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Created October 22, 2023 03:14
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Building a mini GPT like Language Model from Scratch
# Import necessary libraries
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import pprint
# Function to obtain training data, vocab and mapping from word to index and vice versa
def get_data_and_vocab():
# Define training data
training_data = {
"how are you": "i am fine <end>",
"who is john": "a nice person <end>",
"who is nice": "john <end>",
"where is john": "at home <end>",
"how is john": "i dont know <end>",
"who are you": "mini gpt model <end>"
# Extract input and target phrases
data_words = [k for k, _ in training_data.items()]
target_words = [v for _, v in training_data.items()]
# Build vocabulary from training data
vocabulary_words = list(set([element.lower() for nestedlist in [x.split(" ") for x in data_words] for element in nestedlist] + [element.lower() for nestedlist in [x.split(" ") for x in target_words] for element in nestedlist]))
# Ensure <end> token is at the end of vocabulary list, and there's a blank at the beginning
vocabulary_words.insert(0, "")
# Create mappings from word to index and index to word
word_to_ix = {vocabulary_words[k].lower(): k for k in range(len(vocabulary_words))}
ix_to_word = {v: k for k, v in word_to_ix.items()}
# Return all the necessary data and mappings
return training_data, data_words, target_words, vocabulary_words, word_to_ix, ix_to_word
# Function to convert a batch of sequences of words to a tensor of indices
def words_to_tensor(seq_batch, device=None):
index_batch = []
# Loop over sequences in the batch
for seq in seq_batch:
word_list = seq.lower().split(" ")
indices = [word_to_ix[word] for word in word_list if word in word_to_ix]
t = torch.tensor(indices)
if device is not None:
t = # Transfer tensor to the specified device
# Pad tensors to have the same length
return pad_tensors(index_batch)
# Function to convert a tensor of indices to a list of sequences of words
def tensor_to_words(tensor):
index_batch = tensor.cpu().numpy().tolist()
res = []
for indices in index_batch:
words = []
for ix in indices:
words.append(ix_to_word[ix].lower()) # Convert index to word
if ix == word_to_ix["<end>"]:
break # Stop when <end> token is encountered
res.append(" ".join(words))
return res
# Function to pad a list of tensors to the same length
def pad_tensors(list_of_tensors):
tensor_count = len(list_of_tensors) if not torch.is_tensor(list_of_tensors) else list_of_tensors.shape[0]
max_dim = max(t.shape[0] for t in list_of_tensors) # Find the maximum length
res = []
for t in list_of_tensors:
# Create a zero tensor of the desired shape
res_t = torch.zeros(max_dim, *t.shape[1:]).type(t.dtype).to(t.device)
res_t[:t.shape[0]] = t # Copy the original tensor into the padded tensor
# Concatenate tensors along a new dimension
res =
firstDim = len(list_of_tensors)
secondDim = max_dim
# Reshape the result to have the new dimension first
return res.reshape(firstDim, secondDim, *res.shape[1:])
# Define Self-Attention module
class SelfAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embed_size, head_count):
super(SelfAttention, self).__init__()
self.embed_size = embed_size # Size of word embeddings
self.head_count = head_count # Number of attention heads
# Create linear layers for query, key and value projections for each head
self.query_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(embed_size, embed_size, bias=False) for _ in range(head_count)])
self.key_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(embed_size, embed_size, bias=False) for _ in range(head_count)])
self.value_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(embed_size, embed_size, bias=False) for _ in range(head_count)])
self.fc_out = nn.Linear(head_count * embed_size, embed_size) # Final linear layer to combine head outputs
def forward(self, embeddings):
batch_size, token_count = embeddings.shape[:2]
qkvs = torch.zeros(self.head_count, 3, batch_size, token_count, self.embed_size).to(embeddings.device)
# Loop over heads and compute query, key and value projections
for i in range(self.head_count):
qkvs[i, 0] = self.query_layers[i](embeddings)
qkvs[i, 1] = self.key_layers[i](embeddings)
qkvs[i, 2] = self.value_layers[i](embeddings)
