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Created September 29, 2012 02:59
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Save snormore/3803003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Django, MongoDB, and MongoEngine: A custom TestCase managing test database creation and cleanup between test methods.
#coding: utf-8
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from mongoengine.python_support import PY3
from mongoengine import connect
from django.test import TestCase
from django.conf import settings
except Exception as err:
if PY3:
from unittest import TestCase
# Dummy value so no error
class settings:
raise err
class MongoTestCase(TestCase):
TestCase class that clear the collection between the tests
mongodb_name = 'test_%s' % settings.MONGO_DATABASE_NAME
def _pre_setup(self):
if PY3:
raise SkipTest('django does not have Python 3 support')
from mongoengine.connection import connect, disconnect
connect(self.mongodb_name, port=settings.MONGO_PORT)
super(MongoTestCase, self)._pre_setup()
def _post_teardown(self):
from mongoengine.connection import get_connection, disconnect
connection = get_connection()
super(MongoTestCase, self)._post_teardown()
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