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Created August 27, 2023 23:44
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TypeScript Animation library
import { EasingFunction, linear } from "./easing";
import { TweenOptions } from "./tween";
import { CSSTransform, KeyframeWithTransform } from "./types";
import { pathStringToSVGPath } from "./utils/path";
import { buildTransform, isTransform } from "./utils/transform";
import * as easings from "./easing";
import { keysWithType } from "./utils/object";
export type PathTweenOptions = TweenOptions & MotionPathOptions;
export type Anchor = NonNullable<MotionPathOptions["anchor"]>;
export type MotionPathOptions = {
path: SVGPathElement | string;
anchor?: [x: number, y: number];
rotate?: boolean;
class Cache<T> extends Map<string, T> {
constructor(private max: number) {
public set(key: string, value: T): this {
if (this.size >= this.max) {
return super.set(key, value);
public get(key: string): T | undefined {
const value = super.get(key);
if (value) {
this.set(key, value);
return value;
// create a cache for keyframes to avoid creating the same keyframes multiple times
const keyframeCache = new Cache<KeyframeWithTransform[]>(40);
const getLastPointInPath = (path: SVGPathElement) =>
export class MotionPath {
private _anchor: Exclude<Anchor, string> = [0.5, 0.5];
private _duration = 0;
private _length: number;
private _path: SVGPathElement;
private _rotate: NonNullable<MotionPathOptions["rotate"]>;
private targetElement: HTMLElement,
path: SVGPathElement | string,
private options: Omit<MotionPathOptions, "path"> & PathTweenOptions,
) { = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
const { anchor = [50, 50], rotate = false } = this.options;
if (typeof path === "string") {
this._path = pathStringToSVGPath(path);
} else {
this._path = path;
this._length = this._path.getTotalLength();
this.anchor = anchor;
this._rotate = rotate;
public set anchor(newAnchor: Anchor | "auto") {
if (newAnchor === "auto") {
newAnchor = [0, 0];
const [anchorX, anchorY] = newAnchor;
const { height, width } = this.targetElement.getBoundingClientRect();
const { x, y } = this.path.ownerSVGElement?.getBoundingClientRect() || {
x: 0,
y: 0,
this._anchor = [x + width * 0.5 - anchorX, y + height / 2 - anchorY];
public get path(): SVGPathElement {
return this._path;
public set path(value: SVGPathElement) {
this._path = value;
public set target(newTarget: HTMLElement) {
this.targetElement = newTarget;
public build(
frames: KeyframeWithTransform[],
easing?: EasingFunction,
): KeyframeWithTransform[] {
const parent = this._path.ownerSVGElement!;
const boundingClient = this._path.getBoundingClientRect();
const parentBounds = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
const viewBox =
parent.viewBox.baseVal ||
? parent.getAttribute("viewBox")?.split(" ")
: [0, 0, parentBounds?.width, parentBounds?.height]) ||
let step = 10;
const pathPoints: SVGPoint[] = Array(~~(this._length >>> step));
for (let length = 0, current = 0; length < this._length - 1; ) {
const point = this._path.getPointAtLength(length);
if (!point) {
pathPoints[current++] = getLastPointInPath(this.path);
pathPoints[current++] = point;
length += step;
if (length >= this._length) {
pathPoints[current++] = getLastPointInPath(this.path);
console.log({ pathPoints, length: pathPoints.length });
const p = {
x: viewBox.x / 2,
y: viewBox.y / 2,
w: boundingClient!.width,
h: boundingClient!.height,
vW: viewBox.width,
vH: viewBox.height,
const scaleX = Math.fround(p.w / p.vW);
const scaleY = Math.fround(p.h / p.vH ?? 1);
const key = JSON.stringify({ scaleX, scaleY, frames, id: });
if (keyframeCache.has(key)) {
return keyframeCache.get(key)!;
const final = interpolateKeyframes({
pathPoints: pathPoints.filter(Boolean),
anchor: this._anchor,
rotate: this._rotate,
typeof easing === "object"
? easing
: typeof easing === "string"
? easing in easings
? easings[easing]
: linear
: linear,
keyframeCache.set(key, final);
return final;
const numberRegex = /[-+]?\d*\.?\d+/g;
function interpolateNumbersInString(
str: string,
easing: EasingFunction,
): string {
return str.replace(numberRegex, (match) => {
const oldValue = parseFloat(match);
const newValue = easing(oldValue);
return `${newValue}`;
function interpolateMultiNumericalProperty(
fromValue: string,
toValue: string,
progress: number,
): string {
const fromValues = fromValue.split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/).map(parseFloat);
const toValues = toValue.split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/).map(parseFloat);
const interpolatedValues =, index) => {
const toVal = toValues[index] || fromVal;
return fromVal + (toVal - fromVal) * progress;
// Combine the interpolated values back into a string
return interpolatedValues.join(fromValue.includes(",") ? ", " : " ");
