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Created May 5, 2017 13:41
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EC2 helper script to install/upgrade Pywr master
# quit immediately on error
set -e
# install miniconda
rm -rf /opt/miniconda3
mkdir -p /opt/miniconda3
ln -f -s /opt/miniconda3 ~/miniconda3
bash ${CONDA_SCRIPT} -b -p /opt/miniconda3 -f
# activate root environment
source $HOME/miniconda3/bin/activate
# add channels
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels snorfalorpagus
# upgrade everything
conda upgrade --all --quiet --yes
conda install click pytables cython pytest networkx numpy scipy future glpk packaging pandas xlrd --quiet --yes
# build master
cd /shared/bootstrap/pywr
git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout master
git pull
rm -rf build dist
find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo|\.pyd|\.so|\.c$)" | xargs rm -rf
python build_ext --with-glpk -I${CONDA_PREFIX}/include -L${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib install
py.test tests
# create tarball
conda clean --all --yes
cd /opt
chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user miniconda3
rm -rf /opt/miniconda3/pkgs/*
tar -cvjSf /shared/miniconda3_pywr.tar.bz2 miniconda3
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