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Created September 29, 2011 17:32
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TextExpander AppleScript Snippet for next or previous X day of the week
AppleScript for use in a TextExpander snippet to print out the date of the next Monday (or whatever day of the week you define) in the format of "Monday 13 April 2011"
Maintained at
(* Set Weekday and Month names in your language of choice here (for example, French) *)
set day_names to {"dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi"}
set month_names to {"janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre"}
(* Set your goal day of the week
1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
set goal_day to 2 -- Monday
(* Set if you want to go to the next or previous week, by setting calculating_next_week to either true or false respectfully *)
set calculating_next_week to true
set theDate to (current date)
set d to (goal_day - (weekday of theDate as integer))
if calculating_next_week then
if d > 0 then
set theDate to offsetDate(theDate, d) -- If current day of the week is before the end day of the week (Monday) just add the number of days until the end day
set theDate to offsetDate(theDate, (d + 7)) -- If current day of the week is after the end day of the week (Monday) just add a week to the date, and then add the negative number of days between current day of week, and the goal day of week. (i.e. subtract the difference in days from a week)
end if
if d < 0 then
set theDate to offsetDate(theDate, d) -- If current day of the week is after the end day of the week (Monday) just add the negative number of days until the end day
set theDate to offsetDate(theDate, (d - 7)) -- If current day of the week is before the end day of the week (Monday) just subtract a week to the date, and then add the negative number of days between current day of week, and the goal day of week. (i.e. subtract the difference in days from a week)
end if
end if
return ((item (weekday of (theDate)) of day_names) & " " & (day of theDate) & " " & (item (month of (current date)) of month_names) & " " & (year of theDate)) as string
on offsetDate(aDate, anOffset)
copy aDate to newDate
if ((newDate's day) + anOffset) ≤ 0 then
set {year:y, month:m} to newDate
set m to ((m as integer) - 1)
if m ≤ 0 then
set {y, m} to {y - 1, m + 12}
set newDate's year to y
end if
set newDate to date ((m & "/01/" & y) as string)
set newDate's day to 32
set newDate to date ((m & "/" & (32 - (newDate's day) + (anOffset + (aDate's day))) & "/" & y) as string)
set newDate's day to ((newDate's day) + anOffset)
end if
return newDate
end offsetDate
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