function hasMultiNumericalValues(value: any): boolean {
if (typeof value === "string") {
const numericalValues = value.match(/[-\d.]+/g);
return !!numericalValues && numericalValues.length >= 2;
return false;
function interpolateKeyframes({
}: {
boundingClient: DOMRect;
easingGenerator: EasingFunction | easings.EasingFactory;
frames: KeyframeWithTransform[];
pathPoints: SVGPoint[];
p: {
viewBox: DOMRect;
x: number;
y: number;
w: number;
h: number;
vW: number;
vH: number;
anchor: Anchor;
scaleX: number;
scaleY: number;
rotate: boolean;
}): KeyframeWithTransform[] {
const easing =
typeof easingGenerator === "object"
? easingGenerator.calc
: easingGenerator;
const totalFrames = frames.length;
const step = 1 / (pathPoints.length - 1);
const keyframes = Array.from(pathPoints, function (point, index) {
const t = index * step;
let keyframeIndex = Math.floor(easing(t) * (totalFrames - 1));
const nextKeyframeIndex = Math.floor(easing(index * step) * totalFrames);
const frame = frames[keyframeIndex];
const nextFrame = frames[nextKeyframeIndex];
let { scale = 1 } = frame;
// Handle the last frame separately
if (index === pathPoints.length - 1) {
keyframeIndex = totalFrames - 1;
const offset = index === pathPoints.length - 1 ? 1 : easing(t);
const temp = {} as NonNullable<typeof frame>;
let transform = ` `;
const keys = keysWithType(
frame as KeyframeWithTransform & { scale?: number },
for (const key of keys) {
if (key === "easing" || key === "scale") continue;
if (isTransform(key) || key.includes("scale")) {
transform += interpolateNumbersInString(
buildTransform(key as CSSTransform, frame[key] as string) + " ",
if (!(key in frame) && key in nextFrame) {
const prevValue = frame[key];
const nextValue = nextFrame[key as keyof typeof frame];
if (hasMultiNumericalValues(frame[key])) {
temp[key] = interpolateMultiNumericalProperty(
prevValue as never,
nextValue as never,
) as never;
} else if (
typeof prevValue === "number" &&
typeof nextValue === "number"
) {
// Interpokeyframeslate numeric values
temp[key] = (prevValue + offset * (nextValue - prevValue)) as never;
} else if (
typeof prevValue === "string" &&
typeof nextValue === "string"
) {
if (hasMultiNumericalValues(frame[key])) {
setMultiNumValues(temp, key, prevValue, nextValue, offset);
} else {
if (hasMultiNumericalValues(frame[key])) {
setMultiNumValues(temp, key, prevValue, nextValue, offset);
// Interpolate numbers in strings
temp[key as keyof typeof frame] = interpolateNumbersInString(
) as never;
} else {
if (hasMultiNumericalValues(frame[key])) {
setMultiNumValues(temp, key, prevValue, nextValue, offset);
} else {
// Use the next value
temp[key as keyof typeof frame] = nextValue as never;
// Look ahead to the next keyframe that contains the property
let nextKeyframeIndex = index + 1;
while (nextKeyframeIndex < pathPoints.length) {
const nextKeyframe =
frames[Math.floor(easing(nextKeyframeIndex * step) * totalFrames)];
if (nextKeyframe && key in nextKeyframe) {
const nextValue = nextKeyframe[key as keyof typeof nextKeyframe];
if (typeof temp[key as keyof typeof temp] === "undefined") {
temp[key as keyof typeof temp] = nextValue as never;
scale =
scale < 1 || (scale > -1 && scale < 1) ? 1 + Math.abs(scale) : scale;
const [anchorX, anchorY] = anchor;
const p0 = >= 1 ? index - 1 : 0);
const p1 = + 1) ?? point;
const translateX =
boundingClient.left - anchorX + (point.x - p.x) * (+scaleX || 1);
const translateY = - anchorY + (point.y - p.y) * (+scaleY || 1);
const autoRotate = rotate
? (Math.atan2(p1.y - p0!.y, p1.x - p0!.x) * 180) / Math.PI
: 0;
transform = `${
frame.transform ?? ""
}translateX(${translateX}px) translateY(${translateY}px) scale(${
scale * easing(1 - t) + scale
}) ${
rotate ? `rotate(${easing(1 - t) * autoRotate}deg)` : ""
} ${transform}`;
return {
...(scale && {}),
transform: `${transform}`,
offset: Math.min(Math.max(offset, 0), 1),
} as KeyframeWithTransform;
return keyframes;
function setMultiNumValues(
temp: NonNullable<KeyframeWithTransform>,
key: string,
prevValue: string,
nextValue: string,
offset: number,
) {
temp[key as keyof typeof temp] = interpolateMultiNumericalProperty(
) as never;
import { PathTweenOptions } from "./motionPath";
import { tween, TweenOptions } from "./tween";
import { KeyframeWithTransform } from "./types";
import { is } from "./utils/is";
export interface TimelineOptions {
defaults: TweenOptions & {
motionPath?: PathTweenOptions;
paused?: boolean;
repeat?: number;
const microtask = (() => {
const items: (() => void)[] = [];
let frameId: number | undefined;
return (callback: () => void) => {
if (frameId) {
frameId = undefined;
if (!frameId) {
frameId = requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
while (items.length > 0) {
const item = items.shift();
if (item) item();
class Timeline {
