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Created July 11, 2013 11:47
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require "rubygems"
# require "spork"
require "database_cleaner"
# require "ruby-debug"
# require "pry"
# require "plymouth" # automatically drops a failing test into a pry session, but doesn't work with zues/parallel_tests
#uncomment the following line to use spork with the debugger
#require "spork/ext/ruby-debug"
# Spork.prefork do
# # Loading more in this block will cause your tests to run faster. However,
# # if you change any configuration or code from libraries loaded here, you"ll
# # need to restart spork for it take effect.
# end
# Spork.each_run do
# # This code will be run each time you run your specs.
# end
# --- Instructions ---
# Sort the contents of this file into a Spork.prefork and a Spork.each_run
# block.
# The Spork.prefork block is run only once when the spork server is started.
# You typically want to place most of your (slow) initializer code in here, in
# particular, require"ing any 3rd-party gems that you don"t normally modify
# during development.
# The Spork.each_run block is run each time you run your specs. In case you
# need to load files that tend to change during development, require them here.
# With Rails, your application modules are loaded automatically, so sometimes
# this block can remain empty.
# Note: You can modify files loaded *from* the Spork.each_run block without
# restarting the spork server. However, this file itself will not be reloaded,
# so if you change any of the code inside the each_run block, you still need to
# restart the server. In general, if you have non-trivial code in this file,
# it"s advisable to move it into a separate file so you can easily edit it
# without restarting spork. (For example, with RSpec, you could move
# non-trivial code into a file spec/support/my_helper.rb, making sure that the
# spec/support/* files are require"d from inside the each_run block.)
# Any code that is left outside the two blocks will be run during preforking
# *and* during each_run -- that"s probably not what you want.
# These instructions should self-destruct in 10 seconds. If they don"t, feel
# free to delete them.
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run "rails generate rspec:install"
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test"
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require "rspec/rails"
# Capybara support
require "capybara/rspec"
require "capybara/rails"
require "capybara/dsl"
# require "capybara-/rspec"
# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
# RSpec.configure do |config|
# config.formatter = "Growl::RSpec::Formatter"
# end
RSpec.configure do |config|
# == Mock Framework
# If you prefer to use mocha, flexmock or RR, uncomment the appropriate line:
# config.mock_with :mocha
# config.mock_with :flexmock
# config.mock_with :rr
config.mock_with :rspec
config.fail_fast = true
# Remove this line if you"re not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
# If you"re not using ActiveRecord, or you"d prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.
# config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
config.before(:each) { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear }
config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
config.include(Capybara, :type => :integration)
config.use_transactional_fixtures = false
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :deletion
config.before(:each) do
config.after(:each) do
config.after do
if example.metadata[:type] == :feature && example.exception.present? && page.current_path.present?
def login_as(role)
@role = Role.create! :name => role
@virginia = User.create!(
:username => "Virginia",
:password => "password",
:password_confirmation => "password",
:email => "")
@assignment = Assignment.create! user_id:, role_id:
visit login_path
fill_in "user_session_username", :with => @virginia.username
fill_in "user_session_password", :with => @virginia.password
click_on "submit_user_session"
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