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Created July 28, 2023 08:06
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var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
__defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
return value;
var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => {
if (!member.has(obj))
throw TypeError("Cannot " + msg);
var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => {
if (member.has(obj))
throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value);
var __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => {
__accessCheck(obj, member, "access private method");
return method;
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _e2, e_fn, _t, t_fn, _g;
const __vite_glob_0_0 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_1 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_2 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_3 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_4 = "// Type definitions for Svelte HTML, based on JSX React 18 typings\n// Original Project/Authors:\n// Type definitions for React 18.0\n// Project:\n// Definitions by: Asana <>\n// AssureSign <>\n// Microsoft <>\n// John Reilly <>\n// Benoit Benezech <>\n// Patricio Zavolinsky <>\n// Eric Anderson <>\n// Dovydas Navickas <>\n// Josh Rutherford <>\n// Guilherme Hübner <>\n// Ferdy Budhidharma <>\n// Johann Rakotoharisoa <>\n// Olivier Pascal <>\n// Martin Hochel <>\n// Frank Li <>\n// Jessica Franco <>\n// Saransh Kataria <>\n// Kanitkorn Sujautra <>\n// Sebastian Silbermann <>\n// Kyle Scully <>\n// Cong Zhang <>\n// Dimitri Mitropoulos <>\n// JongChan Choi <>\n// Victor Magalhães <>\n// Dale Tan <>\n// Priyanshu Rav <>\n// Definitions:\n// TypeScript Version: 2.8\n\n// Note: We also allow `null` as a valid value because Svelte treats this the same as `undefined`\n\ntype Booleanish = boolean | 'true' | 'false';\n\n//\n// Event Handler Types\n// ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ntype EventHandler<E extends Event = Event, T extends EventTarget = Element> = (\n event: E & { currentTarget: EventTarget & T }\n) => any;\n\nexport type ClipboardEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent, T>;\nexport type CompositionEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<CompositionEvent, T>;\nexport type DragEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<DragEvent, T>;\nexport type FocusEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<FocusEvent, T>;\nexport type FormEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<Event, T>;\nexport type ChangeEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<Event, T>;\nexport type KeyboardEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent, T>;\nexport type MouseEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<MouseEvent, T>;\nexport type TouchEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<TouchEvent, T>;\nexport type PointerEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<PointerEvent, T>;\nexport type UIEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<UIEvent, T>;\nexport type WheelEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<WheelEvent, T>;\nexport type AnimationEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<AnimationEvent, T>;\nexport type TransitionEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<TransitionEvent, T>;\nexport type MessageEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<MessageEvent, T>;\n\n//\n// DOM Attributes\n// ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nexport interface DOMAttributes<T extends EventTarget> {\n // Clipboard Events\n 'on:copy'?: ClipboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:cut'?: ClipboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:paste'?: ClipboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Composition Events\n 'on:compositionend'?: CompositionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:compositionstart'?: CompositionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:compositionupdate'?: CompositionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Focus Events\n 'on:focus'?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:focusin'?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:focusout'?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:blur'?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Form Events\n 'on:change'?: FormEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:beforeinput'?: EventHandler<InputEvent, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:input'?: FormEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:reset'?: FormEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:submit'?: EventHandler<SubmitEvent, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:invalid'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:formdata'?: EventHandler<FormDataEvent, T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Image Events\n 'on:load'?: EventHandler | undefined | null;\n 'on:error'?: EventHandler | undefined | null; // also a Media Event\n\n // Detail Events\n 'on:toggle'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Keyboard Events\n 'on:keydown'?: KeyboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:keypress'?: KeyboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:keyup'?: KeyboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Media Events\n 'on:abort'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:canplay'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:canplaythrough'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:cuechange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:durationchange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:emptied'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:encrypted'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:ended'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:loadeddata'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:loadedmetadata'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:loadstart'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pause'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:play'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:playing'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:progress'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:ratechange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:seeked'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:seeking'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:stalled'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:suspend'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:timeupdate'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:volumechange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:waiting'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n\n // MouseEvents\n 'on:auxclick'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:click'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:contextmenu'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dblclick'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:drag'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dragend'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dragenter'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dragexit'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dragleave'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dragover'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:dragstart'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:drop'?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mousedown'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mouseenter'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mouseleave'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mousemove'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mouseout'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mouseover'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:mouseup'?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Selection Events\n 'on:select'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:selectionchange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:selectstart'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Touch Events\n 'on:touchcancel'?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:touchend'?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:touchmove'?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:touchstart'?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Pointer Events\n 'on:gotpointercapture'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointercancel'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointerdown'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointerenter'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointerleave'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointermove'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointerout'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointerover'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pointerup'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:lostpointercapture'?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // UI Events\n 'on:scroll'?: UIEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:resize'?: UIEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Wheel Events\n 'on:wheel'?: WheelEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Animation Events\n 'on:animationstart'?: AnimationEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:animationend'?: AnimationEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:animationiteration'?: AnimationEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Transition Events\n 'on:transitionstart'?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:transitionrun'?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:transitionend'?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:transitioncancel'?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Svelte Transition Events\n 'on:outrostart'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:outroend'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:introstart'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:introend'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Message Events\n 'on:message'?: MessageEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:messageerror'?: MessageEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Document Events\n 'on:visibilitychange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n\n // Global Events\n 'on:cancel'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:close'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:fullscreenchange'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n 'on:fullscreenerror'?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n}\n\n// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 attributes from\nexport interface AriaAttributes {\n /** Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application. */\n 'aria-activedescendant'?: string | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates whether assistive technologies will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the aria-relevant attribute. */\n 'aria-atomic'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be\n * presented if they are made.\n */\n 'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both' | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies MAY want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user. */\n 'aria-busy'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates the current \"checked\" state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.\n * @see aria-pressed @see aria-selected.\n */\n 'aria-checked'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.\n * @see aria-colindex.\n */\n 'aria-colcount'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.\n * @see aria-colcount @see aria-colspan.\n */\n 'aria-colindex'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.\n * @see aria-colindex @see aria-rowspan.\n */\n 'aria-colspan'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.\n * @see aria-owns.\n */\n 'aria-controls'?: string | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. */\n 'aria-current'?: Booleanish | 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time' | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.\n * @see aria-labelledby\n */\n 'aria-describedby'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies the element that provides a detailed, extended description for the object.\n * @see aria-describedby.\n */\n 'aria-details'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.\n * @see aria-hidden @see aria-readonly.\n */\n 'aria-disabled'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target.\n * @deprecated in ARIA 1.1\n */\n 'aria-dropeffect'?: 'none' | 'copy' | 'execute' | 'link' | 'move' | 'popup' | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object.\n * @see aria-invalid @see aria-describedby.\n */\n 'aria-errormessage'?: string | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. */\n 'aria-expanded'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion,\n * allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.\n */\n 'aria-flowto'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates an element's \"grabbed\" state in a drag-and-drop operation.\n * @deprecated in ARIA 1.1\n */\n 'aria-grabbed'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */\n 'aria-haspopup'?: Booleanish | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog' | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.\n * @see aria-disabled.\n */\n 'aria-hidden'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application.\n * @see aria-errormessage.\n */\n 'aria-invalid'?: Booleanish | 'grammar' | 'spelling' | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element. */\n 'aria-keyshortcuts'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines a string value that labels the current element.\n * @see aria-labelledby.\n */\n 'aria-label'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.\n * @see aria-describedby.\n */\n 'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined | null;\n /** Defines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure. */\n 'aria-level'?: number | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. */\n 'aria-live'?: 'off' | 'assertive' | 'polite' | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates whether an element is modal when displayed. */\n 'aria-modal'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line. */\n 'aria-multiline'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants. */\n 'aria-multiselectable'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous. */\n 'aria-orientation'?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Identifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship\n * between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.\n * @see aria-controls.\n */\n 'aria-owns'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value.\n * A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.\n */\n 'aria-placeholder'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.\n * @see aria-setsize.\n */\n 'aria-posinset'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates the current \"pressed\" state of toggle buttons.\n * @see aria-checked @see aria-selected.\n */\n 'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.\n * @see aria-disabled.\n */\n 'aria-readonly'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified.\n * @see aria-atomic.\n */\n 'aria-relevant'?:\n | 'additions'\n | 'additions removals'\n | 'additions text'\n | 'all'\n | 'removals'\n | 'removals additions'\n | 'removals text'\n | 'text'\n | 'text additions'\n | 'text removals'\n | undefined\n | null;\n /** Indicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted. */\n 'aria-required'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /** Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element. */\n 'aria-roledescription'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.\n * @see aria-rowindex.\n */\n 'aria-rowcount'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.\n * @see aria-rowcount @see aria-rowspan.\n */\n 'aria-rowindex'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.\n * @see aria-rowindex @see aria-colspan.\n */\n 'aria-rowspan'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Indicates the current \"selected\" state of various widgets.\n * @see aria-checked @see aria-pressed.\n */\n 'aria-selected'?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.\n * @see aria-posinset.\n */\n 'aria-setsize'?: number | undefined | null;\n /** Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order. */\n 'aria-sort'?: 'none' | 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'other' | undefined | null;\n /** Defines the maximum allowed value for a range widget. */\n 'aria-valuemax'?: number | undefined | null;\n /** Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget. */\n 'aria-valuemin'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Defines the current value for a range widget.\n * @see aria-valuetext.\n */\n 'aria-valuenow'?: number | undefined | null;\n /** Defines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget. */\n 'aria-valuetext'?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\n// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 role attribute values from\nexport type AriaRole =\n | 'alert'\n | 'alertdialog'\n | 'application'\n | 'article'\n | 'banner'\n | 'button'\n | 'cell'\n | 'checkbox'\n | 'columnheader'\n | 'combobox'\n | 'complementary'\n | 'contentinfo'\n | 'definition'\n | 'dialog'\n | 'directory'\n | 'document'\n | 'feed'\n | 'figure'\n | 'form'\n | 'grid'\n | 'gridcell'\n | 'group'\n | 'heading'\n | 'img'\n | 'link'\n | 'list'\n | 'listbox'\n | 'listitem'\n | 'log'\n | 'main'\n | 'marquee'\n | 'math'\n | 'menu'\n | 'menubar'\n | 'menuitem'\n | 'menuitemcheckbox'\n | 'menuitemradio'\n | 'navigation'\n | 'none'\n | 'note'\n | 'option'\n | 'presentation'\n | 'progressbar'\n | 'radio'\n | 'radiogroup'\n | 'region'\n | 'row'\n | 'rowgroup'\n | 'rowheader'\n | 'scrollbar'\n | 'search'\n | 'searchbox'\n | 'separator'\n | 'slider'\n | 'spinbutton'\n | 'status'\n | 'switch'\n | 'tab'\n | 'table'\n | 'tablist'\n | 'tabpanel'\n | 'term'\n | 'textbox'\n | 'timer'\n | 'toolbar'\n | 'tooltip'\n | 'tree'\n | 'treegrid'\n | 'treeitem'\n | (string & {});\n\nexport interface HTMLAttributes<T extends EventTarget> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {\n // Standard HTML Attributes\n accesskey?: string | undefined | null;\n autofocus?: boolean | undefined | null;\n class?: string | undefined | null;\n contenteditable?: Booleanish | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n contextmenu?: string | undefined | null;\n dir?: string | undefined | null;\n draggable?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n enterkeyhint?:\n | 'enter'\n | 'done'\n | 'go'\n | 'next'\n | 'previous'\n | 'search'\n | 'send'\n | undefined\n | null;\n hidden?: boolean | undefined | null;\n id?: string | undefined | null;\n lang?: string | undefined | null;\n part?: string | undefined | null;\n placeholder?: string | undefined | null;\n slot?: string | undefined | null;\n spellcheck?: Booleanish | undefined | null;\n style?: string | undefined | null;\n tabindex?: number | undefined | null;\n title?: string | undefined | null;\n translate?: 'yes' | 'no' | '' | undefined | null;\n inert?: boolean | undefined | null;\n\n // Unknown\n radiogroup?: string | undefined | null; // <command>, <menuitem>\n\n // WAI-ARIA\n role?: AriaRole | undefined | null;\n\n // RDFa Attributes\n about?: string | undefined | null;\n datatype?: string | undefined | null;\n inlist?: any;\n prefix?: string | undefined | null;\n property?: string | undefined | null;\n resource?: string | undefined | null;\n typeof?: string | undefined | null;\n vocab?: string | undefined | null;\n\n // Non-standard Attributes\n autocapitalize?: string | undefined | null;\n autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;\n autosave?: string | undefined | null;\n color?: string | undefined | null;\n itemprop?: string | undefined | null;\n itemscope?: boolean | undefined | null;\n itemtype?: string | undefined | null;\n itemid?: string | undefined | null;\n itemref?: string | undefined | null;\n results?: number | undefined | null;\n security?: string | undefined | null;\n unselectable?: 'on' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n\n // Living Standard\n /**\n * Hints at the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents\n * @see\n */\n inputmode?:\n | 'none'\n | 'text'\n | 'tel'\n | 'url'\n | 'email'\n | 'numeric'\n | 'decimal'\n | 'search'\n | undefined\n | null;\n /**\n * Specify that a standard HTML element should behave like a defined custom built-in element\n * @see\n */\n is?: string | undefined | null;\n\n /**\n * Elements with the contenteditable attribute support `innerHTML`, `textContent` and `innerText` bindings.\n */\n 'bind:innerHTML'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Elements with the contenteditable attribute support `innerHTML`, `textContent` and `innerText` bindings.\n */\n 'bind:textContent'?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * Elements with the contenteditable attribute support `innerHTML`, `textContent` and `innerText` bindings.\n */\n 'bind:innerText'?: string | undefined | null;\n\n readonly 'bind:contentRect'?: DOMRectReadOnly | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:contentBoxSize'?: Array<ResizeObserverSize> | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:borderBoxSize'?: Array<ResizeObserverSize> | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:devicePixelContentBoxSize'?: Array<ResizeObserverSize> | undefined | null;\n\n // SvelteKit\n 'data-sveltekit-keepfocus'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-noscroll'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-preload-code'?:\n | true\n | ''\n | 'eager'\n | 'viewport'\n | 'hover'\n | 'tap'\n | 'off'\n | undefined\n | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-preload-data'?: true | '' | 'hover' | 'tap' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-reload'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-replacestate'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n\n // allow any data- attribute\n [key: `data-${string}`]: any;\n}\n\nexport type HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget = '_self' | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_top' | (string & {});\n\nexport interface HTMLAnchorAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> {\n download?: any;\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n hreflang?: string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n ping?: string | undefined | null;\n rel?: string | undefined | null;\n target?: HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;\n\n // Sapper\n 'sapper:noscroll'?: true | undefined | null;\n 'sapper:prefetch'?: true | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLAudioAttributes extends HTMLMediaAttributes<HTMLAudioElement> {}\n\nexport interface HTMLAreaAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLAreaElement> {\n alt?: string | undefined | null;\n coords?: string | undefined | null;\n download?: any;\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n hreflang?: string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;\n rel?: string | undefined | null;\n shape?: string | undefined | null;\n target?: string | undefined | null;\n ping?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLBaseAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLBaseElement> {\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n target?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLBlockquoteAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement> {\n cite?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLButtonAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n formaction?: string | undefined | null;\n formenctype?: string | undefined | null;\n formmethod?: string | undefined | null;\n formnovalidate?: boolean | undefined | null;\n formtarget?: string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button' | undefined | null;\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLCanvasAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLCanvasElement> {\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLColAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement> {\n span?: number | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLColgroupAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement> {\n span?: number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLDataAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDataElement> {\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLDetailsAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDetailsElement> {\n open?: boolean | undefined | null;\n\n 'bind:open'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLDelAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLModElement> {\n cite?: string | undefined | null;\n datetime?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLDialogAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDialogElement> {\n open?: boolean | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLEmbedAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLEmbedElement> {\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLFieldsetAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLFieldSetElement> {\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLFormAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement> {\n acceptcharset?: string | undefined | null;\n action?: string | undefined | null;\n autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;\n enctype?: string | undefined | null;\n method?: string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n novalidate?: boolean | undefined | null;\n target?: string | undefined | null;\n rel?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLHtmlAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLHtmlElement> {\n manifest?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLIframeAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLIFrameElement> {\n allow?: string | undefined | null;\n allowfullscreen?: boolean | undefined | null;\n allowtransparency?: boolean | undefined | null;\n /** @deprecated */\n frameborder?: number | string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | undefined | null;\n /** @deprecated */\n marginheight?: number | undefined | null;\n /** @deprecated */\n marginwidth?: number | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;\n sandbox?: string | undefined | null;\n /** @deprecated */\n scrolling?: string | undefined | null;\n seamless?: boolean | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n srcdoc?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLImgAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement> {\n alt?: string | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;\n decoding?: 'async' | 'auto' | 'sync' | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n ismap?: boolean | undefined | null;\n loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy' | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;\n sizes?: string | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n srcset?: string | undefined | null;\n usemap?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n\n readonly 'bind:naturalWidth'?: number | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:naturalHeight'?: number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLInsAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLModElement> {\n cite?: string | undefined | null;\n datetime?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport type HTMLInputTypeAttribute =\n | 'button'\n | 'checkbox'\n | 'color'\n | 'date'\n | 'datetime-local'\n | 'email'\n | 'file'\n | 'hidden'\n | 'image'\n | 'month'\n | 'number'\n | 'password'\n | 'radio'\n | 'range'\n | 'reset'\n | 'search'\n | 'submit'\n | 'tel'\n | 'text'\n | 'time'\n | 'url'\n | 'week'\n | (string & {});\n\nexport interface HTMLInputAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> {\n accept?: string | undefined | null;\n alt?: string | undefined | null;\n autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;\n capture?: boolean | 'user' | 'environment' | undefined | null; //\n checked?: boolean | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n formaction?: string | undefined | null;\n formenctype?: string | undefined | null;\n formmethod?: string | undefined | null;\n formnovalidate?: boolean | undefined | null;\n formtarget?: string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n list?: string | undefined | null;\n max?: number | string | undefined | null;\n maxlength?: number | undefined | null;\n min?: number | string | undefined | null;\n minlength?: number | undefined | null;\n multiple?: boolean | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n pattern?: string | undefined | null;\n placeholder?: string | undefined | null;\n readonly?: boolean | undefined | null;\n required?: boolean | undefined | null;\n size?: number | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n step?: number | string | undefined | null;\n type?: HTMLInputTypeAttribute | undefined | null;\n value?: any;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n\n 'on:change'?: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined | null;\n\n 'bind:checked'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n 'bind:value'?: any;\n 'bind:group'?: any | undefined | null;\n 'bind:files'?: FileList | undefined | null;\n 'bind:indeterminate'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLKeygenAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {\n challenge?: string | undefined | null;\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n keytype?: string | undefined | null;\n keyparams?: string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLLabelAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLLabelElement> {\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n for?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLLiAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement> {\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLLinkAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLLinkElement> {\n as?: string | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n hreflang?: string | undefined | null;\n integrity?: string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n imagesrcset?: string | undefined | null;\n imagesizes?: string | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;\n rel?: string | undefined | null;\n sizes?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n charset?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLMapAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLMapElement> {\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLMenuAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLMenuElement> {\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLMediaAttributes<T extends HTMLMediaElement> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {\n autoplay?: boolean | undefined | null;\n controls?: boolean | undefined | null;\n controlslist?:\n | 'nodownload'\n | 'nofullscreen'\n | 'noplaybackrate'\n | 'noremoteplayback'\n | (string & {})\n | undefined\n | null;\n crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;\n currenttime?: number | undefined | null;\n defaultmuted?: boolean | undefined | null;\n defaultplaybackrate?: number | undefined | null;\n loop?: boolean | undefined | null;\n mediagroup?: string | undefined | null;\n muted?: boolean | undefined | null;\n playsinline?: boolean | undefined | null;\n preload?: string | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n /**\n * a value between 0 and 1\n */\n volume?: number | undefined | null;\n\n readonly 'bind:readyState'?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:duration'?: number | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:buffered'?: SvelteMediaTimeRange[] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:played'?: SvelteMediaTimeRange[] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:seekable'?: SvelteMediaTimeRange[] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:seeking'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:ended'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n 'bind:muted'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n 'bind:volume'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * the current playback time in the video, in seconds\n */\n 'bind:currentTime'?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * how fast or slow to play the video, where 1 is 'normal'\n */\n 'bind:playbackRate'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'bind:paused'?: boolean | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLMetaAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLMetaElement> {\n charset?: string | undefined | null;\n content?: string | undefined | null;\n 'http-equiv'?: string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLMeterAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLMeterElement> {\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n high?: number | undefined | null;\n low?: number | undefined | null;\n max?: number | string | undefined | null;\n min?: number | string | undefined | null;\n optimum?: number | undefined | null;\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLQuoteAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement> {\n cite?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLObjectAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLObjectElement> {\n classid?: string | undefined | null;\n data?: string | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n usemap?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n wmode?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLOlAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLOListElement> {\n reversed?: boolean | undefined | null;\n start?: number | undefined | null;\n type?: '1' | 'a' | 'A' | 'i' | 'I' | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLOptgroupAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLOptGroupElement> {\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n label?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLOptionAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLOptionElement> {\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n label?: string | undefined | null;\n selected?: boolean | undefined | null;\n value?: any;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLOutputAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLOutputElement> {\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n for?: string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLParamAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLParamElement> {\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLProgressAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLProgressElement> {\n max?: number | string | undefined | null;\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLSlotAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLSlotElement> {\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLScriptAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLScriptElement> {\n async?: boolean | undefined | null;\n /** @deprecated */\n charset?: string | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;\n defer?: boolean | undefined | null;\n integrity?: string | undefined | null;\n nomodule?: boolean | undefined | null;\n nonce?: string | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLSelectAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement> {\n autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n multiple?: boolean | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n required?: boolean | undefined | null;\n size?: number | undefined | null;\n value?: any;\n\n 'on:change'?: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLSelectElement> | undefined | null;\n\n 'bind:value'?: any;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLSourceAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLSourceElement> {\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n sizes?: string | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n srcset?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLStyleAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLStyleElement> {\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n nonce?: string | undefined | null;\n scoped?: boolean | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLTableAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableElement> {\n align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | undefined | null;\n bgcolor?: string | undefined | null;\n border?: number | undefined | null;\n cellpadding?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cellspacing?: number | string | undefined | null;\n frame?: boolean | undefined | null;\n rules?: 'none' | 'groups' | 'rows' | 'columns' | 'all' | undefined | null;\n summary?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLTextareaAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement> {\n autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;\n cols?: number | undefined | null;\n dirname?: string | undefined | null;\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n maxlength?: number | undefined | null;\n minlength?: number | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n placeholder?: string | undefined | null;\n readonly?: boolean | undefined | null;\n required?: boolean | undefined | null;\n rows?: number | undefined | null;\n value?: string | string[] | number | undefined | null;\n wrap?: string | undefined | null;\n\n 'on:change'?: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> | undefined | null;\n\n 'bind:value'?: any;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLTdAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableCellElement> {\n align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify' | 'char' | undefined | null;\n colspan?: number | undefined | null;\n headers?: string | undefined | null;\n rowspan?: number | undefined | null;\n scope?: string | undefined | null;\n abbr?: string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n valign?: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' | 'baseline' | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLThAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableCellElement> {\n align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify' | 'char' | undefined | null;\n colspan?: number | undefined | null;\n headers?: string | undefined | null;\n rowspan?: number | undefined | null;\n scope?: string | undefined | null;\n abbr?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLTimeAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTimeElement> {\n datetime?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLTrackAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLTrackElement> {\n default?: boolean | undefined | null;\n kind?: string | undefined | null;\n label?: string | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n srclang?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLVideoAttributes extends HTMLMediaAttributes<HTMLVideoElement> {\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n playsinline?: boolean | undefined | null;\n poster?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n disablepictureinpicture?: boolean | undefined | null;\n disableremoteplayback?: boolean | undefined | null;\n\n readonly 'bind:videoWidth'?: number | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:videoHeight'?: number | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface SvelteMediaTimeRange {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n}\n\nexport interface SvelteDocumentAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<Document> {\n readonly 'bind:fullscreenElement'?: Document['fullscreenElement'] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:visibilityState'?: Document['visibilityState'] | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface SvelteWindowAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<Window> {\n readonly 'bind:innerWidth'?: Window['innerWidth'] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:innerHeight'?: Window['innerHeight'] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:outerWidth'?: Window['outerWidth'] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:outerHeight'?: Window['outerHeight'] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:devicePixelRatio'?: Window['devicePixelRatio'] | undefined | null;\n 'bind:scrollX'?: Window['scrollX'] | undefined | null;\n 'bind:scrollY'?: Window['scrollY'] | undefined | null;\n readonly 'bind:online'?: Window['navigator']['onLine'] | undefined | null;\n\n // SvelteKit\n 'on:sveltekit:start'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:sveltekit:navigation-start'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:sveltekit:navigation-end'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n\n 'on:devicelight'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:beforeinstallprompt'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:deviceproximity'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:paint'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:userproximity'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:beforeprint'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:afterprint'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:languagechange'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:orientationchange'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:message'?: EventHandler<MessageEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:messageerror'?: EventHandler<MessageEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:offline'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:online'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:beforeunload'?: EventHandler<BeforeUnloadEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:unload'?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:storage'?: EventHandler<StorageEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:hashchange'?: EventHandler<HashChangeEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pagehide'?: EventHandler<PageTransitionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:pageshow'?: EventHandler<PageTransitionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:popstate'?: EventHandler<PopStateEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:devicemotion'?: EventHandler<DeviceMotionEvent> | undefined | null;\n 'on:deviceorientation'?: EventHandler<DeviceOrientationEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:deviceorientationabsolute'?: EventHandler<DeviceOrientationEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:unhandledrejection'?: EventHandler<PromiseRejectionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'on:rejectionhandled'?: EventHandler<PromiseRejectionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface SVGAttributes<T extends EventTarget> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {\n // Attributes which also defined in HTMLAttributes\n className?: string | undefined | null;\n class?: string | undefined | null;\n color?: string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n id?: string | undefined | null;\n lang?: string | undefined | null;\n max?: number | string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n method?: string | undefined | null;\n min?: number | string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n style?: string | undefined | null;\n target?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n\n // Other HTML properties supported by SVG elements in browsers\n role?: AriaRole | undefined | null;\n tabindex?: number | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;\n\n // SVG Specific attributes\n 'accent-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n accumulate?: 'none' | 'sum' | undefined | null;\n additive?: 'replace' | 'sum' | undefined | null;\n 'alignment-baseline'?:\n | 'auto'\n | 'baseline'\n | 'before-edge'\n | 'text-before-edge'\n | 'middle'\n | 'central'\n | 'after-edge'\n | 'text-after-edge'\n | 'ideographic'\n | 'alphabetic'\n | 'hanging'\n | 'mathematical'\n | 'inherit'\n | undefined\n | null;\n allowReorder?: 'no' | 'yes' | undefined | null;\n alphabetic?: number | string | undefined | null;\n amplitude?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'arabic-form'?: 'initial' | 'medial' | 'terminal' | 'isolated' | undefined | null;\n ascent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n attributeName?: string | undefined | null;\n attributeType?: string | undefined | null;\n autoReverse?: number | string | undefined | null;\n azimuth?: number | string | undefined | null;\n baseFrequency?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'baseline-shift'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n baseProfile?: number | string | undefined | null;\n bbox?: number | string | undefined | null;\n begin?: number | string | undefined | null;\n bias?: number | string | undefined | null;\n by?: number | string | undefined | null;\n calcMode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'cap-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n clip?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'clip-path'?: string | undefined | null;\n clipPathUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'clip-rule'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'color-interpolation'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 'sRGB' | 'linearRGB' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n 'color-profile'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'color-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n contentScriptType?: number | string | undefined | null;\n contentStyleType?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cursor?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cy?: number | string | undefined | null;\n d?: string | undefined | null;\n decelerate?: number | string | undefined | null;\n descent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n diffuseConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;\n direction?: number | string | undefined | null;\n display?: number | string | undefined | null;\n divisor?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'dominant-baseline'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n dur?: number | string | undefined | null;\n dx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n dy?: number | string | undefined | null;\n edgeMode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n elevation?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'enable-background'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n end?: number | string | undefined | null;\n exponent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n externalResourcesRequired?: number | string | undefined | null;\n fill?: string | undefined | null;\n 'fill-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'fill-rule'?: 'nonzero' | 'evenodd' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n filter?: string | undefined | null;\n filterRes?: number | string | undefined | null;\n filterUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'flood-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'flood-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n focusable?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-family'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'font-size'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-size-adjust'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-stretch'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-style'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-variant'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-weight'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n format?: number | string | undefined | null;\n from?: number | string | undefined | null;\n fx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n fy?: number | string | undefined | null;\n g1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n g2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'glyph-name'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'glyph-orientation-horizontal'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'glyph-orientation-vertical'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n glyphRef?: number | string | undefined | null;\n gradientTransform?: string | undefined | null;\n gradientUnits?: string | undefined | null;\n hanging?: number | string | undefined | null;\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n 'horiz-adv-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'horiz-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n ideographic?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'image-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n in2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n in?: string | undefined | null;\n intercept?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k3?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k4?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k?: number | string | undefined | null;\n kernelMatrix?: number | string | undefined | null;\n kernelUnitLength?: number | string | undefined | null;\n kerning?: number | string | undefined | null;\n keyPoints?: number | string | undefined | null;\n keySplines?: number | string | undefined | null;\n keyTimes?: number | string | undefined | null;\n lengthAdjust?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'letter-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'lighting-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n limitingConeAngle?: number | string | undefined | null;\n local?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'marker-end'?: string | undefined | null;\n markerHeight?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'marker-mid'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'marker-start'?: string | undefined | null;\n markerUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n markerWidth?: number | string | undefined | null;\n mask?: string | undefined | null;\n maskContentUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n maskUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n mathematical?: number | string | undefined | null;\n mode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n numOctaves?: number | string | undefined | null;\n offset?: number | string | undefined | null;\n opacity?: number | string | undefined | null;\n operator?: number | string | undefined | null;\n order?: number | string | undefined | null;\n orient?: number | string | undefined | null;\n orientation?: number | string | undefined | null;\n origin?: number | string | undefined | null;\n overflow?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'overline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'overline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'paint-order'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'panose-1'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n path?: string | undefined | null;\n pathLength?: number | string | undefined | null;\n patternContentUnits?: string | undefined | null;\n patternTransform?: number | string | undefined | null;\n patternUnits?: string | undefined | null;\n 'pointer-events'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n points?: string | undefined | null;\n pointsAtX?: number | string | undefined | null;\n pointsAtY?: number | string | undefined | null;\n pointsAtZ?: number | string | undefined | null;\n preserveAlpha?: number | string | undefined | null;\n preserveAspectRatio?: string | undefined | null;\n primitiveUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n r?: number | string | undefined | null;\n radius?: number | string | undefined | null;\n refX?: number | string | undefined | null;\n refY?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'rendering-intent'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n repeatCount?: number | string | undefined | null;\n repeatDur?: number | string | undefined | null;\n requiredExtensions?: number | string | undefined | null;\n requiredFeatures?: number | string | undefined | null;\n restart?: number | string | undefined | null;\n result?: string | undefined | null;\n rotate?: number | string | undefined | null;\n rx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n ry?: number | string | undefined | null;\n scale?: number | string | undefined | null;\n seed?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'shape-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n slope?: number | string | undefined | null;\n spacing?: number | string | undefined | null;\n specularConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;\n specularExponent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n speed?: number | string | undefined | null;\n spreadMethod?: string | undefined | null;\n startOffset?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stdDeviation?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stemh?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stemv?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stitchTiles?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'stop-color'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'stop-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'strikethrough-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'strikethrough-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n string?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stroke?: string | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-dasharray'?: string | number | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-dashoffset'?: string | number | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-linecap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-linejoin'?: 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-miterlimit'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-width'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n surfaceScale?: number | string | undefined | null;\n systemLanguage?: number | string | undefined | null;\n tableValues?: number | string | undefined | null;\n targetX?: number | string | undefined | null;\n targetY?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'text-anchor'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'text-decoration'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n textLength?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'text-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n to?: number | string | undefined | null;\n transform?: string | undefined | null;\n u1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n u2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'underline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'underline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n unicode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'unicode-bidi'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'unicode-range'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'units-per-em'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-alphabetic'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n values?: string | undefined | null;\n 'vector-effect'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n version?: string | undefined | null;\n 'vert-adv-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'vert-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'vert-origin-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-hanging'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-ideographic'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n viewBox?: string | undefined | null;\n viewTarget?: number | string | undefined | null;\n visibility?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-mathematical'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n widths?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'word-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'writing-mode'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n x1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n x2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n x?: number | string | undefined | null;\n xChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;\n 'x-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:actuate'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:arcrole'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:href'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:role'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:show'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:title'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xlink:type'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xml:base'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xml:lang'?: string | undefined | null;\n xmlns?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xmlns:xlink'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'xml:space'?: string | undefined | null;\n y1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n y2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n y?: number | string | undefined | null;\n yChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;\n z?: number | string | undefined | null;\n zoomAndPan?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\nexport interface HTMLWebViewAttributes extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {\n allowfullscreen?: boolean | undefined | null;\n allowpopups?: boolean | undefined | null;\n autosize?: boolean | undefined | null;\n blinkfeatures?: string | undefined | null;\n disableblinkfeatures?: string | undefined | null;\n disableguestresize?: boolean | undefined | null;\n disablewebsecurity?: boolean | undefined | null;\n guestinstance?: string | undefined | null;\n httpreferrer?: string | undefined | null;\n nodeintegration?: boolean | undefined | null;\n partition?: string | undefined | null;\n plugins?: boolean | undefined | null;\n preload?: string | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n useragent?: string | undefined | null;\n webpreferences?: string | undefined | null;\n}\n\n//\n// DOM Elements\n// ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nexport interface SvelteHTMLElements {\n a: HTMLAnchorAttributes;\n abbr: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n address: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n area: HTMLAreaAttributes;\n article: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n aside: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n audio: HTMLAudioAttributes;\n b: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n base: HTMLBaseAttributes;\n bdi: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n bdo: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n big: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n blockquote: HTMLBlockquoteAttributes;\n body: HTMLAttributes<HTMLBodyElement>;\n br: HTMLAttributes<HTMLBRElement>;\n button: HTMLButtonAttributes;\n canvas: HTMLCanvasAttributes;\n caption: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n cite: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n code: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n col: HTMLColAttributes;\n colgroup: HTMLColgroupAttributes;\n data: HTMLDataAttributes;\n datalist: HTMLAttributes<HTMLDataListElement>;\n dd: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n del: HTMLDelAttributes;\n details: HTMLDetailsAttributes;\n dfn: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n dialog: HTMLDialogAttributes;\n div: HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;\n dl: HTMLAttributes<HTMLDListElement>;\n dt: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n em: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n embed: HTMLEmbedAttributes;\n fieldset: HTMLFieldsetAttributes;\n figcaption: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n figure: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n footer: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n form: HTMLFormAttributes;\n h1: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h2: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h3: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h4: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h5: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h6: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n head: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n header: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n hgroup: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n hr: HTMLAttributes<HTMLHRElement>;\n html: HTMLHtmlAttributes;\n i: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n iframe: HTMLIframeAttributes;\n img: HTMLImgAttributes;\n input: HTMLInputAttributes;\n ins: HTMLInsAttributes;\n kbd: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n keygen: HTMLKeygenAttributes;\n label: HTMLLabelAttributes;\n legend: HTMLAttributes<HTMLLegendElement>;\n li: HTMLLiAttributes;\n link: HTMLLinkAttributes;\n main: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n map: HTMLMapAttributes;\n mark: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n menu: HTMLMenuAttributes;\n menuitem: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n meta: HTMLMetaAttributes;\n meter: HTMLMeterAttributes;\n nav: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n noscript: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n object: HTMLObjectAttributes;\n ol: HTMLOlAttributes;\n optgroup: HTMLOptgroupAttributes;\n option: HTMLOptionAttributes;\n output: HTMLOutputAttributes;\n p: HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>;\n param: HTMLParamAttributes;\n picture: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n pre: HTMLAttributes<HTMLPreElement>;\n progress: HTMLProgressAttributes;\n q: HTMLQuoteAttributes;\n rp: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n rt: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n ruby: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n s: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n samp: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n slot: HTMLSlotAttributes;\n script: HTMLScriptAttributes;\n section: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n select: HTMLSelectAttributes;\n small: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n source: HTMLSourceAttributes;\n span: HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>;\n strong: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n style: HTMLStyleAttributes;\n sub: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n summary: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n sup: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n table: HTMLTableAttributes;\n template: HTMLAttributes<HTMLTemplateElement>;\n tbody: HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;\n td: HTMLTdAttributes;\n textarea: HTMLTextareaAttributes;\n tfoot: HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;\n th: HTMLThAttributes;\n thead: HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;\n time: HTMLTimeAttributes;\n title: HTMLAttributes<HTMLTitleElement>;\n tr: HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableRowElement>;\n track: HTMLTrackAttributes;\n u: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n ul: HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>;\n var: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n video: HTMLVideoAttributes;\n wbr: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n webview: HTMLWebViewAttributes;\n // SVG\n svg: SVGAttributes<SVGSVGElement>;\n\n animate: SVGAttributes<SVGAnimateElement>;\n animateMotion: SVGAttributes<SVGElement>;\n animateTransform: SVGAttributes<SVGAnimateTransformElement>;\n circle: SVGAttributes<SVGCircleElement>;\n clipPath: SVGAttributes<SVGClipPathElement>;\n defs: SVGAttributes<SVGDefsElement>;\n desc: SVGAttributes<SVGDescElement>;\n ellipse: SVGAttributes<SVGEllipseElement>;\n feBlend: SVGAttributes<SVGFEBlendElement>;\n feColorMatrix: SVGAttributes<SVGFEColorMatrixElement>;\n feComponentTransfer: SVGAttributes<SVGFEComponentTransferElement>;\n feComposite: SVGAttributes<SVGFECompositeElement>;\n feConvolveMatrix: SVGAttributes<SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement>;\n feDiffuseLighting: SVGAttributes<SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement>;\n feDisplacementMap: SVGAttributes<SVGFEDisplacementMapElement>;\n feDistantLight: SVGAttributes<SVGFEDistantLightElement>;\n feDropShadow: SVGAttributes<SVGFEDropShadowElement>;\n feFlood: SVGAttributes<SVGFEFloodElement>;\n feFuncA: SVGAttributes<SVGFEFuncAElement>;\n feFuncB: SVGAttributes<SVGFEFuncBElement>;\n feFuncG: SVGAttributes<SVGFEFuncGElement>;\n feFuncR: SVGAttributes<SVGFEFuncRElement>;\n feGaussianBlur: SVGAttributes<SVGFEGaussianBlurElement>;\n feImage: SVGAttributes<SVGFEImageElement>;\n feMerge: SVGAttributes<SVGFEMergeElement>;\n feMergeNode: SVGAttributes<SVGFEMergeNodeElement>;\n feMorphology: SVGAttributes<SVGFEMorphologyElement>;\n feOffset: SVGAttributes<SVGFEOffsetElement>;\n fePointLight: SVGAttributes<SVGFEPointLightElement>;\n feSpecularLighting: SVGAttributes<SVGFESpecularLightingElement>;\n feSpotLight: SVGAttributes<SVGFESpotLightElement>;\n feTile: SVGAttributes<SVGFETileElement>;\n feTurbulence: SVGAttributes<SVGFETurbulenceElement>;\n filter: SVGAttributes<SVGFilterElement>;\n foreignObject: SVGAttributes<SVGForeignObjectElement>;\n g: SVGAttributes<SVGGElement>;\n image: SVGAttributes<SVGImageElement>;\n line: SVGAttributes<SVGLineElement>;\n linearGradient: SVGAttributes<SVGLinearGradientElement>;\n marker: SVGAttributes<SVGMarkerElement>;\n mask: SVGAttributes<SVGMaskElement>;\n metadata: SVGAttributes<SVGMetadataElement>;\n mpath: SVGAttributes<SVGElement>;\n path: SVGAttributes<SVGPathElement>;\n pattern: SVGAttributes<SVGPatternElement>;\n polygon: SVGAttributes<SVGPolygonElement>;\n polyline: SVGAttributes<SVGPolylineElement>;\n radialGradient: SVGAttributes<SVGRadialGradientElement>;\n rect: SVGAttributes<SVGRectElement>;\n stop: SVGAttributes<SVGStopElement>;\n switch: SVGAttributes<SVGSwitchElement>;\n symbol: SVGAttributes<SVGSymbolElement>;\n text: SVGAttributes<SVGTextElement>;\n textPath: SVGAttributes<SVGTextPathElement>;\n tspan: SVGAttributes<SVGTSpanElement>;\n use: SVGAttributes<SVGUseElement>;\n view: SVGAttributes<SVGViewElement>;\n\n // Svelte specific\n 'svelte:window': SvelteWindowAttributes;\n 'svelte:document': SvelteDocumentAttributes;\n 'svelte:body': HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;\n 'svelte:fragment': { slot?: string };\n 'svelte:options': {\n customElement?:\n | string\n | undefined\n | {\n tag: string;\n shadow?: 'open' | 'none' | undefined;\n props?:\n | Record<\n string,\n {\n attribute?: string;\n reflect?: boolean;\n type?: 'String' | 'Boolean' | 'Number' | 'Array' | 'Object';\n }\n >\n | undefined;\n extend?: (\n svelteCustomElementClass: new () => HTMLElement\n ) => new () => HTMLElement | undefined;\n };\n immutable?: boolean | undefined;\n accessors?: boolean | undefined;\n namespace?: string | undefined;\n [name: string]: any;\n };\n 'svelte:head': { [name: string]: any };\n\n [name: string]: { [name: string]: any };\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_5 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_6 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_7 = "export interface CssNode {\n type: string;\n start: number;\n end: number;\n [prop_name: string]: any;\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_8 = "import Tag from './shared/Tag';\nimport Action from './Action';\nimport Animation from './Animation';\nimport Attribute from './Attribute';\nimport AwaitBlock from './AwaitBlock';\nimport Binding from './Binding';\nimport Body from './Body';\nimport CatchBlock from './CatchBlock';\nimport Class from './Class';\nimport StyleDirective from './StyleDirective';\nimport Comment from './Comment';\nimport ConstTag from './ConstTag';\nimport DebugTag from './DebugTag';\nimport Document from './Document';\nimport EachBlock from './EachBlock';\nimport Element from './Element';\nimport ElseBlock from './ElseBlock';\nimport EventHandler from './EventHandler';\nimport Fragment from './Fragment';\nimport Head from './Head';\nimport IfBlock from './IfBlock';\nimport InlineComponent from './InlineComponent';\nimport KeyBlock from './KeyBlock';\nimport Let from './Let';\nimport MustacheTag from './MustacheTag';\nimport Options from './Options';\nimport PendingBlock from './PendingBlock';\nimport RawMustacheTag from './RawMustacheTag';\nimport Slot from './Slot';\nimport SlotTemplate from './SlotTemplate';\nimport Text from './Text';\nimport ThenBlock from './ThenBlock';\nimport Title from './Title';\nimport Transition from './Transition';\nimport Window from './Window';\n\n// note: to write less types each of types in union below should have type defined as literal\n//\nexport type INode =\n | Action\n | Animation\n | Attribute\n | AwaitBlock\n | Binding\n | Body\n | CatchBlock\n | Class\n | Comment\n | ConstTag\n | DebugTag\n | Document\n | EachBlock\n | Element\n | ElseBlock\n | EventHandler\n | Fragment\n | Head\n | IfBlock\n | InlineComponent\n | KeyBlock\n | Let\n | MustacheTag\n | Options\n | PendingBlock\n | RawMustacheTag\n | Slot\n | SlotTemplate\n | StyleDirective\n | Tag\n | Text\n | ThenBlock\n | Title\n | Transition\n | Window;\n\nexport type INodeAllowConstTag =\n | IfBlock\n | ElseBlock\n | EachBlock\n | CatchBlock\n | ThenBlock\n | InlineComponent\n | SlotTemplate;\n";
const __vite_glob_0_9 = "import { CompileOptions } from '../../interfaces.js';\n\nexport interface RenderOptions extends CompileOptions {\n locate: (c: number) => { line: number; column: number };\n head_id?: string;\n has_added_svelte_hash?: boolean;\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_10 = "import { AssignmentExpression, Node, Program } from 'estree';\nimport { SourceMap } from 'magic-string';\n\ninterface BaseNode {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n type: string;\n children?: TemplateNode[];\n [prop_name: string]: any;\n}\n\nexport interface Fragment extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Fragment';\n children: TemplateNode[];\n}\n\nexport interface Text extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Text';\n data: string;\n}\n\nexport interface MustacheTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'MustacheTag' | 'RawMustacheTag';\n expression: Node;\n}\n\nexport interface Comment extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Comment';\n data: string;\n ignores: string[];\n}\n\nexport interface ConstTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'ConstTag';\n expression: AssignmentExpression;\n}\n\ninterface DebugTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'DebugTag';\n identifiers: Node[];\n}\n\nexport type DirectiveType =\n | 'Action'\n | 'Animation'\n | 'Binding'\n | 'Class'\n | 'StyleDirective'\n | 'EventHandler'\n | 'Let'\n | 'Ref'\n | 'Transition';\n\nexport interface BaseDirective extends BaseNode {\n type: DirectiveType;\n name: string;\n}\n\ninterface BaseExpressionDirective extends BaseDirective {\n type: DirectiveType;\n expression: null | Node;\n name: string;\n modifiers: string[];\n}\n\nexport interface Element extends BaseNode {\n type:\n | 'InlineComponent'\n | 'SlotTemplate'\n | 'Title'\n | 'Slot'\n | 'Element'\n | 'Head'\n | 'Options'\n | 'Window'\n | 'Document'\n | 'Body';\n attributes: Array<BaseDirective | Attribute | SpreadAttribute>;\n name: string;\n}\n\nexport interface Attribute extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Attribute';\n name: string;\n value: any[];\n}\n\nexport interface SpreadAttribute extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Spread';\n expression: Node;\n}\n\nexport interface Transition extends BaseExpressionDirective {\n type: 'Transition';\n intro: boolean;\n outro: boolean;\n}\n\nexport type Directive = BaseDirective | BaseExpressionDirective | Transition;\n\nexport type TemplateNode =\n | Text\n | ConstTag\n | DebugTag\n | MustacheTag\n | BaseNode\n | Element\n | Attribute\n | SpreadAttribute\n | Directive\n | Transition\n | Comment;\n\nexport interface Parser {\n readonly template: string;\n readonly filename?: string;\n\n index: number;\n stack: Node[];\n\n html: Node;\n css: Node;\n js: Node;\n meta_tags: {};\n}\n\nexport interface Script extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Script';\n context: string;\n content: Program;\n}\n\nexport interface Style extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Style';\n attributes: any[]; // TODO\n children: any[]; // TODO add CSS node types\n content: {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n styles: string;\n };\n}\n\nexport interface Ast {\n html: TemplateNode;\n css?: Style;\n instance?: Script;\n module?: Script;\n}\n\nexport interface Warning {\n start?: { line: number; column: number; pos?: number };\n end?: { line: number; column: number };\n pos?: number;\n code: string;\n message: string;\n filename?: string;\n frame?: string;\n toString: () => string;\n}\n\nexport type EnableSourcemap = boolean | { js: boolean; css: boolean };\n\nexport type CssHashGetter = (args: {\n name: string;\n filename: string | undefined;\n css: string;\n hash: (input: string) => string;\n}) => string;\n\nexport interface CompileOptions {\n /**\n * Sets the name of the resulting JavaScript class (though the compiler will rename it if it would otherwise conflict with other variables in scope).\n * It will normally be inferred from `filename`\n *\n * @default 'Component'\n */\n name?: string;\n\n /**\n * Used for debugging hints and sourcemaps. Your bundler plugin will set it automatically.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n filename?: string;\n\n /**\n * If `\"dom\"`, Svelte emits a JavaScript class for mounting to the DOM.\n * If `\"ssr\"`, Svelte emits an object with a `render` method suitable for server-side rendering.\n * If `false`, no JavaScript or CSS is returned; just metadata.\n *\n * @default 'dom'\n */\n generate?: 'dom' | 'ssr' | false;\n\n /**\n * If `\"throw\"`, Svelte throws when a compilation error occurred.\n * If `\"warn\"`, Svelte will treat errors as warnings and add them to the warning report.\n *\n * @default 'throw'\n */\n errorMode?: 'throw' | 'warn';\n\n /**\n * If `\"strict\"`, Svelte returns a variables report with only variables that are not globals nor internals.\n * If `\"full\"`, Svelte returns a variables report with all detected variables.\n * If `false`, no variables report is returned.\n *\n * @default 'strict'\n */\n varsReport?: 'full' | 'strict' | false;\n\n /**\n * An initial sourcemap that will be merged into the final output sourcemap.\n * This is usually the preprocessor sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n sourcemap?: object | string;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, Svelte generate sourcemaps for components.\n * Use an object with `js` or `css` for more granular control of sourcemap generation.\n *\n * @default true\n */\n enableSourcemap?: EnableSourcemap;\n\n /**\n * Used for your JavaScript sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n outputFilename?: string;\n\n /**\n * Used for your CSS sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n cssOutputFilename?: string;\n\n /**\n * The location of the `svelte` package.\n * Any imports from `svelte` or `svelte/[module]` will be modified accordingly.\n *\n * @default 'svelte'\n */\n sveltePath?: string;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, causes extra code to be added to components that will perform runtime checks and provide debugging information during development.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n dev?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, getters and setters will be created for the component's props. If `false`, they will only be created for readonly exported values (i.e. those declared with `const`, `class` and `function`). If compiling with `customElement: true` this option defaults to `true`.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n accessors?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, tells the compiler that you promise not to mutate any objects.\n * This allows it to be less conservative about checking whether values have changed.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n immutable?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true` when generating DOM code, enables the `hydrate: true` runtime option, which allows a component to upgrade existing DOM rather than creating new DOM from scratch.\n * When generating SSR code, this adds markers to `<head>` elements so that hydration knows which to replace.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n hydratable?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, generates code that will work in IE9 and IE10, which don't support things like `element.dataset`.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n legacy?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, tells the compiler to generate a custom element constructor instead of a regular Svelte component.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n customElement?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `string` that tells Svelte what tag name to register the custom element with.\n * It must be a lowercase alphanumeric string with at least one hyphen, e.g. `\"my-element\"`.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n tag?: string;\n\n /**\n * - `'injected'` (formerly `true`), styles will be included in the JavaScript class and injected at runtime for the components actually rendered.\n * - `'external'` (formerly `false`), the CSS will be returned in the `css` field of the compilation result. Most Svelte bundler plugins will set this to `'external'` and use the CSS that is statically generated for better performance, as it will result in smaller JavaScript bundles and the output can be served as cacheable `.css` files.\n * - `'none'`, styles are completely avoided and no CSS output is generated.\n */\n css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `number` that tells Svelte to break the loop if it blocks the thread for more than `loopGuardTimeout` ms.\n * This is useful to prevent infinite loops.\n * **Only available when `dev: true`**.\n *\n * @default 0\n */\n loopGuardTimeout?: number;\n\n /**\n * The namespace of the element; e.g., `\"mathml\"`, `\"svg\"`, `\"foreign\"`.\n *\n * @default 'html'\n */\n namespace?: string;\n\n /**\n * A function that takes a `{ hash, css, name, filename }` argument and returns the string that is used as a classname for scoped CSS.\n * It defaults to returning `svelte-${hash(css)}`.\n *\n * @default undefined\n */\n cssHash?: CssHashGetter;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, your HTML comments will be preserved during server-side rendering. By default, they are stripped out.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n preserveComments?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, whitespace inside and between elements is kept as you typed it, rather than removed or collapsed to a single space where possible.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n preserveWhitespace?: boolean;\n /**\n * If `true`, exposes the Svelte major version on the global `window` object in the browser.\n *\n * @default true\n */\n discloseVersion?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface ParserOptions {\n filename?: string;\n customElement?: boolean;\n css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface Visitor {\n enter: (node: Node) => void;\n leave?: (node: Node) => void;\n}\n\nexport interface AppendTarget {\n slots: Record<string, string>;\n slot_stack: string[];\n}\n\nexport interface Var {\n name: string;\n /** the `bar` in `export { foo as bar }` or `export let bar` */\n export_name?: string;\n /** true if assigned a boolean default value (`export let foo = true`) */\n is_boolean?: boolean;\n injected?: boolean;\n module?: boolean;\n mutated?: boolean;\n reassigned?: boolean;\n referenced?: boolean; // referenced from template scope\n referenced_from_script?: boolean; // referenced from script\n writable?: boolean;\n\n // used internally, but not exposed\n global?: boolean;\n internal?: boolean; // event handlers, bindings\n initialised?: boolean;\n hoistable?: boolean;\n subscribable?: boolean;\n is_reactive_dependency?: boolean;\n imported?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface CssResult {\n code: string;\n map: SourceMap;\n}\n\n/** The returned shape of `compile` from `svelte/compiler` */\nexport interface CompileResult {\n /** The resulting JavaScript code from compling the component */\n js: {\n /** Code as a string */\n code: string;\n /** A source map */\n map: any;\n };\n /** The resulting CSS code from compling the component */\n css: CssResult;\n /** The abstract syntax tree representing the structure of the component */\n ast: Ast;\n /**\n * An array of warning objects that were generated during compilation. Each warning has several properties:\n * - code is a string identifying the category of warning\n * - message describes the issue in human-readable terms\n * - start and end, if the warning relates to a specific location, are objects with line, column and character properties\n * - frame, if applicable, is a string highlighting the offending code with line numbers\n * */\n warnings: Warning[];\n /** An array of the component's declarations used by tooling in the ecosystem (like our ESLint plugin) to infer more information */\n vars: Var[];\n /** An object used by the Svelte developer team for diagnosing the compiler. Avoid relying on it to stay the same! */\n stats: {\n timings: {\n total: number;\n };\n };\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_11 = "import { DecodedSourceMap } from '@ampproject/remapping';\nimport { Location } from 'locate-character';\nimport { MappedCode } from '../utils/mapped_code.js';\n\nexport interface Source {\n source: string;\n get_location: (search: number) => Location;\n file_basename: string;\n filename?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface SourceUpdate {\n string?: string;\n map?: DecodedSourceMap;\n dependencies?: string[];\n}\n\nexport interface Replacement {\n offset: number;\n length: number;\n replacement: MappedCode;\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_12 = "/**\n * The result of a preprocessor run. If the preprocessor does not return a result, it is assumed that the code is unchanged.\n */\nexport interface Processed {\n /**\n * The new code\n */\n code: string;\n /**\n * A source map mapping back to the original code\n */\n map?: string | object; // we are opaque with the type here to avoid dependency on the remapping module for our public types.\n /**\n * A list of additional files to watch for changes\n */\n dependencies?: string[];\n /**\n * Only for script/style preprocessors: The updated attributes to set on the tag. If undefined, attributes stay unchanged.\n */\n attributes?: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n toString?: () => string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A markup preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.\n */\nexport type MarkupPreprocessor = (options: {\n /**\n * The whole Svelte file content\n */\n content: string;\n /**\n * The filename of the Svelte file\n */\n filename?: string;\n}) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;\n\n/**\n * A script/style preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.\n */\nexport type Preprocessor = (options: {\n /**\n * The script/style tag content\n */\n content: string;\n /**\n * The attributes on the script/style tag\n */\n attributes: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n /**\n * The whole Svelte file content\n */\n markup: string;\n /**\n * The filename of the Svelte file\n */\n filename?: string;\n}) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;\n\n/**\n * A preprocessor group is a set of preprocessors that are applied to a Svelte file.\n */\nexport interface PreprocessorGroup {\n /** Name of the preprocessor. Will be a required option in the next major version */\n name?: string;\n markup?: MarkupPreprocessor;\n style?: Preprocessor;\n script?: Preprocessor;\n}\n\n/**\n * Utility type to extract the type of a preprocessor from a preprocessor group\n */\nexport interface SveltePreprocessor<\n PreprocessorType extends keyof PreprocessorGroup,\n Options = any\n> {\n (options?: Options): Required<Pick<PreprocessorGroup, PreprocessorType>>;\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_13 = "export { CompileOptions, CompileResult, EnableSourcemap, CssHashGetter } from './interfaces';\nexport * from './preprocess/public.js';\nexport * from './index.js';\n";
const __vite_glob_0_14 = "/**\n * Actions can return an object containing the two properties defined in this interface. Both are optional.\n * - update: An action can have a parameter. This method will be called whenever that parameter changes,\n * immediately after Svelte has applied updates to the markup. `ActionReturn` and `ActionReturn<undefined>` both\n * mean that the action accepts no parameters.\n * - destroy: Method that is called after the element is unmounted\n *\n * Additionally, you can specify which additional attributes and events the action enables on the applied element.\n * This applies to TypeScript typings only and has no effect at runtime.\n *\n * Example usage:\n * ```ts\n * interface Attributes {\n * newprop?: string;\n * 'on:event': (e: CustomEvent<boolean>) => void;\n * }\n *\n * export function myAction(node: HTMLElement, parameter: Parameter): ActionReturn<Parameter, Attributes> {\n * // ...\n * return {\n * update: (updatedParameter) => {...},\n * destroy: () => {...}\n * };\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Docs:\n */\nexport interface ActionReturn<\n Parameter = undefined,\n Attributes extends Record<string, any> = Record<never, any>\n> {\n update?: (parameter: Parameter) => void;\n destroy?: () => void;\n /**\n * ### DO NOT USE THIS\n * This exists solely for type-checking and has no effect at runtime.\n * Set this through the `Attributes` generic instead.\n */\n $$_attributes?: Attributes;\n}\n\n/**\n * Actions are functions that are called when an element is created.\n * You can use this interface to type such actions.\n * The following example defines an action that only works on `<div>` elements\n * and optionally accepts a parameter which it has a default value for:\n * ```ts\n * export const myAction: Action<HTMLDivElement, { someProperty: boolean } | undefined> = (node, param = { someProperty: true }) => {\n * // ...\n * }\n * ```\n * `Action<HTMLDivElement>` and `Action<HTMLDiveElement, undefined>` both signal that the action accepts no parameters.\n *\n * You can return an object with methods `update` and `destroy` from the function and type which additional attributes and events it has.\n * See interface `ActionReturn` for more details.\n *\n * Docs:\n */\nexport interface Action<\n Element = HTMLElement,\n Parameter = undefined,\n Attributes extends Record<string, any> = Record<never, any>\n> {\n <Node extends Element>(\n ...args: undefined extends Parameter\n ? [node: Node, parameter?: Parameter]\n : [node: Node, parameter: Parameter]\n ): void | ActionReturn<Parameter, Attributes>;\n}\n\n// Implementation notes:\n// - undefined extends X instead of X extends undefined makes this work better with both strict and nonstrict mode\n";
const __vite_glob_0_15 = "declare module '*.svelte' {\n export { SvelteComponent as default } from 'svelte';\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_16 = "// todo: same as Transition, should it be shared?\nexport interface AnimationConfig {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: (t: number) => number;\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string;\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport interface FlipParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number | ((len: number) => number);\n easing?: (t: number) => number;\n}\n\nexport * from './index.js';\n";
const __vite_glob_0_17 = "import type { AnimationConfig } from '../animate/public.js';\n\nexport type AnimationFn = (\n node: Element,\n { from, to }: { from: PositionRect; to: PositionRect },\n params: any\n) => AnimationConfig;\n\nexport type Listener = (entry: ResizeObserverEntry) => any;\n\n//todo: documentation says it is DOMRect, but in IE it would be ClientRect\nexport type PositionRect = DOMRect | ClientRect;\n\nexport interface PromiseInfo<T> {\n ctx: null | any;\n // unique object instance as a key to compare different promises\n token: {};\n hasCatch: boolean;\n pending: FragmentFactory;\n then: FragmentFactory;\n catch: FragmentFactory;\n // ctx index for resolved value and rejected error\n value: number;\n error: number;\n // resolved value or rejected error\n resolved?: T;\n // the current factory function for creating the fragment\n current: FragmentFactory | null;\n // the current fragment\n block: Fragment | null;\n // tuple of the pending, then, catch fragment\n blocks: [null | Fragment, null | Fragment, null | Fragment];\n // DOM elements to mount and anchor on for the {#await} block\n mount: () => HTMLElement;\n anchor: HTMLElement;\n}\n\n// TODO: Remove this\nexport interface ResizeObserverSize {\n readonly blockSize: number;\n readonly inlineSize: number;\n}\n\nexport interface ResizeObserverEntry {\n readonly borderBoxSize: readonly ResizeObserverSize[];\n readonly contentBoxSize: readonly ResizeObserverSize[];\n readonly contentRect: DOMRectReadOnly;\n readonly devicePixelContentBoxSize: readonly ResizeObserverSize[];\n readonly target: Element;\n}\n\nexport type ResizeObserverBoxOptions = 'border-box' | 'content-box' | 'device-pixel-content-box';\n\nexport interface ResizeObserverOptions {\n box?: ResizeObserverBoxOptions;\n}\n\nexport interface ResizeObserver {\n disconnect(): void;\n observe(target: Element, options?: ResizeObserverOptions): void;\n unobserve(target: Element): void;\n}\n\nexport interface ResizeObserverCallback {\n (entries: ResizeObserverEntry[], observer: ResizeObserver): void;\n}\n\nexport declare let ResizeObserver: {\n prototype: ResizeObserver;\n new (callback: ResizeObserverCallback): ResizeObserver;\n};\n\nexport interface StyleInformation {\n stylesheet: CSSStyleSheet;\n rules: Record<string, true>;\n}\n\nexport type TaskCallback = (now: number) => boolean | void;\n\nexport type TaskEntry = { c: TaskCallback; f: () => void };\n\n/**\n * INTERNAL, DO NOT USE. Code may change at any time.\n */\nexport interface Fragment {\n key: string | null;\n first: null;\n /* create */ c: () => void;\n /* claim */ l: (nodes: any) => void;\n /* hydrate */ h: () => void;\n /* mount */ m: (target: HTMLElement, anchor: any) => void;\n /* update */ p: (ctx: T$$['ctx'], dirty: T$$['dirty']) => void;\n /* measure */ r: () => void;\n /* fix */ f: () => void;\n /* animate */ a: () => void;\n /* intro */ i: (local: any) => void;\n /* outro */ o: (local: any) => void;\n /* destroy */ d: (detaching: 0 | 1) => void;\n}\n\nexport type FragmentFactory = (ctx: any) => Fragment;\n\nexport interface T$$ {\n dirty: number[];\n ctx: any[];\n bound: any;\n update: () => void;\n callbacks: any;\n after_update: any[];\n props: Record<string, 0 | string>;\n fragment: null | false | Fragment;\n not_equal: any;\n before_update: any[];\n context: Map<any, any>;\n on_mount: any[];\n on_destroy: any[];\n skip_bound: boolean;\n on_disconnect: any[];\n root: Element | ShadowRoot;\n}\n\nexport interface Task {\n abort(): void;\n promise: Promise<void>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Anything except a function\n */\ntype NotFunction<T> = T extends Function ? never : T;\n";
const __vite_glob_0_18 = "import { SvelteComponent } from './Component.js';\nimport { SvelteComponentDev } from './dev.js';\n\nexport interface ComponentConstructorOptions<\n Props extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>\n> {\n target: Element | Document | ShadowRoot;\n anchor?: Element;\n props?: Props;\n context?: Map<any, any>;\n hydrate?: boolean;\n intro?: boolean;\n $$inline?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Convenience type to get the events the given component expects. Example:\n * ```html\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import type { ComponentEvents } from 'svelte';\n * import Component from './Component.svelte';\n *\n * function handleCloseEvent(event: ComponentEvents<Component>['close']) {\n * console.log(event.detail);\n * }\n * </script>\n *\n * <Component on:close={handleCloseEvent} />\n * ```\n */\nexport type ComponentEvents<Component extends SvelteComponent> =\n Component extends SvelteComponentDev<any, infer Events> ? Events : never;\n\n/**\n * Convenience type to get the props the given component expects. Example:\n * ```html\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import type { ComponentProps } from 'svelte';\n * import Component from './Component.svelte';\n *\n * const props: ComponentProps<Component> = { foo: 'bar' }; // Errors if these aren't the correct props\n * </script>\n * ```\n */\nexport type ComponentProps<Component extends SvelteComponent> =\n Component extends SvelteComponentDev<infer Props> ? Props : never;\n\n/**\n * Convenience type to get the type of a Svelte component. Useful for example in combination with\n * dynamic components using `<svelte:component>`.\n *\n * Example:\n * ```html\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import type { ComponentType, SvelteComponent } from 'svelte';\n * import Component1 from './Component1.svelte';\n * import Component2 from './Component2.svelte';\n *\n * const component: ComponentType = someLogic() ? Component1 : Component2;\n * const componentOfCertainSubType: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<{ needsThisProp: string }>> = someLogic() ? Component1 : Component2;\n * </script>\n *\n * <svelte:component this={component} />\n * <svelte:component this={componentOfCertainSubType} needsThisProp=\"hello\" />\n * ```\n */\nexport type ComponentType<Component extends SvelteComponentDev = SvelteComponentDev> = (new (\n options: ComponentConstructorOptions<\n Component extends SvelteComponentDev<infer Props> ? Props : Record<string, any>\n >\n) => Component) & {\n /** The custom element version of the component. Only present if compiled with the `customElement` compiler option */\n element?: typeof HTMLElement;\n};\n\nexport interface DispatchOptions {\n cancelable?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface EventDispatcher<EventMap extends Record<string, any>> {\n // Implementation notes:\n // - undefined extends X instead of X extends undefined makes this work better with both strict and nonstrict mode\n // - | null | undefined is added for convenience, as they are equivalent for the custom event constructor (both result in a null detail)\n <Type extends keyof EventMap>(\n ...args: null extends EventMap[Type]\n ? [type: Type, parameter?: EventMap[Type] | null | undefined, options?: DispatchOptions]\n : undefined extends EventMap[Type]\n ? [type: Type, parameter?: EventMap[Type] | null | undefined, options?: DispatchOptions]\n : [type: Type, parameter: EventMap[Type], options?: DispatchOptions]\n ): boolean;\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_19 = "import { Spring } from './public';\n\nexport interface TickContext<T> {\n inv_mass: number;\n dt: number;\n opts: Spring<T>;\n settled: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface SpringOpts {\n stiffness?: number;\n damping?: number;\n precision?: number;\n}\n\nexport interface SpringUpdateOpts {\n hard?: any;\n soft?: string | number | boolean;\n}\n\nexport type Updater<T> = (target_value: T, value: T) => T;\n\nexport interface TweenedOptions<T> {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number | ((from: T, to: T) => number);\n easing?: (t: number) => number;\n interpolate?: (a: T, b: T) => (t: number) => T;\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_0_20 = "import { Readable } from '../store/public.js';\nimport { SpringUpdateOpts, TweenedOptions, Updater } from './private';\n\nexport interface Spring<T> extends Readable<T> {\n set: (new_value: T, opts?: SpringUpdateOpts) => Promise<void>;\n update: (fn: Updater<T>, opts?: SpringUpdateOpts) => Promise<void>;\n precision: number;\n damping: number;\n stiffness: number;\n}\n\nexport interface Tweened<T> extends Readable<T> {\n set(value: T, opts?: TweenedOptions<T>): Promise<void>;\n update(updater: Updater<T>, opts?: TweenedOptions<T>): Promise<void>;\n}\n\nexport * from './index.js';\n";
const __vite_glob_0_21 = "import './ambient.js';\n\n// Types written in this particular order to work around a dts-buddy bug where it doesn't handle the\n// SvelteComponentDev as SvelteComponent alias correctly.\n// If that's fixed, we can do export * from './index.js' instead.\n\nexport {\n SvelteComponent,\n SvelteComponentTyped,\n onMount,\n onDestroy,\n beforeUpdate,\n afterUpdate,\n setContext,\n getContext,\n getAllContexts,\n hasContext,\n tick,\n createEventDispatcher\n} from './index.js';\n\nexport type {\n ComponentConstructorOptions,\n ComponentEvents,\n ComponentProps,\n ComponentType\n} from './internal/public.js';\n";
const __vite_glob_0_22 = "import { Readable, Subscriber } from './public.js';\n\n/** Cleanup logic callback. */\nexport type Invalidator<T> = (value?: T) => void;\n\n/** Pair of subscriber and invalidator. */\nexport type SubscribeInvalidateTuple<T> = [Subscriber<T>, Invalidator<T>];\n\n/** One or more `Readable`s. */\nexport type Stores =\n | Readable<any>\n | [Readable<any>, ...Array<Readable<any>>]\n | Array<Readable<any>>;\n\n/** One or more values from `Readable` stores. */\nexport type StoresValues<T> = T extends Readable<infer U>\n ? U\n : { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Readable<infer U> ? U : never };\n";
const __vite_glob_0_23 = "import { Invalidator } from './private.js';\n\n/** Callback to inform of a value updates. */\nexport type Subscriber<T> = (value: T) => void;\n\n/** Unsubscribes from value updates. */\nexport type Unsubscriber = () => void;\n\n/** Callback to update a value. */\nexport type Updater<T> = (value: T) => T;\n\n/**\n * Start and stop notification callbacks.\n * This function is called when the first subscriber subscribes.\n *\n * @param {(value: T) => void} set Function that sets the value of the store.\n * @param {(value: Updater<T>) => void} update Function that sets the value of the store after passing the current value to the update function.\n * @returns {void | (() => void)} Optionally, a cleanup function that is called when the last remaining\n * subscriber unsubscribes.\n */\nexport type StartStopNotifier<T> = (\n set: (value: T) => void,\n update: (fn: Updater<T>) => void\n) => void | (() => void);\n\n/** Readable interface for subscribing. */\nexport interface Readable<T> {\n /**\n * Subscribe on value changes.\n * @param run subscription callback\n * @param invalidate cleanup callback\n */\n subscribe(this: void, run: Subscriber<T>, invalidate?: Invalidator<T>): Unsubscriber;\n}\n\n/** Writable interface for both updating and subscribing. */\nexport interface Writable<T> extends Readable<T> {\n /**\n * Set value and inform subscribers.\n * @param value to set\n */\n set(this: void, value: T): void;\n\n /**\n * Update value using callback and inform subscribers.\n * @param updater callback\n */\n update(this: void, updater: Updater<T>): void;\n}\n\nexport * from './index.js';\n";
const __vite_glob_0_24 = "export type EasingFunction = (t: number) => number;\n\nexport interface TransitionConfig {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string;\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void;\n}\n\nexport interface BlurParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n amount?: number | string;\n opacity?: number;\n}\n\nexport interface FadeParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n}\n\nexport interface FlyParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n x?: number | string;\n y?: number | string;\n opacity?: number;\n}\n\nexport interface SlideParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n axis?: 'x' | 'y';\n}\n\nexport interface ScaleParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n start?: number;\n opacity?: number;\n}\n\nexport interface DrawParams {\n delay?: number;\n speed?: number;\n duration?: number | ((len: number) => number);\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n}\n\nexport interface CrossfadeParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number | ((len: number) => number);\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n}\n\nexport * from './index.js';\n";
const __vite_glob_0_25 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_26 = "import './types/index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_27 = "import '../index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_28 = "import '../index.js';";
