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Created April 24, 2021 14:53
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Clojure next.jdbc protocols for type/value conversion
;; Documents how to handle time and interval postgres types with next.jdbc library
;; See more docs here:
(ns yourapp.db
(:require [next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]
[next.jdbc.prepare :as p]
[ :refer [read-as-local]]
[tick.core :as tick])
(:import [org.postgresql.util PGInterval]
[java.sql PreparedStatement]))
(defn duration->pg-interval
"Takes a Dudration instance and converts it into a PGInterval
instance where the interval is created as a number of seconds."
[^java.time.Duration duration]
(doto (PGInterval.)
(.setSeconds (.getSeconds duration))))
(defn pg-interval->duration
"Takes a PGInterval instance and converts it into a Duration
instance. Ignore sub-second units."
[^org.postgresql.util.PGInterval interval]
(println interval)
(-> (tick/new-duration 0 :seconds)
(.plusSeconds (.getSeconds interval))
(.plusMinutes (.getMinutes interval))
(.plusHours (.getHours interval))
(.plusDays (.getDays interval))))
;; Call this so all dates are read as local dates
(extend-protocol p/SettableParameter
;; Convert durations to PGIntervals before inserting into db
(set-parameter [^java.time.Duration v ^PreparedStatement statement ^long index]
(.setObject statement index (duration->pg-interval v))))
(extend-protocol rs/ReadableColumn
;; Convert PGIntervals back to durations
(read-column-by-label [^org.postgresql.util.PGInterval v _]
(pg-interval->duration v))
(read-column-by-index [^org.postgresql.util.PGInterval v _2 _3]
(pg-interval->duration v)))
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