private tweens: ReturnType<typeof tween>[] = [];
private state: "idle" | "running" | "paused" | "finished" = "idle";
constructor(private defaultOptions: TimelineOptions) {
visualViewport?.addEventListener("resize", () => {
for (const tween of this.tweens) {
microtask(() => {
private async playTweens() {
const totalPlayCount =
(is<number>(this.defaultOptions.repeat, "number") &&
this.defaultOptions.repeat) ||
for (let playCount = 0; playCount < totalPlayCount; playCount++) {
for (const tween of this.tweens) {
if (this.state === "paused") return;;
await tween.finished().catch((e) => {
console.error(`Failed to play tween: ${e}`);
this.state = "finished";
play() {
if (this.state !== "running") {
this.state = "running";
pause() {
this.state = "paused";
kill() {
for (const tween of this.tweens) {
this.state = "finished";
target: HTMLElement,
keyframes: KeyframeWithTransform[],
options: PathTweenOptions | TweenOptions,
) {
const { defaults } = this.defaultOptions;
const { motionPath, } = defaults;
const _tween = tween(target, keyframes, {,
...((!!motionPath || "path" in options) && { ...motionPath }),
if (this.state === "idle" && !this.defaultOptions.paused) {;
return this;
export type { Timeline };
export function timeline(defaultOptions: TimelineOptions): Timeline {
return new Timeline(defaultOptions);
import { EasingFactory, EasingFunction, linear } from "./easing";
import { MotionPath, PathTweenOptions } from "./motionPath";
import { createPlaybackController } from "./tween/controller";
import type { KeyframeWithTransform } from "./types";
import { is } from "./utils/is";
import { debounce } from "./utils/throttle";
// @ts-expect-error idk what broke but smth did
export interface TweenOptions extends KeyframeEffectOptions {
composite?: CompositeOperation;
delay?: number;
direction?: "normal" | "reverse" | "alternate" | "alternate-reverse";
duration: number;
fill?: "none" | "forwards" | "backwards" | "both";
iterations?: number | "infinite";
playbackRate?: number;
easing?: string | EasingFactory;
export type CompositeOperation =
| "replace"
| "add"
| "accumulate"
| "auto"
| "none";
* Helper function for getting the CSS easing function from an easing factory or from a string
* If the easing is a string, it's assumed to be a CSS easing function and is returned as-is.
* @internal
* @param easing Easing function or string
* @returns CSS easing function (string)
const getEasingFunctionName = (easing: string | EasingFactory): string => {
if (is<EasingFactory>(easing, (thing) => typeof thing === "object")) {
return easing.css;
return easing;
const createKeyframeEffect = (
element: Element,
keyframes: KeyframeWithTransform[],
options: TweenOptions,
): KeyframeEffect => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(
keyframes as Keyframe[],
options as KeyframeAnimationOptions,
return effect;
const getPathElementFromOptions = (
options: PathTweenOptions,
): SVGPathElement => {
if (
(thing) => thing instanceof SVGPathElement,
) {
return options.path as SVGPathElement;
const path = document.createElementNS("", "path");
path.setAttribute("d", options.path as string);
return path;
const pathTween = (
element: Element,
keyframes: KeyframeWithTransform[],
options: PathTweenOptions,
) => {
// TODO: use this somehow
let easing: EasingFunction | EasingFactory =
typeof options.easing === "object" ? options.easing : linear;
let invalidated = false;
if (options.easing) {
const easingFactory = options.easing;
if (typeof easingFactory === "object") {
options.easing = easingFactory.css;
easing = easingFactory.calc;
const motionPath = new MotionPath(element as HTMLElement, options.path, {
const buildKeyframes = () => {
motionPath.anchor = options.anchor ? options.anchor : "auto";
motionPath.path = getPathElementFromOptions(options);
return, easing as never);
const effect = createKeyframeEffect(element, buildKeyframes(), {
easing: options.easing ? getEasingFunctionName(options.easing) : "linear",
const animation = new Animation(effect);
const playbackController = createPlaybackController(animation);
const onResize = debounce(() => {
if (animation.playState !== "running") {
invalidated = true;
effect.setKeyframes(buildKeyframes() as Keyframe[]);
return {
play: () => {;
if (invalidated) {
onResize().finally(() => {
invalidated = false;
get config() {
return options;
export const tween = (
element: Element,
keyframes: KeyframeWithTransform[],
options: TweenOptions | PathTweenOptions,
) => {
if ("path" in options) {
return pathTween(element, keyframes, options);
const effect = createKeyframeEffect(element, keyframes, options);
const animation = new Animation(effect, document.timeline);
const playbackController = createPlaybackController(animation);
return {
onResize: () => {
get config() {
return options;
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