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Created May 15, 2014 01:45
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Port Knocking with scapy example.
Knock on port 42304
Knock on port 53768
Knock on port 3297
HTTP request to port 19760
Now, to get the flag, we just need to write a small scrip to implement all this logic. We will use the scapy python library to perform the port knocking and curl for the HTTP request part:
from scapy.all import *
import random
import requests
base_URL = ""
def knock(ports):
print "[*] Knocking on ports"+str(ports)
for dport in range(0, len(ports)):
ip = IP(dst = "")
SYN = ip/TCP(dport=ports[dport], flags="S", window=14600, options=[('MSS',1460)])
def get_flag_part(port,part):
command = ["curl", "-s" ,base_URL+str(port)+"/"+part+"_part_of_flag"]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = p.communicate()[0]
return result.strip()
ports = [9264,11780,2059,8334]
port = 24931
flag_part = get_flag_part(port,"first")
flag = ''.join([flag,flag_part])
print flag_part
ports = [42304,53768,3297]
port = 19760
flag_part = get_flag_part(port,"second")
flag = ''.join([flag,flag_part])
print flag_part
ports= [23106,4250,62532,11655,33844]
flag_part = get_flag_part(port,"third")
flag = ''.join([flag,flag_part])
print flag_part
ports= [49377,48116,54900,8149]
flag_part = get_flag_part(port,"fourth")
flag = ''.join([flag,flag_part])
print flag_part
ports= [16340,59991,37429,60012,15397,21864,12923]
flag_part = get_flag_part(port,"last")
flag = ''.join([flag,flag_part])
print flag_part
print "Flag: %s" % flag
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