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Created March 1, 2013 10:29
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Latex with BibLatex stuff
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% Define document class, font size and paper format
% Set languages and encoding
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% Set up citation style and bibliographic resource
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% Set up packages for various formatting purposes
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% Set up document frontpage
\title{Home Exam INFO361\\Human Robot Interaction}
\author{Student number: 186285}
% Begin document!
Exploratory study, research questions in conclusion.
Methods: usability studies, controlled experiments, etc. (cultural probes, experience prototyping, user enactments)
Interaction models (Proxemics, tangible UI, instrumental interaction).
Main focus on course literature, but possible (and probably good) to include other literature
% Insert top level heading and logical section into document ...
% \section{Results}
% \input{results}
% \section{Discussion}
% \input{discussion}
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