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Last active September 30, 2019 22:01
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Connected components, concurrently
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
module CCC where
import Algebra.Graph.Undirected
import Prelude hiding ((.), id, repeat, round)
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List.Extra hiding (repeat)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Void
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- See the blog post
-- and the paper
-- Type variables `t` and `s` stand for "thread" and "state", respectively,
-- and `i` and `o` are types of incoming and outgoing messages.Note that we can
-- compose global computations simply by using function composition (.), as
-- well as using combinators from "Control.Category".
type Local s t i o = s -> t -> [i] -> (s, [(t, o)])
type Global s t i o = (Map t s, [(t, i)]) -> (Map t s, [(t, o)])
-- A local computation that does nothing, i.e. `round skip == id`.
skip :: Local s t i i
skip s t i = (s, map (t,) i)
-- A local computation that filters out messages that do not satisfy the given
-- predicate.
filterMessages :: (s -> t -> i -> Bool) -> Local s t i i
filterMessages p s t i = (s, [ (t, m) | m <- i, p s t m ] )
-- Give global-view semantics to a local-view computation round.
round :: Ord t => Local s t i o -> Global s t i o
round local (states, messages) = collect (Map.mapWithKey update states)
deliveries = Map.fromAscList (groupSort messages)
update t s = local s t (Map.findWithDefault [] t deliveries)
collect = runWriter . traverse writer
-- Repeat a computation until thread states no longer change.
repeat :: (Eq s, Eq t) => Global s t Void Void -> Global s t Void Void
repeat g (states, messages)
| states == newStates = (states, messages)
| otherwise = repeat g (newStates, newMessages)
(newStates, newMessages) = g (states, messages)
-- Run a global computation extracting the final thread state.
run :: Global s t Void Void -> Map t s -> Map t s
run g m = fst $ g (m, [])
-- Run a global computation extracting the resulting network traffic.
messages :: Global s t Void o -> Map t s -> [(t, o)]
messages g m = snd $ g (m, [])
------------------------ Concurrent Connected Components -----------------------
type Vertex = Int
data Thread = VertexThread Vertex | EdgeThread Vertex Vertex
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data State = VertexState Vertex | EdgeState
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type (~>) i o = Global State Thread i o
connect :: Void ~> Vertex
connect = round $ \s t _ -> case t of
VertexThread _ -> (s, [])
EdgeThread x y -> (s, [(VertexThread (max x y), min x y)])
update :: Vertex ~> Void
update = round $ \s _ i -> case s of
VertexState p -> (VertexState $ minimum (p : i), [])
EdgeState -> (s, [])
shortcut :: Void ~> Void
shortcut = request >>> respondParent >>> update
request :: Void ~> Thread
request = round $ \s t _ -> case s of
VertexState p -> (s, [(VertexThread p, t)])
EdgeState -> (s, [])
respondParent :: Thread ~> Vertex
respondParent = round $ \s _ i -> case s of
VertexState p -> (s, map (,p) i)
EdgeState -> (s, [])
parentConnect :: Void ~> Vertex
parentConnect = request >>> respondParent >>> receive
request :: Void ~> Thread
request = round $ \s t _ -> case t of
VertexThread _ -> (s, [])
EdgeThread x y -> (s, [(VertexThread x, t), (VertexThread y, t)])
receive :: Vertex ~> Vertex
receive = round $ \s _ i -> case s of
VertexState _ -> (s, [])
EdgeState -> case i of
[x, y] -> (s, [(VertexThread (max x y), min x y)])
_ -> error "Unexpected number of responses"
rootUpdate :: Vertex ~> Void
rootUpdate = round (filterMessages toRoot) >>> update
toRoot (VertexState p) (VertexThread v) _ = p == v
toRoot _ _ _ = False
algorithmP :: Void ~> Void
algorithmP = repeat (parentConnect >>> update >>> shortcut)
algorithmR :: Void ~> Void
algorithmR = repeat (parentConnect >>> rootUpdate >>> shortcut)
initialise :: Graph Int -> Map Thread State
initialise g = Map.fromList (vs ++ es)
vs = [ (VertexThread x, VertexState x) | x <- vertexList g ]
es = [ (EdgeThread x y, EdgeState ) | (x, y) <- edgeList g ]
components :: Map Thread State -> [(Int, [Int])]
components m = groupSort
[ (p, x) | (VertexThread x, VertexState p) <- Map.toList m ]
example :: Graph Int
example = edges
[ (1, 6)
, (2, 6)
, (3, 7)
, (4, 9)
, (5, 9)
, (6, 9)
, (6, 10)
, (7, 8)
, (7, 9)
, (9, 10)
, (10, 25)
, (10, 24)
, (10, 11)
, (11, 13)
, (11, 18)
, (11, 35)
, (12, 14)
, (13, 15)
, (14, 16)
, (14, 17)
, (18, 23)
, (19, 20)
, (19, 21)
, (19, 37)
, (20, 21)
, (21, 26)
, (21, 30)
, (21, 33)
, (21, 37)
, (22, 35)
, (22, 27)
, (22, 31)
, (22, 38)
, (23, 31)
, (23, 29)
, (23, 35)
, (24, 32)
, (24, 35)
, (28, 33)
, (33, 36)
, (33, 37)
, (34, 37)
, (36, 37) ]
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