# Compute energy terms for each head, batch, and pair of tokens
energy = torch.zeros(self.head_count, batch_size, token_count, token_count).to(embeddings.device)
# Create a mask with false on and below the diagonal, and true above the diagonal
mask = torch.triu(torch.ones((token_count, token_count)), diagonal=1).bool()
for h in range(self.head_count):
for b in range(batch_size):
for i in range(token_count):
for j in range(token_count):
energy[h, b, i, j] =[h, 0, b, i], qkvs[h, 1, b, j])
energy[h, b] = energy[h, b].masked_fill(mask, float('-inf')) # Apply mask
# Compute attention scores
attention = torch.nn.functional.softmax(energy, dim=3)
# Compute weighted sum of values for each head and token
out = torch.zeros(batch_size, token_count, self.head_count, self.embed_size).to(embeddings.device)
for h in range(self.head_count):
for b in range(batch_size):
for i in range(token_count):
for j in range(token_count):
out[b, i, h] += (attention[h, b, i, j] * qkvs[h, 2, b, j])
# Reshape and pass through final linear layer
out = out.reshape(batch_size, token_count, self.head_count * self.embed_size)
return self.fc_out(out)
def masked_attention(self, energy):
# Assume scores has shape (batch_size, max_token_count, embed_size, embed_size)
max_token_count, embed_size, _ = energy.size()
# Create a mask with zeros on and below the diagonal, and negative infinity above the diagonal
mask = torch.triu(torch.ones((max_token_count, max_token_count)), diagonal=1) * float('-inf')
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) # Add dimensions for batch and embedding size
mask = mask.expand(batch_size, embed_size, -1, -1) # Expand mask to match batch and embedding size
# Apply the mask to the scores
masked_scores = energy +
# Define Transformer block module
class TransformerBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embed_size, head_count):
super(TransformerBlock, self).__init__()
self.attention = SelfAttention(embed_size, head_count) # Self-attention layer
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(embed_size) # Layer normalization
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(embed_size) # Layer normalization
# Feed-forward neural network
self.feed_forward = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(embed_size, embed_size),
nn.Linear(embed_size, embed_size)
def forward(self, embeddings):
attention = self.attention(embeddings)
# Apply residual connections and layer normalization
out = self.norm1(attention + embeddings)
out = attention + self.feed_forward(out)
out = self.norm2(out)
return out
# Define Transformer module
class Transformer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size, num_layers, head_count):
super(Transformer, self).__init__()
self.embed_size = embed_size # Size of word embeddings
self.vocab_size = vocab_size # Size of vocabulary
self.word_embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_size) # Embedding layer
# List of transformer blocks
self.layers = nn.ModuleList(
[TransformerBlock(embed_size, head_count) for _ in range(num_layers)]
self.fc_out = nn.Linear(embed_size, vocab_size) # Final linear layer to produce logits
def forward(self, input_tokens, mask=None):
batch_size, token_count = input_tokens.shape[:2]
out = self.word_embedding(input_tokens) # Obtain word embeddings
# Compute position encodings and add to word embeddings
positions = torch.arange(0, token_count).expand(batch_size, token_count).to(input_tokens.device)
position_encoding = self.position_encoding(positions, self.embed_size)
out += position_encoding.reshape(out.shape)
# Pass through each transformer block
for layer in self.layers:
out = layer(out)
# Produce logits for the final token in each sequence
out = self.fc_out(out[:, -1, :].reshape(batch_size, self.embed_size)).reshape(batch_size, self.vocab_size)
return torch.nn.functional.softmax(out, dim=1) # Apply softmax to obtain probabilities
def position_encoding(self, positions, embed_size):
# Compute position encoding for each position and dimension
angle_rads = self.get_angles(
torch.arange(embed_size)[None, None, :].float().to(positions.device),
sines = torch.sin(angle_rads[:, :, 0::2]) # Compute sine of angle for even dimensions
cosines = torch.cos(angle_rads[:, :, 1::2]) # Compute cosine of angle for odd dimensions
pos_encoding =[sines, cosines], dim=-1) # Concatenate sine and cosine values
pos_encoding = pos_encoding[None, ...]
