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Guide to understanding recursion

Part 1. Precedence

First step to understand recursion requires understanding of operator precedence in JavaScript:

Operator precedence determines how operators are parsed concerning each other. Operators with higher precedence become the operands of operators with lower precedence. Source

To put it simply, if you have this code:

const a = 42 + someFunction() / 2;

JS parser will have to have certain rules deciding what to evaluate first. Let’s check precedence table from the link above and determine the order:

  1. 20: Function Call Call someFunction() and substitute the return value (let’s say someFunction() returns 100):
const a = 42 + 100 / 2;
  1. 15: Division As we know from the school division will go before the addition
const a = 42 + 50;
  1. 14: Addition
const a = 92;
  1. 3: Assignment At this point parser will assign 92 to a constant variable a;

🧐 You might ask what does precedence have to do with the recursion? Everything! It is a direct side effect of precedence:

function recurseForever(a) {
  return recurseForever(a + 1);

Outer function recurseForever will return NOT the inner function, BUT the result of it! There is no special logic or mode in the language that allows recursion, no! It’s simply an order in which things get evaluated by parser.

Part 2. Stack

If you try to run recurseForever function from the example above, of course, it won’t run forever, in fact it would very quickly throw an error:

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Whenever you see something like this, it means it’s time to debug! 🚀 And the first step of any debugging is to understand the context of an Error. After reading about RangeError and Call Stack we’re coming to conclusion that we have this internal structure called “Call Stack” with some limited size (Range) and whenever we exceed the size we will get this RangeError, good!

Now when we know the context of a problem (“WHAT”), it’s time to search for a reason (“WHY”). Whenever a JavaScript engine runs a function it pushes it to the Call Stack. Think of Call Stack as an primitive array with just a two methods:

  • push(fn): pushes function to the stack. Invoked whenever it sees the function call

  • pop(): removes the last function from the stack. Invoked whenever the last statement of the current function is executed. Let’s simulate that with pseudo-function parseLine:

const callStack = [];

parseLine('recurseForever(0);'); // Oh, it's a function call!

parseLine('return recurseForever(a + 1);');

 * Ok, as we already know from Precedence part,
 * the first thing we will deal with here is recurseForever(a + 1)
 * which is another function call!

parseLine('return recurseForever(a + 1);');

 * And here's the BUG!
 * Have you noticed it?

We went back to the exact same argument and without simulating further it must be clearly understandable that we will keep pushing our function to the call stack until it’s size is exceeded.

Now, let’s fix it!

Part 3. Iteration

Before we fix our recursive function though, let’s quickly consider one quick thing first, because when I said this just now:

We went back to the exact same argument

I actually lied! 🥺

In every function call we indeed have new arguments. We started with value 0, then inside the function body we called our function with a + 1, so 1, then 2, 3 … and so on. To verify that let’s log an argument:

function recurseForever(a) {
  return recurseForever(a + 1);


// Ok, now we know the size of a call stack

And NOW pattern recognition abilities of your brain must start ringing bells: “Wait a minute - this looks just like a loop! We’re simply iterating!”. And you’re right (even if that was just my bells). We can very easily “convert” our function to a loop:

// Don't run this!!!
function recurseReallyForever(a) {
  while ("We can") {
    a += 1;

  return a;

The only exception here is that our call stack in the case of recurseReallyForever(a) will not be exceeded - it only will have one outer function (because there are no function calls inside). Instead there is a while loop inside that now will truly run forever and crush our browser.

And this is a point of midway takeaways!

Takeaway 1:

Whenever you “attach” parentheses to a function name it’s no longer a function, but a result of the function:

function fortyTwo() {
  return 42;

typeof fortyTwo; // "function"
typeof fortyTwo(); // "number"

Takeaway 2:

Recursion is nothing else than iteration that doesn’t use iterable data structures (like array) or loops, but instead uses an array-like system structure called Call Stack. The natural functionality of recursion is to repeat itself over some set of changing arguments.

