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Quantization module for generating the calibration tables will be used by
quantized (INT8) models from FP32 models.with bucket split,[k, k, cin, cout]
cut into "cout" buckets.
This tool is based on Caffe Framework.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import numpy as np
import math, copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys,os
import caffe
import caffe.proto.caffe_pb2 as caffe_pb2
import time
import datetime
from google.protobuf import text_format
from scipy import stats
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='find the pretrained caffe models int8 quantize scale value')
parser.add_argument('--proto', dest='proto',
help="path to deploy prototxt.", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--model', dest='model',
help='path to pretrained weights', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--mean', dest='mean',
help='value of mean', type=float, nargs=3)
parser.add_argument('--norm', dest='norm',
help='value of normalize', type=float, nargs=1, default=1.0)
parser.add_argument('--images', dest='images',
help='path to calibration images', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output',
help='path to output calibration table file', type=str, default='calibration-dev.table')
parser.add_argument('--group', dest='group',
help='enable the group scale', type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('--gpu', dest='gpu',
help='use gpu to forward', type=int, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args, parser
global args, parser
args, parser = parse_args()
# global params
# ugly global params
quantize_layer_lists = []
class QuantizeLayer:
def __init__(self, name, blob_name, group_num): = name
self.blob_name = blob_name
self.group_num = group_num
self.weight_scale = np.zeros(group_num)
self.blob_max = 0.0
self.blob_distubution_interval = 0.0
self.blob_distubution = np.zeros(INTERVAL_NUM)
self.blob_threshold = 0
self.blob_scale = 1.0
self.group_zero = np.zeros(group_num)
def quantize_weight(self, weight_data, flag):
# spilt the weight data by cout num
blob_group_data = np.array_split(weight_data, self.group_num)
for i, group_data in enumerate(blob_group_data):
max_val = np.max(group_data)
min_val = np.min(group_data)
threshold = max(abs(max_val), abs(min_val))
if threshold < 0.0001:
self.weight_scale[i] = 0
self.group_zero[i] = 1
if(flag == True):
self.weight_scale[i] = QUANTIZE_WINOGRAND_NUM / threshold
self.weight_scale[i] = QUANTIZE_NUM / threshold
print("%-20s group : %-5d max_val : %-10f scale_val : %-10f" % ( + "_param0", i, threshold, self.weight_scale[i]))
def initial_blob_max(self, blob_data):
# get the max value of blob
max_val = np.max(blob_data)
min_val = np.min(blob_data)
self.blob_max = max(self.blob_max, max(abs(max_val), abs(min_val)))
def initial_blob_distubution_interval(self):
self.blob_distubution_interval = STATISTIC * self.blob_max / INTERVAL_NUM
print("%-20s max_val : %-10.8f distribution_intervals : %-10.8f" % (, self.blob_max, self.blob_distubution_interval))
def initial_histograms(self, blob_data):
# collect histogram of every group channel blob
th = self.blob_max
hist, hist_edge = np.histogram(blob_data, bins=INTERVAL_NUM, range=(0, th))
self.blob_distubution += hist
def quantize_blob(self):
# calculate threshold
distribution = np.array(self.blob_distubution)
# pick threshold which minimizes KL divergence
threshold_bin = threshold_distribution(distribution)
self.blob_threshold = threshold_bin
threshold = (threshold_bin + 0.5) * self.blob_distubution_interval
# get the activation calibration value
self.blob_scale = QUANTIZE_NUM / threshold
print("%-20s bin : %-8d threshold : %-10f interval : %-10f scale : %-10f" % (, threshold_bin, threshold, self.blob_distubution_interval, self.blob_scale))
def _smooth_distribution(p, eps=0.0001):
"""Given a discrete distribution (may have not been normalized to 1),
smooth it by replacing zeros with eps multiplied by a scaling factor and taking the
corresponding amount off the non-zero values.
is_zeros = (p == 0).astype(np.float32)
is_nonzeros = (p != 0).astype(np.float32)
n_zeros = is_zeros.sum()
n_nonzeros = p.size - n_zeros
if not n_nonzeros:
raise ValueError('The discrete probability distribution is malformed. All entries are 0.')