const __vite_glob_0_29 = "declare module 'svelte' {\n export interface ComponentConstructorOptions<\n Props extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>\n > {\n target: Element | Document | ShadowRoot;\n anchor?: Element;\n props?: Props;\n context?: Map<any, any>;\n hydrate?: boolean;\n intro?: boolean;\n $$inline?: boolean;\n }\n\n /**\n * Convenience type to get the events the given component expects. Example:\n * ```html\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import type { ComponentEvents } from 'svelte';\n * import Component from './Component.svelte';\n *\n * function handleCloseEvent(event: ComponentEvents<Component>['close']) {\n * console.log(event.detail);\n * }\n * </script>\n *\n * <Component on:close={handleCloseEvent} />\n * ```\n */\n export type ComponentEvents<Component extends SvelteComponent_1> =\n Component extends SvelteComponent<any, infer Events> ? Events : never;\n\n /**\n * Convenience type to get the props the given component expects. Example:\n * ```html\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import type { ComponentProps } from 'svelte';\n * import Component from './Component.svelte';\n *\n * const props: ComponentProps<Component> = { foo: 'bar' }; // Errors if these aren't the correct props\n * </script>\n * ```\n */\n export type ComponentProps<Component extends SvelteComponent_1> =\n Component extends SvelteComponent<infer Props> ? Props : never;\n\n /**\n * Convenience type to get the type of a Svelte component. Useful for example in combination with\n * dynamic components using `<svelte:component>`.\n *\n * Example:\n * ```html\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import type { ComponentType, SvelteComponent } from 'svelte';\n * import Component1 from './Component1.svelte';\n * import Component2 from './Component2.svelte';\n *\n * const component: ComponentType = someLogic() ? Component1 : Component2;\n * const componentOfCertainSubType: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<{ needsThisProp: string }>> = someLogic() ? Component1 : Component2;\n * </script>\n *\n * <svelte:component this={component} />\n * <svelte:component this={componentOfCertainSubType} needsThisProp=\"hello\" />\n * ```\n */\n export type ComponentType<Component extends SvelteComponent = SvelteComponent> = (new (\n options: ComponentConstructorOptions<\n Component extends SvelteComponent<infer Props> ? Props : Record<string, any>\n >\n ) => Component) & {\n /** The custom element version of the component. Only present if compiled with the `customElement` compiler option */\n element?: typeof HTMLElement;\n };\n\n interface DispatchOptions {\n cancelable?: boolean;\n }\n\n interface EventDispatcher<EventMap extends Record<string, any>> {\n // Implementation notes:\n // - undefined extends X instead of X extends undefined makes this work better with both strict and nonstrict mode\n // - | null | undefined is added for convenience, as they are equivalent for the custom event constructor (both result in a null detail)\n <Type extends keyof EventMap>(\n ...args: null extends EventMap[Type]\n ? [type: Type, parameter?: EventMap[Type] | null | undefined, options?: DispatchOptions]\n : undefined extends EventMap[Type]\n ? [type: Type, parameter?: EventMap[Type] | null | undefined, options?: DispatchOptions]\n : [type: Type, parameter: EventMap[Type], options?: DispatchOptions]\n ): boolean;\n }\n /**\n * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false.\n *\n * \n */\n class SvelteComponent_1<Props extends Record<string, any> = any, Events extends Record<string, any> = any> {\n /**\n * ### PRIVATE API\n *\n * Do not use, may change at any time\n *\n * */\n $$: any;\n /**\n * ### PRIVATE API\n *\n * Do not use, may change at any time\n *\n * */\n $$set: any;\n \n $destroy(): void;\n \n $on<K extends Extract<keyof Events, string>>(type: K, callback: ((e: Events[K]) => void) | null | undefined): () => void;\n \n $set(props: Partial<Props>): void;\n }\n /**\n * Base class for Svelte components with some minor dev-enhancements. Used when dev=true.\n *\n * Can be used to create strongly typed Svelte components.\n *\n * #### Example:\n *\n * You have component library on npm called `component-library`, from which\n * you export a component called `MyComponent`. For Svelte+TypeScript users,\n * you want to provide typings. Therefore you create a `index.d.ts`:\n * ```ts\n * import { SvelteComponent } from \"svelte\";\n * export class MyComponent extends SvelteComponent<{foo: string}> {}\n * ```\n * Typing this makes it possible for IDEs like VS Code with the Svelte extension\n * to provide intellisense and to use the component like this in a Svelte file\n * with TypeScript:\n * ```svelte\n * <script lang=\"ts\">\n * import { MyComponent } from \"component-library\";\n * </script>\n * <MyComponent foo={'bar'} />\n * ```\n * \n */\n export class SvelteComponent<Props extends Record<string, any> = any, Events extends Record<string, any> = any, Slots extends Record<string, any> = any> extends SvelteComponent_1<Props, Events> { [prop: string]: any;\n \n constructor(options: ComponentConstructorOptions<Props>);\n /**\n * For type checking capabilities only.\n * Does not exist at runtime.\n * ### DO NOT USE!\n *\n * */\n $$prop_def: Props;\n /**\n * For type checking capabilities only.\n * Does not exist at runtime.\n * ### DO NOT USE!\n *\n * */\n $$events_def: Events;\n /**\n * For type checking capabilities only.\n * Does not exist at runtime.\n * ### DO NOT USE!\n *\n * */\n $$slot_def: Slots;\n \n $capture_state(): void;\n \n $inject_state(): void;\n }\n /**\n * @deprecated Use `SvelteComponent` instead. See PR for more information:\n * \n */\n export class SvelteComponentTyped<Props extends Record<string, any> = any, Events extends Record<string, any> = any, Slots extends Record<string, any> = any> extends SvelteComponent<Props, Events, Slots> {\n }\n /**\n * Schedules a callback to run immediately before the component is updated after any state change.\n *\n * The first time the callback runs will be before the initial `onMount`\n *\n *\n * */\n export function beforeUpdate(fn: () => any): void;\n /**\n * The `onMount` function schedules a callback to run as soon as the component has been mounted to the DOM.\n * It must be called during the component's initialisation (but doesn't need to live *inside* the component;\n * it can be called from an external module).\n *\n * If a function is returned _synchronously_ from `onMount`, it will be called when the component is unmounted.\n *\n * `onMount` does not run inside a [server-side component](/docs#run-time-server-side-component-api).\n *\n *\n * */\n export function onMount<T>(fn: () => NotFunction<T> | Promise<NotFunction<T>> | (() => any)): void;\n /**\n * Schedules a callback to run immediately after the component has been updated.\n *\n * The first time the callback runs will be after the initial `onMount`\n *\n *\n * */\n export function afterUpdate(fn: () => any): void;\n /**\n * Schedules a callback to run immediately before the component is unmounted.\n *\n * Out of `onMount`, `beforeUpdate`, `afterUpdate` and `onDestroy`, this is the\n * only one that runs inside a server-side component.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function onDestroy(fn: () => any): void;\n /**\n * Creates an event dispatcher that can be used to dispatch [component events](/docs#template-syntax-component-directives-on-eventname).\n * Event dispatchers are functions that can take two arguments: `name` and `detail`.\n *\n * Component events created with `createEventDispatcher` create a\n * [CustomEvent](\n * These events do not [bubble](\n * The `detail` argument corresponds to the [CustomEvent.detail](\n * property and can contain any type of data.\n *\n * The event dispatcher can be typed to narrow the allowed event names and the type of the `detail` argument:\n * ```ts\n * const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{\n * loaded: never; // does not take a detail argument\n * change: string; // takes a detail argument of type string, which is required\n * optional: number | null; // takes an optional detail argument of type number\n * }>();\n * ```\n *\n *\n * */\n export function createEventDispatcher<EventMap extends Record<string, any> = any>(): EventDispatcher<EventMap>;\n /**\n * Associates an arbitrary `context` object with the current component and the specified `key`\n * and returns that object. The context is then available to children of the component\n * (including slotted content) with `getContext`.\n *\n * Like lifecycle functions, this must be called during component initialisation.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function setContext<T>(key: any, context: T): T;\n /**\n * Retrieves the context that belongs to the closest parent component with the specified `key`.\n * Must be called during component initialisation.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function getContext<T>(key: any): T;\n /**\n * Retrieves the whole context map that belongs to the closest parent component.\n * Must be called during component initialisation. Useful, for example, if you\n * programmatically create a component and want to pass the existing context to it.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function getAllContexts<T extends Map<any, any> = Map<any, any>>(): T;\n /**\n * Checks whether a given `key` has been set in the context of a parent component.\n * Must be called during component initialisation.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function hasContext(key: any): boolean;\n export function tick(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Anything except a function\n */\n type NotFunction<T> = T extends Function ? never : T;\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/compiler' {\n import type { AssignmentExpression, Node, Program } from 'estree';\n import type { SourceMap } from 'magic-string';\n export { walk } from 'estree-walker';\n interface BaseNode {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n type: string;\n children?: TemplateNode[];\n [prop_name: string]: any;\n }\n\n interface Text extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Text';\n data: string;\n }\n\n interface MustacheTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'MustacheTag' | 'RawMustacheTag';\n expression: Node;\n }\n\n interface Comment extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Comment';\n data: string;\n ignores: string[];\n }\n\n interface ConstTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'ConstTag';\n expression: AssignmentExpression;\n }\n\n interface DebugTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'DebugTag';\n identifiers: Node[];\n }\n\n type DirectiveType =\n | 'Action'\n | 'Animation'\n | 'Binding'\n | 'Class'\n | 'StyleDirective'\n | 'EventHandler'\n | 'Let'\n | 'Ref'\n | 'Transition';\n\n interface BaseDirective extends BaseNode {\n type: DirectiveType;\n name: string;\n }\n\n interface BaseExpressionDirective extends BaseDirective {\n type: DirectiveType;\n expression: null | Node;\n name: string;\n modifiers: string[];\n }\n\n interface Element extends BaseNode {\n type:\n | 'InlineComponent'\n | 'SlotTemplate'\n | 'Title'\n | 'Slot'\n | 'Element'\n | 'Head'\n | 'Options'\n | 'Window'\n | 'Document'\n | 'Body';\n attributes: Array<BaseDirective | Attribute | SpreadAttribute>;\n name: string;\n }\n\n interface Attribute extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Attribute';\n name: string;\n value: any[];\n }\n\n interface SpreadAttribute extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Spread';\n expression: Node;\n }\n\n interface Transition extends BaseExpressionDirective {\n type: 'Transition';\n intro: boolean;\n outro: boolean;\n }\n\n type Directive = BaseDirective | BaseExpressionDirective | Transition;\n\n type TemplateNode =\n | Text\n | ConstTag\n | DebugTag\n | MustacheTag\n | BaseNode\n | Element\n | Attribute\n | SpreadAttribute\n | Directive\n | Transition\n | Comment;\n\n interface Script extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Script';\n context: string;\n content: Program;\n }\n\n interface Style extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Style';\n attributes: any[]; // TODO\n children: any[]; // TODO add CSS node types\n content: {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n styles: string;\n };\n }\n\n interface Ast {\n html: TemplateNode;\n css?: Style;\n instance?: Script;\n module?: Script;\n }\n\n interface Warning {\n start?: { line: number; column: number; pos?: number };\n end?: { line: number; column: number };\n pos?: number;\n code: string;\n message: string;\n filename?: string;\n frame?: string;\n toString: () => string;\n }\n\n export type EnableSourcemap = boolean | { js: boolean; css: boolean };\n\n export type CssHashGetter = (args: {\n name: string;\n filename: string | undefined;\n css: string;\n hash: (input: string) => string;\n }) => string;\n\n export interface CompileOptions {\n /**\n * Sets the name of the resulting JavaScript class (though the compiler will rename it if it would otherwise conflict with other variables in scope).\n * It will normally be inferred from `filename`\n *\n * @default 'Component'\n */\n name?: string;\n\n /**\n * Used for debugging hints and sourcemaps. Your bundler plugin will set it automatically.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n filename?: string;\n\n /**\n * If `\"dom\"`, Svelte emits a JavaScript class for mounting to the DOM.\n * If `\"ssr\"`, Svelte emits an object with a `render` method suitable for server-side rendering.\n * If `false`, no JavaScript or CSS is returned; just metadata.\n *\n * @default 'dom'\n */\n generate?: 'dom' | 'ssr' | false;\n\n /**\n * If `\"throw\"`, Svelte throws when a compilation error occurred.\n * If `\"warn\"`, Svelte will treat errors as warnings and add them to the warning report.\n *\n * @default 'throw'\n */\n errorMode?: 'throw' | 'warn';\n\n /**\n * If `\"strict\"`, Svelte returns a variables report with only variables that are not globals nor internals.\n * If `\"full\"`, Svelte returns a variables report with all detected variables.\n * If `false`, no variables report is returned.\n *\n * @default 'strict'\n */\n varsReport?: 'full' | 'strict' | false;\n\n /**\n * An initial sourcemap that will be merged into the final output sourcemap.\n * This is usually the preprocessor sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n sourcemap?: object | string;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, Svelte generate sourcemaps for components.\n * Use an object with `js` or `css` for more granular control of sourcemap generation.\n *\n * @default true\n */\n enableSourcemap?: EnableSourcemap;\n\n /**\n * Used for your JavaScript sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n outputFilename?: string;\n\n /**\n * Used for your CSS sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n cssOutputFilename?: string;\n\n /**\n * The location of the `svelte` package.\n * Any imports from `svelte` or `svelte/[module]` will be modified accordingly.\n *\n * @default 'svelte'\n */\n sveltePath?: string;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, causes extra code to be added to components that will perform runtime checks and provide debugging information during development.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n dev?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, getters and setters will be created for the component's props. If `false`, they will only be created for readonly exported values (i.e. those declared with `const`, `class` and `function`). If compiling with `customElement: true` this option defaults to `true`.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n accessors?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, tells the compiler that you promise not to mutate any objects.\n * This allows it to be less conservative about checking whether values have changed.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n immutable?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true` when generating DOM code, enables the `hydrate: true` runtime option, which allows a component to upgrade existing DOM rather than creating new DOM from scratch.\n * When generating SSR code, this adds markers to `<head>` elements so that hydration knows which to replace.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n hydratable?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, generates code that will work in IE9 and IE10, which don't support things like `element.dataset`.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n legacy?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, tells the compiler to generate a custom element constructor instead of a regular Svelte component.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n customElement?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `string` that tells Svelte what tag name to register the custom element with.\n * It must be a lowercase alphanumeric string with at least one hyphen, e.g. `\"my-element\"`.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n tag?: string;\n\n /**\n * - `'injected'` (formerly `true`), styles will be included in the JavaScript class and injected at runtime for the components actually rendered.\n * - `'external'` (formerly `false`), the CSS will be returned in the `css` field of the compilation result. Most Svelte bundler plugins will set this to `'external'` and use the CSS that is statically generated for better performance, as it will result in smaller JavaScript bundles and the output can be served as cacheable `.css` files.\n * - `'none'`, styles are completely avoided and no CSS output is generated.\n */\n css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `number` that tells Svelte to break the loop if it blocks the thread for more than `loopGuardTimeout` ms.\n * This is useful to prevent infinite loops.\n * **Only available when `dev: true`**.\n *\n * @default 0\n */\n loopGuardTimeout?: number;\n\n /**\n * The namespace of the element; e.g., `\"mathml\"`, `\"svg\"`, `\"foreign\"`.\n *\n * @default 'html'\n */\n namespace?: string;\n\n /**\n * A function that takes a `{ hash, css, name, filename }` argument and returns the string that is used as a classname for scoped CSS.\n * It defaults to returning `svelte-${hash(css)}`.\n *\n * @default undefined\n */\n cssHash?: CssHashGetter;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, your HTML comments will be preserved during server-side rendering. By default, they are stripped out.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n preserveComments?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, whitespace inside and between elements is kept as you typed it, rather than removed or collapsed to a single space where possible.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n preserveWhitespace?: boolean;\n /**\n * If `true`, exposes the Svelte major version on the global `window` object in the browser.\n *\n * @default true\n */\n discloseVersion?: boolean;\n }\n\n interface ParserOptions {\n filename?: string;\n customElement?: boolean;\n css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean;\n }\n\n interface Var {\n name: string;\n /** the `bar` in `export { foo as bar }` or `export let bar` */\n export_name?: string;\n /** true if assigned a boolean default value (`export let foo = true`) */\n is_boolean?: boolean;\n injected?: boolean;\n module?: boolean;\n mutated?: boolean;\n reassigned?: boolean;\n referenced?: boolean; // referenced from template scope\n referenced_from_script?: boolean; // referenced from script\n writable?: boolean;\n\n // used internally, but not exposed\n global?: boolean;\n internal?: boolean; // event handlers, bindings\n initialised?: boolean;\n hoistable?: boolean;\n subscribable?: boolean;\n is_reactive_dependency?: boolean;\n imported?: boolean;\n }\n\n interface CssResult {\n code: string;\n map: SourceMap;\n }\n\n /** The returned shape of `compile` from `svelte/compiler` */\n export interface CompileResult {\n /** The resulting JavaScript code from compling the component */\n js: {\n /** Code as a string */\n code: string;\n /** A source map */\n map: any;\n };\n /** The resulting CSS code from compling the component */\n css: CssResult;\n /** The abstract syntax tree representing the structure of the component */\n ast: Ast;\n /**\n * An array of warning objects that were generated during compilation. Each warning has several properties:\n * - code is a string identifying the category of warning\n * - message describes the issue in human-readable terms\n * - start and end, if the warning relates to a specific location, are objects with line, column and character properties\n * - frame, if applicable, is a string highlighting the offending code with line numbers\n * */\n warnings: Warning[];\n /** An array of the component's declarations used by tooling in the ecosystem (like our ESLint plugin) to infer more information */\n vars: Var[];\n /** An object used by the Svelte developer team for diagnosing the compiler. Avoid relying on it to stay the same! */\n stats: {\n timings: {\n total: number;\n };\n };\n }\n /**\n * The result of a preprocessor run. If the preprocessor does not return a result, it is assumed that the code is unchanged.\n */\n export interface Processed {\n /**\n * The new code\n */\n code: string;\n /**\n * A source map mapping back to the original code\n */\n map?: string | object; // we are opaque with the type here to avoid dependency on the remapping module for our public types.\n /**\n * A list of additional files to watch for changes\n */\n dependencies?: string[];\n /**\n * Only for script/style preprocessors: The updated attributes to set on the tag. If undefined, attributes stay unchanged.\n */\n attributes?: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n toString?: () => string;\n }\n\n /**\n * A markup preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.\n */\n export type MarkupPreprocessor = (options: {\n /**\n * The whole Svelte file content\n */\n content: string;\n /**\n * The filename of the Svelte file\n */\n filename?: string;\n }) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;\n\n /**\n * A script/style preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.\n */\n export type Preprocessor = (options: {\n /**\n * The script/style tag content\n */\n content: string;\n /**\n * The attributes on the script/style tag\n */\n attributes: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n /**\n * The whole Svelte file content\n */\n markup: string;\n /**\n * The filename of the Svelte file\n */\n filename?: string;\n }) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;\n\n /**\n * A preprocessor group is a set of preprocessors that are applied to a Svelte file.\n */\n export interface PreprocessorGroup {\n /** Name of the preprocessor. Will be a required option in the next major version */\n name?: string;\n markup?: MarkupPreprocessor;\n style?: Preprocessor;\n script?: Preprocessor;\n }\n\n /**\n * Utility type to extract the type of a preprocessor from a preprocessor group\n */\n export interface SveltePreprocessor<\n PreprocessorType extends keyof PreprocessorGroup,\n Options = any\n > {\n (options?: Options): Required<Pick<PreprocessorGroup, PreprocessorType>>;\n }\n /**\n * `compile` takes your component source code, and turns it into a JavaScript module that exports a class.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function compile(source: string, options?: CompileOptions): CompileResult;\n /**\n * The parse function parses a component, returning only its abstract syntax tree.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function parse(template: string, options?: ParserOptions): Ast;\n /**\n * The preprocess function provides convenient hooks for arbitrarily transforming component source code.\n * For example, it can be used to convert a <style lang=\"sass\"> block into vanilla CSS.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function preprocess(source: string, preprocessor: PreprocessorGroup | PreprocessorGroup[], options?: {\n filename?: string | undefined;\n } | undefined): Promise<Processed>;\n /**\n * The current version, as set in package.json.\n *\n *\n * */\n export const VERSION: string;\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/types/compiler/preprocess' {\n /**\n * The result of a preprocessor run. If the preprocessor does not return a result, it is assumed that the code is unchanged.\n */\n export interface Processed {\n /**\n * The new code\n */\n code: string;\n /**\n * A source map mapping back to the original code\n */\n map?: string | object; // we are opaque with the type here to avoid dependency on the remapping module for our public types.\n /**\n * A list of additional files to watch for changes\n */\n dependencies?: string[];\n /**\n * Only for script/style preprocessors: The updated attributes to set on the tag. If undefined, attributes stay unchanged.\n */\n attributes?: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n toString?: () => string;\n }\n\n /**\n * A markup preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.\n */\n export type MarkupPreprocessor = (options: {\n /**\n * The whole Svelte file content\n */\n content: string;\n /**\n * The filename of the Svelte file\n */\n filename?: string;\n }) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;\n\n /**\n * A script/style preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.\n */\n export type Preprocessor = (options: {\n /**\n * The script/style tag content\n */\n content: string;\n /**\n * The attributes on the script/style tag\n */\n attributes: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n /**\n * The whole Svelte file content\n */\n markup: string;\n /**\n * The filename of the Svelte file\n */\n filename?: string;\n }) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;\n\n /**\n * A preprocessor group is a set of preprocessors that are applied to a Svelte file.\n */\n export interface PreprocessorGroup {\n /** Name of the preprocessor. Will be a required option in the next major version */\n name?: string;\n markup?: MarkupPreprocessor;\n style?: Preprocessor;\n script?: Preprocessor;\n }\n\n /**\n * Utility type to extract the type of a preprocessor from a preprocessor group\n */\n export interface SveltePreprocessor<\n PreprocessorType extends keyof PreprocessorGroup,\n Options = any\n > {\n (options?: Options): Required<Pick<PreprocessorGroup, PreprocessorType>>;\n }\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/types/compiler/interfaces' {\n import type { AssignmentExpression, Node, Program } from 'estree';\n import type { SourceMap } from 'magic-string';\n interface BaseNode {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n type: string;\n children?: TemplateNode[];\n [prop_name: string]: any;\n }\n\n export interface Fragment extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Fragment';\n children: TemplateNode[];\n }\n\n export interface Text extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Text';\n data: string;\n }\n\n export interface MustacheTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'MustacheTag' | 'RawMustacheTag';\n expression: Node;\n }\n\n export interface Comment extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Comment';\n data: string;\n ignores: string[];\n }\n\n export interface ConstTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'ConstTag';\n expression: AssignmentExpression;\n }\n\n interface DebugTag extends BaseNode {\n type: 'DebugTag';\n identifiers: Node[];\n }\n\n export type DirectiveType =\n | 'Action'\n | 'Animation'\n | 'Binding'\n | 'Class'\n | 'StyleDirective'\n | 'EventHandler'\n | 'Let'\n | 'Ref'\n | 'Transition';\n\n export interface BaseDirective extends BaseNode {\n type: DirectiveType;\n name: string;\n }\n\n interface BaseExpressionDirective extends BaseDirective {\n type: DirectiveType;\n expression: null | Node;\n name: string;\n modifiers: string[];\n }\n\n export interface Element extends BaseNode {\n type:\n | 'InlineComponent'\n | 'SlotTemplate'\n | 'Title'\n | 'Slot'\n | 'Element'\n | 'Head'\n | 'Options'\n | 'Window'\n | 'Document'\n | 'Body';\n attributes: Array<BaseDirective | Attribute | SpreadAttribute>;\n name: string;\n }\n\n export interface Attribute extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Attribute';\n name: string;\n value: any[];\n }\n\n export interface SpreadAttribute extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Spread';\n expression: Node;\n }\n\n export interface Transition extends BaseExpressionDirective {\n type: 'Transition';\n intro: boolean;\n outro: boolean;\n }\n\n export type Directive = BaseDirective | BaseExpressionDirective | Transition;\n\n export type TemplateNode =\n | Text\n | ConstTag\n | DebugTag\n | MustacheTag\n | BaseNode\n | Element\n | Attribute\n | SpreadAttribute\n | Directive\n | Transition\n | Comment;\n\n export interface Parser {\n readonly template: string;\n readonly filename?: string;\n\n index: number;\n stack: Node[];\n\n html: Node;\n css: Node;\n js: Node;\n meta_tags: {};\n }\n\n export interface Script extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Script';\n context: string;\n content: Program;\n }\n\n export interface Style extends BaseNode {\n type: 'Style';\n attributes: any[]; // TODO\n children: any[]; // TODO add CSS node types\n content: {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n styles: string;\n };\n }\n\n export interface Ast {\n html: TemplateNode;\n css?: Style;\n instance?: Script;\n module?: Script;\n }\n\n export interface Warning {\n start?: { line: number; column: number; pos?: number };\n end?: { line: number; column: number };\n pos?: number;\n code: string;\n message: string;\n filename?: string;\n frame?: string;\n toString: () => string;\n }\n\n export type EnableSourcemap = boolean | { js: boolean; css: boolean };\n\n export type CssHashGetter = (args: {\n name: string;\n filename: string | undefined;\n css: string;\n hash: (input: string) => string;\n }) => string;\n\n export interface CompileOptions {\n /**\n * Sets the name of the resulting JavaScript class (though the compiler will rename it if it would otherwise conflict with other variables in scope).\n * It will normally be inferred from `filename`\n *\n * @default 'Component'\n */\n name?: string;\n\n /**\n * Used for debugging hints and sourcemaps. Your bundler plugin will set it automatically.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n filename?: string;\n\n /**\n * If `\"dom\"`, Svelte emits a JavaScript class for mounting to the DOM.\n * If `\"ssr\"`, Svelte emits an object with a `render` method suitable for server-side rendering.\n * If `false`, no JavaScript or CSS is returned; just metadata.\n *\n * @default 'dom'\n */\n generate?: 'dom' | 'ssr' | false;\n\n /**\n * If `\"throw\"`, Svelte throws when a compilation error occurred.\n * If `\"warn\"`, Svelte will treat errors as warnings and add them to the warning report.\n *\n * @default 'throw'\n */\n errorMode?: 'throw' | 'warn';\n\n /**\n * If `\"strict\"`, Svelte returns a variables report with only variables that are not globals nor internals.\n * If `\"full\"`, Svelte returns a variables report with all detected variables.\n * If `false`, no variables report is returned.\n *\n * @default 'strict'\n */\n varsReport?: 'full' | 'strict' | false;\n\n /**\n * An initial sourcemap that will be merged into the final output sourcemap.\n * This is usually the preprocessor sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n sourcemap?: object | string;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, Svelte generate sourcemaps for components.\n * Use an object with `js` or `css` for more granular control of sourcemap generation.\n *\n * @default true\n */\n enableSourcemap?: EnableSourcemap;\n\n /**\n * Used for your JavaScript sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n outputFilename?: string;\n\n /**\n * Used for your CSS sourcemap.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n cssOutputFilename?: string;\n\n /**\n * The location of the `svelte` package.\n * Any imports from `svelte` or `svelte/[module]` will be modified accordingly.\n *\n * @default 'svelte'\n */\n sveltePath?: string;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, causes extra code to be added to components that will perform runtime checks and provide debugging information during development.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n dev?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, getters and setters will be created for the component's props. If `false`, they will only be created for readonly exported values (i.e. those declared with `const`, `class` and `function`). If compiling with `customElement: true` this option defaults to `true`.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n accessors?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, tells the compiler that you promise not to mutate any objects.\n * This allows it to be less conservative about checking whether values have changed.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n immutable?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true` when generating DOM code, enables the `hydrate: true` runtime option, which allows a component to upgrade existing DOM rather than creating new DOM from scratch.\n * When generating SSR code, this adds markers to `<head>` elements so that hydration knows which to replace.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n hydratable?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, generates code that will work in IE9 and IE10, which don't support things like `element.dataset`.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n legacy?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, tells the compiler to generate a custom element constructor instead of a regular Svelte component.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n customElement?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `string` that tells Svelte what tag name to register the custom element with.\n * It must be a lowercase alphanumeric string with at least one hyphen, e.g. `\"my-element\"`.\n *\n * @default null\n */\n tag?: string;\n\n /**\n * - `'injected'` (formerly `true`), styles will be included in the JavaScript class and injected at runtime for the components actually rendered.\n * - `'external'` (formerly `false`), the CSS will be returned in the `css` field of the compilation result. Most Svelte bundler plugins will set this to `'external'` and use the CSS that is statically generated for better performance, as it will result in smaller JavaScript bundles and the output can be served as cacheable `.css` files.\n * - `'none'`, styles are completely avoided and no CSS output is generated.\n */\n css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `number` that tells Svelte to break the loop if it blocks the thread for more than `loopGuardTimeout` ms.\n * This is useful to prevent infinite loops.\n * **Only available when `dev: true`**.\n *\n * @default 0\n */\n loopGuardTimeout?: number;\n\n /**\n * The namespace of the element; e.g., `\"mathml\"`, `\"svg\"`, `\"foreign\"`.\n *\n * @default 'html'\n */\n namespace?: string;\n\n /**\n * A function that takes a `{ hash, css, name, filename }` argument and returns the string that is used as a classname for scoped CSS.\n * It defaults to returning `svelte-${hash(css)}`.\n *\n * @default undefined\n */\n cssHash?: CssHashGetter;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, your HTML comments will be preserved during server-side rendering. By default, they are stripped out.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n preserveComments?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * If `true`, whitespace inside and between elements is kept as you typed it, rather than removed or collapsed to a single space where possible.\n *\n * @default false\n */\n preserveWhitespace?: boolean;\n /**\n * If `true`, exposes the Svelte major version on the global `window` object in the browser.\n *\n * @default true\n */\n discloseVersion?: boolean;\n }\n\n export interface ParserOptions {\n filename?: string;\n customElement?: boolean;\n css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean;\n }\n\n export interface Visitor {\n enter: (node: Node) => void;\n leave?: (node: Node) => void;\n }\n\n export interface AppendTarget {\n slots: Record<string, string>;\n slot_stack: string[];\n }\n\n export interface Var {\n name: string;\n /** the `bar` in `export { foo as bar }` or `export let bar` */\n export_name?: string;\n /** true if assigned a boolean default value (`export let foo = true`) */\n is_boolean?: boolean;\n injected?: boolean;\n module?: boolean;\n mutated?: boolean;\n reassigned?: boolean;\n referenced?: boolean; // referenced from template scope\n referenced_from_script?: boolean; // referenced from script\n writable?: boolean;\n\n // used internally, but not exposed\n global?: boolean;\n internal?: boolean; // event handlers, bindings\n initialised?: boolean;\n hoistable?: boolean;\n subscribable?: boolean;\n is_reactive_dependency?: boolean;\n imported?: boolean;\n }\n\n export interface CssResult {\n code: string;\n map: SourceMap;\n }\n\n /** The returned shape of `compile` from `svelte/compiler` */\n export interface CompileResult {\n /** The resulting JavaScript code from compling the component */\n js: {\n /** Code as a string */\n code: string;\n /** A source map */\n map: any;\n };\n /** The resulting CSS code from compling the component */\n css: CssResult;\n /** The abstract syntax tree representing the structure of the component */\n ast: Ast;\n /**\n * An array of warning objects that were generated during compilation. Each warning has several properties:\n * - code is a string identifying the category of warning\n * - message describes the issue in human-readable terms\n * - start and end, if the warning relates to a specific location, are objects with line, column and character properties\n * - frame, if applicable, is a string highlighting the offending code with line numbers\n * */\n warnings: Warning[];\n /** An array of the component's declarations used by tooling in the ecosystem (like our ESLint plugin) to infer more information */\n vars: Var[];\n /** An object used by the Svelte developer team for diagnosing the compiler. Avoid relying on it to stay the same! */\n stats: {\n timings: {\n total: number;\n };\n };\n }\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/action' {\n /**\n * Actions can return an object containing the two properties defined in this interface. Both are optional.\n * - update: An action can have a parameter. This method will be called whenever that parameter changes,\n * immediately after Svelte has applied updates to the markup. `ActionReturn` and `ActionReturn<undefined>` both\n * mean that the action accepts no parameters.\n * - destroy: Method that is called after the element is unmounted\n *\n * Additionally, you can specify which additional attributes and events the action enables on the applied element.\n * This applies to TypeScript typings only and has no effect at runtime.\n *\n * Example usage:\n * ```ts\n * interface Attributes {\n * newprop?: string;\n * 'on:event': (e: CustomEvent<boolean>) => void;\n * }\n *\n * export function myAction(node: HTMLElement, parameter: Parameter): ActionReturn<Parameter, Attributes> {\n * // ...\n * return {\n * update: (updatedParameter) => {...},\n * destroy: () => {...}\n * };\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Docs:\n */\n export interface ActionReturn<\n Parameter = undefined,\n Attributes extends Record<string, any> = Record<never, any>\n > {\n update?: (parameter: Parameter) => void;\n destroy?: () => void;\n /**\n * ### DO NOT USE THIS\n * This exists solely for type-checking and has no effect at runtime.\n * Set this through the `Attributes` generic instead.\n */\n $$_attributes?: Attributes;\n }\n\n /**\n * Actions are functions that are called when an element is created.\n * You can use this interface to type such actions.\n * The following example defines an action that only works on `<div>` elements\n * and optionally accepts a parameter which it has a default value for:\n * ```ts\n * export const myAction: Action<HTMLDivElement, { someProperty: boolean } | undefined> = (node, param = { someProperty: true }) => {\n * // ...\n * }\n * ```\n * `Action<HTMLDivElement>` and `Action<HTMLDiveElement, undefined>` both signal that the action accepts no parameters.\n *\n * You can return an object with methods `update` and `destroy` from the function and type which additional attributes and events it has.\n * See interface `ActionReturn` for more details.\n *\n * Docs:\n */\n export interface Action<\n Element = HTMLElement,\n Parameter = undefined,\n Attributes extends Record<string, any> = Record<never, any>\n > {\n <Node extends Element>(\n ...args: undefined extends Parameter\n ? [node: Node, parameter?: Parameter]\n : [node: Node, parameter: Parameter]\n ): void | ActionReturn<Parameter, Attributes>;\n }\n\n // Implementation notes:\n // - undefined extends X instead of X extends undefined makes this work better with both strict and nonstrict mode\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/animate' {\n // todo: same as Transition, should it be shared?\n export interface AnimationConfig {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: (t: number) => number;\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string;\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void;\n }\n\n export interface FlipParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number | ((len: number) => number);\n easing?: (t: number) => number;\n }\n /**\n * The flip function calculates the start and end position of an element and animates between them, translating the x and y values.\n * `flip` stands for [First, Last, Invert, Play](\n *\n *\n * */\n export function flip(node: Element, { from, to }: {\n from: DOMRect;\n to: DOMRect;\n }, params?: FlipParams): AnimationConfig;\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/easing' {\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function backInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function backIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function backOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function bounceOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function bounceInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function bounceIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function circInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function circIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function circOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function cubicInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function cubicIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function cubicOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function elasticInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function elasticIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function elasticOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function expoInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function expoIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function expoOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quadInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quadIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quadOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quartInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quartIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quartOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quintInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quintIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function quintOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function sineInOut(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function sineIn(t: number): number;\n /**\n *\n * */\n export function sineOut(t: number): number;\n export function linear(x: any): any;\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/motion' {\n export interface Spring<T> extends Readable<T> {\n set: (new_value: T, opts?: SpringUpdateOpts) => Promise<void>;\n update: (fn: Updater<T>, opts?: SpringUpdateOpts) => Promise<void>;\n precision: number;\n damping: number;\n stiffness: number;\n }\n\n export interface Tweened<T> extends Readable<T> {\n set(value: T, opts?: TweenedOptions<T>): Promise<void>;\n update(updater: Updater<T>, opts?: TweenedOptions<T>): Promise<void>;\n }\n /** Callback to inform of a value updates. */\n type Subscriber<T> = (value: T) => void;\n\n /** Unsubscribes from value updates. */\n type Unsubscriber = () => void;\n\n /** Readable interface for subscribing. */\n interface Readable<T> {\n /**\n * Subscribe on value changes.\n * @param run subscription callback\n * @param invalidate cleanup callback\n */\n subscribe(this: void, run: Subscriber<T>, invalidate?: Invalidator<T>): Unsubscriber;\n }\n interface SpringOpts {\n stiffness?: number;\n damping?: number;\n precision?: number;\n }\n\n interface SpringUpdateOpts {\n hard?: any;\n soft?: string | number | boolean;\n }\n\n type Updater<T> = (target_value: T, value: T) => T;\n\n interface TweenedOptions<T> {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number | ((from: T, to: T) => number);\n easing?: (t: number) => number;\n interpolate?: (a: T, b: T) => (t: number) => T;\n }\n /** Cleanup logic callback. */\n type Invalidator<T> = (value?: T) => void;\n /**\n * The spring function in Svelte creates a store whose value is animated, with a motion that simulates the behavior of a spring. This means when the value changes, instead of transitioning at a steady rate, it \"bounces\" like a spring would, depending on the physics parameters provided. This adds a level of realism to the transitions and can enhance the user experience.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function spring<T = any>(value?: T | undefined, opts?: SpringOpts | undefined): Spring<T>;\n /**\n * A tweened store in Svelte is a special type of store that provides smooth transitions between state values over time.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function tweened<T>(value?: T | undefined, defaults?: TweenedOptions<T> | undefined): Tweened<T>;\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/store' {\n /** Callback to inform of a value updates. */\n export type Subscriber<T> = (value: T) => void;\n\n /** Unsubscribes from value updates. */\n export type Unsubscriber = () => void;\n\n /** Callback to update a value. */\n export type Updater<T> = (value: T) => T;\n\n /**\n * Start and stop notification callbacks.\n * This function is called when the first subscriber subscribes.\n *\n * @param set Function that sets the value of the store.\n * @param update Function that sets the value of the store after passing the current value to the update function.\n * @returns Optionally, a cleanup function that is called when the last remaining\n * subscriber unsubscribes.\n */\n export type StartStopNotifier<T> = (\n set: (value: T) => void,\n update: (fn: Updater<T>) => void\n ) => void | (() => void);\n\n /** Readable interface for subscribing. */\n export interface Readable<T> {\n /**\n * Subscribe on value changes.\n * @param run subscription callback\n * @param invalidate cleanup callback\n */\n subscribe(this: void, run: Subscriber<T>, invalidate?: Invalidator<T>): Unsubscriber;\n }\n\n /** Writable interface for both updating and subscribing. */\n export interface Writable<T> extends Readable<T> {\n /**\n * Set value and inform subscribers.\n * @param value to set\n */\n set(this: void, value: T): void;\n\n /**\n * Update value using callback and inform subscribers.\n * @param updater callback\n */\n update(this: void, updater: Updater<T>): void;\n }\n /** Cleanup logic callback. */\n type Invalidator<T> = (value?: T) => void;\n\n /** One or more `Readable`s. */\n type Stores =\n | Readable<any>\n | [Readable<any>, ...Array<Readable<any>>]\n | Array<Readable<any>>;\n\n /** One or more values from `Readable` stores. */\n type StoresValues<T> = T extends Readable<infer U>\n ? U\n : { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Readable<infer U> ? U : never };\n /**\n * Creates a `Readable` store that allows reading by subscription.\n *\n *\n * @param value initial value\n * */\n export function readable<T>(value?: T | undefined, start?: StartStopNotifier<T> | undefined): Readable<T>;\n /**\n * Create a `Writable` store that allows both updating and reading by subscription.\n *\n *\n * @param value initial value\n * */\n export function writable<T>(value?: T | undefined, start?: StartStopNotifier<T> | undefined): Writable<T>;\n export function derived<S extends Stores, T>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>, set: (value: T) => void, update: (fn: Updater<T>) => void) => Unsubscriber | void, initial_value?: T | undefined): Readable<T>;\n export function derived<S extends Stores, T>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>) => T, initial_value?: T | undefined): Readable<T>;\n /**\n * Takes a store and returns a new one derived from the old one that is readable.\n *\n *\n * @param store - store to make readonly\n * */\n export function readonly<T>(store: Readable<T>): Readable<T>;\n /**\n * Get the current value from a store by subscribing and immediately unsubscribing.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function get<T>(store: Readable<T>): T;\n}\n\ndeclare module 'svelte/transition' {\n export type EasingFunction = (t: number) => number;\n\n export interface TransitionConfig {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string;\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void;\n }\n\n export interface BlurParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n amount?: number | string;\n opacity?: number;\n }\n\n export interface FadeParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n }\n\n export interface FlyParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n x?: number | string;\n y?: number | string;\n opacity?: number;\n }\n\n export interface SlideParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n axis?: 'x' | 'y';\n }\n\n export interface ScaleParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number;\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n start?: number;\n opacity?: number;\n }\n\n export interface DrawParams {\n delay?: number;\n speed?: number;\n duration?: number | ((len: number) => number);\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n }\n\n export interface CrossfadeParams {\n delay?: number;\n duration?: number | ((len: number) => number);\n easing?: EasingFunction;\n }\n /**\n * Animates a `blur` filter alongside an element's opacity.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function blur(node: Element, { delay, duration, easing, amount, opacity }?: BlurParams | undefined): TransitionConfig;\n /**\n * Animates the opacity of an element from 0 to the current opacity for `in` transitions and from the current opacity to 0 for `out` transitions.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function fade(node: Element, { delay, duration, easing }?: FadeParams | undefined): TransitionConfig;\n /**\n * Animates the x and y positions and the opacity of an element. `in` transitions animate from the provided values, passed as parameters to the element's default values. `out` transitions animate from the element's default values to the provided values.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function fly(node: Element, { delay, duration, easing, x, y, opacity }?: FlyParams | undefined): TransitionConfig;\n /**\n * Slides an element in and out.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function slide(node: Element, { delay, duration, easing, axis }?: SlideParams | undefined): TransitionConfig;\n /**\n * Animates the opacity and scale of an element. `in` transitions animate from an element's current (default) values to the provided values, passed as parameters. `out` transitions animate from the provided values to an element's default values.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function scale(node: Element, { delay, duration, easing, start, opacity }?: ScaleParams | undefined): TransitionConfig;\n /**\n * Animates the stroke of an SVG element, like a snake in a tube. `in` transitions begin with the path invisible and draw the path to the screen over time. `out` transitions start in a visible state and gradually erase the path. `draw` only works with elements that have a `getTotalLength` method, like `<path>` and `<polyline>`.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function draw(node: SVGElement & {\n getTotalLength(): number;\n }, { delay, speed, duration, easing }?: DrawParams | undefined): TransitionConfig;\n /**\n * The `crossfade` function creates a pair of [transitions](/docs#template-syntax-element-directives-transition-fn) called `send` and `receive`. When an element is 'sent', it looks for a corresponding element being 'received', and generates a transition that transforms the element to its counterpart's position and fades it out. When an element is 'received', the reverse happens. If there is no counterpart, the `fallback` transition is used.\n *\n *\n * */\n export function crossfade({ fallback, ...defaults }: CrossfadeParams & {\n fallback?: ((node: Element, params: CrossfadeParams, intro: boolean) => TransitionConfig) | undefined;\n }): [(node: any, params: CrossfadeParams & {\n key: any;\n }) => () => TransitionConfig, (node: any, params: CrossfadeParams & {\n key: any;\n }) => () => TransitionConfig];\n}declare module '*.svelte' {\n export { SvelteComponent as default } from 'svelte';\n}\n\n//#";
const __vite_glob_1_0 = "import ts from 'typescript';\n\nexport interface SvelteCompiledToTsx {\n code: string;\n map: import(\"magic-string\").SourceMap;\n exportedNames: IExportedNames;\n /**\n * @deprecated Use TypeScript's `TypeChecker` to get the type information instead. This only covers literal typings.\n */\n events: ComponentEvents;\n}\n\nexport interface IExportedNames {\n has(name: string): boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * @deprecated Use TypeScript's `TypeChecker` to get the type information instead. This only covers literal typings.\n */\nexport interface ComponentEvents {\n getAll(): { name: string; type: string; doc?: string }[];\n}\n\nexport function svelte2tsx(\n svelte: string,\n options?: {\n /**\n * Path of the file\n */\n filename?: string;\n /**\n * If the given file uses TypeScript inside script.\n * This cannot be inferred from `svelte2tsx` by looking\n * at the attributes of the script tag because the\n * user may have set a default-language through\n * `svelte-preprocess`.\n */\n isTsFile?: boolean;\n /**\n * Whether to try emitting result when there's a syntax error in the template\n */\n emitOnTemplateError?: boolean;\n /**\n * The namespace option from svelte config\n * see for more info\n */\n namespace?: string;\n /**\n * When setting this to 'dts', all ts/js code and the template code will be thrown out.\n * Only the `code` property will be set on the returned element.\n * Use this as an intermediate step to generate type definitions from a component.\n * It is expected to pass the result to TypeScript which should handle emitting the d.ts files.\n * The shims need to be provided by the user ambient-style,\n * for example through `filenames.push(require.resolve('svelte2tsx/svelte-shims.d.ts'))`.\n * If you pass 'ts', it uses the regular Svelte->TS/JS transformation.\n * \n * @default 'ts'\n */\n mode?: 'ts' | 'dts',\n /**\n * Tells svelte2tsx from which namespace some specific functions to use.\n * \n * Example: 'svelteHTML' -> svelteHTML.createElement<..>(..)\n * \n * A namespace needs to implement the following functions:\n * - `createElement(str: string, validAttributes: ..): Element`\n * - `mapElementTag<Key extends keyof YourElements>(str: Key): YourElements[Key]`\n * \n * @default 'svelteHTML'\n */\n typingsNamespace?: string;\n /**\n * The accessor option from svelte config. \n * Would be overridden by the same config in the svelte:option element if exist\n * see for more info\n */\n accessors?: boolean\n }\n): SvelteCompiledToTsx\n\nexport interface EmitDtsConfig {\n /**\n * Where to output the declaration files\n */\n declarationDir: string;\n /**\n * Path to `svelte-shims.d.ts` of `svelte2tsx`.\n * Example: `require.resolve('svelte2tsx/svelte-shims.d.ts')`\n * \n * If a path is given that points to `svelte-shims-v4.d.ts`,\n * the `SvelteComponent` import is used instead of\n * `SvelteComponentTyped` which is deprecated in Svelte v4.\n */\n svelteShimsPath: string;\n /**\n * If you want to emit types only for part of your project,\n * then set this to the folder for which the types should be emitted.\n * Most of the time you don't need this. For SvelteKit, this is for example\n * set to `src/lib` by default.\n */\n libRoot?: string;\n}\n\n// to make typo fix non-breaking, continue to export the old name but mark it as deprecated\n/**@deprecated*/\nexport interface EmitDtsConig extends EmitDtsConfig {}\n\n/**\n * Searches for a jsconfig or tsconfig starting at `root` and emits d.ts files\n * into `declarationDir` using the ambient file from `svelteShimsPath`.\n * Note: Handwritten `d.ts` files are not copied over; TypeScript does not\n * touch these files.\n */\nexport function emitDts(config: EmitDtsConfig): Promise<void>;\n\n\n/**\n * ## Internal, do not use! This is subject to change at any time.\n *\n * Implementation notice: If one of the methods use a TypeScript function which is not from the\n * static top level `ts` namespace, it must be passed as a parameter.\n */\nexport const internalHelpers: {\n isKitFile: (\n fileName: string,\n options: InternalHelpers.KitFilesSettings\n ) => boolean;\n isKitRouteFile: (basename: string) => boolean,\n isClientHooksFile: (\n fileName: string,\n basename: string,\n clientHooksPath: string\n ) =>boolean,\n isServerHooksFile: (\n fileName: string,\n basename: string,\n serverHooksPath: string\n )=> boolean,\n isParamsFile: (fileName: string, basename: string, paramsPath: string) =>boolean,\n upsertKitFile: (\n _ts: typeof ts,\n fileName: string,\n kitFilesSettings: InternalHelpers.KitFilesSettings,\n getSource: () => ts.SourceFile | undefined,\n surround?: (code: string) => string\n ) => { text: string; addedCode: InternalHelpers.AddedCode[] } | undefined,\n toVirtualPos: (pos: number, addedCode: InternalHelpers.AddedCode[]) => number,\n toOriginalPos: (pos: number, addedCode: InternalHelpers.AddedCode[]) => {pos: number; inGenerated: boolean},\n findExports: (_ts: typeof ts, source: ts.SourceFile, isTsFile: boolean) => Map<\n string,\n | {\n type: 'function';\n node: ts.FunctionDeclaration | ts.ArrowFunction | ts.FunctionExpression;\n hasTypeDefinition: boolean;\n }\n | {\n type: 'var';\n node: ts.VariableDeclaration;\n hasTypeDefinition: boolean;\n }\n >,\n};\n\n/**\n * ## Internal, do not use! This is subject to change at any time.\n */\nexport namespace InternalHelpers {\n export interface AddedCode {\n generatedPos: number;\n originalPos: number;\n length: number;\n total: number;\n inserted: string;\n }\n\n export interface KitFilesSettings {\n serverHooksPath: string;\n clientHooksPath: string;\n paramsPath: string;\n }\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_1_1 = `/// <reference lib="dom" />
declare namespace svelteHTML {
// Every namespace eligible for use needs to implement the following two functions
* @internal do not use
function mapElementTag<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(
tag: K
): ElementTagNameMap[K];
function mapElementTag<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(
tag: K
): SVGElementTagNameMap[K];
function mapElementTag(
tag: any
): any; // needs to be any because used in context of <svelte:element>
* @internal do not use
function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements>(
// "undefined | null" because of <svelte:element>
element: Key | undefined | null, attrs: string extends Key ? import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes<any> : Elements[Key]
): Key extends keyof ElementTagNameMap ? ElementTagNameMap[Key] : Key extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap ? SVGElementTagNameMap[Key] : any;
function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements, T>(
// "undefined | null" because of <svelte:element>
element: Key | undefined | null, attrsEnhancers: T, attrs: (string extends Key ? import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes<any> : Elements[Key]) & T
): Key extends keyof ElementTagNameMap ? ElementTagNameMap[Key] : Key extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap ? SVGElementTagNameMap[Key] : any;
// For backwards-compatibility and ease-of-use, in case someone enhanced the typings from import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes/SVGAttributes
interface HTMLAttributes<T extends EventTarget = any> {}
interface SVGAttributes<T extends EventTarget = any> {}
* @internal do not use
type HTMLProps<Property extends string, Override> =
Omit<import('svelte/elements').SvelteHTMLElements[Property], keyof Override> & Override;
interface IntrinsicElements {
a: HTMLProps<'a', HTMLAttributes>;
abbr: HTMLProps<'abbr', HTMLAttributes>;
address: HTMLProps<'address', HTMLAttributes>;
area: HTMLProps<'area', HTMLAttributes>;
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// SVG
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feOffset: HTMLProps<'feOffset', SVGAttributes>;
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feSpotLight: HTMLProps<'feSpotLight', SVGAttributes>;
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symbol: HTMLProps<'symbol', SVGAttributes>;
text: HTMLProps<'text', SVGAttributes>;
textPath: HTMLProps<'textPath', SVGAttributes>;
tspan: HTMLProps<'tspan', SVGAttributes>;
use: HTMLProps<'use', SVGAttributes>;
view: HTMLProps<'view', SVGAttributes>;
// Svelte specific
'svelte:window': HTMLProps<'svelte:window', HTMLAttributes>;
'svelte:body': HTMLProps<'svelte:body', HTMLAttributes>;
'svelte:fragment': { slot?: string };
'svelte:options': { [name: string]: any };
'svelte:head': { [name: string]: any };
[name: string]: { [name: string]: any };
const __vite_glob_1_2 = "/// <reference lib=\"dom\" />\n\ndeclare namespace svelteHTML {\n\n // Every namespace eligible for use needs to implement the following two functions\n /**\n * @internal do not use\n */\n function mapElementTag<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(\n tag: K\n ): ElementTagNameMap[K];\n function mapElementTag<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(\n tag: K\n ): SVGElementTagNameMap[K];\n function mapElementTag(\n tag: any\n ): any; // needs to be any because used in context of <svelte:element>\n\n /**\n * @internal do not use\n */\n function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements>(\n // \"undefined | null\" because of <svelte:element>\n element: Key | undefined | null, attrs: string extends Key ? import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes<any> : Elements[Key]\n ): Key extends keyof ElementTagNameMap ? ElementTagNameMap[Key] : Key extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap ? SVGElementTagNameMap[Key] : any;\n function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements, T>(\n // \"undefined | null\" because of <svelte:element>\n element: Key | undefined | null, attrsEnhancers: T, attrs: (string extends Key ? import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes<any> : Elements[Key]) & T\n ): Key extends keyof ElementTagNameMap ? ElementTagNameMap[Key] : Key extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap ? SVGElementTagNameMap[Key] : any;\n\n // For backwards-compatibility and ease-of-use, in case someone enhanced the typings from import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes/SVGAttributes\n interface HTMLAttributes<T extends EventTarget = any> {}\n interface SVGAttributes<T extends EventTarget = any> {}\n\n /**\n * @internal do not use\n */\n type EventsWithColon<T> = {[Property in keyof T as Property extends `on${infer Key}` ? `on:${Key}` : Property]?: T[Property] }\n /**\n * @internal do not use\n */\n type HTMLProps<Property extends string, Override> =\n // This omit chain ensures that properties manually defined in the new transformation take precedence\n // over those manually defined in the old, taking precendence over the defaults, to make sth like this possible\n //\n // The AttributeNames Omit is necessary because the old transformation only has HTMLAttributes on which types for all\n // elements are defined, which would silence type errors in the new transformation.\n Omit<\n Omit<import('svelte/elements').SvelteHTMLElements[Property], keyof EventsWithColon<Omit<svelte.JSX.IntrinsicElements[Property & string], svelte.JSX.AttributeNames>>> & EventsWithColon<Omit<svelte.JSX.IntrinsicElements[Property & string], svelte.JSX.AttributeNames>>,\n keyof Override\n > & Override;\n /**\n * @internal do not use\n */\n type RemoveIndex<T> = {\n [ K in keyof T as string extends K ? never : K ] : T[K]\n };\n\n // the following type construct makes sure that we can use the new typings while maintaining backwards-compatibility in case someone enhanced the old typings\n interface IntrinsicElements extends Omit<RemoveIndex<svelte.JSX.IntrinsicElements>, keyof RemoveIndex<import('svelte/elements').SvelteHTMLElements>> {\n a: HTMLProps<'a', HTMLAttributes>;\n abbr: HTMLProps<'abbr', HTMLAttributes>;\n address: HTMLProps<'address', HTMLAttributes>;\n area: HTMLProps<'area', HTMLAttributes>;\n article: HTMLProps<'article', HTMLAttributes>;\n aside: HTMLProps<'aside', HTMLAttributes>;\n audio: HTMLProps<'audio', HTMLAttributes>;\n b: HTMLProps<'b', HTMLAttributes>;\n base: HTMLProps<'base', HTMLAttributes>;\n bdi: HTMLProps<'bdi', HTMLAttributes>;\n bdo: HTMLProps<'bdo', HTMLAttributes>;\n big: HTMLProps<'big', HTMLAttributes>;\n blockquote: HTMLProps<'blockquote', HTMLAttributes>;\n body: HTMLProps<'body', HTMLAttributes>;\n br: HTMLProps<'br', HTMLAttributes>;\n button: HTMLProps<'button', HTMLAttributes>;\n canvas: HTMLProps<'canvas', HTMLAttributes>;\n caption: HTMLProps<'caption', HTMLAttributes>;\n cite: HTMLProps<'cite', HTMLAttributes>;\n code: HTMLProps<'code', HTMLAttributes>;\n col: HTMLProps<'col', HTMLAttributes>;\n colgroup: HTMLProps<'colgroup', HTMLAttributes>;\n data: HTMLProps<'data', HTMLAttributes>;\n datalist: HTMLProps<'datalist', HTMLAttributes>;\n dd: HTMLProps<'dd', HTMLAttributes>;\n del: HTMLProps<'del', HTMLAttributes>;\n details: HTMLProps<'details', HTMLAttributes>;\n dfn: HTMLProps<'dfn', HTMLAttributes>;\n dialog: HTMLProps<'dialog', HTMLAttributes>;\n div: HTMLProps<'div', HTMLAttributes>;\n dl: HTMLProps<'dl', HTMLAttributes>;\n dt: HTMLProps<'dt', HTMLAttributes>;\n em: HTMLProps<'em', HTMLAttributes>;\n embed: HTMLProps<'embed', HTMLAttributes>;\n fieldset: HTMLProps<'fieldset', HTMLAttributes>;\n figcaption: HTMLProps<'figcaption', HTMLAttributes>;\n figure: HTMLProps<'figure', HTMLAttributes>;\n footer: HTMLProps<'footer', HTMLAttributes>;\n form: HTMLProps<'form', HTMLAttributes>;\n h1: HTMLProps<'h1', HTMLAttributes>;\n h2: HTMLProps<'h2', HTMLAttributes>;\n h3: HTMLProps<'h3', HTMLAttributes>;\n h4: HTMLProps<'h4', HTMLAttributes>;\n h5: HTMLProps<'h5', HTMLAttributes>;\n h6: HTMLProps<'h6', HTMLAttributes>;\n head: HTMLProps<'head', HTMLAttributes>;\n header: HTMLProps<'header', HTMLAttributes>;\n hgroup: HTMLProps<'hgroup', HTMLAttributes>;\n hr: HTMLProps<'hr', HTMLAttributes>;\n html: HTMLProps<'html', HTMLAttributes>;\n i: HTMLProps<'i', HTMLAttributes>;\n iframe: HTMLProps<'iframe', HTMLAttributes>;\n img: HTMLProps<'img', HTMLAttributes>;\n input: HTMLProps<'input', HTMLAttributes>;\n ins: HTMLProps<'ins', HTMLAttributes>;\n kbd: HTMLProps<'kbd', HTMLAttributes>;\n keygen: HTMLProps<'keygen', HTMLAttributes>;\n label: HTMLProps<'label', HTMLAttributes>;\n legend: HTMLProps<'legend', HTMLAttributes>;\n li: HTMLProps<'li', HTMLAttributes>;\n link: HTMLProps<'link', HTMLAttributes>;\n main: HTMLProps<'main', HTMLAttributes>;\n map: HTMLProps<'map', HTMLAttributes>;\n mark: HTMLProps<'mark', HTMLAttributes>;\n menu: HTMLProps<'menu', HTMLAttributes>;\n menuitem: HTMLProps<'menuitem', HTMLAttributes>;\n meta: HTMLProps<'meta', HTMLAttributes>;\n meter: HTMLProps<'meter', HTMLAttributes>;\n nav: HTMLProps<'nav', HTMLAttributes>;\n noscript: HTMLProps<'noscript', HTMLAttributes>;\n object: HTMLProps<'object', HTMLAttributes>;\n ol: HTMLProps<'ol', HTMLAttributes>;\n optgroup: HTMLProps<'optgroup', HTMLAttributes>;\n option: HTMLProps<'option', HTMLAttributes>;\n output: HTMLProps<'output', HTMLAttributes>;\n p: HTMLProps<'p', HTMLAttributes>;\n param: HTMLProps<'param', HTMLAttributes>;\n picture: HTMLProps<'picture', HTMLAttributes>;\n pre: HTMLProps<'pre', HTMLAttributes>;\n progress: HTMLProps<'progress', HTMLAttributes>;\n q: HTMLProps<'q', HTMLAttributes>;\n rp: HTMLProps<'rp', HTMLAttributes>;\n rt: HTMLProps<'rt', HTMLAttributes>;\n ruby: HTMLProps<'ruby', HTMLAttributes>;\n s: HTMLProps<'s', HTMLAttributes>;\n samp: HTMLProps<'samp', HTMLAttributes>;\n slot: HTMLProps<'slot', HTMLAttributes>;\n script: HTMLProps<'script', HTMLAttributes>;\n section: HTMLProps<'section', HTMLAttributes>;\n select: HTMLProps<'select', HTMLAttributes>;\n small: HTMLProps<'small', HTMLAttributes>;\n source: HTMLProps<'source', HTMLAttributes>;\n span: HTMLProps<'span', HTMLAttributes>;\n strong: HTMLProps<'strong', HTMLAttributes>;\n style: HTMLProps<'style', HTMLAttributes>;\n sub: HTMLProps<'sub', HTMLAttributes>;\n summary: HTMLProps<'summary', HTMLAttributes>;\n sup: HTMLProps<'sup', HTMLAttributes>;\n table: HTMLProps<'table', HTMLAttributes>;\n template: HTMLProps<'template', HTMLAttributes>;\n tbody: HTMLProps<'tbody', HTMLAttributes>;\n td: HTMLProps<'td', HTMLAttributes>;\n textarea: HTMLProps<'textarea', HTMLAttributes>;\n tfoot: HTMLProps<'tfoot', HTMLAttributes>;\n th: HTMLProps<'th', HTMLAttributes>;\n thead: HTMLProps<'thead', HTMLAttributes>;\n time: HTMLProps<'time', HTMLAttributes>;\n title: HTMLProps<'title', HTMLAttributes>;\n tr: HTMLProps<'tr', HTMLAttributes>;\n track: HTMLProps<'track', HTMLAttributes>;\n u: HTMLProps<'u', HTMLAttributes>;\n ul: HTMLProps<'ul', HTMLAttributes>;\n var: HTMLProps<'var', HTMLAttributes>;\n video: HTMLProps<'video', HTMLAttributes>;\n wbr: HTMLProps<'wbr', HTMLAttributes>;\n webview: HTMLProps<'webview', HTMLAttributes>;\n // SVG\n svg: HTMLProps<'svg', SVGAttributes>;\n\n animate: HTMLProps<'animate', SVGAttributes>;\n animateMotion: HTMLProps<'animateMotion', SVGAttributes>;\n animateTransform: HTMLProps<'animateTransform', SVGAttributes>;\n circle: HTMLProps<'circle', SVGAttributes>;\n clipPath: HTMLProps<'clipPath', SVGAttributes>;\n defs: HTMLProps<'defs', SVGAttributes>;\n desc: HTMLProps<'desc', SVGAttributes>;\n ellipse: HTMLProps<'ellipse', SVGAttributes>;\n feBlend: HTMLProps<'feBlend', SVGAttributes>;\n feColorMatrix: HTMLProps<'feColorMatrix', SVGAttributes>;\n feComponentTransfer: HTMLProps<'feComponentTransfer', SVGAttributes>;\n feComposite: HTMLProps<'feComposite', SVGAttributes>;\n feConvolveMatrix: HTMLProps<'feConvolveMatrix', SVGAttributes>;\n feDiffuseLighting: HTMLProps<'feDiffuseLighting', SVGAttributes>;\n feDisplacementMap: HTMLProps<'feDisplacementMap', SVGAttributes>;\n feDistantLight: HTMLProps<'feDistantLight', SVGAttributes>;\n feDropShadow: HTMLProps<'feDropShadow', SVGAttributes>;\n feFlood: HTMLProps<'feFlood', SVGAttributes>;\n feFuncA: HTMLProps<'feFuncA', SVGAttributes>;\n feFuncB: HTMLProps<'feFuncB', SVGAttributes>;\n feFuncG: HTMLProps<'feFuncG', SVGAttributes>;\n feFuncR: HTMLProps<'feFuncR', SVGAttributes>;\n feGaussianBlur: HTMLProps<'feGaussianBlur', SVGAttributes>;\n feImage: HTMLProps<'feImage', SVGAttributes>;\n feMerge: HTMLProps<'feMerge', SVGAttributes>;\n feMergeNode: HTMLProps<'feMergeNode', SVGAttributes>;\n feMorphology: HTMLProps<'feMorphology', SVGAttributes>;\n feOffset: HTMLProps<'feOffset', SVGAttributes>;\n fePointLight: HTMLProps<'fePointLight', SVGAttributes>;\n feSpecularLighting: HTMLProps<'feSpecularLighting', SVGAttributes>;\n feSpotLight: HTMLProps<'feSpotLight', SVGAttributes>;\n feTile: HTMLProps<'feTile', SVGAttributes>;\n feTurbulence: HTMLProps<'feTurbulence', SVGAttributes>;\n filter: HTMLProps<'filter', SVGAttributes>;\n foreignObject: HTMLProps<'foreignObject', SVGAttributes>;\n g: HTMLProps<'g', SVGAttributes>;\n image: HTMLProps<'image', SVGAttributes>;\n line: HTMLProps<'line', SVGAttributes>;\n linearGradient: HTMLProps<'linearGradient', SVGAttributes>;\n marker: HTMLProps<'marker', SVGAttributes>;\n mask: HTMLProps<'mask', SVGAttributes>;\n metadata: HTMLProps<'metadata', SVGAttributes>;\n mpath: HTMLProps<'mpath', SVGAttributes>;\n path: HTMLProps<'path', SVGAttributes>;\n pattern: HTMLProps<'pattern', SVGAttributes>;\n polygon: HTMLProps<'polygon', SVGAttributes>;\n polyline: HTMLProps<'polyline', SVGAttributes>;\n radialGradient: HTMLProps<'radialGradient', SVGAttributes>;\n rect: HTMLProps<'rect', SVGAttributes>;\n stop: HTMLProps<'stop', SVGAttributes>;\n switch: HTMLProps<'switch', SVGAttributes>;\n symbol: HTMLProps<'symbol', SVGAttributes>;\n text: HTMLProps<'text', SVGAttributes>;\n textPath: HTMLProps<'textPath', SVGAttributes>;\n tspan: HTMLProps<'tspan', SVGAttributes>;\n use: HTMLProps<'use', SVGAttributes>;\n view: HTMLProps<'view', SVGAttributes>;\n\n // Svelte specific\n 'svelte:window': HTMLProps<'svelte:window', HTMLAttributes>;\n 'svelte:body': HTMLProps<'svelte:body', HTMLAttributes>;\n 'svelte:fragment': { slot?: string };\n 'svelte:options': { [name: string]: any };\n 'svelte:head': { [name: string]: any };\n\n [name: string]: { [name: string]: any };\n }\n\n}\n\n// Keep svelte.JSX for backwards compatibility, in case someone enhanced it with their own typings,\n// which we can transform to the new svelteHTML namespace.\n/**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead, or the `svelteHTML` namespace.\n * For more info see\n */\ndeclare namespace svelte.JSX {\n\n /* svelte specific */\n interface ElementClass {\n $$prop_def: any;\n }\n\n interface ElementAttributesProperty {\n $$prop_def: any; // specify the property name to use\n }\n\n /* html jsx */\n\n interface IntrinsicAttributes {\n slot?: string;\n }\n\n //\n // Event Handler Types\n // ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n type EventHandler<E extends Event = Event, T extends EventTarget = HTMLElement> =\n (event: E & { currentTarget: EventTarget & T}) => any;\n\n type ClipboardEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent, T>;\n type CompositionEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<CompositionEvent, T>;\n type DragEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<DragEvent, T>;\n type FocusEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<FocusEvent, T>;\n type FormEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<Event, T>;\n type ChangeEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<Event, T>;\n type KeyboardEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent, T>;\n type MouseEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<MouseEvent, T>;\n type TouchEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<TouchEvent, T>;\n type PointerEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<PointerEvent, T>;\n type UIEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<UIEvent, T>;\n type WheelEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<WheelEvent, T>;\n type AnimationEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<AnimationEvent, T>;\n type TransitionEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<TransitionEvent, T>;\n type MessageEventHandler<T extends EventTarget> = EventHandler<MessageEvent, T>;\n\n /** @deprecated DO NOT USE, WILL BE REMOVED SOON */\n type AttributeNames =\n |'oncopy'\n |'oncut'\n |'onpaste'\n |'oncompositionend'\n |'oncompositionstart'\n |'oncompositionupdate'\n |'onfocus'\n |'onfocusin'\n |'onfocusout'\n |'onblur'\n |'onchange'\n |'oninput'\n |'onreset'\n |'onsubmit'\n |'oninvalid'\n |'onbeforeinput'\n |'onload'\n |'onerror'\n |'ontoggle'\n |'onkeydown'\n |'onkeypress'\n |'onkeyup'\n |'onabort'\n |'oncanplay'\n |'oncanplaythrough'\n |'oncuechange'\n |'ondurationchange'\n |'onemptied'\n |'onencrypted'\n |'onended'\n |'onloadeddata'\n |'onloadedmetadata'\n |'onloadstart'\n |'onpause'\n |'onplay'\n |'onplaying'\n |'onprogress'\n |'onratechange'\n |'onseeked'\n |'onseeking'\n |'onstalled'\n |'onsuspend'\n |'ontimeupdate'\n |'onvolumechange'\n |'onwaiting'\n |'onauxclick'\n |'onclick'\n |'oncontextmenu'\n |'ondblclick'\n |'ondrag'\n |'ondragend'\n |'ondragenter'\n |'ondragexit'\n |'ondragleave'\n |'ondragover'\n |'ondragstart'\n |'ondrop'\n |'onmousedown'\n |'onmouseenter'\n |'onmouseleave'\n |'onmousemove'\n |'onmouseout'\n |'onmouseover'\n |'onmouseup'\n |'onselect'\n |'onselectionchange'\n |'onselectstart'\n |'ontouchcancel'\n |'ontouchend'\n |'ontouchmove'\n |'ontouchstart'\n |'ongotpointercapture'\n |'onpointercancel'\n |'onpointerdown'\n |'onpointerenter'\n |'onpointerleave'\n |'onpointermove'\n |'onpointerout'\n |'onpointerover'\n |'onpointerup'\n |'onlostpointercapture'\n |'onscroll'\n |'onresize'\n |'onwheel'\n |'onanimationstart'\n |'onanimationend'\n |'onanimationiteration'\n |'ontransitionstart'\n |'ontransitionrun'\n |'ontransitionend'\n |'ontransitioncancel'\n |'onoutrostart'\n |'onoutroend'\n |'onintrostart'\n |'onintroend'\n |'onmessage'\n |'onmessageerror'\n |'oncancel'\n |'onclose'\n |'onfullscreenchange'\n |'onfullscreenerror'\n |'class'\n |'dataset'\n |'accept'\n |'acceptcharset'\n |'accesskey'\n |'action'\n |'allow'\n |'allowfullscreen'\n |'allowtransparency'\n |'allowpaymentrequest'\n |'alt'\n |'as'\n |'async'\n |'autocomplete'\n |'autofocus'\n |'autoplay'\n |'capture'\n |'cellpadding'\n |'cellspacing'\n |'charset'\n |'challenge'\n |'checked'\n |'cite'\n |'classid'\n |'cols'\n |'colspan'\n |'content'\n |'contenteditable'\n |'innerHTML'\n |'textContent'\n |'contextmenu'\n |'controls'\n |'coords'\n |'crossorigin'\n |'currenttime'\n |'decoding'\n |'data'\n |'datetime'\n |'default'\n |'defaultmuted'\n |'defaultplaybackrate'\n |'defer'\n |'dir'\n |'dirname'\n |'disabled'\n |'download'\n |'draggable'\n |'enctype'\n |'enterkeyhint'\n |'for'\n |'form'\n |'formaction'\n |'formenctype'\n |'formmethod'\n |'formnovalidate'\n |'formtarget'\n |'frameborder'\n |'headers'\n |'height'\n |'hidden'\n |'high'\n |'href'\n |'hreflang'\n |'htmlfor'\n |'httpequiv'\n |'id'\n |'inputmode'\n |'integrity'\n |'is'\n |'ismap'\n |'keyparams'\n |'keytype'\n |'kind'\n |'label'\n |'lang'\n |'list'\n |'loading'\n |'loop'\n |'low'\n |'manifest'\n |'marginheight'\n |'marginwidth'\n |'max'\n |'maxlength'\n |'media'\n |'mediagroup'\n |'method'\n |'min'\n |'minlength'\n |'multiple'\n |'muted'\n |'name'\n |'nonce'\n |'novalidate'\n |'open'\n |'optimum'\n |'part'\n |'pattern'\n |'placeholder'\n |'playsinline'\n |'ping'\n |'poster'\n |'preload'\n |'radiogroup'\n |'readonly'\n |'referrerpolicy'\n |'rel'\n |'required'\n |'reversed'\n |'role'\n |'rows'\n |'rowspan'\n |'sandbox'\n |'scope'\n |'scoped'\n |'scrolling'\n |'seamless'\n |'selected'\n |'shape'\n |'size'\n |'sizes'\n |'slot'\n |'span'\n |'spellcheck'\n |'src'\n |'srcdoc'\n |'srclang'\n |'srcset'\n |'start'\n |'step'\n |'style'\n |'summary'\n |'tabindex'\n |'target'\n |'title'\n |'translate'\n |'type'\n |'usemap'\n |'value'\n |'volume'\n |'width'\n |'wmode'\n |'wrap'\n |'about'\n |'datatype'\n |'inlist'\n |'prefix'\n |'property'\n |'resource'\n |'typeof'\n |'vocab'\n |'autocapitalize'\n |'autocorrect'\n |'autosave'\n |'color'\n |'controlslist'\n |'inert'\n |'itemprop'\n |'itemscope'\n |'itemtype'\n |'itemid'\n |'itemref'\n |'results'\n |'security'\n |'unselectable';\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface DOMAttributes<T extends EventTarget> {\n oncopy?: ClipboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oncut?: ClipboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpaste?: ClipboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oncompositionend?: CompositionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oncompositionstart?: CompositionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oncompositionupdate?: CompositionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onfocus?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onfocusin?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onfocusout?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onblur?: FocusEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onchange?: FormEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oninput?: FormEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onreset?: FormEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onsubmit?: EventHandler<SubmitEvent, T> | undefined | null;\n oninvalid?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onbeforeinput?: EventHandler<InputEvent, T> | undefined | null;\n onload?: EventHandler | undefined | null;\n onerror?: EventHandler | undefined | null; // also a Media Event\n ontoggle?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onkeydown?: KeyboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onkeypress?: KeyboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onkeyup?: KeyboardEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onabort?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n oncanplay?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n oncanplaythrough?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n oncuechange?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n ondurationchange?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onemptied?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onencrypted?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onended?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onloadeddata?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onloadedmetadata?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onloadstart?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onpause?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onplay?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onplaying?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onprogress?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onratechange?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onseeked?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onseeking?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onstalled?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onsuspend?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n ontimeupdate?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onvolumechange?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onwaiting?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onauxclick?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onclick?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oncontextmenu?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondblclick?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondrag?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondragend?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondragenter?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondragexit?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondragleave?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondragover?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondragstart?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ondrop?: DragEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmousedown?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmouseenter?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmouseleave?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmousemove?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmouseout?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmouseover?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmouseup?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onselect?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onselectionchange?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onselectstart?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n ontouchcancel?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontouchend?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontouchmove?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontouchstart?: TouchEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ongotpointercapture?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointercancel?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointerdown?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointerenter?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointerleave?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointermove?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointerout?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointerover?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onpointerup?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onlostpointercapture?: PointerEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onscroll?: UIEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onresize?: UIEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onwheel?: WheelEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onanimationstart?: AnimationEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onanimationend?: AnimationEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onanimationiteration?: AnimationEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontransitionstart?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontransitionrun?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontransitionend?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n ontransitioncancel?: TransitionEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onoutrostart?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n onoutroend?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n onintrostart?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n onintroend?: EventHandler<CustomEvent<null>, T> | undefined | null;\n onmessage?: MessageEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n onmessageerror?: MessageEventHandler<T> | undefined | null;\n oncancel?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onclose?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onfullscreenchange?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n onfullscreenerror?: EventHandler<Event, T> | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface AriaAttributes {\n 'aria-activedescendant'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-atomic'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-busy'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-checked'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-colcount'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-colindex'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-colspan'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-controls'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-current'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-describedby'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-details'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-disabled'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-dropeffect'?: 'none' | 'copy' | 'execute' | 'link' | 'move' | 'popup' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-errormessage'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-expanded'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-flowto'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-grabbed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-haspopup'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-hidden'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-invalid'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'grammar' | 'spelling' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-keyshortcuts'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-label'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-level'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-live'?: 'off' | 'assertive' | 'polite' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-modal'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-multiline'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-multiselectable'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-orientation'?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-owns'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-placeholder'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-posinset'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-readonly'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-relevant'?: 'additions' | 'additions removals' | 'additions text' | 'all' | 'removals' | 'removals additions' | 'removals text' | 'text' | 'text additions' | 'text removals' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-required'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-roledescription'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'aria-rowcount'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-rowindex'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-rowspan'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-selected'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-setsize'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-sort'?: 'none' | 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'other' | undefined | null;\n 'aria-valuemax'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-valuemin'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-valuenow'?: number | undefined | null;\n 'aria-valuetext'?: string | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface HTMLAttributes<T extends EventTarget> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {\n class?: string | undefined | null;\n dataset?: object | undefined | null;\n accept?: string | undefined | null;\n acceptcharset?: string | undefined | null;\n accesskey?: string | undefined | null;\n action?: string | undefined | null;\n allow?: string | undefined | null;\n allowfullscreen?: boolean | undefined | null;\n allowtransparency?: boolean | undefined | null;\n allowpaymentrequest?: boolean | undefined | null;\n alt?: string | undefined | null;\n as?: string | undefined | null;\n async?: boolean | undefined | null;\n autocomplete?: string | undefined | null;\n autofocus?: boolean | undefined | null;\n autoplay?: boolean | undefined | null;\n capture?: 'environment' | 'user' | boolean | undefined | null;\n cellpadding?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cellspacing?: number | string | undefined | null;\n charset?: string | undefined | null;\n challenge?: string | undefined | null;\n checked?: boolean | undefined | null;\n cite?: string | undefined | null;\n classid?: string | undefined | null;\n cols?: number | undefined | null;\n colspan?: number | undefined | null;\n content?: string | undefined | null;\n contenteditable?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean | undefined | null;\n innerHTML?: string | undefined | null;\n textContent?: string | undefined | null;\n contextmenu?: string | undefined | null;\n controls?: boolean | undefined | null;\n coords?: string | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: string | undefined | null;\n currenttime?: number | undefined | null;\n decoding?: 'async' | 'sync' | 'auto' | undefined | null;\n data?: string | undefined | null;\n datetime?: string | undefined | null;\n default?: boolean | undefined | null;\n defaultmuted?: boolean | undefined | null;\n defaultplaybackrate?: number | undefined | null;\n defer?: boolean | undefined | null;\n dir?: string | undefined | null;\n dirname?: string | undefined | null;\n disabled?: boolean | undefined | null;\n download?: any | undefined | null;\n draggable?: boolean | 'true' | 'false' | undefined | null;\n enctype?: string | undefined | null;\n enterkeyhint?: 'enter' | 'done' | 'go' | 'next' | 'previous' | 'search' | 'send' | undefined | null;\n for?: string | undefined | null;\n form?: string | undefined | null;\n formaction?: string | undefined | null;\n formenctype?: string | undefined | null;\n formmethod?: string | undefined | null;\n formnovalidate?: boolean | undefined | null;\n formtarget?: string | undefined | null;\n frameborder?: number | string | undefined | null;\n headers?: string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n hidden?: boolean | undefined | null;\n high?: number | undefined | null;\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n hreflang?: string | undefined | null;\n htmlfor?: string | undefined | null;\n httpequiv?: string | undefined | null;\n id?: string | undefined | null;\n inputmode?: string | undefined | null;\n integrity?: string | undefined | null;\n is?: string | undefined | null;\n ismap?: boolean | undefined | null;\n keyparams?: string | undefined | null;\n keytype?: string | undefined | null;\n kind?: string | undefined | null;\n label?: string | undefined | null;\n lang?: string | undefined | null;\n list?: string | undefined | null;\n loading?: string | undefined | null;\n loop?: boolean | undefined | null;\n low?: number | undefined | null;\n manifest?: string | undefined | null;\n marginheight?: number | undefined | null;\n marginwidth?: number | undefined | null;\n max?: number | string | undefined | null;\n maxlength?: number | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n mediagroup?: string | undefined | null;\n method?: string | undefined | null;\n min?: number | string | undefined | null;\n minlength?: number | undefined | null;\n multiple?: boolean | undefined | null;\n muted?: boolean | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n nonce?: string | undefined | null;\n novalidate?: boolean | undefined | null;\n open?: boolean | undefined | null;\n optimum?: number | undefined | null;\n part?: string | undefined | null;\n pattern?: string | undefined | null;\n placeholder?: string | undefined | null;\n playsinline?: boolean | undefined | null;\n ping?: string | undefined | null;\n poster?: string | undefined | null;\n preload?: string | undefined | null;\n radiogroup?: string | undefined | null;\n readonly?: boolean | undefined | null;\n referrerpolicy?: string | undefined | null;\n rel?: string | undefined | null;\n required?: boolean | undefined | null;\n reversed?: boolean | undefined | null;\n role?: string | undefined | null;\n rows?: number | undefined | null;\n rowspan?: number | undefined | null;\n sandbox?: string | undefined | null;\n scope?: string | undefined | null;\n scoped?: boolean | undefined | null;\n scrolling?: string | undefined | null;\n seamless?: boolean | undefined | null;\n selected?: boolean | undefined | null;\n shape?: string | undefined | null;\n size?: number | undefined | null;\n sizes?: string | undefined | null;\n slot?: string | undefined | null;\n span?: number | undefined | null;\n spellcheck?: boolean | 'true' | 'false' | undefined | null;\n src?: string | undefined | null;\n srcdoc?: string | undefined | null;\n srclang?: string | undefined | null;\n srcset?: string | undefined | null;\n start?: number | undefined | null;\n step?: number | string | undefined | null;\n style?: string | undefined | null;\n summary?: string | undefined | null;\n tabindex?: number | undefined | null;\n target?: string | undefined | null;\n title?: string | undefined | null;\n translate?: \"yes\" | \"no\" | \"\" | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n usemap?: string | undefined | null;\n value?: any | undefined | null;\n volume?: number | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n wmode?: string | undefined | null;\n wrap?: string | undefined | null;\n about?: string | undefined | null;\n datatype?: string | undefined | null;\n inlist?: any | undefined | null;\n prefix?: string | undefined | null;\n property?: string | undefined | null;\n resource?: string | undefined | null;\n typeof?: string | undefined | null;\n vocab?: string | undefined | null;\n autocapitalize?: string | undefined | null;\n autocorrect?: string | undefined | null;\n autosave?: string | undefined | null;\n color?: string | undefined | null;\n controlslist?: 'nodownload' | 'nofullscreen' | 'noplaybackrate' | 'noremoteplayback';\n inert?: boolean | undefined | null;\n itemprop?: string | undefined | null;\n itemscope?: boolean | undefined | null;\n itemtype?: string | undefined | null;\n itemid?: string | undefined | null;\n itemref?: string | undefined | null;\n results?: number | undefined | null;\n security?: string | undefined | null;\n unselectable?: boolean | undefined | null;\n\n 'data-sveltekit-keepfocus'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-noscroll'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-preload-code'?: true | '' | 'eager' | 'viewport' | 'hover' | 'tap' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-preload-data'?: true | '' | 'hover' | 'tap' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-reload'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n 'data-sveltekit-replacestate'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SVGAttributes<T extends EventTarget> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {\n className?: string | undefined | null;\n class?: string | undefined | null;\n color?: string | undefined | null;\n height?: number | string | undefined | null;\n id?: string | undefined | null;\n lang?: string | undefined | null;\n max?: number | string | undefined | null;\n media?: string | undefined | null;\n method?: string | undefined | null;\n min?: number | string | undefined | null;\n name?: string | undefined | null;\n style?: string | undefined | null;\n target?: string | undefined | null;\n type?: string | undefined | null;\n width?: number | string | undefined | null;\n role?: string | undefined | null;\n tabindex?: number | undefined | null;\n crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | '' | undefined | null;\n 'accent-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n accumulate?: 'none' | 'sum' | undefined | null;\n additive?: 'replace' | 'sum' | undefined | null;\n 'alignment-baseline'?: 'auto' | 'baseline' | 'before-edge' | 'text-before-edge' | 'middle' |\n 'central' | 'after-edge' | 'text-after-edge' | 'ideographic' | 'alphabetic' | 'hanging' |\n 'mathematical' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n allowReorder?: 'no' | 'yes' | undefined | null;\n alphabetic?: number | string | undefined | null;\n amplitude?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'arabic-form'?: 'initial' | 'medial' | 'terminal' | 'isolated' | undefined | null;\n ascent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n attributeName?: string | undefined | null;\n attributeType?: string | undefined | null;\n autoReverse?: number | string | undefined | null;\n azimuth?: number | string | undefined | null;\n baseFrequency?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'baseline-shift'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n baseProfile?: number | string | undefined | null;\n bbox?: number | string | undefined | null;\n begin?: number | string | undefined | null;\n bias?: number | string | undefined | null;\n by?: number | string | undefined | null;\n calcMode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'cap-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n clip?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'clip-path'?: string | undefined | null;\n clipPathUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'clip-rule'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'color-interpolation'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 'sRGB' | 'linearRGB' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n 'color-profile'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'color-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n contentScriptType?: number | string | undefined | null;\n contentStyleType?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cursor?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n cy?: number | string | undefined | null;\n d?: string | undefined | null;\n decelerate?: number | string | undefined | null;\n descent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n diffuseConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;\n direction?: number | string | undefined | null;\n display?: number | string | undefined | null;\n divisor?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'dominant-baseline'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n dur?: number | string | undefined | null;\n dx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n dy?: number | string | undefined | null;\n edgeMode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n elevation?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'enable-background'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n end?: number | string | undefined | null;\n exponent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n externalResourcesRequired?: number | string | undefined | null;\n fill?: string | undefined | null;\n 'fill-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'fill-rule'?: 'nonzero' | 'evenodd' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n filter?: string | undefined | null;\n filterRes?: number | string | undefined | null;\n filterUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'flood-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'flood-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n focusable?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-family'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'font-size'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-size-adjust'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-stretch'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-style'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-variant'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'font-weight'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n format?: number | string | undefined | null;\n from?: number | string | undefined | null;\n fx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n fy?: number | string | undefined | null;\n g1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n g2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'glyph-name'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'glyph-orientation-horizontal'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'glyph-orientation-vertical'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n glyphRef?: number | string | undefined | null;\n gradientTransform?: string | undefined | null;\n gradientUnits?: string | undefined | null;\n hanging?: number | string | undefined | null;\n href?: string | undefined | null;\n 'horiz-adv-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'horiz-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n ideographic?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'image-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n in2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n in?: string | undefined | null;\n intercept?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k3?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k4?: number | string | undefined | null;\n k?: number | string | undefined | null;\n kernelMatrix?: number | string | undefined | null;\n kernelUnitLength?: number | string | undefined | null;\n kerning?: number | string | undefined | null;\n keyPoints?: number | string | undefined | null;\n keySplines?: number | string | undefined | null;\n keyTimes?: number | string | undefined | null;\n lengthAdjust?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'letter-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'lighting-color'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n limitingConeAngle?: number | string | undefined | null;\n local?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'marker-end'?: string | undefined | null;\n markerHeight?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'marker-mid'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'marker-start'?: string | undefined | null;\n markerUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n markerWidth?: number | string | undefined | null;\n mask?: string | undefined | null;\n maskContentUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n maskUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n mathematical?: number | string | undefined | null;\n mode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n numOctaves?: number | string | undefined | null;\n offset?: number | string | undefined | null;\n opacity?: number | string | undefined | null;\n operator?: number | string | undefined | null;\n order?: number | string | undefined | null;\n orient?: number | string | undefined | null;\n orientation?: number | string | undefined | null;\n origin?: number | string | undefined | null;\n overflow?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'overline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'overline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'paint-order'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'panose-1'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n path?: string | undefined | null;\n pathLength?: number | string | undefined | null;\n patternContentUnits?: string | undefined | null;\n patternTransform?: number | string | undefined | null;\n patternUnits?: string | undefined | null;\n 'pointer-events'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n points?: string | undefined | null;\n pointsAtX?: number | string | undefined | null;\n pointsAtY?: number | string | undefined | null;\n pointsAtZ?: number | string | undefined | null;\n preserveAlpha?: number | string | undefined | null;\n preserveAspectRatio?: string | undefined | null;\n primitiveUnits?: number | string | undefined | null;\n r?: number | string | undefined | null;\n radius?: number | string | undefined | null;\n refX?: number | string | undefined | null;\n refY?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'rendering-intent'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n repeatCount?: number | string | undefined | null;\n repeatDur?: number | string | undefined | null;\n requiredExtensions?: number | string | undefined | null;\n requiredFeatures?: number | string | undefined | null;\n restart?: number | string | undefined | null;\n result?: string | undefined | null;\n rotate?: number | string | undefined | null;\n rx?: number | string | undefined | null;\n ry?: number | string | undefined | null;\n scale?: number | string | undefined | null;\n seed?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'shape-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n slope?: number | string | undefined | null;\n spacing?: number | string | undefined | null;\n specularConstant?: number | string | undefined | null;\n specularExponent?: number | string | undefined | null;\n speed?: number | string | undefined | null;\n spreadMethod?: string | undefined | null;\n startOffset?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stdDeviation?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stemh?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stemv?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stitchTiles?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'stop-color'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'stop-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'strikethrough-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'strikethrough-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n string?: number | string | undefined | null;\n stroke?: string | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-dasharray'?: string | number | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-dashoffset'?: string | number | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-linecap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-linejoin'?: 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'inherit' | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-miterlimit'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-opacity'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'stroke-width'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n surfaceScale?: number | string | undefined | null;\n systemLanguage?: number | string | undefined | null;\n tableValues?: number | string | undefined | null;\n targetX?: number | string | undefined | null;\n targetY?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'text-anchor'?: string | undefined | null;\n 'text-decoration'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n textLength?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'text-rendering'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n to?: number | string | undefined | null;\n transform?: string | undefined | null;\n u1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n u2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'underline-position'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'underline-thickness'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n unicode?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'unicode-bidi'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'unicode-range'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'units-per-em'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-alphabetic'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n values?: string | undefined | null;\n 'vector-effect'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n version?: string | undefined | null;\n 'vert-adv-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'vert-origin-x'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'vert-origin-y'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-hanging'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-ideographic'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n viewBox?: string | undefined | null;\n viewTarget?: number | string | undefined | null;\n visibility?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'v-mathematical'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n widths?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'word-spacing'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n 'writing-mode'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n x1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n x2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n x?: number | string | undefined | null;\n xChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;\n 'x-height'?: number | string | undefined | null;\n xlinkActuate?: string | undefined | null;\n xlinkArcrole?: string | undefined | null;\n xlinkHref?: string | undefined | null;\n xlinkRole?: string | undefined | null;\n xlinkShow?: string | undefined | null;\n xlinkTitle?: string | undefined | null;\n xlinkType?: string | undefined | null;\n xmlBase?: string | undefined | null;\n xmlLang?: string | undefined | null;\n xmlns?: string | undefined | null;\n xmlnsXlink?: string | undefined | null;\n xmlSpace?: string | undefined | null;\n y1?: number | string | undefined | null;\n y2?: number | string | undefined | null;\n y?: number | string | undefined | null;\n yChannelSelector?: string | undefined | null;\n z?: number | string | undefined | null;\n zoomAndPan?: string | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface HTMLProps<T extends EventTarget> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {}\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SVGProps<T extends EventTarget> extends SVGAttributes<T> {}\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SvelteInputProps extends HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement> {\n group?: any | undefined | null;\n files?: FileList | undefined | null;\n indeterminate?: boolean | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SvelteWindowProps {\n readonly innerWidth?: Window['innerWidth'] | undefined | null;\n readonly innerHeight?: Window['innerHeight'] | undefined | null;\n readonly outerWidth?: Window['outerWidth'] | undefined | null;\n readonly outerHeight?: Window['outerHeight'] | undefined | null;\n scrollX?: Window['scrollX'] | undefined | null;\n scrollY?: Window['scrollY'] | undefined | null;\n readonly online?: Window['navigator']['onLine'] | undefined | null;\n\n // Transformed from on:sveltekit:xy\n 'onsveltekit:start'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'onsveltekit:navigation-start'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n 'onsveltekit:navigation-end'?: EventHandler<CustomEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n\n ondevicelight?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onbeforeinstallprompt?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n ondeviceproximity?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onpaint?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onuserproximity?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onbeforeprint?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onafterprint?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onlanguagechange?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onorientationchange?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onmessage?: EventHandler<MessageEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onmessageerror?: EventHandler<MessageEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onoffline?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n ononline?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onbeforeunload?: EventHandler<BeforeUnloadEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onunload?: EventHandler<Event, Window> | undefined | null;\n onstorage?: EventHandler<StorageEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onhashchange?: EventHandler<HashChangeEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onpagehide?: EventHandler<PageTransitionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onpageshow?: EventHandler<PageTransitionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onpopstate?: EventHandler<PopStateEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n ondevicemotion?: EventHandler<DeviceMotionEvent> | undefined | null;\n ondeviceorientation?: EventHandler<DeviceOrientationEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n ondeviceorientationabsolute?: EventHandler<DeviceOrientationEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onunhandledrejection?: EventHandler<PromiseRejectionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n onrejectionhandled?: EventHandler<PromiseRejectionEvent, Window> | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SapperAnchorProps {\n // transformed from sapper:noscroll so it should be camel case\n sapperNoscroll?: true | undefined | null;\n sapperPrefetch?: true | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SvelteMediaTimeRange {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SvelteMediaProps {\n readonly duration?: number | undefined | null;\n readonly buffered?: SvelteMediaTimeRange[] | undefined | null;\n readonly played?: SvelteMediaTimeRange[] | undefined | null;\n readonly seekable?: SvelteMediaTimeRange[] | undefined | null;\n readonly seeking?: boolean | undefined | null;\n readonly ended?: boolean | undefined | null;\n\n /**\n * the current playback time in the video, in seconds\n */\n currentTime?: number | undefined | null;\n /**\n * the current playback time in the video, in seconds\n */\n currenttime?: number | undefined | null;\n // Doesn't work when used as HTML Attribute\n /**\n * how fast or slow to play the video, where 1 is 'normal'\n */\n playbackRate?: number | undefined | null;\n\n paused?: boolean | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface SvelteVideoProps extends SvelteMediaProps {\n // Binding only, don't need lowercase variant\n readonly videoWidth?: number | undefined | null;\n readonly videoHeight?: number | undefined | null;\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use the types from `svelte/elements` instead\n * For more info see\n */\n interface IntrinsicElements {\n // HTML\n a: HTMLProps<HTMLAnchorElement> & SapperAnchorProps;\n abbr: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n address: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n area: HTMLProps<HTMLAreaElement>;\n article: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n aside: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n audio: HTMLProps<HTMLAudioElement> & SvelteMediaProps;\n b: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n base: HTMLProps<HTMLBaseElement>;\n bdi: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n bdo: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n big: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n blockquote: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n body: HTMLProps<HTMLBodyElement>;\n br: HTMLProps<HTMLBRElement>;\n button: HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement>;\n canvas: HTMLProps<HTMLCanvasElement>;\n caption: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n cite: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n code: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n col: HTMLProps<HTMLTableColElement>;\n colgroup: HTMLProps<HTMLTableColElement>;\n data: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n datalist: HTMLProps<HTMLDataListElement>;\n dd: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n del: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n details: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n dfn: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n dialog: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n div: HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>;\n dl: HTMLProps<HTMLDListElement>;\n dt: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n em: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n embed: HTMLProps<HTMLEmbedElement>;\n fieldset: HTMLProps<HTMLFieldSetElement>;\n figcaption: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n figure: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n footer: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n form: HTMLProps<HTMLFormElement>;\n h1: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h2: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h3: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h4: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h5: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n h6: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadingElement>;\n head: HTMLProps<HTMLHeadElement>;\n header: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n hgroup: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n hr: HTMLProps<HTMLHRElement>;\n html: HTMLProps<HTMLHtmlElement>;\n i: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n iframe: HTMLProps<HTMLIFrameElement>;\n img: HTMLProps<HTMLImageElement>;\n input: SvelteInputProps;\n ins: HTMLProps<HTMLModElement>;\n kbd: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n keygen: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n label: HTMLProps<HTMLLabelElement>;\n legend: HTMLProps<HTMLLegendElement>;\n li: HTMLProps<HTMLLIElement>;\n link: HTMLProps<HTMLLinkElement>;\n main: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n map: HTMLProps<HTMLMapElement>;\n mark: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n menu: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n menuitem: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n meta: HTMLProps<HTMLMetaElement>;\n meter: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n nav: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n noindex: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n noscript: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n object: HTMLProps<HTMLObjectElement>;\n ol: HTMLProps<HTMLOListElement>;\n optgroup: HTMLProps<HTMLOptGroupElement>;\n option: HTMLProps<HTMLOptionElement>;\n output: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n p: HTMLProps<HTMLParagraphElement>;\n param: HTMLProps<HTMLParamElement>;\n picture: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n pre: HTMLProps<HTMLPreElement>;\n progress: HTMLProps<HTMLProgressElement>;\n q: HTMLProps<HTMLQuoteElement>;\n rp: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n rt: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n ruby: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n s: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n samp: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n script: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n section: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n select: HTMLProps<HTMLSelectElement>;\n small: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n source: HTMLProps<HTMLSourceElement>;\n span: HTMLProps<HTMLSpanElement>;\n strong: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n style: HTMLProps<HTMLStyleElement>;\n sub: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n summary: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n sup: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n table: HTMLProps<HTMLTableElement>;\n tbody: HTMLProps<HTMLTableSectionElement>;\n td: HTMLProps<HTMLTableDataCellElement>;\n textarea: HTMLProps<HTMLTextAreaElement>;\n tfoot: HTMLProps<HTMLTableSectionElement>;\n th: HTMLProps<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>;\n thead: HTMLProps<HTMLTableSectionElement>;\n time: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n title: HTMLProps<HTMLTitleElement>;\n tr: HTMLProps<HTMLTableRowElement>;\n track: HTMLProps<HTMLTrackElement>;\n u: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n ul: HTMLProps<HTMLUListElement>;\n var: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n video: HTMLProps<HTMLVideoElement> & SvelteVideoProps;\n wbr: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n\n svg: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>;\n\n animate: SVGProps<SVGElement>; // @TODO: It is SVGAnimateElement but not in dom.d.ts for now.\n circle: SVGProps<SVGCircleElement>;\n clipPath: SVGProps<SVGClipPathElement>;\n defs: SVGProps<SVGDefsElement>;\n desc: SVGProps<SVGDescElement>;\n ellipse: SVGProps<SVGEllipseElement>;\n feBlend: SVGProps<SVGFEBlendElement>;\n feColorMatrix: SVGProps<SVGFEColorMatrixElement>;\n feComponentTransfer: SVGProps<SVGFEComponentTransferElement>;\n feComposite: SVGProps<SVGFECompositeElement>;\n feConvolveMatrix: SVGProps<SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement>;\n feDiffuseLighting: SVGProps<SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement>;\n feDisplacementMap: SVGProps<SVGFEDisplacementMapElement>;\n feDistantLight: SVGProps<SVGFEDistantLightElement>;\n feFlood: SVGProps<SVGFEFloodElement>;\n feFuncA: SVGProps<SVGFEFuncAElement>;\n feFuncB: SVGProps<SVGFEFuncBElement>;\n feFuncG: SVGProps<SVGFEFuncGElement>;\n feFuncR: SVGProps<SVGFEFuncRElement>;\n feGaussianBlur: SVGProps<SVGFEGaussianBlurElement>;\n feImage: SVGProps<SVGFEImageElement>;\n feMerge: SVGProps<SVGFEMergeElement>;\n feMergeNode: SVGProps<SVGFEMergeNodeElement>;\n feMorphology: SVGProps<SVGFEMorphologyElement>;\n feOffset: SVGProps<SVGFEOffsetElement>;\n fePointLight: SVGProps<SVGFEPointLightElement>;\n feSpecularLighting: SVGProps<SVGFESpecularLightingElement>;\n feSpotLight: SVGProps<SVGFESpotLightElement>;\n feTile: SVGProps<SVGFETileElement>;\n feTurbulence: SVGProps<SVGFETurbulenceElement>;\n filter: SVGProps<SVGFilterElement>;\n foreignObject: SVGProps<SVGForeignObjectElement>;\n g: SVGProps<SVGGElement>;\n image: SVGProps<SVGImageElement>;\n line: SVGProps<SVGLineElement>;\n linearGradient: SVGProps<SVGLinearGradientElement>;\n marker: SVGProps<SVGMarkerElement>;\n mask: SVGProps<SVGMaskElement>;\n metadata: SVGProps<SVGMetadataElement>;\n path: SVGProps<SVGPathElement>;\n pattern: SVGProps<SVGPatternElement>;\n polygon: SVGProps<SVGPolygonElement>;\n polyline: SVGProps<SVGPolylineElement>;\n radialGradient: SVGProps<SVGRadialGradientElement>;\n rect: SVGProps<SVGRectElement>;\n stop: SVGProps<SVGStopElement>;\n switch: SVGProps<SVGSwitchElement>;\n symbol: SVGProps<SVGSymbolElement>;\n text: SVGProps<SVGTextElement>;\n textPath: SVGProps<SVGTextPathElement>;\n tspan: SVGProps<SVGTSpanElement>;\n use: SVGProps<SVGUseElement>;\n view: SVGProps<SVGViewElement>;\n\n // Svelte specific\n sveltewindow: HTMLProps<Window> & SvelteWindowProps;\n sveltebody: HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n sveltefragment: { slot?: string; };\n svelteoptions: { [name: string]: any };\n sveltehead: { [name: string]: any };\n svelteelement: { 'this': string | undefined | null; } & HTMLProps<any> & SVGProps<any> & SapperAnchorProps;\n // Needed due to backwards compatibility type which hits these\n 'svelte:window': HTMLProps<Window> & SvelteWindowProps;\n 'svelte:body': HTMLProps<HTMLElement>;\n 'svelte:fragment': { slot?: string; };\n 'svelte:options': { [name: string]: any };\n 'svelte:head': { [name: string]: any };\n }\n}\n";
const __vite_glob_1_3 = "declare namespace svelteNative.JSX {\n\n // Every namespace eligible for use needs to implement the following two functions\n function mapElementTag(\n tag: string\n ): any;\n\n function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements>(\n element: Key | undefined | null, attrs: Elements[Key]\n ): any;\n function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements, T>(\n element: Key | undefined | null, attrEnhancers: T, attrs: Elements[Key] & T\n ): any;\n\n\n /* svelte specific */\n interface ElementClass {\n $$prop_def: any;\n }\n\n interface ElementAttributesProperty {\n $$prop_def: any; // specify the property name to use\n }\n\n // Add empty IntrinsicAttributes to prevent fallback to the one in the JSX namespace\n interface IntrinsicAttributes {\n }\n\n interface IntrinsicElements {\n [name: string]: { [name: string]: any };\n }\n}";
const __vite_glob_1_4 = `// Whenever a ambient declaration changes, its number should be increased
// This way, we avoid the situation where multiple ambient versions of svelte2tsx
// are loaded and their declarations conflict each other
// See for an example bug that stems from it
// If you change anything in this file, think about whether or not it should be backported to svelte-shims.d.ts
type AConstructorTypeOf<T, U extends any[] = any[]> = new (...args: U) => T;
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteComponentConstructor<T, U extends import('svelte').ComponentConstructorOptions<any>> = new (options: U) => T;
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteActionReturnType = {
update?: (args: any) => void,
destroy?: () => void
} | void
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteTransitionConfig = {
delay?: number,
duration?: number,
easing?: (t: number) => number,
css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,
tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteTransitionReturnType = SvelteTransitionConfig | (() => SvelteTransitionConfig)
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteAnimationReturnType = {
delay?: number,
duration?: number,
easing?: (t: number) => number,
css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,
tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteWithOptionalProps<Props, Keys extends keyof Props> = Omit<Props, Keys> & Partial<Pick<Props, Keys>>;
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteAllProps = { [index: string]: any }
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props> = {[K in keyof Props]: Props[K] extends never ? never : Props[K] extends undefined ? any : Props[K]}
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots> = {[K in keyof Slots]: {[S in keyof Slots[K]]: Slots[K][S] extends undefined ? any : Slots[K][S]}}
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteRestProps = { [index: string]: any }
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteSlots = { [index: string]: any }
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type SvelteStore<T> = { subscribe: (run: (value: T) => any, invalidate?: any) => any }
// Forces TypeScript to look into the type which results in a better representation of it
// which helps for error messages and is necessary for d.ts file transformation so that
// no ambient type references are left in the output
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type Expand<T> = T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: O[K] } : never;
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type KeysMatching<Obj, V> = {[K in keyof Obj]-?: Obj[K] extends V ? K : never}[keyof Obj]
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
declare type __sveltets_2_CustomEvents<T> = {[K in KeysMatching<T, CustomEvent>]: T[K] extends CustomEvent ? T[K]['detail']: T[K]}
declare var process: NodeJS.Process & { browser: boolean }
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureRightProps<Props>(props: Props): {};
declare function __sveltets_2_instanceOf<T = any>(type: AConstructorTypeOf<T>): T;
declare function __sveltets_2_allPropsType(): SvelteAllProps
declare function __sveltets_2_restPropsType(): SvelteRestProps
declare function __sveltets_2_slotsType<Slots, Key extends keyof Slots>(slots: Slots): Record<Key, boolean>;
// Overload of the following two functions is necessary.
