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Last active August 16, 2017 19:30
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An example of error correction via non-systematic (15,7,5) binary BCH code.
# Encoder/Decoder for Non-Systematic (15,7,5) Binary BCH Code
# by snovvcrash
# 05.2017
from random import seed, randint
from sys import exit
n = 15 # codeword length (n = 2^m - 1, m = 4)
k = 7 # information bits
t = 2 # correcting capability
p1 = "10011" # irreducible polynomial p1(x) (in GF(2))
# p1(x) = x^4 + x + 1
p2 = "11111" # irreducible polynomial p2(x) (in GF(2))
# p2(x) = x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
g = "" # generating polynomial g(x)
# g(x) = p1(x) * p2(x) = x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^4 + 1
c = "" # codeword c(x)
# c(x) = data(x) * g(x)
data = "" # information polynomial data(x)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------- GF-ARITHMETIC --------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def gf_add(a, b):
prod = ""
if len(a) > len(b):
b = '0'*(len(a) - len(b)) + b
elif len(a) < len(b):
a = '0'*(len(b) - len(a)) + a
for i in range(len(a)):
if a[i] == b[i]:
prod += '0'
prod += '1'
return prod
def gf_mul(a, b):
# Shifting
shifted = []
for i in range(len(b)):
if b[i] != '0':
shifted.append(a + '0'*(len(b)-i-1))
# XORing
prod = ""
for poly in shifted:
prod = gf_add(prod, poly)
return prod
def gf_xor(a, b):
prod = ""
for i in range(1, len(b)):
if a[i] == b[i]:
prod += '0'
prod += '1'
return prod
def gf_div(a, b, mode=0):
# mode 0: return remainder
# mode 1: return quotient
pick = len(b)
q = "" # quotient
r = a[:pick] # remainder
while pick < len(a):
if r[0] == '1':
q += '1'
r = gf_xor(b, r) + a[pick]
q += '0'
r = gf_xor('0'*pick, r) + a[pick]
pick += 1
if r[0] == '1':
q += '1'
r = gf_xor(b, r)
q += '0'
r = gf_xor('0'*pick, r)
if not mode:
return r
return q
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------ ENCODER/DECODER -------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Encoding method: c(x) = data(x) * g(x)
def bch_encode():
global g
global data
return gf_mul(data, g)
# Decoding method: polynomial division (while-loop, shifting until w <= t)
def bch_decode():
global g
global c
syndrome = gf_div(c, g)
if not weight(syndrome):
return c
recd = c
cnt_rot = 0
while weight(syndrome) > t:
if cnt_rot > 100:
print("bch_decode: Error while decoding, try number of errors = t")
recd = l_rotate(recd)
syndrome = gf_div(recd, g)
cnt_rot += 1
recd = gf_add(recd, syndrome)
recd = r_rotate(recd, cnt_rot)
return recd
# ------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------- UTILITIES ----------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def l_rotate(poly, s=1):
return poly[s:] + poly[:s]
def r_rotate(poly, s=1):
return poly[-s:] + poly[:-s]
def weight(poly):
return sum([int(coeff) for coeff in poly])
def polynomial(poly):
wasThereOne = 0
for coeff in range(len(poly)):
if (poly[coeff] != '0'):
if (coeff != len(poly)-1):
print("x^" + str(len(poly)-coeff-1) + " + ", end="")
print("1", end="")
wasThereOne = 1
if wasThereOne:
print(" + 0")
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------ MAIN ------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def main():
global g
global c
global data
data = ''.join([str(randint(0, 1)) for i in range(k)])
g = gf_mul(p1, p2)
c = bch_encode()
print("Generating polynomial: ", end="")
print("Enter number of errors (t = 2):");
while True:
numerr = int(input())
except ValueError:
print("numerr: Invalid input type")
if numerr <= 16:
print("Try again")
print("Enter number of errors (t = 2, 0 <= err <= " + str(n+1) + "):");
for i in range(numerr):
while True:
errpos = int(input())
except ValueError:
print("errpos: Invalid input type")
if 0 <= errpos and errpos <= 15:
print("Try again")
if c[errpos] == '1':
c = c[:errpos] + '0' + c[errpos+1:]
c = c[:errpos] + '1' + c[errpos+1:]
recd = bch_decode()
recd = gf_div(recd, g, 1)
print("Original data: ", end="")
print("Recovered data: ", end="")
decerror = 0
for i in range(k):
if data[i] != recd[i]:
decerror += 1
if decerror:
print("Decoding errors:", decerror);
print("Successful decoding");
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------- START ------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
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