Part 4. Base case

Now finally, with all the knowledge we’ve just read, let’s fix our bug! In order to do that, in some point of the iterations of our initial recurseForever function we need a condition in which we no longer make a function call - an exit contract. We call such a condition “Base case”. Every recursive function has to have one, otherwise it will cause a problem and as general convention we normally put base case as a first thing in the recursive function:

function recurseForever(a) {
  // base case
  if (a >= 10) return a;

  return recurseForever(a + 1);

Congratulations! Base case isn’t exclusively a part of recursive function, it is as well a part of any iteration - exit condition out of iteration and you use it all the time with loops etc.

Part 5. Result

If you run the final version of our function recurseForever(0) you will get what seems like logs from 0 to 10 and the first naive guess that they came from console.log(a) method, right? But why was 10 logged? Number 10 satisfies our base case and therefore console.log(a) with a = 10 never was invoked, instead 10 is a result of our function that was sent to stdout because we haven’t instructed to assign this value to anything and that’s a default behaviour. Compare outputs:

recurseForever(0); // logs 0 ... 10

const result = recurseForever(0); // logs 0 ... 9
console.log(result); // And that's where 10 did go!

And now I need maximum focus! Because it’s the core of all the confusion.

"How the hell result equals 10?!!"*

Magic, ha! There are two ways to understand what has just happened:

  • Logical
  • Technical


I call this a “logical traversal of recursive call”, though it’s not an official or conventional term. The key is to start from the end and iterate backwards. What’s the (successful) end of any recursion? Base case!

// What's the output of the following?


// Easy - 10!

Now iterating backwards:

// What's the output of the following?


// We're skipping base case
// and returning recurseForever(9 + 1);

Now taking into consideration the takeaway 1 from the above, what’s recurseForever(9 + 1)? It’s no longer a function, it’s a value - 10! Now continue the same process:

// What's the output of the following?


// recurseForever(8 + 1), which we've just calculated

…and let’s stop here actually. We clearly see a recurring pattern here that kinda suggests following:

"If we can get the next recursive iteration after the base case to work, then our recursive function works!" 🤯

If you like the rest 99.99% of students who read and doesn't understand, I'll repeat the previous phrase with the example:

Let's say we need to create a function countdown(n) that will returt an array of numbers from n to 1: [n, n - 1, ... 2, 1] The base case of such function would be 1 because it’s 100% clear how to make a countdown from 1, right?

/* this shall immediately return [1] without recursion */

Now all we need to do is to take the next after the base case input 2 and produce [2, 1] as the output in a recursive way and that would guarantee the rest of the cases! Pretty neat! We’ll get back to this!


To understand how exactly this works under the hood we need to get back to the Call Stack. As we’ve seen any recursion is a process of inflating the stack, until we either hit the limit of the stack or the base case occurs. After the case of the latter we will initiate a backward process of deflating the stack, as our imaginary parseLine function from the above will move to the next line, ending each function and popping it out of stack in reverse order.

Reverse order is a key word here and is a result of the nature of the Stack. Imagine a stack of cards: inflating the stack would mean stacking cards on top of each other one by one: push(). Deflating stack would mean taking cards out of the stack from the top until you reach the bottom: pop(). So Last card pushed In would be the First card taken Out (LIFO). The graphical chart where x cordinate is time and y is a stack size would look like this:

      * <- base case
************* <- result

Every row of this graph is a separate instance of our function. We’ve called only one of them (the one at the bottom), the rest were called subsequently in the process of inflation. Each of these functions carries its own result and passes it down until it reaches our main function at the bottom. Here is the same in the form of timeline:

STEP 1: recurseForever(0) pushed to Call Stack
STEP 2: recurseForever(1) pushed to Call Stack


STEP 10: recurseForever(9) pushed to Call Stack
STEP 11: recurseForever(10) pushed to Call Stack
STEP 12: recurseForever(10) popped out of Call Stack carrying 10
STEP 13: recurseForever(9) popped out of Call Stack carrying 10
STEP 14: recurseForever(8) popped out of Call Stack carrying 10


STEP 21: recurseForever(1) popped out of Call Stack carrying 10
STEP 22: recurseForever(0) popped out of Call Stack carrying 10

As you can see after our function is getting popped out of the call stack it carries value that now can be assigned, returned or simply printed to stdout by JavaScript engine.

