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Created September 5, 2012 14:49
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IMT1031 Grunnleggende Programmering - Obligatorisk oppgave 3
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//pre-declare methods used in the program
int menu ();
bool legal (int distance);
void race (int distance, int lap);
bool rerun ();
float timeToFloat (int m, int s, int h);
void floatToTime (float h);
//main, where all our methods are initialized and controlled from
int main () {
//declare variables
const int lapLength = 400; //how long a lap is, to determine total laps
int raceLength; //the total length of the intended race
bool done = false; //program exits when true
//welcome message
cout << "Velkommen til tidtakerprogrammet!\n";
while (!done){ //runs races until the user is done
raceLength = menu (); //runs menu to dertermine race length
race (raceLength, lapLength); //runs the race until its done
done = rerun (); //asks the user whether to rerun
//farewell message
cout << "\n\nHa en fin dag!";
//the menu() asks for the length of the race and makes sure it is valid
int menu () {
//declare variables
int inInt; //variable for storing integer input
while (true) { //runs until a legal race length is obtained
cout << "\n\nVennligst tast inn distansen som skal gåes: \n";
cin >> inInt; //reads the proposed distance
//sends the proposed distance to legal() to check validity
if (legal(inInt)) { return inInt; }
else { cout << "\n" << inInt << " er en ugyldig distanse!\n"; }
//legal() makes sure that a proposed length of race is valid
bool legal (int distance) {
//if-else loop returns true if length is valid, false otherwise
if (distance == 500 || distance == 1000|| distance == 1500||
distance == 3000|| distance == 5000|| distance == 10000) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//runs a single race with 2 contestants over the specified distance
void race (int distance, int lap) {
//declare (and initialize) variables
int laps = ceil((float) distance / (float) lap); //number of laps
int inInt; //variable for storing integer input
float inFloat, tempFloat; //variables for storing float input
//let the user know what the race parameters are
cout << "\nDa dette løpet er " << distance << " m langt, vil det bli "
<< laps << " passeringer.\n";
//runner structure, contains the variables needed to define our runners
struct runner {
int num; //variable to store the runner's starting number
int laps; //variable to store the number of completed laps
float elapsed; //variable to store the runner's elapsed time
//declare struct-based variables
runner runner1; //structs for our two runners
runner runner2;
runner1.num = 1; //set starting numbers for both runners
runner2.num = 2;
runner1.laps = 0; //initialize laps run before starting
runner2.laps = 0;
runner1.elapsed = 0; //initialize and set time elapsed before starting
runner2.elapsed = 0;
//while loop keeps going until both runners have finshed their laps
while (runner1.laps < laps || runner2.laps < laps) {
//keeps asking for lap times until both runners are done
while (true) {
//asks what runner a time should be noted for
cout << "\nPassering av løper nummer (1-2):";
cin >> inInt; //recieves the user's choice
//if-else loop adheres to the user's choice
if (inInt == 1) { //handles adding lap times for runner 1
//makes sure the runner isn't finished already
if (runner1.laps == laps) {
cout << "\nLøper 1 er allerede i mål!";
} else { //adds time and laps to the runner's stats
//declare variables
int inMin, inSec, inHun; //for recieving the timestamp
//while loop keeps going until broken by a valid time
while (true) {
//asks for and recieves a timestamp
cout << "\nPasseringstid (mm ss hh): ";
cin >> inMin >> inSec >> inHun;
//converts our timestamp to a workable float
inFloat = timeToFloat (inMin, inSec, inHun);
//if-else loop makes sure we type in valid times
if (inFloat >= (runner1.elapsed + 8)) {
//calculates and stores the last laptime for print
tempFloat = inFloat - runner1.elapsed;
break; //leaves the while loop
} else {
cout << "\nUgyldig tid, prøv igjen\n";
//prints out the time of the runner's last lap
cout << "Siste rundetid: ";
cout << "\n\n";
//updates the tracked stats in the runner1 struct
runner1.elapsed = inFloat;
//if loop checks if runner has finished the race
if (runner1.laps == laps) {
//prints out the final time of the runner
cout << "\nMÅLPASSERING: Løper 1! ";
cout << "\n\n";
} else if (inInt == 2) { //handles adding lap times for runner 2
//makes sure the runner isn't finished already
if (runner2.laps == laps) {
cout << "\nLøper 2 er allerede i mål!";
} else { //adds time and laps to the runner's stats
//declare variables
int inMin, inSec, inHun; //for recieving the timestamp
//while loop keeps going until broken by a valid time
while (true) {
//asks for and recieves a timestamp
cout << "\nPasseringstid (mm ss hh): ";
cin >> inMin >> inSec >> inHun;
//converts our timestamp to a workable float
inFloat = timeToFloat (inMin, inSec, inHun);
//if-else loop makes sure we type in valid times
if (inFloat >= (runner2.elapsed + 8)) {
cout << inFloat;
//calculates and stores the last laptime for print
tempFloat = inFloat - runner2.elapsed;
break; //leaves the while loop
} else {
cout << "\nUgyldig tid, prøv igjen\n";
//prints out the time of the runner's last lap
cout << "Siste rundetid: ";
cout << "\n\n";
//updates the tracked stats in the runner2 struct
runner2.elapsed = inFloat;
//if loop checks if runner has finished the race
if (runner2.laps == laps) {
//prints out the final time of the runner
cout << "\nMÅLPASSERING: Løper 2! ";
cout << "\n\n";
//if-loop makes sure the user types a valid number. leaves loop
//if valid, otherwise re-runs it
if (!(inInt == 1 || inInt == 2)) {
cout << "\nUgyldig løper, prøv igjen\n";
} else { break; } //leaves the while-loop
//if-else loop decides who the winner is, and prints the result
if (runner1.elapsed < runner2.elapsed) {
cout << "\nLøper 1 vinner med tiden ";
cout << "\n\n";
} else if (runner1.elapsed > runner2.elapsed) {
cout << "\nLøper 2 vinner med tiden ";
cout << "\n\n";
} else if (runner1.elapsed == runner2.elapsed) {
cout << "\nVinner må avgjøres på målfoto! ";
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "\n";
//asks user whether the program should be terminated or rerun
bool rerun () {
//declare variables
char again; //variable for storing char input
cout << "\n\nØnsker du å kjøre igjen? (J/N)\n";
while (true) { //asks for a char until a valid one is given
cin >> again;
again = toupper(again);
//if-else loop makes sure we are given a valid char input
if (again == 'J') {
return false; //exits loop; causes program to re-run
} else if (again == 'N') {
return true; //exits loop; causes program to terminate
} else { //berates user for answering incorrectly
cout << "\n\nVennligst tast J eller N!\n";
//handily converts input times from our program into a float we can work with
float timeToFloat (int m, int s, int h) {
//declare variables
float min = m;
float sec = s;
float hun = h;
//simple math equations turns the time into a float measure of seconds
float seconds = (hun / 100) + sec + (min*60);
return seconds; //returns the time as a float value
//prints out a timestamp based on a float number
void floatToTime (float s) {
//declare variables
int min, sec, hun;
//simple maths dissect the float into minutes, seconds and hundredths
min = s;
hun = (ceil((s - min)*100));
min = min / 60;
sec = s - (min*60);
//the timestamp is printed out
cout << min << " " << sec << " " << hun;
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