!?!?!?";
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