// An empty array of optionalProps makes OptionalProps type any, which means we lose the prop typing.
// optionalProps need to be first or its type cannot be infered correctly.
declare function __sveltets_2_partial<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): {props: Expand<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props>>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }
declare function __sveltets_2_partial<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}, OptionalProps extends keyof Props = any>(
optionalProps: OptionalProps[],
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): {props: Expand<SvelteWithOptionalProps<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props>, OptionalProps>>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }
declare function __sveltets_2_partial_with_any<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): {props: Expand<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props> & SvelteAllProps>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }
declare function __sveltets_2_partial_with_any<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}, OptionalProps extends keyof Props = any>(
optionalProps: OptionalProps[],
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): {props: Expand<SvelteWithOptionalProps<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props>, OptionalProps> & SvelteAllProps>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }
declare function __sveltets_2_with_any<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): {props: Expand<Props & SvelteAllProps>, events: Events, slots: Slots }
declare function __sveltets_2_with_any_event<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): {props: Props, events: Events & {[evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>;}, slots: Slots }
declare function __sveltets_2_store_get<T = any>(store: SvelteStore<T>): T
declare function __sveltets_2_store_get<Store extends SvelteStore<any> | undefined | null>(store: Store): Store extends SvelteStore<infer T> ? T : Store;
declare function __sveltets_2_any(dummy: any): any;
declare function __sveltets_2_invalidate<T>(getValue: () => T): T
declare function __sveltets_2_mapWindowEvent<K extends keyof HTMLBodyElementEventMap>(
event: K
): HTMLBodyElementEventMap[K];
declare function __sveltets_2_mapBodyEvent<K extends keyof WindowEventMap>(
event: K
): WindowEventMap[K];
declare function __sveltets_2_mapElementEvent<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
event: K
): HTMLElementEventMap[K];
declare function __sveltets_2_bubbleEventDef<Events, K extends keyof Events>(
events: Events, eventKey: K
): Events[K];
declare function __sveltets_2_bubbleEventDef(
events: any, eventKey: string
): any;
declare const __sveltets_2_customEvent: CustomEvent<any>;
declare function __sveltets_2_toEventTypings<Typings>(): {[Key in keyof Typings]: CustomEvent<Typings[Key]>};
declare function __sveltets_2_unionType<T1, T2>(t1: T1, t2: T2): T1 | T2;
declare function __sveltets_2_unionType<T1, T2, T3>(t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3): T1 | T2 | T3;
declare function __sveltets_2_unionType<T1, T2, T3, T4>(t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4): T1 | T2 | T3 | T4;
declare function __sveltets_2_unionType(...types: any[]): any;
declare function __sveltets_2_createSvelte2TsxComponent<Props extends {}, Events extends {}, Slots extends {}>(
render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }
): SvelteComponentConstructor<import("svelte").SvelteComponent<Props, Events, Slots>,import('svelte').ComponentConstructorOptions<Props>>;
declare function __sveltets_2_unwrapArr<T>(arr: ArrayLike<T>): T
declare function __sveltets_2_unwrapPromiseLike<T>(promise: PromiseLike<T> | T): T
// v2
declare function __sveltets_2_createCreateSlot<Slots = Record<string, Record<string, any>>>(): <SlotName extends keyof Slots>(slotName: SlotName, attrs: Slots[SlotName]) => Record<string, any>;
declare function __sveltets_2_createComponentAny(props: Record<string, any>): import("svelte").SvelteComponent<any, any, any>;
declare function __sveltets_2_any(...dummy: any[]): any;
declare function __sveltets_2_empty(...dummy: any[]): {};
declare function __sveltets_2_union<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10>(t1:T1,t2?:T2,t3?:T3,t4?:T4,t5?:T5,t6?:T6,t7?:T7,t8?:T8,t9?:T9,t10?:T10): T1 & T2 & T3 & T4 & T5 & T6 & T7 & T8 & T9 & T10;
declare function __sveltets_2_nonNullable<T>(type: T): NonNullable<T>;
declare function __sveltets_2_cssProp(prop: Record<string, any>): {};
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type __sveltets_2_SvelteAnimationReturnType = {
delay?: number,
duration?: number,
easing?: (t: number) => number,
css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,
tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void
declare var __sveltets_2_AnimationMove: { from: DOMRect, to: DOMRect }
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureAnimation(animationCall: __sveltets_2_SvelteAnimationReturnType): {};
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type __sveltets_2_SvelteActionReturnType = {
update?: (args: any) => void,
destroy?: () => void,
$$_attributes?: Record<string, any>,
} | void
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureAction<T extends __sveltets_2_SvelteActionReturnType>(actionCall: T): T extends {$$_attributes?: any} ? T['$$_attributes'] : {};
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionConfig = {
delay?: number,
duration?: number,
easing?: (t: number) => number,
css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,
tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void
/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */
type __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionReturnType = __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionConfig | (() => __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionConfig)
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureTransition(transitionCall: __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionReturnType): {};
// Includes undefined and null for all types as all usages also allow these
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureType<T>(type: AConstructorTypeOf<T>, el: T | undefined | null): {};
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureType<T1, T2>(type1: AConstructorTypeOf<T1>, type2: AConstructorTypeOf<T2>, el: T1 | T2 | undefined | null): {};
// The following is necessary because there are two clashing errors that can't be solved at the same time
// when using Svelte2TsxComponent, more precisely the event typings in
// __sveltets_2_ensureComponent<T extends new (..) => _SvelteComponent<any,||any||<-this,any>>(type: T): T;
// If we type it as "any", we have an error when using sth like {a: CustomEvent<any>}
// If we type it as "{}", we have an error when using sth like {[evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>}
// If we type it as "unknown", we get all kinds of follow up errors which we want to avoid
// Therefore introduce two more base classes just for this case.
* Ambient type only used for intellisense, DO NOT USE IN YOUR PROJECT
declare type ATypedSvelteComponent = {
* @internal This is for type checking capabilities only
* and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.
$$prop_def: any;
* @internal This is for type checking capabilities only
* and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.
$$events_def: any;
* @internal This is for type checking capabilities only
* and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.
$$slot_def: any;
$on(event: string, handler: ((e: any) => any) | null | undefined): () => void;
* Ambient type only used for intellisense, DO NOT USE IN YOUR PROJECT.
* If you're looking for the type of a Svelte Component, use \`SvelteComponent\` and \`ComponentType\` instead:
* \`\`\`ts
* import type { ComponentType, SvelteComponent } from "svelte";
* let myComponentConstructor: ComponentType<SvelteComponent> = ..;
* \`\`\`
declare type ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent = new (args: {target: any, props?: any}) => ATypedSvelteComponent
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureComponent<T extends ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent | null | undefined>(type: T): NonNullable<T>;
declare function __sveltets_2_ensureArray<T extends ArrayLike<unknown> | Iterable<unknown>>(array: T): T extends ArrayLike<infer U> ? U[] : T extends Iterable<infer U> ? Iterable<U> : any[];
const __vite_glob_1_5 = "// Whenever a ambient declaration changes, its number should be increased\n// This way, we avoid the situation where multiple ambient versions of svelte2tsx\n// are loaded and their declarations conflict each other\n// See for an example bug that stems from it\n// If you change anything in this file, think about whether or not it should also be added to svelte-shims-v4.d.ts\n\n// -- start svelte-ls-remove --\ndeclare module '*.svelte' {\n type _SvelteComponent<Props=any,Events=any,Slots=any> = import(\"svelte\").SvelteComponentTyped<Props,Events,Slots>;\n export default _SvelteComponent\n}\n// -- end svelte-ls-remove --\n\n/**\n * @deprecated This will be removed soon. Use `SvelteComponentTyped` instead:\n * ```ts\n * import type { SvelteComponentTyped } from 'svelte';\n * ```\n */\ndeclare class Svelte2TsxComponent<\n Props extends {} = {},\n Events extends {} = {},\n Slots extends {} = {}\n> {\n // svelte2tsx-specific\n /**\n * @internal This is for type checking capabilities only\n * and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.\n */\n $$prop_def: Props;\n /**\n * @internal This is for type checking capabilities only\n * and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.\n */\n $$events_def: Events;\n /**\n * @internal This is for type checking capabilities only\n * and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.\n */\n $$slot_def: Slots;\n //\n constructor(options: Svelte2TsxComponentConstructorParameters<Props>);\n /**\n * Causes the callback function to be called whenever the component dispatches an event.\n * A function is returned that will remove the event listener when called.\n */\n $on<K extends keyof Events & string>(event: K, handler: ((e: Events[K]) => any) | null | undefined): () => void;\n /**\n * Removes a component from the DOM and triggers any `onDestroy` handlers.\n */\n $destroy(): void;\n /**\n * Programmatically sets props on an instance.\n * `component.$set({ x: 1 })` is equivalent to `x = 1` inside the component's `<script>` block.\n * Calling this method schedules an update for the next microtask — the DOM is __not__ updated synchronously.\n */\n $set(props?: Partial<Props>): void;\n // From SvelteComponent(Dev) definition\n $$: any;\n $capture_state(): void;\n $inject_state(): void;\n}\n\n/** @deprecated PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE, REMOVED SOON */\ninterface Svelte2TsxComponentConstructorParameters<Props extends {}> {\n /**\n * An HTMLElement to render to. This option is required.\n */\n target: Element | Document | ShadowRoot;\n /**\n * A child of `target` to render the component immediately before.\n */\n anchor?: Element;\n /**\n * An object of properties to supply to the component.\n */\n props?: Props;\n context?: Map<any, any>;\n hydrate?: boolean;\n intro?: boolean;\n $$inline?: boolean;\n}\n\ntype AConstructorTypeOf<T, U extends any[] = any[]> = new (...args: U) => T;\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteComponentConstructor<T, U extends import('svelte').ComponentConstructorOptions<any>> = new (options: U) => T;\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteActionReturnType = {\n update?: (args: any) => void,\n destroy?: () => void\n} | void\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteTransitionConfig = {\n delay?: number,\n duration?: number,\n easing?: (t: number) => number,\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void\n}\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteTransitionReturnType = SvelteTransitionConfig | (() => SvelteTransitionConfig)\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteAnimationReturnType = {\n delay?: number,\n duration?: number,\n easing?: (t: number) => number,\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void\n}\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteWithOptionalProps<Props, Keys extends keyof Props> = Omit<Props, Keys> & Partial<Pick<Props, Keys>>;\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteAllProps = { [index: string]: any }\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props> = {[K in keyof Props]: Props[K] extends never ? never : Props[K] extends undefined ? any : Props[K]}\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots> = {[K in keyof Slots]: {[S in keyof Slots[K]]: Slots[K][S] extends undefined ? any : Slots[K][S]}}\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteRestProps = { [index: string]: any }\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteSlots = { [index: string]: any }\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype SvelteStore<T> = { subscribe: (run: (value: T) => any, invalidate?: any) => any }\n\n// Forces TypeScript to look into the type which results in a better representation of it\n// which helps for error messages and is necessary for d.ts file transformation so that\n// no ambient type references are left in the output\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype Expand<T> = T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: O[K] } : never;\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype KeysMatching<Obj, V> = {[K in keyof Obj]-?: Obj[K] extends V ? K : never}[keyof Obj]\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ndeclare type __sveltets_2_CustomEvents<T> = {[K in KeysMatching<T, CustomEvent>]: T[K] extends CustomEvent ? T[K]['detail']: T[K]}\n\ndeclare var process: NodeJS.Process & { browser: boolean }\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureRightProps<Props>(props: Props): {};\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_instanceOf<T = any>(type: AConstructorTypeOf<T>): T;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_allPropsType(): SvelteAllProps\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_restPropsType(): SvelteRestProps\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_slotsType<Slots, Key extends keyof Slots>(slots: Slots): Record<Key, boolean>;\n\n// Overload of the following two functions is necessary.\n// An empty array of optionalProps makes OptionalProps type any, which means we lose the prop typing.\n// optionalProps need to be first or its type cannot be infered correctly.\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_partial<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): {props: Expand<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props>>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_partial<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}, OptionalProps extends keyof Props = any>(\n optionalProps: OptionalProps[],\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): {props: Expand<SvelteWithOptionalProps<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props>, OptionalProps>>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_partial_with_any<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): {props: Expand<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props> & SvelteAllProps>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_partial_with_any<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}, OptionalProps extends keyof Props = any>(\n optionalProps: OptionalProps[],\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): {props: Expand<SvelteWithOptionalProps<SveltePropsAnyFallback<Props>, OptionalProps> & SvelteAllProps>, events: Events, slots: Expand<SvelteSlotsAnyFallback<Slots>> }\n\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_with_any<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): {props: Expand<Props & SvelteAllProps>, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_with_any_event<Props = {}, Events = {}, Slots = {}>(\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): {props: Props, events: Events & {[evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>;}, slots: Slots }\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_store_get<T = any>(store: SvelteStore<T>): T\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_store_get<Store extends SvelteStore<any> | undefined | null>(store: Store): Store extends SvelteStore<infer T> ? T : Store;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_any(dummy: any): any;\n// declare function __sveltets_1_empty(...dummy: any[]): {};\n// declare function __sveltets_1_componentType(): AConstructorTypeOf<import(\"svelte\").SvelteComponentTyped<any, any, any>>\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_invalidate<T>(getValue: () => T): T\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_mapWindowEvent<K extends keyof HTMLBodyElementEventMap>(\n event: K\n): HTMLBodyElementEventMap[K];\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_mapBodyEvent<K extends keyof WindowEventMap>(\n event: K\n): WindowEventMap[K];\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_mapElementEvent<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(\n event: K\n): HTMLElementEventMap[K];\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_bubbleEventDef<Events, K extends keyof Events>(\n events: Events, eventKey: K\n): Events[K];\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_bubbleEventDef(\n events: any, eventKey: string\n): any;\n\ndeclare const __sveltets_2_customEvent: CustomEvent<any>;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_toEventTypings<Typings>(): {[Key in keyof Typings]: CustomEvent<Typings[Key]>};\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_unionType<T1, T2>(t1: T1, t2: T2): T1 | T2;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_unionType<T1, T2, T3>(t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3): T1 | T2 | T3;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_unionType<T1, T2, T3, T4>(t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4): T1 | T2 | T3 | T4;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_unionType(...types: any[]): any;\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_createSvelte2TsxComponent<Props, Events, Slots>(\n render: {props: Props, events: Events, slots: Slots }\n): SvelteComponentConstructor<import(\"svelte\").SvelteComponentTyped<Props, Events, Slots>,import('svelte').ComponentConstructorOptions<Props>>;\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_unwrapArr<T>(arr: ArrayLike<T>): T\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_unwrapPromiseLike<T>(promise: PromiseLike<T> | T): T\n\n// v2\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_createCreateSlot<Slots = Record<string, Record<string, any>>>(): <SlotName extends keyof Slots>(slotName: SlotName, attrs: Slots[SlotName]) => Record<string, any>;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_createComponentAny(props: Record<string, any>): import(\"svelte\").SvelteComponentTyped<any, any, any>;\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_any(...dummy: any[]): any;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_empty(...dummy: any[]): {};\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_union<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10>(t1:T1,t2?:T2,t3?:T3,t4?:T4,t5?:T5,t6?:T6,t7?:T7,t8?:T8,t9?:T9,t10?:T10): T1 & T2 & T3 & T4 & T5 & T6 & T7 & T8 & T9 & T10;\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_nonNullable<T>(type: T): NonNullable<T>;\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_cssProp(prop: Record<string, any>): {};\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype __sveltets_2_SvelteAnimationReturnType = {\n delay?: number,\n duration?: number,\n easing?: (t: number) => number,\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void\n}\ndeclare var __sveltets_2_AnimationMove: { from: DOMRect, to: DOMRect }\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureAnimation(animationCall: __sveltets_2_SvelteAnimationReturnType): {};\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype __sveltets_2_SvelteActionReturnType = {\n update?: (args: any) => void,\n destroy?: () => void,\n $$_attributes?: Record<string, any>,\n} | void\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureAction<T extends __sveltets_2_SvelteActionReturnType>(actionCall: T): T extends {$$_attributes?: any} ? T['$$_attributes'] : {};\n\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionConfig = {\n delay?: number,\n duration?: number,\n easing?: (t: number) => number,\n css?: (t: number, u: number) => string,\n tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void\n}\n/** @internal PRIVATE API, DO NOT USE */\ntype __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionReturnType = __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionConfig | (() => __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionConfig)\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureTransition(transitionCall: __sveltets_2_SvelteTransitionReturnType): {};\n\n// Includes undefined and null for all types as all usages also allow these\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureType<T>(type: AConstructorTypeOf<T>, el: T | undefined | null): {};\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureType<T1, T2>(type1: AConstructorTypeOf<T1>, type2: AConstructorTypeOf<T2>, el: T1 | T2 | undefined | null): {};\n\n// The following is necessary because there are two clashing errors that can't be solved at the same time\n// when using Svelte2TsxComponent, more precisely the event typings in\n// __sveltets_2_ensureComponent<T extends new (..) => _SvelteComponent<any,||any||<-this,any>>(type: T): T;\n// If we type it as \"any\", we have an error when using sth like {a: CustomEvent<any>}\n// If we type it as \"{}\", we have an error when using sth like {[evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>}\n// If we type it as \"unknown\", we get all kinds of follow up errors which we want to avoid\n// Therefore introduce two more base classes just for this case.\n/**\n * Ambient type only used for intellisense, DO NOT USE IN YOUR PROJECT\n */\ndeclare type ATypedSvelteComponent = {\n /**\n * @internal This is for type checking capabilities only\n * and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.\n */\n $$prop_def: any;\n /**\n * @internal This is for type checking capabilities only\n * and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.\n */\n $$events_def: any;\n /**\n * @internal This is for type checking capabilities only\n * and does not exist at runtime. Don't use this property.\n */\n $$slot_def: any;\n\n $on(event: string, handler: ((e: any) => any) | null | undefined): () => void;\n}\n/**\n * Ambient type only used for intellisense, DO NOT USE IN YOUR PROJECT.\n * \n * If you're looking for the type of a Svelte Component, use `SvelteComponentTyped` and `ComponentType` instead:\n *\n * ```ts\n * import type { ComponentType, SvelteComponentTyped } from \"svelte\";\n * let myComponentConstructor: ComponentType<SvelteComponentTyped> = ..;\n * ```\n */\ndeclare type ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent = new (args: {target: any, props?: any}) => ATypedSvelteComponent\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureComponent<T extends ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent | null | undefined>(type: T): NonNullable<T>;\n\ndeclare function __sveltets_2_ensureArray<T extends ArrayLike<unknown>>(array: T): T extends ArrayLike<infer U> ? U[] : any[];\n";
const __vite_glob_2_0 = "import type { AutoPreprocessGroup, AutoPreprocessOptions, Processed, TransformerArgs, TransformerOptions } from './types';\nexport declare const transform: (name: string | null | undefined, options: TransformerOptions, { content, markup, map, filename, attributes }: TransformerArgs<any>) => Promise<Processed>;\nexport declare function sveltePreprocess({ aliases, markupTagName, preserve, sourceMap, }?: AutoPreprocessOptions): AutoPreprocessGroup;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_1 = "import { sveltePreprocess } from './autoProcess';\ndeclare const _default: typeof sveltePreprocess;\nexport default _default;\nexport { default as pug } from './processors/pug';\nexport { default as coffeescript } from './processors/coffeescript';\nexport { default as typescript } from './processors/typescript';\nexport { default as less } from './processors/less';\nexport { default as scss, default as sass } from './processors/scss';\nexport { default as stylus } from './processors/stylus';\nexport { default as postcss } from './processors/postcss';\nexport { default as globalStyle } from './processors/globalStyle';\nexport { default as babel } from './processors/babel';\nexport { default as replace } from './processors/replace';\n";
const __vite_glob_2_2 = "export declare const throwError: (msg: string) => never;\nexport declare const throwTypescriptError: () => void;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_3 = "export declare function globalifySelector(selector: string): string;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_4 = "import type { PreprocessorArgs } from '../types';\nexport declare const ALIAS_MAP: Map<string, string>;\nexport declare const SOURCE_MAP_PROP_MAP: Record<string, [string[], any]>;\nexport declare function getLanguageDefaults(lang?: string | null): null | Record<string, any>;\nexport declare function addLanguageAlias(entries: Array<[string, string]>): void;\nexport declare function getLanguageFromAlias(alias?: string | null): string | null | undefined;\nexport declare function isAliasOf(alias?: string | null, lang?: string | null): boolean;\nexport declare const getLanguage: (attributes: PreprocessorArgs['attributes']) => {\n lang: string | null | undefined;\n alias: string | null;\n};\n";
const __vite_glob_2_5 = `import type { Transformer, Preprocessor } from '../types';
/** Create a tag matching regexp. */
export declare function createTagRegex(tagName: string, flags?: string): RegExp;
/** Strip script and style tags from markup. */
export declare function stripTags(markup: string): string;
/** Transform an attribute string into a key-value object */
export declare function parseAttributes(attributesStr: string): Record<string, any>;
export declare function transformMarkup({ content, filename }: {
content: string;
filename?: string;
}, transformer: Preprocessor | Transformer<unknown>, options?: Record<string, any>): Promise<import("../types").Processed>;
const __vite_glob_2_6 = "export declare function prepareContent({ options, content, }: {\n options: any;\n content: string;\n}): string;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_7 = "import type { PreprocessorArgs } from '../types';\nexport declare const getTagInfo: ({ attributes, filename, content, markup, }: PreprocessorArgs) => Promise<{\n filename: string | undefined;\n attributes: Record<string, string | boolean>;\n content: string;\n lang: string | null | undefined;\n alias: string | null;\n dependencies: string[];\n markup: string;\n}>;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_8 = "export declare function concat(...arrs: any[]): any[];\n/** Paths used by preprocessors to resolve @imports */\nexport declare function getIncludePaths(fromFilename?: string, base?: string[]): string[];\n/**\n * Checks if a package is installed.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} dep\n * @returns boolean\n */\nexport declare function hasDepInstalled(dep: string): Promise<boolean>;\nexport declare function isValidLocalPath(path: string): boolean;\nexport declare function findUp({ what, from }: {\n what: string;\n from: string;\n}): string | null;\nexport declare function setProp(obj: any, keyList: string[], value: any): void;\nexport declare const JAVASCRIPT_RESERVED_KEYWORD_SET: Set<string>;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_9 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Babel) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_10 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Coffeescript) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_11 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: () => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_12 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Less) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_13 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup, Options } from '../types';\n/** Adapted from */\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Postcss) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_14 = "import type { Options, PreprocessorGroup } from '../types/index';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Pug) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_15 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options: Options.Replace) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_16 = "import type { PreprocessorGroup, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Sass) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_17 = "import type { Options, PreprocessorGroup } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Stylus) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_18 = "import type { Options, PreprocessorGroup } from '../types';\ndeclare const _default: (options?: Options.Typescript) => PreprocessorGroup;\nexport default _default;\n";
const __vite_glob_2_19 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Babel>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_20 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Coffeescript>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_21 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.GlobalStyle>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_22 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Less>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_23 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\n/** Adapted from */\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Postcss>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_24 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Pug>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_25 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Replace>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_26 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Sass>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_27 = "import type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Stylus>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_28 = "import ts from 'typescript';\nimport type { Transformer, Options } from '../types';\nexport declare function loadTsconfig(compilerOptionsJSON: any, filename: string, tsOptions: Options.Typescript): {\n errors: never[];\n options: any;\n} | {\n errors: ts.Diagnostic[];\n options: ts.CompilerOptions;\n};\ndeclare const transformer: Transformer<Options.Typescript>;\nexport { transformer };\n";
const __vite_glob_2_29 = "import * as Options from './options';\nimport type { Processed as SvelteProcessed, Preprocessor as SveltePreprocessor, PreprocessorGroup } from 'svelte/types/compiler/preprocess';\nexport { Options };\nexport { PreprocessorGroup } from 'svelte/types/compiler/preprocess';\nexport type PreprocessorArgs = Preprocessor extends (options: infer T) => any ? T : never;\nexport type TransformerArgs<T> = {\n content: string;\n filename?: string;\n attributes?: Record<string, any>;\n map?: string | object;\n markup?: string;\n dianostics?: unknown[];\n options?: T;\n};\n/**\n * Small extension to the official SvelteProcessed type\n * to include possible diagnostics.\n * Used for the typescript transformer.\n */\nexport type Processed = SvelteProcessed & {\n diagnostics?: any[];\n};\n/**\n * Svelte preprocessor type with guaranteed Processed results\n *\n * The official type also considers `void`\n * */\nexport type Preprocessor = (options: Parameters<SveltePreprocessor>[0]) => Processed | Promise<Processed>;\nexport type Transformer<T> = (args: TransformerArgs<T>) => Processed | Promise<Processed>;\nexport type TransformerOptions<T = any> = boolean | T | Transformer<T>;\nexport interface Transformers {\n babel?: TransformerOptions<Options.Babel>;\n typescript?: TransformerOptions<Options.Typescript>;\n scss?: TransformerOptions<Options.Sass>;\n sass?: TransformerOptions<Options.Sass>;\n less?: TransformerOptions<Options.Less>;\n stylus?: TransformerOptions<Options.Stylus>;\n postcss?: TransformerOptions<Options.Postcss>;\n coffeescript?: TransformerOptions<Options.Coffeescript>;\n pug?: TransformerOptions<Options.Pug>;\n globalStyle?: Options.GlobalStyle;\n replace?: Options.Replace;\n [language: string]: TransformerOptions;\n}\nexport type AutoPreprocessGroup = PreprocessorGroup;\nexport type AutoPreprocessOptions = {\n markupTagName?: string;\n aliases?: Array<[string, string]>;\n preserve?: string[];\n sourceMap?: boolean;\n babel?: TransformerOptions<Options.Babel>;\n typescript?: TransformerOptions<Options.Typescript>;\n scss?: TransformerOptions<Options.Sass>;\n sass?: TransformerOptions<Options.Sass>;\n less?: TransformerOptions<Options.Less>;\n stylus?: TransformerOptions<Options.Stylus>;\n postcss?: TransformerOptions<Options.Postcss>;\n coffeescript?: TransformerOptions<Options.Coffeescript>;\n pug?: TransformerOptions<Options.Pug>;\n globalStyle?: Options.GlobalStyle | boolean;\n replace?: Options.Replace;\n [languageName: string]: TransformerOptions;\n};\n";
const __vite_glob_2_30 = "import type { LegacyStringOptions } from 'sass';\nimport type * as postcss from 'postcss';\nimport type { Options as PugOptions } from 'pug';\nimport type { TransformOptions as BabelOptions } from '@babel/core';\ntype ContentModifier = {\n prependData?: string;\n stripIndent?: boolean;\n};\ntype MarkupOptions = {\n markupTagName?: string;\n};\nexport type Coffeescript = {\n sourceMap?: boolean;\n filename?: never;\n bare?: never;\n} & ContentModifier;\nexport type Postcss = postcss.ProcessOptions & {\n plugins?: postcss.AcceptedPlugin[];\n configFilePath?: string;\n} & ContentModifier;\nexport type Babel = BabelOptions & {\n sourceType?: 'module';\n minified?: false;\n ast?: false;\n code?: true;\n sourceMaps?: boolean;\n} & ContentModifier;\nexport type Pug = Omit<PugOptions, 'filename' | 'doctype' | 'compileDebug'> & ContentModifier & MarkupOptions;\nexport type Sass = Omit<LegacyStringOptions<'sync'>, 'file' | 'data'> & ContentModifier;\nexport type Less = {\n paths?: string[];\n plugins?: any[];\n strictImports?: boolean;\n maxLineLen?: number;\n dumpLineNumbers?: 'comment' | string;\n silent?: boolean;\n strictUnits?: boolean;\n globalVars?: Record<string, string>;\n modifyVars?: Record<string, string>;\n} & ContentModifier;\nexport type Stylus = {\n globals?: Record<string, any>;\n functions?: Record<string, any>;\n imports?: string[];\n paths?: string[];\n sourcemap?: boolean;\n} & ContentModifier;\nexport type Typescript = {\n compilerOptions?: any;\n tsconfigFile?: string | boolean;\n tsconfigDirectory?: string | boolean;\n reportDiagnostics?: boolean;\n handleMixedImports?: boolean;\n} & ContentModifier;\nexport interface GlobalStyle {\n sourceMap: boolean;\n}\nexport type Replace = Array<[string | RegExp, string] | [RegExp, (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string]>;\nexport {};\n";
var KAn = Object.create;
var I3e = Object.defineProperty;
var XAn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var YAn = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var QAn = Object.getPrototypeOf, ZAn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var gC = ((n27) => typeof require < "u" ? require : typeof Proxy < "u" ? new Proxy(n27, { get: (t, r) => (typeof require < "u" ? require : t)[r] }) : n27)(function(n27) {
if (typeof require < "u")
return require.apply(this, arguments);
throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + n27 + '" is not supported');
var ww = (n27, t) => () => (n27 && (t = n27(n27 = 0)), t);
var tr = (n27, t) => () => (t || n27((t = { exports: {} }).exports, t), t.exports), Ym = (n27, t) => {
for (var r in t)
I3e(n27, r, { get: t[r], enumerable: true });
}, D3e = (n27, t, r, a) => {
if (t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function")
for (let c of YAn(t))
!, c) && c !== r && I3e(n27, c, { get: () => t[c], enumerable: !(a = XAn(t, c)) || a.enumerable });
return n27;
}, rfe = (n27, t, r) => (D3e(n27, t, "default"), r && D3e(r, t, "default")), Kh = (n27, t, r) => (r = n27 != null ? KAn(QAn(n27)) : {}, D3e(t || !n27 || !n27.__esModule ? I3e(r, "default", { value: n27, enumerable: true }) : r, n27)), sy = (n27) => D3e(I3e({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), n27);
function YZe(n27) {
throw new Error("Node.js process " + n27 + " is not supported by JSPM core outside of Node.js");
function ekn() {
!gbe || !ife || (gbe = false, ife.length ? Eee = ife.concat(Eee) : L3e = -1, Eee.length && Ckt());
function Ckt() {
if (!gbe) {
var n27 = setTimeout(ekn, 0);
gbe = true;
for (var t = Eee.length; t; ) {
for (ife = Eee, Eee = []; ++L3e < t; )
ife && ife[L3e].run();
L3e = -1, t = Eee.length;
ife = null, gbe = false, clearTimeout(n27);
function tkn(n27) {
var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)
t[r - 1] = arguments[r];
Eee.push(new Akt(n27, t)), Eee.length === 1 && !gbe && setTimeout(Ckt, 0);
function Akt(n27, t) { = n27, this.array = t;
function rN() {
function ykn(n27) {
function Ekn(n27) {
function Skn() {
return [];
function Tkn() {
return [];
function Rkn(n27, t) {
if (!n27)
throw new Error(t || "assertion error");
function Mkn() {
return false;
function eDn() {
return / 1e3;
function XZe(n27) {
var t = Math.floor(( - * 1e-3), r = * 1e-3, a = Math.floor(r) + t, c = Math.floor(r % 1 * 1e9);
return n27 && (a = a - n27[0], c = c - n27[1], c < 0 && (a--, c += KZe)), [a, c];
function sse() {
return Te;
function pDn(n27) {
return [];
var Eee, gbe, ife, L3e, nkn, rkn, ikn, akn, okn, skn, lkn, ckn, ukn, dkn, pkn, fkn, mkn, hkn, _kn, gkn, vkn, bkn, xkn, wkn, Ckn, QZe, Akn, kkn, Dkn, Ikn, Lkn, Pkn, Nkn, Okn, Fkn, Bkn, jkn, Gkn, Ukn, $kn, qkn, Vkn, Wkn, zkn, Hkn, Jkn, Kkn, Xkn, Ykn, Qkn, Zkn, ose, JZe, KZe, tDn, nDn, rDn, iDn, aDn, oDn, sDn, lDn, cDn, uDn, dDn, Te, kkt = ww(() => {
Eee = [], gbe = false, L3e = -1; = function() {, this.array);
nkn = "browser", rkn = "x64", ikn = "browser", akn = { PATH: "/usr/bin", LANG: navigator.language + ".UTF-8", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home", TMP: "/tmp" }, okn = ["/usr/bin/node"], skn = [], lkn = "v16.8.0", ckn = {}, ukn = function(n27, t) {
console.warn((t ? t + ": " : "") + n27);
}, dkn = function(n27) {
}, pkn = function(n27) {
return 0;
}, fkn = function() {
return "/";
}, mkn = function(n27) {
}, hkn = { name: "node", sourceUrl: "", headersUrl: "", libUrl: "" };
_kn = rN, gkn = [];
vkn = {}, bkn = false, xkn = {};
wkn = rN, Ckn = rN, QZe = function() {
return {};
}, Akn = QZe, kkn = QZe, Dkn = rN, Ikn = rN, Lkn = rN, Pkn = {};
Nkn = { inspector: false, debug: false, uv: false, ipv6: false, tls_alpn: false, tls_sni: false, tls_ocsp: false, tls: false, cached_builtins: true }, Okn = rN, Fkn = rN;
Bkn = rN, jkn = rN, Gkn = rN, Ukn = rN, $kn = rN, qkn = void 0, Vkn = void 0, Wkn = void 0, zkn = rN, Hkn = 2, Jkn = 1, Kkn = "/bin/usr/node", Xkn = 9229, Ykn = "node", Qkn = [], Zkn = rN, ose = { now: typeof performance < "u" ? : void 0, timing: typeof performance < "u" ? performance.timing : void 0 }; === void 0 && (JZe =, ose.timing && ose.timing.navigationStart && (JZe = ose.timing.navigationStart), = () => - JZe);
KZe = 1e9;
XZe.bigint = function(n27) {
var t = XZe(n27);
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? t[0] * KZe + t[1] : BigInt(t[0] * KZe) + BigInt(t[1]);
tDn = 10, nDn = {}, rDn = 0;
iDn = sse, aDn = sse, oDn = sse, sDn = sse, lDn = sse, cDn = rN, uDn = sse, dDn = sse;
Te = { version: lkn, versions: ckn, arch: rkn, platform: ikn, release: hkn, _rawDebug: _kn, moduleLoadList: gkn, binding: dkn, _linkedBinding: ykn, _events: nDn, _eventsCount: rDn, _maxListeners: tDn, on: sse, addListener: iDn, once: aDn, off: oDn, removeListener: sDn, removeAllListeners: lDn, emit: cDn, prependListener: uDn, prependOnceListener: dDn, listeners: pDn, domain: vkn, _exiting: bkn, config: xkn, dlopen: Ekn, uptime: eDn, _getActiveRequests: Skn, _getActiveHandles: Tkn, reallyExit: wkn, _kill: Ckn, cpuUsage: QZe, resourceUsage: Akn, memoryUsage: kkn, kill: Dkn, exit: Ikn, openStdin: Lkn, allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags: Pkn, assert: Rkn, features: Nkn, _fatalExceptions: Okn, setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: Fkn, hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: Mkn, emitWarning: ukn, nextTick: tkn, _tickCallback: Bkn, _debugProcess: jkn, _debugEnd: Gkn, _startProfilerIdleNotifier: Ukn, _stopProfilerIdleNotifier: $kn, stdout: qkn, stdin: Wkn, stderr: Vkn, abort: zkn, umask: pkn, chdir: mkn, cwd: fkn, env: akn, title: nkn, argv: okn, execArgv: skn, pid: Hkn, ppid: Jkn, execPath: Kkn, debugPort: Xkn, hrtime: XZe, argv0: Ykn, _preload_modules: Qkn, setSourceMapsEnabled: Zkn };
var q = ww(() => {
function fDn() {
if (Dkt)
return h2e;
Dkt = true, h2e.byteLength = y, h2e.toByteArray = w, h2e.fromByteArray = $;
for (var n27 = [], t = [], r = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c)
n27[c] = a[c], t[a.charCodeAt(c)] = c;
t["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, t["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
function p(K) {
var ce = K.length;
if (ce % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var ue = K.indexOf("=");
ue === -1 && (ue = ce);
var Ce = ue === ce ? 0 : 4 - ue % 4;
return [ue, Ce];
function y(K) {
var ce = p(K), ue = ce[0], Ce = ce[1];
return (ue + Ce) * 3 / 4 - Ce;
function b(K, ce, ue) {
return (ce + ue) * 3 / 4 - ue;
function w(K) {
var ce, ue = p(K), Ce = ue[0], De = ue[1], we = new r(b(K, Ce, De)), Pe = 0, dt = De > 0 ? Ce - 4 : Ce, Lt;
for (Lt = 0; Lt < dt; Lt += 4)
ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 18 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 12 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] << 6 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 3)], we[Pe++] = ce >> 16 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255;
return De === 2 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 2 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] >> 4, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), De === 1 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 10 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 4 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] >> 2, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), we;
function I(K) {
return n27[K >> 18 & 63] + n27[K >> 12 & 63] + n27[K >> 6 & 63] + n27[K & 63];
function j(K, ce, ue) {
for (var Ce, De = [], we = ce; we < ue; we += 3)
Ce = (K[we] << 16 & 16711680) + (K[we + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (K[we + 2] & 255), De.push(I(Ce));
return De.join("");
function $(K) {
for (var ce, ue = K.length, Ce = ue % 3, De = [], we = 16383, Pe = 0, dt = ue - Ce; Pe < dt; Pe += we)
De.push(j(K, Pe, Pe + we > dt ? dt : Pe + we));
return Ce === 1 ? (ce = K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 2] + n27[ce << 4 & 63] + "==")) : Ce === 2 && (ce = (K[ue - 2] << 8) + K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 10] + n27[ce >> 4 & 63] + n27[ce << 2 & 63] + "=")), De.join("");
return h2e;
function mDn() {
return Ikt || (Ikt = true, = function(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d, p, y = c * 8 - a - 1, b = (1 << y) - 1, w = b >> 1, I = -7, j = r ? c - 1 : 0, $ = r ? -1 : 1, K = n27[t + j];
for (j += $, d = K & (1 << -I) - 1, K >>= -I, I += y; I > 0; d = d * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
for (p = d & (1 << -I) - 1, d >>= -I, I += a; I > 0; p = p * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
if (d === 0)
d = 1 - w;
else {
if (d === b)
return p ? NaN : (K ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0);
p = p + Math.pow(2, a), d = d - w;
return (K ? -1 : 1) * p * Math.pow(2, d - a);
}, P3e.write = function(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p, y, b, w = d * 8 - c - 1, I = (1 << w) - 1, j = I >> 1, $ = c === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, K = a ? 0 : d - 1, ce = a ? 1 : -1, ue = t < 0 || t === 0 && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (y = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, p = I) : (p = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (b = Math.pow(2, -p)) < 1 && (p--, b *= 2), p + j >= 1 ? t += $ / b : t += $ * Math.pow(2, 1 - j), t * b >= 2 && (p++, b /= 2), p + j >= I ? (y = 0, p = I) : p + j >= 1 ? (y = (t * b - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = p + j) : (y = t * Math.pow(2, j - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = 0)); c >= 8; n27[r + K] = y & 255, K += ce, y /= 256, c -= 8)
for (p = p << c | y, w += c; w > 0; n27[r + K] = p & 255, K += ce, p /= 256, w -= 8)
n27[r + K - ce] |= ue * 128;
}), P3e;
function hDn() {
if (Lkt)
return afe;
Lkt = true;
let n27 = fDn(), t = mDn(), r = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null;
afe.Buffer = p, afe.SlowBuffer = De, afe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
let a = 2147483647;
afe.kMaxLength = a, p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = c(), !p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console < "u" && typeof console.error == "function" && console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.");
function c() {
try {
let se = new Uint8Array(1), M = { foo: function() {
return 42;
} };
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(se, M), === 42;
} catch {
return false;
Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.buffer;
} }), Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.byteOffset;
} });
function d(se) {
if (se > a)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, p.prototype), M;
function p(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "number") {
if (typeof M == "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
return I(se);
return y(se, M, O);
p.poolSize = 8192;
function y(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "string")
return j(se, M);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se))
return K(se);
if (se == null)
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
if (Gu(se, ArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (Gu(se, SharedArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))
return ce(se, M, O);
if (typeof se == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
let ve = se.valueOf && se.valueOf();
if (ve != null && ve !== se)
return p.from(ve, M, O);
let Ye = ue(se);
if (Ye)
return Ye;
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof se[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function")
return p.from(se[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), M, O);
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
p.from = function(se, M, O) {
return y(se, M, O);
}, Object.setPrototypeOf(p.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(p, Uint8Array);
function b(se) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
if (se < 0)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
function w(se, M, O) {
return b(se), se <= 0 ? d(se) : M !== void 0 ? typeof O == "string" ? d(se).fill(M, O) : d(se).fill(M) : d(se);
p.alloc = function(se, M, O) {
return w(se, M, O);
function I(se) {
return b(se), d(se < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se) | 0);
p.allocUnsafe = function(se) {
return I(se);
}, p.allocUnsafeSlow = function(se) {
return I(se);
function j(se, M) {
if ((typeof M != "string" || M === "") && (M = "utf8"), !p.isEncoding(M))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + M);
let O = we(se, M) | 0, ve = d(O), Ye = ve.write(se, M);
return Ye !== O && (ve = ve.slice(0, Ye)), ve;
function $(se) {
let M = se.length < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
for (let ve = 0; ve < M; ve += 1)
O[ve] = se[ve] & 255;
return O;
function K(se) {
if (Gu(se, Uint8Array)) {
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return ce(M.buffer, M.byteOffset, M.byteLength);
return $(se);
function ce(se, M, O) {
if (M < 0 || se.byteLength < M)
throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
if (se.byteLength < M + (O || 0))
throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
let ve;
return M === void 0 && O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se) : O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se, M) : ve = new Uint8Array(se, M, O), Object.setPrototypeOf(ve, p.prototype), ve;
function ue(se) {
if (p.isBuffer(se)) {
let M = Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
return O.length === 0 || se.copy(O, 0, 0, M), O;
if (se.length !== void 0)
return typeof se.length != "number" || fh(se.length) ? d(0) : $(se);
if (se.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(
return $(;
function Ce(se) {
if (se >= a)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + a.toString(16) + " bytes");
return se | 0;
function De(se) {
return +se != se && (se = 0), p.alloc(+se);
p.isBuffer = function(M) {
return M != null && M._isBuffer === true && M !== p.prototype;
}, = function(M, O) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), Gu(O, Uint8Array) && (O = p.from(O, O.offset, O.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M) || !p.isBuffer(O))
throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (M === O)
return 0;
let ve = M.length, Ye = O.length;
for (let Qe = 0, ln = Math.min(ve, Ye); Qe < ln; ++Qe)
if (M[Qe] !== O[Qe]) {
ve = M[Qe], Ye = O[Qe];
return ve < Ye ? -1 : Ye < ve ? 1 : 0;
}, p.isEncoding = function(M) {
switch (String(M).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return true;
return false;
}, p.concat = function(M, O) {
if (!Array.isArray(M))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (M.length === 0)
return p.alloc(0);
let ve;
if (O === void 0)
for (O = 0, ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve)
O += M[ve].length;
let Ye = p.allocUnsafe(O), Qe = 0;
for (ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve) {
let ln = M[ve];
if (Gu(ln, Uint8Array))
Qe + ln.length > Ye.length ? (p.isBuffer(ln) || (ln = p.from(ln)), ln.copy(Ye, Qe)) :, ln, Qe);
else if (p.isBuffer(ln))
ln.copy(Ye, Qe);
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
Qe += ln.length;
return Ye;
function we(se, M) {
if (p.isBuffer(se))
return se.length;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se) || Gu(se, ArrayBuffer))
return se.byteLength;
if (typeof se != "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof se);
let O = se.length, ve = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true;
if (!ve && O === 0)
return 0;
let Ye = false;
for (; ; )
switch (M) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return O;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Dc(se).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return O * 2;
case "hex":
return O >>> 1;
case "base64":
return zm(se).length;
if (Ye)
return ve ? -1 : Dc(se).length;
M = ("" + M).toLowerCase(), Ye = true;
p.byteLength = we;
function Pe(se, M, O) {
let ve = false;
if ((M === void 0 || M < 0) && (M = 0), M > this.length || ((O === void 0 || O > this.length) && (O = this.length), O <= 0) || (O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, O <= M))
return "";
for (se || (se = "utf8"); ; )
switch (se) {
case "hex":
return Or(this, M, O);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return ha(this, M, O);
case "ascii":
return Zi(this, M, O);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return Er(this, M, O);
case "base64":
return ja(this, M, O);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return ma(this, M, O);
if (ve)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + se);
se = (se + "").toLowerCase(), ve = true;
p.prototype._isBuffer = true;
function dt(se, M, O) {
let ve = se[M];
se[M] = se[O], se[O] = ve;
p.prototype.swap16 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 2 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 2)
dt(this, O, O + 1);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap32 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 4 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 4)
dt(this, O, O + 3), dt(this, O + 1, O + 2);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap64 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 8 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 8)
dt(this, O, O + 7), dt(this, O + 1, O + 6), dt(this, O + 2, O + 5), dt(this, O + 3, O + 4);
return this;
}, p.prototype.toString = function() {
let M = this.length;
return M === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? ha(this, 0, M) : Pe.apply(this, arguments);
}, p.prototype.toLocaleString = p.prototype.toString, p.prototype.equals = function(M) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === M ? true :, M) === 0;
}, p.prototype.inspect = function() {
let M = "", O = afe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return M = this.toString("hex", 0, O).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > O && (M += " ... "), "<Buffer " + M + ">";
}, r && (p.prototype[r] = p.prototype.inspect), = function(M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof M);
if (O === void 0 && (O = 0), ve === void 0 && (ve = M ? M.length : 0), Ye === void 0 && (Ye = 0), Qe === void 0 && (Qe = this.length), O < 0 || ve > M.length || Ye < 0 || Qe > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (Ye >= Qe && O >= ve)
return 0;
if (Ye >= Qe)
return -1;
if (O >= ve)
return 1;
if (O >>>= 0, ve >>>= 0, Ye >>>= 0, Qe >>>= 0, this === M)
return 0;
let ln = Qe - Ye, Qo = ve - O, ss = Math.min(ln, Qo), Pa = this.slice(Ye, Qe), va = M.slice(O, ve);
for (let ui = 0; ui < ss; ++ui)
if (Pa[ui] !== va[ui]) {
ln = Pa[ui], Qo = va[ui];
return ln < Qo ? -1 : Qo < ln ? 1 : 0;
function Lt(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (se.length === 0)
return -1;
if (typeof O == "string" ? (ve = O, O = 0) : O > 2147483647 ? O = 2147483647 : O < -2147483648 && (O = -2147483648), O = +O, fh(O) && (O = Ye ? 0 : se.length - 1), O < 0 && (O = se.length + O), O >= se.length) {
if (Ye)
return -1;
O = se.length - 1;
} else if (O < 0)
if (Ye)
O = 0;
return -1;
if (typeof M == "string" && (M = p.from(M, ve)), p.isBuffer(M))
return M.length === 0 ? -1 : Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye);
if (typeof M == "number")
return M = M & 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? Ye ?, M, O) :, M, O) : Cn(se, [M], O, ve, Ye);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
let Qe = 1, ln = se.length, Qo = M.length;
if (ve !== void 0 && (ve = String(ve).toLowerCase(), ve === "ucs2" || ve === "ucs-2" || ve === "utf16le" || ve === "utf-16le")) {
if (se.length < 2 || M.length < 2)
return -1;
Qe = 2, ln /= 2, Qo /= 2, O /= 2;
function ss(va, ui) {
return Qe === 1 ? va[ui] : va.readUInt16BE(ui * Qe);
let Pa;
if (Ye) {
let va = -1;
for (Pa = O; Pa < ln; Pa++)
if (ss(se, Pa) === ss(M, va === -1 ? 0 : Pa - va)) {
if (va === -1 && (va = Pa), Pa - va + 1 === Qo)
return va * Qe;
} else
va !== -1 && (Pa -= Pa - va), va = -1;
} else
for (O + Qo > ln && (O = ln - Qo), Pa = O; Pa >= 0; Pa--) {
let va = true;
for (let ui = 0; ui < Qo; ui++)
if (ss(se, Pa + ui) !== ss(M, ui)) {
va = false;
if (va)
return Pa;
return -1;
p.prototype.includes = function(M, O, ve) {
return this.indexOf(M, O, ve) !== -1;
}, p.prototype.indexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, true);
}, p.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, false);
function Me(se, M, O, ve) {
O = Number(O) || 0;
let Ye = se.length - O;
ve ? (ve = Number(ve), ve > Ye && (ve = Ye)) : ve = Ye;
let Qe = M.length;
ve > Qe / 2 && (ve = Qe / 2);
let ln;
for (ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
let Qo = parseInt(M.substr(ln * 2, 2), 16);
if (fh(Qo))
return ln;
se[O + ln] = Qo;
return ln;
function Ut(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Dc(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
function $n(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Qd(M), se, O, ve);
function Li(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(zm(M), se, O, ve);
function or(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Od(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
p.prototype.write = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (O === void 0)
Ye = "utf8", ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (ve === void 0 && typeof O == "string")
Ye = O, ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (isFinite(O))
O = O >>> 0, isFinite(ve) ? (ve = ve >>> 0, Ye === void 0 && (Ye = "utf8")) : (Ye = ve, ve = void 0);
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
let Qe = this.length - O;
if ((ve === void 0 || ve > Qe) && (ve = Qe), M.length > 0 && (ve < 0 || O < 0) || O > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
Ye || (Ye = "utf8");
let ln = false;
for (; ; )
switch (Ye) {
case "hex":
return Me(this, M, O, ve);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Ut(this, M, O, ve);
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return $n(this, M, O, ve);
case "base64":
return Li(this, M, O, ve);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return or(this, M, O, ve);
if (ln)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
Ye = ("" + Ye).toLowerCase(), ln = true;
}, p.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0) };
function ja(se, M, O) {
return M === 0 && O === se.length ? n27.fromByteArray(se) : n27.fromByteArray(se.slice(M, O));
function ha(se, M, O) {
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
let ve = [], Ye = M;
for (; Ye < O; ) {
let Qe = se[Ye], ln = null, Qo = Qe > 239 ? 4 : Qe > 223 ? 3 : Qe > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (Ye + Qo <= O) {
let ss, Pa, va, ui;
switch (Qo) {
case 1:
Qe < 128 && (ln = Qe);
case 2:
ss = se[Ye + 1], (ss & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 31) << 6 | ss & 63, ui > 127 && (ln = ui));
case 3:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 12 | (ss & 63) << 6 | Pa & 63, ui > 2047 && (ui < 55296 || ui > 57343) && (ln = ui));
case 4:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], va = se[Ye + 3], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (va & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 18 | (ss & 63) << 12 | (Pa & 63) << 6 | va & 63, ui > 65535 && ui < 1114112 && (ln = ui));
ln === null ? (ln = 65533, Qo = 1) : ln > 65535 && (ln -= 65536, ve.push(ln >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), ln = 56320 | ln & 1023), ve.push(ln), Ye += Qo;
return So(ve);
let vr = 4096;
function So(se) {
let M = se.length;
if (M <= vr)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se);
let O = "", ve = 0;
for (; ve < M; )
O += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se.slice(ve, ve += vr));
return O;
function Zi(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye] & 127);
return ve;
function Er(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye]);
return ve;
function Or(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.length;
(!M || M < 0) && (M = 0), (!O || O < 0 || O > ve) && (O = ve);
let Ye = "";
for (let Qe = M; Qe < O; ++Qe)
Ye += Yg[se[Qe]];
return Ye;
function ma(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.slice(M, O), Ye = "";
for (let Qe = 0; Qe < ve.length - 1; Qe += 2)
Ye += String.fromCharCode(ve[Qe] + ve[Qe + 1] * 256);
return Ye;
p.prototype.slice = function(M, O) {
let ve = this.length;
M = ~~M, O = O === void 0 ? ve : ~~O, M < 0 ? (M += ve, M < 0 && (M = 0)) : M > ve && (M = ve), O < 0 ? (O += ve, O < 0 && (O = 0)) : O > ve && (O = ve), O < M && (O = M);
let Ye = this.subarray(M, O);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(Ye, p.prototype), Ye;
function ra(se, M, O) {
if (se % 1 !== 0 || se < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (se + M > O)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
p.prototype.readUintLE = p.prototype.readUIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUintBE = p.prototype.readUIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M + --O], Qe = 1;
for (; O > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + --O] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUint8 = p.prototype.readUInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M];
}, p.prototype.readUint16LE = p.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
}, p.prototype.readUint16BE = p.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] << 8 | this[M + 1];
}, p.prototype.readUint32LE = p.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), (this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16) + this[M + 3] * 16777216;
}, p.prototype.readUint32BE = p.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] * 16777216 + (this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3]);
}, p.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24, Qe = this[++M] + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + ve * 2 ** 24;
return BigInt(Ye) + (BigInt(Qe) << BigInt(32));
}), p.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M], Qe = this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve;
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(Qe);
}), p.prototype.readIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, Ye >= Qe && (Ye -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), Ye;
}, p.prototype.readIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = O, Qe = 1, ln = this[M + --Ye];
for (; Ye > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
ln += this[M + --Ye] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, ln >= Qe && (ln -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), ln;
}, p.prototype.readInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M] & 128 ? (255 - this[M] + 1) * -1 : this[M];
}, p.prototype.readInt16LE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt16BE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M + 1] | this[M] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16 | this[M + 3] << 24;
}, p.prototype.readInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] << 24 | this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3];
}, p.prototype.readBigInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = this[M + 4] + this[M + 5] * 2 ** 8 + this[M + 6] * 2 ** 16 + (ve << 24);
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24);
}), p.prototype.readBigInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = (O << 24) + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M];
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve);
}), p.prototype.readFloatLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, true, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readFloatBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, false, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, true, 52, 8);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, false, 52, 8);
function eo(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (!p.isBuffer(se))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (M > Ye || M < Qe)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
p.prototype.writeUintLE = p.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++ln < ve && (Qe *= 256); )
this[O + ln] = M / Qe & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUintBE = p.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
this[O + Qe] = M / ln & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUint8 = p.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 255, 0), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16LE = p.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16BE = p.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32LE = p.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32BE = p.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
function zs(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, O;
function Lo(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O + 7] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 6] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 5] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 4] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O + 3] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 2] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 1] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O] = ln, O + 8;
p.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = 0, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++Qe < ve && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe - 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe + 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 127, -128), M < 0 && (M = 255 + M + 1), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), M < 0 && (M = 4294967295 + M + 1), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
function bd(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function pl(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 4), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 23, 4), O + 4;
p.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, false, ve);
function Pu(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 8), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 52, 8), O + 8;
p.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, false, ve);
}, p.prototype.copy = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
if (ve || (ve = 0), !Ye && Ye !== 0 && (Ye = this.length), O >= M.length && (O = M.length), O || (O = 0), Ye > 0 && Ye < ve && (Ye = ve), Ye === ve || M.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
return 0;
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (ve < 0 || ve >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (Ye < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
Ye > this.length && (Ye = this.length), M.length - O < Ye - ve && (Ye = M.length - O + ve);
let Qe = Ye - ve;
return this === M && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(O, ve, Ye) :, this.subarray(ve, Ye), O), Qe;
}, p.prototype.fill = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (typeof M == "string") {
if (typeof O == "string" ? (Ye = O, O = 0, ve = this.length) : typeof ve == "string" && (Ye = ve, ve = this.length), Ye !== void 0 && typeof Ye != "string")
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if (typeof Ye == "string" && !p.isEncoding(Ye))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
if (M.length === 1) {
let ln = M.charCodeAt(0);
(Ye === "utf8" && ln < 128 || Ye === "latin1") && (M = ln);
} else
typeof M == "number" ? M = M & 255 : typeof M == "boolean" && (M = Number(M));
if (O < 0 || this.length < O || this.length < ve)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (ve <= O)
return this;
O = O >>> 0, ve = ve === void 0 ? this.length : ve >>> 0, M || (M = 0);
let Qe;
if (typeof M == "number")
for (Qe = O; Qe < ve; ++Qe)
this[Qe] = M;
else {
let ln = p.isBuffer(M) ? M : p.from(M, Ye), Qo = ln.length;
if (Qo === 0)
throw new TypeError('The value "' + M + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
for (Qe = 0; Qe < ve - O; ++Qe)
this[Qe + O] = ln[Qe % Qo];
return this;
let Ri = {};
function Hr(se, M, O) {
Ri[se] = class extends O {
constructor() {
super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: M.apply(this, arguments), writable: true, configurable: true }), = `${} [${se}]`, this.stack, delete;
get code() {
return se;
set code(Ye) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: Ye, writable: true });
toString() {
return `${} [${se}]: ${this.message}`;
Hr("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(se) {
return se ? `${se} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds";
}, RangeError), Hr("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(se, M) {
return `The "${se}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof M}`;
}, TypeError), Hr("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(se, M, O) {
let ve = `The value of "${se}" is out of range.`, Ye = O;
return Number.isInteger(O) && Math.abs(O) > 2 ** 32 ? Ye = mo(String(O)) : typeof O == "bigint" && (Ye = String(O), (O > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || O < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (Ye = mo(Ye)), Ye += "n"), ve += ` It must be ${M}. Received ${Ye}`, ve;
}, RangeError);
function mo(se) {
let M = "", O = se.length, ve = se[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0;
for (; O >= ve + 4; O -= 3)
M = `_${se.slice(O - 3, O)}${M}`;
return `${se.slice(0, O)}${M}`;
function Ds(se, M, O) {
Yr(M, "offset"), (se[M] === void 0 || se[M + O] === void 0) && Xn(M, se.length - (O + 1));
function xn(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (se > O || se < M) {
let ln = typeof M == "bigint" ? "n" : "", Qo;
throw Qe > 3 ? M === 0 || M === BigInt(0) ? Qo = `>= 0${ln} and < 2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8}${ln}` : Qo = `>= -(2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}) and < 2 ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}` : Qo = `>= ${M}${ln} and <= ${O}${ln}`, new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", Qo, se);
Ds(ve, Ye, Qe);
function Yr(se, M) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new Ri.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(M, "number", se);
function Xn(se, M, O) {
throw Math.floor(se) !== se ? (Yr(se, O), new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", "an integer", se)) : M < 0 ? new Ri.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS() : new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", `>= ${O ? 1 : 0} and <= ${M}`, se);
let Zs = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function hc(se) {
if (se = se.split("=")[0], se = se.trim().replace(Zs, ""), se.length < 2)
return "";
for (; se.length % 4 !== 0; )
se = se + "=";
return se;
function Dc(se, M) {
M = M || 1 / 0;
let O, ve = se.length, Ye = null, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
if (O = se.charCodeAt(ln), O > 55295 && O < 57344) {
if (!Ye) {
if (O > 56319) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
} else if (ln + 1 === ve) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
Ye = O;
if (O < 56320) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189), Ye = O;
O = (Ye - 55296 << 10 | O - 56320) + 65536;
} else
Ye && (M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
if (Ye = null, O < 128) {
if ((M -= 1) < 0)
} else if (O < 2048) {
if ((M -= 2) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 6 | 192, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 65536) {
if ((M -= 3) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 12 | 224, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 1114112) {
if ((M -= 4) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 18 | 240, O >> 12 & 63 | 128, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
return Qe;
function Qd(se) {
let M = [];
for (let O = 0; O < se.length; ++O)
M.push(se.charCodeAt(O) & 255);
return M;
function Od(se, M) {
let O, ve, Ye, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < se.length && !((M -= 2) < 0); ++ln)
O = se.charCodeAt(ln), ve = O >> 8, Ye = O % 256, Qe.push(Ye), Qe.push(ve);
return Qe;
function zm(se) {
return n27.toByteArray(hc(se));
function rm(se, M, O, ve) {
let Ye;
for (Ye = 0; Ye < ve && !(Ye + O >= M.length || Ye >= se.length); ++Ye)
M[Ye + O] = se[Ye];
return Ye;
function Gu(se, M) {
return se instanceof M || se != null && se.constructor != null && != null && ===;
function fh(se) {
return se !== se;
let Yg = function() {
let se = "0123456789abcdef", M = new Array(256);
for (let O = 0; O < 16; ++O) {
let ve = O * 16;
for (let Ye = 0; Ye < 16; ++Ye)
M[ve + Ye] = se[O] + se[Ye];
return M;
function uf(se) {
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? O_ : se;
function O_() {
throw new Error("BigInt not supported");
return afe;
var h2e, Dkt, P3e, Ikt, afe, Lkt, ofe, Ae, Kkr, Xkr, Pkt = ww(() => {
h2e = {}, Dkt = false;
P3e = {}, Ikt = false;
afe = {}, Lkt = false;
ofe = hDn();
Ae = ofe.Buffer, Kkr = ofe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES, Xkr = ofe.kMaxLength;
var V = ww(() => {
function net(n27) {
throw new Error("Node.js process " + n27 + " is not supported by JSPM core outside of Node.js");
function _Dn() {
!ybe || !sfe || (ybe = false, sfe.length ? See = sfe.concat(See) : R3e = -1, See.length && Rkt());
function Rkt() {
if (!ybe) {
var n27 = setTimeout(_Dn, 0);
ybe = true;
for (var t = See.length; t; ) {
for (sfe = See, See = []; ++R3e < t; )
sfe && sfe[R3e].run();
R3e = -1, t = See.length;
sfe = null, ybe = false, clearTimeout(n27);
function gDn(n27) {
var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)
t[r - 1] = arguments[r];
See.push(new Nkt(n27, t)), See.length === 1 && !ybe && setTimeout(Rkt, 0);
function Nkt(n27, t) { = n27, this.array = t;
function iN() {
function NDn(n27) {
function BDn(n27) {
function jDn() {
return [];
function GDn() {
return [];
function KDn(n27, t) {
if (!n27)
throw new Error(t || "assertion error");
function ZDn() {
return false;
function _In() {
return / 1e3;
function tet(n27) {
var t = Math.floor(( - * 1e-3), r = * 1e-3, a = Math.floor(r) + t, c = Math.floor(r % 1 * 1e9);
return n27 && (a = a - n27[0], c = c - n27[1], c < 0 && (a--, c += eet)), [a, c];
function cse() {
return aN;
function kIn(n27) {
return [];
var See, ybe, sfe, R3e, yDn, vDn, bDn, xDn, EDn, SDn, TDn, wDn, CDn, ADn, kDn, DDn, IDn, LDn, PDn, RDn, ODn, FDn, MDn, UDn, $Dn, ret, qDn, VDn, WDn, zDn, HDn, JDn, XDn, YDn, QDn, eIn, tIn, nIn, rIn, iIn, aIn, oIn, sIn, lIn, cIn, uIn, dIn, pIn, fIn, mIn, hIn, lse, ZZe, eet, gIn, yIn, vIn, bIn, xIn, EIn, SIn, TIn, wIn, CIn, AIn, aN, vbe = ww(() => {
See = [], ybe = false, R3e = -1; = function() {, this.array);
yDn = "browser", vDn = "x64", bDn = "browser", xDn = { PATH: "/usr/bin", LANG: navigator.language + ".UTF-8", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home", TMP: "/tmp" }, EDn = ["/usr/bin/node"], SDn = [], TDn = "v16.8.0", wDn = {}, CDn = function(n27, t) {
console.warn((t ? t + ": " : "") + n27);
}, ADn = function(n27) {
}, kDn = function(n27) {
return 0;
}, DDn = function() {
return "/";
}, IDn = function(n27) {
}, LDn = { name: "node", sourceUrl: "", headersUrl: "", libUrl: "" };
PDn = iN, RDn = [];
ODn = {}, FDn = false, MDn = {};
UDn = iN, $Dn = iN, ret = function() {
return {};
}, qDn = ret, VDn = ret, WDn = iN, zDn = iN, HDn = iN, JDn = {};
XDn = { inspector: false, debug: false, uv: false, ipv6: false, tls_alpn: false, tls_sni: false, tls_ocsp: false, tls: false, cached_builtins: true }, YDn = iN, QDn = iN;
eIn = iN, tIn = iN, nIn = iN, rIn = iN, iIn = iN, aIn = void 0, oIn = void 0, sIn = void 0, lIn = iN, cIn = 2, uIn = 1, dIn = "/bin/usr/node", pIn = 9229, fIn = "node", mIn = [], hIn = iN, lse = { now: typeof performance < "u" ? : void 0, timing: typeof performance < "u" ? performance.timing : void 0 }; === void 0 && (ZZe =, lse.timing && lse.timing.navigationStart && (ZZe = lse.timing.navigationStart), = () => - ZZe);
eet = 1e9;
tet.bigint = function(n27) {
var t = tet(n27);
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? t[0] * eet + t[1] : BigInt(t[0] * eet) + BigInt(t[1]);
gIn = 10, yIn = {}, vIn = 0;
bIn = cse, xIn = cse, EIn = cse, SIn = cse, TIn = cse, wIn = iN, CIn = cse, AIn = cse;
aN = { version: TDn, versions: wDn, arch: vDn, platform: bDn, release: LDn, _rawDebug: PDn, moduleLoadList: RDn, binding: ADn, _linkedBinding: NDn, _events: yIn, _eventsCount: vIn, _maxListeners: gIn, on: cse, addListener: bIn, once: xIn, off: EIn, removeListener: SIn, removeAllListeners: TIn, emit: wIn, prependListener: CIn, prependOnceListener: AIn, listeners: kIn, domain: ODn, _exiting: FDn, config: MDn, dlopen: BDn, uptime: _In, _getActiveRequests: jDn, _getActiveHandles: GDn, reallyExit: UDn, _kill: $Dn, cpuUsage: ret, resourceUsage: qDn, memoryUsage: VDn, kill: WDn, exit: zDn, openStdin: HDn, allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags: JDn, assert: KDn, features: XDn, _fatalExceptions: YDn, setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: QDn, hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: ZDn, emitWarning: CDn, nextTick: gDn, _tickCallback: eIn, _debugProcess: tIn, _debugEnd: nIn, _startProfilerIdleNotifier: rIn, _stopProfilerIdleNotifier: iIn, stdout: aIn, stdin: sIn, stderr: oIn, abort: lIn, umask: kDn, chdir: IDn, cwd: DDn, env: xDn, title: yDn, argv: EDn, execArgv: SDn, pid: cIn, ppid: uIn, execPath: dIn, debugPort: pIn, hrtime: tet, argv0: fIn, _preload_modules: mIn, setSourceMapsEnabled: hIn };
function _2e() {
return _2e = Object.assign || function(n27) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = arguments[t];
for (var a in r), a) && (n27[a] = r[a]);
return n27;
}, _2e.apply(this, arguments);
function N3e(n27) {
throw new Error("Method '" + n27 + "' is not implemented.");
function O3e(n27, t) {
return function() {
for (var r = arguments.length, a = new Array(r), c = 0; c < r; c++)
a[c] = arguments[c];
var d = t.apply(void 0, a), p = typeof d == "string" ? d.slice(0, 80) + "..." : d;
return Okt.apply(void 0, ["> " + n27].concat(a)), Okt("< " + p), d;
function F3e(n27) {
return { args: [], createDirectory: function() {
return N3e("createDirectory");
}, directoryExists: O3e("directoryExists", function(t) {
return Array.from(n27.keys()).some(function(r) {
return r.startsWith(t);
}), exit: function() {
return N3e("exit");
}, fileExists: O3e("fileExists", function(t) {
return n27.has(t) || n27.has(Fkt(t));
}), getCurrentDirectory: function() {
return "/";
}, getDirectories: function() {
return [];
}, getExecutingFilePath: function() {
return N3e("getExecutingFilePath");
}, readDirectory: O3e("readDirectory", function(t) {
return t === "/" ? Array.from(n27.keys()) : [];
}), readFile: O3e("readFile", function(t) {
return n27.get(t) || n27.get(Fkt(t));
}), resolvePath: function(r) {
return r;
}, newLine: `
`, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: true, write: function() {
return N3e("write");
}, writeFile: function(r, a) {
n27.set(r, a);
} };
function PIn(n27, t, r) {
var a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), c = function(y) {
return a.set(y.fileName, y), y;
}, d = { compilerHost: _2e({}, n27, { getCanonicalFileName: function(y) {
return y;
}, getDefaultLibFileName: function() {
return "/" + r.getDefaultLibFileName(t);
}, getDirectories: function() {
return [];
}, getNewLine: function() {
return n27.newLine;
}, getSourceFile: function(y) {
return a.get(y) || c(r.createSourceFile(y, n27.readFile(y), || LIn(r).target, false));
}, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: function() {
return n27.useCaseSensitiveFileNames;
} }), updateFile: function(y) {
var b = a.has(y.fileName);
return n27.writeFile(y.fileName, y.text), a.set(y.fileName, y), b;
} };
return d;
function bbe(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d = [].concat(t), p = PIn(n27, r, a), y = p.compilerHost, b = p.updateFile, w = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), I = 0, j = _2e({}, y, { getProjectVersion: function() {
return I.toString();
}, getCompilationSettings: function() {
return r;
}, getCustomTransformers: function() {
return c;
}, getScriptFileNames: function() {
return d.slice();
}, getScriptSnapshot: function(ce) {
var ue = n27.readFile(ce);
if (ue)
return a.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(ue);
}, getScriptVersion: function(ce) {
return w.get(ce) || "0";
}, writeFile: n27.writeFile }), $ = { languageServiceHost: j, updateFile: function(ce) {
I++, w.set(ce.fileName, I.toString()), d.includes(ce.fileName) || d.push(ce.fileName), b(ce);
} };
return $;
var Mkt, DIn, IIn, Okt, LIn, Fkt, M3e = ww(() => {
Mkt = false;
try {
Mkt = typeof localStorage < "u";
} catch {
DIn = typeof Te < "u", IIn = Mkt && localStorage.getItem("DEBUG") || DIn && Te.env.DEBUG, Okt = IIn ? console.log : function(n27) {
return "";
LIn = function(t) {
return _2e({}, t.getDefaultCompilerOptions(), { jsx: t.JsxEmit.React, strict: true, esModuleInterop: true, module: t.ModuleKind.ESNext, suppressOutputPathCheck: true, skipLibCheck: true, skipDefaultLibCheck: true, moduleResolution: t.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs });
}, Fkt = function(t) {
return t.replace("/", "/lib.").toLowerCase();
var Bkt = {};
Ym(Bkt, { default: () => NIn, performance: () => RIn });
var RIn, NIn, jkt = ww(() => {
RIn = performance, NIn = { performance };
var vtt = {};
Ym(vtt, { Dir: () => PRt, Dirent: () => RRt, F_OK: () => GRt, FileReadStream: () => MRt, FileWriteStream: () => BRt, R_OK: () => URt, ReadStream: () => ORt, Stats: () => NRt, W_OK: () => $Rt, WriteStream: () => FRt, X_OK: () => qRt, _toUnixTimestamp: () => jRt, access: () => sPt, accessSync: () => lPt, appendFile: () => aPt, appendFileSync: () => oPt, chmod: () => dPt, chmodSync: () => pPt, chown: () => cPt, chownSync: () => uPt, close: () => fPt, closeSync: () => mPt, constants: () => VRt, copyFile: () => hPt, copyFileSync: () => _Pt, cp: () => gPt, cpSync: () => yPt, createReadStream: () => vPt, createWriteStream: () => bPt, default: () => TE, exists: () => xPt, existsSync: () => gtt, fchmod: () => TPt, fchmodSync: () => wPt, fchown: () => EPt, fchownSync: () => SPt, fdatasync: () => CPt, fdatasyncSync: () => APt, fstat: () => kPt, fstatSync: () => DPt, fsync: () => IPt, fsyncSync: () => LPt, ftruncate: () => PPt, ftruncateSync: () => RPt, futimes: () => NPt, futimesSync: () => OPt, lchmod: () => BPt, lchmodSync: () => jPt, lchown: () => FPt, lchownSync: () => MPt, link: () => GPt, linkSync: () => UPt, lstat: () => $Pt, lstatSync: () => qPt, mkdir: () => VPt, mkdirSync: () => WPt, mkdtemp: () => zPt, mkdtempSync: () => HPt, open: () => JPt, openSync: () => KPt, opendir: () => XPt, opendirSync: () => YPt, promises: () => WRt, read: () => ZPt, readFile: () => rRt, readFileSync: () => iRt, readSync: () => eRt, readdir: () => O2e, readdirSync: () => QPt, readlink: () => aRt, readlinkSync: () => oRt, readv: () => tRt, readvSync: () => nRt, realpath: () => sRt, realpathSync: () => lRt, rename: () => cRt, renameSync: () => uRt, rm: () => dRt, rmSync: () => pRt, rmdir: () => fRt, rmdirSync: () => mRt, stat: () => v6e, statSync: () => hRt, symlink: () => _Rt, symlinkSync: () => gRt, truncate: () => yRt, truncateSync: () => vRt, unlink: () => xRt, unlinkSync: () => ERt, unwatchFile: () => bRt, utimes: () => SRt, utimesSync: () => TRt, watch: () => wRt, watchFile: () => CRt, write: () => kRt, writeFile: () => ARt, writeFileSync: () => ytt, writeSync: () => DRt, writev: () => IRt, writevSync: () => LRt });
