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Created October 20, 2016 13:07
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Create a function from a conduit Sink, which can be partially added to. See:
module SinkFunc where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask, bracket)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Conduit.Internal as CI
import Data.Void
withSinkFunc :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
=> ConduitM i Void m ()
-> ((i -> m ()) -> m a)
-> m a
withSinkFunc (CI.ConduitM sinkF) inner =
bracket makeRef closeRef (inner . toFunc)
makeRef = liftIO $ newIORef $ CI.injectLeftovers $ sinkF CI.Done
closeRef ref = do
p <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
CI.runPipe $ return () `CI.pipe` p
toFunc ref x = do
p0 <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
let go1 (CI.HaveOutput _ _ o) = absurd o
go1 (CI.NeedInput p _) = go2 $ p x
go1 (CI.Done ()) = return $ CI.Done () -- could consider throwing an exception
go1 (CI.PipeM mp) = mp >>= go1
go1 (CI.Leftover _ l) = absurd l
go2 (CI.HaveOutput _ _ o) = absurd o
go2 p@CI.NeedInput{} = return p
go2 p@CI.Done{} = return p
go2 (CI.PipeM mp) = mp >>= go2
go2 (CI.Leftover _ l) = absurd l
p1 <- go1 p0
liftIO $ writeIORef ref p1
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