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Created May 5, 2020 16:24
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Dynamic Bashful
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function bashful {
local bashful_path="$(find /tmp/ -name "jmcantrell-bashful-*" -print -quit 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ -z ${bashful_path:+x} ]]; then
curl -fsSL | tar xz -C /tmp/
bashful_path="$(find /tmp/ -name "jmcantrell-bashful-*" -print -quit 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ -z ${bashful_path:+x} ]]; then
echo "Couldn't find bashful"
exit 1
pushd "${bashful_path}"/bin/ >/dev/null
source "${bashful_path}/bin/bashful"
popd >/dev/null
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