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Created September 21, 2016 09:17
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Try to do a regulator, draft
'use strict';
* A regulator connects Source and Reducer/Effect with regards of responsiveness.
class Regulator {
constructor(configs) {
this._source = null;
this._reducer = (acc, current) => { acc.push(current); return acc };
this._effect = null;
// 60 FPS is the holy number (120 in the future, maybe).
this._msSoft = 16;
this._msHard = 16;
if ('undefined' !== typeof configs) {
if (configs.limitation) {
this._msSoft = configs.limitation.soft;
this._msHard = configs.limitation.hard;
this._requestAnimationFrame = configs.requestAnimationFrame || window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window);
this._calibrateStrategy = configs.calibrationStrategy || this._defaultCalibrate.bind(this);
} else {
// Will throw if it starts without customized frameRequester AND the default one in the browser
this._requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window);
this._calibrateStrategy = this._defaultCalibrate.bind(this);
this._fetchFactor = 1; // Start from 1 datum; increasing like TCP (the default strategy)
this._accumulated = [];
this._timestamp = this._timestampGenerator();
this._timediff = this._timediffGenerator();
* |source|: must be a Generator. After calling it,
* the result can be poll in the iterator way (|next()|).
source(source) {
this._source = source();
return this;
* reducer:: (acc, current) -> acc'
* From reducing a whole data list to reducing chunks.
* If user doesn't call reduce to set it, means the data don't need tramsformation.
reducer(reducer, init) {
this._reducer = reducer;
this._accumulated = init;
return this;
* effect:: (acc, current) -> Effect ()
effect(effect) {
// TODO: what if effect is asynchronous?
this._effect = effect;
return this;
perform() {
_doPerform() {
// 1. request a frame
// 2. mark |begin|
// 3. get 1 datum
// 4. perform |reducer|
// 5. feed |effect|
// 6. mark |end|
// 7. get |diff|
this._requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let begin = this._timestamp();
let [done, chunk] = this._fetch();
if (!done) {
this._accumulated = this._reducer(this._accumulated, chunk);
this._effect(this._accumulated, chunk);
let diff = this._timediff(begin);
this._fetchFactor = this._calibrateStrategy(diff, this._fetchFactor,
this._msSoft, this._msHard,
this._raiseSoft.bind(this), this._raiseHard.bind(this), chunk.length);
* Resemble TCP congestion flow.
* |factor|: how much data will be fetched.
_defaultCalibrate(elapsed, factor, msSoft, msHard, raiseSoft, raiseHard, chunkSize) {
if (elapsed < msSoft) {
return factor << 1;
} else if (elapsed > msSoft && elapsed < msHard) {
raiseSoft(elapsed, msSoft, chunkSize);
return 1;
} else {
raiseHard(elapsed, msHard, chunkSize);
return 1;
_raiseSoft(elapsed, limitation, chunkSize) {
console.error(`Soft limitation exceeded: ${elapsed} > ${limitation}; with a ${chunkSize} size chunk`);
_raiseHard(elapsed, limitation, chunkSize) {
console.error(`Hard limitation exceeded: ${elapsed} > ${limitation}; with a ${chunkSize} size chunk`);
_fetch() {
let result = [ false, []];
for (let i = 0; i < this._fetchFactor; i ++) {
let {done, value} =;
if (done) {
result[0] = true;
} else {
return result;
_timediffGenerator() {
if ('undefined' !== typeof process && 'undefined' !== typeof process.hrtime) {
return (begin) => {
let [sec, nanosec] = process.hrtime(begin);
return (sec * 1e9 + nanosec) / 1e6; // to ms
} else if ('undefined' !== typeof performance && 'undefined' !== typeof {
return (begin) => - begin;
throw new Error('Cannot find a way to generate timediff');
_timestampGenerator() {
console.log(typeof process, typeof process.hrtime);
if ('undefined' !== typeof process && 'undefined' !== typeof process.hrtime) {
return process.hrtime.bind(process);
} else if ('undefined' !== typeof performance && 'undefined' !== typeof {
throw new Error('Cannot find a way to generate timestamp');
// Make it as building interface.
exports.Regulator = function(configs) {
return new Regulator(configs);
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