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Created September 2, 2012 18:01
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A build script with node.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
// ===========================
// Most of the code is blatantly copied from this blog post by @millermedeiros:
// This is a work in progress and I will likely add more functionality in the future.
// This build script is capable of processing and minifying less files
// and compressing and minifying JavaScript files.
// 1. node.js and npm are required to run the script:
// 2. Save the the build.js and the package.json files into a subfolder of
// the project, e.g: the-project/build
// 3. Before running the script, you'll need to install dependencies.
// In the command line, cd into the folder of the script:
// $ cd folder/fo/this/script
// and install the dependencies:
// $ npm install
// 4. you should now be able to run the script:
// $ node build
// for a list of available command line options, run
// $ node build -h
// --------
var settings = {
// Settings for script compilation and compression
scripts: {
// Folder with uncompressed JavaScript files.
// all javascript files in this folder will be concatenated
// into one file and compressed, e.g: script.min.js
src: '../scripts/src',
// Folder with javascript library files.
// the content all JavaScript files in this folder will
// be prepended to the minified script file.
// library files will not be compressed, all comments,
// license information, etc. will just be copied.
lib: '../scripts/src/lib',
// Folder to store the compressed JavaScript files in.
// subdirectories will be created if neccessary
min: '../scripts/min',
// List of folders with JavaScript files. The build script
// will scan these folders for JavaScript files, minify them and
// recreate the folder and file structure in the min folder.
// This is useful for JavaScript files that need to be loaded
// conditionally via AJAX later on, for example HTML5 polyfills.
// e.g: src/ext/my/folders/my-file.js -> min/ext/my/folders/my-file.min.js
// PLEASE NOTE: this script assumes that these are subfolders of the src folder
folders: [ '../scripts/src/helpers', '../scripts/src/polyfills' ]
// Settings for css preprocessing. This build script can compile and
// minify LESS files.
styles: {
// Folder with uncompressed LESS files. This folder will NOT be scanned
// recursively. All LESS files in this folder will be compiled into a
// separate CSS file.
less: '../styles/less',
// Folder to compile the LESS files into.
css: '../styles/css'
// LESS js parser settings as per
less_parser: {
// Search paths for @import directives
paths: [
file_encoding: 'utf-8'
// T3H C0D3Z
// ---------
var file_system = require( 'fs' );
// command line access to the script
var build_tool = require( 'commander' );
// we're using less to preprocess css files.
var less = require( 'less' );
// we're using uglify.js to minify javascript files.
var uglify_js = require( 'uglify-js' );
// list of terminal commands. minus "node build".
var commandline_arguments = process.argv.slice( 2 );
var less_parser = new ( less.Parser ) ( settings.less_parser );
// counter for feedback in terminal
var less_files_counter = 0;
var less_processed_counter = 0;
function init()
// add command line options.
// fyi: you can run multiple options at once by using the
// shorthands: node build -lj processes LESS AND JavaScript
// files.
.version( '0.0.1' )
.option( '-l, --less', 'process less files' )
.option( '-c, --minifycss', 'minify less output' )
.option( '-j, --javascript', 'compile and minify JavaScript files' )
.parse( process.argv );
function run()
// check for command line arguments and execute functions accordingly
if ( build_tool.javascript )
if ( build_tool.less )
if (
! build_tool.less &&
console.log( 'No LESS output to compress' );
console.log( 'Need to process LESS files in order to compress the output, e.g: $node build -lc' );
if ( ! commandline_arguments.length )
console.log( '' );
console.log( 'Nothing to do.' );
console.log( 'Call $ node build -help to show a list of available command line options.' );
console.log( '' );
console.log( 'DONE.' );
// file processing functions
// -------------------------
function processLessFiles()
// get all LESS files from folder
var less_folder = getFilesInFolder( settings.styles.less, 'less' );
// the Less parsing is asynchronous.
// we need this as a shared object between the
// sequences.
var compilation_options = {
folder_in: less_folder.path,
folder_out: settings.styles.css,
files: less_folder.files,
index: 0,
compress: build_tool.minifycss ? true : false
console.log( less_folder.files.length + ' less files to compile.' );
// start the Less compilaton loop
lessCompilationLoop( compilation_options );
// Less parsing is asynchronous.
// this loops manages sequencing.
function lessCompilationLoop( $options )
if (
$options &&
typeof $options.index === 'number' &&
typeof $options.folder_in === 'string' &&
typeof $options.folder_out === 'string'
if ( $options.index < $options.files.length )
// we want to indicate minified files by renaming them
// file.min.js
var file_appendix = $options.compress ? '.min' : '';
var file_name = $options.files[$options.index];
var new_name = file_name.replace( '.less', file_appendix + '.css' );
var in_path = $options.folder_in + '/' + file_name;
var out_path = $options.folder_out + '/' + new_name;
compileLessFile( in_path, out_path, $options, lessCompilationLoop );
console.log( $options.index + '/' + $options.files.length + ' less files processed. ' + $options.files[$options.index-1] );
console.log( 'Less processing done.' );
// Parsing of LESS files is asynchronous. This is why we have to
// run it sequencially.
function compileLessFile( $file_in, $file_out, $options, $callback )
if (
typeof $file_in === 'string' &&
typeof $file_out === 'string'
// the less parser works with strings. so we have
// to get the content of the file first
var file_content = file_system.readFileSync( $file_in, settings.file_encoding ).toString();
function( $error, $tree )
if ( $error )
throw new Error( $error );
// minify output? Y/N
var less_options = { compress: !!$options.compress };
var css_string = $tree.toCSS( less_options );
// write new css file.
file_system.writeFileSync( $file_out, css_string, settings.file_encoding );
if ( typeof $callback === 'function' )
$callback( $options );
function processJavaScriptFiles()
// get a list of all JavaScript library files.