eps1 = eps * float(n_zeros) / float(n_nonzeros)
assert eps1 < 1.0, 'n_zeros=%d, n_nonzeros=%d, eps1=%f' % (n_zeros, n_nonzeros, eps1)
hist = p.astype(np.float32)
hist += eps * is_zeros + (-eps1) * is_nonzeros
assert (hist <= 0).sum() == 0
return hist
def threshold_distribution(distribution, target_bin=128):
Return the best threshold value.
distribution: list, activations has been processed by histogram and normalize,size is 2048
target_bin: int, the num of bin that is used by quantize, Int8 default value is 128
target_threshold: int, num of bin with the minimum KL
distribution = distribution[1:]
length = distribution.size
threshold_sum = sum(distribution[target_bin:])
kl_divergence = np.zeros(length - target_bin)
for threshold in range(target_bin, length):
sliced_nd_hist = copy.deepcopy(distribution[:threshold])
# generate reference distribution p
p = sliced_nd_hist.copy()
p[threshold-1] += threshold_sum
threshold_sum = threshold_sum - distribution[threshold]
# is_nonzeros[k] indicates whether hist[k] is nonzero
is_nonzeros = (p != 0).astype(np.int64)
quantized_bins = np.zeros(target_bin, dtype=np.int64)
# calculate how many bins should be merged to generate quantized distribution q
num_merged_bins = sliced_nd_hist.size // target_bin
# merge hist into num_quantized_bins bins
for j in range(target_bin):
start = j * num_merged_bins
stop = start + num_merged_bins
quantized_bins[j] = sliced_nd_hist[start:stop].sum()
quantized_bins[-1] += sliced_nd_hist[target_bin * num_merged_bins:].sum()
# expand quantized_bins into p.size bins
q = np.zeros(sliced_nd_hist.size, dtype=np.float64)
for j in range(target_bin):
start = j * num_merged_bins
if j == target_bin - 1:
stop = -1
stop = start + num_merged_bins
norm = is_nonzeros[start:stop].sum()
if norm != 0:
q[start:stop] = float(quantized_bins[j]) / float(norm)
q[p == 0] = 0
# p = _smooth_distribution(p) # with some bugs, need to fix
# q = _smooth_distribution(q)
p[p == 0] = 0.0001
q[q == 0] = 0.0001
# calculate kl_divergence between q and p
kl_divergence[threshold - target_bin] = stats.entropy(p, q)
min_kl_divergence = np.argmin(kl_divergence)
threshold_value = min_kl_divergence + target_bin
return threshold_value
def net_forward(net, image_path, transformer):
network inference and statistics the cost time
net: the instance of Caffe inference
image_path: a image need to be inference
# load image
image =
# transformer.preprocess the image
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformer.preprocess('data',image)
# net forward
output = net.forward()
def file_name(file_dir):
Find the all file path with the directory
file_dir: The source file directory
files_path: all the file path into a list
files_path = []
for root, dir, files in os.walk(file_dir):
for name in files:
file_path = root + "/" + name
return files_path
def network_prepare(net, mean, norm):
instance the prepare process param of caffe network inference
net: the instance of Caffe inference
mean: the value of mean
norm: the value of normalize
print("Network initial")
img_mean = np.array(mean)
# initial transformer
transformer ={'data': net.blobs['data'].data.shape})
# convert hwc to cwh
transformer.set_transpose('data', (2,0,1))
# load meanfile
transformer.set_mean('data', img_mean)
# resize image data from [0,1] to [0,255]
transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255)
# convert RGB -> BGR
transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0))
# normalize
transformer.set_input_scale('data', norm)
return transformer
def weight_quantize(net, net_file, group_on):
CaffeModel convolution weight blob Int8 quantize
net: the instance of Caffe inference
net_file: deploy caffe prototxt
print("\nQuantize the kernel weight:")
# parse the net param from deploy prototxt
params = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
with open(net_file) as f:
text_format.Merge(, params)
for i, layer in enumerate(params.layer):
# find the convolution layers to get out the weight_scale
if(layer.type == "Convolution" or layer.type == "ConvolutionDepthwise"):
weight_blob = net.params[][0].data
# initial the instance of QuantizeLayer Class lists,you can use enable group quantize to generate int8 scale for each group
if (group_on == 1):
quanitze_layer = QuantizeLayer(, layer.bottom[0], layer.convolution_param.num_output)
quanitze_layer = QuantizeLayer(, layer.bottom[0], 1)
# quantize the weight value using 6bit for conv3x3s1 layer to winograd F(4,3)
if(layer.type == "Convolution" and layer.convolution_param.kernel_size[0] == 3 and ((len(layer.convolution_param.stride) == 0) or layer.convolution_param.stride[0] == 1)):
if( != layer.convolution_param.num_output):
quanitze_layer.quantize_weight(weight_blob, True)
quanitze_layer.quantize_weight(weight_blob, False)
# quantize the weight value using 8bit for another conv layers
quanitze_layer.quantize_weight(weight_blob, False)
# add the quantize_layer into the save list
return None
def activation_quantize(net, transformer, images_files):
Activation Int8 quantize, optimaize threshold selection with KL divergence,
given a dataset, find the optimal threshold for quantizing it.