return pos_encoding
def get_angles(self, pos, i, embed_size):
# Compute angle rate for each position and dimension
angle_rates = 1 / torch.pow(10000, (2 * (i//2)) / embed_size)
return pos * angle_rates
# Function to train the model recursively over each sequence and token
def train_recursive(model, data, targets, optimizer, criterion):
model.train() # Set model to training mode
optimizer.zero_grad() # Zero the gradients
total_loss = 0 # Initialize total loss
batch_size, token_count, token_count_out = data.shape[0], data.shape[1], targets.shape[1]
# Loop over sequences in the batch
for b in range(batch_size):
end_encountered = False
cur_count = 0
# Loop over tokens in the sequence
while not end_encountered:
target_vector = torch.zeros(model.vocab_size).to(data.device) # Initialize target vector
if cur_count != token_count_out:
expected_next_token_idx = targets[b, cur_count] # Get index of expected next token
target_vector[expected_next_token_idx] = 1 # Set the corresponding element of the target vector to 1
# Concatenate current input and output tokens and pass through model
if cur_count > 0:
model_input = data[b].reshape(token_count).to(data.device)
part_of_output = targets[b, :cur_count].to(data.device)
model_input =, part_of_output))
model_input = data[b]
out = model(model_input.reshape(1, token_count + cur_count))
# Compute loss and accumulate total loss
loss = criterion(out, target_vector.reshape(out.shape))
total_loss += loss
cur_count += 1
# Stop when the end of the sequence is reached
if cur_count > token_count_out:
end_encountered = True
# Backpropagate gradients and update model parameters
return total_loss.item() / batch_size
# Function to perform inference recursively for each sequence in a batch
def infer_recursive(model, input_vectors, max_output_token_count=10):
model.eval() # Set model to evaluation mode
outputs = []
# Loop over sequences in the batch
for i in range(input_vectors.shape[0]):
print(f"Infering sequence {i}")
input_vector = input_vectors[i].reshape(1, input_vectors.shape[1])
predicted_sequence = []
wc = 0 # Initialize word count
with torch.no_grad(): # Disable gradient computation
while True:
output = model(input_vector) # Pass current input through model
predicted_index = output[0, :].argmax().item() # Get index of predicted token
predicted_sequence.append(predicted_index) # Append predicted index to sequence
# Stop when <end> token is predicted or the maximum output length is reached
if predicted_index == word_to_ix['<end>'] or wc > max_output_token_count:
# Append predicted token to input and increment word count
input_vector =[input_vector, torch.tensor([[predicted_index]])], dim=1)
wc += 1
outputs.append(torch.tensor(predicted_sequence)) # Append predicted sequence to outputs
outputs = pad_tensors(outputs) # Pad predicted sequences to the same length
return outputs
# Function to demonstrate training and inference
def example_training_and_inference():
# Get model hyperparameters from vocabulary size
vocab_size = len(word_to_ix)
embed_size = 512
num_layers = 4
heads = 3
# Create model, optimizer, and loss function
device = torch.device("cpu")
model = Transformer(vocab_size, embed_size, num_layers, heads).to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.00001)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# Convert training data to tensors
data = words_to_tensor(data_words, device=device)
targets = words_to_tensor(target_words, device=device)
# Train model for 55 epochs
for epoch in range(55):
avg_loss = train_recursive(model, data, targets, optimizer, criterion)
print(f'Epoch {epoch + 1}, Loss: {avg_loss:.4f}')
# Perform inference on training data
input_vector = words_to_tensor(data_words, device=device)
predicted_vector = infer_recursive(model, input_vector)
predicted_words = tensor_to_words(predicted_vector)
# Print training data and model output
print("Training Data:")
print("Model Inference:")
result_data = {data_words[k]: predicted_words[k] for k in range(len(predicted_words))}
# Main function to call the demonstration function
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get training data and vocabulary
training_data, data_words, target_words, vocabulary_words, word_to_ix, ix_to_word = get_data_and_vocab()
# Run the example training and inference function
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