// these will concatenated, NOT minified
var library_files = getFilesInFolder( settings.scripts.lib, 'js' );
// get a list of all JavaScript source files.
// these will concatenated, minified and concatenated with the
// library files
var script_files = getFilesInFolder( settings.scripts.src, 'js' );
// these are the strings with the concatenated file contents
var library_content = concatenateFiles( library_files );
var script_content = concatenateFiles( script_files );
// use uglify.js to minify the concatenated source scripts
var script_content_min = uglify( script_content );
var javascript_content = library_content + script_content_min;
// save minified script file
file_system.writeFileSync( settings.scripts.min + '/script.min.js', javascript_content );
var message = parseInt( script_files.files.length + library_files.files.length );
message += ' JavaScript files combined into "' + settings.scripts.min + '/script.min.js".';
console.log( message );
// scan the additional folders for JavaScript files and minify them.
// No concatenation here.
for ( var i = 0; i < settings.scripts.folders.length; i++ )
var folder_in = settings.scripts.folders[i];
var folder_out = folder_in.replace( settings.scripts.src, settings.scripts.min );
var additional_files = getFilesInFolder( folder_in, 'js' );
for ( var j = 0; j < additional_files.files.length; j++ )
compressJSFile( folder_in, folder_out, additional_files.files[j] );
console.log( parseInt( j + 1 ) + '/' + additional_files.files.length + ' JavaScript files in "' + folder_in + '" minified.' );
console.log( 'JavaScript processing done.' );
// helper functions
// ----------------
// Get files of a specific type in a folder.
// Returns an object with the path and a list with all file names.
function getFilesInFolder( $path, $type )
var result = { };
result.path = $path;
result.files = [ ];
try {
var path_stat = file_system.lstatSync( $path );
var files = file_system.readdirSync( $path );
for ( var i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
var file_name = files[i];
var file_path = $path + '/' + file_name;
var file_extension = getFileExtension( file_name );
var stat = file_system.lstatSync( file_path );
// gf: we're not interested in subfolders, just files.
if ( stat.isFile() )
// gf: check for the correct file extension.
if ( file_extension.indexOf( $type ) !== -1 )
result.files.push( file_name );
catch ( $error )
var error_message = 'ERROR: \n';
error_message += 'It seems that the directory "' + $path + '" does not exist. \n';
error_message += 'Please create it manually or update the settings\n and run this script again';
console.log( error_message );
return result;
// Compress a JS file
function compressJSFile( $folder_in, $folder_out, $file, $callback )
if (
typeof $folder_in === 'string' &&
typeof $folder_out === 'string' &&
typeof $file === 'string'
var file_path = $folder_in + '/' + $file;
var file_name_new = $file.replace( '.js', '.min.js' );
var file_content = file_system.readFileSync( file_path, settings.file_encoding ).toString();
var file_content_min = uglify( file_content );
// make the directory if it doesn't exist in the scripts.min folder
try {
var stat = file_system.lstatSync( $folder_out );
catch ( $error )
file_system.mkdirSync( $folder_out );
file_system.writeFileSync( $folder_out + '/' + file_name_new, file_content_min );
if ( typeof $callback === 'function' )
$callback( $folder_in, $folder_out, $file, file_content, file_content_min );
// returns the file extension of a file, like '.js';
function getFileExtension( $filename )
var i = $filename.lastIndexOf( '.' );
return ( i < 0 ) ? '' : $filename.substr( i );
// Concatenates the content of multiple files into one string.
// returns that string;
function concatenateFiles( $folder )
var result = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < $folder.files.length; i++ )
var file_path = $folder.path + '/' + $folder.files[i];
var file_content = file_system.readFileSync( file_path, settings.file_encoding ).toString();
if ( typeof file_content !== 'undefined' )
// gf: add a line break after each file
result += file_content + '\n';
return result;
// compress a JavaScript string
// using uglify.js
function uglify( $string )
var jsp = uglify_js.parser;
var pro = uglify_js.uglify;
var ast = jsp.parse( $string );
ast = pro.ast_mangle( ast );
ast = pro.ast_squeeze( ast );
var result = pro.gen_code( ast );
return result;
"name" : "build-script",
"version" : "0.0.1",
"devDependencies" : {
"requirejs" : "~2.0.4",
"commander" : "~0.5",
"uglify-js" : "~1.2",
"less" : "~1.3"
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