function $x() {
function e6e(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "function")
throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof n27);
function KIt(n27) {
return n27._maxListeners === void 0 ? $x.defaultMaxListeners : n27._maxListeners;
function qkt(n27, t, r, a) {
var c, d, p, y;
if (e6e(r), (d = n27._events) === void 0 ? (d = n27._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), n27._eventsCount = 0) : (d.newListener !== void 0 && (n27.emit("newListener", t, r.listener ? r.listener : r), d = n27._events), p = d[t]), p === void 0)
p = d[t] = r, ++n27._eventsCount;
else if (typeof p == "function" ? p = d[t] = a ? [r, p] : [p, r] : a ? p.unshift(r) : p.push(r), (c = KIt(n27)) > 0 && p.length > c && !p.warned) {
p.warned = true;
var b = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + p.length + " " + String(t) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"); = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", b.emitter = n27, b.type = t, b.count = p.length, y = b, console && console.warn && console.warn(y);
return n27;
function OIn() {
if (!this.fired)
return, this.wrapFn), this.fired = true, arguments.length === 0 ? : this.listener.apply(, arguments);
function Vkt(n27, t, r) {
var a = { fired: false, wrapFn: void 0, target: n27, type: t, listener: r }, c = OIn.bind(a);
return c.listener = r, a.wrapFn = c, c;
function Wkt(n27, t, r) {
var a = n27._events;
if (a === void 0)
return [];
var c = a[t];
return c === void 0 ? [] : typeof c == "function" ? r ? [c.listener || c] : [c] : r ? function(d) {
for (var p = new Array(d.length), y = 0; y < p.length; ++y)
p[y] = d[y].listener || d[y];
return p;
}(c) : XIt(c, c.length);
function zkt(n27) {
var t = this._events;
if (t !== void 0) {
var r = t[n27];
if (typeof r == "function")
return 1;
if (r !== void 0)
return r.length;
return 0;
function XIt(n27, t) {
for (var r = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; ++a)
r[a] = n27[a];
return r;
function Vet() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function Wet() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
function QIt(n27) {
if (Cee === setTimeout)
return setTimeout(n27, 0);
if ((Cee === Vet || !Cee) && setTimeout)
return Cee = setTimeout, setTimeout(n27, 0);
try {
return Cee(n27, 0);
} catch {
try {
return, n27, 0);
} catch {
return || Ibe, n27, 0);
function FIn() {
kbe && gfe && (kbe = false, gfe.length ? kee = gfe.concat(kee) : t6e = -1, kee.length && ZIt());
function ZIt() {
if (!kbe) {
var n27 = QIt(FIn);
kbe = true;
for (var t = kee.length; t; ) {
for (gfe = kee, kee = []; ++t6e < t; )
gfe && gfe[t6e].run();
t6e = -1, t = kee.length;
gfe = null, kbe = false, function(r) {
if (Aee === clearTimeout)
return clearTimeout(r);
if ((Aee === Wet || !Aee) && clearTimeout)
return Aee = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(r);
try {
} catch {
try {
return, r);
} catch {
return || Ibe, r);
function Hkt(n27, t) {
(this || Ibe).fun = n27, (this || Ibe).array = t;
function Tee() {
function bfe(n27) {
function R2e(n27, t) {
if (typeof n27 != "object")
return false;
try {
return t(n27), true;
} catch {
return false;
function Kkt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) !== void 0 : aLt(n27) || oLt(n27) || sLt(n27) || lLt(n27) || cLt(n27) || uLt(n27) || dLt(n27) || pLt(n27) || fLt(n27) || mLt(n27) || hLt(n27);
function aLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Uint8Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Uint8Array]" || zIn(n27) && n27.buffer !== void 0;
function oLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Uint8ClampedArray" : Cw(n27) === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]";
function sLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Uint16Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Uint16Array]";
function lLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Uint32Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Uint32Array]";
function cLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Int8Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Int8Array]";
function uLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Int16Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Int16Array]";
function dLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Int32Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Int32Array]";
function pLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Float32Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Float32Array]";
function fLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "Float64Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object Float64Array]";
function mLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "BigInt64Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object BigInt64Array]";
function hLt(n27) {
return SF && C8 ? tB(n27) === "BigUint64Array" : Cw(n27) === "[object BigUint64Array]";
function B3e(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object Map]";
function j3e(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object Set]";
function G3e(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object WeakMap]";
function iet(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object WeakSet]";
function l6e(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object ArrayBuffer]";
function Xkt(n27) {
return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && (l6e.working ? l6e(n27) : n27 instanceof ArrayBuffer);
function c6e(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object DataView]";
function Ykt(n27) {
return typeof DataView < "u" && (c6e.working ? c6e(n27) : n27 instanceof DataView);
function u6e(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]";
function Qkt(n27) {
return typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (u6e.working ? u6e(n27) : n27 instanceof SharedArrayBuffer);
function Zkt(n27) {
return R2e(n27, YIn);
function eDt(n27) {
return R2e(n27, QIn);
function tDt(n27) {
return R2e(n27, ZIn);
function nDt(n27) {
return iLt && R2e(n27, eLn);
function rDt(n27) {
return att && R2e(n27, tLn);
function dse(n27, t) {
var r = { seen: [], stylize: iLn };
return arguments.length >= 3 && (r.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (r.colors = arguments[3]), ott(t) ? r.showHidden = t : t && ju._extend(r, t), yfe(r.showHidden) && (r.showHidden = false), yfe(r.depth) && (r.depth = 2), yfe(r.colors) && (r.colors = false), yfe(r.customInspect) && (r.customInspect = true), r.colors && (r.stylize = rLn), d6e(r, n27, r.depth);
function rLn(n27, t) {
var r = dse.styles[t];
return r ? "\x1B[" + dse.colors[r][0] + "m" + n27 + "\x1B[" + dse.colors[r][1] + "m" : n27;
function iLn(n27, t) {
return n27;
function d6e(n27, t, r) {
if (n27.customInspect && t && n6e(t.inspect) && t.inspect !== ju.inspect && (!t.constructor || t.constructor.prototype !== t)) {
var a = t.inspect(r, n27);
return p6e(a) || (a = d6e(n27, a, r)), a;
var c = function($, K) {
if (yfe(K))
return $.stylize("undefined", "undefined");
if (p6e(K)) {
var ce = "'" + JSON.stringify(K).replace(/^"|"$/g, "").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + "'";
return $.stylize(ce, "string");
if (yLt(K))
return $.stylize("" + K, "number");
if (ott(K))
return $.stylize("" + K, "boolean");
if (_6e(K))
return $.stylize("null", "null");
}(n27, t);
if (c)
return c;
var d = Object.keys(t), p = function($) {
var K = {};
return $.forEach(function(ce, ue) {
K[ce] = true;
}), K;
if (n27.showHidden && (d = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t)), I2e(t) && (d.indexOf("message") >= 0 || d.indexOf("description") >= 0))
return aet(t);
if (d.length === 0) {
if (n6e(t)) {
var y = ? ": " + : "";
return n27.stylize("[Function" + y + "]", "special");
if (D2e(t))
return n27.stylize(, "regexp");
if (f6e(t))
return n27.stylize(, "date");
if (I2e(t))
return aet(t);
var b, w = "", I = false, j = ["{", "}"];
return gLt(t) && (I = true, j = ["[", "]"]), n6e(t) && (w = " [Function" + ( ? ": " + : "") + "]"), D2e(t) && (w = " " +, f6e(t) && (w = " " +, I2e(t) && (w = " " + aet(t)), d.length !== 0 || I && t.length != 0 ? r < 0 ? D2e(t) ? n27.stylize(, "regexp") : n27.stylize("[Object]", "special") : (n27.seen.push(t), b = I ? function($, K, ce, ue, Ce) {
for (var De = [], we = 0, Pe = K.length; we < Pe; ++we)
vLt(K, String(we)) ? De.push(oet($, K, ce, ue, String(we), true)) : De.push("");
return Ce.forEach(function(dt) {
dt.match(/^\d+$/) || De.push(oet($, K, ce, ue, dt, true));
}), De;
}(n27, t, r, p, d) :$) {
return oet(n27, t, r, p, $, I);
}), n27.seen.pop(), function($, K, ce) {
var ue = 0;
return $.reduce(function(Ce, De) {
return ue++, De.indexOf(`
`) >= 0 && ue++, Ce + De.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1;
}, 0) > 60 ? ce[0] + (K === "" ? "" : K + `
`) + " " + $.join(`,
`) + " " + ce[1] : ce[0] + K + " " + $.join(", ") + " " + ce[1];
}(b, w, j)) : j[0] + w + j[1];
function aet(n27) {
return "[" + + "]";
function oet(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p, y, b;
if ((b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, c) || { value: t[c] }).get ? y = b.set ? n27.stylize("[Getter/Setter]", "special") : n27.stylize("[Getter]", "special") : b.set && (y = n27.stylize("[Setter]", "special")), vLt(a, c) || (p = "[" + c + "]"), y || (n27.seen.indexOf(b.value) < 0 ? (y = _6e(r) ? d6e(n27, b.value, null) : d6e(n27, b.value, r - 1)).indexOf(`
`) > -1 && (y = d ? y.split(`
`).map(function(w) {
return " " + w;
`).substr(2) : `
` + y.split(`
`).map(function(w) {
return " " + w;
`)) : y = n27.stylize("[Circular]", "special")), yfe(p)) {
if (d && c.match(/^\d+$/))
return y;
(p = JSON.stringify("" + c)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (p = p.substr(1, p.length - 2), p = n27.stylize(p, "name")) : (p = p.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"), p = n27.stylize(p, "string"));
return p + ": " + y;
function gLt(n27) {
return Array.isArray(n27);
function ott(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "boolean";
function _6e(n27) {
return n27 === null;
function yLt(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "number";
function p6e(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "string";
function yfe(n27) {
return n27 === void 0;
function D2e(n27) {
return Pbe(n27) && stt(n27) === "[object RegExp]";
function Pbe(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "object" && n27 !== null;
function f6e(n27) {
return Pbe(n27) && stt(n27) === "[object Date]";
function I2e(n27) {
return Pbe(n27) && (stt(n27) === "[object Error]" || n27 instanceof Error);
function n6e(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "function";
function stt(n27) {
function set(n27) {
return n27 < 10 ? "0" + n27.toString(10) : n27.toString(10);
function oLn() {
var n27 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), t = [set(n27.getHours()), set(n27.getMinutes()), set(n27.getSeconds())].join(":");
return [n27.getDate(), aLn[n27.getMonth()], t].join(" ");
function vLt(n27, t) {
return, t);
function sLn(n27, t) {
if (!n27) {
var r = new Error("Promise was rejected with a falsy value");
r.reason = n27, n27 = r;
return t(n27);
function lLn() {
if (aDt)
return cet;
aDt = true;
var n27 = cet = {}, t, r;
function a() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function c() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
(function() {
try {
typeof setTimeout == "function" ? t = setTimeout : t = a;
} catch {
t = a;
try {
typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? r = clearTimeout : r = c;
} catch {
r = c;
function d(ue) {
if (t === setTimeout)
return setTimeout(ue, 0);
if ((t === a || !t) && setTimeout)
return t = setTimeout, setTimeout(ue, 0);
try {
return t(ue, 0);
} catch {
try {
return, ue, 0);
} catch {
return || xbe, ue, 0);
function p(ue) {
if (r === clearTimeout)
return clearTimeout(ue);
if ((r === c || !r) && clearTimeout)
return r = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(ue);
try {
return r(ue);
} catch {
try {
return, ue);
} catch {
return || xbe, ue);
var y = [], b = false, w, I = -1;
function j() {
!b || !w || (b = false, w.length ? y = w.concat(y) : I = -1, y.length && $());
function $() {
if (!b) {
var ue = d(j);
b = true;
for (var Ce = y.length; Ce; ) {
for (w = y, y = []; ++I < Ce; )
w && w[I].run();
I = -1, Ce = y.length;
w = null, b = false, p(ue);
n27.nextTick = function(ue) {
var Ce = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var De = 1; De < arguments.length; De++)
Ce[De - 1] = arguments[De];
y.push(new K(ue, Ce)), y.length === 1 && !b && d($);
function K(ue, Ce) {
(this || xbe).fun = ue, (this || xbe).array = Ce;
} = function() {
(this || xbe).fun.apply(null, (this || xbe).array);
}, n27.title = "browser", n27.browser = true, n27.env = {}, n27.argv = [], n27.version = "", n27.versions = {};
function ce() {
return n27.on = ce, n27.addListener = ce, n27.once = ce, = ce, n27.removeListener = ce, n27.removeAllListeners = ce, n27.emit = ce, n27.prependListener = ce, n27.prependOnceListener = ce, n27.listeners = function(ue) {
return [];
}, n27.binding = function(ue) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
}, n27.cwd = function() {
return "/";
}, n27.chdir = function(ue) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
}, n27.umask = function() {
return 0;
}, cet;
function lDt(n27) {
var t = n27.length;
if (t % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var r = n27.indexOf("=");
return r === -1 && (r = t), [r, r === t ? 0 : 4 - r % 4];
function cLn(n27, t, r) {
for (var a, c, d = [], p = t; p < r; p += 3)
a = (n27[p] << 16 & 16711680) + (n27[p + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & n27[p + 2]), d.push(N$[(c = a) >> 18 & 63] + N$[c >> 12 & 63] + N$[c >> 6 & 63] + N$[63 & c]);
return d.join("");
function Dee(n27) {
if (n27 > 2147483647)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + n27 + '" is invalid for option "size"');
var t = new Uint8Array(n27);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(t, ap.prototype), t;
function ap(n27, t, r) {
if (typeof n27 == "number") {
if (typeof t == "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
return Jet(n27);
return xLt(n27, t, r);
function xLt(n27, t, r) {
if (typeof n27 == "string")
return function(d, p) {
if (typeof p == "string" && p !== "" || (p = "utf8"), !ap.isEncoding(p))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + p);
var y = 0 | SLt(d, p), b = Dee(y), w = b.write(d, p);
return w !== y && (b = b.slice(0, w)), b;
}(n27, t);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(n27))
return uet(n27);
if (n27 == null)
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof n27);
if (Iee(n27, ArrayBuffer) || n27 && Iee(n27.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (Iee(n27, SharedArrayBuffer) || n27 && Iee(n27.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))
return uDt(n27, t, r);
if (typeof n27 == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
var a = n27.valueOf && n27.valueOf();
if (a != null && a !== n27)
return ap.from(a, t, r);
var c = function(d) {
if (ap.isBuffer(d)) {
var p = 0 | ltt(d.length), y = Dee(p);
return y.length === 0 || d.copy(y, 0, 0, p), y;
if (d.length !== void 0)
return typeof d.length != "number" || ctt(d.length) ? Dee(0) : uet(d);
if (d.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(
return uet(;
if (c)
return c;
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof n27[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function")
return ap.from(n27[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), t, r);
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof n27);
function ELt(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "number")
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
if (n27 < 0)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + n27 + '" is invalid for option "size"');
function Jet(n27) {
return ELt(n27), Dee(n27 < 0 ? 0 : 0 | ltt(n27));
function uet(n27) {
for (var t = n27.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | ltt(n27.length), r = Dee(t), a = 0; a < t; a += 1)
r[a] = 255 & n27[a];
return r;
function uDt(n27, t, r) {
if (t < 0 || n27.byteLength < t)
throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
if (n27.byteLength < t + (r || 0))
throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
var a;
return a = t === void 0 && r === void 0 ? new Uint8Array(n27) : r === void 0 ? new Uint8Array(n27, t) : new Uint8Array(n27, t, r), Object.setPrototypeOf(a, ap.prototype), a;
function ltt(n27) {
if (n27 >= 2147483647)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + 2147483647 .toString(16) + " bytes");
return 0 | n27;
function SLt(n27, t) {
if (ap.isBuffer(n27))
return n27.length;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(n27) || Iee(n27, ArrayBuffer))
return n27.byteLength;
if (typeof n27 != "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof n27);
var r = n27.length, a = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true;
if (!a && r === 0)
return 0;
for (var c = false; ; )
switch (t) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return r;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Ket(n27).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return 2 * r;
case "hex":
return r >>> 1;
case "base64":
return ALt(n27).length;
if (c)
return a ? -1 : Ket(n27).length;
t = ("" + t).toLowerCase(), c = true;
function dLn(n27, t, r) {
var a = false;
if ((t === void 0 || t < 0) && (t = 0), t > this.length || ((r === void 0 || r > this.length) && (r = this.length), r <= 0) || (r >>>= 0) <= (t >>>= 0))
return "";
for (n27 || (n27 = "utf8"); ; )
switch (n27) {
case "hex":
return bLn(this, t, r);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return wLt(this, t, r);
case "ascii":
return yLn(this, t, r);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return vLn(this, t, r);
case "base64":
return gLn(this, t, r);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return xLn(this, t, r);
if (a)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + n27);
n27 = (n27 + "").toLowerCase(), a = true;
function ufe(n27, t, r) {
var a = n27[t];
n27[t] = n27[r], n27[r] = a;
function dDt(n27, t, r, a, c) {
if (n27.length === 0)
return -1;
if (typeof r == "string" ? (a = r, r = 0) : r > 2147483647 ? r = 2147483647 : r < -2147483648 && (r = -2147483648), ctt(r = +r) && (r = c ? 0 : n27.length - 1), r < 0 && (r = n27.length + r), r >= n27.length) {
if (c)
return -1;
r = n27.length - 1;
} else if (r < 0) {
if (!c)
return -1;
r = 0;
if (typeof t == "string" && (t = ap.from(t, a)), ap.isBuffer(t))
return t.length === 0 ? -1 : pDt(n27, t, r, a, c);
if (typeof t == "number")
return t &= 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? c ?, t, r) :, t, r) : pDt(n27, [t], r, a, c);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function pDt(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d, p = 1, y = n27.length, b = t.length;
if (a !== void 0 && ((a = String(a).toLowerCase()) === "ucs2" || a === "ucs-2" || a === "utf16le" || a === "utf-16le")) {
if (n27.length < 2 || t.length < 2)
return -1;
p = 2, y /= 2, b /= 2, r /= 2;
function w(K, ce) {
return p === 1 ? K[ce] : K.readUInt16BE(ce * p);
if (c) {
var I = -1;
for (d = r; d < y; d++)
if (w(n27, d) === w(t, I === -1 ? 0 : d - I)) {
if (I === -1 && (I = d), d - I + 1 === b)
return I * p;
} else
I !== -1 && (d -= d - I), I = -1;
} else
for (r + b > y && (r = y - b), d = r; d >= 0; d--) {
for (var j = true, $ = 0; $ < b; $++)
if (w(n27, d + $) !== w(t, $)) {
j = false;
if (j)
return d;
return -1;
function pLn(n27, t, r, a) {
r = Number(r) || 0;
var c = n27.length - r;
a ? (a = Number(a)) > c && (a = c) : a = c;
var d = t.length;
a > d / 2 && (a = d / 2);
for (var p = 0; p < a; ++p) {
var y = parseInt(t.substr(2 * p, 2), 16);
if (ctt(y))
return p;
n27[r + p] = y;
return p;
function fLn(n27, t, r, a) {
return g6e(Ket(t, n27.length - r), n27, r, a);
function TLt(n27, t, r, a) {
return g6e(function(c) {
for (var d = [], p = 0; p < c.length; ++p)
d.push(255 & c.charCodeAt(p));
return d;
}(t), n27, r, a);
function mLn(n27, t, r, a) {
return TLt(n27, t, r, a);
function hLn(n27, t, r, a) {
return g6e(ALt(t), n27, r, a);
function _Ln(n27, t, r, a) {
return g6e(function(c, d) {
for (var p, y, b, w = [], I = 0; I < c.length && !((d -= 2) < 0); ++I)
p = c.charCodeAt(I), y = p >> 8, b = p % 256, w.push(b), w.push(y);
return w;
}(t, n27.length - r), n27, r, a);
function gLn(n27, t, r) {
return t === 0 && r === n27.length ? Het.fromByteArray(n27) : Het.fromByteArray(n27.slice(t, r));
function wLt(n27, t, r) {
r = Math.min(n27.length, r);
for (var a = [], c = t; c < r; ) {
var d, p, y, b, w = n27[c], I = null, j = w > 239 ? 4 : w > 223 ? 3 : w > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (c + j <= r)
switch (j) {
case 1:
w < 128 && (I = w);
case 2:
(192 & (d = n27[c + 1])) == 128 && (b = (31 & w) << 6 | 63 & d) > 127 && (I = b);
case 3:
d = n27[c + 1], p = n27[c + 2], (192 & d) == 128 && (192 & p) == 128 && (b = (15 & w) << 12 | (63 & d) << 6 | 63 & p) > 2047 && (b < 55296 || b > 57343) && (I = b);
case 4:
d = n27[c + 1], p = n27[c + 2], y = n27[c + 3], (192 & d) == 128 && (192 & p) == 128 && (192 & y) == 128 && (b = (15 & w) << 18 | (63 & d) << 12 | (63 & p) << 6 | 63 & y) > 65535 && b < 1114112 && (I = b);
I === null ? (I = 65533, j = 1) : I > 65535 && (I -= 65536, a.push(I >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), I = 56320 | 1023 & I), a.push(I), c += j;
return function($) {
var K = $.length;
if (K <= 4096)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, $);
for (var ce = "", ue = 0; ue < K; )
ce += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, $.slice(ue, ue += 4096));
return ce;
function yLn(n27, t, r) {
var a = "";
r = Math.min(n27.length, r);
for (var c = t; c < r; ++c)
a += String.fromCharCode(127 & n27[c]);
return a;
function vLn(n27, t, r) {
var a = "";
r = Math.min(n27.length, r);
for (var c = t; c < r; ++c)
a += String.fromCharCode(n27[c]);
return a;
function bLn(n27, t, r) {
var a = n27.length;
(!t || t < 0) && (t = 0), (!r || r < 0 || r > a) && (r = a);
for (var c = "", d = t; d < r; ++d)
c += SLn[n27[d]];
return c;
function xLn(n27, t, r) {
for (var a = n27.slice(t, r), c = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d += 2)
c += String.fromCharCode(a[d] + 256 * a[d + 1]);
return c;
function wI(n27, t, r) {
if (n27 % 1 != 0 || n27 < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (n27 + t > r)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
function xF(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
if (!ap.isBuffer(n27))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (t > c || t < d)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (r + a > n27.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function CLt(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
if (r + a > n27.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (r < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function fDt(n27, t, r, a, c) {
return t = +t, r >>>= 0, c || CLt(n27, 0, r, 4), Cbe.write(n27, t, r, a, 23, 4), r + 4;
function mDt(n27, t, r, a, c) {
return t = +t, r >>>= 0, c || CLt(n27, 0, r, 8), Cbe.write(n27, t, r, a, 52, 8), r + 8;
function Ket(n27, t) {
var r;
t = t || 1 / 0;
for (var a = n27.length, c = null, d = [], p = 0; p < a; ++p) {
if ((r = n27.charCodeAt(p)) > 55295 && r < 57344) {
if (!c) {
if (r > 56319) {
(t -= 3) > -1 && d.push(239, 191, 189);
if (p + 1 === a) {
(t -= 3) > -1 && d.push(239, 191, 189);
c = r;
if (r < 56320) {
(t -= 3) > -1 && d.push(239, 191, 189), c = r;
r = 65536 + (c - 55296 << 10 | r - 56320);
} else
c && (t -= 3) > -1 && d.push(239, 191, 189);
if (c = null, r < 128) {
if ((t -= 1) < 0)
} else if (r < 2048) {
if ((t -= 2) < 0)
d.push(r >> 6 | 192, 63 & r | 128);
} else if (r < 65536) {
if ((t -= 3) < 0)
d.push(r >> 12 | 224, r >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & r | 128);
} else {
if (!(r < 1114112))
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
if ((t -= 4) < 0)
d.push(r >> 18 | 240, r >> 12 & 63 | 128, r >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & r | 128);
return d;
function ALt(n27) {
return Het.toByteArray(function(t) {
if ((t = (t = t.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(ELn, "")).length < 2)
return "";
for (; t.length % 4 != 0; )
t += "=";
return t;
function g6e(n27, t, r, a) {
for (var c = 0; c < a && !(c + r >= t.length || c >= n27.length); ++c)
t[c + r] = n27[c];
return c;
function Iee(n27, t) {
return n27 instanceof t || n27 != null && n27.constructor != null && != null && ===;
function ctt(n27) {
return n27 != n27;
function hDt(n27, t) {
for (var r in n27)
t[r] = n27[r];
function dfe(n27, t, r) {
return jH(n27, t, r);
function g2e(n27) {
var t;
switch (this.encoding = function(r) {
var a = function(c) {
if (!c)
return "utf8";
for (var d; ; )
switch (c) {
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return "utf8";
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return "utf16le";
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return "latin1";
case "base64":
case "ascii":
case "hex":
return c;
if (d)
c = ("" + c).toLowerCase(), d = true;
if (typeof a != "string" && (Xet.isEncoding === _Dt || !_Dt(r)))
throw new Error("Unknown encoding: " + r);
return a || r;
}(n27), this.encoding) {
case "utf16le":
this.text = CLn, this.end = ALn, t = 4;
case "utf8":
this.fillLast = wLn, t = 4;
case "base64":
this.text = kLn, this.end = DLn, t = 3;
return this.write = ILn, this.end = LLn, void 0;
this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = Xet.allocUnsafe(t);
function det(n27) {
return n27 <= 127 ? 0 : n27 >> 5 == 6 ? 2 : n27 >> 4 == 14 ? 3 : n27 >> 3 == 30 ? 4 : n27 >> 6 == 2 ? -1 : -2;
function wLn(n27) {
var t = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, r = function(a, c, d) {
if ((192 & c[0]) != 128)
return a.lastNeed = 0, "�";
if (a.lastNeed > 1 && c.length > 1) {
if ((192 & c[1]) != 128)
return a.lastNeed = 1, "�";
if (a.lastNeed > 2 && c.length > 2 && (192 & c[2]) != 128)
return a.lastNeed = 2, "�";
}(this, n27);
return r !== void 0 ? r : this.lastNeed <= n27.length ? (n27.copy(this.lastChar, t, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : (n27.copy(this.lastChar, t, 0, n27.length), this.lastNeed -= n27.length, void 0);
function CLn(n27, t) {
if ((n27.length - t) % 2 == 0) {
var r = n27.toString("utf16le", t);
if (r) {
var a = r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1);
if (a >= 55296 && a <= 56319)
return this.lastNeed = 2, this.lastTotal = 4, this.lastChar[0] = n27[n27.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = n27[n27.length - 1], r.slice(0, -1);
return r;
return this.lastNeed = 1, this.lastTotal = 2, this.lastChar[0] = n27[n27.length - 1], n27.toString("utf16le", t, n27.length - 1);
function ALn(n27) {
var t = n27 && n27.length ? this.write(n27) : "";
if (this.lastNeed) {
var r = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed;
return t + this.lastChar.toString("utf16le", 0, r);
return t;
function kLn(n27, t) {
var r = (n27.length - t) % 3;
return r === 0 ? n27.toString("base64", t) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - r, this.lastTotal = 3, r === 1 ? this.lastChar[0] = n27[n27.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = n27[n27.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = n27[n27.length - 1]), n27.toString("base64", t, n27.length - r));
function DLn(n27) {
var t = n27 && n27.length ? this.write(n27) : "";
return this.lastNeed ? t + this.lastChar.toString("base64", 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : t;
function ILn(n27) {
return n27.toString(this.encoding);
function LLn(n27) {
return n27 && n27.length ? this.write(n27) : "";
function PLn() {
if (gDt)
return y2e;
gDt = true, y2e.byteLength = y, y2e.toByteArray = w, y2e.fromByteArray = $;
for (var n27 = [], t = [], r = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c)
n27[c] = a[c], t[a.charCodeAt(c)] = c;
t["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, t["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
function p(K) {
var ce = K.length;
if (ce % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var ue = K.indexOf("=");
ue === -1 && (ue = ce);
var Ce = ue === ce ? 0 : 4 - ue % 4;
return [ue, Ce];
function y(K) {
var ce = p(K), ue = ce[0], Ce = ce[1];
return (ue + Ce) * 3 / 4 - Ce;
function b(K, ce, ue) {
return (ce + ue) * 3 / 4 - ue;
function w(K) {
var ce, ue = p(K), Ce = ue[0], De = ue[1], we = new r(b(K, Ce, De)), Pe = 0, dt = De > 0 ? Ce - 4 : Ce, Lt;
for (Lt = 0; Lt < dt; Lt += 4)
ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 18 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 12 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] << 6 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 3)], we[Pe++] = ce >> 16 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255;
return De === 2 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 2 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] >> 4, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), De === 1 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 10 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 4 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] >> 2, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), we;
function I(K) {
return n27[K >> 18 & 63] + n27[K >> 12 & 63] + n27[K >> 6 & 63] + n27[K & 63];
function j(K, ce, ue) {
for (var Ce, De = [], we = ce; we < ue; we += 3)
Ce = (K[we] << 16 & 16711680) + (K[we + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (K[we + 2] & 255), De.push(I(Ce));
return De.join("");
function $(K) {
for (var ce, ue = K.length, Ce = ue % 3, De = [], we = 16383, Pe = 0, dt = ue - Ce; Pe < dt; Pe += we)
De.push(j(K, Pe, Pe + we > dt ? dt : Pe + we));
return Ce === 1 ? (ce = K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 2] + n27[ce << 4 & 63] + "==")) : Ce === 2 && (ce = (K[ue - 2] << 8) + K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 10] + n27[ce >> 4 & 63] + n27[ce << 2 & 63] + "=")), De.join("");
return y2e;
function RLn() {
return yDt || (yDt = true, = function(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d, p, y = c * 8 - a - 1, b = (1 << y) - 1, w = b >> 1, I = -7, j = r ? c - 1 : 0, $ = r ? -1 : 1, K = n27[t + j];
for (j += $, d = K & (1 << -I) - 1, K >>= -I, I += y; I > 0; d = d * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
for (p = d & (1 << -I) - 1, d >>= -I, I += a; I > 0; p = p * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
if (d === 0)
d = 1 - w;
else {
if (d === b)
return p ? NaN : (K ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0);
p = p + Math.pow(2, a), d = d - w;
return (K ? -1 : 1) * p * Math.pow(2, d - a);
}, V3e.write = function(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p, y, b, w = d * 8 - c - 1, I = (1 << w) - 1, j = I >> 1, $ = c === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, K = a ? 0 : d - 1, ce = a ? 1 : -1, ue = t < 0 || t === 0 && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (y = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, p = I) : (p = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (b = Math.pow(2, -p)) < 1 && (p--, b *= 2), p + j >= 1 ? t += $ / b : t += $ * Math.pow(2, 1 - j), t * b >= 2 && (p++, b /= 2), p + j >= I ? (y = 0, p = I) : p + j >= 1 ? (y = (t * b - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = p + j) : (y = t * Math.pow(2, j - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = 0)); c >= 8; n27[r + K] = y & 255, K += ce, y /= 256, c -= 8)
for (p = p << c | y, w += c; w > 0; n27[r + K] = p & 255, K += ce, p /= 256, w -= 8)
n27[r + K - ce] |= ue * 128;
}), V3e;
function NLn() {
if (vDt)
return pfe;
vDt = true;
let n27 = PLn(), t = RLn(), r = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null;
pfe.Buffer = p, pfe.SlowBuffer = De, pfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
let a = 2147483647;
pfe.kMaxLength = a, p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = c(), !p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console < "u" && typeof console.error == "function" && console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.");
function c() {
try {
let se = new Uint8Array(1), M = { foo: function() {
return 42;
} };
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(se, M), === 42;
} catch {
return false;
Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.buffer;
} }), Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.byteOffset;
} });
function d(se) {
if (se > a)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, p.prototype), M;
function p(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "number") {
if (typeof M == "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
return I(se);
return y(se, M, O);
p.poolSize = 8192;
function y(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "string")
return j(se, M);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se))
return K(se);
if (se == null)
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
if (Gu(se, ArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (Gu(se, SharedArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))
return ce(se, M, O);
if (typeof se == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
let ve = se.valueOf && se.valueOf();
if (ve != null && ve !== se)
return p.from(ve, M, O);
let Ye = ue(se);
if (Ye)
return Ye;
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof se[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function")
return p.from(se[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), M, O);
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
p.from = function(se, M, O) {
return y(se, M, O);
}, Object.setPrototypeOf(p.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(p, Uint8Array);
function b(se) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
if (se < 0)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
function w(se, M, O) {
return b(se), se <= 0 ? d(se) : M !== void 0 ? typeof O == "string" ? d(se).fill(M, O) : d(se).fill(M) : d(se);
p.alloc = function(se, M, O) {
return w(se, M, O);
function I(se) {
return b(se), d(se < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se) | 0);
p.allocUnsafe = function(se) {
return I(se);
}, p.allocUnsafeSlow = function(se) {
return I(se);
function j(se, M) {
if ((typeof M != "string" || M === "") && (M = "utf8"), !p.isEncoding(M))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + M);
let O = we(se, M) | 0, ve = d(O), Ye = ve.write(se, M);
return Ye !== O && (ve = ve.slice(0, Ye)), ve;
function $(se) {
let M = se.length < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
for (let ve = 0; ve < M; ve += 1)
O[ve] = se[ve] & 255;
return O;
function K(se) {
if (Gu(se, Uint8Array)) {
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return ce(M.buffer, M.byteOffset, M.byteLength);
return $(se);
function ce(se, M, O) {
if (M < 0 || se.byteLength < M)
throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
if (se.byteLength < M + (O || 0))
throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
let ve;
return M === void 0 && O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se) : O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se, M) : ve = new Uint8Array(se, M, O), Object.setPrototypeOf(ve, p.prototype), ve;
function ue(se) {
if (p.isBuffer(se)) {
let M = Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
return O.length === 0 || se.copy(O, 0, 0, M), O;
if (se.length !== void 0)
return typeof se.length != "number" || fh(se.length) ? d(0) : $(se);
if (se.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(
return $(;
function Ce(se) {
if (se >= a)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + a.toString(16) + " bytes");
return se | 0;
function De(se) {
return +se != se && (se = 0), p.alloc(+se);
p.isBuffer = function(M) {
return M != null && M._isBuffer === true && M !== p.prototype;
}, = function(M, O) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), Gu(O, Uint8Array) && (O = p.from(O, O.offset, O.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M) || !p.isBuffer(O))
throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (M === O)
return 0;
let ve = M.length, Ye = O.length;
for (let Qe = 0, ln = Math.min(ve, Ye); Qe < ln; ++Qe)
if (M[Qe] !== O[Qe]) {
ve = M[Qe], Ye = O[Qe];
return ve < Ye ? -1 : Ye < ve ? 1 : 0;
}, p.isEncoding = function(M) {
switch (String(M).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return true;
return false;
}, p.concat = function(M, O) {
if (!Array.isArray(M))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (M.length === 0)
return p.alloc(0);
let ve;
if (O === void 0)
for (O = 0, ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve)
O += M[ve].length;
let Ye = p.allocUnsafe(O), Qe = 0;
for (ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve) {
let ln = M[ve];
if (Gu(ln, Uint8Array))
Qe + ln.length > Ye.length ? (p.isBuffer(ln) || (ln = p.from(ln)), ln.copy(Ye, Qe)) :, ln, Qe);
else if (p.isBuffer(ln))
ln.copy(Ye, Qe);
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
Qe += ln.length;
return Ye;
function we(se, M) {
if (p.isBuffer(se))
return se.length;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se) || Gu(se, ArrayBuffer))
return se.byteLength;
if (typeof se != "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof se);
let O = se.length, ve = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true;
if (!ve && O === 0)
return 0;
let Ye = false;
for (; ; )
switch (M) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return O;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Dc(se).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return O * 2;
case "hex":
return O >>> 1;
case "base64":
return zm(se).length;
if (Ye)
return ve ? -1 : Dc(se).length;
M = ("" + M).toLowerCase(), Ye = true;
p.byteLength = we;
function Pe(se, M, O) {
let ve = false;
if ((M === void 0 || M < 0) && (M = 0), M > this.length || ((O === void 0 || O > this.length) && (O = this.length), O <= 0) || (O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, O <= M))
return "";
for (se || (se = "utf8"); ; )
switch (se) {
case "hex":
return Or(this, M, O);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return ha(this, M, O);
case "ascii":
return Zi(this, M, O);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return Er(this, M, O);
case "base64":
return ja(this, M, O);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return ma(this, M, O);
if (ve)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + se);
se = (se + "").toLowerCase(), ve = true;
p.prototype._isBuffer = true;
function dt(se, M, O) {
let ve = se[M];
se[M] = se[O], se[O] = ve;
p.prototype.swap16 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 2 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 2)
dt(this, O, O + 1);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap32 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 4 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 4)
dt(this, O, O + 3), dt(this, O + 1, O + 2);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap64 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 8 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 8)
dt(this, O, O + 7), dt(this, O + 1, O + 6), dt(this, O + 2, O + 5), dt(this, O + 3, O + 4);
return this;
}, p.prototype.toString = function() {
let M = this.length;
return M === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? ha(this, 0, M) : Pe.apply(this, arguments);
}, p.prototype.toLocaleString = p.prototype.toString, p.prototype.equals = function(M) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === M ? true :, M) === 0;
}, p.prototype.inspect = function() {
let M = "", O = pfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return M = this.toString("hex", 0, O).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > O && (M += " ... "), "<Buffer " + M + ">";
}, r && (p.prototype[r] = p.prototype.inspect), = function(M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof M);
if (O === void 0 && (O = 0), ve === void 0 && (ve = M ? M.length : 0), Ye === void 0 && (Ye = 0), Qe === void 0 && (Qe = this.length), O < 0 || ve > M.length || Ye < 0 || Qe > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (Ye >= Qe && O >= ve)
return 0;
if (Ye >= Qe)
return -1;
if (O >= ve)
return 1;
if (O >>>= 0, ve >>>= 0, Ye >>>= 0, Qe >>>= 0, this === M)
return 0;
let ln = Qe - Ye, Qo = ve - O, ss = Math.min(ln, Qo), Pa = this.slice(Ye, Qe), va = M.slice(O, ve);
for (let ui = 0; ui < ss; ++ui)
if (Pa[ui] !== va[ui]) {
ln = Pa[ui], Qo = va[ui];
return ln < Qo ? -1 : Qo < ln ? 1 : 0;
function Lt(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (se.length === 0)
return -1;
if (typeof O == "string" ? (ve = O, O = 0) : O > 2147483647 ? O = 2147483647 : O < -2147483648 && (O = -2147483648), O = +O, fh(O) && (O = Ye ? 0 : se.length - 1), O < 0 && (O = se.length + O), O >= se.length) {
if (Ye)
return -1;
O = se.length - 1;
} else if (O < 0)
if (Ye)
O = 0;
return -1;
if (typeof M == "string" && (M = p.from(M, ve)), p.isBuffer(M))
return M.length === 0 ? -1 : Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye);
if (typeof M == "number")
return M = M & 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? Ye ?, M, O) :, M, O) : Cn(se, [M], O, ve, Ye);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
let Qe = 1, ln = se.length, Qo = M.length;
if (ve !== void 0 && (ve = String(ve).toLowerCase(), ve === "ucs2" || ve === "ucs-2" || ve === "utf16le" || ve === "utf-16le")) {
if (se.length < 2 || M.length < 2)
return -1;
Qe = 2, ln /= 2, Qo /= 2, O /= 2;
function ss(va, ui) {
return Qe === 1 ? va[ui] : va.readUInt16BE(ui * Qe);
let Pa;
if (Ye) {
let va = -1;
for (Pa = O; Pa < ln; Pa++)
if (ss(se, Pa) === ss(M, va === -1 ? 0 : Pa - va)) {
if (va === -1 && (va = Pa), Pa - va + 1 === Qo)
return va * Qe;
} else
va !== -1 && (Pa -= Pa - va), va = -1;
} else
for (O + Qo > ln && (O = ln - Qo), Pa = O; Pa >= 0; Pa--) {
let va = true;
for (let ui = 0; ui < Qo; ui++)
if (ss(se, Pa + ui) !== ss(M, ui)) {
va = false;
if (va)
return Pa;
return -1;
p.prototype.includes = function(M, O, ve) {
return this.indexOf(M, O, ve) !== -1;
}, p.prototype.indexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, true);
}, p.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, false);
function Me(se, M, O, ve) {
O = Number(O) || 0;
let Ye = se.length - O;
ve ? (ve = Number(ve), ve > Ye && (ve = Ye)) : ve = Ye;
let Qe = M.length;
ve > Qe / 2 && (ve = Qe / 2);
let ln;
for (ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
let Qo = parseInt(M.substr(ln * 2, 2), 16);
if (fh(Qo))
return ln;
se[O + ln] = Qo;
return ln;
function Ut(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Dc(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
function $n(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Qd(M), se, O, ve);
function Li(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(zm(M), se, O, ve);
function or(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Od(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
p.prototype.write = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (O === void 0)
Ye = "utf8", ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (ve === void 0 && typeof O == "string")
Ye = O, ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (isFinite(O))
O = O >>> 0, isFinite(ve) ? (ve = ve >>> 0, Ye === void 0 && (Ye = "utf8")) : (Ye = ve, ve = void 0);
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
let Qe = this.length - O;
if ((ve === void 0 || ve > Qe) && (ve = Qe), M.length > 0 && (ve < 0 || O < 0) || O > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
Ye || (Ye = "utf8");
let ln = false;
for (; ; )
switch (Ye) {
case "hex":
return Me(this, M, O, ve);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Ut(this, M, O, ve);
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return $n(this, M, O, ve);
case "base64":
return Li(this, M, O, ve);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return or(this, M, O, ve);
if (ln)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
Ye = ("" + Ye).toLowerCase(), ln = true;
}, p.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0) };
function ja(se, M, O) {
return M === 0 && O === se.length ? n27.fromByteArray(se) : n27.fromByteArray(se.slice(M, O));
function ha(se, M, O) {
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
let ve = [], Ye = M;
for (; Ye < O; ) {
let Qe = se[Ye], ln = null, Qo = Qe > 239 ? 4 : Qe > 223 ? 3 : Qe > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (Ye + Qo <= O) {
let ss, Pa, va, ui;
switch (Qo) {
case 1:
Qe < 128 && (ln = Qe);
case 2:
ss = se[Ye + 1], (ss & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 31) << 6 | ss & 63, ui > 127 && (ln = ui));
case 3:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 12 | (ss & 63) << 6 | Pa & 63, ui > 2047 && (ui < 55296 || ui > 57343) && (ln = ui));
case 4:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], va = se[Ye + 3], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (va & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 18 | (ss & 63) << 12 | (Pa & 63) << 6 | va & 63, ui > 65535 && ui < 1114112 && (ln = ui));
ln === null ? (ln = 65533, Qo = 1) : ln > 65535 && (ln -= 65536, ve.push(ln >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), ln = 56320 | ln & 1023), ve.push(ln), Ye += Qo;
return So(ve);
let vr = 4096;
function So(se) {
let M = se.length;
if (M <= vr)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se);
let O = "", ve = 0;
for (; ve < M; )
O += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se.slice(ve, ve += vr));
return O;
function Zi(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye] & 127);
return ve;
function Er(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye]);
return ve;
function Or(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.length;
(!M || M < 0) && (M = 0), (!O || O < 0 || O > ve) && (O = ve);
let Ye = "";
for (let Qe = M; Qe < O; ++Qe)
Ye += Yg[se[Qe]];
return Ye;
function ma(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.slice(M, O), Ye = "";
for (let Qe = 0; Qe < ve.length - 1; Qe += 2)
Ye += String.fromCharCode(ve[Qe] + ve[Qe + 1] * 256);
return Ye;
p.prototype.slice = function(M, O) {
let ve = this.length;
M = ~~M, O = O === void 0 ? ve : ~~O, M < 0 ? (M += ve, M < 0 && (M = 0)) : M > ve && (M = ve), O < 0 ? (O += ve, O < 0 && (O = 0)) : O > ve && (O = ve), O < M && (O = M);
let Ye = this.subarray(M, O);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(Ye, p.prototype), Ye;
function ra(se, M, O) {
if (se % 1 !== 0 || se < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (se + M > O)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
p.prototype.readUintLE = p.prototype.readUIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUintBE = p.prototype.readUIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M + --O], Qe = 1;
for (; O > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + --O] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUint8 = p.prototype.readUInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M];
}, p.prototype.readUint16LE = p.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
}, p.prototype.readUint16BE = p.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] << 8 | this[M + 1];
}, p.prototype.readUint32LE = p.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), (this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16) + this[M + 3] * 16777216;
}, p.prototype.readUint32BE = p.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] * 16777216 + (this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3]);
}, p.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24, Qe = this[++M] + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + ve * 2 ** 24;
return BigInt(Ye) + (BigInt(Qe) << BigInt(32));
}), p.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M], Qe = this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve;
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(Qe);
}), p.prototype.readIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, Ye >= Qe && (Ye -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), Ye;
}, p.prototype.readIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = O, Qe = 1, ln = this[M + --Ye];
for (; Ye > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
ln += this[M + --Ye] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, ln >= Qe && (ln -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), ln;
}, p.prototype.readInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M] & 128 ? (255 - this[M] + 1) * -1 : this[M];
}, p.prototype.readInt16LE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt16BE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M + 1] | this[M] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16 | this[M + 3] << 24;
}, p.prototype.readInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] << 24 | this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3];
}, p.prototype.readBigInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = this[M + 4] + this[M + 5] * 2 ** 8 + this[M + 6] * 2 ** 16 + (ve << 24);
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24);
}), p.prototype.readBigInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = (O << 24) + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M];
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve);
}), p.prototype.readFloatLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, true, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readFloatBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, false, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, true, 52, 8);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, false, 52, 8);
function eo(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (!p.isBuffer(se))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (M > Ye || M < Qe)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
p.prototype.writeUintLE = p.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++ln < ve && (Qe *= 256); )
this[O + ln] = M / Qe & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUintBE = p.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
this[O + Qe] = M / ln & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUint8 = p.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 255, 0), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16LE = p.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16BE = p.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32LE = p.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32BE = p.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
function zs(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, O;
function Lo(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O + 7] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 6] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 5] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 4] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O + 3] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 2] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 1] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O] = ln, O + 8;
p.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = 0, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++Qe < ve && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe - 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe + 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 127, -128), M < 0 && (M = 255 + M + 1), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), M < 0 && (M = 4294967295 + M + 1), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
function bd(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function pl(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 4), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 23, 4), O + 4;
p.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, false, ve);
function Pu(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 8), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 52, 8), O + 8;
p.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, false, ve);
}, p.prototype.copy = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
if (ve || (ve = 0), !Ye && Ye !== 0 && (Ye = this.length), O >= M.length && (O = M.length), O || (O = 0), Ye > 0 && Ye < ve && (Ye = ve), Ye === ve || M.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
return 0;
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (ve < 0 || ve >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (Ye < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
Ye > this.length && (Ye = this.length), M.length - O < Ye - ve && (Ye = M.length - O + ve);
let Qe = Ye - ve;
return this === M && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(O, ve, Ye) :, this.subarray(ve, Ye), O), Qe;
}, p.prototype.fill = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (typeof M == "string") {
if (typeof O == "string" ? (Ye = O, O = 0, ve = this.length) : typeof ve == "string" && (Ye = ve, ve = this.length), Ye !== void 0 && typeof Ye != "string")
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if (typeof Ye == "string" && !p.isEncoding(Ye))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
if (M.length === 1) {
let ln = M.charCodeAt(0);
(Ye === "utf8" && ln < 128 || Ye === "latin1") && (M = ln);
} else
typeof M == "number" ? M = M & 255 : typeof M == "boolean" && (M = Number(M));
if (O < 0 || this.length < O || this.length < ve)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (ve <= O)
return this;
O = O >>> 0, ve = ve === void 0 ? this.length : ve >>> 0, M || (M = 0);
let Qe;
if (typeof M == "number")
for (Qe = O; Qe < ve; ++Qe)
this[Qe] = M;
else {
let ln = p.isBuffer(M) ? M : p.from(M, Ye), Qo = ln.length;
if (Qo === 0)
throw new TypeError('The value "' + M + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
for (Qe = 0; Qe < ve - O; ++Qe)
this[Qe + O] = ln[Qe % Qo];
return this;
let Ri = {};
function Hr(se, M, O) {
Ri[se] = class extends O {
constructor() {
super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: M.apply(this, arguments), writable: true, configurable: true }), = `${} [${se}]`, this.stack, delete;
get code() {
return se;
set code(Ye) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: Ye, writable: true });
toString() {
return `${} [${se}]: ${this.message}`;
Hr("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(se) {
return se ? `${se} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds";
}, RangeError), Hr("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(se, M) {
return `The "${se}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof M}`;
}, TypeError), Hr("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(se, M, O) {
let ve = `The value of "${se}" is out of range.`, Ye = O;
return Number.isInteger(O) && Math.abs(O) > 2 ** 32 ? Ye = mo(String(O)) : typeof O == "bigint" && (Ye = String(O), (O > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || O < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (Ye = mo(Ye)), Ye += "n"), ve += ` It must be ${M}. Received ${Ye}`, ve;
}, RangeError);
function mo(se) {
let M = "", O = se.length, ve = se[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0;
for (; O >= ve + 4; O -= 3)
M = `_${se.slice(O - 3, O)}${M}`;
return `${se.slice(0, O)}${M}`;
function Ds(se, M, O) {
Yr(M, "offset"), (se[M] === void 0 || se[M + O] === void 0) && Xn(M, se.length - (O + 1));
function xn(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (se > O || se < M) {
let ln = typeof M == "bigint" ? "n" : "", Qo;
throw Qe > 3 ? M === 0 || M === BigInt(0) ? Qo = `>= 0${ln} and < 2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8}${ln}` : Qo = `>= -(2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}) and < 2 ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}` : Qo = `>= ${M}${ln} and <= ${O}${ln}`, new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", Qo, se);
Ds(ve, Ye, Qe);
function Yr(se, M) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new Ri.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(M, "number", se);
function Xn(se, M, O) {
throw Math.floor(se) !== se ? (Yr(se, O), new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", "an integer", se)) : M < 0 ? new Ri.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS() : new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", `>= ${O ? 1 : 0} and <= ${M}`, se);
let Zs = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function hc(se) {
if (se = se.split("=")[0], se = se.trim().replace(Zs, ""), se.length < 2)
return "";
for (; se.length % 4 !== 0; )
se = se + "=";
return se;
function Dc(se, M) {
M = M || 1 / 0;
let O, ve = se.length, Ye = null, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
if (O = se.charCodeAt(ln), O > 55295 && O < 57344) {
if (!Ye) {
if (O > 56319) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
} else if (ln + 1 === ve) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
Ye = O;
if (O < 56320) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189), Ye = O;
O = (Ye - 55296 << 10 | O - 56320) + 65536;
} else
Ye && (M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
if (Ye = null, O < 128) {
if ((M -= 1) < 0)
} else if (O < 2048) {
if ((M -= 2) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 6 | 192, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 65536) {
if ((M -= 3) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 12 | 224, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 1114112) {
if ((M -= 4) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 18 | 240, O >> 12 & 63 | 128, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
return Qe;
function Qd(se) {
let M = [];
for (let O = 0; O < se.length; ++O)
M.push(se.charCodeAt(O) & 255);
return M;
function Od(se, M) {
let O, ve, Ye, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < se.length && !((M -= 2) < 0); ++ln)
O = se.charCodeAt(ln), ve = O >> 8, Ye = O % 256, Qe.push(Ye), Qe.push(ve);
return Qe;
function zm(se) {
return n27.toByteArray(hc(se));
function rm(se, M, O, ve) {
let Ye;
for (Ye = 0; Ye < ve && !(Ye + O >= M.length || Ye >= se.length); ++Ye)
M[Ye + O] = se[Ye];
return Ye;
function Gu(se, M) {
return se instanceof M || se != null && se.constructor != null && != null && ===;
function fh(se) {
return se !== se;
let Yg = function() {
let se = "0123456789abcdef", M = new Array(256);
for (let O = 0; O < 16; ++O) {
let ve = O * 16;
for (let Ye = 0; Ye < 16; ++Ye)
M[ve + Ye] = se[O] + se[Ye];
return M;
function uf(se) {
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? O_ : se;
function O_() {
throw new Error("BigInt not supported");
return pfe;
function Rbe() {
return bDt || (bDt = true, typeof Object.create == "function" ? W3e = function(t, r) {
r && (t.super_ = r, t.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }));
} : W3e = function(t, r) {
if (r) {
t.super_ = r;
var a = function() {
a.prototype = r.prototype, t.prototype = new a(), t.prototype.constructor = t;
}), W3e;
function kLt() {
return xDt || (xDt = true, pet = oN.EventEmitter), pet;
function OLn() {
if (EDt)
return fet;
EDt = true;
function n27($, K) {
var ce = Object.keys($);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var ue = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols($);
K && (ue = ue.filter(function(Ce) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor($, Ce).enumerable;
})), ce.push.apply(ce, ue);
return ce;
function t($) {
for (var K = 1; K < arguments.length; K++) {
var ce = arguments[K] != null ? arguments[K] : {};
K % 2 ? n27(Object(ce), true).forEach(function(ue) {
r($, ue, ce[ue]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties($, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(ce)) : n27(Object(ce)).forEach(function(ue) {
Object.defineProperty($, ue, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ce, ue));
return $;
function r($, K, ce) {
return K in $ ? Object.defineProperty($, K, { value: ce, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : $[K] = ce, $;
function a($, K) {
if (!($ instanceof K))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function c($, K) {
for (var ce = 0; ce < K.length; ce++) {
var ue = K[ce];
ue.enumerable = ue.enumerable || false, ue.configurable = true, "value" in ue && (ue.writable = true), Object.defineProperty($, ue.key, ue);
function d($, K, ce) {
return K && c($.prototype, K), ce && c($, ce), $;
var p = xfe, y = p.Buffer, b = ju, w = b.inspect, I = w && w.custom || "inspect";
function j($, K, ce) {$, K, ce);
return fet = function() {
function $() {
a(this, $), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0;
return d($, [{ key: "push", value: function(ce) {
var ue = { data: ce, next: null };
this.length > 0 ? = ue : this.head = ue, this.tail = ue, ++this.length;
} }, { key: "unshift", value: function(ce) {
var ue = { data: ce, next: this.head };
this.length === 0 && (this.tail = ue), this.head = ue, ++this.length;
} }, { key: "shift", value: function() {
if (this.length !== 0) {
var ce =;
return this.length === 1 ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head =, --this.length, ce;
} }, { key: "clear", value: function() {
this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0;
} }, { key: "join", value: function(ce) {
if (this.length === 0)
return "";
for (var ue = this.head, Ce = "" +; ue =; )
Ce += ce +;
return Ce;
} }, { key: "concat", value: function(ce) {
if (this.length === 0)
return y.alloc(0);
for (var ue = y.allocUnsafe(ce >>> 0), Ce = this.head, De = 0; Ce; )
j(, ue, De), De +=, Ce =;
return ue;
} }, { key: "consume", value: function(ce, ue) {
var Ce;
return ce < ? (Ce =, ce), = : ce === ? Ce = this.shift() : Ce = ue ? this._getString(ce) : this._getBuffer(ce), Ce;
} }, { key: "first", value: function() {
} }, { key: "_getString", value: function(ce) {
var ue = this.head, Ce = 1, De =;
for (ce -= De.length; ue =; ) {
var we =, Pe = ce > we.length ? we.length : ce;
if (Pe === we.length ? De += we : De += we.slice(0, ce), ce -= Pe, ce === 0) {
Pe === we.length ? (++Ce, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = ue, = we.slice(Pe));
return this.length -= Ce, De;
} }, { key: "_getBuffer", value: function(ce) {
var ue = y.allocUnsafe(ce), Ce = this.head, De = 1;
for (, ce -=; Ce =; ) {
var we =, Pe = ce > we.length ? we.length : ce;
if (we.copy(ue, ue.length - ce, 0, Pe), ce -= Pe, ce === 0) {
Pe === we.length ? (++De, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = Ce, = we.slice(Pe));
return this.length -= De, ue;
} }, { key: I, value: function(ce, ue) {
return w(this, t({}, ue, { depth: 0, customInspect: false }));
} }]), $;
}(), fet;
function DLt() {
if (SDt)
return met;
SDt = true;
var n27 = H0;
function t(y, b) {
var w = this, I = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, j = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed;
return I || j ? (b ? b(y) : y && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = true, n27.nextTick(d, this, y)) : n27.nextTick(d, this, y)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = true), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = true), this._destroy(y || null, function($) {
!b && $ ? w._writableState ? w._writableState.errorEmitted ? n27.nextTick(a, w) : (w._writableState.errorEmitted = true, n27.nextTick(r, w, $)) : n27.nextTick(r, w, $) : b ? (n27.nextTick(a, w), b($)) : n27.nextTick(a, w);
}), this);
function r(y, b) {
d(y, b), a(y);
function a(y) {
y._writableState && !y._writableState.emitClose || y._readableState && !y._readableState.emitClose || y.emit("close");
function c() {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = false, this._readableState.reading = false, this._readableState.ended = false, this._readableState.endEmitted = false), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = false, this._writableState.ended = false, this._writableState.ending = false, this._writableState.finalCalled = false, this._writableState.prefinished = false, this._writableState.finished = false, this._writableState.errorEmitted = false);
function d(y, b) {
y.emit("error", b);
function p(y, b) {
var w = y._readableState, I = y._writableState;
w && w.autoDestroy || I && I.autoDestroy ? y.destroy(b) : y.emit("error", b);
return met = { destroy: t, undestroy: c, errorOrDestroy: p }, met;
function Nbe() {
if (TDt)
return het;
TDt = true;
let n27 = {};
function t(p, y, b) {
b || (b = Error);
function w(j, $, K) {
return typeof y == "string" ? y : y(j, $, K);
class I extends b {
constructor($, K, ce) {
super(w($, K, ce));
} =, I.prototype.code = p, n27[p] = I;
function r(p, y) {
if (Array.isArray(p)) {
let b = p.length;
return p = => String(w)), b > 2 ? `one of ${y} ${p.slice(0, b - 1).join(", ")}, or ` + p[b - 1] : b === 2 ? `one of ${y} ${p[0]} or ${p[1]}` : `of ${y} ${p[0]}`;
} else
return `of ${y} ${String(p)}`;
function a(p, y, b) {
return p.substr(!b || b < 0 ? 0 : +b, y.length) === y;
function c(p, y, b) {
return (b === void 0 || b > p.length) && (b = p.length), p.substring(b - y.length, b) === y;
function d(p, y, b) {
return typeof b != "number" && (b = 0), b + y.length > p.length ? false : p.indexOf(y, b) !== -1;
return t("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(p, y) {
return 'The value "' + y + '" is invalid for option "' + p + '"';
}, TypeError), t("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(p, y, b) {
let w;
typeof y == "string" && a(y, "not ") ? (w = "must not be", y = y.replace(/^not /, "")) : w = "must be";
let I;
if (c(p, " argument"))
I = `The ${p} ${w} ${r(y, "type")}`;
else {
let j = d(p, ".") ? "property" : "argument";
I = `The "${p}" ${j} ${w} ${r(y, "type")}`;
return I += `. Received type ${typeof b}`, I;
}, TypeError), t("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"), t("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(p) {
return "The " + p + " method is not implemented";
}), t("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"), t("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(p) {
return "Cannot call " + p + " after a stream was destroyed";
}), t("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), t("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"), t("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"), t("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError), t("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(p) {
return "Unknown encoding: " + p;
}, TypeError), t("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"), = n27, het;
function ILt() {
if (wDt)
return _et;
wDt = true;
var n27 = Nbe().codes.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE;
function t(a, c, d) {
return a.highWaterMark != null ? a.highWaterMark : c ? a[d] : null;
function r(a, c, d, p) {
var y = t(c, p, d);
if (y != null) {
if (!(isFinite(y) && Math.floor(y) === y) || y < 0) {
var b = p ? d : "highWaterMark";
throw new n27(b, y);
return Math.floor(y);
return a.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
return _et = { getHighWaterMark: r }, _et;
function FLn() {
if (CDt)
return get;
CDt = true, get = n27;
function n27(r, a) {
if (t("noDeprecation"))
return r;
var c = false;
function d() {
if (!c) {
if (t("throwDeprecation"))
throw new Error(a);
t("traceDeprecation") ? console.trace(a) : console.warn(a), c = true;
return r.apply(this || yet, arguments);
return d;
function t(r) {
try {
if (!yet.localStorage)
return false;
} catch {
return false;
var a = yet.localStorage[r];
return a == null ? false : String(a).toLowerCase() === "true";
return get;
function LLt() {
if (ADt)
return vet;
ADt = true;
var n27 = H0;
vet = $n;
function t(Ri) {
var Hr = this; = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() {
Pu(Hr, Ri);
var r;
$n.WritableState = Me;
var a = { deprecate: FLn() }, c = kLt(), d = xfe.Buffer, p = MLn.Uint8Array || function() {
function y(Ri) {
return d.from(Ri);
function b(Ri) {
return d.isBuffer(Ri) || Ri instanceof p;
Rbe()($n, c);
function Cn() {
function Me(Ri, Hr, mo) {
r = r || Lbe(), Ri = Ri || {}, typeof mo != "boolean" && (mo = Hr instanceof r), this.objectMode = !!Ri.objectMode, mo && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!Ri.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = j(this, Ri, "writableHighWaterMark", mo), this.finalCalled = false, this.needDrain = false, this.ending = false, this.ended = false, this.finished = false, this.destroyed = false;
var Ds = Ri.decodeStrings === false;
this.decodeStrings = !Ds, this.defaultEncoding = Ri.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = false, this.corked = 0, this.sync = true, this.bufferProcessing = false, this.onwrite = function(xn) {
Er(Hr, xn);
}, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = false, this.errorEmitted = false, this.emitClose = Ri.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !!Ri.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new t(this);
Me.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
for (var Hr = this.bufferedRequest, mo = []; Hr; )
mo.push(Hr), Hr =;
return mo;
}, function() {
try {
Object.defineProperty(Me.prototype, "buffer", { get: a.deprecate(function() {
return this.getBuffer();
}, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003") });
} catch {
var Ut;
typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (Ut = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty($n, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(Hr) {
return, Hr) ? true : this !== $n ? false : Hr && Hr._writableState instanceof Me;
} })) : Ut = function(Hr) {
return Hr instanceof this;
function $n(Ri) {
r = r || Lbe();
var Hr = this instanceof r;
if (!Hr && !$n, this))
return new $n(Ri);
this._writableState = new Me(Ri, this, Hr), this.writable = true, Ri && (typeof Ri.write == "function" && (this._write = Ri.write), typeof Ri.writev == "function" && (this._writev = Ri.writev), typeof Ri.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = Ri.destroy), typeof == "function" && (this._final =,;
$n.prototype.pipe = function() {
Lt(this, new Ce());
function Li(Ri, Hr) {
var mo = new Pe();
Lt(Ri, mo), n27.nextTick(Hr, mo);
function or(Ri, Hr, mo, Ds) {
var xn;
return mo === null ? xn = new we() : typeof mo != "string" && !Hr.objectMode && (xn = new K("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], mo)), xn ? (Lt(Ri, xn), n27.nextTick(Ds, xn), false) : true;
$n.prototype.write = function(Ri, Hr, mo) {
var Ds = this._writableState, xn = false, Yr = !Ds.objectMode && b(Ri);
return Yr && !d.isBuffer(Ri) && (Ri = y(Ri)), typeof Hr == "function" && (mo = Hr, Hr = null), Yr ? Hr = "buffer" : Hr || (Hr = Ds.defaultEncoding), typeof mo != "function" && (mo = Cn), Ds.ending ? Li(this, mo) : (Yr || or(this, Ds, Ri, mo)) && (Ds.pendingcb++, xn = ha(this, Ds, Yr, Ri, Hr, mo)), xn;
}, $n.prototype.cork = function() {
}, $n.prototype.uncork = function() {
var Ri = this._writableState;
Ri.corked && (Ri.corked--, !Ri.writing && !Ri.corked && !Ri.bufferProcessing && Ri.bufferedRequest && ra(this, Ri));
}, $n.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(Hr) {
if (typeof Hr == "string" && (Hr = Hr.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((Hr + "").toLowerCase()) > -1))
throw new dt(Hr);
return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = Hr, this;
}, Object.defineProperty($n.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer();
} });
function ja(Ri, Hr, mo) {
return !Ri.objectMode && Ri.decodeStrings !== false && typeof Hr == "string" && (Hr = d.from(Hr, mo)), Hr;
Object.defineProperty($n.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
} });
function ha(Ri, Hr, mo, Ds, xn, Yr) {
if (!mo) {
var Xn = ja(Hr, Ds, xn);
Ds !== Xn && (mo = true, xn = "buffer", Ds = Xn);
var Zs = Hr.objectMode ? 1 : Ds.length;
Hr.length += Zs;
var hc = Hr.length < Hr.highWaterMark;
if (hc || (Hr.needDrain = true), Hr.writing || Hr.corked) {
var Dc = Hr.lastBufferedRequest;
Hr.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: Ds, encoding: xn, isBuf: mo, callback: Yr, next: null }, Dc ? = Hr.lastBufferedRequest : Hr.bufferedRequest = Hr.lastBufferedRequest, Hr.bufferedRequestCount += 1;
} else
vr(Ri, Hr, false, Zs, Ds, xn, Yr);
return hc;
function vr(Ri, Hr, mo, Ds, xn, Yr, Xn) {
Hr.writelen = Ds, Hr.writecb = Xn, Hr.writing = true, Hr.sync = true, Hr.destroyed ? Hr.onwrite(new De("write")) : mo ? Ri._writev(xn, Hr.onwrite) : Ri._write(xn, Yr, Hr.onwrite), Hr.sync = false;
function So(Ri, Hr, mo, Ds, xn) {
--Hr.pendingcb, mo ? (n27.nextTick(xn, Ds), n27.nextTick(bd, Ri, Hr), Ri._writableState.errorEmitted = true, Lt(Ri, Ds)) : (xn(Ds), Ri._writableState.errorEmitted = true, Lt(Ri, Ds), bd(Ri, Hr));
function Zi(Ri) {
Ri.writing = false, Ri.writecb = null, Ri.length -= Ri.writelen, Ri.writelen = 0;
function Er(Ri, Hr) {
var mo = Ri._writableState, Ds = mo.sync, xn = mo.writecb;
if (typeof xn != "function")
throw new ue();
if (Zi(mo), Hr)
So(Ri, mo, Ds, Hr, xn);
else {
var Yr = eo(mo) || Ri.destroyed;
!Yr && !mo.corked && !mo.bufferProcessing && mo.bufferedRequest && ra(Ri, mo), Ds ? n27.nextTick(Or, Ri, mo, Yr, xn) : Or(Ri, mo, Yr, xn);
function Or(Ri, Hr, mo, Ds) {
mo || ma(Ri, Hr), Hr.pendingcb--, Ds(), bd(Ri, Hr);
function ma(Ri, Hr) {
Hr.length === 0 && Hr.needDrain && (Hr.needDrain = false, Ri.emit("drain"));
function ra(Ri, Hr) {
Hr.bufferProcessing = true;
var mo = Hr.bufferedRequest;
if (Ri._writev && mo && {
var Ds = Hr.bufferedRequestCount, xn = new Array(Ds), Yr = Hr.corkedRequestsFree;
Yr.entry = mo;
for (var Xn = 0, Zs = true; mo; )
xn[Xn] = mo, mo.isBuf || (Zs = false), mo =, Xn += 1;
xn.allBuffers = Zs, vr(Ri, Hr, true, Hr.length, xn, "", Yr.finish), Hr.pendingcb++, Hr.lastBufferedRequest = null, ? (Hr.corkedRequestsFree =, = null) : Hr.corkedRequestsFree = new t(Hr), Hr.bufferedRequestCount = 0;
} else {
for (; mo; ) {
var hc = mo.chunk, Dc = mo.encoding, Qd = mo.callback, Od = Hr.objectMode ? 1 : hc.length;
if (vr(Ri, Hr, false, Od, hc, Dc, Qd), mo =, Hr.bufferedRequestCount--, Hr.writing)
mo === null && (Hr.lastBufferedRequest = null);
Hr.bufferedRequest = mo, Hr.bufferProcessing = false;
$n.prototype._write = function(Ri, Hr, mo) {
mo(new ce("_write()"));
}, $n.prototype._writev = null, $n.prototype.end = function(Ri, Hr, mo) {
var Ds = this._writableState;
return typeof Ri == "function" ? (mo = Ri, Ri = null, Hr = null) : typeof Hr == "function" && (mo = Hr, Hr = null), Ri != null && this.write(Ri, Hr), Ds.corked && (Ds.corked = 1, this.uncork()), Ds.ending || pl(this, Ds, mo), this;
}, Object.defineProperty($n.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState.length;
} });
function eo(Ri) {
return Ri.ending && Ri.length === 0 && Ri.bufferedRequest === null && !Ri.finished && !Ri.writing;
function zs(Ri, Hr) {
Ri._final(function(mo) {
Hr.pendingcb--, mo && Lt(Ri, mo), Hr.prefinished = true, Ri.emit("prefinish"), bd(Ri, Hr);
function Lo(Ri, Hr) {
!Hr.prefinished && !Hr.finalCalled && (typeof Ri._final == "function" && !Hr.destroyed ? (Hr.pendingcb++, Hr.finalCalled = true, n27.nextTick(zs, Ri, Hr)) : (Hr.prefinished = true, Ri.emit("prefinish")));
function bd(Ri, Hr) {
var mo = eo(Hr);
if (mo && (Lo(Ri, Hr), Hr.pendingcb === 0 && (Hr.finished = true, Ri.emit("finish"), Hr.autoDestroy))) {
var Ds = Ri._readableState;
(!Ds || Ds.autoDestroy && Ds.endEmitted) && Ri.destroy();
return mo;
function pl(Ri, Hr, mo) {
Hr.ending = true, bd(Ri, Hr), mo && (Hr.finished ? n27.nextTick(mo) : Ri.once("finish", mo)), Hr.ended = true, Ri.writable = false;
function Pu(Ri, Hr, mo) {
var Ds = Ri.entry;
for (Ri.entry = null; Ds; ) {
var xn = Ds.callback;
Hr.pendingcb--, xn(mo), Ds =;
} = Ri;
return Object.defineProperty($n.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState === void 0 ? false : this._writableState.destroyed;
}, set: function(Hr) {
this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = Hr);
} }), $n.prototype.destroy = w.destroy, $n.prototype._undestroy = w.undestroy, $n.prototype._destroy = function(Ri, Hr) {
}, vet;
function Lbe() {
if (kDt)
return bet;
kDt = true;
var n27 = H0, t = Object.keys || function(I) {
var j = [];
for (var $ in I)
return j;
bet = y;
var r = PLt(), a = LLt();
Rbe()(y, r);
for (var c = t(a.prototype), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var p = c[d];
y.prototype[p] || (y.prototype[p] = a.prototype[p]);
function y(I) {
if (!(this instanceof y))
return new y(I);, I),, I), this.allowHalfOpen = true, I && (I.readable === false && (this.readable = false), I.writable === false && (this.writable = false), I.allowHalfOpen === false && (this.allowHalfOpen = false, this.once("end", b)));
Object.defineProperty(y.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
} }), Object.defineProperty(y.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer();
} }), Object.defineProperty(y.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._writableState.length;
} });
function b() {
this._writableState.ended || n27.nextTick(w, this);
function w(I) {
return Object.defineProperty(y.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._readableState === void 0 || this._writableState === void 0 ? false : this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed;
}, set: function(j) {
this._readableState === void 0 || this._writableState === void 0 || (this._readableState.destroyed = j, this._writableState.destroyed = j);
} }), bet;
function utt() {
if (DDt)
return xet;
DDt = true;
var n27 = Nbe().codes.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE;
function t(d) {
var p = false;
return function() {
if (!p) {
p = true;
for (var y = arguments.length, b = new Array(y), w = 0; w < y; w++)
b[w] = arguments[w];
d.apply(this, b);
function r() {
function a(d) {
return d.setHeader && typeof d.abort == "function";
function c(d, p, y) {
if (typeof p == "function")
return c(d, null, p);
p || (p = {}), y = t(y || r);
var b = p.readable || p.readable !== false && d.readable, w = p.writable || p.writable !== false && d.writable, I = function() {
d.writable || $();
}, j = d._writableState && d._writableState.finished, $ = function() {
w = false, j = true, b ||;
}, K = d._readableState && d._readableState.endEmitted, ce = function() {
b = false, K = true, w ||;
}, ue = function(Pe) {, Pe);
}, Ce = function() {
var Pe;
if (b && !K)
return (!d._readableState || !d._readableState.ended) && (Pe = new n27()),, Pe);
if (w && !j)
return (!d._writableState || !d._writableState.ended) && (Pe = new n27()),, Pe);
}, De = function() {
d.req.on("finish", $);
return a(d) ? (d.on("complete", $), d.on("abort", Ce), d.req ? De() : d.on("request", De)) : w && !d._writableState && (d.on("end", I), d.on("close", I)), d.on("end", ce), d.on("finish", $), p.error !== false && d.on("error", ue), d.on("close", Ce), function() {
d.removeListener("complete", $), d.removeListener("abort", Ce), d.removeListener("request", De), d.req && d.req.removeListener("finish", $), d.removeListener("end", I), d.removeListener("close", I), d.removeListener("finish", $), d.removeListener("end", ce), d.removeListener("error", ue), d.removeListener("close", Ce);
return xet = c, xet;
function BLn() {
if (IDt)
return Eet;
IDt = true;
var n27 = H0, t;
function r(we, Pe, dt) {
return Pe in we ? Object.defineProperty(we, Pe, { value: dt, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : we[Pe] = dt, we;
var a = utt(), c = Symbol("lastResolve"), d = Symbol("lastReject"), p = Symbol("error"), y = Symbol("ended"), b = Symbol("lastPromise"), w = Symbol("handlePromise"), I = Symbol("stream");
function j(we, Pe) {
return { value: we, done: Pe };
function $(we) {
var Pe = we[c];
if (Pe !== null) {
var dt = we[I].read();
dt !== null && (we[b] = null, we[c] = null, we[d] = null, Pe(j(dt, false)));
function K(we) {
n27.nextTick($, we);
function ce(we, Pe) {
return function(dt, Lt) {
we.then(function() {
if (Pe[y]) {
dt(j(void 0, true));
Pe[w](dt, Lt);
}, Lt);
var ue = Object.getPrototypeOf(function() {
}), Ce = Object.setPrototypeOf((t = { get stream() {
return this[I];
}, next: function() {
var Pe = this, dt = this[p];
if (dt !== null)
return Promise.reject(dt);
if (this[y])
return Promise.resolve(j(void 0, true));
if (this[I].destroyed)
return new Promise(function(Ut, $n) {
n27.nextTick(function() {
Pe[p] ? $n(Pe[p]) : Ut(j(void 0, true));
var Lt = this[b], Cn;
if (Lt)
Cn = new Promise(ce(Lt, this));
else {
var Me = this[I].read();
if (Me !== null)
return Promise.resolve(j(Me, false));
Cn = new Promise(this[w]);
return this[b] = Cn, Cn;
} }, r(t, Symbol.asyncIterator, function() {
return this;
}), r(t, "return", function() {
var Pe = this;
return new Promise(function(dt, Lt) {
Pe[I].destroy(null, function(Cn) {
if (Cn) {
dt(j(void 0, true));
}), t), ue), De = function(Pe) {
var dt, Lt = Object.create(Ce, (dt = {}, r(dt, I, { value: Pe, writable: true }), r(dt, c, { value: null, writable: true }), r(dt, d, { value: null, writable: true }), r(dt, p, { value: null, writable: true }), r(dt, y, { value: Pe._readableState.endEmitted, writable: true }), r(dt, w, { value: function(Me, Ut) {
var $n = Lt[I].read();
$n ? (Lt[b] = null, Lt[c] = null, Lt[d] = null, Me(j($n, false))) : (Lt[c] = Me, Lt[d] = Ut);
}, writable: true }), dt));
return Lt[b] = null, a(Pe, function(Cn) {
if (Cn && Cn.code !== "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE") {
var Me = Lt[d];
Me !== null && (Lt[b] = null, Lt[c] = null, Lt[d] = null, Me(Cn)), Lt[p] = Cn;
var Ut = Lt[c];