Part 6. Countdown

Remember countdown(n) function? Let's solve it! 😀

Step 1.

What's our input data? We know that countdown expects number n as argument and has to output an array from n to 1. Right away it’s sufficient for us to write couple lines of code:

function countdown(n) {
  // base case
  if (n === 1) return [1];

  // we will iterate towards base case
  countdown(n - 1);

Step 2.

Now, what’s the next step after the base case? Number 2. Given input of 2 we need to produce the following output: [2, 1]. Any ideas? We know that countdown(n - 1) will return [1]. How do we get from [1] to [2, 1]? Well, that’s not hard!

function countdown(n) {
  // base case
  if (n === 1) return [1];

  const output = [n]; // [2]
  return output.concat(countdown(n - 1)); // [2, 1]

Ok, one can say “You’ve clearly hardcoded the logic for the specific case n = 2, cheater!”. What do you think, are we hardcoders? 😉 Let’s test it:

countdown(5); // => [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
countdown(7); // => [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Sometimes hardcoding the logic just works!!! 😎

*Other times life will send us some picky douchebag who will say: What about countdown(0) or any negative numbers?. To what I normally respond: Really? You need countdown from 0 or negative number? And after some fights we would eventually refactor our base case to following:

function countdown(n) {
  if (n < 1) return [];

  return [n].concat(countdown(n - 1));

...which is basically just going one step back, where base case for any number less than 1 would return empty array and next iteration step we need to produce [1]. And actually, this refactored function now gives us ability to put boundaries from the both sides of the countdown without changing a lot of logic! Free muscles 💪

function countdown(from, to) {
  if (from < to) return [];

  return [from].concat(countdown(from - 1, to));

countdown(42, 37); // => [42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37]

Part 7. Couple extra famous examples

Factorial (easy)

function factorial(n) {}

STEP 1: What’s factorial? It’s 1 * 2 * 3 * … * n.

STEP 2: Base case? Looking at the above, if our starting point is n then we'll go towards 1 (base case).

STEP 3: Write it:

function factorial(n) {
  // considering the fact that 1 * n = n
  if (n === 1) return n;

  return factorial(n - 1); // Moving towards base case

STEP 4: Produce the next result after base case: factorial(2) -> 2. How to return 2 if we have 1?

STEP 5: Back to code:

function factorial(n) {
  if (n === 1) return n;
  return n * factorial(n - 1); // 2 * 1 === 2 just what we need

STEP 6: Test other numbers

factorial(4); // 24 Correct!
factorial(5); // 120 Correct!

Tree traversal (intermediate)

This example is intentionally different to show you other applications of recursive functions. Probably the most famous of which is tree traversal.

 * Traverses tree from starting `node`
 * until it finds node with given `id`
 * if not found returns null
function getElementById(node, id) {}

Iteration here is a bit different because every node has child nodes under node.children property, so we need to check all the children and children of those children and so on until either we’ve checked all nodes or found the one we’re looking for. And that would be our two base cases:

function getElementById(node, id) {
  /* base case # 1 */
  if ( === id) return node;

  /* if not, iterate over each child node repeating the process */
  for (const child of node.children) {

    /* repeat the same function for child and its children */
    const match = getElementById(child, id);

    /* if match gave us result - return it immediately */
    if (match) return match;

    /* if not, continue loop */
    /* we cannot return null without checking all children first */

  /* if loop finishes and we haven't matched node at this point then it's base case #2 */
  return null;

Part 8. Conclusion

Ok, here are key takeaways:

  • Understanding recursion requires understanding of many programming principles and that’s why it might be overwhelming sometimes. Just look at the length of this guide.

  • Recursion often compared against iteration, but in a nutshell it’s also an iteration (otherwise they would simply be incomparable)

  • Each iteration of recursive function requires new arguments and the change between previous and the next argument has to point towards the base case

Recursion has very solid structure that is divided in two parts: inflation - all the code before internal function call and deflation - all the code that will run “on the way back”. Understanding and seeing this abstract structures gives you more understanding when you read or compose recursive function.

Good luck!

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