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Last active September 24, 2020 12:25
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  • Save snowindy/d438cb5256f9331f5eec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save snowindy/d438cb5256f9331f5eec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This code allows parallel loading of data from S3 to Spark RDD. Support multiple paths to load from. Based on
val s3Paths = "s3://yourbucket/path/to/file1.txt,s3://yourbucket/path/to/directory"
val pageLength = 100
val key = "YOURKEY"
val secret = "YOUR_SECRET"
import, model._
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
def s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(key, secret))
var inputLinesRDD_raw:RDD[String] = sc.emptyRDD[String]
s3Paths.split(",").foreach{ s3Path =>
val regex = """(?i)^s3://([^/]+)/(.*)""".r
val bucket = regex.findFirstMatchIn(s3Path).map(_ group 1).getOrElse(null)
val prefix = regex.findFirstMatchIn(s3Path).map(_ group 2).getOrElse(null)
println("Processing s3 resource: bucket '%s', prefix '%s'".format(bucket, prefix))
@transient val request = new ListObjectsRequest()
@transient var listing = s3.listObjects(request)
var proceed = true
while (proceed){
if (listing.getObjectSummaries.isEmpty){
proceed = false
@transient val s3FileKeys =
val inputLines = sc.parallelize(s3FileKeys).flatMap { key => Source.fromInputStream(s3.getObject(bucket, key).getObjectContent: InputStream).getLines }
inputLinesRDD_raw = inputLinesRDD_raw.union(inputLines)
listing = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(listing)
// TODO do something with inputLinesRDD_raw
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I am getting org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task not serializable

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wojtekk commented Sep 9, 2016

I have the same error in Spark 2.0

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Same - @snowindy are you on a funny version of the aws sdk?

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hamishdickson commented Sep 21, 2016

FYI @wojtekk and @dineshjlabs and anyone else that has this problem - I managed to fix this by wrapping AmazonS3Client in a new class like so (I'm using groovy for this project)

import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions

class SerializableAmazonS3Client extends AmazonS3Client implements Serializable {
    public SerializableAmazonS3Client(BasicAWSCredentials credentials) {

       // I'm also setting my region here because it's convenient

I haven't got time to test it, but I guess the scala would just be

class SerializableAmazonS3Client(creds: BasicAWSCredentials) extends AmazonS3Client(creds) with Serializable

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ekeyser commented Feb 10, 2017

@dineshjlabs @wojtekk and fyi for anyone who drops by I noticed that I had mistakenly changed

def s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(key, secret))


val s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(key, secret))

At least this is what causes the serialization exception for me.

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is there a python alternative for this?

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@snowindy @hamishdickson If my Input data is ORC and if am just interested in fetching out say 20 columns out of 120 columns present in the files (columnar data access) , how does this work ?

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Would love to see the python port

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@kakkarut @narayana1043

Below is the code I used to UNLOAD data from Redshift to S3, then read S3 into Spark. You could refer to Line 62~72,

The idea is the same: parallelize( s3_keys ).flatMap( lambda: read_lines(s3_key) ). Hope it helps.

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FYI @wojtekk and @dineshjlabs and anyone else that has this problem - I managed to fix this by wrapping AmazonS3Client in a new class like so (I'm using groovy for this project)

import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions

class SerializableAmazonS3Client extends AmazonS3Client implements Serializable {
    public SerializableAmazonS3Client(BasicAWSCredentials credentials) {

       // I'm also setting my region here because it's convenient

I haven't got time to test it, but I guess the scala would just be

class SerializableAmazonS3Client(creds: BasicAWSCredentials) extends AmazonS3Client(creds) with Serializable

This worked for me. Thanks @hamishdickson !

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