Ut !== null && (Lt[b] = null, Lt[c] = null, Lt[d] = null, Ut(j(void 0, true))), Lt[y] = true;
}), Pe.on("readable", K.bind(null, Lt)), Lt;
return Eet = De, Eet;
function jLn() {
return LDt || (LDt = true, Tet = function() {
throw new Error("Readable.from is not available in the browser");
}), Tet;
function PLt() {
if (PDt)
return wet;
PDt = true;
var n27 = H0;
wet = Li;
var t;
Li.ReadableState = $n, oN.EventEmitter;
var r = function(Xn, Zs) {
return Xn.listeners(Zs).length;
}, a = kLt(), c = xfe.Buffer, d = GLn.Uint8Array || function() {
function p(Yr) {
return c.from(Yr);
function y(Yr) {
return c.isBuffer(Yr) || Yr instanceof d;
var b = ju, w;
b && b.debuglog ? w = b.debuglog("stream") : w = function() {
var I = OLn(), j = DLt(), $ = ILt(), K = $.getHighWaterMark, ce = Nbe().codes, ue = ce.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, Ce = ce.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, De = ce.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, we = ce.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT, Pe, dt, Lt;
Rbe()(Li, a);
var Cn = j.errorOrDestroy, Me = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"];
function Ut(Yr, Xn, Zs) {
if (typeof Yr.prependListener == "function")
return Yr.prependListener(Xn, Zs);
!Yr._events || !Yr._events[Xn] ? Yr.on(Xn, Zs) : Array.isArray(Yr._events[Xn]) ? Yr._events[Xn].unshift(Zs) : Yr._events[Xn] = [Zs, Yr._events[Xn]];
function $n(Yr, Xn, Zs) {
t = t || Lbe(), Yr = Yr || {}, typeof Zs != "boolean" && (Zs = Xn instanceof t), this.objectMode = !!Yr.objectMode, Zs && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!Yr.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = K(this, Yr, "readableHighWaterMark", Zs), this.buffer = new I(), this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = false, this.endEmitted = false, this.reading = false, this.sync = true, this.needReadable = false, this.emittedReadable = false, this.readableListening = false, this.resumeScheduled = false, this.paused = true, this.emitClose = Yr.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !!Yr.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = false, this.defaultEncoding = Yr.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = false, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, Yr.encoding && (Pe || (Pe = L2e.StringDecoder), this.decoder = new Pe(Yr.encoding), this.encoding = Yr.encoding);
function Li(Yr) {
if (t = t || Lbe(), !(this instanceof Li))
return new Li(Yr);
var Xn = this instanceof t;
this._readableState = new $n(Yr, this, Xn), this.readable = true, Yr && (typeof == "function" && (this._read =, typeof Yr.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = Yr.destroy)),;
Object.defineProperty(Li.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._readableState === void 0 ? false : this._readableState.destroyed;
}, set: function(Xn) {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = Xn);
} }), Li.prototype.destroy = j.destroy, Li.prototype._undestroy = j.undestroy, Li.prototype._destroy = function(Yr, Xn) {
}, Li.prototype.push = function(Yr, Xn) {
var Zs = this._readableState, hc;
return Zs.objectMode ? hc = true : typeof Yr == "string" && (Xn = Xn || Zs.defaultEncoding, Xn !== Zs.encoding && (Yr = c.from(Yr, Xn), Xn = ""), hc = true), or(this, Yr, Xn, false, hc);
}, Li.prototype.unshift = function(Yr) {
return or(this, Yr, null, true, false);
function or(Yr, Xn, Zs, hc, Dc) {
w("readableAddChunk", Xn);
var Qd = Yr._readableState;
if (Xn === null)
Qd.reading = false, Er(Yr, Qd);
else {
var Od;
if (Dc || (Od = ha(Qd, Xn)), Od)
Cn(Yr, Od);
else if (Qd.objectMode || Xn && Xn.length > 0)
if (typeof Xn != "string" && !Qd.objectMode && Object.getPrototypeOf(Xn) !== c.prototype && (Xn = p(Xn)), hc)
Qd.endEmitted ? Cn(Yr, new we()) : ja(Yr, Qd, Xn, true);
else if (Qd.ended)
Cn(Yr, new Ce());
else {
if (Qd.destroyed)
return false;
Qd.reading = false, Qd.decoder && !Zs ? (Xn = Qd.decoder.write(Xn), Qd.objectMode || Xn.length !== 0 ? ja(Yr, Qd, Xn, false) : ra(Yr, Qd)) : ja(Yr, Qd, Xn, false);
hc || (Qd.reading = false, ra(Yr, Qd));
return !Qd.ended && (Qd.length < Qd.highWaterMark || Qd.length === 0);
function ja(Yr, Xn, Zs, hc) {
Xn.flowing && Xn.length === 0 && !Xn.sync ? (Xn.awaitDrain = 0, Yr.emit("data", Zs)) : (Xn.length += Xn.objectMode ? 1 : Zs.length, hc ? Xn.buffer.unshift(Zs) : Xn.buffer.push(Zs), Xn.needReadable && Or(Yr)), ra(Yr, Xn);
function ha(Yr, Xn) {
var Zs;
return !y(Xn) && typeof Xn != "string" && Xn !== void 0 && !Yr.objectMode && (Zs = new ue("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], Xn)), Zs;
Li.prototype.isPaused = function() {
return this._readableState.flowing === false;
}, Li.prototype.setEncoding = function(Yr) {
Pe || (Pe = L2e.StringDecoder);
var Xn = new Pe(Yr);
this._readableState.decoder = Xn, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding;
for (var Zs = this._readableState.buffer.head, hc = ""; Zs !== null; )
hc += Xn.write(, Zs =;
return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), hc !== "" && this._readableState.buffer.push(hc), this._readableState.length = hc.length, this;
var vr = 1073741824;
function So(Yr) {
return Yr >= vr ? Yr = vr : (Yr--, Yr |= Yr >>> 1, Yr |= Yr >>> 2, Yr |= Yr >>> 4, Yr |= Yr >>> 8, Yr |= Yr >>> 16, Yr++), Yr;
function Zi(Yr, Xn) {
return Yr <= 0 || Xn.length === 0 && Xn.ended ? 0 : Xn.objectMode ? 1 : Yr !== Yr ? Xn.flowing && Xn.length ? : Xn.length : (Yr > Xn.highWaterMark && (Xn.highWaterMark = So(Yr)), Yr <= Xn.length ? Yr : Xn.ended ? Xn.length : (Xn.needReadable = true, 0));
} = function(Yr) {
w("read", Yr), Yr = parseInt(Yr, 10);
var Xn = this._readableState, Zs = Yr;
if (Yr !== 0 && (Xn.emittedReadable = false), Yr === 0 && Xn.needReadable && ((Xn.highWaterMark !== 0 ? Xn.length >= Xn.highWaterMark : Xn.length > 0) || Xn.ended))
return w("read: emitReadable", Xn.length, Xn.ended), Xn.length === 0 && Xn.ended ? mo(this) : Or(this), null;
if (Yr = Zi(Yr, Xn), Yr === 0 && Xn.ended)
return Xn.length === 0 && mo(this), null;
var hc = Xn.needReadable;
w("need readable", hc), (Xn.length === 0 || Xn.length - Yr < Xn.highWaterMark) && (hc = true, w("length less than watermark", hc)), Xn.ended || Xn.reading ? (hc = false, w("reading or ended", hc)) : hc && (w("do read"), Xn.reading = true, Xn.sync = true, Xn.length === 0 && (Xn.needReadable = true), this._read(Xn.highWaterMark), Xn.sync = false, Xn.reading || (Yr = Zi(Zs, Xn)));
var Dc;
return Yr > 0 ? Dc = Hr(Yr, Xn) : Dc = null, Dc === null ? (Xn.needReadable = Xn.length <= Xn.highWaterMark, Yr = 0) : (Xn.length -= Yr, Xn.awaitDrain = 0), Xn.length === 0 && (Xn.ended || (Xn.needReadable = true), Zs !== Yr && Xn.ended && mo(this)), Dc !== null && this.emit("data", Dc), Dc;
function Er(Yr, Xn) {
if (w("onEofChunk"), !Xn.ended) {
if (Xn.decoder) {
var Zs = Xn.decoder.end();
Zs && Zs.length && (Xn.buffer.push(Zs), Xn.length += Xn.objectMode ? 1 : Zs.length);
Xn.ended = true, Xn.sync ? Or(Yr) : (Xn.needReadable = false, Xn.emittedReadable || (Xn.emittedReadable = true, ma(Yr)));
function Or(Yr) {
var Xn = Yr._readableState;
w("emitReadable", Xn.needReadable, Xn.emittedReadable), Xn.needReadable = false, Xn.emittedReadable || (w("emitReadable", Xn.flowing), Xn.emittedReadable = true, n27.nextTick(ma, Yr));
function ma(Yr) {
var Xn = Yr._readableState;
w("emitReadable_", Xn.destroyed, Xn.length, Xn.ended), !Xn.destroyed && (Xn.length || Xn.ended) && (Yr.emit("readable"), Xn.emittedReadable = false), Xn.needReadable = !Xn.flowing && !Xn.ended && Xn.length <= Xn.highWaterMark, Ri(Yr);
function ra(Yr, Xn) {
Xn.readingMore || (Xn.readingMore = true, n27.nextTick(eo, Yr, Xn));
function eo(Yr, Xn) {
for (; !Xn.reading && !Xn.ended && (Xn.length < Xn.highWaterMark || Xn.flowing && Xn.length === 0); ) {
var Zs = Xn.length;
if (w("maybeReadMore read 0"),, Zs === Xn.length)
Xn.readingMore = false;
Li.prototype._read = function(Yr) {
Cn(this, new De("_read()"));
}, Li.prototype.pipe = function(Yr, Xn) {
var Zs = this, hc = this._readableState;
switch (hc.pipesCount) {
case 0:
hc.pipes = Yr;
case 1:
hc.pipes = [hc.pipes, Yr];
hc.pipesCount += 1, w("pipe count=%d opts=%j", hc.pipesCount, Xn);
var Dc = (!Xn || Xn.end !== false) && Yr !== n27.stdout && Yr !== n27.stderr, Qd = Dc ? zm : M;
hc.endEmitted ? n27.nextTick(Qd) : Zs.once("end", Qd), Yr.on("unpipe", Od);
function Od(O, ve) {
w("onunpipe"), O === Zs && ve && ve.hasUnpiped === false && (ve.hasUnpiped = true, fh());
function zm() {
w("onend"), Yr.end();
var rm = zs(Zs);
Yr.on("drain", rm);
var Gu = false;
function fh() {
w("cleanup"), Yr.removeListener("close", O_), Yr.removeListener("finish", se), Yr.removeListener("drain", rm), Yr.removeListener("error", uf), Yr.removeListener("unpipe", Od), Zs.removeListener("end", zm), Zs.removeListener("end", M), Zs.removeListener("data", Yg), Gu = true, hc.awaitDrain && (!Yr._writableState || Yr._writableState.needDrain) && rm();
Zs.on("data", Yg);
function Yg(O) {
var ve = Yr.write(O);
w("dest.write", ve), ve === false && ((hc.pipesCount === 1 && hc.pipes === Yr || hc.pipesCount > 1 && xn(hc.pipes, Yr) !== -1) && !Gu && (w("false write response, pause", hc.awaitDrain), hc.awaitDrain++), Zs.pause());
function uf(O) {
w("onerror", O), M(), Yr.removeListener("error", uf), r(Yr, "error") === 0 && Cn(Yr, O);
Ut(Yr, "error", uf);
function O_() {
Yr.removeListener("finish", se), M();
Yr.once("close", O_);
function se() {
w("onfinish"), Yr.removeListener("close", O_), M();
Yr.once("finish", se);
function M() {
w("unpipe"), Zs.unpipe(Yr);
return Yr.emit("pipe", Zs), hc.flowing || (w("pipe resume"), Zs.resume()), Yr;
function zs(Yr) {
return function() {
var Zs = Yr._readableState;
w("pipeOnDrain", Zs.awaitDrain), Zs.awaitDrain && Zs.awaitDrain--, Zs.awaitDrain === 0 && r(Yr, "data") && (Zs.flowing = true, Ri(Yr));
Li.prototype.unpipe = function(Yr) {
var Xn = this._readableState, Zs = { hasUnpiped: false };
if (Xn.pipesCount === 0)
return this;
if (Xn.pipesCount === 1)
return Yr && Yr !== Xn.pipes ? this : (Yr || (Yr = Xn.pipes), Xn.pipes = null, Xn.pipesCount = 0, Xn.flowing = false, Yr && Yr.emit("unpipe", this, Zs), this);
if (!Yr) {
var hc = Xn.pipes, Dc = Xn.pipesCount;
Xn.pipes = null, Xn.pipesCount = 0, Xn.flowing = false;
for (var Qd = 0; Qd < Dc; Qd++)
hc[Qd].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: false });
return this;
var Od = xn(Xn.pipes, Yr);
return Od === -1 ? this : (Xn.pipes.splice(Od, 1), Xn.pipesCount -= 1, Xn.pipesCount === 1 && (Xn.pipes = Xn.pipes[0]), Yr.emit("unpipe", this, Zs), this);
}, Li.prototype.on = function(Yr, Xn) {
var Zs =, Yr, Xn), hc = this._readableState;
return Yr === "data" ? (hc.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, hc.flowing !== false && this.resume()) : Yr === "readable" && !hc.endEmitted && !hc.readableListening && (hc.readableListening = hc.needReadable = true, hc.flowing = false, hc.emittedReadable = false, w("on readable", hc.length, hc.reading), hc.length ? Or(this) : hc.reading || n27.nextTick(bd, this)), Zs;
}, Li.prototype.addListener = Li.prototype.on, Li.prototype.removeListener = function(Yr, Xn) {
var Zs =, Yr, Xn);
return Yr === "readable" && n27.nextTick(Lo, this), Zs;
}, Li.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(Yr) {
var Xn = a.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments);
return (Yr === "readable" || Yr === void 0) && n27.nextTick(Lo, this), Xn;
function Lo(Yr) {
var Xn = Yr._readableState;
Xn.readableListening = Yr.listenerCount("readable") > 0, Xn.resumeScheduled && !Xn.paused ? Xn.flowing = true : Yr.listenerCount("data") > 0 && Yr.resume();
function bd(Yr) {
w("readable nexttick read 0"),;
Li.prototype.resume = function() {
var Yr = this._readableState;
return Yr.flowing || (w("resume"), Yr.flowing = !Yr.readableListening, pl(this, Yr)), Yr.paused = false, this;
function pl(Yr, Xn) {
Xn.resumeScheduled || (Xn.resumeScheduled = true, n27.nextTick(Pu, Yr, Xn));
function Pu(Yr, Xn) {
w("resume", Xn.reading), Xn.reading ||, Xn.resumeScheduled = false, Yr.emit("resume"), Ri(Yr), Xn.flowing && !Xn.reading &&;
Li.prototype.pause = function() {
return w("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== false && (w("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = false, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = true, this;
function Ri(Yr) {
var Xn = Yr._readableState;
for (w("flow", Xn.flowing); Xn.flowing && !== null; )
Li.prototype.wrap = function(Yr) {
var Xn = this, Zs = this._readableState, hc = false;
Yr.on("end", function() {
if (w("wrapped end"), Zs.decoder && !Zs.ended) {
var Od = Zs.decoder.end();
Od && Od.length && Xn.push(Od);
}), Yr.on("data", function(Od) {
if (w("wrapped data"), Zs.decoder && (Od = Zs.decoder.write(Od)), !(Zs.objectMode && Od == null) && !(!Zs.objectMode && (!Od || !Od.length))) {
var zm = Xn.push(Od);
zm || (hc = true, Yr.pause());
for (var Dc in Yr)
this[Dc] === void 0 && typeof Yr[Dc] == "function" && (this[Dc] = function(zm) {
return function() {
return Yr[zm].apply(Yr, arguments);
for (var Qd = 0; Qd < Me.length; Qd++)
Yr.on(Me[Qd], this.emit.bind(this, Me[Qd]));
return this._read = function(Od) {
w("wrapped _read", Od), hc && (hc = false, Yr.resume());
}, this;
}, typeof Symbol == "function" && (Li.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {
return dt === void 0 && (dt = BLn()), dt(this);
}), Object.defineProperty(Li.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._readableState.highWaterMark;
} }), Object.defineProperty(Li.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer;
} }), Object.defineProperty(Li.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._readableState.flowing;
}, set: function(Xn) {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = Xn);
} }), Li._fromList = Hr, Object.defineProperty(Li.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() {
return this._readableState.length;
} });
function Hr(Yr, Xn) {
if (Xn.length === 0)
return null;
var Zs;
return Xn.objectMode ? Zs = Xn.buffer.shift() : !Yr || Yr >= Xn.length ? (Xn.decoder ? Zs = Xn.buffer.join("") : Xn.buffer.length === 1 ? Zs = Xn.buffer.first() : Zs = Xn.buffer.concat(Xn.length), Xn.buffer.clear()) : Zs = Xn.buffer.consume(Yr, Xn.decoder), Zs;
function mo(Yr) {
var Xn = Yr._readableState;
w("endReadable", Xn.endEmitted), Xn.endEmitted || (Xn.ended = true, n27.nextTick(Ds, Xn, Yr));
function Ds(Yr, Xn) {
if (w("endReadableNT", Yr.endEmitted, Yr.length), !Yr.endEmitted && Yr.length === 0 && (Yr.endEmitted = true, Xn.readable = false, Xn.emit("end"), Yr.autoDestroy)) {
var Zs = Xn._writableState;
(!Zs || Zs.autoDestroy && Zs.finished) && Xn.destroy();
typeof Symbol == "function" && (Li.from = function(Yr, Xn) {
return Lt === void 0 && (Lt = jLn()), Lt(Li, Yr, Xn);
function xn(Yr, Xn) {
for (var Zs = 0, hc = Yr.length; Zs < hc; Zs++)
if (Yr[Zs] === Xn)
return Zs;
return -1;
return wet;
function RLt() {
if (RDt)
return Cet;
RDt = true, Cet = y;
Rbe()(y, d);
function p(I, j) {
var $ = this._transformState;
$.transforming = false;
var K = $.writecb;
if (K === null)
return this.emit("error", new r());
$.writechunk = null, $.writecb = null, j != null && this.push(j), K(I);
var ce = this._readableState;
ce.reading = false, (ce.needReadable || ce.length < ce.highWaterMark) && this._read(ce.highWaterMark);
function y(I) {
if (!(this instanceof y))
return new y(I);, I), this._transformState = { afterTransform: p.bind(this), needTransform: false, transforming: false, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }, this._readableState.needReadable = true, this._readableState.sync = false, I && (typeof I.transform == "function" && (this._transform = I.transform), typeof I.flush == "function" && (this._flush = I.flush)), this.on("prefinish", b);
function b() {
var I = this;
typeof this._flush == "function" && !this._readableState.destroyed ? this._flush(function(j, $) {
w(I, j, $);
}) : w(this, null, null);
y.prototype.push = function(I, j) {
return this._transformState.needTransform = false,, I, j);
}, y.prototype._transform = function(I, j, $) {
$(new t("_transform()"));
}, y.prototype._write = function(I, j, $) {
var K = this._transformState;
if (K.writecb = $, K.writechunk = I, K.writeencoding = j, !K.transforming) {
var ce = this._readableState;
(K.needTransform || ce.needReadable || ce.length < ce.highWaterMark) && this._read(ce.highWaterMark);
}, y.prototype._read = function(I) {
var j = this._transformState;
j.writechunk !== null && !j.transforming ? (j.transforming = true, this._transform(j.writechunk, j.writeencoding, j.afterTransform)) : j.needTransform = true;
}, y.prototype._destroy = function(I, j) {, I, function($) {
function w(I, j, $) {
if (j)
return I.emit("error", j);
if ($ != null && I.push($), I._writableState.length)
throw new c();
if (I._transformState.transforming)
throw new a();
return I.push(null);
return Cet;
function ULn() {
if (NDt)
return Aet;
NDt = true, Aet = t;
var n27 = RLt();
Rbe()(t, n27);
function t(r) {
if (!(this instanceof t))
return new t(r);, r);
return t.prototype._transform = function(r, a, c) {
c(null, r);
}, Aet;
function $Ln() {
if (ODt)
return ket;
ODt = true;
var n27;
function t($) {
var K = false;
return function() {
K || (K = true, $.apply(void 0, arguments));
var r = Nbe().codes, a = r.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, c = r.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED;
function d($) {
if ($)
throw $;
function p($) {
return $.setHeader && typeof $.abort == "function";
function y($, K, ce, ue) {
ue = t(ue);
var Ce = false;
$.on("close", function() {
Ce = true;
}), n27 === void 0 && (n27 = utt()), n27($, { readable: K, writable: ce }, function(we) {
if (we)
return ue(we);
Ce = true, ue();
var De = false;
return function(we) {
if (!Ce && !De) {
if (De = true, p($))
return $.abort();
if (typeof $.destroy == "function")
return $.destroy();
ue(we || new c("pipe"));
function b($) {
function w($, K) {
return $.pipe(K);
function I($) {
return !$.length || typeof $[$.length - 1] != "function" ? d : $.pop();
function j() {
for (var $ = arguments.length, K = new Array($), ce = 0; ce < $; ce++)
K[ce] = arguments[ce];
var ue = I(K);
if (Array.isArray(K[0]) && (K = K[0]), K.length < 2)
throw new a("streams");
var Ce, De =, Pe) {
var dt = Pe < K.length - 1, Lt = Pe > 0;
return y(we, dt, Lt, function(Cn) {
Ce || (Ce = Cn), Cn && De.forEach(b), !dt && (De.forEach(b), ue(Ce));
return K.reduce(w);
return ket = j, ket;
function FDt(n27, t) {
if (n27 == null)
throw new TypeError("Cannot convert first argument to object");
for (var r = Object(n27), a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var c = arguments[a];
if (c != null)
for (var d = Object.keys(Object(c)), p = 0, y = d.length; p < y; p++) {
var b = d[p], w = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, b);
w !== void 0 && w.enumerable && (r[b] = c[b]);
return r;
function zLt() {
if (KDt)
return Oet;
function n27(w) {
return (n27 = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(I) {
return typeof I;
} : function(I) {
return I && typeof Symbol == "function" && I.constructor === Symbol && I !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof I;
function t(w, I) {
return !I || n27(I) !== "object" && typeof I != "function" ? function(j) {
if (j === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return j;
}(w) : I;
function r(w) {
return (r = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(I) {
return I.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(I);
function a(w, I) {
return (a = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(j, $) {
return j.__proto__ = $, j;
})(w, I);
KDt = true;
var c, d, p = {};
function y(w, I, j) {
j || (j = Error);
var $ = function(K) {
function ce(ue, Ce, De) {
var we;
return function(Pe, dt) {
if (!(Pe instanceof dt))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
}(this, ce), (we = t(this, r(ce).call(this, function(Pe, dt, Lt) {
return typeof I == "string" ? I : I(Pe, dt, Lt);
}(ue, Ce, De)))).code = w, we;
return function(ue, Ce) {
if (typeof Ce != "function" && Ce !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
ue.prototype = Object.create(Ce && Ce.prototype, { constructor: { value: ue, writable: true, configurable: true } }), Ce && a(ue, Ce);
}(ce, K), ce;
p[w] = $;
function b(w, I) {
if (Array.isArray(w)) {
var j = w.length;
return w =$) {
return String($);
}), j > 2 ? "one of ".concat(I, " ").concat(w.slice(0, j - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + w[j - 1] : j === 2 ? "one of ".concat(I, " ").concat(w[0], " or ").concat(w[1]) : "of ".concat(I, " ").concat(w[0]);
return "of ".concat(I, " ").concat(String(w));
return y("ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT", 'The "%s" argument is ambiguous. %s', TypeError), y("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(w, I, j) {
var $, K, ce;
if (c === void 0 && (c = ttt()), c(typeof w == "string", "'name' must be a string"), typeof I == "string" && (K = "not ", I.substr(0, K.length) === K) ? ($ = "must not be", I = I.replace(/^not /, "")) : $ = "must be", function(Ce, De, we) {
return (we === void 0 || we > Ce.length) && (we = Ce.length), Ce.substring(we - De.length, we) === De;
}(w, " argument"))
ce = "The ".concat(w, " ").concat($, " ").concat(b(I, "type"));
else {
var ue = function(Ce, De, we) {
return typeof we != "number" && (we = 0), !(we + De.length > Ce.length) && Ce.indexOf(De, we) !== -1;
}(w, ".") ? "property" : "argument";
ce = 'The "'.concat(w, '" ').concat(ue, " ").concat($, " ").concat(b(I, "type"));
return ce += ". Received type ".concat(n27(j));
}, TypeError), y("ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE", function(w, I) {
var j = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "is invalid";
d === void 0 && (d = ju);
var $ = d.inspect(I);
return $.length > 128 && ($ = "".concat($.slice(0, 128), "...")), "The argument '".concat(w, "' ").concat(j, ". Received ").concat($);
}, TypeError), y("ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE", function(w, I, j) {
var $;
return $ = j && j.constructor && ? "instance of ".concat( : "type ".concat(n27(j)), "Expected ".concat(w, ' to be returned from the "').concat(I, '"') + " function but got ".concat($, ".");
}, TypeError), y("ERR_MISSING_ARGS", function() {
for (var w = arguments.length, I = new Array(w), j = 0; j < w; j++)
I[j] = arguments[j];
c === void 0 && (c = ttt()), c(I.length > 0, "At least one arg needs to be specified");
var $ = "The ", K = I.length;
switch (I = {
return '"'.concat(ce, '"');
}), K) {
case 1:
$ += "".concat(I[0], " argument");
case 2:
$ += "".concat(I[0], " and ").concat(I[1], " arguments");
$ += I.slice(0, K - 1).join(", "), $ += ", and ".concat(I[K - 1], " arguments");
return "".concat($, " must be specified");
}, TypeError), = p, Oet;
function APn() {
if (YDt)
return XDt;
YDt = true;
var n27 = $S;
function t(Me, Ut, $n) {
return Ut in Me ? Object.defineProperty(Me, Ut, { value: $n, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : Me[Ut] = $n, Me;
function r(Me, Ut) {
for (var $n = 0; $n < Ut.length; $n++) {
var Li = Ut[$n];
Li.enumerable = Li.enumerable || false, Li.configurable = true, "value" in Li && (Li.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(Me, Li.key, Li);
function a(Me, Ut) {
return !Ut || I(Ut) !== "object" && typeof Ut != "function" ? c(Me) : Ut;
function c(Me) {
if (Me === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return Me;
function d(Me) {
var Ut = typeof Map == "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0;
return (d = function($n) {
if ($n === null || (Li = $n,"[native code]") === -1))
return $n;
var Li;
if (typeof $n != "function")
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
if (Ut !== void 0) {
if (Ut.has($n))
return Ut.get($n);
Ut.set($n, or);
function or() {
return y($n, arguments, w(this).constructor);
return or.prototype = Object.create($n.prototype, { constructor: { value: or, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }), b(or, $n);
function p() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return false;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return true;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), true;
} catch {
return false;
function y(Me, Ut, $n) {
return (y = p() ? Reflect.construct : function(Li, or, ja) {
var ha = [null];
ha.push.apply(ha, or);
var vr = new (Function.bind.apply(Li, ha))();
return ja && b(vr, ja.prototype), vr;
}).apply(null, arguments);
function b(Me, Ut) {
return (b = Object.setPrototypeOf || function($n, Li) {
return $n.__proto__ = Li, $n;
})(Me, Ut);
function w(Me) {
return (w = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(Ut) {
return Ut.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Ut);
function I(Me) {
return (I = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(Ut) {
return typeof Ut;
} : function(Ut) {
return Ut && typeof Symbol == "function" && Ut.constructor === Symbol && Ut !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof Ut;
var j = ju.inspect, $ = zLt().codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE;
function K(Me, Ut, $n) {
return ($n === void 0 || $n > Me.length) && ($n = Me.length), Me.substring($n - Ut.length, $n) === Ut;
var ce = "", ue = "", Ce = "", De = "", we = { deepStrictEqual: "Expected values to be strictly deep-equal:", strictEqual: "Expected values to be strictly equal:", strictEqualObject: 'Expected "actual" to be reference-equal to "expected":', deepEqual: "Expected values to be loosely deep-equal:", equal: "Expected values to be loosely equal:", notDeepStrictEqual: 'Expected "actual" not to be strictly deep-equal to:', notStrictEqual: 'Expected "actual" to be strictly unequal to:', notStrictEqualObject: 'Expected "actual" not to be reference-equal to "expected":', notDeepEqual: 'Expected "actual" not to be loosely deep-equal to:', notEqual: 'Expected "actual" to be loosely unequal to:', notIdentical: "Values identical but not reference-equal:" };
function Pe(Me) {
var Ut = Object.keys(Me), $n = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(Me));
return Ut.forEach(function(Li) {
$n[Li] = Me[Li];
}), Object.defineProperty($n, "message", { value: Me.message }), $n;
function dt(Me) {
return j(Me, { compact: false, customInspect: false, depth: 1e3, maxArrayLength: 1 / 0, showHidden: false, breakLength: 1 / 0, showProxy: false, sorted: true, getters: true });
function Lt(Me, Ut, $n) {
var Li = "", or = "", ja = 0, ha = "", vr = false, So = dt(Me), Zi = So.split(`
`), Er = dt(Ut).split(`
`), Or = 0, ma = "";
if ($n === "strictEqual" && I(Me) === "object" && I(Ut) === "object" && Me !== null && Ut !== null && ($n = "strictEqualObject"), Zi.length === 1 && Er.length === 1 && Zi[0] !== Er[0]) {
var ra = Zi[0].length + Er[0].length;
if (ra <= 10) {
if (!(I(Me) === "object" && Me !== null || I(Ut) === "object" && Ut !== null || Me === 0 && Ut === 0))
return "".concat(we[$n], `
`) + "".concat(Zi[0], " !== ").concat(Er[0], `
} else if ($n !== "strictEqualObject" && ra < (n27.stderr && n27.stderr.isTTY ? n27.stderr.columns : 80)) {
for (; Zi[0][Or] === Er[0][Or]; )
Or > 2 && (ma = `
`.concat(function(Yr, Xn) {
if (Xn = Math.floor(Xn), Yr.length == 0 || Xn == 0)
return "";
var Zs = Yr.length * Xn;
for (Xn = Math.floor(Math.log(Xn) / Math.log(2)); Xn; )
Yr += Yr, Xn--;
return Yr += Yr.substring(0, Zs - Yr.length);
}(" ", Or), "^"), Or = 0);
for (var eo = Zi[Zi.length - 1], zs = Er[Er.length - 1]; eo === zs && (Or++ < 2 ? ha = `
`.concat(eo).concat(ha) : Li = eo, Zi.pop(), Er.pop(), Zi.length !== 0 && Er.length !== 0); )
eo = Zi[Zi.length - 1], zs = Er[Er.length - 1];
var Lo = Math.max(Zi.length, Er.length);
if (Lo === 0) {
var bd = So.split(`
if (bd.length > 30)
for (bd[26] = "".concat(ce, "...").concat(De); bd.length > 27; )
return "".concat(we.notIdentical, `
`), `
Or > 3 && (ha = `
`.concat(ce, "...").concat(De).concat(ha), vr = true), Li !== "" && (ha = `
`.concat(Li).concat(ha), Li = "");
var pl = 0, Pu = we[$n] + `
`.concat(ue, "+ actual").concat(De, " ").concat(Ce, "- expected").concat(De), Ri = " ".concat(ce, "...").concat(De, " Lines skipped");
for (Or = 0; Or < Lo; Or++) {
var Hr = Or - ja;
if (Zi.length < Or + 1)
Hr > 1 && Or > 2 && (Hr > 4 ? (or += `
`.concat(ce, "...").concat(De), vr = true) : Hr > 3 && (or += `
`.concat(Er[Or - 2]), pl++), or += `
`.concat(Er[Or - 1]), pl++), ja = Or, Li += `
`.concat(Ce, "-").concat(De, " ").concat(Er[Or]), pl++;
else if (Er.length < Or + 1)
Hr > 1 && Or > 2 && (Hr > 4 ? (or += `
`.concat(ce, "...").concat(De), vr = true) : Hr > 3 && (or += `
`.concat(Zi[Or - 2]), pl++), or += `
`.concat(Zi[Or - 1]), pl++), ja = Or, or += `
`.concat(ue, "+").concat(De, " ").concat(Zi[Or]), pl++;
else {
var mo = Er[Or], Ds = Zi[Or], xn = Ds !== mo && (!K(Ds, ",") || Ds.slice(0, -1) !== mo);
xn && K(mo, ",") && mo.slice(0, -1) === Ds && (xn = false, Ds += ","), xn ? (Hr > 1 && Or > 2 && (Hr > 4 ? (or += `
`.concat(ce, "...").concat(De), vr = true) : Hr > 3 && (or += `
`.concat(Zi[Or - 2]), pl++), or += `
`.concat(Zi[Or - 1]), pl++), ja = Or, or += `
`.concat(ue, "+").concat(De, " ").concat(Ds), Li += `
`.concat(Ce, "-").concat(De, " ").concat(mo), pl += 2) : (or += Li, Li = "", Hr !== 1 && Or !== 0 || (or += `
`.concat(Ds), pl++));
if (pl > 20 && Or < Lo - 2)
return "".concat(Pu).concat(Ri, `
`).concat(or, `
`).concat(ce, "...").concat(De).concat(Li, `
`) + "".concat(ce, "...").concat(De);
return "".concat(Pu).concat(vr ? Ri : "", `
var Cn = function(Me) {
function Ut(or) {
var ja;
if (function(bd, pl) {
if (!(bd instanceof pl))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
}(this, Ut), I(or) !== "object" || or === null)
throw new $("options", "Object", or);
var ha = or.message, vr = or.operator, So = or.stackStartFn, Zi = or.actual, Er = or.expected, Or = Error.stackTraceLimit;
if (Error.stackTraceLimit = 0, ha != null)
ja = a(this, w(Ut).call(this, String(ha)));
else if (n27.stderr && n27.stderr.isTTY && (n27.stderr && n27.stderr.getColorDepth && n27.stderr.getColorDepth() !== 1 ? (ce = "\x1B[34m", ue = "\x1B[32m", De = "\x1B[39m", Ce = "\x1B[31m") : (ce = "", ue = "", De = "", Ce = "")), I(Zi) === "object" && Zi !== null && I(Er) === "object" && Er !== null && "stack" in Zi && Zi instanceof Error && "stack" in Er && Er instanceof Error && (Zi = Pe(Zi), Er = Pe(Er)), vr === "deepStrictEqual" || vr === "strictEqual")
ja = a(this, w(Ut).call(this, Lt(Zi, Er, vr)));
else if (vr === "notDeepStrictEqual" || vr === "notStrictEqual") {
var ma = we[vr], ra = dt(Zi).split(`
if (vr === "notStrictEqual" && I(Zi) === "object" && Zi !== null && (ma = we.notStrictEqualObject), ra.length > 30)
for (ra[26] = "".concat(ce, "...").concat(De); ra.length > 27; )
ja = ra.length === 1 ? a(this, w(Ut).call(this, "".concat(ma, " ").concat(ra[0]))) : a(this, w(Ut).call(this, "".concat(ma, `
`), `
} else {
var eo = dt(Zi), zs = "", Lo = we[vr];
vr === "notDeepEqual" || vr === "notEqual" ? (eo = "".concat(we[vr], `
`).concat(eo)).length > 1024 && (eo = "".concat(eo.slice(0, 1021), "...")) : (zs = "".concat(dt(Er)), eo.length > 512 && (eo = "".concat(eo.slice(0, 509), "...")), zs.length > 512 && (zs = "".concat(zs.slice(0, 509), "...")), vr === "deepEqual" || vr === "equal" ? eo = "".concat(Lo, `
`).concat(eo, `
should equal
`) : zs = " ".concat(vr, " ").concat(zs)), ja = a(this, w(Ut).call(this, "".concat(eo).concat(zs)));
return Error.stackTraceLimit = Or, ja.generatedMessage = !ha, Object.defineProperty(c(ja), "name", { value: "AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]", enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }), ja.code = "ERR_ASSERTION", ja.actual = Zi, ja.expected = Er, ja.operator = vr, Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(c(ja), So), ja.stack, = "AssertionError", a(ja);
var $n, Li;
return function(or, ja) {
if (typeof ja != "function" && ja !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
or.prototype = Object.create(ja && ja.prototype, { constructor: { value: or, writable: true, configurable: true } }), ja && b(or, ja);
}(Ut, Me), $n = Ut, (Li = [{ key: "toString", value: function() {
return "".concat(, " [").concat(this.code, "]: ").concat(this.message);
} }, { key: j.custom, value: function(or, ja) {
return j(this, function(ha) {
for (var vr = 1; vr < arguments.length; vr++) {
var So = arguments[vr] != null ? arguments[vr] : {}, Zi = Object.keys(So);
typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function" && (Zi = Zi.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(So).filter(function(Er) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(So, Er).enumerable;
}))), Zi.forEach(function(Er) {
t(ha, Er, So[Er]);
return ha;
}({}, ja, { customInspect: false, depth: 0 }));
} }]) && r($n.prototype, Li), Ut;
return XDt = Cn;
function QDt(n27, t) {
return function(r) {
if (Array.isArray(r))
return r;
}(n27) || function(r, a) {
var c = [], d = true, p = false, y = void 0;
try {
for (var b, w = r[Symbol.iterator](); !(d = (b = && (c.push(b.value), !a || c.length !== a); d = true)
} catch (I) {
p = true, y = I;
} finally {
try {
d || w.return == null || w.return();
} finally {
if (p)
throw y;
return c;
}(n27, t) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
function O$(n27) {
return (O$ = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
function ftt(n27) {
function FPn(n27) {
if (n27.length === 0 || n27.length > 10)
return true;
for (var t = 0; t < n27.length; t++) {
var r = n27.charCodeAt(t);
if (r < 48 || r > 57)
return true;
return n27.length === 10 && n27 >= Math.pow(2, 32);
function K3e(n27) {
return Object.keys(n27).filter(FPn).concat(o6e(n27).filter(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.bind(n27)));
function lIt(n27, t) {
if (n27 === t)
return 0;
for (var r = n27.length, a = t.length, c = 0, d = Math.min(r, a); c < d; ++c)
if (n27[c] !== t[c]) {
r = n27[c], a = t[c];
return r < a ? -1 : a < r ? 1 : 0;
function eB(n27, t, r, a) {
if (n27 === t)
return n27 !== 0 || !r || eIt(n27, t);
if (r) {
if (O$(n27) !== "object")
return typeof n27 == "number" && ett(n27) && ett(t);
if (O$(t) !== "object" || n27 === null || t === null || Object.getPrototypeOf(n27) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(t))
return false;
} else {
if (n27 === null || O$(n27) !== "object")
return (t === null || O$(t) !== "object") && n27 == t;
if (t === null || O$(t) !== "object")
return false;
var c, d, p, y, b = tIt(n27);
if (b !== tIt(t))
return false;
if (Array.isArray(n27)) {
if (n27.length !== t.length)
return false;
var w = K3e(n27), I = K3e(t);
return w.length === I.length && x2e(n27, t, r, a, 1, w);
if (b === "[object Object]" && (!H3e(n27) && H3e(t) || !J3e(n27) && J3e(t)))
return false;
if (nIt(n27)) {
if (!nIt(t) || !==
return false;
} else if (rIt(n27)) {
if (!rIt(t) || (p = n27, y = t, !(kPn ? p.source === y.source && p.flags === y.flags : ===
return false;
} else if (LPn(n27) || n27 instanceof Error) {
if (n27.message !== t.message || !==
return false;
} else {
if (IPn(n27)) {
if (r || !NPn(n27) && !OPn(n27)) {
if (!function(K, ce) {
return K.byteLength === ce.byteLength && lIt(new Uint8Array(K.buffer, K.byteOffset, K.byteLength), new Uint8Array(ce.buffer, ce.byteOffset, ce.byteLength)) === 0;
}(n27, t))
return false;
} else if (!function(K, ce) {
if (K.byteLength !== ce.byteLength)
return false;
for (var ue = 0; ue < K.byteLength; ue++)
if (K[ue] !== ce[ue])
return false;
return true;
}(n27, t))
return false;
var j = K3e(n27), $ = K3e(t);
return j.length === $.length && x2e(n27, t, r, a, 0, j);
if (J3e(n27))
return !(!J3e(t) || n27.size !== t.size) && x2e(n27, t, r, a, 2);
if (H3e(n27))
return !(!H3e(t) || n27.size !== t.size) && x2e(n27, t, r, a, 3);
if (DPn(n27)) {
if (d = t, (c = n27).byteLength !== d.byteLength || lIt(new Uint8Array(c), new Uint8Array(d)) !== 0)
return false;
} else if (PPn(n27) && !function(K, ce) {
return iIt(K) ? iIt(ce) && eIt(, : aIt(K) ? aIt(ce) && === : oIt(K) ? oIt(ce) && === : sIt(K) ? sIt(ce) && === : RPn(ce) && ===;
}(n27, t))
return false;
return x2e(n27, t, r, a, 0);
function cIt(n27, t) {
return t.filter(function(r) {
return s6e(n27, r);
function x2e(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
if (arguments.length === 5) {
d = Object.keys(n27);
var p = Object.keys(t);
if (d.length !== p.length)
return false;
for (var y = 0; y < d.length; y++)
if (!C2e(t, d[y]))
return false;
if (r && arguments.length === 5) {
var b = o6e(n27);
if (b.length !== 0) {
var w = 0;
for (y = 0; y < b.length; y++) {
var I = b[y];
if (s6e(n27, I)) {
if (!s6e(t, I))
return false;
d.push(I), w++;
} else if (s6e(t, I))
return false;
var j = o6e(t);
if (b.length !== j.length && cIt(t, j).length !== w)
return false;
} else {
var $ = o6e(t);
if ($.length !== 0 && cIt(t, $).length !== 0)
return false;
if (d.length === 0 && (c === 0 || c === 1 && n27.length === 0 || n27.size === 0))
return true;
if (a === void 0)
a = { val1: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), val2: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), position: 0 };
else {
var K = a.val1.get(n27);
if (K !== void 0) {
var ce = a.val2.get(t);
if (ce !== void 0)
return K === ce;
a.val1.set(n27, a.position), a.val2.set(t, a.position);
var ue = jPn(n27, t, r, d, a, c);
return a.val1.delete(n27), a.val2.delete(t), ue;
function uIt(n27, t, r, a) {
for (var c = m6e(n27), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var p = c[d];
if (eB(t, p, r, a))
return n27.delete(p), true;
return false;
function HLt(n27) {
switch (O$(n27)) {
case "undefined":
return null;
case "object":
case "symbol":
return false;
case "string":
n27 = +n27;
case "number":
if (ett(n27))
return false;
return true;
function MPn(n27, t, r) {
var a = HLt(r);
return a ?? (t.has(a) && !n27.has(a));
function BPn(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d = HLt(r);
if (d != null)
return d;
var p = t.get(d);
return !(p === void 0 && !t.has(d) || !eB(a, p, false, c)) && !n27.has(d) && eB(a, p, false, c);
function dIt(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
for (var p = m6e(n27), y = 0; y < p.length; y++) {
var b = p[y];
if (eB(r, b, c, d) && eB(a, t.get(b), c, d))
return n27.delete(b), true;
return false;
function jPn(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p = 0;
if (d === 2) {
if (!function(I, j, $, K) {
for (var ce = null, ue = m6e(I), Ce = 0; Ce < ue.length; Ce++) {
var De = ue[Ce];
if (O$(De) === "object" && De !== null)
ce === null && (ce = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), ce.add(De);
else if (!j.has(De)) {
if ($ || !MPn(I, j, De))
return false;
ce === null && (ce = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), ce.add(De);
if (ce !== null) {
for (var we = m6e(j), Pe = 0; Pe < we.length; Pe++) {
var dt = we[Pe];
if (O$(dt) === "object" && dt !== null) {
if (!uIt(ce, dt, $, K))
return false;
} else if (!$ && !I.has(dt) && !uIt(ce, dt, $, K))
return false;
return ce.size === 0;
return true;
}(n27, t, r, c))
return false;
} else if (d === 3) {
if (!function(I, j, $, K) {
for (var ce = null, ue = ZDt(I), Ce = 0; Ce < ue.length; Ce++) {
var De = QDt(ue[Ce], 2), we = De[0], Pe = De[1];
if (O$(we) === "object" && we !== null)
ce === null && (ce = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), ce.add(we);
else {
var dt = j.get(we);
if (dt === void 0 && !j.has(we) || !eB(Pe, dt, $, K)) {
if ($ || !BPn(I, j, we, Pe, K))
return false;
ce === null && (ce = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), ce.add(we);
if (ce !== null) {
for (var Lt = ZDt(j), Cn = 0; Cn < Lt.length; Cn++) {
var Me = QDt(Lt[Cn], 2), Ut = (we = Me[0], Me[1]);
if (O$(we) === "object" && we !== null) {
if (!dIt(ce, I, we, Ut, $, K))
return false;
} else if (!($ || I.has(we) && eB(I.get(we), Ut, false, K) || dIt(ce, I, we, Ut, false, K)))
return false;
return ce.size === 0;
return true;
}(n27, t, r, c))
return false;
} else if (d === 1)
for (; p < n27.length; p++) {
if (!C2e(n27, p)) {
if (C2e(t, p))
return false;
for (var y = Object.keys(n27); p < y.length; p++) {
var b = y[p];
if (!C2e(t, b) || !eB(n27[b], t[b], r, c))
return false;
return y.length === Object.keys(t).length;
if (!C2e(t, p) || !eB(n27[p], t[p], r, c))
return false;
for (p = 0; p < a.length; p++) {
var w = a[p];
if (!eB(n27[w], t[w], r, c))
return false;
return true;
function ttt() {
if (fIt)
return Fet;
fIt = true;
var n27 = $S;
function t(Er) {
return (t = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(Or) {
return typeof Or;
} : function(Or) {
return Or && typeof Symbol == "function" && Or.constructor === Symbol && Or !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof Or;
var r, a, c = zLt().codes, d = c.ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, p = c.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, y = c.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, b = c.ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE, w = c.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, I = APn(), j = ju.inspect, $ = ju.types, K = $.isPromise, ce = $.isRegExp, ue = Object.assign ? Object.assign : qLn.assign, Ce = ? : qLt;
function De() {
r = pIt.isDeepEqual, a = pIt.isDeepStrictEqual;
var we = false, Pe = Fet = Me, dt = {};
function Lt(Er) {
throw Er.message instanceof Error ? Er.message : new I(Er);
function Cn(Er, Or, ma, ra) {
if (!ma) {
var eo = false;
if (Or === 0)
eo = true, ra = "No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`";
else if (ra instanceof Error)
throw ra;
var zs = new I({ actual: ma, expected: true, message: ra, operator: "==", stackStartFn: Er });
throw zs.generatedMessage = eo, zs;
function Me() {
for (var Er = arguments.length, Or = new Array(Er), ma = 0; ma < Er; ma++)
Or[ma] = arguments[ma];
Cn.apply(void 0, [Me, Or.length].concat(Or));
} = function Er(Or, ma, ra, eo, zs) {
var Lo, bd = arguments.length;
if (bd === 0)
Lo = "Failed";
else if (bd === 1)
ra = Or, Or = void 0;
else {
if (we === false) {
we = true;
var pl = n27.emitWarning ? n27.emitWarning : console.warn.bind(console);
pl(" with more than one argument is deprecated. Please use assert.strictEqual() instead or only pass a message.", "DeprecationWarning", "DEP0094");
bd === 2 && (eo = "!=");
if (ra instanceof Error)
throw ra;
var Pu = { actual: Or, expected: ma, operator: eo === void 0 ? "fail" : eo, stackStartFn: zs || Er };
ra !== void 0 && (Pu.message = ra);
var Ri = new I(Pu);
throw Lo && (Ri.message = Lo, Ri.generatedMessage = true), Ri;
}, Pe.AssertionError = I, Pe.ok = Me, Pe.equal = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
Or != ma && Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "==", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.notEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
Or == ma && Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "!=", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.deepEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
r === void 0 && De(), r(Or, ma) || Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "deepEqual", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.notDeepEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
r === void 0 && De(), r(Or, ma) && Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "notDeepEqual", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.deepStrictEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
r === void 0 && De(), a(Or, ma) || Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.notDeepStrictEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
r === void 0 && De(), a(Or, ma) && Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "notDeepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.strictEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
Ce(Or, ma) || Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "strictEqual", stackStartFn: Er });
}, Pe.notStrictEqual = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new w("actual", "expected");
Ce(Or, ma) && Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, message: ra, operator: "notStrictEqual", stackStartFn: Er });
var Ut = function Er(Or, ma, ra) {
var eo = this;
(function(zs, Lo) {
if (!(zs instanceof Lo))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, Er), ma.forEach(function(zs) {
zs in Or && (ra !== void 0 && typeof ra[zs] == "string" && ce(Or[zs]) && Or[zs].test(ra[zs]) ? eo[zs] = ra[zs] : eo[zs] = Or[zs]);
function $n(Er, Or, ma, ra, eo, zs) {
if (!(ma in Er) || !a(Er[ma], Or[ma])) {
if (!ra) {
var Lo = new Ut(Er, eo), bd = new Ut(Or, eo, Er), pl = new I({ actual: Lo, expected: bd, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: zs });
throw pl.actual = Er, pl.expected = Or, pl.operator =, pl;
Lt({ actual: Er, expected: Or, message: ra, operator:, stackStartFn: zs });
function Li(Er, Or, ma, ra) {
if (typeof Or != "function") {
if (ce(Or))
return Or.test(Er);
if (arguments.length === 2)
throw new p("expected", ["Function", "RegExp"], Or);
if (t(Er) !== "object" || Er === null) {
var eo = new I({ actual: Er, expected: Or, message: ma, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: ra });
throw eo.operator =, eo;
var zs = Object.keys(Or);
if (Or instanceof Error)
zs.push("name", "message");
else if (zs.length === 0)
throw new y("error", Or, "may not be an empty object");
return r === void 0 && De(), zs.forEach(function(Lo) {
typeof Er[Lo] == "string" && ce(Or[Lo]) && Or[Lo].test(Er[Lo]) || $n(Er, Or, Lo, ma, zs, ra);
}), true;
return Or.prototype !== void 0 && Er instanceof Or || !Error.isPrototypeOf(Or) &&{}, Er) === true;
function or(Er) {
if (typeof Er != "function")
throw new p("fn", "Function", Er);
try {
} catch (Or) {
return Or;
return dt;
function ja(Er) {
return K(Er) || Er !== null && t(Er) === "object" && typeof Er.then == "function" && typeof Er.catch == "function";
function ha(Er) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var Or;
if (typeof Er == "function") {
if (!ja(Or = Er()))
throw new b("instance of Promise", "promiseFn", Or);
} else {
if (!ja(Er))
throw new p("promiseFn", ["Function", "Promise"], Er);
Or = Er;
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return Or;
}).then(function() {
return dt;
}).catch(function(ma) {
return ma;
function vr(Er, Or, ma, ra) {
if (typeof ma == "string") {
if (arguments.length === 4)
throw new p("error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], ma);
if (t(Or) === "object" && Or !== null) {
if (Or.message === ma)
throw new d("error/message", 'The error message "'.concat(Or.message, '" is identical to the message.'));
} else if (Or === ma)
throw new d("error/message", 'The error "'.concat(Or, '" is identical to the message.'));
ra = ma, ma = void 0;
} else if (ma != null && t(ma) !== "object" && typeof ma != "function")
throw new p("error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], ma);
if (Or === dt) {
var eo = "";
ma && && (eo += " (".concat(, ")")), eo += ra ? ": ".concat(ra) : ".";
var zs = === "rejects" ? "rejection" : "exception";
Lt({ actual: void 0, expected: ma, operator:, message: "Missing expected ".concat(zs).concat(eo), stackStartFn: Er });
if (ma && !Li(Or, ma, ra, Er))
throw Or;
function So(Er, Or, ma, ra) {
if (Or !== dt) {
if (typeof ma == "string" && (ra = ma, ma = void 0), !ma || Li(Or, ma)) {
var eo = ra ? ": ".concat(ra) : ".", zs = === "doesNotReject" ? "rejection" : "exception";
Lt({ actual: Or, expected: ma, operator:, message: "Got unwanted ".concat(zs).concat(eo, `
`) + 'Actual message: "'.concat(Or && Or.message, '"'), stackStartFn: Er });
throw Or;
function Zi() {
for (var Er = arguments.length, Or = new Array(Er), ma = 0; ma < Er; ma++)
Or[ma] = arguments[ma];
Cn.apply(void 0, [Zi, Or.length].concat(Or));
return Pe.throws = function Er(Or) {
for (var ma = arguments.length, ra = new Array(ma > 1 ? ma - 1 : 0), eo = 1; eo < ma; eo++)
ra[eo - 1] = arguments[eo];
vr.apply(void 0, [Er, or(Or)].concat(ra));
}, Pe.rejects = function Er(Or) {
for (var ma = arguments.length, ra = new Array(ma > 1 ? ma - 1 : 0), eo = 1; eo < ma; eo++)
ra[eo - 1] = arguments[eo];
return ha(Or).then(function(zs) {
return vr.apply(void 0, [Er, zs].concat(ra));
}, Pe.doesNotThrow = function Er(Or) {
for (var ma = arguments.length, ra = new Array(ma > 1 ? ma - 1 : 0), eo = 1; eo < ma; eo++)
ra[eo - 1] = arguments[eo];
So.apply(void 0, [Er, or(Or)].concat(ra));
}, Pe.doesNotReject = function Er(Or) {
for (var ma = arguments.length, ra = new Array(ma > 1 ? ma - 1 : 0), eo = 1; eo < ma; eo++)
ra[eo - 1] = arguments[eo];
return ha(Or).then(function(zs) {
return So.apply(void 0, [Er, zs].concat(ra));
}, Pe.ifError = function Er(Or) {
if (Or != null) {
var ma = "ifError got unwanted exception: ";
t(Or) === "object" && typeof Or.message == "string" ? Or.message.length === 0 && Or.constructor ? ma += : ma += Or.message : ma += j(Or);
var ra = new I({ actual: Or, expected: null, operator: "ifError", message: ma, stackStartFn: Er }), eo = Or.stack;
if (typeof eo == "string") {
var zs = eo.split(`
for (var Lo = ra.stack.split(`
`), bd = 0; bd < zs.length; bd++) {
var pl = Lo.indexOf(zs[bd]);
if (pl !== -1) {
Lo = Lo.slice(0, pl);
ra.stack = "".concat(Lo.join(`
`), `
throw ra;
}, Pe.strict = ue(Zi, Pe, { equal: Pe.strictEqual, deepEqual: Pe.deepStrictEqual, notEqual: Pe.notStrictEqual, notDeepEqual: Pe.notDeepStrictEqual }), Pe.strict.strict = Pe.strict, Fet;
function GPn() {
if (hIt)
return Met;
hIt = true;
var n27 = H0;
function t(d) {
if (typeof d != "string")
throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(d));
function r(d, p) {
for (var y = "", b = 0, w = -1, I = 0, j, $ = 0; $ <= d.length; ++$) {
if ($ < d.length)
j = d.charCodeAt($);
else {
if (j === 47)
j = 47;
if (j === 47) {
if (!(w === $ - 1 || I === 1))
if (w !== $ - 1 && I === 2) {
if (y.length < 2 || b !== 2 || y.charCodeAt(y.length - 1) !== 46 || y.charCodeAt(y.length - 2) !== 46) {
if (y.length > 2) {
var K = y.lastIndexOf("/");
if (K !== y.length - 1) {
K === -1 ? (y = "", b = 0) : (y = y.slice(0, K), b = y.length - 1 - y.lastIndexOf("/")), w = $, I = 0;
} else if (y.length === 2 || y.length === 1) {
y = "", b = 0, w = $, I = 0;
p && (y.length > 0 ? y += "/.." : y = "..", b = 2);
} else
y.length > 0 ? y += "/" + d.slice(w + 1, $) : y = d.slice(w + 1, $), b = $ - w - 1;
w = $, I = 0;
} else
j === 46 && I !== -1 ? ++I : I = -1;
return y;
function a(d, p) {
var y = p.dir || p.root, b = p.base || ( || "") + (p.ext || "");
return y ? y === p.root ? y + b : y + d + b : b;
var c = { resolve: function() {
for (var p = "", y = false, b, w = arguments.length - 1; w >= -1 && !y; w--) {
var I;
w >= 0 ? I = arguments[w] : (b === void 0 && (b = n27.cwd()), I = b), t(I), I.length !== 0 && (p = I + "/" + p, y = I.charCodeAt(0) === 47);
return p = r(p, !y), y ? p.length > 0 ? "/" + p : "/" : p.length > 0 ? p : ".";
}, normalize: function(p) {
if (t(p), p.length === 0)
return ".";
var y = p.charCodeAt(0) === 47, b = p.charCodeAt(p.length - 1) === 47;
return p = r(p, !y), p.length === 0 && !y && (p = "."), p.length > 0 && b && (p += "/"), y ? "/" + p : p;
}, isAbsolute: function(p) {
return t(p), p.length > 0 && p.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
}, join: function() {
if (arguments.length === 0)
return ".";
for (var p, y = 0; y < arguments.length; ++y) {
var b = arguments[y];
t(b), b.length > 0 && (p === void 0 ? p = b : p += "/" + b);
return p === void 0 ? "." : c.normalize(p);
}, relative: function(p, y) {
if (t(p), t(y), p === y || (p = c.resolve(p), y = c.resolve(y), p === y))
return "";
for (var b = 1; b < p.length && p.charCodeAt(b) === 47; ++b)
for (var w = p.length, I = w - b, j = 1; j < y.length && y.charCodeAt(j) === 47; ++j)
for (var $ = y.length, K = $ - j, ce = I < K ? I : K, ue = -1, Ce = 0; Ce <= ce; ++Ce) {
if (Ce === ce) {
if (K > ce) {
if (y.charCodeAt(j + Ce) === 47)
return y.slice(j + Ce + 1);
if (Ce === 0)
return y.slice(j + Ce);
} else
I > ce && (p.charCodeAt(b + Ce) === 47 ? ue = Ce : Ce === 0 && (ue = 0));
var De = p.charCodeAt(b + Ce), we = y.charCodeAt(j + Ce);
if (De !== we)
De === 47 && (ue = Ce);
var Pe = "";
for (Ce = b + ue + 1; Ce <= w; ++Ce)
(Ce === w || p.charCodeAt(Ce) === 47) && (Pe.length === 0 ? Pe += ".." : Pe += "/..");
return Pe.length > 0 ? Pe + y.slice(j + ue) : (j += ue, y.charCodeAt(j) === 47 && ++j, y.slice(j));
}, _makeLong: function(p) {
return p;
}, dirname: function(p) {
if (t(p), p.length === 0)
return ".";
for (var y = p.charCodeAt(0), b = y === 47, w = -1, I = true, j = p.length - 1; j >= 1; --j)
if (y = p.charCodeAt(j), y === 47) {
if (!I) {
w = j;
} else
I = false;
return w === -1 ? b ? "/" : "." : b && w === 1 ? "//" : p.slice(0, w);
}, basename: function(p, y) {
if (y !== void 0 && typeof y != "string")
throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string');
var b = 0, w = -1, I = true, j;
if (y !== void 0 && y.length > 0 && y.length <= p.length) {
if (y.length === p.length && y === p)
return "";
var $ = y.length - 1, K = -1;
for (j = p.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var ce = p.charCodeAt(j);
if (ce === 47) {
if (!I) {
b = j + 1;
} else
K === -1 && (I = false, K = j + 1), $ >= 0 && (ce === y.charCodeAt($) ? --$ === -1 && (w = j) : ($ = -1, w = K));
return b === w ? w = K : w === -1 && (w = p.length), p.slice(b, w);
} else {
for (j = p.length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (p.charCodeAt(j) === 47) {
if (!I) {
b = j + 1;
} else
w === -1 && (I = false, w = j + 1);
return w === -1 ? "" : p.slice(b, w);
}, extname: function(p) {
for (var y = -1, b = 0, w = -1, I = true, j = 0, $ = p.length - 1; $ >= 0; --$) {
var K = p.charCodeAt($);
if (K === 47) {
if (!I) {
b = $ + 1;
w === -1 && (I = false, w = $ + 1), K === 46 ? y === -1 ? y = $ : j !== 1 && (j = 1) : y !== -1 && (j = -1);
return y === -1 || w === -1 || j === 0 || j === 1 && y === w - 1 && y === b + 1 ? "" : p.slice(y, w);
}, format: function(p) {
if (p === null || typeof p != "object")
throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof p);
return a("/", p);
}, parse: function(p) {
var y = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" };
if (p.length === 0)
return y;
var b = p.charCodeAt(0), w = b === 47, I;
w ? (y.root = "/", I = 1) : I = 0;
for (var j = -1, $ = 0, K = -1, ce = true, ue = p.length - 1, Ce = 0; ue >= I; --ue) {
if (b = p.charCodeAt(ue), b === 47) {
if (!ce) {
$ = ue + 1;
K === -1 && (ce = false, K = ue + 1), b === 46 ? j === -1 ? j = ue : Ce !== 1 && (Ce = 1) : j !== -1 && (Ce = -1);
return j === -1 || K === -1 || Ce === 0 || Ce === 1 && j === K - 1 && j === $ + 1 ? K !== -1 && ($ === 0 && w ? y.base = = p.slice(1, K) : y.base = = p.slice($, K)) : ($ === 0 && w ? ( = p.slice(1, j), y.base = p.slice(1, K)) : ( = p.slice($, j), y.base = p.slice($, K)), y.ext = p.slice(j, K)), $ > 0 ? y.dir = p.slice(0, $ - 1) : w && (y.dir = "/"), y;
}, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null };
return c.posix = c, Met = c, Met;
function UPn() {
if (_It)
return Bet;
_It = true, Bet = r;
var n27 = oN.EventEmitter, t = Rbe();
t(r, n27), r.Readable = PLt(), r.Writable = LLt(), r.Duplex = Lbe(), r.Transform = RLt(), r.PassThrough = ULn(), r.finished = utt(), r.pipeline = $Ln(), r.Stream = r;
function r() { || jet);
return r.prototype.pipe = function(a, c) {
var d = this || jet;
function p(K) {
a.writable && a.write(K) === false && d.pause && d.pause();
d.on("data", p);
function y() {
d.readable && d.resume && d.resume();
a.on("drain", y), !a._isStdio && (!c || c.end !== false) && (d.on("end", w), d.on("close", I));
var b = false;
function w() {
b || (b = true, a.end());
function I() {
b || (b = true, typeof a.destroy == "function" && a.destroy());
function j(K) {
if ($(), n27.listenerCount(this || jet, "error") === 0)
throw K;
d.on("error", j), a.on("error", j);
function $() {
d.removeListener("data", p), a.removeListener("drain", y), d.removeListener("end", w), d.removeListener("close", I), d.removeListener("error", j), a.removeListener("error", j), d.removeListener("end", $), d.removeListener("close", $), a.removeListener("close", $);
return d.on("end", $), d.on("close", $), a.on("close", $), a.emit("pipe", d), a;
}, Bet;
function _fe(n27) {
throw new RangeError(WPn[n27]);
function yIt(n27, t) {
let r = n27.split("@"), a = "";
r.length > 1 && (a = r[0] + "@", n27 = r[1]);
let c = function(d, p) {
let y = [], b = d.length;
for (; b--; )
y[b] = p(d[b]);
return y;
}((n27 = n27.replace(VPn, ".")).split("."), t).join(".");
return a + c;
function JLt(n27) {
let t = [], r = 0, a = n27.length;
for (; r < a; ) {
let c = n27.charCodeAt(r++);
if (c >= 55296 && c <= 56319 && r < a) {
let d = n27.charCodeAt(r++);
(64512 & d) == 56320 ? t.push(((1023 & c) << 10) + (1023 & d) + 65536) : (t.push(c), r--);
} else
return t;
function zPn(n27, t) {
return, t);
function Z9() {
this.protocol = null, this.slashes = null, this.auth = null, = null, this.port = null, this.hostname = null, this.hash = null, = null, this.query = null, this.pathname = null, this.path = null, this.href = null;
function A2e(n27, t, r) {
if (n27 && GH.isObject(n27) && n27 instanceof Z9)
return n27;
var a = new Z9();
return a.parse(n27, t, r), a;
function nRn() {
if (wIt)
return qet;
wIt = true;
var n27 = $S;
function t(d) {
if (typeof d != "string")
throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(d));
function r(d, p) {
for (var y = "", b = 0, w = -1, I = 0, j, $ = 0; $ <= d.length; ++$) {
if ($ < d.length)
j = d.charCodeAt($);
else {
if (j === 47)
j = 47;
if (j === 47) {
if (!(w === $ - 1 || I === 1))
if (w !== $ - 1 && I === 2) {
if (y.length < 2 || b !== 2 || y.charCodeAt(y.length - 1) !== 46 || y.charCodeAt(y.length - 2) !== 46) {
if (y.length > 2) {
var K = y.lastIndexOf("/");
if (K !== y.length - 1) {
K === -1 ? (y = "", b = 0) : (y = y.slice(0, K), b = y.length - 1 - y.lastIndexOf("/")), w = $, I = 0;
} else if (y.length === 2 || y.length === 1) {
y = "", b = 0, w = $, I = 0;
p && (y.length > 0 ? y += "/.." : y = "..", b = 2);
} else
y.length > 0 ? y += "/" + d.slice(w + 1, $) : y = d.slice(w + 1, $), b = $ - w - 1;
w = $, I = 0;
} else
j === 46 && I !== -1 ? ++I : I = -1;
return y;
function a(d, p) {
var y = p.dir || p.root, b = p.base || ( || "") + (p.ext || "");
return y ? y === p.root ? y + b : y + d + b : b;
var c = { resolve: function() {
for (var p = "", y = false, b, w = arguments.length - 1; w >= -1 && !y; w--) {
var I;
w >= 0 ? I = arguments[w] : (b === void 0 && (b = n27.cwd()), I = b), t(I), I.length !== 0 && (p = I + "/" + p, y = I.charCodeAt(0) === 47);
return p = r(p, !y), y ? p.length > 0 ? "/" + p : "/" : p.length > 0 ? p : ".";
}, normalize: function(p) {
if (t(p), p.length === 0)
return ".";
var y = p.charCodeAt(0) === 47, b = p.charCodeAt(p.length - 1) === 47;
return p = r(p, !y), p.length === 0 && !y && (p = "."), p.length > 0 && b && (p += "/"), y ? "/" + p : p;
}, isAbsolute: function(p) {
return t(p), p.length > 0 && p.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
}, join: function() {
if (arguments.length === 0)
return ".";
for (var p, y = 0; y < arguments.length; ++y) {
var b = arguments[y];
t(b), b.length > 0 && (p === void 0 ? p = b : p += "/" + b);
return p === void 0 ? "." : c.normalize(p);
}, relative: function(p, y) {
if (t(p), t(y), p === y || (p = c.resolve(p), y = c.resolve(y), p === y))
return "";
for (var b = 1; b < p.length && p.charCodeAt(b) === 47; ++b)
for (var w = p.length, I = w - b, j = 1; j < y.length && y.charCodeAt(j) === 47; ++j)
for (var $ = y.length, K = $ - j, ce = I < K ? I : K, ue = -1, Ce = 0; Ce <= ce; ++Ce) {
if (Ce === ce) {
if (K > ce) {
if (y.charCodeAt(j + Ce) === 47)
return y.slice(j + Ce + 1);
if (Ce === 0)
return y.slice(j + Ce);
} else
I > ce && (p.charCodeAt(b + Ce) === 47 ? ue = Ce : Ce === 0 && (ue = 0));
var De = p.charCodeAt(b + Ce), we = y.charCodeAt(j + Ce);
if (De !== we)
De === 47 && (ue = Ce);
var Pe = "";
for (Ce = b + ue + 1; Ce <= w; ++Ce)
(Ce === w || p.charCodeAt(Ce) === 47) && (Pe.length === 0 ? Pe += ".." : Pe += "/..");
return Pe.length > 0 ? Pe + y.slice(j + ue) : (j += ue, y.charCodeAt(j) === 47 && ++j, y.slice(j));
}, _makeLong: function(p) {
return p;
}, dirname: function(p) {
if (t(p), p.length === 0)
return ".";
for (var y = p.charCodeAt(0), b = y === 47, w = -1, I = true, j = p.length - 1; j >= 1; --j)
if (y = p.charCodeAt(j), y === 47) {
if (!I) {
w = j;
} else
I = false;
return w === -1 ? b ? "/" : "." : b && w === 1 ? "//" : p.slice(0, w);
}, basename: function(p, y) {
if (y !== void 0 && typeof y != "string")
throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string');
var b = 0, w = -1, I = true, j;
if (y !== void 0 && y.length > 0 && y.length <= p.length) {
if (y.length === p.length && y === p)
return "";
var $ = y.length - 1, K = -1;
for (j = p.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var ce = p.charCodeAt(j);
if (ce === 47) {
if (!I) {
b = j + 1;
} else
K === -1 && (I = false, K = j + 1), $ >= 0 && (ce === y.charCodeAt($) ? --$ === -1 && (w = j) : ($ = -1, w = K));
return b === w ? w = K : w === -1 && (w = p.length), p.slice(b, w);
} else {
for (j = p.length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (p.charCodeAt(j) === 47) {
if (!I) {
b = j + 1;
} else
w === -1 && (I = false, w = j + 1);
return w === -1 ? "" : p.slice(b, w);
}, extname: function(p) {
for (var y = -1, b = 0, w = -1, I = true, j = 0, $ = p.length - 1; $ >= 0; --$) {
var K = p.charCodeAt($);
if (K === 47) {
if (!I) {
b = $ + 1;
w === -1 && (I = false, w = $ + 1), K === 46 ? y === -1 ? y = $ : j !== 1 && (j = 1) : y !== -1 && (j = -1);
return y === -1 || w === -1 || j === 0 || j === 1 && y === w - 1 && y === b + 1 ? "" : p.slice(y, w);
}, format: function(p) {
if (p === null || typeof p != "object")
throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof p);
return a("/", p);
}, parse: function(p) {
var y = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" };
if (p.length === 0)
return y;
var b = p.charCodeAt(0), w = b === 47, I;
w ? (y.root = "/", I = 1) : I = 0;
for (var j = -1, $ = 0, K = -1, ce = true, ue = p.length - 1, Ce = 0; ue >= I; --ue) {
if (b = p.charCodeAt(ue), b === 47) {
if (!ce) {
$ = ue + 1;
K === -1 && (ce = false, K = ue + 1), b === 46 ? j === -1 ? j = ue : Ce !== 1 && (Ce = 1) : j !== -1 && (Ce = -1);
return j === -1 || K === -1 || Ce === 0 || Ce === 1 && j === K - 1 && j === $ + 1 ? K !== -1 && ($ === 0 && w ? y.base = = p.slice(1, K) : y.base = = p.slice($, K)) : ($ === 0 && w ? ( = p.slice(1, j), y.base = p.slice(1, K)) : ( = p.slice($, j), y.base = p.slice($, K)), y.ext = p.slice(j, K)), $ > 0 ? y.dir = p.slice(0, $ - 1) : w && (y.dir = "/"), y;
}, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null };
return c.posix = c, qet = c, qet;
function mRn(n27) {
if (typeof n27 == "string")
n27 = new URL(n27);
else if (!(n27 instanceof URL))
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("invalid argument path , must be a string or URL");
if (n27.protocol !== "file:")
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("invalid url scheme");
return rtt ? hRn(n27) : _Rn(n27);
function hRn(n27) {
let t = n27.hostname, r = n27.pathname;
for (let a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
if (r[a] === "%") {
let c = r.codePointAt(a + 2) || 32;
if (r[a + 1] === "2" && c === 102 || r[a + 1] === "5" && c === 99)
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("must not include encoded \\ or / characters");
if (r = r.replace(lRn, "\\"), r = decodeURIComponent(r), t !== "")
return `\\\\${t}${r}`;
let a = r.codePointAt(1) | 32, c = r[2];
if (a < oRn || a > sRn || c !== ":")
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("file url path must be absolute");
return r.slice(1);
function _Rn(n27) {
if (n27.hostname !== "")
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("invalid file url hostname");
let t = n27.pathname;
for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
if (t[r] === "%") {
let a = t.codePointAt(r + 2) || 32;
if (t[r + 1] === "2" && a === 102)
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("must not include encoded / characters");
return decodeURIComponent(t);
function gRn(n27) {
let t = CIt.resolve(n27), r = n27.charCodeAt(n27.length - 1);
(r === aRn || rtt && r === iRn) && t[t.length - 1] !== CIt.sep && (t += "/");
let a = new URL("file://");
return t.includes("%") && (t = t.replace(cRn, "%25")), !rtt && t.includes("\\") && (t = t.replace(uRn, "%5C")), t.includes(`
`) && (t = t.replace(dRn, "%0A")), t.includes("\r") && (t = t.replace(pRn, "%0D")), t.includes(" ") && (t = t.replace(fRn, "%09")), a.pathname = t, a;
function XLt(n27) {
if (typeof n27 == "string")
n27 = new URL(n27);
else if (!(n27 instanceof URL))
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("invalid argument path , must be a string or URL");
if (n27.protocol !== "file:")
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("invalid url scheme");
return itt ? DRn(n27) : IRn(n27);
function DRn(n27) {
let t = n27.hostname, r = n27.pathname;
for (let a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
if (r[a] === "%") {
let c = r.codePointAt(a + 2) || 32;
if (r[a + 1] === "2" && c === 102 || r[a + 1] === "5" && c === 99)
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("must not include encoded \\ or / characters");
if (r = r.replace(SRn, "\\"), r = decodeURIComponent(r), t !== "")
return `\\\\${t}${r}`;
let a = r.codePointAt(1) | 32, c = r[2];
if (a < xRn || a > ERn || c !== ":")
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("file url path must be absolute");
return r.slice(1);
function IRn(n27) {
if (n27.hostname !== "")
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("invalid file url hostname");
let t = n27.pathname;
for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
if (t[r] === "%") {
let a = t.codePointAt(r + 2) || 32;
if (t[r + 1] === "2" && a === 102)
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("must not include encoded / characters");
return decodeURIComponent(t);
function LRn(n27) {
let t = AI.resolve(n27), r = n27.charCodeAt(n27.length - 1);
(r === bRn || itt && r === vRn) && t[t.length - 1] !== AI.sep && (t += "/");
let a = new URL("file://");
return t.includes("%") && (t = t.replace(TRn, "%25")), !itt && t.includes("\\") && (t = t.replace(wRn, "%5C")), t.includes(`
`) && (t = t.replace(CRn, "%0A")), t.includes("\r") && (t = t.replace(ARn, "%0D")), t.includes(" ") && (t = t.replace(kRn, "%09")), a.pathname = t, a;
function PRn() {
if (AIt)
return S2e;
AIt = true, S2e.byteLength = y, S2e.toByteArray = w, S2e.fromByteArray = $;
for (var n27 = [], t = [], r = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c)
n27[c] = a[c], t[a.charCodeAt(c)] = c;
t["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, t["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
function p(K) {
var ce = K.length;
if (ce % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var ue = K.indexOf("=");
ue === -1 && (ue = ce);
var Ce = ue === ce ? 0 : 4 - ue % 4;
return [ue, Ce];
function y(K) {
var ce = p(K), ue = ce[0], Ce = ce[1];
return (ue + Ce) * 3 / 4 - Ce;
function b(K, ce, ue) {
return (ce + ue) * 3 / 4 - ue;
function w(K) {
var ce, ue = p(K), Ce = ue[0], De = ue[1], we = new r(b(K, Ce, De)), Pe = 0, dt = De > 0 ? Ce - 4 : Ce, Lt;
for (Lt = 0; Lt < dt; Lt += 4)
ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 18 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 12 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] << 6 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 3)], we[Pe++] = ce >> 16 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255;
return De === 2 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 2 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] >> 4, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), De === 1 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 10 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 4 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] >> 2, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), we;
function I(K) {
return n27[K >> 18 & 63] + n27[K >> 12 & 63] + n27[K >> 6 & 63] + n27[K & 63];
function j(K, ce, ue) {
for (var Ce, De = [], we = ce; we < ue; we += 3)
Ce = (K[we] << 16 & 16711680) + (K[we + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (K[we + 2] & 255), De.push(I(Ce));
return De.join("");
function $(K) {
for (var ce, ue = K.length, Ce = ue % 3, De = [], we = 16383, Pe = 0, dt = ue - Ce; Pe < dt; Pe += we)
De.push(j(K, Pe, Pe + we > dt ? dt : Pe + we));
return Ce === 1 ? (ce = K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 2] + n27[ce << 4 & 63] + "==")) : Ce === 2 && (ce = (K[ue - 2] << 8) + K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 10] + n27[ce >> 4 & 63] + n27[ce << 2 & 63] + "=")), De.join("");
return S2e;
function RRn() {
return kIt || (kIt = true, = function(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d, p, y = c * 8 - a - 1, b = (1 << y) - 1, w = b >> 1, I = -7, j = r ? c - 1 : 0, $ = r ? -1 : 1, K = n27[t + j];
for (j += $, d = K & (1 << -I) - 1, K >>= -I, I += y; I > 0; d = d * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
for (p = d & (1 << -I) - 1, d >>= -I, I += a; I > 0; p = p * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
if (d === 0)
d = 1 - w;
else {
if (d === b)
return p ? NaN : (K ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0);
p = p + Math.pow(2, a), d = d - w;
return (K ? -1 : 1) * p * Math.pow(2, d - a);
}, X3e.write = function(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p, y, b, w = d * 8 - c - 1, I = (1 << w) - 1, j = I >> 1, $ = c === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, K = a ? 0 : d - 1, ce = a ? 1 : -1, ue = t < 0 || t === 0 && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (y = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, p = I) : (p = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (b = Math.pow(2, -p)) < 1 && (p--, b *= 2), p + j >= 1 ? t += $ / b : t += $ * Math.pow(2, 1 - j), t * b >= 2 && (p++, b /= 2), p + j >= I ? (y = 0, p = I) : p + j >= 1 ? (y = (t * b - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = p + j) : (y = t * Math.pow(2, j - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = 0)); c >= 8; n27[r + K] = y & 255, K += ce, y /= 256, c -= 8)
for (p = p << c | y, w += c; w > 0; n27[r + K] = p & 255, K += ce, p /= 256, w -= 8)
n27[r + K - ce] |= ue * 128;
}), X3e;
function NRn() {
if (DIt)
return mfe;
DIt = true;
let n27 = PRn(), t = RRn(), r = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null;
mfe.Buffer = p, mfe.SlowBuffer = De, mfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
let a = 2147483647;
mfe.kMaxLength = a, p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = c(), !p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console < "u" && typeof console.error == "function" && console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.");
function c() {
try {
let se = new Uint8Array(1), M = { foo: function() {
return 42;
} };
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(se, M), === 42;
} catch {
return false;
Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.buffer;
} }), Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.byteOffset;
} });
function d(se) {
if (se > a)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, p.prototype), M;
function p(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "number") {
if (typeof M == "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
return I(se);
return y(se, M, O);
p.poolSize = 8192;
function y(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "string")
return j(se, M);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se))
return K(se);
if (se == null)
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
if (Gu(se, ArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (Gu(se, SharedArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))
return ce(se, M, O);
if (typeof se == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
let ve = se.valueOf && se.valueOf();
if (ve != null && ve !== se)
return p.from(ve, M, O);
let Ye = ue(se);
if (Ye)
return Ye;
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof se[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function")
return p.from(se[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), M, O);
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
p.from = function(se, M, O) {
return y(se, M, O);
}, Object.setPrototypeOf(p.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(p, Uint8Array);
function b(se) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
if (se < 0)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
function w(se, M, O) {
return b(se), se <= 0 ? d(se) : M !== void 0 ? typeof O == "string" ? d(se).fill(M, O) : d(se).fill(M) : d(se);
p.alloc = function(se, M, O) {
return w(se, M, O);
function I(se) {
return b(se), d(se < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se) | 0);
p.allocUnsafe = function(se) {
return I(se);
}, p.allocUnsafeSlow = function(se) {
return I(se);
function j(se, M) {
if ((typeof M != "string" || M === "") && (M = "utf8"), !p.isEncoding(M))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + M);
let O = we(se, M) | 0, ve = d(O), Ye = ve.write(se, M);
return Ye !== O && (ve = ve.slice(0, Ye)), ve;
function $(se) {
let M = se.length < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
for (let ve = 0; ve < M; ve += 1)
O[ve] = se[ve] & 255;
return O;
function K(se) {
if (Gu(se, Uint8Array)) {
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return ce(M.buffer, M.byteOffset, M.byteLength);
return $(se);
function ce(se, M, O) {
if (M < 0 || se.byteLength < M)
throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
if (se.byteLength < M + (O || 0))
throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
let ve;
return M === void 0 && O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se) : O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se, M) : ve = new Uint8Array(se, M, O), Object.setPrototypeOf(ve, p.prototype), ve;
function ue(se) {
if (p.isBuffer(se)) {
let M = Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
return O.length === 0 || se.copy(O, 0, 0, M), O;
if (se.length !== void 0)
return typeof se.length != "number" || fh(se.length) ? d(0) : $(se);
if (se.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(
return $(;
function Ce(se) {
if (se >= a)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + a.toString(16) + " bytes");
return se | 0;
function De(se) {
return +se != se && (se = 0), p.alloc(+se);
p.isBuffer = function(M) {
return M != null && M._isBuffer === true && M !== p.prototype;
}, = function(M, O) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), Gu(O, Uint8Array) && (O = p.from(O, O.offset, O.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M) || !p.isBuffer(O))
throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (M === O)
return 0;
let ve = M.length, Ye = O.length;
for (let Qe = 0, ln = Math.min(ve, Ye); Qe < ln; ++Qe)
if (M[Qe] !== O[Qe]) {
ve = M[Qe], Ye = O[Qe];
return ve < Ye ? -1 : Ye < ve ? 1 : 0;
}, p.isEncoding = function(M) {
switch (String(M).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return true;
return false;
}, p.concat = function(M, O) {
if (!Array.isArray(M))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (M.length === 0)
return p.alloc(0);
let ve;
if (O === void 0)
for (O = 0, ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve)
O += M[ve].length;
let Ye = p.allocUnsafe(O), Qe = 0;
for (ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve) {
let ln = M[ve];
if (Gu(ln, Uint8Array))
Qe + ln.length > Ye.length ? (p.isBuffer(ln) || (ln = p.from(ln)), ln.copy(Ye, Qe)) :, ln, Qe);
else if (p.isBuffer(ln))
ln.copy(Ye, Qe);
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
Qe += ln.length;
return Ye;
function we(se, M) {
if (p.isBuffer(se))
return se.length;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se) || Gu(se, ArrayBuffer))
return se.byteLength;
if (typeof se != "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof se);
let O = se.length, ve = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true;
if (!ve && O === 0)
return 0;
let Ye = false;
for (; ; )
switch (M) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return O;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Dc(se).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return O * 2;
case "hex":
return O >>> 1;
case "base64":
return zm(se).length;
if (Ye)
return ve ? -1 : Dc(se).length;
M = ("" + M).toLowerCase(), Ye = true;
p.byteLength = we;
function Pe(se, M, O) {
let ve = false;
if ((M === void 0 || M < 0) && (M = 0), M > this.length || ((O === void 0 || O > this.length) && (O = this.length), O <= 0) || (O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, O <= M))
return "";
for (se || (se = "utf8"); ; )
switch (se) {
case "hex":
return Or(this, M, O);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return ha(this, M, O);
case "ascii":
return Zi(this, M, O);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return Er(this, M, O);
case "base64":
return ja(this, M, O);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return ma(this, M, O);
if (ve)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + se);
se = (se + "").toLowerCase(), ve = true;
p.prototype._isBuffer = true;
function dt(se, M, O) {
let ve = se[M];
se[M] = se[O], se[O] = ve;
p.prototype.swap16 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 2 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 2)
dt(this, O, O + 1);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap32 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 4 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 4)
dt(this, O, O + 3), dt(this, O + 1, O + 2);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap64 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 8 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 8)
dt(this, O, O + 7), dt(this, O + 1, O + 6), dt(this, O + 2, O + 5), dt(this, O + 3, O + 4);
return this;
}, p.prototype.toString = function() {
let M = this.length;
return M === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? ha(this, 0, M) : Pe.apply(this, arguments);
}, p.prototype.toLocaleString = p.prototype.toString, p.prototype.equals = function(M) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === M ? true :, M) === 0;
}, p.prototype.inspect = function() {
let M = "", O = mfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return M = this.toString("hex", 0, O).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > O && (M += " ... "), "<Buffer " + M + ">";
}, r && (p.prototype[r] = p.prototype.inspect), = function(M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof M);
if (O === void 0 && (O = 0), ve === void 0 && (ve = M ? M.length : 0), Ye === void 0 && (Ye = 0), Qe === void 0 && (Qe = this.length), O < 0 || ve > M.length || Ye < 0 || Qe > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (Ye >= Qe && O >= ve)
return 0;
if (Ye >= Qe)
return -1;
if (O >= ve)
return 1;
if (O >>>= 0, ve >>>= 0, Ye >>>= 0, Qe >>>= 0, this === M)
return 0;
let ln = Qe - Ye, Qo = ve - O, ss = Math.min(ln, Qo), Pa = this.slice(Ye, Qe), va = M.slice(O, ve);
for (let ui = 0; ui < ss; ++ui)
if (Pa[ui] !== va[ui]) {
ln = Pa[ui], Qo = va[ui];
return ln < Qo ? -1 : Qo < ln ? 1 : 0;
function Lt(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (se.length === 0)
return -1;
if (typeof O == "string" ? (ve = O, O = 0) : O > 2147483647 ? O = 2147483647 : O < -2147483648 && (O = -2147483648), O = +O, fh(O) && (O = Ye ? 0 : se.length - 1), O < 0 && (O = se.length + O), O >= se.length) {
if (Ye)
return -1;
O = se.length - 1;
} else if (O < 0)
if (Ye)
O = 0;
return -1;
if (typeof M == "string" && (M = p.from(M, ve)), p.isBuffer(M))
return M.length === 0 ? -1 : Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye);
if (typeof M == "number")
return M = M & 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? Ye ?, M, O) :, M, O) : Cn(se, [M], O, ve, Ye);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
let Qe = 1, ln = se.length, Qo = M.length;
if (ve !== void 0 && (ve = String(ve).toLowerCase(), ve === "ucs2" || ve === "ucs-2" || ve === "utf16le" || ve === "utf-16le")) {
if (se.length < 2 || M.length < 2)
return -1;
Qe = 2, ln /= 2, Qo /= 2, O /= 2;
function ss(va, ui) {
return Qe === 1 ? va[ui] : va.readUInt16BE(ui * Qe);
let Pa;
if (Ye) {
let va = -1;
for (Pa = O; Pa < ln; Pa++)
if (ss(se, Pa) === ss(M, va === -1 ? 0 : Pa - va)) {
if (va === -1 && (va = Pa), Pa - va + 1 === Qo)
return va * Qe;
} else
va !== -1 && (Pa -= Pa - va), va = -1;
} else
for (O + Qo > ln && (O = ln - Qo), Pa = O; Pa >= 0; Pa--) {
let va = true;
for (let ui = 0; ui < Qo; ui++)
if (ss(se, Pa + ui) !== ss(M, ui)) {
va = false;
if (va)
return Pa;
return -1;
p.prototype.includes = function(M, O, ve) {
return this.indexOf(M, O, ve) !== -1;
}, p.prototype.indexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, true);
}, p.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, false);
function Me(se, M, O, ve) {
O = Number(O) || 0;
let Ye = se.length - O;
ve ? (ve = Number(ve), ve > Ye && (ve = Ye)) : ve = Ye;
let Qe = M.length;
ve > Qe / 2 && (ve = Qe / 2);
let ln;
for (ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
let Qo = parseInt(M.substr(ln * 2, 2), 16);
if (fh(Qo))
return ln;
se[O + ln] = Qo;
return ln;
function Ut(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Dc(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
function $n(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Qd(M), se, O, ve);
function Li(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(zm(M), se, O, ve);
function or(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Od(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
p.prototype.write = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (O === void 0)
Ye = "utf8", ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (ve === void 0 && typeof O == "string")
Ye = O, ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (isFinite(O))
O = O >>> 0, isFinite(ve) ? (ve = ve >>> 0, Ye === void 0 && (Ye = "utf8")) : (Ye = ve, ve = void 0);
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
let Qe = this.length - O;
if ((ve === void 0 || ve > Qe) && (ve = Qe), M.length > 0 && (ve < 0 || O < 0) || O > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
Ye || (Ye = "utf8");
let ln = false;
for (; ; )
switch (Ye) {
case "hex":
return Me(this, M, O, ve);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Ut(this, M, O, ve);
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return $n(this, M, O, ve);