net: the instance of Caffe inference
images_files: calibration dataset
print("\nQuantize the Activation:")
# run float32 inference on calibration dataset to find the activations range
for i , image in enumerate(images_files):
# inference
net_forward(net, image, transformer)
# find max threshold
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
blob = net.blobs[layer.blob_name].data[0].flatten()
if i % 100 == 0:
print("loop stage 1 : %d/%d" % (i, len(images_files)))
# calculate statistic blob scope and interval distribution
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
# for each layers
# collect histograms of activations
print("\nCollect histograms of activations:")
for i, image in enumerate(images_files):
net_forward(net, image, transformer)
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
blob = net.blobs[layer.blob_name].data[0].flatten()
if i % 100 == 0:
print("loop stage 2 : %d/%d" % (i, len(images_files)))
# calculate threshold with KL divergence
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
return None
def save_calibration_file(calibration_path):
calibration_file = open(calibration_path, 'w')
# save temp
save_temp = []
# save weight scale
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
save_string = + "_param_0"
for i in range(layer.group_num):
save_string = save_string + " " + str(layer.weight_scale[i])
# save bottom blob scales
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
save_string = + " " + str(layer.blob_scale)
# save into txt file
for data in save_temp:
calibration_file.write(data + "\n")
# save calibration logs
save_temp_log = []
calibration_file_log = open(calibration_path + ".log", 'w')
for layer in quantize_layer_lists:
save_string = + ": value range 0 - " + str(layer.blob_max) \
+ ", interval " + str(layer.blob_distubution_interval) \
+ ", interval num " + str(INTERVAL_NUM) \
+ ", threshold num " + str(layer.blob_threshold) + "\n" \
+ str(layer.blob_distubution.astype(dtype=np.int64))
# save into txt file
for data in save_temp_log:
calibration_file_log.write(data + "\n")
def usage_info():
usage info
print("Input params is illegal...╮(╯3╰)╭")
print("try it again:\n python -h")
def main():
main function
# time start
time_start =
if args.proto == None or args.model == None or args.mean == None or args.images == None:
return None
# deploy caffe prototxt path
net_file = args.proto
# trained caffemodel path
caffe_model = args.model
# mean value
mean = args.mean
# norm value
norm = 1.0
if args.norm != 1.0:
norm = args.norm[0]
# calibration dataset
images_path = args.images
# the output calibration file
calibration_path = args.output
# enable the group scale
group_on =
# default use CPU to forwark
if args.gpu != 0:
# initial caffe net and the forword model(GPU or CPU)
net = caffe.Net(net_file,caffe_model,caffe.TEST)
# prepare the cnn network
transformer = network_prepare(net, mean, norm)
# get the calibration datasets images files path
images_files = file_name(images_path)
# quanitze kernel weight of the caffemodel to find it's calibration table
weight_quantize(net, net_file, group_on)
# quantize activation value of the caffemodel to find it's calibration table
activation_quantize(net, transformer, images_files)
# save the calibration tables,best wish for your INT8 inference have low accuracy loss :)
# time end
time_end =
print("\nCaffe Int8 Calibration table create success, it's cost %s, best wish for your INT8 inference has a low accuracy loss...\(^▽^)/...2333..." % (time_end - time_start))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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