case "base64":
return Li(this, M, O, ve);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return or(this, M, O, ve);
if (ln)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
Ye = ("" + Ye).toLowerCase(), ln = true;
}, p.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0) };
function ja(se, M, O) {
return M === 0 && O === se.length ? n27.fromByteArray(se) : n27.fromByteArray(se.slice(M, O));
function ha(se, M, O) {
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
let ve = [], Ye = M;
for (; Ye < O; ) {
let Qe = se[Ye], ln = null, Qo = Qe > 239 ? 4 : Qe > 223 ? 3 : Qe > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (Ye + Qo <= O) {
let ss, Pa, va, ui;
switch (Qo) {
case 1:
Qe < 128 && (ln = Qe);
case 2:
ss = se[Ye + 1], (ss & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 31) << 6 | ss & 63, ui > 127 && (ln = ui));
case 3:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 12 | (ss & 63) << 6 | Pa & 63, ui > 2047 && (ui < 55296 || ui > 57343) && (ln = ui));
case 4:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], va = se[Ye + 3], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (va & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 18 | (ss & 63) << 12 | (Pa & 63) << 6 | va & 63, ui > 65535 && ui < 1114112 && (ln = ui));
ln === null ? (ln = 65533, Qo = 1) : ln > 65535 && (ln -= 65536, ve.push(ln >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), ln = 56320 | ln & 1023), ve.push(ln), Ye += Qo;
return So(ve);
let vr = 4096;
function So(se) {
let M = se.length;
if (M <= vr)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se);
let O = "", ve = 0;
for (; ve < M; )
O += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se.slice(ve, ve += vr));
return O;
function Zi(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye] & 127);
return ve;
function Er(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye]);
return ve;
function Or(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.length;
(!M || M < 0) && (M = 0), (!O || O < 0 || O > ve) && (O = ve);
let Ye = "";
for (let Qe = M; Qe < O; ++Qe)
Ye += Yg[se[Qe]];
return Ye;
function ma(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.slice(M, O), Ye = "";
for (let Qe = 0; Qe < ve.length - 1; Qe += 2)
Ye += String.fromCharCode(ve[Qe] + ve[Qe + 1] * 256);
return Ye;
p.prototype.slice = function(M, O) {
let ve = this.length;
M = ~~M, O = O === void 0 ? ve : ~~O, M < 0 ? (M += ve, M < 0 && (M = 0)) : M > ve && (M = ve), O < 0 ? (O += ve, O < 0 && (O = 0)) : O > ve && (O = ve), O < M && (O = M);
let Ye = this.subarray(M, O);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(Ye, p.prototype), Ye;
function ra(se, M, O) {
if (se % 1 !== 0 || se < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (se + M > O)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
p.prototype.readUintLE = p.prototype.readUIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUintBE = p.prototype.readUIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M + --O], Qe = 1;
for (; O > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + --O] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUint8 = p.prototype.readUInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M];
}, p.prototype.readUint16LE = p.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
}, p.prototype.readUint16BE = p.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] << 8 | this[M + 1];
}, p.prototype.readUint32LE = p.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), (this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16) + this[M + 3] * 16777216;
}, p.prototype.readUint32BE = p.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] * 16777216 + (this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3]);
}, p.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24, Qe = this[++M] + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + ve * 2 ** 24;
return BigInt(Ye) + (BigInt(Qe) << BigInt(32));
}), p.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M], Qe = this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve;
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(Qe);
}), p.prototype.readIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, Ye >= Qe && (Ye -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), Ye;
}, p.prototype.readIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = O, Qe = 1, ln = this[M + --Ye];
for (; Ye > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
ln += this[M + --Ye] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, ln >= Qe && (ln -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), ln;
}, p.prototype.readInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M] & 128 ? (255 - this[M] + 1) * -1 : this[M];
}, p.prototype.readInt16LE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt16BE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M + 1] | this[M] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16 | this[M + 3] << 24;
}, p.prototype.readInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] << 24 | this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3];
}, p.prototype.readBigInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = this[M + 4] + this[M + 5] * 2 ** 8 + this[M + 6] * 2 ** 16 + (ve << 24);
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24);
}), p.prototype.readBigInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = (O << 24) + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M];
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve);
}), p.prototype.readFloatLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, true, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readFloatBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, false, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, true, 52, 8);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, false, 52, 8);
function eo(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (!p.isBuffer(se))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (M > Ye || M < Qe)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
p.prototype.writeUintLE = p.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++ln < ve && (Qe *= 256); )
this[O + ln] = M / Qe & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUintBE = p.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
this[O + Qe] = M / ln & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUint8 = p.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 255, 0), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16LE = p.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16BE = p.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32LE = p.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32BE = p.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
function zs(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, O;
function Lo(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O + 7] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 6] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 5] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 4] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O + 3] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 2] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 1] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O] = ln, O + 8;
p.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = 0, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++Qe < ve && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe - 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe + 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 127, -128), M < 0 && (M = 255 + M + 1), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), M < 0 && (M = 4294967295 + M + 1), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
function bd(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function pl(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 4), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 23, 4), O + 4;
p.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, false, ve);
function Pu(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 8), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 52, 8), O + 8;
p.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, false, ve);
}, p.prototype.copy = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
if (ve || (ve = 0), !Ye && Ye !== 0 && (Ye = this.length), O >= M.length && (O = M.length), O || (O = 0), Ye > 0 && Ye < ve && (Ye = ve), Ye === ve || M.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
return 0;
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (ve < 0 || ve >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (Ye < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
Ye > this.length && (Ye = this.length), M.length - O < Ye - ve && (Ye = M.length - O + ve);
let Qe = Ye - ve;
return this === M && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(O, ve, Ye) :, this.subarray(ve, Ye), O), Qe;
}, p.prototype.fill = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (typeof M == "string") {
if (typeof O == "string" ? (Ye = O, O = 0, ve = this.length) : typeof ve == "string" && (Ye = ve, ve = this.length), Ye !== void 0 && typeof Ye != "string")
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if (typeof Ye == "string" && !p.isEncoding(Ye))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
if (M.length === 1) {
let ln = M.charCodeAt(0);
(Ye === "utf8" && ln < 128 || Ye === "latin1") && (M = ln);
} else
typeof M == "number" ? M = M & 255 : typeof M == "boolean" && (M = Number(M));
if (O < 0 || this.length < O || this.length < ve)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (ve <= O)
return this;
O = O >>> 0, ve = ve === void 0 ? this.length : ve >>> 0, M || (M = 0);
let Qe;
if (typeof M == "number")
for (Qe = O; Qe < ve; ++Qe)
this[Qe] = M;
else {
let ln = p.isBuffer(M) ? M : p.from(M, Ye), Qo = ln.length;
if (Qo === 0)
throw new TypeError('The value "' + M + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
for (Qe = 0; Qe < ve - O; ++Qe)
this[Qe + O] = ln[Qe % Qo];
return this;
let Ri = {};
function Hr(se, M, O) {
Ri[se] = class extends O {
constructor() {
super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: M.apply(this, arguments), writable: true, configurable: true }), = `${} [${se}]`, this.stack, delete;
get code() {
return se;
set code(Ye) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: Ye, writable: true });
toString() {
return `${} [${se}]: ${this.message}`;
Hr("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(se) {
return se ? `${se} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds";
}, RangeError), Hr("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(se, M) {
return `The "${se}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof M}`;
}, TypeError), Hr("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(se, M, O) {
let ve = `The value of "${se}" is out of range.`, Ye = O;
return Number.isInteger(O) && Math.abs(O) > 2 ** 32 ? Ye = mo(String(O)) : typeof O == "bigint" && (Ye = String(O), (O > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || O < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (Ye = mo(Ye)), Ye += "n"), ve += ` It must be ${M}. Received ${Ye}`, ve;
}, RangeError);
function mo(se) {
let M = "", O = se.length, ve = se[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0;
for (; O >= ve + 4; O -= 3)
M = `_${se.slice(O - 3, O)}${M}`;
return `${se.slice(0, O)}${M}`;
function Ds(se, M, O) {
Yr(M, "offset"), (se[M] === void 0 || se[M + O] === void 0) && Xn(M, se.length - (O + 1));
function xn(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (se > O || se < M) {
let ln = typeof M == "bigint" ? "n" : "", Qo;
throw Qe > 3 ? M === 0 || M === BigInt(0) ? Qo = `>= 0${ln} and < 2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8}${ln}` : Qo = `>= -(2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}) and < 2 ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}` : Qo = `>= ${M}${ln} and <= ${O}${ln}`, new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", Qo, se);
Ds(ve, Ye, Qe);
function Yr(se, M) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new Ri.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(M, "number", se);
function Xn(se, M, O) {
throw Math.floor(se) !== se ? (Yr(se, O), new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", "an integer", se)) : M < 0 ? new Ri.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS() : new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", `>= ${O ? 1 : 0} and <= ${M}`, se);
let Zs = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function hc(se) {
if (se = se.split("=")[0], se = se.trim().replace(Zs, ""), se.length < 2)
return "";
for (; se.length % 4 !== 0; )
se = se + "=";
return se;
function Dc(se, M) {
M = M || 1 / 0;
let O, ve = se.length, Ye = null, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
if (O = se.charCodeAt(ln), O > 55295 && O < 57344) {
if (!Ye) {
if (O > 56319) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
} else if (ln + 1 === ve) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
Ye = O;
if (O < 56320) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189), Ye = O;
O = (Ye - 55296 << 10 | O - 56320) + 65536;
} else
Ye && (M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
if (Ye = null, O < 128) {
if ((M -= 1) < 0)
} else if (O < 2048) {
if ((M -= 2) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 6 | 192, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 65536) {
if ((M -= 3) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 12 | 224, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 1114112) {
if ((M -= 4) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 18 | 240, O >> 12 & 63 | 128, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
return Qe;
function Qd(se) {
let M = [];
for (let O = 0; O < se.length; ++O)
M.push(se.charCodeAt(O) & 255);
return M;
function Od(se, M) {
let O, ve, Ye, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < se.length && !((M -= 2) < 0); ++ln)
O = se.charCodeAt(ln), ve = O >> 8, Ye = O % 256, Qe.push(Ye), Qe.push(ve);
return Qe;
function zm(se) {
return n27.toByteArray(hc(se));
function rm(se, M, O, ve) {
let Ye;
for (Ye = 0; Ye < ve && !(Ye + O >= M.length || Ye >= se.length); ++Ye)
M[Ye + O] = se[Ye];
return Ye;
function Gu(se, M) {
return se instanceof M || se != null && se.constructor != null && != null && ===;
function fh(se) {
return se !== se;
let Yg = function() {
let se = "0123456789abcdef", M = new Array(256);
for (let O = 0; O < 16; ++O) {
let ve = O * 16;
for (let Ye = 0; Ye < 16; ++Ye)
M[ve + Ye] = se[O] + se[Ye];
return M;
function uf(se) {
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? O_ : se;
function O_() {
throw new Error("BigInt not supported");
return mfe;
function N2e() {
return IIt || (IIt = true, Object.defineProperty(T2e, "__esModule", { value: true }), T2e.constants = void 0, T2e.constants = { O_RDONLY: 0, O_WRONLY: 1, O_RDWR: 2, S_IFMT: 61440, S_IFREG: 32768, S_IFDIR: 16384, S_IFCHR: 8192, S_IFBLK: 24576, S_IFIFO: 4096, S_IFLNK: 40960, S_IFSOCK: 49152, O_CREAT: 64, O_EXCL: 128, O_NOCTTY: 256, O_TRUNC: 512, O_APPEND: 1024, O_DIRECTORY: 65536, O_NOATIME: 262144, O_NOFOLLOW: 131072, O_SYNC: 1052672, O_DIRECT: 16384, O_NONBLOCK: 2048, S_IRWXU: 448, S_IRUSR: 256, S_IWUSR: 128, S_IXUSR: 64, S_IRWXG: 56, S_IRGRP: 32, S_IWGRP: 16, S_IXGRP: 8, S_IRWXO: 7, S_IROTH: 4, S_IWOTH: 2, S_IXOTH: 1, F_OK: 0, R_OK: 4, W_OK: 2, X_OK: 1, UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR: 1, UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION: 2, UV_FS_COPYFILE_EXCL: 1, UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE: 2, UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE: 4, COPYFILE_EXCL: 1, COPYFILE_FICLONE: 2, COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE: 4 }), T2e;
function ORn() {
return LIt || (LIt = true, typeof BigInt == "function" ? Y3e.default = BigInt : Y3e.default = function() {
throw new Error("BigInt is not supported in this environment.");
}), Y3e;
function mtt() {
if (PIt)
return Sbe;
PIt = true, Object.defineProperty(Sbe, "__esModule", { value: true }), Sbe.Stats = void 0;
var n27 = N2e(), t = ORn(), r = n27.constants.S_IFMT, a = n27.constants.S_IFDIR, c = n27.constants.S_IFREG, d = n27.constants.S_IFBLK, p = n27.constants.S_IFCHR, y = n27.constants.S_IFLNK, b = n27.constants.S_IFIFO, w = n27.constants.S_IFSOCK, I = function() {
function j() {
return = function($, K) {
K === void 0 && (K = false);
var ce = new j(), ue = $.uid, Ce = $.gid, De = $.atime, we = $.mtime, Pe = $.ctime, dt = K ? t.default : function(Cn) {
return Cn;
ce.uid = dt(ue), ce.gid = dt(Ce), ce.rdev = dt(0), ce.blksize = dt(4096), ce.ino = dt($.ino), ce.size = dt($.getSize()), ce.blocks = dt(1), ce.atime = De, ce.mtime = we, ce.ctime = Pe, ce.birthtime = Pe, ce.atimeMs = dt(De.getTime()), ce.mtimeMs = dt(we.getTime());
var Lt = dt(Pe.getTime());
return ce.ctimeMs = Lt, ce.birthtimeMs = Lt, = dt(0), ce.mode = dt($.mode), ce.nlink = dt($.nlink), ce;
}, j.prototype._checkModeProperty = function($) {
return (Number(this.mode) & r) === $;
}, j.prototype.isDirectory = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(a);
}, j.prototype.isFile = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(c);
}, j.prototype.isBlockDevice = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(d);
}, j.prototype.isCharacterDevice = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(p);
}, j.prototype.isSymbolicLink = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(y);
}, j.prototype.isFIFO = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(b);
}, j.prototype.isSocket = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(w);
}, j;
return Sbe.Stats = I, Sbe.default = I, Sbe;
function htt() {
if (RIt)
return R$;
RIt = true;
var n27 = R$ && R$.__spreadArray || function(d, p, y) {
if (y || arguments.length === 2)
for (var b = 0, w = p.length, I; b < w; b++)
(I || !(b in p)) && (I || (I =, 0, b)), I[b] = p[b]);
return d.concat(I ||;
Object.defineProperty(R$, "__esModule", { value: true }), R$.bufferFrom = R$.bufferAllocUnsafe = R$.Buffer = void 0;
var t = xfe;
Object.defineProperty(R$, "Buffer", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return t.Buffer;
} });
function r(d) {
for (var p = [], y = 1; y < arguments.length; y++)
p[y - 1] = arguments[y];
return new (t.Buffer.bind.apply(t.Buffer, n27([void 0, d], p, false)))();
var a = t.Buffer.allocUnsafe || r;
R$.bufferAllocUnsafe = a;
var c = t.Buffer.from || r;
return R$.bufferFrom = c, R$;
function QLt() {
if (NIt)
return Gk;
NIt = true;
var n27 = Gk && Gk.__extends || function() {
var ce = function(ue, Ce) {
return ce = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(De, we) {
De.__proto__ = we;
} || function(De, we) {
for (var Pe in we), Pe) && (De[Pe] = we[Pe]);
}, ce(ue, Ce);
return function(ue, Ce) {
if (typeof Ce != "function" && Ce !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(Ce) + " is not a constructor or null");
ce(ue, Ce);
function De() {
this.constructor = ue;
ue.prototype = Ce === null ? Object.create(Ce) : (De.prototype = Ce.prototype, new De());
Object.defineProperty(Gk, "__esModule", { value: true }), Gk.E = Gk.AssertionError = Gk.message = Gk.RangeError = Gk.TypeError = Gk.Error = void 0;
var t = pg, r = ju, a = typeof Symbol > "u" ? "_kCode" : Symbol("code"), c = {};
function d(ce) {
return function(ue) {
n27(Ce, ue);
function Ce(De) {
for (var we = [], Pe = 1; Pe < arguments.length; Pe++)
we[Pe - 1] = arguments[Pe];
var dt =, b(De, we)) || this;
return dt.code = De, dt[a] = De, = + " [" + dt[a] + "]", dt;
return Ce;
var p = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : FRn, y = function(ce) {
n27(ue, ce);
function ue(Ce) {
var De = this;
if (typeof Ce != "object" || Ce === null)
throw new Gk.TypeError("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", "options", "object");
return Ce.message ? De =, Ce.message) || this : De =, r.inspect(Ce.actual).slice(0, 128) + " " + (Ce.operator + " " + r.inspect(Ce.expected).slice(0, 128))) || this, De.generatedMessage = !Ce.message, = "AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]", De.code = "ERR_ASSERTION", De.actual = Ce.actual, De.expected = Ce.expected, De.operator = Ce.operator, Gk.Error.captureStackTrace(De, Ce.stackStartFunction), De;
return ue;
Gk.AssertionError = y;
function b(ce, ue) {
t.strictEqual(typeof ce, "string");
var Ce = c[ce];
t(Ce, "An invalid error message key was used: " + ce + ".");
var De;
if (typeof Ce == "function")
De = Ce;
else {
if (De = r.format, ue === void 0 || ue.length === 0)
return Ce;
return String(De.apply(null, ue));
Gk.message = b;
function w(ce, ue) {
c[ce] = typeof ue == "function" ? ue : String(ue);
Gk.E = w, Gk.Error = d(p.Error), Gk.TypeError = d(p.TypeError), Gk.RangeError = d(p.RangeError), w("ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE", "%s must be iterable"), w("ERR_ASSERTION", "%s"), w("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", K), w("ERR_CHILD_CLOSED_BEFORE_REPLY", "Child closed before reply received"), w("ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM", "Console expects a writable stream instance for %s"), w("ERR_CPU_USAGE", "Unable to obtain cpu usage %s"), w("ERR_DNS_SET_SERVERS_FAILED", function(ce, ue) {
return 'c-ares failed to set servers: "' + ce + '" [' + ue + "]";
}), w("ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION", "Promise was rejected with falsy value"), w("ERR_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED", function(ce) {
return 'The "' + ce + '" encoding is not supported';
return "The encoded data was not valid for encoding " + ce;
}), w("ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT", "Cannot render headers after they are sent to the client"), w("ERR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE", "Invalid status code: %s"), w("ERR_HTTP_TRAILER_INVALID", "Trailers are invalid with this transfer encoding"), w("ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE", "Index out of range"), w("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", I), w("ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_LENGTH", function(ce, ue, Ce) {
return t.strictEqual(typeof Ce, "number"), 'The array "' + ce + '" (length ' + Ce + ") must be of length " + ue + ".";
}), w("ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE", "Buffer size must be a multiple of %s"), w("ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK", "Callback must be a function"), w("ERR_INVALID_CHAR", "Invalid character in %s"), w("ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_POS", "Cannot set cursor row without setting its column"), w("ERR_INVALID_FD", '"fd" must be a positive integer: %s'), w("ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST", 'File URL host must be "localhost" or empty on %s'), w("ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH", "File URL path %s"), w("ERR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPE", "This handle type cannot be sent"), w("ERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS", "Invalid IP address: %s"), w("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(ce, ue) {
return 'The value "' + String(ue) + '" is invalid for option "' + ce + '"';
}), w("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE_ENCODING", function(ce) {
return 'The value "' + String(ce) + '" is invalid for option "encoding"';
}), w("ERR_INVALID_REPL_EVAL_CONFIG", 'Cannot specify both "breakEvalOnSigint" and "eval" for REPL'), w("ERR_INVALID_SYNC_FORK_INPUT", "Asynchronous forks do not support Buffer, Uint8Array or string input: %s"), w("ERR_INVALID_THIS", 'Value of "this" must be of type %s'), w("ERR_INVALID_TUPLE", "%s must be an iterable %s tuple"), w("ERR_INVALID_URL", "Invalid URL: %s"), w("ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME", function(ce) {
return "The URL must be " + $(ce, "scheme");
}), w("ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED", "Channel closed"), w("ERR_IPC_DISCONNECTED", "IPC channel is already disconnected"), w("ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE", "Child process can have only one IPC pipe"), w("ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK", "IPC cannot be used with synchronous forks"), w("ERR_MISSING_ARGS", j), w("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), w("ERR_NAPI_CONS_FUNCTION", "Constructor must be a function"), w("ERR_NAPI_CONS_PROTOTYPE_OBJECT", "Constructor.prototype must be an object"), w("ERR_NO_CRYPTO", "Node.js is not compiled with OpenSSL crypto support"), w("ERR_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED", "%s is no longer supported"), w("ERR_PARSE_HISTORY_DATA", "Could not parse history data in %s"), w("ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND", "Socket is already bound"), w("ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT", "Port should be > 0 and < 65536"), w("ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE", "Bad socket type specified. Valid types are: udp4, udp6"), w("ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND", "Unable to send data"), w("ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED", "Socket is closed"), w("ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING", "Not running"), w("ERR_STDERR_CLOSE", "process.stderr cannot be closed"), w("ERR_STDOUT_CLOSE", "process.stdout cannot be closed"), w("ERR_STREAM_WRAP", "Stream has StringDecoder set or is in objectMode"), w("ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID", "Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: %s"), w("ERR_TLS_DH_PARAM_SIZE", function(ce) {
return "DH parameter size " + ce + " is less than 2048";
}), w("ERR_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT", "TLS handshake timeout"), w("ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATION_FAILED", "Failed to renegotiate"), w("ERR_TLS_REQUIRED_SERVER_NAME", '"servername" is required parameter for Server.addContext'), w("ERR_TLS_SESSION_ATTACK", "TSL session renegotiation attack detected"), w("ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING", "Calling transform done when still transforming"), w("ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0", "Calling transform done when writableState.length != 0"), w("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", "Unknown encoding: %s"), w("ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL", "Unknown signal: %s"), w("ERR_UNKNOWN_STDIN_TYPE", "Unknown stdin file type"), w("ERR_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE", "Unknown stream file type"), w("ERR_V8BREAKITERATOR", "Full ICU data not installed. See");
function I(ce, ue, Ce) {
t(ce, "name is required");
var De;
ue.includes("not ") ? (De = "must not be", ue = ue.split("not ")[1]) : De = "must be";
var we;
if (Array.isArray(ce)) {
var Pe = {
return '"' + Lt + '"';
}).join(", ");
we = "The " + Pe + " arguments " + De + " " + $(ue, "type");
} else if (ce.includes(" argument"))
we = "The " + ce + " " + De + " " + $(ue, "type");
else {
var dt = ce.includes(".") ? "property" : "argument";
we = 'The "' + ce + '" ' + dt + " " + De + " " + $(ue, "type");
return arguments.length >= 3 && (we += ". Received type " + (Ce !== null ? typeof Ce : "null")), we;
function j() {
for (var ce = [], ue = 0; ue < arguments.length; ue++)
ce[ue] = arguments[ue];
t(ce.length > 0, "At least one arg needs to be specified");
var Ce = "The ", De = ce.length;
switch (ce = {
return '"' + we + '"';
}), De) {
case 1:
Ce += ce[0] + " argument";
case 2:
Ce += ce[0] + " and " + ce[1] + " arguments";
Ce += ce.slice(0, De - 1).join(", "), Ce += ", and " + ce[De - 1] + " arguments";
return Ce + " must be specified";
function $(ce, ue) {
if (t(ce, "expected is required"), t(typeof ue == "string", "thing is required"), Array.isArray(ce)) {
var Ce = ce.length;
return t(Ce > 0, "At least one expected value needs to be specified"), ce = {
return String(De);
}), Ce > 2 ? "one of " + ue + " " + ce.slice(0, Ce - 1).join(", ") + ", or " + ce[Ce - 1] : Ce === 2 ? "one of " + ue + " " + ce[0] + " or " + ce[1] : "of " + ue + " " + ce[0];
} else
return "of " + ue + " " + String(ce);
function K(ce, ue) {
return ue ? "Attempt to write outside buffer bounds" : '"' + ce + '" is outside of buffer bounds';
return Gk;
function ZLt() {
if (OIt)
return BH;
OIt = true, Object.defineProperty(BH, "__esModule", { value: true }), BH.strToEncoding = BH.assertEncoding = BH.ENCODING_UTF8 = void 0;
var n27 = htt(), t = QLt();
BH.ENCODING_UTF8 = "utf8";
function r(c) {
if (c && !n27.Buffer.isEncoding(c))
throw new t.TypeError("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE_ENCODING", c);
BH.assertEncoding = r;
function a(c, d) {
return !d || d === BH.ENCODING_UTF8 ? c : d === "buffer" ? new n27.Buffer(c) : new n27.Buffer(c).toString(d);
return BH.strToEncoding = a, BH;
function ePt() {
if (FIt)
return Tbe;
FIt = true, Object.defineProperty(Tbe, "__esModule", { value: true }), Tbe.Dirent = void 0;
var n27 = N2e(), t = ZLt(), r = n27.constants.S_IFMT, a = n27.constants.S_IFDIR, c = n27.constants.S_IFREG, d = n27.constants.S_IFBLK, p = n27.constants.S_IFCHR, y = n27.constants.S_IFLNK, b = n27.constants.S_IFIFO, w = n27.constants.S_IFSOCK, I = function() {
function j() { = "", this.mode = 0;
return = function($, K) {
var ce = new j(), ue = $.getNode().mode;
return = (0, t.strToEncoding)($.getName(), K), ce.mode = ue, ce;
}, j.prototype._checkModeProperty = function($) {
return (this.mode & r) === $;
}, j.prototype.isDirectory = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(a);
}, j.prototype.isFile = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(c);
}, j.prototype.isBlockDevice = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(d);
}, j.prototype.isCharacterDevice = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(p);
}, j.prototype.isSymbolicLink = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(y);
}, j.prototype.isFIFO = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(b);
}, j.prototype.isSocket = function() {
return this._checkModeProperty(w);
}, j;
return Tbe.Dirent = I, Tbe.default = I, Tbe;
function tPt() {
if (MIt)
return Q3e;
MIt = true;
var n27 = H0;
Object.defineProperty(Q3e, "__esModule", { value: true });
var t;
return typeof n27.nextTick == "function" ? t = n27.nextTick.bind(typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : BIt) : t = setTimeout.bind(typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : BIt), Q3e.default = t, Q3e;
function nPt() {
if (jIt)
return wbe;
jIt = true;
var n27 = H0;
Object.defineProperty(wbe, "__esModule", { value: true }), wbe.createProcess = void 0;
var t = function() {
if (typeof n27 < "u")
return n27;
try {
return H0;
} catch {
function r() {
var a = t() || {};
return a.getuid || (a.getuid = function() {
return 0;
}), a.getgid || (a.getgid = function() {
return 0;
}), a.cwd || (a.cwd = function() {
return "/";
}), a.nextTick || (a.nextTick = tPt().default), a.emitWarning || (a.emitWarning = function(c, d) {
console.warn("" + d + (d ? ": " : "") + c);
}), a.env || (a.env = {}), a;
return wbe.createProcess = r, wbe.default = r(), wbe;
function MRn() {
if (GIt)
return EF;
GIt = true;
var n27 = EF && EF.__extends || function() {
var ce = function(ue, Ce) {
return ce = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(De, we) {
De.__proto__ = we;
} || function(De, we) {
for (var Pe in we), Pe) && (De[Pe] = we[Pe]);
}, ce(ue, Ce);
return function(ue, Ce) {
if (typeof Ce != "function" && Ce !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(Ce) + " is not a constructor or null");
ce(ue, Ce);
function De() {
this.constructor = ue;
ue.prototype = Ce === null ? Object.create(Ce) : (De.prototype = Ce.prototype, new De());
Object.defineProperty(EF, "__esModule", { value: true }), EF.File = EF.Link = EF.Node = EF.SEP = void 0;
var t = nPt(), r = htt(), a = N2e(), c = oN, d = mtt(), p = a.constants.S_IFMT, y = a.constants.S_IFDIR, b = a.constants.S_IFREG, w = a.constants.S_IFLNK, I = a.constants.O_APPEND;
EF.SEP = "/";
var j = function(ce) {
n27(ue, ce);
function ue(Ce, De) {
De === void 0 && (De = 438);
var we = || this;
return we.uid = t.default.getuid(), we.gid = t.default.getgid(), we.atime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), we.mtime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), we.ctime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), we.perm = 438, we.mode = b, we.nlink = 1, we.perm = De, we.mode |= De, we.ino = Ce, we;
return ue.prototype.getString = function(Ce) {
return Ce === void 0 && (Ce = "utf8"), this.getBuffer().toString(Ce);
}, ue.prototype.setString = function(Ce) {
this.buf = (0, r.bufferFrom)(Ce, "utf8"), this.touch();
}, ue.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
return this.buf || this.setBuffer((0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(0)), (0, r.bufferFrom)(this.buf);
}, ue.prototype.setBuffer = function(Ce) {
this.buf = (0, r.bufferFrom)(Ce), this.touch();
}, ue.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.buf ? this.buf.length : 0;
}, ue.prototype.setModeProperty = function(Ce) {
this.mode = this.mode & ~p | Ce;
}, ue.prototype.setIsFile = function() {
}, ue.prototype.setIsDirectory = function() {
}, ue.prototype.setIsSymlink = function() {
}, ue.prototype.isFile = function() {
return (this.mode & p) === b;
}, ue.prototype.isDirectory = function() {
return (this.mode & p) === y;
}, ue.prototype.isSymlink = function() {
return (this.mode & p) === w;
}, ue.prototype.makeSymlink = function(Ce) {
this.symlink = Ce, this.setIsSymlink();
}, ue.prototype.write = function(Ce, De, we, Pe) {
if (De === void 0 && (De = 0), we === void 0 && (we = Ce.length), Pe === void 0 && (Pe = 0), this.buf || (this.buf = (0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(0)), Pe + we > this.buf.length) {
var dt = (0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(Pe + we);
this.buf.copy(dt, 0, 0, this.buf.length), this.buf = dt;
return Ce.copy(this.buf, Pe, De, De + we), this.touch(), we;
}, = function(Ce, De, we, Pe) {
De === void 0 && (De = 0), we === void 0 && (we = Ce.byteLength), Pe === void 0 && (Pe = 0), this.buf || (this.buf = (0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(0));
var dt = we;
return dt > Ce.byteLength && (dt = Ce.byteLength), dt + Pe > this.buf.length && (dt = this.buf.length - Pe), this.buf.copy(Ce, De, Pe, Pe + dt), dt;
}, ue.prototype.truncate = function(Ce) {
if (Ce === void 0 && (Ce = 0), !Ce)
this.buf = (0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(0);
else if (this.buf || (this.buf = (0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(0)), Ce <= this.buf.length)
this.buf = this.buf.slice(0, Ce);
else {
var De = (0, r.bufferAllocUnsafe)(0);
this.buf.copy(De), De.fill(0, Ce);
}, ue.prototype.chmod = function(Ce) {
this.perm = Ce, this.mode = this.mode & -512 | Ce, this.touch();
}, ue.prototype.chown = function(Ce, De) {
this.uid = Ce, this.gid = De, this.touch();
}, ue.prototype.touch = function() {
this.mtime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), this.emit("change", this);
}, ue.prototype.canRead = function(Ce, De) {
return Ce === void 0 && (Ce = t.default.getuid()), De === void 0 && (De = t.default.getgid()), !!(this.perm & 4 || De === this.gid && this.perm & 32 || Ce === this.uid && this.perm & 256);
}, ue.prototype.canWrite = function(Ce, De) {
return Ce === void 0 && (Ce = t.default.getuid()), De === void 0 && (De = t.default.getgid()), !!(this.perm & 2 || De === this.gid && this.perm & 16 || Ce === this.uid && this.perm & 128);
}, ue.prototype.del = function() {
this.emit("delete", this);
}, ue.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { ino: this.ino, uid: this.uid, gid: this.gid, atime: this.atime.getTime(), mtime: this.mtime.getTime(), ctime: this.ctime.getTime(), perm: this.perm, mode: this.mode, nlink: this.nlink, symlink: this.symlink, data: this.getString() };
}, ue;
EF.Node = j;
var $ = function(ce) {
n27(ue, ce);
function ue(Ce, De, we) {
var Pe = || this;
return Pe.children = {}, Pe.steps = [], Pe.ino = 0, Pe.length = 0, Pe.vol = Ce, Pe.parent = De, Pe.steps = De ? De.steps.concat([we]) : [we], Pe;
return ue.prototype.setNode = function(Ce) {
this.node = Ce, this.ino = Ce.ino;
}, ue.prototype.getNode = function() {
return this.node;
}, ue.prototype.createChild = function(Ce, De) {
De === void 0 && (De = this.vol.createNode());
var we = new ue(this.vol, this, Ce);
return we.setNode(De), De.isDirectory(), this.setChild(Ce, we), we;
}, ue.prototype.setChild = function(Ce, De) {
return De === void 0 && (De = new ue(this.vol, this, Ce)), this.children[Ce] = De, De.parent = this, this.length++, this.emit("child:add", De, this), De;
}, ue.prototype.deleteChild = function(Ce) {
delete this.children[Ce.getName()], this.length--, this.emit("child:delete", Ce, this);
}, ue.prototype.getChild = function(Ce) {
if (, Ce))
return this.children[Ce];
}, ue.prototype.getPath = function() {
return this.steps.join(EF.SEP);
}, ue.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.steps[this.steps.length - 1];
}, ue.prototype.walk = function(Ce, De, we) {
if (De === void 0 && (De = Ce.length), we === void 0 && (we = 0), we >= Ce.length)
return this;
if (we >= De)
return this;
var Pe = Ce[we], dt = this.getChild(Pe);
return dt ? dt.walk(Ce, De, we + 1) : null;
}, ue.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { steps: this.steps, ino: this.ino, children: Object.keys(this.children) };
}, ue;
EF.Link = $;
var K = function() {
function ce(ue, Ce, De, we) {
this.position = 0, = ue, this.node = Ce, this.flags = De, this.fd = we;
return ce.prototype.getString = function(ue) {
return this.node.getString();
}, ce.prototype.setString = function(ue) {
}, ce.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
return this.node.getBuffer();
}, ce.prototype.setBuffer = function(ue) {
}, ce.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.node.getSize();
}, ce.prototype.truncate = function(ue) {
}, ce.prototype.seekTo = function(ue) {
this.position = ue;
}, ce.prototype.stats = function() {
}, ce.prototype.write = function(ue, Ce, De, we) {
Ce === void 0 && (Ce = 0), De === void 0 && (De = ue.length), typeof we != "number" && (we = this.position), this.flags & I && (we = this.getSize());
var Pe = this.node.write(ue, Ce, De, we);
return this.position = we + Pe, Pe;
}, = function(ue, Ce, De, we) {
Ce === void 0 && (Ce = 0), De === void 0 && (De = ue.byteLength), typeof we != "number" && (we = this.position);
var Pe =, Ce, De, we);
return this.position = we + Pe, Pe;
}, ce.prototype.chmod = function(ue) {
}, ce.prototype.chown = function(ue, Ce) {
this.node.chown(ue, Ce);
}, ce;
return EF.File = K, EF;
function jRn() {
if (UIt)
return Z3e;
UIt = true, Object.defineProperty(Z3e, "__esModule", { value: true });
function n27(t, r, a) {
var c = setTimeout.apply(typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : BRn, arguments);
return c && typeof c == "object" && typeof c.unref == "function" && c.unref(), c;
return Z3e.default = n27, Z3e;
function GRn() {
if ($It)
return use;
$It = true;
var n27 = use && use.__spreadArray || function(c, d, p) {
if (p || arguments.length === 2)
for (var y = 0, b = d.length, w; y < b; y++)
(w || !(y in d)) && (w || (w =, 0, y)), w[y] = d[y]);
return c.concat(w ||;
Object.defineProperty(use, "__esModule", { value: true }), use.FileHandle = void 0;
function t(c, d, p) {
return p === void 0 && (p = function(y) {
return y;
}), function() {
for (var y = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++)
y[b] = arguments[b];
return new Promise(function(w, I) {
c[d].bind(c).apply(void 0, n27(n27([], y, false), [function(j, $) {
return j ? I(j) : w(p($));
}], false));
var r = function() {
function c(d, p) {
this.vol = d, this.fd = p;
return c.prototype.appendFile = function(d, p) {
return t(this.vol, "appendFile")(this.fd, d, p);
}, c.prototype.chmod = function(d) {
return t(this.vol, "fchmod")(this.fd, d);
}, c.prototype.chown = function(d, p) {
return t(this.vol, "fchown")(this.fd, d, p);
}, c.prototype.close = function() {
return t(this.vol, "close")(this.fd);
}, c.prototype.datasync = function() {
return t(this.vol, "fdatasync")(this.fd);
}, = function(d, p, y, b) {
return t(this.vol, "read", function(w) {
return { bytesRead: w, buffer: d };
})(this.fd, d, p, y, b);
}, c.prototype.readFile = function(d) {
return t(this.vol, "readFile")(this.fd, d);
}, c.prototype.stat = function(d) {
return t(this.vol, "fstat")(this.fd, d);
}, c.prototype.sync = function() {
return t(this.vol, "fsync")(this.fd);
}, c.prototype.truncate = function(d) {
return t(this.vol, "ftruncate")(this.fd, d);
}, c.prototype.utimes = function(d, p) {
return t(this.vol, "futimes")(this.fd, d, p);
}, c.prototype.write = function(d, p, y, b) {
return t(this.vol, "write", function(w) {
return { bytesWritten: w, buffer: d };
})(this.fd, d, p, y, b);
}, c.prototype.writeFile = function(d, p) {
return t(this.vol, "writeFile")(this.fd, d, p);
}, c;
use.FileHandle = r;
function a(c) {
return typeof Promise > "u" ? null : { FileHandle: r, access: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "access")(d, p);
}, appendFile: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "appendFile")(d instanceof r ? d.fd : d, p, y);
}, chmod: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "chmod")(d, p);
}, chown: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "chown")(d, p, y);
}, copyFile: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "copyFile")(d, p, y);
}, lchmod: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "lchmod")(d, p);
}, lchown: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "lchown")(d, p, y);
}, link: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "link")(d, p);
}, lstat: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "lstat")(d, p);
}, mkdir: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "mkdir")(d, p);
}, mkdtemp: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "mkdtemp")(d, p);
}, open: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "open", function(b) {
return new r(c, b);
})(d, p, y);
}, readdir: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "readdir")(d, p);
}, readFile: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "readFile")(d instanceof r ? d.fd : d, p);
}, readlink: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "readlink")(d, p);
}, realpath: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "realpath")(d, p);
}, rename: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "rename")(d, p);
}, rmdir: function(d) {
return t(c, "rmdir")(d);
}, stat: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "stat")(d, p);
}, symlink: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "symlink")(d, p, y);
}, truncate: function(d, p) {
return t(c, "truncate")(d, p);
}, unlink: function(d) {
return t(c, "unlink")(d);
}, utimes: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "utimes")(d, p, y);
}, writeFile: function(d, p, y) {
return t(c, "writeFile")(d instanceof r ? d.fd : d, p, y);
} };
return use.default = a, use;
function URn() {
if (qIt)
return w2e;
qIt = true;
var n27 = H0;
Object.defineProperty(w2e, "__esModule", { value: true }), w2e.unixify = d, w2e.correctPath = p;
var t = n27.platform === "win32";
function r(y) {
var b = y.length - 1;
if (b < 2)
return y;
for (; a(y, b); )
return y.substr(0, b + 1);
function a(y, b) {
var w = y[b];
return b > 0 && (w === "/" || t && w === "\\");
function c(y, b) {
if (typeof y != "string")
throw new TypeError("expected a string");
return y = y.replace(/[\\\/]+/g, "/"), b !== false && (y = r(y)), y;
function d(y) {
var b = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : true;
return t ? (y = c(y, b), y.replace(/^([a-zA-Z]+:|\.\/)/, "")) : y;
function p(y) {
return d(y.replace(/^\\\\\?\\.:\\/, "\\"));
return w2e;
function rPt() {
if (VIt)
return t0;
VIt = true;
var n27 = t0 && t0.__extends || function() {
var Pr = function(kt, hn) {
return Pr = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(St, Ii) {
St.__proto__ = Ii;
} || function(St, Ii) {
for (var Bi in Ii), Bi) && (St[Bi] = Ii[Bi]);
}, Pr(kt, hn);
return function(kt, hn) {
if (typeof hn != "function" && hn !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(hn) + " is not a constructor or null");
Pr(kt, hn);
function St() {
this.constructor = kt;
kt.prototype = hn === null ? Object.create(hn) : (St.prototype = hn.prototype, new St());
}(), t = t0 && t0.__spreadArray || function(Pr, kt, hn) {
if (hn || arguments.length === 2)
for (var St = 0, Ii = kt.length, Bi; St < Ii; St++)
(Bi || !(St in kt)) && (Bi || (Bi =, 0, St)), Bi[St] = kt[St]);
return Pr.concat(Bi ||;
Object.defineProperty(t0, "__esModule", { value: true }), t0.FSWatcher = t0.StatWatcher = t0.Volume = t0.toUnixTimestamp = t0.bufferToEncoding = t0.dataToBuffer = t0.dataToStr = t0.pathToSteps = t0.filenameToSteps = t0.pathToFilename = t0.flagsToNumber = t0.FLAGS = void 0;
var r = AI, a = MRn(), c = mtt(), d = ePt(), p = htt(), y = tPt(), b = nPt(), w = jRn(), I = F$, j = N2e(), $ = oN, K = ZLt(), ce = QLt(), ue = ju, Ce = GRn(), De = r.resolve, we = j.constants.O_RDONLY, Pe = j.constants.O_WRONLY, dt = j.constants.O_RDWR, Lt = j.constants.O_CREAT, Cn = j.constants.O_EXCL, Me = j.constants.O_TRUNC, Ut = j.constants.O_APPEND, $n = j.constants.O_SYNC, Li = j.constants.O_DIRECTORY, or = j.constants.F_OK, ja = j.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL, ha = j.constants.COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE, vr = r.posix ? r.posix : r, So = vr.sep, Zi = vr.relative, Er = vr.join, Or = vr.dirname, ma = b.default.platform === "win32", ra = 128, eo = { PATH_STR: "path must be a string or Buffer", FD: "fd must be a file descriptor", MODE_INT: "mode must be an int", CB: "callback must be a function", UID: "uid must be an unsigned int", GID: "gid must be an unsigned int", LEN: "len must be an integer", ATIME: "atime must be an integer", MTIME: "mtime must be an integer", PREFIX: "filename prefix is required", BUFFER: "buffer must be an instance of Buffer or StaticBuffer", OFFSET: "offset must be an integer", LENGTH: "length must be an integer", POSITION: "position must be an integer" }, zs = function(Pr) {
return "Expected options to be either an object or a string, but got " + Pr + " instead";
}, Lo = "ENOENT", bd = "EBADF", pl = "EINVAL", Pu = "EPERM", Ri = "EPROTO", Hr = "EEXIST", mo = "ENOTDIR", Ds = "EMFILE", xn = "EACCES", Yr = "EISDIR", Xn = "ENOTEMPTY", Zs = "ENOSYS";
function hc(Pr, kt, hn, St) {
kt === void 0 && (kt = ""), hn === void 0 && (hn = ""), St === void 0 && (St = "");
var Ii = "";
switch (hn && (Ii = " '" + hn + "'"), St && (Ii += " -> '" + St + "'"), Pr) {
case Lo:
return "ENOENT: no such file or directory, " + kt + Ii;
case bd:
return "EBADF: bad file descriptor, " + kt + Ii;
case pl:
return "EINVAL: invalid argument, " + kt + Ii;
case Pu:
return "EPERM: operation not permitted, " + kt + Ii;
case Ri:
return "EPROTO: protocol error, " + kt + Ii;
case Hr:
return "EEXIST: file already exists, " + kt + Ii;
case mo:
return "ENOTDIR: not a directory, " + kt + Ii;
case Yr:
return "EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, " + kt + Ii;
case xn:
return "EACCES: permission denied, " + kt + Ii;
case Xn:
return "ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, " + kt + Ii;
case Ds:
return "EMFILE: too many open files, " + kt + Ii;
case Zs:
return "ENOSYS: function not implemented, " + kt + Ii;
return Pr + ": error occurred, " + kt + Ii;
function Dc(Pr, kt, hn, St, Ii) {
kt === void 0 && (kt = ""), hn === void 0 && (hn = ""), St === void 0 && (St = ""), Ii === void 0 && (Ii = Error);
var Bi = new Ii(hc(Pr, kt, hn, St));
return Bi.code = Pr, Bi;
var Qd;
(function(Pr) {
Pr[Pr.r = we] = "r", Pr[Pr["r+"] = dt] = "r+", Pr[ = we | $n] = "rs", Pr[ =] = "sr", Pr[Pr["rs+"] = dt | $n] = "rs+", Pr[Pr["sr+"] = Pr["rs+"]] = "sr+", Pr[Pr.w = Pe | Lt | Me] = "w", Pr[Pr.wx = Pe | Lt | Me | Cn] = "wx", Pr[Pr.xw = Pr.wx] = "xw", Pr[Pr["w+"] = dt | Lt | Me] = "w+", Pr[Pr["wx+"] = dt | Lt | Me | Cn] = "wx+", Pr[Pr["xw+"] = Pr["wx+"]] = "xw+", Pr[Pr.a = Pe | Ut | Lt] = "a", Pr[ = Pe | Ut | Lt | Cn] = "ax", Pr[Pr.xa =] = "xa", Pr[Pr["a+"] = dt | Ut | Lt] = "a+", Pr[Pr["ax+"] = dt | Ut | Lt | Cn] = "ax+", Pr[Pr["xa+"] = Pr["ax+"]] = "xa+";
})(Qd = t0.FLAGS || (t0.FLAGS = {}));
function Od(Pr) {
if (typeof Pr == "number")
return Pr;
if (typeof Pr == "string") {
var kt = Qd[Pr];
if (typeof kt < "u")
return kt;
throw new ce.TypeError("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", "flags", Pr);
t0.flagsToNumber = Od;
function zm(Pr, kt) {
var hn;
if (kt) {
var St = typeof kt;
switch (St) {
case "string":
hn = Object.assign({}, Pr, { encoding: kt });
case "object":
hn = Object.assign({}, Pr, kt);
throw TypeError(zs(St));
} else
return Pr;
return hn.encoding !== "buffer" && (0, K.assertEncoding)(hn.encoding), hn;
function rm(Pr) {
return function(kt) {
return zm(Pr, kt);
function Gu(Pr) {
if (typeof Pr != "function")
throw TypeError(eo.CB);
return Pr;
function fh(Pr) {
return function(kt, hn) {
return typeof kt == "function" ? [Pr(), kt] : [Pr(kt), Gu(hn)];
var Yg = { encoding: "utf8" }, uf = rm(Yg), O_ = fh(uf), se = { flag: "r" }, M = rm(se), O = { encoding: "utf8", mode: 438, flag: Qd[Qd.w] }, ve = rm(O), Ye = { encoding: "utf8", mode: 438, flag: Qd[Qd.a] }, Qe = rm(Ye), ln = fh(Qe), Qo = Yg, ss = rm(Qo), Pa = fh(ss), va = { mode: 511, recursive: false }, ui = function(Pr) {
return typeof Pr == "number" ? Object.assign({}, va, { mode: Pr }) : Object.assign({}, va, Pr);
}, Xi = { recursive: false }, Fi = function(Pr) {
return Object.assign({}, Xi, Pr);
}, $a = { encoding: "utf8", withFileTypes: false }, Nr = rm($a), Po = fh(Nr), Ko = { bigint: false }, mi = function(Pr) {
return Pr === void 0 && (Pr = {}), Object.assign({}, Ko, Pr);
}, za = function(Pr, kt) {
return typeof Pr == "function" ? [mi(), Pr] : [mi(Pr), Gu(kt)];
function Xc(Pr) {
if (Pr.hostname !== "")
throw new ce.TypeError("ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST", b.default.platform);
for (var kt = Pr.pathname, hn = 0; hn < kt.length; hn++)
if (kt[hn] === "%") {
var St = kt.codePointAt(hn + 2) | 32;
if (kt[hn + 1] === "2" && St === 102)
throw new ce.TypeError("ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH", "must not include encoded / characters");
return decodeURIComponent(kt);
function gs(Pr) {
if (typeof Pr != "string" && !p.Buffer.isBuffer(Pr)) {
try {
if (!(Pr instanceof SE.URL))
throw new TypeError(eo.PATH_STR);
} catch {
throw new TypeError(eo.PATH_STR);
Pr = Xc(Pr);
var kt = String(Pr);
return Sa(kt), kt;
t0.pathToFilename = gs;
var Zo = function(Pr, kt) {
return kt === void 0 && (kt = b.default.cwd()), De(kt, Pr);
if (ma) {
var jr = Zo, Oa = URn().unixify;
Zo = function(Pr, kt) {
return Oa(jr(Pr, kt));
function wa(Pr, kt) {
var hn = Zo(Pr, kt), St = hn.substr(1);
return St ? St.split(So) : [];
t0.filenameToSteps = wa;
function xa(Pr) {
return wa(gs(Pr));
t0.pathToSteps = xa;
function Ta(Pr, kt) {
return kt === void 0 && (kt = K.ENCODING_UTF8), p.Buffer.isBuffer(Pr) ? Pr.toString(kt) : Pr instanceof Uint8Array ? (0, p.bufferFrom)(Pr).toString(kt) : String(Pr);
t0.dataToStr = Ta;
function _i(Pr, kt) {
return kt === void 0 && (kt = K.ENCODING_UTF8), p.Buffer.isBuffer(Pr) ? Pr : Pr instanceof Uint8Array ? (0, p.bufferFrom)(Pr) : (0, p.bufferFrom)(String(Pr), kt);
t0.dataToBuffer = _i;
function Di(Pr, kt) {
return !kt || kt === "buffer" ? Pr : Pr.toString(kt);
t0.bufferToEncoding = Di;
function Sa(Pr, kt) {
if (("" + Pr).indexOf("\0") !== -1) {
var hn = new Error("Path must be a string without null bytes");
if (hn.code = Lo, typeof kt != "function")
throw hn;
return b.default.nextTick(kt, hn), false;
return true;
function Mr(Pr, kt) {
if (typeof Pr == "number")
return Pr;
if (typeof Pr == "string")
return parseInt(Pr, 8);
if (kt)
return Tn(kt);
function Tn(Pr, kt) {
var hn = Mr(Pr, kt);
if (typeof hn != "number" || isNaN(hn))
throw new TypeError(eo.MODE_INT);
return hn;
function Sr(Pr) {
return Pr >>> 0 === Pr;
function bi(Pr) {
if (!Sr(Pr))
throw TypeError(eo.FD);
function ri(Pr) {
if (typeof Pr == "string" && +Pr == Pr)
return +Pr;
if (Pr instanceof Date)
return Pr.getTime() / 1e3;
if (isFinite(Pr))
return Pr < 0 ? / 1e3 : Pr;
throw new Error("Cannot parse time: " + Pr);
t0.toUnixTimestamp = ri;
function la(Pr) {
if (typeof Pr != "number")
throw TypeError(eo.UID);
function to(Pr) {
if (typeof Pr != "number")
throw TypeError(eo.GID);
function Io(Pr) {
var kt = {};
function hn(St, Ii) {
for (var Bi in Ii) {
var Ro = Ii[Bi], tl = Er(St, Bi);
typeof Ro == "string" ? kt[tl] = Ro : typeof Ro == "object" && Ro !== null && Object.keys(Ro).length > 0 ? hn(tl, Ro) : kt[tl] = null;
return hn("", Pr), kt;
var Ha = function() {
function Pr(kt) {
kt === void 0 && (kt = {}), this.ino = 0, this.inodes = {}, this.releasedInos = [], this.fds = {}, this.releasedFds = [], this.maxFiles = 1e4, this.openFiles = 0, this.promisesApi = (0, Ce.default)(this), this.statWatchers = {}, this.props = Object.assign({ Node: a.Node, Link: a.Link, File: a.File }, kt);
var hn = this.createLink();
var St = this;
this.StatWatcher = function(Ro) {
n27(tl, Ro);
function tl() {
return, St) || this;
return tl;
var Ii = Pl;
this.ReadStream = function(Ro) {
n27(tl, Ro);
function tl() {
for (var Fd = [], hd = 0; hd < arguments.length; hd++)
Fd[hd] = arguments[hd];
return Ro.apply(this, t([St], Fd, false)) || this;
return tl;
var Bi = Zd;
this.WriteStream = function(Ro) {
n27(tl, Ro);
function tl() {
for (var Fd = [], hd = 0; hd < arguments.length; hd++)
Fd[hd] = arguments[hd];
return Ro.apply(this, t([St], Fd, false)) || this;
return tl;
}(Bi), this.FSWatcher = function(Ro) {
n27(tl, Ro);
function tl() {
return, St) || this;
return tl;
}(jp), this.root = hn;
return Pr.fromJSON = function(kt, hn) {
var St = new Pr();
return St.fromJSON(kt, hn), St;
}, Pr.fromNestedJSON = function(kt, hn) {
var St = new Pr();
return St.fromNestedJSON(kt, hn), St;
}, Object.defineProperty(Pr.prototype, "promises", { get: function() {
if (this.promisesApi === null)
throw new Error("Promise is not supported in this environment.");
return this.promisesApi;
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true }), Pr.prototype.createLink = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
if (St === void 0 && (St = false), !kt)
return new this.props.Link(this, null, "");
if (!hn)
throw new Error("createLink: name cannot be empty");
return kt.createChild(hn, this.createNode(St, Ii));
}, Pr.prototype.deleteLink = function(kt) {
var hn = kt.parent;
return hn ? (hn.deleteChild(kt), true) : false;
}, Pr.prototype.newInoNumber = function() {
var kt = this.releasedInos.pop();
return kt || (this.ino = (this.ino + 1) % 4294967295, this.ino);
}, Pr.prototype.newFdNumber = function() {
var kt = this.releasedFds.pop();
return typeof kt == "number" ? kt : Pr.fd--;
}, Pr.prototype.createNode = function(kt, hn) {
kt === void 0 && (kt = false);
var St = new this.props.Node(this.newInoNumber(), hn);
return kt && St.setIsDirectory(), this.inodes[St.ino] = St, St;
}, Pr.prototype.getNode = function(kt) {
return this.inodes[kt];
}, Pr.prototype.deleteNode = function(kt) {
kt.del(), delete this.inodes[kt.ino], this.releasedInos.push(kt.ino);
}, Pr.prototype.genRndStr = function() {
var kt = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substr(2, 6);
return kt.length === 6 ? kt : this.genRndStr();
}, Pr.prototype.getLink = function(kt) {
return this.root.walk(kt);
}, Pr.prototype.getLinkOrThrow = function(kt, hn) {
var St = wa(kt), Ii = this.getLink(St);
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, hn, kt);
return Ii;
}, Pr.prototype.getResolvedLink = function(kt) {
for (var hn = typeof kt == "string" ? wa(kt) : kt, St = this.root, Ii = 0; Ii < hn.length; ) {
var Bi = hn[Ii];
if (St = St.getChild(Bi), !St)
return null;
var Ro = St.getNode();
if (Ro.isSymlink()) {
hn = Ro.symlink.concat(hn.slice(Ii + 1)), St = this.root, Ii = 0;
return St;
}, Pr.prototype.getResolvedLinkOrThrow = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.getResolvedLink(kt);
if (!St)
throw Dc(Lo, hn, kt);
return St;
}, Pr.prototype.resolveSymlinks = function(kt) {
return this.getResolvedLink(kt.steps.slice(1));
}, Pr.prototype.getLinkAsDirOrThrow = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.getLinkOrThrow(kt, hn);
if (!St.getNode().isDirectory())
throw Dc(mo, hn, kt);
return St;
}, Pr.prototype.getLinkParent = function(kt) {
return this.root.walk(kt, kt.length - 1);
}, Pr.prototype.getLinkParentAsDirOrThrow = function(kt, hn) {
var St = kt instanceof Array ? kt : wa(kt), Ii = this.getLinkParent(St);
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, hn, So + St.join(So));
if (!Ii.getNode().isDirectory())
throw Dc(mo, hn, So + St.join(So));
return Ii;
}, Pr.prototype.getFileByFd = function(kt) {
return this.fds[String(kt)];
}, Pr.prototype.getFileByFdOrThrow = function(kt, hn) {
if (!Sr(kt))
throw TypeError(eo.FD);
var St = this.getFileByFd(kt);
if (!St)
throw Dc(bd, hn);
return St;
}, Pr.prototype.getNodeByIdOrCreate = function(kt, hn, St) {
if (typeof kt == "number") {
var Ii = this.getFileByFd(kt);
if (!Ii)
throw Error("File nto found");
return Ii.node;
} else {
var Bi = xa(kt), Ro = this.getLink(Bi);
if (Ro)
return Ro.getNode();
if (hn & Lt) {
var tl = this.getLinkParent(Bi);
if (tl) {
var Fd = Bi[Bi.length - 1];
return Ro = this.createLink(tl, Fd, false, St), Ro.getNode();
throw Dc(Lo, "getNodeByIdOrCreate", gs(kt));
}, Pr.prototype.wrapAsync = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = this;
Gu(St), (0, y.default)(function() {
var Bi;
try {
Bi = kt.apply(Ii, hn);
} catch (Ro) {
St(null, Bi);
}, Pr.prototype._toJSON = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii;
kt === void 0 && (kt = this.root), hn === void 0 && (hn = {});
var Bi = true, Ro = kt.children;
kt.getNode().isFile() && (Ro = (Ii = {}, Ii[kt.getName()] = kt.parent.getChild(kt.getName()), Ii), kt = kt.parent);
for (var tl in Ro) {
Bi = false;
var Fd = kt.getChild(tl);
if (!Fd)
throw new Error("_toJSON: unexpected undefined");
var hd = Fd.getNode();
if (hd.isFile()) {
var im = Fd.getPath();
St && (im = Zi(St, im)), hn[im] = hd.getString();
} else
hd.isDirectory() && this._toJSON(Fd, hn, St);
var Jp = kt.getPath();
return St && (Jp = Zi(St, Jp)), Jp && Bi && (hn[Jp] = null), hn;
}, Pr.prototype.toJSON = function(kt, hn, St) {
hn === void 0 && (hn = {}), St === void 0 && (St = false);
var Ii = [];
if (kt) {
kt instanceof Array || (kt = [kt]);
for (var Bi = 0, Ro = kt; Bi < Ro.length; Bi++) {
var tl = Ro[Bi], Fd = gs(tl), hd = this.getResolvedLink(Fd);
hd && Ii.push(hd);
} else
if (!Ii.length)
return hn;
for (var im = 0, Jp = Ii; im < Jp.length; im++) {
var hd = Jp[im];
this._toJSON(hd, hn, St ? hd.getPath() : "");
return hn;
}, Pr.prototype.fromJSON = function(kt, hn) {
hn === void 0 && (hn = b.default.cwd());
for (var St in kt) {
var Ii = kt[St];
if (St = Zo(St, hn), typeof Ii == "string") {
var Bi = Or(St);
this.mkdirpBase(Bi, 511), this.writeFileSync(St, Ii);
} else
this.mkdirpBase(St, 511);
}, Pr.prototype.fromNestedJSON = function(kt, hn) {
this.fromJSON(Io(kt), hn);
}, Pr.prototype.reset = function() {
this.ino = 0, this.inodes = {}, this.releasedInos = [], this.fds = {}, this.releasedFds = [], this.openFiles = 0, this.root = this.createLink(), this.root.setNode(this.createNode(true));
}, Pr.prototype.mountSync = function(kt, hn) {
this.fromJSON(hn, kt);
}, Pr.prototype.openLink = function(kt, hn, St) {
if (St === void 0 && (St = true), this.openFiles >= this.maxFiles)
throw Dc(Ds, "open", kt.getPath());
var Ii = kt;
if (St && (Ii = this.resolveSymlinks(kt)), !Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, "open", kt.getPath());
var Bi = Ii.getNode();
if (Bi.isDirectory()) {
if ((hn & (we | dt | Pe)) !== we)
throw Dc(Yr, "open", kt.getPath());
} else if (hn & Li)
throw Dc(mo, "open", kt.getPath());
if (!(hn & Pe) && !Bi.canRead())
throw Dc(xn, "open", kt.getPath());
var Ro = new this.props.File(kt, Bi, hn, this.newFdNumber());
return this.fds[Ro.fd] = Ro, this.openFiles++, hn & Me && Ro.truncate(), Ro;
}, Pr.prototype.openFile = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
Ii === void 0 && (Ii = true);
var Bi = wa(kt), Ro = Ii ? this.getResolvedLink(Bi) : this.getLink(Bi);
if (!Ro && hn & Lt) {
var tl = this.getResolvedLink(Bi.slice(0, Bi.length - 1));
if (!tl)
throw Dc(Lo, "open", So + Bi.join(So));
hn & Lt && typeof St == "number" && (Ro = this.createLink(tl, Bi[Bi.length - 1], false, St));
if (Ro)
return this.openLink(Ro, hn, Ii);
throw Dc(Lo, "open", kt);
}, Pr.prototype.openBase = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
Ii === void 0 && (Ii = true);
var Bi = this.openFile(kt, hn, St, Ii);
if (!Bi)
throw Dc(Lo, "open", kt);
return Bi.fd;
}, Pr.prototype.openSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
St === void 0 && (St = 438);
var Ii = Tn(St), Bi = gs(kt), Ro = Od(hn);
return this.openBase(Bi, Ro, Ii);
}, = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
var Bi = St, Ro = Ii;
typeof St == "function" && (Bi = 438, Ro = St), Bi = Bi || 438;
var tl = Tn(Bi), Fd = gs(kt), hd = Od(hn);
this.wrapAsync(this.openBase, [Fd, hd, tl], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.closeFile = function(kt) {
this.fds[kt.fd] && (this.openFiles--, delete this.fds[kt.fd], this.releasedFds.push(kt.fd));
}, Pr.prototype.closeSync = function(kt) {
var hn = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "close");
}, Pr.prototype.close = function(kt, hn) {
bi(kt), this.wrapAsync(this.closeSync, [kt], hn);
}, Pr.prototype.openFileOrGetById = function(kt, hn, St) {
if (typeof kt == "number") {
var Ii = this.fds[kt];
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo);
return Ii;
} else
return this.openFile(gs(kt), hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.readBase = function(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi) {
var Ro = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt);
return, Number(St), Number(Ii), Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.readSync = function(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi) {
return bi(kt), this.readBase(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi);
}, = function(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi, Ro) {
var tl = this;
if (Gu(Ro), Ii === 0)
return b.default.nextTick(function() {
Ro && Ro(null, 0, hn);
(0, y.default)(function() {
try {
var Fd = tl.readBase(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi);
Ro(null, Fd, hn);
} catch (hd) {
}, Pr.prototype.readFileBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii, Bi = typeof kt == "number", Ro = Bi && Sr(kt), tl;
if (Ro)
tl = kt;
else {
var Fd = gs(kt), hd = wa(Fd), im = this.getResolvedLink(hd);
if (im) {
var Jp = im.getNode();
if (Jp.isDirectory())
throw Dc(Yr, "open", im.getPath());
tl = this.openSync(kt, hn);
try {
Ii = Di(this.getFileByFdOrThrow(tl).getBuffer(), St);
} finally {
Ro || this.closeSync(tl);
return Ii;
}, Pr.prototype.readFileSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = M(hn), Ii = Od(St.flag);
return this.readFileBase(kt, Ii, St.encoding);
}, Pr.prototype.readFile = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = fh(M)(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1], tl = Od(Bi.flag);
this.wrapAsync(this.readFileBase, [kt, tl, Bi.encoding], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.writeBase = function(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi) {
var Ro = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "write");
return Ro.write(hn, St, Ii, Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.writeSync = function(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi) {
var Ro, tl, Fd, hd, im = typeof hn != "string";
im ? (tl = (St || 0) | 0, Fd = Ii, hd = Bi) : (hd = St, Ro = Ii);
var Jp = _i(hn, Ro);
return im ? typeof Fd > "u" && (Fd = Jp.length) : (tl = 0, Fd = Jp.length), this.writeBase(kt, Jp, tl, Fd, hd);
}, Pr.prototype.write = function(kt, hn, St, Ii, Bi, Ro) {
var tl = this;
var Fd, hd, im, Jp, yy, Iv = typeof hn, op = typeof St, Gf = typeof Ii, vy = typeof Bi;
Iv !== "string" ? op === "function" ? yy = St : Gf === "function" ? (Fd = St | 0, yy = Ii) : vy === "function" ? (Fd = St | 0, hd = Ii, yy = Bi) : (Fd = St | 0, hd = Ii, im = Bi, yy = Ro) : op === "function" ? yy = St : Gf === "function" ? (im = St, yy = Ii) : vy === "function" && (im = St, Jp = Ii, yy = Bi);
var C0 = _i(hn, Jp);
Iv !== "string" ? typeof hd > "u" && (hd = C0.length) : (Fd = 0, hd = C0.length);
var KS = Gu(yy);
(0, y.default)(function() {
try {
var GT = tl.writeBase(kt, C0, Fd, hd, im);
Iv !== "string" ? KS(null, GT, C0) : KS(null, GT, hn);
} catch (a0) {
}, Pr.prototype.writeFileBase = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
var Bi = typeof kt == "number", Ro;
Bi ? Ro = kt : Ro = this.openBase(gs(kt), St, Ii);
var tl = 0, Fd = hn.length, hd = St & Ut ? void 0 : 0;
try {
for (; Fd > 0; ) {
var im = this.writeSync(Ro, hn, tl, Fd, hd);
tl += im, Fd -= im, hd !== void 0 && (hd += im);
} finally {
Bi || this.closeSync(Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.writeFileSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = ve(St), Bi = Od(Ii.flag), Ro = Tn(Ii.mode), tl = _i(hn, Ii.encoding);
this.writeFileBase(kt, tl, Bi, Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.writeFile = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
var Bi = St, Ro = Ii;
typeof St == "function" && (Bi = O, Ro = St);
var tl = Gu(Ro), Fd = ve(Bi), hd = Od(Fd.flag), im = Tn(Fd.mode), Jp = _i(hn, Fd.encoding);
this.wrapAsync(this.writeFileBase, [kt, Jp, hd, im], tl);
}, Pr.prototype.linkBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = wa(kt), Ii = this.getLink(St);
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, "link", kt, hn);
var Bi = wa(hn), Ro = this.getLinkParent(Bi);
if (!Ro)
throw Dc(Lo, "link", kt, hn);
var tl = Bi[Bi.length - 1];
if (Ro.getChild(tl))
throw Dc(Hr, "link", kt, hn);
var Fd = Ii.getNode();
Fd.nlink++, Ro.createChild(tl, Fd);
}, Pr.prototype.copyFileBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = this.readFileSync(kt);
if (St & ja && this.existsSync(hn))
throw Dc(Hr, "copyFile", kt, hn);
if (St & ha)
throw Dc(Zs, "copyFile", kt, hn);
this.writeFileBase(hn, Ii, Qd.w, 438);
}, Pr.prototype.copyFileSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = gs(kt), Bi = gs(hn);
return this.copyFileBase(Ii, Bi, (St || 0) | 0);
}, Pr.prototype.copyFile = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
var Bi = gs(kt), Ro = gs(hn), tl, Fd;
typeof St == "function" ? (tl = 0, Fd = St) : (tl = St, Fd = Ii), Gu(Fd), this.wrapAsync(this.copyFileBase, [Bi, Ro, tl], Fd);
}, Pr.prototype.linkSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = gs(kt), Ii = gs(hn);
this.linkBase(St, Ii);
}, = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = gs(kt), Bi = gs(hn);
this.wrapAsync(this.linkBase, [Ii, Bi], St);
}, Pr.prototype.unlinkBase = function(kt) {
var hn = wa(kt), St = this.getLink(hn);
if (!St)
throw Dc(Lo, "unlink", kt);
if (St.length)
throw Error("Dir not empty...");
var Ii = St.getNode();
Ii.nlink--, Ii.nlink <= 0 && this.deleteNode(Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.unlinkSync = function(kt) {
var hn = gs(kt);
}, Pr.prototype.unlink = function(kt, hn) {
var St = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.unlinkBase, [St], hn);
}, Pr.prototype.symlinkBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = wa(hn), Ii = this.getLinkParent(St);
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, "symlink", kt, hn);
var Bi = St[St.length - 1];
if (Ii.getChild(Bi))
throw Dc(Hr, "symlink", kt, hn);
var Ro = Ii.createChild(Bi);
return Ro.getNode().makeSymlink(wa(kt)), Ro;
}, Pr.prototype.symlinkSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = gs(kt), Bi = gs(hn);
this.symlinkBase(Ii, Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.symlink = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
var Bi = Gu(typeof St == "function" ? St : Ii), Ro = gs(kt), tl = gs(hn);
this.wrapAsync(this.symlinkBase, [Ro, tl], Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.realpathBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = wa(kt), Ii = this.getResolvedLink(St);
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, "realpath", kt);
return (0, K.strToEncoding)(Ii.getPath(), hn);
}, Pr.prototype.realpathSync = function(kt, hn) {
return this.realpathBase(gs(kt), ss(hn).encoding);
}, Pr.prototype.realpath = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = Pa(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1], tl = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.realpathBase, [tl, Bi.encoding], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.lstatBase = function(kt, hn) {
hn === void 0 && (hn = false);
var St = this.getLink(wa(kt));
if (!St)
throw Dc(Lo, "lstat", kt);
return, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.lstatSync = function(kt, hn) {
return this.lstatBase(gs(kt), mi(hn).bigint);
}, Pr.prototype.lstat = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = za(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1];
this.wrapAsync(this.lstatBase, [gs(kt), Bi.bigint], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.statBase = function(kt, hn) {
hn === void 0 && (hn = false);
var St = this.getResolvedLink(wa(kt));
if (!St)
throw Dc(Lo, "stat", kt);
return, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.statSync = function(kt, hn) {
return this.statBase(gs(kt), mi(hn).bigint);
}, Pr.prototype.stat = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = za(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1];
this.wrapAsync(this.statBase, [gs(kt), Bi.bigint], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.fstatBase = function(kt, hn) {
hn === void 0 && (hn = false);
var St = this.getFileByFd(kt);
if (!St)
throw Dc(bd, "fstat");
return, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.fstatSync = function(kt, hn) {
return this.fstatBase(kt, mi(hn).bigint);
}, Pr.prototype.fstat = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = za(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1];
this.wrapAsync(this.fstatBase, [kt, Bi.bigint], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.renameBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.getLink(wa(kt));
if (!St)
throw Dc(Lo, "rename", kt, hn);
var Ii = wa(hn), Bi = this.getLinkParent(Ii);
if (!Bi)
throw Dc(Lo, "rename", kt, hn);
var Ro = St.parent;
Ro && Ro.deleteChild(St);
var tl = Ii[Ii.length - 1];
St.steps = t(t([], Bi.steps, true), [tl], false), Bi.setChild(St.getName(), St);
}, Pr.prototype.renameSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = gs(kt), Ii = gs(hn);
this.renameBase(St, Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.rename = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = gs(kt), Bi = gs(hn);
this.wrapAsync(this.renameBase, [Ii, Bi], St);
}, Pr.prototype.existsBase = function(kt) {
return !!this.statBase(kt);
}, Pr.prototype.existsSync = function(kt) {
try {
return this.existsBase(gs(kt));
} catch {
return false;
}, Pr.prototype.exists = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this, Ii = gs(kt);
if (typeof hn != "function")
throw Error(eo.CB);
(0, y.default)(function() {
try {
} catch {
}, Pr.prototype.accessBase = function(kt, hn) {
this.getLinkOrThrow(kt, "access");
}, Pr.prototype.accessSync = function(kt, hn) {
hn === void 0 && (hn = or);
var St = gs(kt);
hn = hn | 0, this.accessBase(St, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.access = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = or, Bi;
typeof hn != "function" ? (Ii = hn | 0, Bi = Gu(St)) : Bi = hn;
var Ro = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.accessBase, [Ro, Ii], Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.appendFileSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
St === void 0 && (St = Ye);
var Ii = Qe(St);
(!Ii.flag || Sr(kt)) && (Ii.flag = "a"), this.writeFileSync(kt, hn, Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.appendFile = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
var Bi = ln(St, Ii), Ro = Bi[0], tl = Bi[1];
(!Ro.flag || Sr(kt)) && (Ro.flag = "a"), this.writeFile(kt, hn, Ro, tl);
}, Pr.prototype.readdirBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = wa(kt), Ii = this.getResolvedLink(St);
if (!Ii)
throw Dc(Lo, "readdir", kt);
var Bi = Ii.getNode();
if (!Bi.isDirectory())
throw Dc(mo, "scandir", kt);
if (hn.withFileTypes) {
var Ro = [];
for (var tl in Ii.children) {
var Fd = Ii.getChild(tl);
Fd && Ro.push(, hn.encoding));
return !ma && hn.encoding !== "buffer" && Ro.sort(function(Jp, yy) {
return < ? -1 : > ? 1 : 0;
}), Ro;
var hd = [];
for (var im in Ii.children)
hd.push((0, K.strToEncoding)(im, hn.encoding));
return !ma && hn.encoding !== "buffer" && hd.sort(), hd;
}, Pr.prototype.readdirSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = Nr(hn), Ii = gs(kt);
return this.readdirBase(Ii, St);
}, Pr.prototype.readdir = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = Po(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1], tl = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.readdirBase, [tl, Bi], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.readlinkBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.getLinkOrThrow(kt, "readlink"), Ii = St.getNode();
if (!Ii.isSymlink())
throw Dc(pl, "readlink", kt);
var Bi = So + Ii.symlink.join(So);
return (0, K.strToEncoding)(Bi, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.readlinkSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = uf(hn), Ii = gs(kt);
return this.readlinkBase(Ii, St.encoding);
}, Pr.prototype.readlink = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = O_(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0], Ro = Ii[1], tl = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.readlinkBase, [tl, Bi.encoding], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.fsyncBase = function(kt) {
this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "fsync");
}, Pr.prototype.fsyncSync = function(kt) {
}, Pr.prototype.fsync = function(kt, hn) {
this.wrapAsync(this.fsyncBase, [kt], hn);
}, Pr.prototype.fdatasyncBase = function(kt) {
this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "fdatasync");
}, Pr.prototype.fdatasyncSync = function(kt) {
}, Pr.prototype.fdatasync = function(kt, hn) {
this.wrapAsync(this.fdatasyncBase, [kt], hn);
}, Pr.prototype.ftruncateBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "ftruncate");
}, Pr.prototype.ftruncateSync = function(kt, hn) {
this.ftruncateBase(kt, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.ftruncate = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = typeof hn == "number" ? hn : 0, Bi = Gu(typeof hn == "number" ? St : hn);
this.wrapAsync(this.ftruncateBase, [kt, Ii], Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.truncateBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.openSync(kt, "r+");
try {
this.ftruncateSync(St, hn);
} finally {
}, Pr.prototype.truncateSync = function(kt, hn) {
if (Sr(kt))
return this.ftruncateSync(kt, hn);
this.truncateBase(kt, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.truncate = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = typeof hn == "number" ? hn : 0, Bi = Gu(typeof hn == "number" ? St : hn);
if (Sr(kt))
return this.ftruncate(kt, Ii, Bi);
this.wrapAsync(this.truncateBase, [kt, Ii], Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.futimesBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "futimes"), Bi = Ii.node;
Bi.atime = new Date(hn * 1e3), Bi.mtime = new Date(St * 1e3);
}, Pr.prototype.futimesSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
this.futimesBase(kt, ri(hn), ri(St));
}, Pr.prototype.futimes = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
this.wrapAsync(this.futimesBase, [kt, ri(hn), ri(St)], Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.utimesBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = this.openSync(kt, "r+");
try {
this.futimesBase(Ii, hn, St);
} finally {
}, Pr.prototype.utimesSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
this.utimesBase(gs(kt), ri(hn), ri(St));
}, Pr.prototype.utimes = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
this.wrapAsync(this.utimesBase, [gs(kt), ri(hn), ri(St)], Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.mkdirBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = wa(kt);
if (!St.length)
throw Dc(Hr, "mkdir", kt);
var Ii = this.getLinkParentAsDirOrThrow(kt, "mkdir"), Bi = St[St.length - 1];
if (Ii.getChild(Bi))
throw Dc(Hr, "mkdir", kt);
Ii.createChild(Bi, this.createNode(true, hn));
}, Pr.prototype.mkdirpBase = function(kt, hn) {
for (var St = wa(kt), Ii = this.root, Bi = 0; Bi < St.length; Bi++) {
var Ro = St[Bi];
if (!Ii.getNode().isDirectory())
throw Dc(mo, "mkdir", Ii.getPath());
var tl = Ii.getChild(Ro);
if (tl)
if (tl.getNode().isDirectory())
Ii = tl;
throw Dc(mo, "mkdir", tl.getPath());
Ii = Ii.createChild(Ro, this.createNode(true, hn));
}, Pr.prototype.mkdirSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = ui(hn), Ii = Tn(St.mode, 511), Bi = gs(kt);
St.recursive ? this.mkdirpBase(Bi, Ii) : this.mkdirBase(Bi, Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.mkdir = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = ui(hn), Bi = Gu(typeof hn == "function" ? hn : St), Ro = Tn(Ii.mode, 511), tl = gs(kt);
Ii.recursive ? this.wrapAsync(this.mkdirpBase, [tl, Ro], Bi) : this.wrapAsync(this.mkdirBase, [tl, Ro], Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.mkdirpSync = function(kt, hn) {
this.mkdirSync(kt, { mode: hn, recursive: true });
}, Pr.prototype.mkdirp = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = typeof hn == "function" ? void 0 : hn, Bi = Gu(typeof hn == "function" ? hn : St);
this.mkdir(kt, { mode: Ii, recursive: true }, Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.mkdtempBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
St === void 0 && (St = 5);
var Ii = kt + this.genRndStr();
try {
return this.mkdirBase(Ii, 511), (0, K.strToEncoding)(Ii, hn);
} catch (Bi) {
if (Bi.code === Hr) {
if (St > 1)
return this.mkdtempBase(kt, hn, St - 1);
throw Error("Could not create temp dir.");
} else
throw Bi;
}, Pr.prototype.mkdtempSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = uf(hn).encoding;
if (!kt || typeof kt != "string")
throw new TypeError("filename prefix is required");
return Sa(kt), this.mkdtempBase(kt, St);
}, Pr.prototype.mkdtemp = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = O_(hn, St), Bi = Ii[0].encoding, Ro = Ii[1];
if (!kt || typeof kt != "string")
throw new TypeError("filename prefix is required");
Sa(kt) && this.wrapAsync(this.mkdtempBase, [kt, Bi], Ro);
}, Pr.prototype.rmdirBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = Fi(hn), Ii = this.getLinkAsDirOrThrow(kt, "rmdir");
if (Ii.length && !St.recursive)
throw Dc(Xn, "rmdir", kt);
}, Pr.prototype.rmdirSync = function(kt, hn) {
this.rmdirBase(gs(kt), hn);
}, Pr.prototype.rmdir = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = Fi(hn), Bi = Gu(typeof hn == "function" ? hn : St);
this.wrapAsync(this.rmdirBase, [gs(kt), Ii], Bi);
}, Pr.prototype.fchmodBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "fchmod");
}, Pr.prototype.fchmodSync = function(kt, hn) {
this.fchmodBase(kt, Tn(hn));
}, Pr.prototype.fchmod = function(kt, hn, St) {
this.wrapAsync(this.fchmodBase, [kt, Tn(hn)], St);
}, Pr.prototype.chmodBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.openSync(kt, "r+");
try {
this.fchmodBase(St, hn);
} finally {
}, Pr.prototype.chmodSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = Tn(hn), Ii = gs(kt);
this.chmodBase(Ii, St);
}, Pr.prototype.chmod = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = Tn(hn), Bi = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.chmodBase, [Bi, Ii], St);
}, Pr.prototype.lchmodBase = function(kt, hn) {
var St = this.openBase(kt, dt, 0, false);
try {
this.fchmodBase(St, hn);
} finally {
}, Pr.prototype.lchmodSync = function(kt, hn) {
var St = Tn(hn), Ii = gs(kt);
this.lchmodBase(Ii, St);
}, Pr.prototype.lchmod = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = Tn(hn), Bi = gs(kt);
this.wrapAsync(this.lchmodBase, [Bi, Ii], St);
}, Pr.prototype.fchownBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
this.getFileByFdOrThrow(kt, "fchown").chown(hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.fchownSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
la(hn), to(St), this.fchownBase(kt, hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.fchown = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
la(hn), to(St), this.wrapAsync(this.fchownBase, [kt, hn, St], Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.chownBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = this.getResolvedLinkOrThrow(kt, "chown"), Bi = Ii.getNode();
Bi.chown(hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.chownSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
la(hn), to(St), this.chownBase(gs(kt), hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.chown = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
la(hn), to(St), this.wrapAsync(this.chownBase, [gs(kt), hn, St], Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.lchownBase = function(kt, hn, St) {
this.getLinkOrThrow(kt, "lchown").getNode().chown(hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.lchownSync = function(kt, hn, St) {
la(hn), to(St), this.lchownBase(gs(kt), hn, St);
}, Pr.prototype.lchown = function(kt, hn, St, Ii) {
la(hn), to(St), this.wrapAsync(this.lchownBase, [gs(kt), hn, St], Ii);
}, Pr.prototype.watchFile = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = gs(kt), Bi = hn, Ro = St;
if (typeof Bi == "function" && (Ro = hn, Bi = null), typeof Ro != "function")
throw Error('"watchFile()" requires a listener function');
var tl = 5007, Fd = true;
Bi && typeof Bi == "object" && (typeof Bi.interval == "number" && (tl = Bi.interval), typeof Bi.persistent == "boolean" && (Fd = Bi.persistent));
var hd = this.statWatchers[Ii];
return hd || (hd = new this.StatWatcher(), hd.start(Ii, Fd, tl), this.statWatchers[Ii] = hd), hd.addListener("change", Ro), hd;
}, Pr.prototype.unwatchFile = function(kt, hn) {
var St = gs(kt), Ii = this.statWatchers[St];
Ii && (typeof hn == "function" ? Ii.removeListener("change", hn) : Ii.removeAllListeners("change"), Ii.listenerCount("change") === 0 && (Ii.stop(), delete this.statWatchers[St]));
}, Pr.prototype.createReadStream = function(kt, hn) {
return new this.ReadStream(kt, hn);
}, Pr.prototype.createWriteStream = function(kt, hn) {
return new this.WriteStream(kt, hn);
}, = function(kt, hn, St) {
var Ii = gs(kt), Bi = hn;
typeof hn == "function" && (St = hn, Bi = null);
var Ro = uf(Bi), tl = Ro.persistent, Fd = Ro.recursive, hd = Ro.encoding;
tl === void 0 && (tl = true), Fd === void 0 && (Fd = false);
var im = new this.FSWatcher();
return im.start(Ii, tl, Fd, hd), St && im.addListener("change", St), im;
}, Pr.fd = 2147483647, Pr;
t0.Volume = Ha;
function ns(Pr) {
var Yl = function(Pr) {
n27(kt, Pr);
function kt(hn) {
var St = || this;
return St.onInterval = function() {
try {
var Ii = St.vol.statSync(St.filename);
St.hasChanged(Ii) && (St.emit("change", Ii, St.prev), St.prev = Ii);
} finally {
}, St.vol = hn, St;
return kt.prototype.loop = function() {
this.timeoutRef = this.setTimeout(this.onInterval, this.interval);
}, kt.prototype.hasChanged = function(hn) {
return hn.mtimeMs > this.prev.mtimeMs || hn.nlink !== this.prev.nlink;
}, kt.prototype.start = function(hn, St, Ii) {
St === void 0 && (St = true), Ii === void 0 && (Ii = 5007), this.filename = gs(hn), this.setTimeout = St ? setTimeout.bind(typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : $Rn) : w.default, this.interval = Ii, this.prev = this.vol.statSync(this.filename), this.loop();
}, kt.prototype.stop = function() {
clearTimeout(this.timeoutRef), b.default.nextTick(ns, this);
}, kt;
t0.StatWatcher = Yl;
var fl;
function xs(Pr) {
fl = (0, p.bufferAllocUnsafe)(Pr), fl.used = 0;
ue.inherits(Pl, I.Readable), t0.ReadStream = Pl;
function Pl(Pr, kt, hn) {
if (!(this instanceof Pl))
return new Pl(Pr, kt, hn);
if (this._vol = Pr, hn = Object.assign({}, zm(hn, {})), hn.highWaterMark === void 0 && (hn.highWaterMark = 64 * 1024),, hn), this.path = gs(kt), this.fd = hn.fd === void 0 ? null : hn.fd, this.flags = hn.flags === void 0 ? "r" : hn.flags, this.mode = hn.mode === void 0 ? 438 : hn.mode, this.start = hn.start, this.end = hn.end, this.autoClose = hn.autoClose === void 0 ? true : hn.autoClose, this.pos = void 0, this.bytesRead = 0, this.start !== void 0) {
if (typeof this.start != "number")
throw new TypeError('"start" option must be a Number');
if (this.end === void 0)
this.end = 1 / 0;
else if (typeof this.end != "number")
throw new TypeError('"end" option must be a Number');
if (this.start > this.end)
throw new Error('"start" option must be <= "end" option');
this.pos = this.start;
typeof this.fd != "number" &&, this.on("end", function() {
this.autoClose && this.destroy && this.destroy();
} = function() {
var Pr = this;, this.flags, this.mode, function(kt, hn) {
if (kt) {
Pr.autoClose && Pr.destroy && Pr.destroy(), Pr.emit("error", kt);
Pr.fd = hn, Pr.emit("open", hn),;
}, Pl.prototype._read = function(Pr) {
if (typeof this.fd != "number")
return this.once("open", function() {
if (this.destroyed)
(!fl || fl.length - fl.used < ra) && xs(this._readableState.highWaterMark);
var kt = fl, hn = Math.min(fl.length - fl.used, Pr), St = fl.used;
if (this.pos !== void 0 && (hn = Math.min(this.end - this.pos + 1, hn)), hn <= 0)
return this.push(null);
var Ii = this;, fl, fl.used, hn, this.pos, Bi), this.pos !== void 0 && (this.pos += hn), fl.used += hn;
function Bi(Ro, tl) {
if (Ro)
Ii.autoClose && Ii.destroy && Ii.destroy(), Ii.emit("error", Ro);
else {
var Fd = null;
tl > 0 && (Ii.bytesRead += tl, Fd = kt.slice(St, St + tl)), Ii.push(Fd);
}, Pl.prototype._destroy = function(Pr, kt) {
this.close(function(hn) {
kt(Pr || hn);
}, Pl.prototype.close = function(Pr) {
var kt = this;
if (Pr && this.once("close", Pr), this.closed || typeof this.fd != "number") {
if (typeof this.fd != "number") {
this.once("open", pi);
return b.default.nextTick(function() {
return kt.emit("close");
this.closed = true, this._vol.close(this.fd, function(hn) {
hn ? kt.emit("error", hn) : kt.emit("close");
}), this.fd = null;
function pi(Pr) {
ue.inherits(Zd, I.Writable), t0.WriteStream = Zd;
function Zd(Pr, kt, hn) {
if (!(this instanceof Zd))
return new Zd(Pr, kt, hn);
if (this._vol = Pr, hn = Object.assign({}, zm(hn, {})),, hn), this.path = gs(kt), this.fd = hn.fd === void 0 ? null : hn.fd, this.flags = hn.flags === void 0 ? "w" : hn.flags, this.mode = hn.mode === void 0 ? 438 : hn.mode, this.start = hn.start, this.autoClose = hn.autoClose === void 0 ? true : !!hn.autoClose, this.pos = void 0, this.bytesWritten = 0, this.start !== void 0) {
if (typeof this.start != "number")
throw new TypeError('"start" option must be a Number');
if (this.start < 0)
throw new Error('"start" must be >= zero');
this.pos = this.start;
hn.encoding && this.setDefaultEncoding(hn.encoding), typeof this.fd != "number" &&, this.once("finish", function() {
this.autoClose && this.close();
} = function() {, this.flags, this.mode, (function(Pr, kt) {
if (Pr) {
this.autoClose && this.destroy && this.destroy(), this.emit("error", Pr);
this.fd = kt, this.emit("open", kt);
}, Zd.prototype._write = function(Pr, kt, hn) {
if (!(Pr instanceof p.Buffer))
return this.emit("error", new Error("Invalid data"));
if (typeof this.fd != "number")
return this.once("open", function() {
this._write(Pr, kt, hn);
var St = this;
this._vol.write(this.fd, Pr, 0, Pr.length, this.pos, function(Ii, Bi) {
if (Ii)
return St.autoClose && St.destroy && St.destroy(), hn(Ii);
St.bytesWritten += Bi, hn();
}), this.pos !== void 0 && (this.pos += Pr.length);
}, Zd.prototype._writev = function(Pr, kt) {
if (typeof this.fd != "number")
return this.once("open", function() {
this._writev(Pr, kt);
for (var hn = this, St = Pr.length, Ii = new Array(St), Bi = 0, Ro = 0; Ro < St; Ro++) {
var tl = Pr[Ro].chunk;
Ii[Ro] = tl, Bi += tl.length;
var Fd = p.Buffer.concat(Ii);
this._vol.write(this.fd, Fd, 0, Fd.length, this.pos, function(hd, im) {
if (hd)
return hn.destroy && hn.destroy(), kt(hd);
hn.bytesWritten += im, kt();
}), this.pos !== void 0 && (this.pos += Bi);
}, Zd.prototype._destroy = Pl.prototype._destroy, Zd.prototype.close = Pl.prototype.close, Zd.prototype.destroySoon = Zd.prototype.end;
var jp = function(Pr) {
n27(kt, Pr);
function kt(hn) {
var St = || this;
return St._filename = "", St._filenameEncoded = "", St._recursive = false, St._encoding = K.ENCODING_UTF8, St._onNodeChange = function() {
}, St._onParentChild = function(Ii) {
Ii.getName() === St._getName() && St._emit("rename");
}, St._emit = function(Ii) {
St.emit("change", Ii, St._filenameEncoded);
}, St._persist = function() {
St._timer = setTimeout(St._persist, 1e6);
}, St._vol = hn, St;
return kt.prototype._getName = function() {
return this._steps[this._steps.length - 1];
}, kt.prototype.start = function(hn, St, Ii, Bi) {
St === void 0 && (St = true), Ii === void 0 && (Ii = false), Bi === void 0 && (Bi = K.ENCODING_UTF8), this._filename = gs(hn), this._steps = wa(this._filename), this._filenameEncoded = (0, K.strToEncoding)(this._filename), this._recursive = Ii, this._encoding = Bi;
try {
this._link = this._vol.getLinkOrThrow(this._filename, "FSWatcher");
} catch (Fd) {
var Ro = new Error("watch " + this._filename + " " + Fd.code);
throw Ro.code = Fd.code, Ro.errno = Fd.code, Ro;
this._link.getNode().on("change", this._onNodeChange), this._link.on("child:add", this._onNodeChange), this._link.on("child:delete", this._onNodeChange);
var tl = this._link.parent;
tl && (tl.setMaxListeners(tl.getMaxListeners() + 1), tl.on("child:delete", this._onParentChild)), St && this._persist();
}, kt.prototype.close = function() {
clearTimeout(this._timer), this._link.getNode().removeListener("change", this._onNodeChange);
var hn = this._link.parent;
hn && hn.removeListener("child:delete", this._onParentChild);
}, kt;
return t0.FSWatcher = jp, t0;
function qRn() {
if (WIt)
return wee;
WIt = true, Object.defineProperty(wee, "__esModule", { value: true }), wee.fsAsyncMethods = wee.fsSyncMethods = wee.fsProps = void 0;
var n27 = ["constants", "F_OK", "R_OK", "W_OK", "X_OK", "Stats"];
wee.fsProps = n27;
var t = ["renameSync", "ftruncateSync", "truncateSync", "chownSync", "fchownSync", "lchownSync", "chmodSync", "fchmodSync", "lchmodSync", "statSync", "lstatSync", "fstatSync", "linkSync", "symlinkSync", "readlinkSync", "realpathSync", "unlinkSync", "rmdirSync", "mkdirSync", "mkdirpSync", "readdirSync", "closeSync", "openSync", "utimesSync", "futimesSync", "fsyncSync", "writeSync", "readSync", "readFileSync", "writeFileSync", "appendFileSync", "existsSync", "accessSync", "fdatasyncSync", "mkdtempSync", "copyFileSync", "createReadStream", "createWriteStream"];
wee.fsSyncMethods = t;
var r = ["rename", "ftruncate", "truncate", "chown", "fchown", "lchown", "chmod", "fchmod", "lchmod", "stat", "lstat", "fstat", "link", "symlink", "readlink", "realpath", "unlink", "rmdir", "mkdir", "mkdirp", "readdir", "close", "open", "utimes", "futimes", "fsync", "write", "read", "readFile", "writeFile", "appendFile", "exists", "access", "fdatasync", "mkdtemp", "copyFile", "watchFile", "unwatchFile", "watch"];
return wee.fsAsyncMethods = r, wee;
function VRn() {
if (zIt)
return CI;
zIt = true;
var n27 = CI && CI.__assign || function() {
return n27 = Object.assign || function(K) {
for (var ce, ue = 1, Ce = arguments.length; ue < Ce; ue++) {
ce = arguments[ue];
for (var De in ce), De) && (K[De] = ce[De]);
return K;
}, n27.apply(this, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(CI, "__esModule", { value: true }), CI.fs = CI.createFsFromVolume = CI.vol = CI.Volume = void 0;
var t = mtt(), r = ePt(), a = rPt(), c = qRn(), d = c.fsSyncMethods, p = c.fsAsyncMethods, y = N2e(), b = y.constants.F_OK, w = y.constants.R_OK, I = y.constants.W_OK, j = y.constants.X_OK;
CI.Volume = a.Volume, CI.vol = new a.Volume();
function $(K) {
for (var ce = { F_OK: b, R_OK: w, W_OK: I, X_OK: j, constants: y.constants, Stats: t.default, Dirent: r.default }, ue = 0, Ce = d; ue < Ce.length; ue++) {
var De = Ce[ue];
typeof K[De] == "function" && (ce[De] = K[De].bind(K));
for (var we = 0, Pe = p; we < Pe.length; we++) {
var De = Pe[we];
typeof K[De] == "function" && (ce[De] = K[De].bind(K));
return ce.StatWatcher = K.StatWatcher, ce.FSWatcher = K.FSWatcher, ce.WriteStream = K.WriteStream, ce.ReadStream = K.ReadStream, ce.promises = K.promises, ce._toUnixTimestamp = a.toUnixTimestamp, ce;
return CI.createFsFromVolume = $, CI.fs = $(CI.vol), CI = n27(n27({}, CI), CI.fs), CI.semantic = true, CI;
function A8(n27) {
throw new Error(`Node.js fs ${n27} is not supported by JSPM core in the browser`);
function iPt(n27, t, r) {
let a = 0, c = new TextDecoder();, "utf8", () => {
let { size: d } = Ree.fstatSync(t), p = YLt.alloc(d - a);
Ree.readSync(t, p, 0, p.length, a), a = d, r(c.decode(p, { stream: true }));
function _tt(n27, t) {
if (n27.protocol === "file:")
return XLt(n27);
if (n27.protocol === "https:" || n27.protocol === "http:") {
let r = "\\\\url\\" + n27.href.replaceAll(/\//g, "\\\\");
if (gtt(r))
return r;
if (t)
throw new Error(`Cannot sync request URL ${n27} via FS. JSPM FS support for network URLs requires using async FS methods or priming the MemFS cache first with an async request before a sync request.`);
return (async () => {
let a = await fetch(n27);
if (!a.ok)
throw new Error(`Unable to fetch ${n27.href}, ${a.status}`);
let c = await a.arrayBuffer();
return ytt(r, YLt.from(c)), r;
throw new Error("URL " + n27 + " not supported in JSPM FS implementation.");
function zRn(n27) {
return function(t, ...r) {
return t instanceof URL ? n27(_tt(t, true), ...r) : n27(t, ...r);
function HRn(n27) {
return async function(t, ...r) {
return t instanceof URL ? n27(await _tt(t), ...r) : n27(t, ...r);
function JRn(n27) {
return function(t, ...r) {
let a = r[r.length - 1];
t instanceof URL && typeof a == "function" ? _tt(t).then((c) => {
n27(c, ...r);
}, a) : n27(t, ...r);
var HIt, JIt, Abe, Gkt, Ukt, $kt, oN, YIt, Cee, Aee, Ibe, yC, gfe, kee, kbe, t6e, $S, MIn, zet, h6e, eLt, BIn, jIn, GIn, UIn, $In, tLt, nLt, Jkt, qIn, VIn, WIn, rLt, rb, zIn, HIn, JIn, iLt, att, C8, SF, KIn, Cw, YIn, QIn, ZIn, k2e, ju, UH, iDt, nLn, U3e, _Lt, $3e, aLn, lfe, dDr, pDr, fDr, mDr, hDr, _Dr, gDr, yDr, vDr, bDr, xDr, EDr, SDr, TDr, wDr, CDr, ADr, kDr, DDr, IDr, LDr, PDr, RDr, NDr, ODr, FDr, MDr, cet, aDt, xbe, H0, bLt, N$, w8, oDt, q3e, cfe, sDt, uLn, Pee, Het, Cbe, cDt, ELn, SLn, r6e, i6e, jH, TLn, L2e, Xet, _Dt, y2e, gDt, V3e, yDt, pfe, vDt, xfe, W3e, bDt, pet, xDt, fet, EDt, met, SDt, het, TDt, _et, wDt, get, CDt, yet, vet, ADt, MLn, bet, kDt, xet, DDt, Eet, IDt, Tet, LDt, wet, PDt, GLn, Cet, RDt, Aet, NDt, ket, ODt, qLn, NLt, MDt, OLt, v2e, Det, BDt, Iet, jDt, GDt, b2e, z3e, UDt, $Dt, VLn, WLn, zLn, qDt, a6e, VDt, HLn, JLn, KLn, XLn, YLn, Yet, FLt, QLn, MLt, y6e, ZLn, WDt, ePn, tPn, nPn, Let, rPn, iPn, BLt, P2e, vfe, Pet, aPn, ffe, hfe, Ret, Net, zDt, oPn, sPn, lPn, cPn, uPn, jLt, HDt, GLt, dPn, pPn, fPn, Qet, Zet, JDt, mPn, hPn, _Pn, gPn, yPn, ULt, vPn, $Lt, qLt, dtt, ptt, bPn, xPn, EPn, SPn, TPn, VLt, wPn, WLt, CPn, Oet, KDt, XDt, YDt, kPn, m6e, ZDt, eIt, o6e, ett, C2e, s6e, tIt, MO, DPn, IPn, nIt, H3e, rIt, J3e, LPn, PPn, iIt, aIt, oIt, sIt, RPn, NPn, OPn, pIt, Fet, fIt, pg, jDr, GDr, UDr, $Dr, qDr, VDr, WDr, zDr, HDr, JDr, KDr, XDr, YDr, QDr, ZDr, eIr, tIr, nIr, rIr, iIr, aIr, oIr, sIr, lIr, cIr, uIr, dIr, pIr, fIr, mIr, hIr, _Ir, gIr, yIr, vIr, bIr, xIr, EIr, SIr, TIr, mIt, wIr, CIr, AIr, Met, hIt, AI, kIr, DIr, IIr, LIr, PIr, RIr, NIr, OIr, FIr, MIr, BIr, jIr, GIr, UIr, $Ir, qIr, VIr, WIr, zIr, HIr, JIr, Bet, _It, jet, F$, gIt, KIr, XIr, YIr, QIr, ZIr, eLr, tLr, nLr, Dbe, $Pn, qPn, VPn, WPn, $H, Get, vIt, KLt, bIt, xIt, Efe, HPn, E2e, JPn, Lee, SE, KPn, GH, XPn, YPn, QPn, ZPn, ntt, EIt, SIt, TIt, eRn, tRn, Uet, Ebe, $et, qet, wIt, CIt, rRn, iRn, aRn, oRn, sRn, rtt, lRn, cRn, uRn, dRn, pRn, fRn, yRn, rLr, iLr, aLr, oLr, sLr, lLr, vRn, bRn, xRn, ERn, itt, SRn, TRn, wRn, CRn, ARn, kRn, S2e, AIt, X3e, kIt, mfe, DIt, Sfe, YLt, uLr, dLr, T2e, IIt, Y3e, LIt, Sbe, PIt, R$, RIt, Gk, NIt, FRn, BH, OIt, Tbe, FIt, Q3e, MIt, BIt, wbe, jIt, EF, GIt, Z3e, UIt, BRn, use, $It, w2e, qIt, t0, VIt, $Rn, wee, WIt, CI, zIt, Tfe, BO, Ree, WRn, TE, aPt, oPt, sPt, lPt, cPt, uPt, dPt, pPt, fPt, mPt, hPt, _Pt, gPt, yPt, vPt, bPt, xPt, gtt, EPt, SPt, TPt, wPt, CPt, APt, kPt, DPt, IPt, LPt, PPt, RPt, NPt, OPt, FPt, MPt, BPt, jPt, GPt, UPt, $Pt, qPt, VPt, WPt, zPt, HPt, JPt, KPt, XPt, YPt, O2e, QPt, ZPt, eRt, tRt, nRt, rRt, iRt, aRt, oRt, sRt, lRt, cRt, uRt, dRt, pRt, fRt, mRt, v6e, hRt, _Rt, gRt, yRt, vRt, bRt, xRt, ERt, SRt, TRt, wRt, CRt, ARt, ytt, kRt, DRt, IRt, LRt, PRt, RRt, NRt, ORt, FRt, MRt, BRt, jRt, GRt, URt, $Rt, qRt, VRt, WRt, Obe = ww(() => {
Abe = typeof Reflect == "object" ? Reflect : null, Gkt = Abe && typeof Abe.apply == "function" ? Abe.apply : function(n27, t, r) {
return, t, r);
JIt = Abe && typeof Abe.ownKeys == "function" ? Abe.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(n27) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n27).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n27));
} : function(n27) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n27);
Ukt = Number.isNaN || function(n27) {
return n27 != n27;
HIt = $x, $x.EventEmitter = $x, $x.prototype._events = void 0, $x.prototype._eventsCount = 0, $x.prototype._maxListeners = void 0;
$kt = 10;
Object.defineProperty($x, "defaultMaxListeners", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return $kt;
}, set: function(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "number" || n27 < 0 || Ukt(n27))
throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n27 + ".");
$kt = n27;
} }), $x.init = function() {
this._events !== void 0 && this._events !== Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events || (this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0), this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0;
}, $x.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "number" || n27 < 0 || Ukt(n27))
throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n27 + ".");
return this._maxListeners = n27, this;
}, $x.prototype.getMaxListeners = function() {
return KIt(this);
}, $x.prototype.emit = function(n27) {
for (var t = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)
var a = n27 === "error", c = this._events;
if (c !== void 0)
a = a && c.error === void 0;
else if (!a)
return false;
if (a) {
var d;
if (t.length > 0 && (d = t[0]), d instanceof Error)
throw d;
var p = new Error("Unhandled error." + (d ? " (" + d.message + ")" : ""));
throw p.context = d, p;
var y = c[n27];
if (y === void 0)
return false;
if (typeof y == "function")
Gkt(y, this, t);
else {
var b = y.length, w = XIt(y, b);
for (r = 0; r < b; ++r)
Gkt(w[r], this, t);
return true;
}, $x.prototype.addListener = function(n27, t) {
return qkt(this, n27, t, false);
}, $x.prototype.on = $x.prototype.addListener, $x.prototype.prependListener = function(n27, t) {
return qkt(this, n27, t, true);
}, $x.prototype.once = function(n27, t) {
return e6e(t), this.on(n27, Vkt(this, n27, t)), this;
}, $x.prototype.prependOnceListener = function(n27, t) {
return e6e(t), this.prependListener(n27, Vkt(this, n27, t)), this;
}, $x.prototype.removeListener = function(n27, t) {
var r, a, c, d, p;
if (e6e(t), (a = this._events) === void 0)
return this;
if ((r = a[n27]) === void 0)
return this;
if (r === t || r.listener === t)
--this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : (delete a[n27], a.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", n27, r.listener || t));
else if (typeof r != "function") {
for (c = -1, d = r.length - 1; d >= 0; d--)
if (r[d] === t || r[d].listener === t) {
p = r[d].listener, c = d;
if (c < 0)
return this;
c === 0 ? r.shift() : function(y, b) {
for (; b + 1 < y.length; b++)
y[b] = y[b + 1];
}(r, c), r.length === 1 && (a[n27] = r[0]), a.removeListener !== void 0 && this.emit("removeListener", n27, p || t);
return this;
}, $ = $x.prototype.removeListener, $x.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(n27) {
var t, r, a;
if ((r = this._events) === void 0)
return this;
if (r.removeListener === void 0)
return arguments.length === 0 ? (this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : r[n27] !== void 0 && (--this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : delete r[n27]), this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var c, d = Object.keys(r);
for (a = 0; a < d.length; ++a)
(c = d[a]) !== "removeListener" && this.removeAllListeners(c);
return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this;
if (typeof (t = r[n27]) == "function")
this.removeListener(n27, t);
else if (t !== void 0)
for (a = t.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
this.removeListener(n27, t[a]);
return this;
}, $x.prototype.listeners = function(n27) {
return Wkt(this, n27, true);
}, $x.prototype.rawListeners = function(n27) {
return Wkt(this, n27, false);
}, $x.listenerCount = function(n27, t) {
return typeof n27.listenerCount == "function" ? n27.listenerCount(t) :, t);
}, $x.prototype.listenerCount = zkt, $x.prototype.eventNames = function() {
return this._eventsCount > 0 ? JIt(this._events) : [];
oN = HIt;
Ibe = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis, yC = YIt = {};
(function() {
try {
Cee = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : Vet;
} catch {
Cee = Vet;
try {
Aee = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : Wet;
} catch {
Aee = Wet;
kee = [], kbe = false, t6e = -1;
yC.nextTick = function(n27) {
var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)
t[r - 1] = arguments[r];
kee.push(new Hkt(n27, t)), kee.length !== 1 || kbe || QIt(ZIt);
}, = function() {
(this || Ibe).fun.apply(null, (this || Ibe).array);
}, yC.title = "browser", yC.browser = true, yC.env = {}, yC.argv = [], yC.version = "", yC.versions = {}, yC.on = Tee, yC.addListener = Tee, yC.once = Tee, = Tee, yC.removeListener = Tee, yC.removeAllListeners = Tee, yC.emit = Tee, yC.prependListener = Tee, yC.prependOnceListener = Tee, yC.listeners = function(n27) {
return [];
}, yC.binding = function(n27) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
}, yC.cwd = function() {
return "/";
}, yC.chdir = function(n27) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
}, yC.umask = function() {
return 0;
$S = YIt;
MIn = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag == "symbol", zet = Object.prototype.toString, h6e = function(n27) {
return !(MIn && n27 && typeof n27 == "object" && Symbol.toStringTag in n27) && === "[object Arguments]";
}, eLt = function(n27) {
return !!h6e(n27) || n27 !== null && typeof n27 == "object" && typeof n27.length == "number" && n27.length >= 0 && !== "[object Array]" && === "[object Function]";
}, BIn = function() {
return h6e(arguments);
h6e.isLegacyArguments = eLt;
jIn = BIn ? h6e : eLt, GIn = Object.prototype.toString, UIn = Function.prototype.toString, $In = /^\s*(?:function)?\*/, tLt = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag == "symbol", nLt = Object.getPrototypeOf, Jkt = function() {
if (!tLt)
return false;
try {
return Function("return function*() {}")();
} catch {
}(), qIn = Jkt ? nLt(Jkt) : {}, VIn = function(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "function" && (!!$In.test( || (tLt ? nLt(n27) === qIn : === "[object GeneratorFunction]"));
}, WIn = typeof Object.create == "function" ? function(n27, t) {
t && (n27.super_ = t, n27.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, { constructor: { value: n27, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }));
} : function(n27, t) {
if (t) {
n27.super_ = t;
var r = function() {
r.prototype = t.prototype, n27.prototype = new r(), n27.prototype.constructor = n27;
}, rLt = function(n27) {
return n27 && typeof n27 == "object" && typeof n27.copy == "function" && typeof n27.fill == "function" && typeof n27.readUInt8 == "function";
}, rb = {}, zIn = rLt, HIn = jIn, JIn = VIn;
iLt = typeof BigInt < "u", att = typeof Symbol < "u", C8 = att && Symbol.toStringTag !== void 0, SF = typeof Uint8Array < "u", KIn = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u";
if (SF && C8)
var XIn = Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype), tB2 = bfe(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XIn, Symbol.toStringTag).get);
Cw = bfe(Object.prototype.toString), YIn = bfe(Number.prototype.valueOf), QIn = bfe(String.prototype.valueOf), ZIn = bfe(Boolean.prototype.valueOf);
if (iLt)
var eLn2 = bfe(BigInt.prototype.valueOf);
if (att)
var tLn2 = bfe(Symbol.prototype.valueOf);
rb.isArgumentsObject = HIn, rb.isGeneratorFunction = JIn, rb.isPromise = function(n27) {
return typeof Promise < "u" && n27 instanceof Promise || n27 !== null && typeof n27 == "object" && typeof n27.then == "function" && typeof n27.catch == "function";
}, rb.isArrayBufferView = function(n27) {
return KIn && ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(n27) : Kkt(n27) || Ykt(n27);
}, rb.isTypedArray = Kkt, rb.isUint8Array = aLt, rb.isUint8ClampedArray = oLt, rb.isUint16Array = sLt, rb.isUint32Array = lLt, rb.isInt8Array = cLt, rb.isInt16Array = uLt, rb.isInt32Array = dLt, rb.isFloat32Array = pLt, rb.isFloat64Array = fLt, rb.isBigInt64Array = mLt, rb.isBigUint64Array = hLt, B3e.working = typeof Map < "u" && B3e(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), rb.isMap = function(n27) {
return typeof Map < "u" && (B3e.working ? B3e(n27) : n27 instanceof Map);
}, j3e.working = typeof Set < "u" && j3e(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), rb.isSet = function(n27) {
return typeof Set < "u" && (j3e.working ? j3e(n27) : n27 instanceof Set);
}, G3e.working = typeof WeakMap < "u" && G3e(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()), rb.isWeakMap = function(n27) {
return typeof WeakMap < "u" && (G3e.working ? G3e(n27) : n27 instanceof WeakMap);
}, iet.working = typeof WeakSet < "u" && iet(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet()), rb.isWeakSet = function(n27) {
return iet(n27);
}, l6e.working = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && l6e(new ArrayBuffer()), rb.isArrayBuffer = Xkt, c6e.working = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && typeof DataView < "u" && c6e(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1), 0, 1)), rb.isDataView = Ykt, u6e.working = typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && u6e(new SharedArrayBuffer()), rb.isSharedArrayBuffer = Qkt, rb.isAsyncFunction = function(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object AsyncFunction]";
}, rb.isMapIterator = function(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object Map Iterator]";
}, rb.isSetIterator = function(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object Set Iterator]";
}, rb.isGeneratorObject = function(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object Generator]";
}, rb.isWebAssemblyCompiledModule = function(n27) {
return Cw(n27) === "[object WebAssembly.Module]";
}, rb.isNumberObject = Zkt, rb.isStringObject = eDt, rb.isBooleanObject = tDt, rb.isBigIntObject = nDt, rb.isSymbolObject = rDt, rb.isBoxedPrimitive = function(n27) {
return Zkt(n27) || eDt(n27) || tDt(n27) || nDt(n27) || rDt(n27);
}, rb.isAnyArrayBuffer = function(n27) {
return SF && (Xkt(n27) || Qkt(n27));
}, ["isProxy", "isExternal", "isModuleNamespaceObject"].forEach(function(n27) {
Object.defineProperty(rb, n27, { enumerable: false, value: function() {
throw new Error(n27 + " is not supported in userland");
} });
k2e = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis, ju = {}, UH = $S, iDt = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors || function(n27) {
for (var t = Object.keys(n27), r = {}, a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
r[t[a]] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n27, t[a]);
return r;
}, nLn = /%[sdj%]/g;
ju.format = function(n27) {
if (!p6e(n27)) {
for (var t = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++)
return t.join(" ");
r = 1;
for (var a = arguments, c = a.length, d = String(n27).replace(nLn, function(y) {
if (y === "%%")
return "%";
if (r >= c)
return y;
switch (y) {
case "%s":
return String(a[r++]);
case "%d":
return Number(a[r++]);
case "%j":
try {
return JSON.stringify(a[r++]);
} catch {
return "[Circular]";
return y;
}), p = a[r]; r < c; p = a[++r])
_6e(p) || !Pbe(p) ? d += " " + p : d += " " + dse(p);
return d;
}, ju.deprecate = function(n27, t) {
if (UH !== void 0 && UH.noDeprecation === true)
return n27;
if (UH === void 0)
return function() {
return ju.deprecate(n27, t).apply(this || k2e, arguments);
var r = false;
return function() {
if (!r) {
if (UH.throwDeprecation)
throw new Error(t);
UH.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(t) : console.error(t), r = true;
return n27.apply(this || k2e, arguments);
U3e = {}, _Lt = /^$/;
UH.env.NODE_DEBUG && ($3e = UH.env.NODE_DEBUG, $3e = $3e.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+?.]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\*/g, ".*").replace(/,/g, "$|^").toUpperCase(), _Lt = new RegExp("^" + $3e + "$", "i"));
ju.debuglog = function(n27) {
if (n27 = n27.toUpperCase(), !U3e[n27])
if (_Lt.test(n27)) {
var t =;
U3e[n27] = function() {
var r = ju.format.apply(ju, arguments);
console.error("%s %d: %s", n27, t, r);
} else
U3e[n27] = function() {
return U3e[n27];
}, ju.inspect = dse, dse.colors = { bold: [1, 22], italic: [3, 23], underline: [4, 24], inverse: [7, 27], white: [37, 39], grey: [90, 39], black: [30, 39], blue: [34, 39], cyan: [36, 39], green: [32, 39], magenta: [35, 39], red: [31, 39], yellow: [33, 39] }, dse.styles = { special: "cyan", number: "yellow", boolean: "yellow", undefined: "grey", null: "bold", string: "green", date: "magenta", regexp: "red" }, ju.types = rb, ju.isArray = gLt, ju.isBoolean = ott, ju.isNull = _6e, ju.isNullOrUndefined = function(n27) {
return n27 == null;
}, ju.isNumber = yLt, ju.isString = p6e, ju.isSymbol = function(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "symbol";
}, ju.isUndefined = yfe, ju.isRegExp = D2e, ju.types.isRegExp = D2e, ju.isObject = Pbe, ju.isDate = f6e, ju.types.isDate = f6e, ju.isError = I2e, ju.types.isNativeError = I2e, ju.isFunction = n6e, ju.isPrimitive = function(n27) {
return n27 === null || typeof n27 == "boolean" || typeof n27 == "number" || typeof n27 == "string" || typeof n27 == "symbol" || n27 === void 0;
}, ju.isBuffer = rLt;
aLn = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
ju.log = function() {
console.log("%s - %s", oLn(), ju.format.apply(ju, arguments));
}, ju.inherits = WIn, ju._extend = function(n27, t) {
if (!t || !Pbe(t))
return n27;
for (var r = Object.keys(t), a = r.length; a--; )
n27[r[a]] = t[r[a]];
return n27;
lfe = typeof Symbol < "u" ? Symbol("util.promisify.custom") : void 0;
ju.promisify = function(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "function")
throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function');
if (lfe && n27[lfe]) {
var t;
if (typeof (t = n27[lfe]) != "function")
throw new TypeError('The "util.promisify.custom" argument must be of type Function');
return Object.defineProperty(t, lfe, { value: t, enumerable: false, writable: false, configurable: true }), t;
function t() {
for (var r, a, c = new Promise(function(y, b) {
r = y, a = b;
}), d = [], p = 0; p < arguments.length; p++)
d.push(function(y, b) {
y ? a(y) : r(b);
try {
n27.apply(this || k2e, d);
} catch (y) {
return c;
return Object.setPrototypeOf(t, Object.getPrototypeOf(n27)), lfe && Object.defineProperty(t, lfe, { value: t, enumerable: false, writable: false, configurable: true }), Object.defineProperties(t, iDt(n27));
}, ju.promisify.custom = lfe, ju.callbackify = function(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "function")
throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function');
function t() {
for (var r = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++)
var c = r.pop();
if (typeof c != "function")
throw new TypeError("The last argument must be of type Function");
var d = this || k2e, p = function() {
return c.apply(d, arguments);
n27.apply(this || k2e, r).then(function(y) {
UH.nextTick(p.bind(null, null, y));
}, function(y) {
UH.nextTick(sLn.bind(null, y, p));
return Object.setPrototypeOf(t, Object.getPrototypeOf(n27)), Object.defineProperties(t, iDt(n27)), t;
dDr = ju._extend, pDr = ju.callbackify, fDr = ju.debuglog, mDr = ju.deprecate, hDr = ju.format, _Dr = ju.inherits, gDr = ju.inspect, yDr = ju.isArray, vDr = ju.isBoolean, bDr = ju.isBuffer, xDr = ju.isDate, EDr = ju.isError, SDr = ju.isFunction, TDr = ju.isNull, wDr = ju.isNullOrUndefined, CDr = ju.isNumber, ADr = ju.isObject, kDr = ju.isPrimitive, DDr = ju.isRegExp, IDr = ju.isString, LDr = ju.isSymbol, PDr = ju.isUndefined, RDr = ju.log, NDr = ju.promisify, ODr = ju.types, FDr = self.TextEncoder, MDr = self.TextDecoder, cet = {}, aDt = false, xbe = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
H0 = lLn();
H0.platform = "browser";
for (bLt = { byteLength: function(n27) {
var t = lDt(n27), r = t[0], a = t[1];
return 3 * (r + a) / 4 - a;
}, toByteArray: function(n27) {
var t, r, a = lDt(n27), c = a[0], d = a[1], p = new oDt(function(w, I, j) {
return 3 * (I + j) / 4 - j;
}(0, c, d)), y = 0, b = d > 0 ? c - 4 : c;
for (r = 0; r < b; r += 4)
t = w8[n27.charCodeAt(r)] << 18 | w8[n27.charCodeAt(r + 1)] << 12 | w8[n27.charCodeAt(r + 2)] << 6 | w8[n27.charCodeAt(r + 3)], p[y++] = t >> 16 & 255, p[y++] = t >> 8 & 255, p[y++] = 255 & t;
return d === 2 && (t = w8[n27.charCodeAt(r)] << 2 | w8[n27.charCodeAt(r + 1)] >> 4, p[y++] = 255 & t), d === 1 && (t = w8[n27.charCodeAt(r)] << 10 | w8[n27.charCodeAt(r + 1)] << 4 | w8[n27.charCodeAt(r + 2)] >> 2, p[y++] = t >> 8 & 255, p[y++] = 255 & t), p;
}, fromByteArray: function(n27) {
for (var t, r = n27.length, a = r % 3, c = [], d = 0, p = r - a; d < p; d += 16383)
c.push(cLn(n27, d, d + 16383 > p ? p : d + 16383));
return a === 1 ? (t = n27[r - 1], c.push(N$[t >> 2] + N$[t << 4 & 63] + "==")) : a === 2 && (t = (n27[r - 2] << 8) + n27[r - 1], c.push(N$[t >> 10] + N$[t >> 4 & 63] + N$[t << 2 & 63] + "=")), c.join("");
} }, N$ = [], w8 = [], oDt = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, q3e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", cfe = 0, sDt = q3e.length; cfe < sDt; ++cfe)
N$[cfe] = q3e[cfe], w8[q3e.charCodeAt(cfe)] = cfe;
w8["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, w8["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
uLn = { read: function(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d, p, y = 8 * c - a - 1, b = (1 << y) - 1, w = b >> 1, I = -7, j = r ? c - 1 : 0, $ = r ? -1 : 1, K = n27[t + j];
for (j += $, d = K & (1 << -I) - 1, K >>= -I, I += y; I > 0; d = 256 * d + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
for (p = d & (1 << -I) - 1, d >>= -I, I += a; I > 0; p = 256 * p + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
if (d === 0)
d = 1 - w;
else {
if (d === b)
return p ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (K ? -1 : 1);
p += Math.pow(2, a), d -= w;
return (K ? -1 : 1) * p * Math.pow(2, d - a);
}, write: function(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p, y, b, w = 8 * d - c - 1, I = (1 << w) - 1, j = I >> 1, $ = c === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, K = a ? 0 : d - 1, ce = a ? 1 : -1, ue = t < 0 || t === 0 && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (y = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, p = I) : (p = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (b = Math.pow(2, -p)) < 1 && (p--, b *= 2), (t += p + j >= 1 ? $ / b : $ * Math.pow(2, 1 - j)) * b >= 2 && (p++, b /= 2), p + j >= I ? (y = 0, p = I) : p + j >= 1 ? (y = (t * b - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p += j) : (y = t * Math.pow(2, j - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = 0)); c >= 8; n27[r + K] = 255 & y, K += ce, y /= 256, c -= 8)
for (p = p << c | y, w += c; w > 0; n27[r + K] = 255 & p, K += ce, p /= 256, w -= 8)
n27[r + K - ce] |= 128 * ue;
} }, Pee = {}, Het = bLt, Cbe = uLn, cDt = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null;
Pee.Buffer = ap, Pee.SlowBuffer = function(n27) {
return +n27 != n27 && (n27 = 0), ap.alloc(+n27);
Pee.kMaxLength = 2147483647, ap.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = function() {
try {
var n27 = new Uint8Array(1), t = { foo: function() {
return 42;
} };
return Object.setPrototypeOf(t, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(n27, t), === 42;
} catch {
return false;
}(), ap.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || typeof console > "u" || typeof console.error != "function" || console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."), Object.defineProperty(ap.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (ap.isBuffer(this))
return this.buffer;
} }), Object.defineProperty(ap.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (ap.isBuffer(this))
return this.byteOffset;
} }), ap.poolSize = 8192, ap.from = function(n27, t, r) {
return xLt(n27, t, r);
}, Object.setPrototypeOf(ap.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(ap, Uint8Array), ap.alloc = function(n27, t, r) {
return function(a, c, d) {
return ELt(a), a <= 0 ? Dee(a) : c !== void 0 ? typeof d == "string" ? Dee(a).fill(c, d) : Dee(a).fill(c) : Dee(a);
}(n27, t, r);
}, ap.allocUnsafe = function(n27) {
return Jet(n27);
}, ap.allocUnsafeSlow = function(n27) {
return Jet(n27);
}, ap.isBuffer = function(n27) {
return n27 != null && n27._isBuffer === true && n27 !== ap.prototype;
}, = function(n27, t) {
if (Iee(n27, Uint8Array) && (n27 = ap.from(n27, n27.offset, n27.byteLength)), Iee(t, Uint8Array) && (t = ap.from(t, t.offset, t.byteLength)), !ap.isBuffer(n27) || !ap.isBuffer(t))
throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (n27 === t)
return 0;
for (var r = n27.length, a = t.length, c = 0, d = Math.min(r, a); c < d; ++c)
if (n27[c] !== t[c]) {
r = n27[c], a = t[c];
return r < a ? -1 : a < r ? 1 : 0;
}, ap.isEncoding = function(n27) {
switch (String(n27).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return true;
return false;
}, ap.concat = function(n27, t) {
if (!Array.isArray(n27))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (n27.length === 0)
return ap.alloc(0);
var r;
if (t === void 0)
for (t = 0, r = 0; r < n27.length; ++r)
t += n27[r].length;
var a = ap.allocUnsafe(t), c = 0;
for (r = 0; r < n27.length; ++r) {
var d = n27[r];
if (Iee(d, Uint8Array) && (d = ap.from(d)), !ap.isBuffer(d))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
d.copy(a, c), c += d.length;
return a;
}, ap.byteLength = SLt, ap.prototype._isBuffer = true, ap.prototype.swap16 = function() {
var n27 = this.length;
if (n27 % 2 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (var t = 0; t < n27; t += 2)
ufe(this, t, t + 1);
return this;
}, ap.prototype.swap32 = function() {
var n27 = this.length;
if (n27 % 4 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (var t = 0; t < n27; t += 4)
ufe(this, t, t + 3), ufe(this, t + 1, t + 2);
return this;
}, ap.prototype.swap64 = function() {
var n27 = this.length;
if (n27 % 8 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (var t = 0; t < n27; t += 8)
ufe(this, t, t + 7), ufe(this, t + 1, t + 6), ufe(this, t + 2, t + 5), ufe(this, t + 3, t + 4);
return this;
}, ap.prototype.toString = function() {
var n27 = this.length;
return n27 === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? wLt(this, 0, n27) : dLn.apply(this, arguments);
}, ap.prototype.toLocaleString = ap.prototype.toString, ap.prototype.equals = function(n27) {
if (!ap.isBuffer(n27))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === n27 ||, n27) === 0;
}, ap.prototype.inspect = function() {
var n27 = "", t = Pee.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return n27 = this.toString("hex", 0, t).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > t && (n27 += " ... "), "<Buffer " + n27 + ">";
}, cDt && (ap.prototype[cDt] = ap.prototype.inspect), = function(n27, t, r, a, c) {
if (Iee(n27, Uint8Array) && (n27 = ap.from(n27, n27.offset, n27.byteLength)), !ap.isBuffer(n27))
throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof n27);
if (t === void 0 && (t = 0), r === void 0 && (r = n27 ? n27.length : 0), a === void 0 && (a = 0), c === void 0 && (c = this.length), t < 0 || r > n27.length || a < 0 || c > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (a >= c && t >= r)
return 0;
if (a >= c)
return -1;
if (t >= r)
return 1;
if (this === n27)
return 0;
for (var d = (c >>>= 0) - (a >>>= 0), p = (r >>>= 0) - (t >>>= 0), y = Math.min(d, p), b = this.slice(a, c), w = n27.slice(t, r), I = 0; I < y; ++I)
if (b[I] !== w[I]) {
d = b[I], p = w[I];
return d < p ? -1 : p < d ? 1 : 0;
}, ap.prototype.includes = function(n27, t, r) {
return this.indexOf(n27, t, r) !== -1;
}, ap.prototype.indexOf = function(n27, t, r) {
return dDt(this, n27, t, r, true);
}, ap.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(n27, t, r) {
return dDt(this, n27, t, r, false);
}, ap.prototype.write = function(n27, t, r, a) {
if (t === void 0)
a = "utf8", r = this.length, t = 0;
else if (r === void 0 && typeof t == "string")
a = t, r = this.length, t = 0;
else {
if (!isFinite(t))
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
t >>>= 0, isFinite(r) ? (r >>>= 0, a === void 0 && (a = "utf8")) : (a = r, r = void 0);
var c = this.length - t;
if ((r === void 0 || r > c) && (r = c), n27.length > 0 && (r < 0 || t < 0) || t > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
a || (a = "utf8");
for (var d = false; ; )
switch (a) {
case "hex":
return pLn(this, n27, t, r);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return fLn(this, n27, t, r);
case "ascii":
return TLt(this, n27, t, r);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return mLn(this, n27, t, r);
case "base64":
return hLn(this, n27, t, r);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return _Ln(this, n27, t, r);
if (d)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + a);
a = ("" + a).toLowerCase(), d = true;
}, ap.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0) };
ap.prototype.slice = function(n27, t) {
var r = this.length;
(n27 = ~~n27) < 0 ? (n27 += r) < 0 && (n27 = 0) : n27 > r && (n27 = r), (t = t === void 0 ? r : ~~t) < 0 ? (t += r) < 0 && (t = 0) : t > r && (t = r), t < n27 && (t = n27);
var a = this.subarray(n27, t);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(a, ap.prototype), a;
}, ap.prototype.readUIntLE = function(n27, t, r) {
n27 >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, r || wI(n27, t, this.length);
for (var a = this[n27], c = 1, d = 0; ++d < t && (c *= 256); )
a += this[n27 + d] * c;
return a;
}, ap.prototype.readUIntBE = function(n27, t, r) {
n27 >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, r || wI(n27, t, this.length);
for (var a = this[n27 + --t], c = 1; t > 0 && (c *= 256); )
a += this[n27 + --t] * c;
return a;
}, ap.prototype.readUInt8 = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 1, this.length), this[n27];
}, ap.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 2, this.length), this[n27] | this[n27 + 1] << 8;
}, ap.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 2, this.length), this[n27] << 8 | this[n27 + 1];
}, ap.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 4, this.length), (this[n27] | this[n27 + 1] << 8 | this[n27 + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[n27 + 3];
}, ap.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[n27] + (this[n27 + 1] << 16 | this[n27 + 2] << 8 | this[n27 + 3]);
}, ap.prototype.readIntLE = function(n27, t, r) {
n27 >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, r || wI(n27, t, this.length);
for (var a = this[n27], c = 1, d = 0; ++d < t && (c *= 256); )
a += this[n27 + d] * c;
return a >= (c *= 128) && (a -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), a;
}, ap.prototype.readIntBE = function(n27, t, r) {
n27 >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, r || wI(n27, t, this.length);
for (var a = t, c = 1, d = this[n27 + --a]; a > 0 && (c *= 256); )
d += this[n27 + --a] * c;
return d >= (c *= 128) && (d -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), d;
}, ap.prototype.readInt8 = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 1, this.length), 128 & this[n27] ? -1 * (255 - this[n27] + 1) : this[n27];
}, ap.prototype.readInt16LE = function(n27, t) {
n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 2, this.length);
var r = this[n27] | this[n27 + 1] << 8;
return 32768 & r ? 4294901760 | r : r;
}, ap.prototype.readInt16BE = function(n27, t) {
n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 2, this.length);
var r = this[n27 + 1] | this[n27] << 8;
return 32768 & r ? 4294901760 | r : r;
}, ap.prototype.readInt32LE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 4, this.length), this[n27] | this[n27 + 1] << 8 | this[n27 + 2] << 16 | this[n27 + 3] << 24;
}, ap.prototype.readInt32BE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 4, this.length), this[n27] << 24 | this[n27 + 1] << 16 | this[n27 + 2] << 8 | this[n27 + 3];
}, ap.prototype.readFloatLE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 4, this.length),, n27, true, 23, 4);
}, ap.prototype.readFloatBE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 4, this.length),, n27, false, 23, 4);
}, ap.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 8, this.length),, n27, true, 52, 8);
}, ap.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(n27, t) {
return n27 >>>= 0, t || wI(n27, 8, this.length),, n27, false, 52, 8);
}, ap.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(n27, t, r, a) {
n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, a || xF(this, n27, t, r, Math.pow(2, 8 * r) - 1, 0);
var c = 1, d = 0;
for (this[t] = 255 & n27; ++d < r && (c *= 256); )
this[t + d] = n27 / c & 255;
return t + r;
}, ap.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(n27, t, r, a) {
n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, a || xF(this, n27, t, r, Math.pow(2, 8 * r) - 1, 0);
var c = r - 1, d = 1;
for (this[t + c] = 255 & n27; --c >= 0 && (d *= 256); )
this[t + c] = n27 / d & 255;
return t + r;
}, ap.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 1, 255, 0), this[t] = 255 & n27, t + 1;
}, ap.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 2, 65535, 0), this[t] = 255 & n27, this[t + 1] = n27 >>> 8, t + 2;
}, ap.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 2, 65535, 0), this[t] = n27 >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & n27, t + 2;
}, ap.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[t + 3] = n27 >>> 24, this[t + 2] = n27 >>> 16, this[t + 1] = n27 >>> 8, this[t] = 255 & n27, t + 4;
}, ap.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[t] = n27 >>> 24, this[t + 1] = n27 >>> 16, this[t + 2] = n27 >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & n27, t + 4;
}, ap.prototype.writeIntLE = function(n27, t, r, a) {
if (n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, !a) {
var c = Math.pow(2, 8 * r - 1);
xF(this, n27, t, r, c - 1, -c);
var d = 0, p = 1, y = 0;
for (this[t] = 255 & n27; ++d < r && (p *= 256); )
n27 < 0 && y === 0 && this[t + d - 1] !== 0 && (y = 1), this[t + d] = (n27 / p >> 0) - y & 255;
return t + r;
}, ap.prototype.writeIntBE = function(n27, t, r, a) {
if (n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, !a) {
var c = Math.pow(2, 8 * r - 1);
xF(this, n27, t, r, c - 1, -c);
var d = r - 1, p = 1, y = 0;
for (this[t + d] = 255 & n27; --d >= 0 && (p *= 256); )
n27 < 0 && y === 0 && this[t + d + 1] !== 0 && (y = 1), this[t + d] = (n27 / p >> 0) - y & 255;
return t + r;
}, ap.prototype.writeInt8 = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 1, 127, -128), n27 < 0 && (n27 = 255 + n27 + 1), this[t] = 255 & n27, t + 1;
}, ap.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 2, 32767, -32768), this[t] = 255 & n27, this[t + 1] = n27 >>> 8, t + 2;
}, ap.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 2, 32767, -32768), this[t] = n27 >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & n27, t + 2;
}, ap.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[t] = 255 & n27, this[t + 1] = n27 >>> 8, this[t + 2] = n27 >>> 16, this[t + 3] = n27 >>> 24, t + 4;
}, ap.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(n27, t, r) {
return n27 = +n27, t >>>= 0, r || xF(this, n27, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), n27 < 0 && (n27 = 4294967295 + n27 + 1), this[t] = n27 >>> 24, this[t + 1] = n27 >>> 16, this[t + 2] = n27 >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & n27, t + 4;
}, ap.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(n27, t, r) {
return fDt(this, n27, t, true, r);
}, ap.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(n27, t, r) {
return fDt(this, n27, t, false, r);
}, ap.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(n27, t, r) {
return mDt(this, n27, t, true, r);
}, ap.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(n27, t, r) {
return mDt(this, n27, t, false, r);
}, ap.prototype.copy = function(n27, t, r, a) {
if (!ap.isBuffer(n27))
throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
if (r || (r = 0), a || a === 0 || (a = this.length), t >= n27.length && (t = n27.length), t || (t = 0), a > 0 && a < r && (a = r), a === r || n27.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
return 0;
if (t < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (r < 0 || r >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (a < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
a > this.length && (a = this.length), n27.length - t < a - r && (a = n27.length - t + r);
var c = a - r;
if (this === n27 && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function")
this.copyWithin(t, r, a);
else if (this === n27 && r < t && t < a)
for (var d = c - 1; d >= 0; --d)
n27[d + t] = this[d + r];
else, this.subarray(r, a), t);
return c;
}, ap.prototype.fill = function(n27, t, r, a) {
if (typeof n27 == "string") {
if (typeof t == "string" ? (a = t, t = 0, r = this.length) : typeof r == "string" && (a = r, r = this.length), a !== void 0 && typeof a != "string")
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if (typeof a == "string" && !ap.isEncoding(a))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + a);
if (n27.length === 1) {
var c = n27.charCodeAt(0);
(a === "utf8" && c < 128 || a === "latin1") && (n27 = c);
} else
typeof n27 == "number" ? n27 &= 255 : typeof n27 == "boolean" && (n27 = Number(n27));
if (t < 0 || this.length < t || this.length < r)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (r <= t)
return this;
var d;
if (t >>>= 0, r = r === void 0 ? this.length : r >>> 0, n27 || (n27 = 0), typeof n27 == "number")
for (d = t; d < r; ++d)
this[d] = n27;
else {
var p = ap.isBuffer(n27) ? n27 : ap.from(n27, a), y = p.length;
if (y === 0)
throw new TypeError('The value "' + n27 + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
for (d = 0; d < r - t; ++d)
this[d + t] = p[d % y];
return this;
ELn = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
SLn = function() {
for (var n27 = new Array(256), t = 0; t < 16; ++t)
for (var r = 16 * t, a = 0; a < 16; ++a)
n27[r + a] = "0123456789abcdef"[t] + "0123456789abcdef"[a];
return n27;
r6e = {}, i6e = Pee, jH = i6e.Buffer;
jH.from && jH.alloc && jH.allocUnsafe && jH.allocUnsafeSlow ? r6e = i6e : (hDt(i6e, r6e), r6e.Buffer = dfe), dfe.prototype = Object.create(jH.prototype), hDt(jH, dfe), dfe.from = function(n27, t, r) {
if (typeof n27 == "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");
return jH(n27, t, r);
}, dfe.alloc = function(n27, t, r) {
if (typeof n27 != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
var a = jH(n27);
return t !== void 0 ? typeof r == "string" ? a.fill(t, r) : a.fill(t) : a.fill(0), a;
}, dfe.allocUnsafe = function(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
return jH(n27);
}, dfe.allocUnsafeSlow = function(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
return i6e.SlowBuffer(n27);
TLn = r6e, L2e = {}, Xet = TLn.Buffer, _Dt = Xet.isEncoding || function(n27) {
switch ((n27 = "" + n27) && n27.toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
case "raw":
return true;
return false;
L2e.StringDecoder = g2e, g2e.prototype.write = function(n27) {
if (n27.length === 0)
return "";
var t, r;
if (this.lastNeed) {
if ((t = this.fillLast(n27)) === void 0)
return "";
r = this.lastNeed, this.lastNeed = 0;
} else
r = 0;
return r < n27.length ? t ? t + this.text(n27, r) : this.text(n27, r) : t || "";
}, g2e.prototype.end = function(n27) {
var t = n27 && n27.length ? this.write(n27) : "";
return this.lastNeed ? t + "�" : t;
}, g2e.prototype.text = function(n27, t) {
var r = function(c, d, p) {
var y = d.length - 1;
if (y < p)
return 0;
var b = det(d[y]);
return b >= 0 ? (b > 0 && (c.lastNeed = b - 1), b) : --y < p || b === -2 ? 0 : (b = det(d[y])) >= 0 ? (b > 0 && (c.lastNeed = b - 2), b) : --y < p || b === -2 ? 0 : (b = det(d[y])) >= 0 ? (b > 0 && (b === 2 ? b = 0 : c.lastNeed = b - 3), b) : 0;
}(this, n27, t);
if (!this.lastNeed)
return n27.toString("utf8", t);
this.lastTotal = r;
var a = n27.length - (r - this.lastNeed);
return n27.copy(this.lastChar, 0, a), n27.toString("utf8", t, a);
}, g2e.prototype.fillLast = function(n27) {
if (this.lastNeed <= n27.length)
return n27.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal);
n27.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, n27.length), this.lastNeed -= n27.length;
y2e = {}, gDt = false;
V3e = {}, yDt = false;
pfe = {}, vDt = false;
xfe = NLn();
W3e = {}, bDt = false;
pet = {}, xDt = false;
fet = {}, EDt = false;
met = {}, SDt = false;
het = {}, TDt = false;
_et = {}, wDt = false;
get = {}, CDt = false, yet = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
vet = {}, ADt = false, MLn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
bet = {}, kDt = false;
xet = {}, DDt = false;
Eet = {}, IDt = false;
Tet = {}, LDt = false;
wet = {}, PDt = false, GLn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
Cet = {}, RDt = false;
Aet = {}, NDt = false;
ket = {}, ODt = false;
qLn = { assign: FDt, polyfill: function() {
Object.assign || Object.defineProperty(Object, "assign", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true, value: FDt });
} }, MDt = Object.prototype.toString, OLt = function(n27) {
var t =, r = t === "[object Arguments]";
return r || (r = t !== "[object Array]" && n27 !== null && typeof n27 == "object" && typeof n27.length == "number" && n27.length >= 0 && === "[object Function]"), r;
Object.keys || (v2e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Det = Object.prototype.toString, BDt = OLt, Iet = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, jDt = !{ toString: null }, "toString"), GDt = {
}, "prototype"), b2e = ["toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor"], z3e = function(n27) {
var t = n27.constructor;
return t && t.prototype === n27;
}, UDt = { $applicationCache: true, $console: true, $external: true, $frame: true, $frameElement: true, $frames: true, $innerHeight: true, $innerWidth: true, $onmozfullscreenchange: true, $onmozfullscreenerror: true, $outerHeight: true, $outerWidth: true, $pageXOffset: true, $pageYOffset: true, $parent: true, $scrollLeft: true, $scrollTop: true, $scrollX: true, $scrollY: true, $self: true, $webkitIndexedDB: true, $webkitStorageInfo: true, $window: true }, $Dt = function() {
if (typeof window > "u")
return false;
for (var n27 in window)
try {
if (!UDt["$" + n27] &&, n27) && window[n27] !== null && typeof window[n27] == "object")
try {
} catch {
return true;
} catch {
return true;
return false;
}(), NLt = function(n27) {
var t = n27 !== null && typeof n27 == "object", r = === "[object Function]", a = BDt(n27), c = t && === "[object String]", d = [];
if (!t && !r && !a)
throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on a non-object");
var p = GDt && r;
if (c && n27.length > 0 && !, 0))
for (var y = 0; y < n27.length; ++y)
if (a && n27.length > 0)
for (var b = 0; b < n27.length; ++b)
for (var w in n27)
p && w === "prototype" || !, w) || d.push(String(w));
if (jDt)
for (var I = function($) {
if (typeof window > "u" || !$Dt)
return z3e($);
try {
return z3e($);
} catch {
return false;
}(n27), j = 0; j < b2e.length; ++j)
I && b2e[j] === "constructor" || !, b2e[j]) || d.push(b2e[j]);
return d;
VLn = NLt, WLn = Array.prototype.slice, zLn = OLt, qDt = Object.keys, a6e = qDt ? function(n27) {
return qDt(n27);
} : VLn, VDt = Object.keys;
a6e.shim = function() {
return Object.keys ? function() {
var n27 = Object.keys(arguments);
return n27 && n27.length === arguments.length;
}(1, 2) || (Object.keys = function(n27) {
return zLn(n27) ? VDt( : VDt(n27);
}) : Object.keys = a6e, Object.keys || a6e;
HLn = a6e, JLn = HLn, KLn = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol("foo") == "symbol", XLn = Object.prototype.toString, YLn = Array.prototype.concat, Yet = Object.defineProperty, FLt = Yet && function() {
var n27 = {};
try {
for (var t in Yet(n27, "x", { enumerable: false, value: n27 }), n27)
return false;
return n27.x === n27;
} catch {
return false;
}(), QLn = function(n27, t, r, a) {
var c;
(!(t in n27) || typeof (c = a) == "function" && === "[object Function]" && a()) && (FLt ? Yet(n27, t, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: r, writable: true }) : n27[t] = r);
}, MLt = function(n27, t) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {}, a = JLn(t);
KLn && (a =, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t)));
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c += 1)
QLn(n27, a[c], t[a[c]], r[a[c]]);
MLt.supportsDescriptors = !!FLt;
y6e = MLt, ZLn = function() {
if (typeof Symbol != "function" || typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols != "function")
return false;
if (typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol")
return true;
var n27 = {}, t = Symbol("test"), r = Object(t);
if (typeof t == "string" || !== "[object Symbol]" || !== "[object Symbol]")
return false;
for (t in n27[t] = 42, n27)
return false;
if (typeof Object.keys == "function" && Object.keys(n27).length !== 0 || typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames == "function" && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n27).length !== 0)
return false;
var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n27);
if (a.length !== 1 || a[0] !== t || !, t))
return false;
if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor == "function") {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n27, t);
if (c.value !== 42 || c.enumerable !== true)
return false;
return true;
}, WDt = (typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis).Symbol, ePn = ZLn, tPn = function() {
return typeof WDt == "function" && typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof WDt("foo") == "symbol" && typeof Symbol("bar") == "symbol" && ePn();
}, nPn = "Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ", Let = Array.prototype.slice, rPn = Object.prototype.toString, iPn = function(n27) {
var t = this;
if (typeof t != "function" || !== "[object Function]")
throw new TypeError(nPn + t);
for (var r, a =, 1), c = function() {
if (this instanceof r) {
var w = t.apply(this, a.concat(;
return Object(w) === w ? w : this;
return t.apply(n27, a.concat(;
}, d = Math.max(0, t.length - a.length), p = [], y = 0; y < d; y++)
p.push("$" + y);
if (r = Function("binder", "return function (" + p.join(",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(c), t.prototype) {
var b = function() {
b.prototype = t.prototype, r.prototype = new b(), b.prototype = null;
return r;
}, BLt = Function.prototype.bind || iPn, P2e = TypeError, vfe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
if (vfe)
try {
vfe({}, "");
} catch {
vfe = null;
Pet = function() {
throw new P2e();
}, aPn = vfe ? function() {
try {
return arguments.callee, Pet;
} catch {
try {
return vfe(arguments, "callee").get;
} catch {
return Pet;
}() : Pet, ffe = tPn(), hfe = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(n27) {
return n27.__proto__;
}, Ret = typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? void 0 : hfe(Uint8Array), Net = { "%Array%": Array, "%ArrayBuffer%": typeof ArrayBuffer > "u" ? void 0 : ArrayBuffer, "%ArrayBufferPrototype%": typeof ArrayBuffer > "u" ? void 0 : ArrayBuffer.prototype, "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": ffe ? hfe([][Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%ArrayPrototype%": Array.prototype, "%ArrayProto_entries%": Array.prototype.entries, "%ArrayProto_forEach%": Array.prototype.forEach, "%ArrayProto_keys%": Array.prototype.keys, "%ArrayProto_values%": Array.prototype.values, "%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": void 0, "%AsyncFunction%": void 0, "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": void 0, "%AsyncGenerator%": void 0, "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": void 0, "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": void 0, "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": void 0, "%Atomics%": typeof Atomics > "u" ? void 0 : Atomics, "%Boolean%": Boolean, "%BooleanPrototype%": Boolean.prototype, "%DataView%": typeof DataView > "u" ? void 0 : DataView, "%DataViewPrototype%": typeof DataView > "u" ? void 0 : DataView.prototype, "%Date%": Date, "%DatePrototype%": Date.prototype, "%decodeURI%": decodeURI, "%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent, "%encodeURI%": encodeURI, "%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent, "%Error%": Error, "%ErrorPrototype%": Error.prototype, "%eval%": eval, "%EvalError%": EvalError, "%EvalErrorPrototype%": EvalError.prototype, "%Float32Array%": typeof Float32Array > "u" ? void 0 : Float32Array, "%Float32ArrayPrototype%": typeof Float32Array > "u" ? void 0 : Float32Array.prototype, "%Float64Array%": typeof Float64Array > "u" ? void 0 : Float64Array, "%Float64ArrayPrototype%": typeof Float64Array > "u" ? void 0 : Float64Array.prototype, "%Function%": Function, "%FunctionPrototype%": Function.prototype, "%Generator%": void 0, "%GeneratorFunction%": void 0, "%GeneratorPrototype%": void 0, "%Int8Array%": typeof Int8Array > "u" ? void 0 : Int8Array, "%Int8ArrayPrototype%": typeof Int8Array > "u" ? void 0 : Int8Array.prototype, "%Int16Array%": typeof Int16Array > "u" ? void 0 : Int16Array, "%Int16ArrayPrototype%": typeof Int16Array > "u" ? void 0 : Int8Array.prototype, "%Int32Array%": typeof Int32Array > "u" ? void 0 : Int32Array, "%Int32ArrayPrototype%": typeof Int32Array > "u" ? void 0 : Int32Array.prototype, "%isFinite%": isFinite, "%isNaN%": isNaN, "%IteratorPrototype%": ffe ? hfe(hfe([][Symbol.iterator]())) : void 0, "%JSON%": typeof JSON == "object" ? JSON : void 0, "%JSONParse%": typeof JSON == "object" ? JSON.parse : void 0, "%Map%": typeof Map > "u" ? void 0 : Map, "%MapIteratorPrototype%": typeof Map < "u" && ffe ? hfe((/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%MapPrototype%": typeof Map > "u" ? void 0 : Map.prototype, "%Math%": Math, "%Number%": Number, "%NumberPrototype%": Number.prototype, "%Object%": Object, "%ObjectPrototype%": Object.prototype, "%ObjProto_toString%": Object.prototype.toString, "%ObjProto_valueOf%": Object.prototype.valueOf, "%parseFloat%": parseFloat, "%parseInt%": parseInt, "%Promise%": typeof Promise > "u" ? void 0 : Promise, "%PromisePrototype%": typeof Promise > "u" ? void 0 : Promise.prototype, "%PromiseProto_then%": typeof Promise > "u" ? void 0 : Promise.prototype.then, "%Promise_all%": typeof Promise > "u" ? void 0 : Promise.all, "%Promise_reject%": typeof Promise > "u" ? void 0 : Promise.reject, "%Promise_resolve%": typeof Promise > "u" ? void 0 : Promise.resolve, "%Proxy%": typeof Proxy > "u" ? void 0 : Proxy, "%RangeError%": RangeError, "%RangeErrorPrototype%": RangeError.prototype, "%ReferenceError%": ReferenceError, "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ReferenceError.prototype, "%Reflect%": typeof Reflect > "u" ? void 0 : Reflect, "%RegExp%": RegExp, "%RegExpPrototype%": RegExp.prototype, "%Set%": typeof Set > "u" ? void 0 : Set, "%SetIteratorPrototype%": typeof Set < "u" && ffe ? hfe((/* @__PURE__ */ new Set())[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%SetPrototype%": typeof Set > "u" ? void 0 : Set.prototype, "%SharedArrayBuffer%": typeof SharedArrayBuffer > "u" ? void 0 : SharedArrayBuffer, "%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": typeof SharedArrayBuffer > "u" ? void 0 : SharedArrayBuffer.prototype, "%String%": String, "%StringIteratorPrototype%": ffe ? hfe(""[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%StringPrototype%": String.prototype, "%Symbol%": ffe ? Symbol : void 0, "%SymbolPrototype%": ffe ? Symbol.prototype : void 0, "%SyntaxError%": SyntaxError, "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": SyntaxError.prototype, "%ThrowTypeError%": aPn, "%TypedArray%": Ret, "%TypedArrayPrototype%": Ret ? Ret.prototype : void 0, "%TypeError%": P2e, "%TypeErrorPrototype%": P2e.prototype, "%Uint8Array%": typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? void 0 : Uint8Array, "%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? void 0 : Uint8Array.prototype, "%Uint8ClampedArray%": typeof Uint8ClampedArray > "u" ? void 0 : Uint8ClampedArray, "%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": typeof Uint8ClampedArray > "u" ? void 0 : Uint8ClampedArray.prototype, "%Uint16Array%": typeof Uint16Array > "u" ? void 0 : Uint16Array, "%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": typeof Uint16Array > "u" ? void 0 : Uint16Array.prototype, "%Uint32Array%": typeof Uint32Array > "u" ? void 0 : Uint32Array, "%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": typeof Uint32Array > "u" ? void 0 : Uint32Array.prototype, "%URIError%": URIError, "%URIErrorPrototype%": URIError.prototype, "%WeakMap%": typeof WeakMap > "u" ? void 0 : WeakMap, "%WeakMapPrototype%": typeof WeakMap > "u" ? void 0 : WeakMap.prototype, "%WeakSet%": typeof WeakSet > "u" ? void 0 : WeakSet, "%WeakSetPrototype%": typeof WeakSet > "u" ? void 0 : WeakSet.prototype }, zDt =, String.prototype.replace), oPn = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, sPn = /\\(\\)?/g, lPn = function(n27) {
var t = [];
return zDt(n27, oPn, function(r, a, c, d) {
t[t.length] = c ? zDt(d, sPn, "$1") : a || r;
}), t;
}, cPn = function(n27, t) {
if (!(n27 in Net))
throw new SyntaxError("intrinsic " + n27 + " does not exist!");
if (Net[n27] === void 0 && !t)
throw new P2e("intrinsic " + n27 + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");
return Net[n27];
}, uPn = function(n27, t) {
if (typeof n27 != "string" || n27.length === 0)
throw new TypeError("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");
if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof t != "boolean")
throw new TypeError('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');
for (var r = lPn(n27), a = cPn("%" + (r.length > 0 ? r[0] : "") + "%", t), c = 1; c < r.length; c += 1)
if (a != null)
if (vfe && c + 1 >= r.length) {
var d = vfe(a, r[c]);
if (!t && !(r[c] in a))
throw new P2e("base intrinsic for " + n27 + " exists, but the property is not available.");
a = d ? d.get || d.value : a[r[c]];
} else
a = a[r[c]];
return a;
}, HDt = BLt, GLt = uPn("%Function%"), dPn = GLt.apply, pPn =;
(jLt = function() {
return HDt.apply(pPn, arguments);
}).apply = function() {
return HDt.apply(dPn, arguments);
fPn = jLt, JDt = function(n27) {
return n27 != n27;
}, mPn = (Qet = function(n27, t) {
return n27 === 0 && t === 0 ? 1 / n27 == 1 / t : n27 === t || !(!JDt(n27) || !JDt(t));
}, Qet), hPn = (Zet = function() {
return typeof == "function" ? : mPn;
}, Zet), _Pn = y6e, gPn = y6e, yPn = Qet, ULt = Zet, vPn = function() {
var n27 = hPn();
return _Pn(Object, { is: n27 }, { is: function() {
return !== n27;
} }), n27;
}, $Lt = fPn(ULt(), Object);
gPn($Lt, { getPolyfill: ULt, implementation: yPn, shim: vPn });
qLt = $Lt;
dtt = function(n27) {
return n27 != n27;
bPn = dtt, xPn = (ptt = function() {
return Number.isNaN && Number.isNaN(NaN) && !Number.isNaN("a") ? Number.isNaN : bPn;
}, y6e), EPn = ptt, SPn = y6e, TPn = dtt, VLt = ptt, wPn = function() {
var n27 = EPn();
return xPn(Number, { isNaN: n27 }, { isNaN: function() {
return Number.isNaN !== n27;
} }), n27;
}, WLt = VLt();
SPn(WLt, { getPolyfill: VLt, implementation: TPn, shim: wPn });
CPn = WLt, Oet = {}, KDt = false;
XDt = {}, YDt = false;
kPn = /a/g.flags !== void 0, m6e = function(n27) {
var t = [];
return n27.forEach(function(r) {
return t.push(r);
}), t;
}, ZDt = function(n27) {
var t = [];
return n27.forEach(function(r, a) {
return t.push([a, r]);
}), t;
}, eIt = ? : qLt, o6e = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols : function() {
return [];
}, ett = Number.isNaN ? Number.isNaN : CPn;
C2e = ftt(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), s6e = ftt(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable), tIt = ftt(Object.prototype.toString), MO = ju.types, DPn = MO.isAnyArrayBuffer, IPn = MO.isArrayBufferView, nIt = MO.isDate, H3e = MO.isMap, rIt = MO.isRegExp, J3e = MO.isSet, LPn = MO.isNativeError, PPn = MO.isBoxedPrimitive, iIt = MO.isNumberObject, aIt = MO.isStringObject, oIt = MO.isBooleanObject, sIt = MO.isBigIntObject, RPn = MO.isSymbolObject, NPn = MO.isFloat32Array, OPn = MO.isFloat64Array;
pIt = { isDeepEqual: function(n27, t) {
return eB(n27, t, false);
}, isDeepStrictEqual: function(n27, t) {
return eB(n27, t, true);
} }, Fet = {}, fIt = false;
pg = ttt();
jDr = pg.AssertionError, GDr = pg.deepEqual, UDr = pg.deepStrictEqual, $Dr = pg.doesNotReject, qDr = pg.doesNotThrow, VDr = pg.equal, WDr =, zDr = pg.ifError, HDr = pg.notDeepEqual, JDr = pg.notDeepStrictEqual, KDr = pg.notEqual, XDr = pg.notStrictEqual, YDr = pg.ok, QDr = pg.rejects, ZDr = pg.strict, eIr = pg.strictEqual, tIr = pg.throws, nIr = ju._extend, rIr = ju.callbackify, iIr = ju.debuglog, aIr = ju.deprecate, oIr = ju.format, sIr = ju.inherits, lIr = ju.inspect, cIr = ju.isArray, uIr = ju.isBoolean, dIr = ju.isBuffer, pIr = ju.isDate, fIr = ju.isError, mIr = ju.isFunction, hIr = ju.isNull, _Ir = ju.isNullOrUndefined, gIr = ju.isNumber, yIr = ju.isObject, vIr = ju.isPrimitive, bIr = ju.isRegExp, xIr = ju.isString, EIr = ju.isSymbol, SIr = ju.isUndefined, TIr = ju.log, mIt = ju.promisify, wIr = ju.types, CIr = ju.TextEncoder = globalThis.TextEncoder, AIr = ju.TextDecoder = globalThis.TextDecoder, Met = {}, hIt = false;
AI = GPn(), kIr = AI._makeLong, DIr = AI.basename, IIr = AI.delimiter, LIr = AI.dirname, PIr = AI.extname, RIr = AI.format, NIr = AI.isAbsolute, OIr = AI.join, FIr = AI.normalize, MIr = AI.parse, BIr = AI.posix, jIr = AI.relative, GIr = AI.resolve, UIr = AI.sep, $Ir = AI.win32;
oN.once = function(n27, t) {
return new Promise((r, a) => {
function c(...p) {
d !== void 0 && n27.removeListener("error", d), r(p);
let d;
t !== "error" && (d = (p) => {
n27.removeListener(name, c), a(p);
}, n27.once("error", d)), n27.once(t, c);
oN.on = function(n27, t) {
let r = [], a = [], c = null, d = false, p = { async next() {
let w = r.shift();
if (w)
return createIterResult(w, false);
if (c) {
let I = Promise.reject(c);
return c = null, I;
return d ? createIterResult(void 0, true) : new Promise((I, j) => a.push({ resolve: I, reject: j }));
}, async return() {
n27.removeListener(t, y), n27.removeListener("error", b), d = true;
for (let w of a)
w.resolve(createIterResult(void 0, true));
return createIterResult(void 0, true);
}, throw(w) {
c = w, n27.removeListener(t, y), n27.removeListener("error", b);
}, [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return this;
} };
return n27.on(t, y), n27.on("error", b), p;
function y(...w) {
let I = a.shift();
I ? I.resolve(createIterResult(w, false)) : r.push(w);
function b(w) {
d = true;
let I = a.shift();
I ? I.reject(w) : c = w, p.return();
({ EventEmitter: qIr, defaultMaxListeners: VIr, init: WIr, listenerCount: zIr, on: HIr, once: JIr } = oN), Bet = {}, _It = false, jet = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
F$ = UPn(), gIt = F$.Readable;
gIt.wrap = function(n27, t) {
return t = Object.assign({ objectMode: n27.readableObjectMode != null || n27.objectMode != null || true }, t), t.destroy = function(r, a) {
n27.destroy(r), a(r);
}, new gIt(t).wrap(n27);
KIr = F$.Writable, XIr = F$.Duplex, YIr = F$.Transform, QIr = F$.PassThrough, ZIr = F$.finished, eLr = F$.pipeline, tLr = F$.Stream, nLr = { finished: mIt(F$.finished), pipeline: mIt(F$.pipeline) }, Dbe = 2147483647, $Pn = /^xn--/, qPn = /[^\0-\x7E]/, VPn = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, WPn = { overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process", "not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)", "invalid-input": "Invalid input" }, $H = Math.floor, Get = String.fromCharCode;
vIt = function(n27, t) {
return n27 + 22 + 75 * (n27 < 26) - ((t != 0) << 5);
}, KLt = function(n27, t, r) {
let a = 0;
for (n27 = r ? $H(n27 / 700) : n27 >> 1, n27 += $H(n27 / t); n27 > 455; a += 36)
n27 = $H(n27 / 35);
return $H(a + 36 * n27 / (n27 + 38));
}, bIt = function(n27) {
let t = [], r = n27.length, a = 0, c = 128, d = 72, p = n27.lastIndexOf("-");
p < 0 && (p = 0);
for (let b = 0; b < p; ++b)
n27.charCodeAt(b) >= 128 && _fe("not-basic"), t.push(n27.charCodeAt(b));
for (let b = p > 0 ? p + 1 : 0; b < r; ) {
let w = a;
for (let j = 1, $ = 36; ; $ += 36) {
b >= r && _fe("invalid-input");
let K = (y = n27.charCodeAt(b++)) - 48 < 10 ? y - 22 : y - 65 < 26 ? y - 65 : y - 97 < 26 ? y - 97 : 36;
(K >= 36 || K > $H((Dbe - a) / j)) && _fe("overflow"), a += K * j;
let ce = $ <= d ? 1 : $ >= d + 26 ? 26 : $ - d;
if (K < ce)
let ue = 36 - ce;
j > $H(Dbe / ue) && _fe("overflow"), j *= ue;
let I = t.length + 1;
d = KLt(a - w, I, w == 0), $H(a / I) > Dbe - c && _fe("overflow"), c += $H(a / I), a %= I, t.splice(a++, 0, c);
var y;
return String.fromCodePoint(...t);
}, xIt = function(n27) {
let t = [], r = (n27 = JLt(n27)).length, a = 128, c = 0, d = 72;
for (let b of n27)
b < 128 && t.push(Get(b));
let p = t.length, y = p;
for (p && t.push("-"); y < r; ) {
let b = Dbe;
for (let I of n27)
I >= a && I < b && (b = I);
let w = y + 1;
b - a > $H((Dbe - c) / w) && _fe("overflow"), c += (b - a) * w, a = b;
for (let I of n27)
if (I < a && ++c > Dbe && _fe("overflow"), I == a) {
let j = c;
for (let $ = 36; ; $ += 36) {
let K = $ <= d ? 1 : $ >= d + 26 ? 26 : $ - d;
if (j < K)
let ce = j - K, ue = 36 - K;
t.push(Get(vIt(K + ce % ue, 0))), j = $H(ce / ue);
t.push(Get(vIt(j, 0))), d = KLt(c, w, y == p), c = 0, ++y;
++c, ++a;
return t.join("");
}, Efe = { version: "2.1.0", ucs2: { decode: JLt, encode: (n27) => String.fromCodePoint(...n27) }, decode: bIt, encode: xIt, toASCII: function(n27) {
return yIt(n27, function(t) {
return qPn.test(t) ? "xn--" + xIt(t) : t;
}, toUnicode: function(n27) {
return yIt(n27, function(t) {
return $Pn.test(t) ? bIt(t.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : t;
} };
HPn = function(n27, t, r, a) {
t = t || "&", r = r || "=";
var c = {};
if (typeof n27 != "string" || n27.length === 0)
return c;
var d = /\+/g;
n27 = n27.split(t);
var p = 1e3;
a && typeof a.maxKeys == "number" && (p = a.maxKeys);
var y = n27.length;
p > 0 && y > p && (y = p);
for (var b = 0; b < y; ++b) {
var w, I, j, $, K = n27[b].replace(d, "%20"), ce = K.indexOf(r);
ce >= 0 ? (w = K.substr(0, ce), I = K.substr(ce + 1)) : (w = K, I = ""), j = decodeURIComponent(w), $ = decodeURIComponent(I), zPn(c, j) ? Array.isArray(c[j]) ? c[j].push($) : c[j] = [c[j], $] : c[j] = $;
return c;
}, E2e = function(n27) {
switch (typeof n27) {
case "string":
return n27;
case "boolean":
return n27 ? "true" : "false";
case "number":
return isFinite(n27) ? n27 : "";
return "";
}, JPn = function(n27, t, r, a) {
return t = t || "&", r = r || "=", n27 === null && (n27 = void 0), typeof n27 == "object" ? Object.keys(n27).map(function(c) {
var d = encodeURIComponent(E2e(c)) + r;
return Array.isArray(n27[c]) ? n27[c].map(function(p) {
return d + encodeURIComponent(E2e(p));
}).join(t) : d + encodeURIComponent(E2e(n27[c]));
}).join(t) : a ? encodeURIComponent(E2e(a)) + r + encodeURIComponent(E2e(n27)) : "";
}, Lee = {};
Lee.decode = Lee.parse = HPn, Lee.encode = Lee.stringify = JPn;
SE = {}, KPn = Efe, GH = { isString: function(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "string";
}, isObject: function(n27) {
return typeof n27 == "object" && n27 !== null;
}, isNull: function(n27) {
return n27 === null;
}, isNullOrUndefined: function(n27) {
return n27 == null;
} };
SE.parse = A2e, SE.resolve = function(n27, t) {
return A2e(n27, false, true).resolve(t);
}, SE.resolveObject = function(n27, t) {
return n27 ? A2e(n27, false, true).resolveObject(t) : t;
}, SE.format = function(n27) {
return GH.isString(n27) && (n27 = A2e(n27)), n27 instanceof Z9 ? n27.format() :;
}, SE.Url = Z9;
XPn = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, YPn = /:[0-9]*$/, QPn = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/, ZPn = ["{", "}", "|", "\\", "^", "`"].concat(["<", ">", '"', "`", " ", "\r", `
`, " "]), ntt = ["'"].concat(ZPn), EIt = ["%", "/", "?", ";", "#"].concat(ntt), SIt = ["/", "?", "#"], TIt = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, eRn = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, tRn = { javascript: true, "javascript:": true }, Uet = { javascript: true, "javascript:": true }, Ebe = { http: true, https: true, ftp: true, gopher: true, file: true, "http:": true, "https:": true, "ftp:": true, "gopher:": true, "file:": true }, $et = Lee;
Z9.prototype.parse = function(n27, t, r) {
if (!GH.isString(n27))
throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof n27);
var a = n27.indexOf("?"), c = a !== -1 && a < n27.indexOf("#") ? "?" : "#", d = n27.split(c);
d[0] = d[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");
var p = n27 = d.join(c);
if (p = p.trim(), !r && n27.split("#").length === 1) {
var y = QPn.exec(p);
if (y)
return this.path = p, this.href = p, this.pathname = y[1], y[2] ? ( = y[2], this.query = t ? $et.parse( : : t && ( = "", this.query = {}), this;
var b = XPn.exec(p);
if (b) {
var w = (b = b[0]).toLowerCase();
this.protocol = w, p = p.substr(b.length);
if (r || b || p.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
var I = p.substr(0, 2) === "//";
!I || b && Uet[b] || (p = p.substr(2), this.slashes = true);
if (!Uet[b] && (I || b && !Ebe[b])) {
for (var j, $, K = -1, ce = 0; ce < SIt.length; ce++)
(ue = p.indexOf(SIt[ce])) !== -1 && (K === -1 || ue < K) && (K = ue);
for (($ = K === -1 ? p.lastIndexOf("@") : p.lastIndexOf("@", K)) !== -1 && (j = p.slice(0, $), p = p.slice($ + 1), this.auth = decodeURIComponent(j)), K = -1, ce = 0; ce < EIt.length; ce++) {
var ue;
(ue = p.indexOf(EIt[ce])) !== -1 && (K === -1 || ue < K) && (K = ue);
K === -1 && (K = p.length), = p.slice(0, K), p = p.slice(K), this.parseHost(), this.hostname = this.hostname || "";
var Ce = this.hostname[0] === "[" && this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1] === "]";
if (!Ce)
for (var De = this.hostname.split(/\./), we = (ce = 0, De.length); ce < we; ce++) {
var Pe = De[ce];
if (Pe && !Pe.match(TIt)) {
for (var dt = "", Lt = 0, Cn = Pe.length; Lt < Cn; Lt++)
Pe.charCodeAt(Lt) > 127 ? dt += "x" : dt += Pe[Lt];
if (!dt.match(TIt)) {
var Me = De.slice(0, ce), Ut = De.slice(ce + 1), $n = Pe.match(eRn);
$n && (Me.push($n[1]), Ut.unshift($n[2])), Ut.length && (p = "/" + Ut.join(".") + p), this.hostname = Me.join(".");
this.hostname.length > 255 ? this.hostname = "" : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(), Ce || (this.hostname = KPn.toASCII(this.hostname));
var Li = this.port ? ":" + this.port : "", or = this.hostname || ""; = or + Li, this.href +=, Ce && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2), p[0] !== "/" && (p = "/" + p));
if (!tRn[w])
for (ce = 0, we = ntt.length; ce < we; ce++) {
var ja = ntt[ce];
if (p.indexOf(ja) !== -1) {
var ha = encodeURIComponent(ja);
ha === ja && (ha = escape(ja)), p = p.split(ja).join(ha);
var vr = p.indexOf("#");
vr !== -1 && (this.hash = p.substr(vr), p = p.slice(0, vr));
var So = p.indexOf("?");
if (So !== -1 ? ( = p.substr(So), this.query = p.substr(So + 1), t && (this.query = $et.parse(this.query)), p = p.slice(0, So)) : t && ( = "", this.query = {}), p && (this.pathname = p), Ebe[w] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = "/"), this.pathname || {
Li = this.pathname || "";
var Zi = || "";
this.path = Li + Zi;
return this.href = this.format(), this;
}, Z9.prototype.format = function() {
var n27 = this.auth || "";
n27 && (n27 = (n27 = encodeURIComponent(n27)).replace(/%3A/i, ":"), n27 += "@");
var t = this.protocol || "", r = this.pathname || "", a = this.hash || "", c = false, d = ""; ? c = n27 + : this.hostname && (c = n27 + (this.hostname.indexOf(":") === -1 ? this.hostname : "[" + this.hostname + "]"), this.port && (c += ":" + this.port)), this.query && GH.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (d = $et.stringify(this.query));
var p = || d && "?" + d || "";
return t && t.substr(-1) !== ":" && (t += ":"), this.slashes || (!t || Ebe[t]) && c !== false ? (c = "//" + (c || ""), r && r.charAt(0) !== "/" && (r = "/" + r)) : c || (c = ""), a && a.charAt(0) !== "#" && (a = "#" + a), p && p.charAt(0) !== "?" && (p = "?" + p), t + c + (r = r.replace(/[?#]/g, function(y) {
return encodeURIComponent(y);
})) + (p = p.replace("#", "%23")) + a;
}, Z9.prototype.resolve = function(n27) {
return this.resolveObject(A2e(n27, false, true)).format();
}, Z9.prototype.resolveObject = function(n27) {
if (GH.isString(n27)) {
var t = new Z9();
t.parse(n27, false, true), n27 = t;
for (var r = new Z9(), a = Object.keys(this), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c];
r[d] = this[d];
if (r.hash = n27.hash, n27.href === "")
return r.href = r.format(), r;
if (n27.slashes && !n27.protocol) {
for (var p = Object.keys(n27), y = 0; y < p.length; y++) {
var b = p[y];
b !== "protocol" && (r[b] = n27[b]);
return Ebe[r.protocol] && r.hostname && !r.pathname && (r.path = r.pathname = "/"), r.href = r.format(), r;
if (n27.protocol && n27.protocol !== r.protocol) {
if (!Ebe[n27.protocol]) {
for (var w = Object.keys(n27), I = 0; I < w.length; I++) {
var j = w[I];
r[j] = n27[j];
return r.href = r.format(), r;
if (r.protocol = n27.protocol, || Uet[n27.protocol])
r.pathname = n27.pathname;
else {
for (var $ = (n27.pathname || "").split("/"); $.length && !( = $.shift()); )
; || ( = ""), n27.hostname || (n27.hostname = ""), $[0] !== "" && $.unshift(""), $.length < 2 && $.unshift(""), r.pathname = $.join("/");
if ( =, r.query = n27.query, = || "", r.auth = n27.auth, r.hostname = n27.hostname ||, r.port = n27.port, r.pathname || {
var K = r.pathname || "", ce = || "";
r.path = K + ce;
return r.slashes = r.slashes || n27.slashes, r.href = r.format(), r;
var ue = r.pathname && r.pathname.charAt(0) === "/", Ce = || n27.pathname && n27.pathname.charAt(0) === "/", De = Ce || ue || && n27.pathname, we = De, Pe = r.pathname && r.pathname.split("/") || [], dt = ($ = n27.pathname && n27.pathname.split("/") || [], r.protocol && !Ebe[r.protocol]);
if (dt && (r.hostname = "", r.port = null, && (Pe[0] === "" ? Pe[0] = : Pe.unshift(, = "", n27.protocol && (n27.hostname = null, n27.port = null, && ($[0] === "" ? $[0] = : $.unshift(, = null), De = De && ($[0] === "" || Pe[0] === "")), Ce) = || === "" ? :, r.hostname = n27.hostname || n27.hostname === "" ? n27.hostname : r.hostname, =, r.query = n27.query, Pe = $;
else if ($.length)
Pe || (Pe = []), Pe.pop(), Pe = Pe.concat($), =, r.query = n27.query;
else if (!GH.isNullOrUndefined(
return dt && (r.hostname = = Pe.shift(), ($n = !!( &&"@") > 0) &&"@")) && (r.auth = $n.shift(), = r.hostname = $n.shift())), =, r.query = n27.query, GH.isNull(r.pathname) && GH.isNull( || (r.path = (r.pathname ? r.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")), r.href = r.format(), r;
if (!Pe.length)
return r.pathname = null, ? r.path = "/" + : r.path = null, r.href = r.format(), r;
for (var Lt = Pe.slice(-1)[0], Cn = ( || || Pe.length > 1) && (Lt === "." || Lt === "..") || Lt === "", Me = 0, Ut = Pe.length; Ut >= 0; Ut--)
(Lt = Pe[Ut]) === "." ? Pe.splice(Ut, 1) : Lt === ".." ? (Pe.splice(Ut, 1), Me++) : Me && (Pe.splice(Ut, 1), Me--);
if (!De && !we)
for (; Me--; Me)
!De || Pe[0] === "" || Pe[0] && Pe[0].charAt(0) === "/" || Pe.unshift(""), Cn && Pe.join("/").substr(-1) !== "/" && Pe.push("");
var $n, Li = Pe[0] === "" || Pe[0] && Pe[0].charAt(0) === "/";
return dt && (r.hostname = = Li ? "" : Pe.length ? Pe.shift() : "", ($n = !!( &&"@") > 0) &&"@")) && (r.auth = $n.shift(), = r.hostname = $n.shift())), (De = De || && Pe.length) && !Li && Pe.unshift(""), Pe.length ? r.pathname = Pe.join("/") : (r.pathname = null, r.path = null), GH.isNull(r.pathname) && GH.isNull( || (r.path = (r.pathname ? r.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")), r.auth = n27.auth || r.auth, r.slashes = r.slashes || n27.slashes, r.href = r.format(), r;
}, Z9.prototype.parseHost = function() {
var n27 =, t = YPn.exec(n27);
t && ((t = t[0]) !== ":" && (this.port = t.substr(1)), n27 = n27.substr(0, n27.length - t.length)), n27 && (this.hostname = n27);
qet = {}, wIt = false;
CIt = nRn(), rRn = typeof Deno < "u" ? === "windows" ? "win32" : : void 0;
SE.URL = typeof URL < "u" ? URL : null;
SE.pathToFileURL = gRn;
SE.fileURLToPath = mRn;
iRn = 92, aRn = 47, oRn = 97, sRn = 122, rtt = rRn === "win32", lRn = /\//g, cRn = /%/g, uRn = /\\/g, dRn = /\n/g, pRn = /\r/g, fRn = /\t/g;
yRn = typeof Deno < "u" ? === "windows" ? "win32" : : void 0;
SE.URL = typeof URL < "u" ? URL : null;
SE.pathToFileURL = LRn;
SE.fileURLToPath = XLt;
rLr = SE.Url, iLr = SE.format, aLr = SE.resolve, oLr = SE.resolveObject, sLr = SE.parse, lLr = SE.URL, vRn = 92, bRn = 47, xRn = 97, ERn = 122, itt = yRn === "win32", SRn = /\//g, TRn = /%/g, wRn = /\\/g, CRn = /\n/g, ARn = /\r/g, kRn = /\t/g;
S2e = {}, AIt = false;
X3e = {}, kIt = false;
mfe = {}, DIt = false;
Sfe = NRn();
YLt = Sfe.Buffer, uLr = Sfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES, dLr = Sfe.kMaxLength, T2e = {}, IIt = false;
Y3e = {}, LIt = false;
Sbe = {}, PIt = false;
R$ = {}, RIt = false;
Gk = {}, NIt = false, FRn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
BH = {}, OIt = false;
Tbe = {}, FIt = false;
Q3e = {}, MIt = false, BIt = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
wbe = {}, jIt = false;
EF = {}, GIt = false;
Z3e = {}, UIt = false, BRn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
use = {}, $It = false;
w2e = {}, qIt = false;
t0 = {}, VIt = false, $Rn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : globalThis;
wee = {}, WIt = false;
CI = {}, zIt = false;
Tfe = VRn();
BO = rPt();
({ vol: Ree, createFsFromVolume: WRn } = Tfe);
Ree.fromNestedJSON({ "/dev": { stdin: "", stdout: "", stderr: "" }, "/usr/bin": {}, "/home": {}, "/tmp": {} });
Ree.releasedFds = [2, 1, 0];
Ree.openSync("/dev/stdin", "w");
Ree.openSync("/dev/stdout", "r");
Ree.openSync("/dev/stderr", "r");
iPt("/dev/stdout", 1, console.log);
iPt("/dev/stderr", 2, console.error);
TE = WRn(Ree);
TE.opendir = () => A8("opendir");
TE.opendirSync = () => A8("opendirSync");
TE.promises.opendir = () => A8("promises.opendir");
TE.cp = () => A8("cp");
TE.cpSync = () => A8("cpSync");
TE.promises.cp = () => A8("promises.cp");
TE.readv = () => A8("readv");
TE.readvSync = () => A8("readvSync");
TE.rm = () => A8("rm");
TE.rmSync = () => A8("rmSync");
TE.promises.rm = () => A8("promises.rm");
TE.Dir = () => A8("Dir"); = () => A8("");
TE.FileReadStream = TE.ReadStream;
TE.FileWriteStream = TE.WriteStream;
TE.promises.readFile = HRn(TE.promises.readFile);
TE.readFile = JRn(TE.readFile);
TE.readFileSync = zRn(TE.readFileSync);
({ appendFile: aPt, appendFileSync: oPt, access: sPt, accessSync: lPt, chown: cPt, chownSync: uPt, chmod: dPt, chmodSync: pPt, close: fPt, closeSync: mPt, copyFile: hPt, copyFileSync: _Pt, cp: gPt, cpSync: yPt, createReadStream: vPt, createWriteStream: bPt, exists: xPt, existsSync: gtt, fchown: EPt, fchownSync: SPt, fchmod: TPt, fchmodSync: wPt, fdatasync: CPt, fdatasyncSync: APt, fstat: kPt, fstatSync: DPt, fsync: IPt, fsyncSync: LPt, ftruncate: PPt, ftruncateSync: RPt, futimes: NPt, futimesSync: OPt, lchown: FPt, lchownSync: MPt, lchmod: BPt, lchmodSync: jPt, link: GPt, linkSync: UPt, lstat: $Pt, lstatSync: qPt, mkdir: VPt, mkdirSync: WPt, mkdtemp: zPt, mkdtempSync: HPt, open: JPt, openSync: KPt, opendir: XPt, opendirSync: YPt, readdir: O2e, readdirSync: QPt, read: ZPt, readSync: eRt, readv: tRt, readvSync: nRt, readFile: rRt, readFileSync: iRt, readlink: aRt, readlinkSync: oRt, realpath: sRt, realpathSync: lRt, rename: cRt, renameSync: uRt, rm: dRt, rmSync: pRt, rmdir: fRt, rmdirSync: mRt, stat: v6e, statSync: hRt, symlink: _Rt, symlinkSync: gRt, truncate: yRt, truncateSync: vRt, unwatchFile: bRt, unlink: xRt, unlinkSync: ERt, utimes: SRt, utimesSync: TRt, watch: wRt, watchFile: CRt, writeFile: ARt, writeFileSync: ytt, write: kRt, writeSync: DRt, writev: IRt, writevSync: LRt, Dir: PRt, Dirent: RRt, Stats: NRt, ReadStream: ORt, WriteStream: FRt, FileReadStream: MRt, FileWriteStream: BRt, _toUnixTimestamp: jRt, constants: { F_OK: GRt, R_OK: URt, W_OK: $Rt, X_OK: qRt }, constants: VRt, promises: WRt } = TE);
var k8 = {};
Ym(k8, { Dir: () => PRt, Dirent: () => RRt, F_OK: () => GRt, FileReadStream: () => MRt, FileWriteStream: () => BRt, R_OK: () => URt, ReadStream: () => ORt, Stats: () => NRt, W_OK: () => $Rt, WriteStream: () => FRt, X_OK: () => qRt, _toUnixTimestamp: () => jRt, access: () => sPt, accessSync: () => lPt, appendFile: () => aPt, appendFileSync: () => oPt, chmod: () => dPt, chmodSync: () => pPt, chown: () => cPt, chownSync: () => uPt, close: () => fPt, closeSync: () => mPt, constants: () => VRt, copyFile: () => hPt, copyFileSync: () => _Pt, cp: () => gPt, cpSync: () => yPt, createReadStream: () => vPt, createWriteStream: () => bPt, exists: () => xPt, existsSync: () => gtt, fchmod: () => TPt, fchmodSync: () => wPt, fchown: () => EPt, fchownSync: () => SPt, fdatasync: () => CPt, fdatasyncSync: () => APt, fstat: () => kPt, fstatSync: () => DPt, fsync: () => IPt, fsyncSync: () => LPt, ftruncate: () => PPt, ftruncateSync: () => RPt, futimes: () => NPt, futimesSync: () => OPt, lchmod: () => BPt, lchmodSync: () => jPt, lchown: () => FPt, lchownSync: () => MPt, link: () => GPt, linkSync: () => UPt, lstat: () => $Pt, lstatSync: () => qPt, mkdir: () => VPt, mkdirSync: () => WPt, mkdtemp: () => zPt, mkdtempSync: () => HPt, open: () => JPt, openSync: () => KPt, opendir: () => XPt, opendirSync: () => YPt, promises: () => WRt, read: () => ZPt, readFile: () => rRt, readFileSync: () => iRt, readSync: () => eRt, readdir: () => O2e, readdirSync: () => QPt, readlink: () => aRt, readlinkSync: () => oRt, readv: () => tRt, readvSync: () => nRt, realpath: () => sRt, realpathSync: () => lRt, rename: () => cRt, renameSync: () => uRt, rm: () => dRt, rmSync: () => pRt, rmdir: () => fRt, rmdirSync: () => mRt, stat: () => v6e, statSync: () => hRt, symlink: () => _Rt, symlinkSync: () => gRt, truncate: () => yRt, truncateSync: () => vRt, unlink: () => xRt, unlinkSync: () => ERt, unwatchFile: () => bRt, utimes: () => SRt, utimesSync: () => TRt, watch: () => wRt, watchFile: () => CRt, write: () => kRt, writeFile: () => ARt, writeFileSync: () => ytt, writeSync: () => DRt, writev: () => IRt, writevSync: () => LRt });
var D8 = ww(() => {
var JRt = tr((gLr, HRt) => {
"use strict";
function qH(n27) {
if (typeof n27 != "string")
throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(n27));
function zRt(n27, t) {
for (var r = "", a = 0, c = -1, d = 0, p, y = 0; y <= n27.length; ++y) {
if (y < n27.length)
p = n27.charCodeAt(y);
else {
if (p === 47)
p = 47;
if (p === 47) {
if (!(c === y - 1 || d === 1))
if (c !== y - 1 && d === 2) {
if (r.length < 2 || a !== 2 || r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1) !== 46 || r.charCodeAt(r.length - 2) !== 46) {
if (r.length > 2) {
var b = r.lastIndexOf("/");
if (b !== r.length - 1) {
b === -1 ? (r = "", a = 0) : (r = r.slice(0, b), a = r.length - 1 - r.lastIndexOf("/")), c = y, d = 0;
} else if (r.length === 2 || r.length === 1) {
r = "", a = 0, c = y, d = 0;
t && (r.length > 0 ? r += "/.." : r = "..", a = 2);
} else
r.length > 0 ? r += "/" + n27.slice(c + 1, y) : r = n27.slice(c + 1, y), a = y - c - 1;
c = y, d = 0;
} else
p === 46 && d !== -1 ? ++d : d = -1;
return r;
function KRn(n27, t) {
var r = t.dir || t.root, a = t.base || ( || "") + (t.ext || "");
return r ? r === t.root ? r + a : r + n27 + a : a;
var Fbe = { resolve: function() {
for (var t = "", r = false, a, c = arguments.length - 1; c >= -1 && !r; c--) {
var d;
c >= 0 ? d = arguments[c] : (a === void 0 && (a = Te.cwd()), d = a), qH(d), d.length !== 0 && (t = d + "/" + t, r = d.charCodeAt(0) === 47);
return t = zRt(t, !r), r ? t.length > 0 ? "/" + t : "/" : t.length > 0 ? t : ".";
}, normalize: function(t) {
if (qH(t), t.length === 0)
return ".";
var r = t.charCodeAt(0) === 47, a = t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) === 47;
return t = zRt(t, !r), t.length === 0 && !r && (t = "."), t.length > 0 && a && (t += "/"), r ? "/" + t : t;
}, isAbsolute: function(t) {
return qH(t), t.length > 0 && t.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
}, join: function() {
if (arguments.length === 0)
return ".";
for (var t, r = 0; r < arguments.length; ++r) {
var a = arguments[r];
qH(a), a.length > 0 && (t === void 0 ? t = a : t += "/" + a);
return t === void 0 ? "." : Fbe.normalize(t);
}, relative: function(t, r) {
if (qH(t), qH(r), t === r || (t = Fbe.resolve(t), r = Fbe.resolve(r), t === r))
return "";
for (var a = 1; a < t.length && t.charCodeAt(a) === 47; ++a)
for (var c = t.length, d = c - a, p = 1; p < r.length && r.charCodeAt(p) === 47; ++p)
for (var y = r.length, b = y - p, w = d < b ? d : b, I = -1, j = 0; j <= w; ++j) {
if (j === w) {
if (b > w) {
if (r.charCodeAt(p + j) === 47)
return r.slice(p + j + 1);
if (j === 0)
return r.slice(p + j);
} else
d > w && (t.charCodeAt(a + j) === 47 ? I = j : j === 0 && (I = 0));
var $ = t.charCodeAt(a + j), K = r.charCodeAt(p + j);
if ($ !== K)
$ === 47 && (I = j);
var ce = "";
for (j = a + I + 1; j <= c; ++j)
(j === c || t.charCodeAt(j) === 47) && (ce.length === 0 ? ce += ".." : ce += "/..");
return ce.length > 0 ? ce + r.slice(p + I) : (p += I, r.charCodeAt(p) === 47 && ++p, r.slice(p));
}, _makeLong: function(t) {
return t;
}, dirname: function(t) {
if (qH(t), t.length === 0)
return ".";
for (var r = t.charCodeAt(0), a = r === 47, c = -1, d = true, p = t.length - 1; p >= 1; --p)
if (r = t.charCodeAt(p), r === 47) {
if (!d) {
c = p;
} else
d = false;
return c === -1 ? a ? "/" : "." : a && c === 1 ? "//" : t.slice(0, c);
}, basename: function(t, r) {
if (r !== void 0 && typeof r != "string")
throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string');
var a = 0, c = -1, d = true, p;
if (r !== void 0 && r.length > 0 && r.length <= t.length) {
if (r.length === t.length && r === t)
return "";
var y = r.length - 1, b = -1;
for (p = t.length - 1; p >= 0; --p) {
var w = t.charCodeAt(p);
if (w === 47) {
if (!d) {
a = p + 1;
} else
b === -1 && (d = false, b = p + 1), y >= 0 && (w === r.charCodeAt(y) ? --y === -1 && (c = p) : (y = -1, c = b));
return a === c ? c = b : c === -1 && (c = t.length), t.slice(a, c);
} else {
for (p = t.length - 1; p >= 0; --p)
if (t.charCodeAt(p) === 47) {
if (!d) {
a = p + 1;
} else
c === -1 && (d = false, c = p + 1);
return c === -1 ? "" : t.slice(a, c);
}, extname: function(t) {
for (var r = -1, a = 0, c = -1, d = true, p = 0, y = t.length - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
var b = t.charCodeAt(y);
if (b === 47) {
if (!d) {
a = y + 1;
c === -1 && (d = false, c = y + 1), b === 46 ? r === -1 ? r = y : p !== 1 && (p = 1) : r !== -1 && (p = -1);
return r === -1 || c === -1 || p === 0 || p === 1 && r === c - 1 && r === a + 1 ? "" : t.slice(r, c);
}, format: function(t) {
if (t === null || typeof t != "object")
throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof t);
return KRn("/", t);
}, parse: function(t) {
var r = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" };
if (t.length === 0)
return r;
var a = t.charCodeAt(0), c = a === 47, d;
c ? (r.root = "/", d = 1) : d = 0;
for (var p = -1, y = 0, b = -1, w = true, I = t.length - 1, j = 0; I >= d; --I) {
if (a = t.charCodeAt(I), a === 47) {
if (!w) {
y = I + 1;
b === -1 && (w = false, b = I + 1), a === 46 ? p === -1 ? p = I : j !== 1 && (j = 1) : p !== -1 && (j = -1);
return p === -1 || b === -1 || j === 0 || j === 1 && p === b - 1 && p === y + 1 ? b !== -1 && (y === 0 && c ? r.base = = t.slice(1, b) : r.base = = t.slice(y, b)) : (y === 0 && c ? ( = t.slice(1, p), r.base = t.slice(1, b)) : ( = t.slice(y, p), r.base = t.slice(y, b)), r.ext = t.slice(p, b)), y > 0 ? r.dir = t.slice(0, y - 1) : c && (r.dir = "/"), r;
}, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null };
Fbe.posix = Fbe;
HRt.exports = Fbe;
var gA = {};
Ym(gA, { _makeLong: () => Fp._makeLong, basename: () => Fp.basename, default: () => Fp.default, delimiter: () => Fp.delimiter, dirname: () => Fp.dirname, extname: () => Fp.extname, format: () => Fp.format, isAbsolute: () => Fp.isAbsolute, join: () => Fp.join, normalize: () => Fp.normalize, parse: () => Fp.parse, posix: () => Fp.posix, relative: () => Fp.relative, resolve: () => Fp.resolve, sep: () => Fp.sep, win32: () => Fp.win32 });
var Fp, S0 = ww(() => {
Fp = Kh(JRt());
function XRn(n27, t) { = n27, this.array = t;
function YRt() {
return / 1e3;
function KRt(n27) {
var t = Math.floor(( - * 1e-3), r = * 1e-3, a = Math.floor(r) + t, c = Math.floor(r % 1 * 1e9);
return n27 && (a = a - n27[0], c = c - n27[1], c < 0 && (a--, c += xtt)), [a, c];
function YRn() {
return XRt || (XRt = true, Uk.endianness = function() {
return "LE";
}, Uk.hostname = function() {
return typeof location < "u" ? location.hostname : "";
}, Uk.loadavg = function() {
return [];
}, Uk.uptime = function() {
return 0;
}, Uk.freemem = function() {
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
}, Uk.totalmem = function() {
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
}, Uk.cpus = function() {
return [];
}, Uk.type = function() {
return "Browser";
}, Uk.release = function() {
return typeof navigator < "u" ? navigator.appVersion : "";
}, Uk.networkInterfaces = Uk.getNetworkInterfaces = function() {
return {};
}, Uk.arch = function() {
return "javascript";
}, Uk.platform = function() {
return "browser";
}, Uk.tmpdir = Uk.tmpDir = function() {
return "/tmp";
}, Uk.EOL = `
`, Uk.homedir = function() {
return "/";
}), Uk;
var ELr, pse, btt, xtt, Uk, XRt, jy, QRn, ZRn, eNn, Mbe, tNn, nNn, rNn, iNn, aNn, oNn, sNn, lNn, cNn, uNn, dNn, pNn, fNn, mNn, hNn, b6e = ww(() => {
q(); = function() {, this.array);
ELr = { PATH: "/usr/bin", LANG: navigator.language + ".UTF-8", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home", TMP: "/tmp" }, pse = { now: typeof performance < "u" ? : void 0, timing: typeof performance < "u" ? performance.timing : void 0 }; === void 0 && (btt =, pse.timing && pse.timing.navigationStart && (btt = pse.timing.navigationStart), = () => - btt);
xtt = 1e9;
KRt.bigint = function(n27) {
var t = KRt(n27);
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? t[0] * xtt + t[1] : BigInt(t[0] * xtt) + BigInt(t[1]);
Uk = {}, XRt = false;
jy = YRn();
QRn = new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([1]).buffer)[0] === 1 ? "LE" : "BE";
jy.endianness = function() {
return QRn;
jy.homedir = function() {
return "/home";
jy.version = function() {
return "";
jy.arch = function() {
return "x64";
jy.totalmem = function() {
return navigator.deviceMemory !== void 0 ? navigator.deviceMemory * (1 << 30) : 2 * (1 << 30);
jy.cpus = function() {
return Array(navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 0).fill({ model: "", times: {} });
jy.uptime = YRt;
jy.constants = {};
ZRn = jy.version, eNn = jy.constants, Mbe = jy.EOL, tNn = jy.arch, nNn = jy.cpus, rNn = jy.endianness, iNn = jy.freemem, aNn = jy.getNetworkInterfaces, oNn = jy.homedir, sNn = jy.hostname, lNn = jy.loadavg, cNn = jy.networkInterfaces, uNn = jy.platform, dNn = jy.release, pNn = jy.tmpDir, fNn = jy.tmpdir, mNn = jy.totalmem, hNn = jy.type;
var Ett = {};
Ym(Ett, { EOL: () => Mbe, arch: () => tNn, constants: () => eNn, cpus: () => nNn, endianness: () => rNn, freemem: () => iNn, getNetworkInterfaces: () => aNn, homedir: () => oNn, hostname: () => sNn, loadavg: () => lNn, networkInterfaces: () => cNn, platform: () => uNn, release: () => dNn, tmpDir: () => pNn, tmpdir: () => fNn, totalmem: () => mNn, type: () => hNn, uptime: () => YRt, version: () => ZRn });
var Stt = ww(() => {
var Ttt = {};
Ym(Ttt, { default: () => _Nn });
var _Nn, wtt = ww(() => {
_Nn = { getRandomValues(n27) {
let t = new ArrayBuffer(n27);
return Ae.from(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(t)));
} };
function gNn() {
if (QRt)
return F2e;
QRt = true, F2e.byteLength = y, F2e.toByteArray = w, F2e.fromByteArray = $;
for (var n27 = [], t = [], r = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c)
n27[c] = a[c], t[a.charCodeAt(c)] = c;
t["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, t["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
function p(K) {
var ce = K.length;
if (ce % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var ue = K.indexOf("=");
ue === -1 && (ue = ce);
var Ce = ue === ce ? 0 : 4 - ue % 4;
return [ue, Ce];
function y(K) {
var ce = p(K), ue = ce[0], Ce = ce[1];
return (ue + Ce) * 3 / 4 - Ce;
function b(K, ce, ue) {
return (ce + ue) * 3 / 4 - ue;
function w(K) {
var ce, ue = p(K), Ce = ue[0], De = ue[1], we = new r(b(K, Ce, De)), Pe = 0, dt = De > 0 ? Ce - 4 : Ce, Lt;
for (Lt = 0; Lt < dt; Lt += 4)
ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 18 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 12 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] << 6 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 3)], we[Pe++] = ce >> 16 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255;
return De === 2 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 2 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] >> 4, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), De === 1 && (ce = t[K.charCodeAt(Lt)] << 10 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 1)] << 4 | t[K.charCodeAt(Lt + 2)] >> 2, we[Pe++] = ce >> 8 & 255, we[Pe++] = ce & 255), we;
function I(K) {
return n27[K >> 18 & 63] + n27[K >> 12 & 63] + n27[K >> 6 & 63] + n27[K & 63];
function j(K, ce, ue) {
for (var Ce, De = [], we = ce; we < ue; we += 3)
Ce = (K[we] << 16 & 16711680) + (K[we + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (K[we + 2] & 255), De.push(I(Ce));
return De.join("");
function $(K) {
for (var ce, ue = K.length, Ce = ue % 3, De = [], we = 16383, Pe = 0, dt = ue - Ce; Pe < dt; Pe += we)
De.push(j(K, Pe, Pe + we > dt ? dt : Pe + we));
return Ce === 1 ? (ce = K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 2] + n27[ce << 4 & 63] + "==")) : Ce === 2 && (ce = (K[ue - 2] << 8) + K[ue - 1], De.push(n27[ce >> 10] + n27[ce >> 4 & 63] + n27[ce << 2 & 63] + "=")), De.join("");
return F2e;
function yNn() {
return ZRt || (ZRt = true, = function(n27, t, r, a, c) {
var d, p, y = c * 8 - a - 1, b = (1 << y) - 1, w = b >> 1, I = -7, j = r ? c - 1 : 0, $ = r ? -1 : 1, K = n27[t + j];
for (j += $, d = K & (1 << -I) - 1, K >>= -I, I += y; I > 0; d = d * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
for (p = d & (1 << -I) - 1, d >>= -I, I += a; I > 0; p = p * 256 + n27[t + j], j += $, I -= 8)
if (d === 0)
d = 1 - w;
else {
if (d === b)
return p ? NaN : (K ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0);
p = p + Math.pow(2, a), d = d - w;
return (K ? -1 : 1) * p * Math.pow(2, d - a);
}, x6e.write = function(n27, t, r, a, c, d) {
var p, y, b, w = d * 8 - c - 1, I = (1 << w) - 1, j = I >> 1, $ = c === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, K = a ? 0 : d - 1, ce = a ? 1 : -1, ue = t < 0 || t === 0 && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (y = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, p = I) : (p = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (b = Math.pow(2, -p)) < 1 && (p--, b *= 2), p + j >= 1 ? t += $ / b : t += $ * Math.pow(2, 1 - j), t * b >= 2 && (p++, b /= 2), p + j >= I ? (y = 0, p = I) : p + j >= 1 ? (y = (t * b - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = p + j) : (y = t * Math.pow(2, j - 1) * Math.pow(2, c), p = 0)); c >= 8; n27[r + K] = y & 255, K += ce, y /= 256, c -= 8)
for (p = p << c | y, w += c; w > 0; n27[r + K] = p & 255, K += ce, p /= 256, w -= 8)
n27[r + K - ce] |= ue * 128;
}), x6e;
function vNn() {
if (eNt)
return wfe;
eNt = true;
let n27 = gNn(), t = yNn(), r = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null;
wfe.Buffer = p, wfe.SlowBuffer = De, wfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
let a = 2147483647;
wfe.kMaxLength = a, p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = c(), !p.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console < "u" && typeof console.error == "function" && console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.");
function c() {
try {
let se = new Uint8Array(1), M = { foo: function() {
return 42;
} };
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(se, M), === 42;
} catch {
return false;
Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.buffer;
} }), Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
if (p.isBuffer(this))
return this.byteOffset;
} });
function d(se) {
if (se > a)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, p.prototype), M;
function p(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "number") {
if (typeof M == "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
return I(se);
return y(se, M, O);
p.poolSize = 8192;
function y(se, M, O) {
if (typeof se == "string")
return j(se, M);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se))
return K(se);
if (se == null)
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
if (Gu(se, ArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (Gu(se, SharedArrayBuffer) || se && Gu(se.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))
return ce(se, M, O);
if (typeof se == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
let ve = se.valueOf && se.valueOf();
if (ve != null && ve !== se)
return p.from(ve, M, O);
let Ye = ue(se);
if (Ye)
return Ye;
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof se[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function")
return p.from(se[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), M, O);
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof se);
p.from = function(se, M, O) {
return y(se, M, O);
}, Object.setPrototypeOf(p.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(p, Uint8Array);
function b(se) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
if (se < 0)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + se + '" is invalid for option "size"');
function w(se, M, O) {
return b(se), se <= 0 ? d(se) : M !== void 0 ? typeof O == "string" ? d(se).fill(M, O) : d(se).fill(M) : d(se);
p.alloc = function(se, M, O) {
return w(se, M, O);
function I(se) {
return b(se), d(se < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se) | 0);
p.allocUnsafe = function(se) {
return I(se);
}, p.allocUnsafeSlow = function(se) {
return I(se);
function j(se, M) {
if ((typeof M != "string" || M === "") && (M = "utf8"), !p.isEncoding(M))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + M);
let O = we(se, M) | 0, ve = d(O), Ye = ve.write(se, M);
return Ye !== O && (ve = ve.slice(0, Ye)), ve;
function $(se) {
let M = se.length < 0 ? 0 : Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
for (let ve = 0; ve < M; ve += 1)
O[ve] = se[ve] & 255;
return O;
function K(se) {
if (Gu(se, Uint8Array)) {
let M = new Uint8Array(se);
return ce(M.buffer, M.byteOffset, M.byteLength);
return $(se);
function ce(se, M, O) {
if (M < 0 || se.byteLength < M)
throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
if (se.byteLength < M + (O || 0))
throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
let ve;
return M === void 0 && O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se) : O === void 0 ? ve = new Uint8Array(se, M) : ve = new Uint8Array(se, M, O), Object.setPrototypeOf(ve, p.prototype), ve;
function ue(se) {
if (p.isBuffer(se)) {
let M = Ce(se.length) | 0, O = d(M);
return O.length === 0 || se.copy(O, 0, 0, M), O;
if (se.length !== void 0)
return typeof se.length != "number" || fh(se.length) ? d(0) : $(se);
if (se.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(
return $(;
function Ce(se) {
if (se >= a)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + a.toString(16) + " bytes");
return se | 0;
function De(se) {
return +se != se && (se = 0), p.alloc(+se);
p.isBuffer = function(M) {
return M != null && M._isBuffer === true && M !== p.prototype;
}, = function(M, O) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), Gu(O, Uint8Array) && (O = p.from(O, O.offset, O.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M) || !p.isBuffer(O))
throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (M === O)
return 0;
let ve = M.length, Ye = O.length;
for (let Qe = 0, ln = Math.min(ve, Ye); Qe < ln; ++Qe)
if (M[Qe] !== O[Qe]) {
ve = M[Qe], Ye = O[Qe];
return ve < Ye ? -1 : Ye < ve ? 1 : 0;
}, p.isEncoding = function(M) {
switch (String(M).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return true;
return false;
}, p.concat = function(M, O) {
if (!Array.isArray(M))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (M.length === 0)
return p.alloc(0);
let ve;
if (O === void 0)
for (O = 0, ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve)
O += M[ve].length;
let Ye = p.allocUnsafe(O), Qe = 0;
for (ve = 0; ve < M.length; ++ve) {
let ln = M[ve];
if (Gu(ln, Uint8Array))
Qe + ln.length > Ye.length ? (p.isBuffer(ln) || (ln = p.from(ln)), ln.copy(Ye, Qe)) :, ln, Qe);
else if (p.isBuffer(ln))
ln.copy(Ye, Qe);
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
Qe += ln.length;
return Ye;
function we(se, M) {
if (p.isBuffer(se))
return se.length;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(se) || Gu(se, ArrayBuffer))
return se.byteLength;
if (typeof se != "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof se);
let O = se.length, ve = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true;
if (!ve && O === 0)
return 0;
let Ye = false;
for (; ; )
switch (M) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return O;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Dc(se).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return O * 2;
case "hex":
return O >>> 1;
case "base64":
return zm(se).length;
if (Ye)
return ve ? -1 : Dc(se).length;
M = ("" + M).toLowerCase(), Ye = true;
p.byteLength = we;
function Pe(se, M, O) {
let ve = false;
if ((M === void 0 || M < 0) && (M = 0), M > this.length || ((O === void 0 || O > this.length) && (O = this.length), O <= 0) || (O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, O <= M))
return "";
for (se || (se = "utf8"); ; )
switch (se) {
case "hex":
return Or(this, M, O);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return ha(this, M, O);
case "ascii":
return Zi(this, M, O);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return Er(this, M, O);
case "base64":
return ja(this, M, O);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return ma(this, M, O);
if (ve)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + se);
se = (se + "").toLowerCase(), ve = true;
p.prototype._isBuffer = true;
function dt(se, M, O) {
let ve = se[M];
se[M] = se[O], se[O] = ve;
p.prototype.swap16 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 2 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 2)
dt(this, O, O + 1);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap32 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 4 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 4)
dt(this, O, O + 3), dt(this, O + 1, O + 2);
return this;
}, p.prototype.swap64 = function() {
let M = this.length;
if (M % 8 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (let O = 0; O < M; O += 8)
dt(this, O, O + 7), dt(this, O + 1, O + 6), dt(this, O + 2, O + 5), dt(this, O + 3, O + 4);
return this;
}, p.prototype.toString = function() {
let M = this.length;
return M === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? ha(this, 0, M) : Pe.apply(this, arguments);
}, p.prototype.toLocaleString = p.prototype.toString, p.prototype.equals = function(M) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === M ? true :, M) === 0;
}, p.prototype.inspect = function() {
let M = "", O = wfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return M = this.toString("hex", 0, O).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > O && (M += " ... "), "<Buffer " + M + ">";
}, r && (p.prototype[r] = p.prototype.inspect), = function(M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (Gu(M, Uint8Array) && (M = p.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), !p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof M);
if (O === void 0 && (O = 0), ve === void 0 && (ve = M ? M.length : 0), Ye === void 0 && (Ye = 0), Qe === void 0 && (Qe = this.length), O < 0 || ve > M.length || Ye < 0 || Qe > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (Ye >= Qe && O >= ve)
return 0;
if (Ye >= Qe)
return -1;
if (O >= ve)
return 1;
if (O >>>= 0, ve >>>= 0, Ye >>>= 0, Qe >>>= 0, this === M)
return 0;
let ln = Qe - Ye, Qo = ve - O, ss = Math.min(ln, Qo), Pa = this.slice(Ye, Qe), va = M.slice(O, ve);
for (let ui = 0; ui < ss; ++ui)
if (Pa[ui] !== va[ui]) {
ln = Pa[ui], Qo = va[ui];
return ln < Qo ? -1 : Qo < ln ? 1 : 0;
function Lt(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (se.length === 0)
return -1;
if (typeof O == "string" ? (ve = O, O = 0) : O > 2147483647 ? O = 2147483647 : O < -2147483648 && (O = -2147483648), O = +O, fh(O) && (O = Ye ? 0 : se.length - 1), O < 0 && (O = se.length + O), O >= se.length) {
if (Ye)
return -1;
O = se.length - 1;
} else if (O < 0)
if (Ye)
O = 0;
return -1;
if (typeof M == "string" && (M = p.from(M, ve)), p.isBuffer(M))
return M.length === 0 ? -1 : Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye);
if (typeof M == "number")
return M = M & 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? Ye ?, M, O) :, M, O) : Cn(se, [M], O, ve, Ye);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function Cn(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
let Qe = 1, ln = se.length, Qo = M.length;
if (ve !== void 0 && (ve = String(ve).toLowerCase(), ve === "ucs2" || ve === "ucs-2" || ve === "utf16le" || ve === "utf-16le")) {
if (se.length < 2 || M.length < 2)
return -1;
Qe = 2, ln /= 2, Qo /= 2, O /= 2;
function ss(va, ui) {
return Qe === 1 ? va[ui] : va.readUInt16BE(ui * Qe);
let Pa;
if (Ye) {
let va = -1;
for (Pa = O; Pa < ln; Pa++)
if (ss(se, Pa) === ss(M, va === -1 ? 0 : Pa - va)) {
if (va === -1 && (va = Pa), Pa - va + 1 === Qo)
return va * Qe;
} else
va !== -1 && (Pa -= Pa - va), va = -1;
} else
for (O + Qo > ln && (O = ln - Qo), Pa = O; Pa >= 0; Pa--) {
let va = true;
for (let ui = 0; ui < Qo; ui++)
if (ss(se, Pa + ui) !== ss(M, ui)) {
va = false;
if (va)
return Pa;
return -1;
p.prototype.includes = function(M, O, ve) {
return this.indexOf(M, O, ve) !== -1;
}, p.prototype.indexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, true);
}, p.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(M, O, ve) {
return Lt(this, M, O, ve, false);
function Me(se, M, O, ve) {
O = Number(O) || 0;
let Ye = se.length - O;
ve ? (ve = Number(ve), ve > Ye && (ve = Ye)) : ve = Ye;
let Qe = M.length;
ve > Qe / 2 && (ve = Qe / 2);
let ln;
for (ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
let Qo = parseInt(M.substr(ln * 2, 2), 16);
if (fh(Qo))
return ln;
se[O + ln] = Qo;
return ln;
function Ut(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Dc(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
function $n(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Qd(M), se, O, ve);
function Li(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(zm(M), se, O, ve);
function or(se, M, O, ve) {
return rm(Od(M, se.length - O), se, O, ve);
p.prototype.write = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (O === void 0)
Ye = "utf8", ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (ve === void 0 && typeof O == "string")
Ye = O, ve = this.length, O = 0;
else if (isFinite(O))
O = O >>> 0, isFinite(ve) ? (ve = ve >>> 0, Ye === void 0 && (Ye = "utf8")) : (Ye = ve, ve = void 0);
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
let Qe = this.length - O;
if ((ve === void 0 || ve > Qe) && (ve = Qe), M.length > 0 && (ve < 0 || O < 0) || O > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
Ye || (Ye = "utf8");
let ln = false;
for (; ; )
switch (Ye) {
case "hex":
return Me(this, M, O, ve);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return Ut(this, M, O, ve);
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return $n(this, M, O, ve);
case "base64":
return Li(this, M, O, ve);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return or(this, M, O, ve);
if (ln)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
Ye = ("" + Ye).toLowerCase(), ln = true;
}, p.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0) };
function ja(se, M, O) {
return M === 0 && O === se.length ? n27.fromByteArray(se) : n27.fromByteArray(se.slice(M, O));
function ha(se, M, O) {
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
let ve = [], Ye = M;
for (; Ye < O; ) {
let Qe = se[Ye], ln = null, Qo = Qe > 239 ? 4 : Qe > 223 ? 3 : Qe > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (Ye + Qo <= O) {
let ss, Pa, va, ui;
switch (Qo) {
case 1:
Qe < 128 && (ln = Qe);
case 2:
ss = se[Ye + 1], (ss & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 31) << 6 | ss & 63, ui > 127 && (ln = ui));
case 3:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 12 | (ss & 63) << 6 | Pa & 63, ui > 2047 && (ui < 55296 || ui > 57343) && (ln = ui));
case 4:
ss = se[Ye + 1], Pa = se[Ye + 2], va = se[Ye + 3], (ss & 192) === 128 && (Pa & 192) === 128 && (va & 192) === 128 && (ui = (Qe & 15) << 18 | (ss & 63) << 12 | (Pa & 63) << 6 | va & 63, ui > 65535 && ui < 1114112 && (ln = ui));
ln === null ? (ln = 65533, Qo = 1) : ln > 65535 && (ln -= 65536, ve.push(ln >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), ln = 56320 | ln & 1023), ve.push(ln), Ye += Qo;
return So(ve);
let vr = 4096;
function So(se) {
let M = se.length;
if (M <= vr)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se);
let O = "", ve = 0;
for (; ve < M; )
O += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, se.slice(ve, ve += vr));
return O;
function Zi(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye] & 127);
return ve;
function Er(se, M, O) {
let ve = "";
O = Math.min(se.length, O);
for (let Ye = M; Ye < O; ++Ye)
ve += String.fromCharCode(se[Ye]);
return ve;
function Or(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.length;
(!M || M < 0) && (M = 0), (!O || O < 0 || O > ve) && (O = ve);
let Ye = "";
for (let Qe = M; Qe < O; ++Qe)
Ye += Yg[se[Qe]];
return Ye;
function ma(se, M, O) {
let ve = se.slice(M, O), Ye = "";
for (let Qe = 0; Qe < ve.length - 1; Qe += 2)
Ye += String.fromCharCode(ve[Qe] + ve[Qe + 1] * 256);
return Ye;
p.prototype.slice = function(M, O) {
let ve = this.length;
M = ~~M, O = O === void 0 ? ve : ~~O, M < 0 ? (M += ve, M < 0 && (M = 0)) : M > ve && (M = ve), O < 0 ? (O += ve, O < 0 && (O = 0)) : O > ve && (O = ve), O < M && (O = M);
let Ye = this.subarray(M, O);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(Ye, p.prototype), Ye;
function ra(se, M, O) {
if (se % 1 !== 0 || se < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (se + M > O)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
p.prototype.readUintLE = p.prototype.readUIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUintBE = p.prototype.readUIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M + --O], Qe = 1;
for (; O > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + --O] * Qe;
return Ye;
}, p.prototype.readUint8 = p.prototype.readUInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M];
}, p.prototype.readUint16LE = p.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
}, p.prototype.readUint16BE = p.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length), this[M] << 8 | this[M + 1];
}, p.prototype.readUint32LE = p.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), (this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16) + this[M + 3] * 16777216;
}, p.prototype.readUint32BE = p.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] * 16777216 + (this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3]);
}, p.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24, Qe = this[++M] + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + ve * 2 ** 24;
return BigInt(Ye) + (BigInt(Qe) << BigInt(32));
}), p.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = O * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M], Qe = this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve;
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(Qe);
}), p.prototype.readIntLE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = this[M], Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (; ++ln < O && (Qe *= 256); )
Ye += this[M + ln] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, Ye >= Qe && (Ye -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), Ye;
}, p.prototype.readIntBE = function(M, O, ve) {
M = M >>> 0, O = O >>> 0, ve || ra(M, O, this.length);
let Ye = O, Qe = 1, ln = this[M + --Ye];
for (; Ye > 0 && (Qe *= 256); )
ln += this[M + --Ye] * Qe;
return Qe *= 128, ln >= Qe && (ln -= Math.pow(2, 8 * O)), ln;
}, p.prototype.readInt8 = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 1, this.length), this[M] & 128 ? (255 - this[M] + 1) * -1 : this[M];
}, p.prototype.readInt16LE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt16BE = function(M, O) {
M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 2, this.length);
let ve = this[M + 1] | this[M] << 8;
return ve & 32768 ? ve | 4294901760 : ve;
}, p.prototype.readInt32LE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] | this[M + 1] << 8 | this[M + 2] << 16 | this[M + 3] << 24;
}, p.prototype.readInt32BE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length), this[M] << 24 | this[M + 1] << 16 | this[M + 2] << 8 | this[M + 3];
}, p.prototype.readBigInt64LE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = this[M + 4] + this[M + 5] * 2 ** 8 + this[M + 6] * 2 ** 16 + (ve << 24);
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(O + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 24);
}), p.prototype.readBigInt64BE = uf(function(M) {
M = M >>> 0, Yr(M, "offset");
let O = this[M], ve = this[M + 7];
(O === void 0 || ve === void 0) && Xn(M, this.length - 8);
let Ye = (O << 24) + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + this[++M];
return (BigInt(Ye) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++M] * 2 ** 24 + this[++M] * 2 ** 16 + this[++M] * 2 ** 8 + ve);
}), p.prototype.readFloatLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, true, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readFloatBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 4, this.length),, M, false, 23, 4);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, true, 52, 8);
}, p.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(M, O) {
return M = M >>> 0, O || ra(M, 8, this.length),, M, false, 52, 8);
function eo(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (!p.isBuffer(se))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (M > Ye || M < Qe)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
p.prototype.writeUintLE = p.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = 1, ln = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++ln < ve && (Qe *= 256); )
this[O + ln] = M / Qe & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUintBE = p.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve = ve >>> 0, !Ye) {
let Qo = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve) - 1;
eo(this, M, O, ve, Qo, 0);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
this[O + Qe] = M / ln & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeUint8 = p.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 255, 0), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16LE = p.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint16BE = p.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 65535, 0), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32LE = p.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeUint32BE = p.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
function zs(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O++] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O++] = ln, O;
function Lo(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
xn(M, ve, Ye, se, O, 7);
let Qe = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295));
se[O + 7] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 6] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 5] = Qe, Qe = Qe >> 8, se[O + 4] = Qe;
let ln = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
return se[O + 3] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 2] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O + 1] = ln, ln = ln >> 8, se[O] = ln, O + 8;
p.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeIntLE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = 0, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O] = M & 255; ++Qe < ve && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe - 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeIntBE = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (M = +M, O = O >>> 0, !Ye) {
let ss = Math.pow(2, 8 * ve - 1);
eo(this, M, O, ve, ss - 1, -ss);
let Qe = ve - 1, ln = 1, Qo = 0;
for (this[O + Qe] = M & 255; --Qe >= 0 && (ln *= 256); )
M < 0 && Qo === 0 && this[O + Qe + 1] !== 0 && (Qo = 1), this[O + Qe] = (M / ln >> 0) - Qo & 255;
return O + ve;
}, p.prototype.writeInt8 = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 1, 127, -128), M < 0 && (M = 255 + M + 1), this[O] = M & 255, O + 1;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 2, 32767, -32768), this[O] = M >>> 8, this[O + 1] = M & 255, O + 2;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[O] = M & 255, this[O + 1] = M >>> 8, this[O + 2] = M >>> 16, this[O + 3] = M >>> 24, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(M, O, ve) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, ve || eo(this, M, O, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), M < 0 && (M = 4294967295 + M + 1), this[O] = M >>> 24, this[O + 1] = M >>> 16, this[O + 2] = M >>> 8, this[O + 3] = M & 255, O + 4;
}, p.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return zs(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
}), p.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = uf(function(M, O = 0) {
return Lo(this, M, O, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
function bd(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (O + ve > se.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function pl(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 4), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 23, 4), O + 4;
p.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return pl(this, M, O, false, ve);
function Pu(se, M, O, ve, Ye) {
return M = +M, O = O >>> 0, Ye || bd(se, M, O, 8), t.write(se, M, O, ve, 52, 8), O + 8;
p.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, true, ve);
}, p.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(M, O, ve) {
return Pu(this, M, O, false, ve);
}, p.prototype.copy = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (!p.isBuffer(M))
throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
if (ve || (ve = 0), !Ye && Ye !== 0 && (Ye = this.length), O >= M.length && (O = M.length), O || (O = 0), Ye > 0 && Ye < ve && (Ye = ve), Ye === ve || M.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
return 0;
if (O < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (ve < 0 || ve >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (Ye < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
Ye > this.length && (Ye = this.length), M.length - O < Ye - ve && (Ye = M.length - O + ve);
let Qe = Ye - ve;
return this === M && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(O, ve, Ye) :, this.subarray(ve, Ye), O), Qe;
}, p.prototype.fill = function(M, O, ve, Ye) {
if (typeof M == "string") {
if (typeof O == "string" ? (Ye = O, O = 0, ve = this.length) : typeof ve == "string" && (Ye = ve, ve = this.length), Ye !== void 0 && typeof Ye != "string")
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if (typeof Ye == "string" && !p.isEncoding(Ye))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + Ye);
if (M.length === 1) {
let ln = M.charCodeAt(0);
(Ye === "utf8" && ln < 128 || Ye === "latin1") && (M = ln);
} else
typeof M == "number" ? M = M & 255 : typeof M == "boolean" && (M = Number(M));
if (O < 0 || this.length < O || this.length < ve)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (ve <= O)
return this;
O = O >>> 0, ve = ve === void 0 ? this.length : ve >>> 0, M || (M = 0);
let Qe;
if (typeof M == "number")
for (Qe = O; Qe < ve; ++Qe)
this[Qe] = M;
else {
let ln = p.isBuffer(M) ? M : p.from(M, Ye), Qo = ln.length;
if (Qo === 0)
throw new TypeError('The value "' + M + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
for (Qe = 0; Qe < ve - O; ++Qe)
this[Qe + O] = ln[Qe % Qo];
return this;
let Ri = {};
function Hr(se, M, O) {
Ri[se] = class extends O {
constructor() {
super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: M.apply(this, arguments), writable: true, configurable: true }), = `${} [${se}]`, this.stack, delete;
get code() {
return se;
set code(Ye) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: Ye, writable: true });
toString() {
return `${} [${se}]: ${this.message}`;
Hr("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(se) {
return se ? `${se} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds";
}, RangeError), Hr("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(se, M) {
return `The "${se}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof M}`;
}, TypeError), Hr("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(se, M, O) {
let ve = `The value of "${se}" is out of range.`, Ye = O;
return Number.isInteger(O) && Math.abs(O) > 2 ** 32 ? Ye = mo(String(O)) : typeof O == "bigint" && (Ye = String(O), (O > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || O < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (Ye = mo(Ye)), Ye += "n"), ve += ` It must be ${M}. Received ${Ye}`, ve;
}, RangeError);
function mo(se) {
let M = "", O = se.length, ve = se[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0;
for (; O >= ve + 4; O -= 3)
M = `_${se.slice(O - 3, O)}${M}`;
return `${se.slice(0, O)}${M}`;
function Ds(se, M, O) {
Yr(M, "offset"), (se[M] === void 0 || se[M + O] === void 0) && Xn(M, se.length - (O + 1));
function xn(se, M, O, ve, Ye, Qe) {
if (se > O || se < M) {
let ln = typeof M == "bigint" ? "n" : "", Qo;
throw Qe > 3 ? M === 0 || M === BigInt(0) ? Qo = `>= 0${ln} and < 2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8}${ln}` : Qo = `>= -(2${ln} ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}) and < 2 ** ${(Qe + 1) * 8 - 1}${ln}` : Qo = `>= ${M}${ln} and <= ${O}${ln}`, new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", Qo, se);
Ds(ve, Ye, Qe);
function Yr(se, M) {
if (typeof se != "number")
throw new Ri.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(M, "number", se);
function Xn(se, M, O) {
throw Math.floor(se) !== se ? (Yr(se, O), new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", "an integer", se)) : M < 0 ? new Ri.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS() : new Ri.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(O || "offset", `>= ${O ? 1 : 0} and <= ${M}`, se);
let Zs = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function hc(se) {
if (se = se.split("=")[0], se = se.trim().replace(Zs, ""), se.length < 2)
return "";
for (; se.length % 4 !== 0; )
se = se + "=";
return se;
function Dc(se, M) {
M = M || 1 / 0;
let O, ve = se.length, Ye = null, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < ve; ++ln) {
if (O = se.charCodeAt(ln), O > 55295 && O < 57344) {
if (!Ye) {
if (O > 56319) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
} else if (ln + 1 === ve) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
Ye = O;
if (O < 56320) {
(M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189), Ye = O;
O = (Ye - 55296 << 10 | O - 56320) + 65536;
} else
Ye && (M -= 3) > -1 && Qe.push(239, 191, 189);
if (Ye = null, O < 128) {
if ((M -= 1) < 0)
} else if (O < 2048) {
if ((M -= 2) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 6 | 192, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 65536) {
if ((M -= 3) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 12 | 224, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else if (O < 1114112) {
if ((M -= 4) < 0)
Qe.push(O >> 18 | 240, O >> 12 & 63 | 128, O >> 6 & 63 | 128, O & 63 | 128);
} else
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
return Qe;
function Qd(se) {
let M = [];
for (let O = 0; O < se.length; ++O)
M.push(se.charCodeAt(O) & 255);
return M;
function Od(se, M) {
let O, ve, Ye, Qe = [];
for (let ln = 0; ln < se.length && !((M -= 2) < 0); ++ln)
O = se.charCodeAt(ln), ve = O >> 8, Ye = O % 256, Qe.push(Ye), Qe.push(ve);
return Qe;
function zm(se) {
return n27.toByteArray(hc(se));
function rm(se, M, O, ve) {
let Ye;
for (Ye = 0; Ye < ve && !(Ye + O >= M.length || Ye >= se.length); ++Ye)
M[Ye + O] = se[Ye];
return Ye;
function Gu(se, M) {
return se instanceof M || se != null && se.constructor != null && != null && ===;
function fh(se) {
return se !== se;
let Yg = function() {
let se = "0123456789abcdef", M = new Array(256);
for (let O = 0; O < 16; ++O) {
let ve = O * 16;
for (let Ye = 0; Ye < 16; ++Ye)
M[ve + Ye] = se[O] + se[Ye];
return M;
function uf(se) {
return typeof BigInt > "u" ? O_ : se;
function O_() {
throw new Error("BigInt not supported");
return wfe;
var F2e, QRt, x6e, ZRt, wfe, eNt, Cfe, bNn, xNn, ENn, tNt = ww(() => {
F2e = {}, QRt = false;
x6e = {}, ZRt = false;
wfe = {}, eNt = false;
Cfe = vNn();
bNn = Cfe.Buffer, xNn = Cfe.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES, ENn = Cfe.kMaxLength;
var nNt = {};
Ym(nNt, { Buffer: () => bNn, INSPECT_MAX_BYTES: () => xNn, kMaxLength: () => ENn });
var rNt = ww(() => {
var iNt = tr(() => {
var aNt = tr(() => {
var Ctt = tr((zLr, M2e) => {
"use strict";
var SNn = (() => {
var n27 = Object.defineProperty, t = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, r = (e, i) => function() {
return e && (i = (0, e[t(e)[0]])(e = 0)), i;
}, a = (e, i) => function() {
return i || (0, e[t(e)[0]])((i = { exports: {} }).exports, i), i.exports;
}, c = (e, i) => {
for (var l in i)
n27(e, l, { get: i[l], enumerable: true });
}, d, p, y, b = r({ "src/compiler/corePublic.ts"() {
"use strict";
d = "5.1", p = "5.1.6", y = ((e) => (e[e.LessThan = -1] = "LessThan", e[e.EqualTo = 0] = "EqualTo", e[e.GreaterThan = 1] = "GreaterThan", e))(y || {});
} });
function w(e) {
return e ? e.length : 0;
function I(e, i) {
if (e)
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
let u = i(e[l], l);
if (u)
return u;
function j(e, i) {
if (e)
for (let l = e.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
let u = i(e[l], l);
if (u)
return u;
function $(e, i) {
if (e !== void 0)
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
let u = i(e[l], l);
if (u !== void 0)
return u;
function K(e, i) {
for (let l of e) {
let u = i(l);
if (u !== void 0)
return u;
function ce(e, i, l) {
let u = l;
if (e) {
let _ = 0;
for (let g of e)
u = i(u, g, _), _++;
return u;
function ue(e, i, l) {
let u = [];
re.assertEqual(e.length, i.length);
for (let _ = 0; _ < e.length; _++)
u.push(l(e[_], i[_], _));
return u;
function Ce(e, i) {
if (e.length <= 1)
return e;
let l = [];
for (let u = 0, _ = e.length; u < _; u++)
u && l.push(i), l.push(e[u]);
return l;
function De(e, i) {
if (e) {
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++)
if (!i(e[l], l))
return false;
return true;
function we(e, i, l) {
if (e !== void 0)
for (let u = l ?? 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = e[u];
if (i(_, u))
return _;
function Pe(e, i, l) {
if (e !== void 0)
for (let u = l ?? e.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) {
let _ = e[u];
if (i(_, u))
return _;
function dt(e, i, l) {
if (e === void 0)
return -1;
for (let u = l ?? 0; u < e.length; u++)
if (i(e[u], u))
return u;
return -1;
function Lt(e, i, l) {
if (e === void 0)
return -1;
for (let u = l ?? e.length - 1; u >= 0; u--)
if (i(e[u], u))
return u;
return -1;
function Cn(e, i) {
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
let u = i(e[l], l);
if (u)
return u;
function Me(e, i, l = a0) {
if (e) {
for (let u of e)
if (l(u, i))
return true;
return false;
function Ut(e, i, l = a0) {
return e.length === i.length && e.every((u, _) => l(u, i[_]));
function $n(e, i, l) {
for (let u = l || 0; u < e.length; u++)
if (Me(i, e.charCodeAt(u)))
return u;
return -1;
function Li(e, i) {
let l = 0;
if (e)
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = e[u];
i(_, u) && l++;
return l;
function or(e, i) {
if (e) {
let l = e.length, u = 0;
for (; u < l && i(e[u]); )
if (u < l) {
let _ = e.slice(0, u);
for (u++; u < l; ) {
let g = e[u];
i(g) && _.push(g), u++;
return _;
return e;
function ja(e, i) {
let l = 0;
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++)
i(e[u], u, e) && (e[l] = e[u], l++);
e.length = l;
function ha(e) {
e.length = 0;
function vr(e, i) {
let l;
if (e) {
l = [];
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++)
l.push(i(e[u], u));
return l;
function* So(e, i) {
for (let l of e)
yield i(l);
function Zi(e, i) {
if (e)
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
let u = e[l], _ = i(u, l);
if (u !== _) {
let g = e.slice(0, l);
for (g.push(_), l++; l < e.length; l++)
g.push(i(e[l], l));
return g;
return e;
function Er(e) {
let i = [];
for (let l of e)
l && (kt(l) ? Qe(i, l) : i.push(l));
return i;
function Or(e, i) {
let l;
if (e)
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = i(e[u], u);
_ && (kt(_) ? l = Qe(l, _) : l = O(l, _));
return l || Pn;
function ma(e, i) {
let l = [];
if (e)
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = i(e[u], u);
_ && (kt(_) ? Qe(l, _) : l.push(_));
return l;
function* ra(e, i) {
for (let l of e) {
let u = i(l);
u && (yield* u);
function eo(e, i) {
let l;
if (e)
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = e[u], g = i(_, u);
(l || _ !== g || kt(g)) && (l || (l = e.slice(0, u)), kt(g) ? Qe(l, g) : l.push(g));
return l || e;
function zs(e, i) {
let l = [];
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = i(e[u], u);
if (_ === void 0)
return l;
function Lo(e, i) {
let l = [];
if (e)
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++) {
let _ = i(e[u], u);
_ !== void 0 && l.push(_);
return l;
function* bd(e, i) {
for (let l of e) {
let u = i(l);
u !== void 0 && (yield u);
function pl(e, i) {
if (!e)
let l = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return e.forEach((u, _) => {
let g = i(_, u);
if (g !== void 0) {
let [S, D] = g;
S !== void 0 && D !== void 0 && l.set(S, D);
}), l;
function Pu(e, i, l) {
if (e.has(i))
return e.get(i);
let u = l();
return e.set(i, u), u;
function Ri(e, i) {
return e.has(i) ? false : (e.add(i), true);
function* Hr(e) {
yield e;
function mo(e, i, l) {
let u;
if (e) {
u = [];
let _ = e.length, g, S, D = 0, A = 0;
for (; D < _; ) {
for (; A < _; ) {
let U = e[A];
if (S = i(U, A), A === 0)
g = S;
else if (S !== g)
if (D < A) {
let U = l(e.slice(D, A), g, D, A);
U && u.push(U), D = A;
g = S, A++;
return u;
function Ds(e, i) {
if (!e)
let l = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return e.forEach((u, _) => {
let [g, S] = i(_, u);
l.set(g, S);
}), l;
function xn(e, i) {
if (e)
if (i) {
for (let l of e)
if (i(l))
return true;
} else
return e.length > 0;
return false;
function Yr(e, i, l) {
let u;
for (let _ = 0; _ < e.length; _++)
i(e[_]) ? u = u === void 0 ? _ : u : u !== void 0 && (l(u, _), u = void 0);
u !== void 0 && l(u, e.length);
function Xn(e, i) {
return xn(i) ? xn(e) ? [...e, ...i] : i : e;
function Zs(e, i) {
return i;
function hc(e) {
function Dc(e, i, l) {
let u = hc(e);
ss(e, u, l);
let _ = e[u[0]], g = [u[0]];
for (let S = 1; S < u.length; S++) {
let D = u[S], A = e[D];
i(_, A) || (g.push(D), _ = A);
return g.sort(), => e[S]);
function Qd(e, i) {
let l = [];
for (let u of e)
ln(l, u, i);
return l;
function Od(e, i, l) {
return e.length === 0 ? [] : e.length === 1 ? e.slice() : l ? Dc(e, i, l) : Qd(e, i);
function zm(e, i) {
if (e.length === 0)
return Pn;
let l = e[0], u = [l];
for (let _ = 1; _ < e.length; _++) {
let g = e[_];
switch (i(g, l)) {
case true:
case 0:
case -1:
return"Array is unsorted.");
u.push(l = g);
return u;
function rm() {
return [];
function Gu(e, i, l, u) {
if (e.length === 0)
return e.push(i), true;
let _ = jr(e, i, Jp, l);
return _ < 0 ? (e.splice(~_, 0, i), true) : u ? (e.splice(_, 0, i), true) : false;
function fh(e, i, l) {
return zm(Pa(e, i), l || i || Qg);
function Yg(e, i) {
if (e.length < 2)
return true;
for (let l = 1, u = e.length; l < u; l++)
if (i(e[l - 1], e[l]) === 1)
return false;
return true;
function uf(e, i, l, u) {
let _ = 3;
if (e.length < 2)
return _;
let g = i(e[0]);
for (let S = 1, D = e.length; S < D && _ !== 0; S++) {
let A = i(e[S]);
_ & 1 && l(g, A) > 0 && (_ &= -2), _ & 2 && u(g, A) > 0 && (_ &= -3), g = A;
return _;
function O_(e, i, l = a0) {
if (!e || !i)
return e === i;
if (e.length !== i.length)
return false;
for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++)
if (!l(e[u], i[u], u))
return false;
return true;
function se(e) {
let i;
if (e)
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
let u = e[l];
(i || !u) && (i || (i = e.slice(0, l)), u && i.push(u));
return i || e;
function M(e, i, l) {
if (!i || !e || i.length === 0 || e.length === 0)
return i;
let u = [];
for (let _ = 0, g = 0; g < i.length; g++) {
g > 0 && re.assertGreaterThanOrEqual(l(i[g], i[g - 1]), 0);
for (let S = _; _ < e.length; _++)
switch (_ > S && re.assertGreaterThanOrEqual(l(e[_], e[_ - 1]), 0), l(i[g], e[_])) {
case -1:
continue e;
case 0:
continue e;
case 1:
continue t;
return u;
function O(e, i) {
return i === void 0 ? e : e === void 0 ? [i] : (e.push(i), e);
function ve(e, i) {
return e === void 0 ? i : i === void 0 ? e : kt(e) ? kt(i) ? Xn(e, i) : O(e, i) : kt(i) ? O(i, e) : [e, i];
function Ye(e, i) {
return i < 0 ? e.length + i : i;
function Qe(e, i, l, u) {
if (i === void 0 || i.length === 0)
return e;
if (e === void 0)
return i.slice(l, u);
l = l === void 0 ? 0 : Ye(i, l), u = u === void 0 ? i.length : Ye(i, u);
for (let _ = l; _ < u && _ < i.length; _++)
i[_] !== void 0 && e.push(i[_]);
return e;
function ln(e, i, l) {
return Me(e, i, l) ? false : (e.push(i), true);
function Qo(e, i, l) {
return e ? (ln(e, i, l), e) : [i];
function ss(e, i, l) {
i.sort((u, _) => l(e[u], e[_]) || bh(u, _));
function Pa(e, i) {
return e.length === 0 ? e : e.slice().sort(i);
function* va(e) {
for (let i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
yield e[i];
function ui(e, i) {
let l = hc(e);
return ss(e, l, i), => e[u]);
function Xi(e, i, l, u) {
for (; l < u; ) {
if (e[l] !== i[l])
return false;
return true;
function Fi(e) {
return e === void 0 || e.length === 0 ? void 0 : e[0];
function $a(e) {
if (e)
for (let i of e)
return i;
function Nr(e) {
return re.assert(e.length !== 0), e[0];
function Po(e) {
for (let i of e)
return i;"iterator is empty");
function Ko(e) {
return e === void 0 || e.length === 0 ? void 0 : e[e.length - 1];
function mi(e) {
return re.assert(e.length !== 0), e[e.length - 1];
function za(e) {
return e && e.length === 1 ? e[0] : void 0;
function Xc(e) {
return re.checkDefined(za(e));
function gs(e) {
return e && e.length === 1 ? e[0] : e;
function Zo(e, i, l) {
let u = e.slice(0);
return u[i] = l, u;
function jr(e, i, l, u, _) {
return Oa(e, l(i), l, u, _);
function Oa(e, i, l, u, _) {
if (!xn(e))
return -1;
let g = _ || 0, S = e.length - 1;
for (; g <= S; ) {
let D = g + (S - g >> 1), A = l(e[D], D);
switch (u(A, i)) {
case -1:
g = D + 1;
case 0:
return D;
case 1:
S = D - 1;
return ~g;
function wa(e, i, l, u, _) {
if (e && e.length > 0) {
let g = e.length;
if (g > 0) {
let S = u === void 0 || u < 0 ? 0 : u, D = _ === void 0 || S + _ > g - 1 ? g - 1 : S + _, A;
for (arguments.length <= 2 ? (A = e[S], S++) : A = l; S <= D; )
A = i(A, e[S], S), S++;
return A;
return l;
function xa(e, i) {
return, i);
function Ta(e, i) {
return, i) ? e[i] : void 0;
function _i(e) {
let i = [];
for (let l in e), l) && i.push(l);
return i;
function Di(e) {
let i = [];
do {
let l = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e);
for (let u of l)
ln(i, u);
} while (e = Object.getPrototypeOf(e));
return i;
function Sa(e) {
let i = [];
for (let l in e), l) && i.push(e[l]);
return i;
function Mr(e, i) {
let l = new Array(e);
for (let u = 0; u < e; u++)
l[u] = i(u);
return l;
function Tn(e, i) {
let l = [];
for (let u of e)
l.push(i ? i(u) : u);
return l;
function Sr(e, ...i) {
for (let l of i)
if (l !== void 0)
for (let u in l)
xa(l, u) && (e[u] = l[u]);
return e;
function bi(e, i, l = a0) {
if (e === i)
return true;
if (!e || !i)
return false;
for (let u in e)
if (, u) && (!, u) || !l(e[u], i[u])))
return false;
for (let u in i)
if (, u) && !, u))
return false;
return true;
function ri(e, i, l = Jp) {
let u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (let _ of e) {
let g = i(_);
g !== void 0 && u.set(g, l(_));
return u;
function la(e, i, l = Jp) {
let u = [];
for (let _ of e)
u[i(_)] = l(_);
return u;
function to(e, i, l = Jp) {
let u = Pl();
for (let _ of e)
u.add(i(_), l(_));
return u;
function Io(e, i, l = Jp) {
return Tn(to(e, i).values(), l);
function Ha(e, i) {
let l = {};
if (e)
for (let u of e) {
let _ = `${i(u)}`;
(l[_] ?? (l[_] = [])).push(u);
return l;
function ns(e) {
let i = {};
for (let l in e), l) && (i[l] = e[l]);
return i;
function Yl(e, i) {
let l = {};
for (let u in i), u) && (l[u] = i[u]);
for (let u in e), u) && (l[u] = e[u]);
return l;
function fl(e, i) {
for (let l in i), l) && (e[l] = i[l]);
function xs(e, i) {
return i ? i.bind(e) : void 0;
function Pl() {
let e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return e.add = pi, e.remove = Zd, e;
function pi(e, i) {
let l = this.get(e);
return l ? l.push(i) : this.set(e, l = [i]), l;
function Zd(e, i) {
let l = this.get(e);
l && (Kx(l, i), l.length || this.delete(e));
function jp(e) {
let i = (e == null ? void 0 : e.slice()) || [], l = 0;
function u() {
return l === i.length;
function _(...S) {
function g() {
if (u())
throw new Error("Queue is empty");
let S = i[l];
if (i[l] = void 0, l++, l > 100 && l > i.length >> 1) {
let D = i.length - l;
i.copyWithin(0, l), i.length = D, l = 0;
return S;
return { enqueue: _, dequeue: g, isEmpty: u };
function Pr(e, i) {
let l = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), u = 0;
function* _() {
for (let S of l.values())
kt(S) ? yield* S : yield S;
let g = { has(S) {
let D = e(S);
if (!l.has(D))
return false;
let A = l.get(D);
if (!kt(A))
return i(A, S);
for (let U of A)
if (i(U, S))
return true;
return false;
}, add(S) {
let D = e(S);
if (l.has(D)) {
let A = l.get(D);
if (kt(A))
Me(A, S, i) || (A.push(S), u++);
else {
let U = A;
i(U, S) || (l.set(D, [U, S]), u++);
} else
l.set(D, S), u++;
return this;
}, delete(S) {
let D = e(S);
if (!l.has(D))
return false;
let A = l.get(D);
if (kt(A)) {
for (let U = 0; U < A.length; U++)
if (i(A[U], S))
return A.length === 1 ? l.delete(D) : A.length === 2 ? l.set(D, A[1 - U]) : Jx(A, U), u--, true;
} else if (i(A, S))
return l.delete(D), u--, true;
return false;
}, clear() {
l.clear(), u = 0;
}, get size() {
return u;
}, forEach(S) {
for (let D of Tn(l.values()))
if (kt(D))
for (let A of D)
S(A, A, g);
else {
let A = D;
S(A, A, g);
}, keys() {
return _();
}, values() {
return _();
}, *entries() {
for (let S of _())
yield [S, S];
}, [Symbol.iterator]: () => _(), [Symbol.toStringTag]: l[Symbol.toStringTag] };
return g;
function kt(e) {
return Array.isArray(e);
function hn(e) {
return kt(e) ? e : [e];
function St(e) {
return typeof e == "string";
function Ii(e) {
return typeof e == "number";
function Bi(e, i) {
return e !== void 0 && i(e) ? e : void 0;
function Ro(e, i) {
return e !== void 0 && i(e) ? e :`Invalid cast. The supplied value ${e} did not pass the test '${re.getFunctionName(i)}'.`);
function tl(e) {
function Fd() {
return false;
function hd() {
return true;
function im() {
function Jp(e) {
return e;
function yy(e) {
return e.toLowerCase();
function Iv(e) {
return qh.test(e) ? e.replace(qh, yy) : e;
function op() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
function Gf(e) {
let i;
return () => (e && (i = e(), e = void 0), i);
function vy(e) {
let i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return (l) => {
let u = `${typeof l}:${l}`, _ = i.get(u);
return _ === void 0 && !i.has(u) && (_ = e(l), i.set(u, _)), _;
function C0(e) {
let i = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
return (l) => {
let u = i.get(l);
return u === void 0 && !i.has(l) && (u = e(l), i.set(l, u)), u;
function KS(e, i) {
return (...l) => {
let u = i.get(l);
return u === void 0 && !i.has(l) && (u = e(...l), i.set(l, u)), u;
function GT(e, i, l, u, _) {
if (_) {
let g = [];
for (let S = 0; S < arguments.length; S++)
g[S] = arguments[S];
return (S) => wa(g, (D, A) => A(D), S);
} else
return u ? (g) => u(l(i(e(g)))) : l ? (g) => l(i(e(g))) : i ? (g) => i(e(g)) : e ? (g) => e(g) : (g) => g;
function a0(e, i) {
return e === i;
function M1(e, i) {
return e === i || e !== void 0 && i !== void 0 && e.toUpperCase() === i.toUpperCase();
function $h(e, i) {
return a0(e, i);
function B1(e, i) {
return e === i ? 0 : e === void 0 ? -1 : i === void 0 ? 1 : e < i ? -1 : 1;
function bh(e, i) {
return B1(e, i);
function _m(e, i) {
return bh(e == null ? void 0 : e.start, i == null ? void 0 : i.start) || bh(e == null ? void 0 : e.length, i == null ? void 0 : i.length);
function jI(e, i) {
return wa(e, (l, u) => i(l, u) === -1 ? l : u);
function Qk(e, i) {
return e === i ? 0 : e === void 0 ? -1 : i === void 0 ? 1 : (e = e.toUpperCase(), i = i.toUpperCase(), e < i ? -1 : e > i ? 1 : 0);
function zx(e, i) {
return e === i ? 0 : e === void 0 ? -1 : i === void 0 ? 1 : (e = e.toLowerCase(), i = i.toLowerCase(), e < i ? -1 : e > i ? 1 : 0);
function Qg(e, i) {
return B1(e, i);
function Hx(e) {
return e ? Qk : Qg;
function CP() {
return Db;
function AP(e) {
Db !== e && (Db = e, g_ = void 0);
function Zk(e, i) {
return (g_ || (g_ = Ah(Db)))(e, i);
function kP(e, i, l, u) {
return e === i ? 0 : e === void 0 ? -1 : i === void 0 ? 1 : u(e[l], i[l]);
function j1(e, i) {
return bh(e ? 1 : 0, i ? 1 : 0);
function Ow(e, i, l) {
let u = Math.max(2, Math.floor(e.length * 0.34)), _ = Math.floor(e.length * 0.4) + 1, g;
for (let S of i) {
let D = l(S);
if (D !== void 0 && Math.abs(D.length - e.length) <= u) {
if (D === e || D.length < 3 && D.toLowerCase() !== e.toLowerCase())
let A = Fw(e, D, _ - 0.1);
if (A === void 0)
re.assert(A < _), _ = A, g = S;
return g;
function Fw(e, i, l) {
let u = new Array(i.length + 1), _ = new Array(i.length + 1), g = l + 0.01;
for (let D = 0; D <= i.length; D++)
u[D] = D;
for (let D = 1; D <= e.length; D++) {
let A = e.charCodeAt(D - 1), U = Math.ceil(D > l ? D - l : 1), F = Math.floor(i.length > l + D ? l + D : i.length);
_[0] = D;
let W = D;
for (let ie = 1; ie < U; ie++)
_[ie] = g;
for (let ie = U; ie <= F; ie++) {
let de = e[D - 1].toLowerCase() === i[ie - 1].toLowerCase() ? u[ie - 1] + 0.1 : u[ie - 1] + 2, ye = A === i.charCodeAt(ie - 1) ? u[ie - 1] : Math.min(u[ie] + 1, _[ie - 1] + 1, de);
_[ie] = ye, W = Math.min(W, ye);
for (let ie = F + 1; ie <= i.length; ie++)
_[ie] = g;
if (W > l)
let te = u;
u = _, _ = te;
let S = u[i.length];
return S > l ? void 0 : S;
function F_(e, i) {
let l = e.length - i.length;
return l >= 0 && e.indexOf(i, l) === l;
function XS(e, i) {
return F_(e, i) ? e.slice(0, e.length - i.length) : e;
function eD(e, i) {
return F_(e, i) ? e.slice(0, e.length - i.length) : void 0;
function Dg(e, i) {
return e.indexOf(i) !== -1;
function tD(e) {
let i = e.length;
for (let l = i - 1; l > 0; l--) {
let u = e.charCodeAt(l);
if (u >= 48 && u <= 57)
--l, u = e.charCodeAt(l);
while (l > 0 && u >= 48 && u <= 57);
else if (l > 4 && (u === 110 || u === 78)) {
if (--l, u = e.charCodeAt(l), u !== 105 && u !== 73 || (--l, u = e.charCodeAt(l), u !== 109 && u !== 77))
--l, u = e.charCodeAt(l);
} else
if (u !== 45 && u !== 46)
i = l;
return i === e.length ? e : e.slice(0, i);
function Y0(e, i) {
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++)
if (e[l] === i)
return zb(e, l), true;
return false;
function zb(e, i) {
for (let l = i; l < e.length - 1; l++)
e[l] = e[l + 1];
function Jx(e, i) {
e[i] = e[e.length - 1], e.pop();
function Kx(e, i) {
return YS(e, (l) => l === i);
function YS(e, i) {
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++)
if (i(e[l]))
return Jx(e, l), true;
return false;
function Kp(e) {
return e ? Jp : Iv;
function CC({ prefix: e, suffix: i }) {
return `${e}*${i}`;
function Ex(e, i) {
return re.assert(RA(e, i)), i.substring(e.prefix.length, i.length - e.suffix.length);
function Mw(e, i, l) {
let u, _ = -1;
for (let g of e) {
let S = i(g);
RA(S, l) && S.prefix.length > _ && (_ = S.prefix.length, u = g);
return u;
function ep(e, i) {
return e.lastIndexOf(i, 0) === 0;
function sS(e, i) {
return ep(e, i) ? e.substr(i.length) : e;
function AC(e, i, l = Jp) {
return ep(l(e), l(i)) ? e.substring(i.length) : void 0;
function RA({ prefix: e, suffix: i }, l) {
return l.length >= e.length + i.length && ep(l, e) && F_(l, i);
function Xx(e, i) {
return (l) => e(l) && i(l);
function o0(...e) {
return (...i) => {
let l;
for (let u of e)
if (l = u(...i), l)
return l;
return l;
function Bw(e) {
return (...i) => !e(...i);
function Tf(e) {
function _d2(e) {
return e === void 0 ? void 0 : [e];
function Md(e, i, l, u, _, g) {
g = g || tl;
let S = 0, D = 0, A = e.length, U = i.length, F = false;
for (; S < A && D < U; ) {
let W = e[S], te = i[D], ie = l(W, te);
ie === -1 ? (u(W), S++, F = true) : ie === 1 ? (_(te), D++, F = true) : (g(te, W), S++, D++);
for (; S < A; )
u(e[S++]), F = true;
for (; D < U; )
_(i[D++]), F = true;
return F;
function Tu(e) {
let i = [];
return $c(e, i, void 0, 0), i;
function $c(e, i, l, u) {
for (let _ of e[u]) {
let g;
l ? (g = l.slice(), g.push(_)) : g = [_], u === e.length - 1 ? i.push(g) : $c(e, i, g, u + 1);
function xu(e, i, l = " ") {
return i <= e.length ? e : l.repeat(i - e.length) + e;
function zl(e, i, l = " ") {
return i <= e.length ? e : e + l.repeat(i - e.length);
function rf(e, i) {
if (e) {
let l = e.length, u = 0;
for (; u < l && i(e[u]); )
return e.slice(0, u);
function xh(e, i) {
if (e) {
let l = e.length, u = 0;
for (; u < l && i(e[u]); )
return e.slice(u);
function t_(e) {
let i = e.length - 1;
for (; i >= 0 && sr(e.charCodeAt(i)); )
return e.slice(0, i + 1);
function mh() {
return typeof Te < "u" && !!Te.nextTick && !Te.browser && typeof M2e == "object";
var Pn, Mh, Vu, Td, cy, pf, qh, Eh, Ah, g_, Db, Hn, na, oo, fo = r({ "src/compiler/core.ts"() {
"use strict";
km(), Pn = [], Mh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), Vu = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), Td = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.CaseSensitive = 1] = "CaseSensitive", e[e.CaseInsensitive = 2] = "CaseInsensitive", e[e.Both = 3] = "Both", e))(Td || {}), cy = ? (e, i) => e == null ? void 0 : : (e, i) => {
if (e && (i = Ye(e, i), i < e.length))
return e[i];
}, pf = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, qh = /[^\u0130\u0131\u00DFa-z0-9\\/:\-_\. ]+/g, Eh = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Normal = 1] = "Normal", e[e.Aggressive = 2] = "Aggressive", e[e.VeryAggressive = 3] = "VeryAggressive", e))(Eh || {}), Ah = (() => {
let e, i, l = D();
return A;
function u(U, F, W) {
if (U === F)
return 0;
if (U === void 0)
return -1;
if (F === void 0)
return 1;
let te = W(U, F);
return te < 0 ? -1 : te > 0 ? 1 : 0;
function _(U) {
let F = new Intl.Collator(U, { usage: "sort", sensitivity: "variant" }).compare;
return (W, te) => u(W, te, F);
function g(U) {
if (U !== void 0)
return S();
return (W, te) => u(W, te, F);
function F(W, te) {
return W.localeCompare(te);
function S() {
return (W, te) => u(W, te, U);
function U(W, te) {
return F(W.toUpperCase(), te.toUpperCase()) || F(W, te);
function F(W, te) {
return W < te ? -1 : W > te ? 1 : 0;
function D() {
return typeof Intl == "object" && typeof Intl.Collator == "function" ? _ : typeof String.prototype.localeCompare == "function" && typeof String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase == "function" && "a".localeCompare("B") < 0 ? g : S;
function A(U) {
return U === void 0 ? e || (e = l(U)) : U === "en-US" ? i || (i = l(U)) : l(U);
})(), Hn = String.prototype.trim ? (e) => e.trim() : (e) => na(oo(e)), na = String.prototype.trimEnd ? (e) => e.trimEnd() : t_, oo = String.prototype.trimStart ? (e) => e.trimStart() : (e) => e.replace(/^\s+/g, "");
} }), Xo, re, ta = r({ "src/compiler/debug.ts"() {
"use strict";
km(), km(), Xo = ((e) => (e[e.Off = 0] = "Off", e[e.Error = 1] = "Error", e[e.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e[e.Info = 3] = "Info", e[e.Verbose = 4] = "Verbose", e))(Xo || {}), ((e) => {
let i = 0;
e.currentLogLevel = 2, e.isDebugging = false;
function l(ka) {
return e.currentLogLevel <= ka;
e.shouldLog = l;
function u(ka, Gs) {
e.loggingHost && l(ka) && e.loggingHost.log(ka, Gs);
function _(ka) {
u(3, ka);
e.log = _, ((ka) => {
function Gs(Xd) {
u(1, Xd);
ka.error = Gs;
function El(Xd) {
u(2, Xd);
ka.warn = El;
function ec(Xd) {
u(3, Xd);
ka.log = ec;
function Ep(Xd) {
u(4, Xd);
ka.trace = Ep;
})(_ = e.log || (e.log = {}));
let g = {};
function S() {
return i;
e.getAssertionLevel = S;
function D(ka) {
let Gs = i;
if (i = ka, ka > Gs)
for (let El of _i(g)) {
let ec = g[El];
ec !== void 0 && e[El] !== ec.assertion && ka >= ec.level && (e[El] = ec, g[El] = void 0);
e.setAssertionLevel = D;
function A(ka) {
return i >= ka;
e.shouldAssert = A;
function U(ka, Gs) {
return A(ka) ? true : (g[Gs] = { level: ka, assertion: e[Gs] }, e[Gs] = tl, false);
function F(ka, Gs) {
let El = new Error(ka ? `Debug Failure. ${ka}` : "Debug Failure.");
throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(El, Gs || F), El;
} = F;
function W(ka, Gs, El) {
return F(`${Gs || "Unexpected node."}\r
Node ${Dr(ka.kind)} was unexpected.`, El || W);
e.failBadSyntaxKind = W;
function te(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
ka || (Gs = Gs ? `False expression: ${Gs}` : "False expression.", El && (Gs += `\r
Verbose Debug Information: ` + (typeof El == "string" ? El : El())), F(Gs, ec || te));
e.assert = te;
function ie(ka, Gs, El, ec, Ep) {
if (ka !== Gs) {
let Xd = El ? ec ? `${El} ${ec}` : El : "";
F(`Expected ${ka} === ${Gs}. ${Xd}`, Ep || ie);
e.assertEqual = ie;
function de(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
ka >= Gs && F(`Expected ${ka} < ${Gs}. ${El || ""}`, ec || de);
e.assertLessThan = de;
function ye(ka, Gs, El) {
ka > Gs && F(`Expected ${ka} <= ${Gs}`, El || ye);
e.assertLessThanOrEqual = ye;
function me(ka, Gs, El) {
ka < Gs && F(`Expected ${ka} >= ${Gs}`, El || me);
e.assertGreaterThanOrEqual = me;
function Oe(ka, Gs, El) {
ka == null && F(Gs, El || Oe);
e.assertIsDefined = Oe;
function Ue(ka, Gs, El) {
return Oe(ka, Gs, El || Ue), ka;
e.checkDefined = Ue;
function qe(ka, Gs, El) {
for (let ec of ka)
Oe(ec, Gs, El || qe);
e.assertEachIsDefined = qe;
function st(ka, Gs, El) {
return qe(ka, Gs, El || st), ka;
e.checkEachDefined = st;
function Ge(ka, Gs = "Illegal value:", El) {
let ec = typeof ka == "object" && xa(ka, "kind") && xa(ka, "pos") ? "SyntaxKind: " + Dr(ka.kind) : JSON.stringify(ka);
return F(`${Gs} ${ec}`, El || Ge);
e.assertNever = Ge;
function vt(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
U(1, "assertEachNode") && te(Gs === void 0 || De(ka, Gs), El || "Unexpected node.", () => `Node array did not pass test '${rt(Gs)}'.`, ec || vt);
e.assertEachNode = vt;
function Ne(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
U(1, "assertNode") && te(ka !== void 0 && (Gs === void 0 || Gs(ka)), El || "Unexpected node.", () => `Node ${Dr(ka == null ? void 0 : ka.kind)} did not pass test '${rt(Gs)}'.`, ec || Ne);
e.assertNode = Ne;
function yt(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
U(1, "assertNotNode") && te(ka === void 0 || Gs === void 0 || !Gs(ka), El || "Unexpected node.", () => `Node ${Dr(ka.kind)} should not have passed test '${rt(Gs)}'.`, ec || yt);
e.assertNotNode = yt;
function pt(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
U(1, "assertOptionalNode") && te(Gs === void 0 || ka === void 0 || Gs(ka), El || "Unexpected node.", () => `Node ${Dr(ka == null ? void 0 : ka.kind)} did not pass test '${rt(Gs)}'.`, ec || pt);
e.assertOptionalNode = pt;
function jt(ka, Gs, El, ec) {
U(1, "assertOptionalToken") && te(Gs === void 0 || ka === void 0 || ka.kind === Gs, El || "Unexpected node.", () => `Node ${Dr(ka == null ? void 0 : ka.kind)} was not a '${Dr(Gs)}' token.`, ec || jt);
e.assertOptionalToken = jt;
function ze(ka, Gs, El) {
U(1, "assertMissingNode") && te(ka === void 0, Gs || "Unexpected node.", () => `Node ${Dr(ka.kind)} was unexpected'.`, El || ze);
e.assertMissingNode = ze;
function nt(ka) {
e.type = nt;
function rt(ka) {
if (typeof ka != "function")
return "";
if (xa(ka, "name"))
let Gs =, El = /^function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/.exec(Gs);
return El ? El[1] : "";
e.getFunctionName = rt;
function Ot(ka) {
return `{ name: ${Bu(ka.escapedName)}; flags: ${xr(ka.flags)}; declarations: ${vr(ka.declarations, (Gs) => Dr(Gs.kind))} }`;
e.formatSymbol = Ot;
function Wt(ka = 0, Gs, El) {
let ec = it(Gs);
if (ka === 0)
return ec.length > 0 && ec[0][0] === 0 ? ec[0][1] : "0";
if (El) {
let Ep = [], Xd = ka;
for (let [Us, Vo] of ec) {
if (Us > ka)
Us !== 0 && Us & ka && (Ep.push(Vo), Xd &= ~Us);
if (Xd === 0)
return Ep.join("|");
} else
for (let [Ep, Xd] of ec)
if (Ep === ka)
return Xd;
return ka.toString();
e.formatEnum = Wt;
let on = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function it(ka) {
let Gs = on.get(ka);
if (Gs)
return Gs;
let El = [];
for (let Ep in ka) {
let Xd = ka[Ep];
typeof Xd == "number" && El.push([Xd, Ep]);
let ec = ui(El, (Ep, Xd) => bh(Ep[0], Xd[0]));
return on.set(ka, ec), ec;
function Dr(ka) {
return Wt(ka, NA, false);
e.formatSyntaxKind = Dr;
function zn(ka) {
return Wt(ka, o_, false);
e.formatSnippetKind = zn;
function Bn(ka) {
return Wt(ka, cS, true);
e.formatNodeFlags = Bn;
function lr(ka) {
return Wt(ka, $T, true);
e.formatModifierFlags = lr;
function vn(ka) {
return Wt(ka, hh, true);
e.formatTransformFlags = vn;
function Ln(ka) {
return Wt(ka, s0, true);
e.formatEmitFlags = Ln;
function xr(ka) {
return Wt(ka, nr, true);
e.formatSymbolFlags = xr;
function ur(ka) {
return Wt(ka, Et, true);
e.formatTypeFlags = ur;
function kn(ka) {
return Wt(ka, qs, true);
e.formatSignatureFlags = kn;
function Fr(ka) {
return Wt(ka, dn, true);
e.formatObjectFlags = Fr;
function ji(ka) {
return Wt(ka, jw, true);
e.formatFlowFlags = ji;
function Ci(ka) {
return Wt(ka, nT, true);
e.formatRelationComparisonResult = Ci;
function Aa(ka) {
return Wt(ka, Rx, true);
e.formatCheckMode = Aa;
function Tr(ka) {
return Wt(ka, M0, true);
e.formatSignatureCheckMode = Tr;
function Pi(ka) {
return Wt(ka, I_, true);
e.formatTypeFacts = Pi;
let Co = false, qo;
function ba(ka) {
"__debugFlowFlags" in ka || Object.defineProperties(ka, { __tsDebuggerDisplay: { value() {
let Gs = this.flags & 2 ? "FlowStart" : this.flags & 4 ? "FlowBranchLabel" : this.flags & 8 ? "FlowLoopLabel" : this.flags & 16 ? "FlowAssignment" : this.flags & 32 ? "FlowTrueCondition" : this.flags & 64 ? "FlowFalseCondition" : this.flags & 128 ? "FlowSwitchClause" : this.flags & 256 ? "FlowArrayMutation" : this.flags & 512 ? "FlowCall" : this.flags & 1024 ? "FlowReduceLabel" : this.flags & 1 ? "FlowUnreachable" : "UnknownFlow", El = this.flags & ~(2048 - 1);
return `${Gs}${El ? ` (${ji(El)})` : ""}`;
} }, __debugFlowFlags: { get() {
return Wt(this.flags, jw, true);
} }, __debugToString: { value() {
return xo(this);
} } });
function Js(ka) {
Co && (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf == "function" ? (qo || (qo = Object.create(Object.prototype), ba(qo)), Object.setPrototypeOf(ka, qo)) : ba(ka));
e.attachFlowNodeDebugInfo = Js;
let Al;
function hs(ka) {
"__tsDebuggerDisplay" in ka || Object.defineProperties(ka, { __tsDebuggerDisplay: { value(Gs) {
return Gs = String(Gs).replace(/(?:,[\s\w\d_]+:[^,]+)+\]$/, "]"), `NodeArray ${Gs}`;
} } });
function Gl(ka) {
Co && (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf == "function" ? (Al || (Al = Object.create(Array.prototype), hs(Al)), Object.setPrototypeOf(ka, Al)) : hs(ka));
e.attachNodeArrayDebugInfo = Gl;
function eu() {
if (Co)
let ka = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Gs = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
Object.defineProperties(mb.getSymbolConstructor().prototype, { __tsDebuggerDisplay: { value() {
let ec = this.flags & 33554432 ? "TransientSymbol" : "Symbol", Ep = this.flags & -33554433;
return `${ec} '${kp(this)}'${Ep ? ` (${xr(Ep)})` : ""}`;
} }, __debugFlags: { get() {
return xr(this.flags);
} } }), Object.defineProperties(mb.getTypeConstructor().prototype, { __tsDebuggerDisplay: { value() {
let ec = this.flags & 98304 ? "NullableType" : this.flags & 384 ? `LiteralType ${JSON.stringify(this.value)}` : this.flags & 2048 ? `LiteralType ${this.value.negative ? "-" : ""}${this.value.base10Value}n` : this.flags & 8192 ? "UniqueESSymbolType" : this.flags & 32 ? "EnumType" : this.flags & 67359327 ? `IntrinsicType ${this.intrinsicName}` : this.flags & 1048576 ? "UnionType" : this.flags & 2097152 ? "IntersectionType" : this.flags & 4194304 ? "IndexType" : this.flags & 8388608 ? "IndexedAccessType" : this.flags & 16777216 ? "ConditionalType" : this.flags & 33554432 ? "SubstitutionType" : this.flags & 262144 ? "TypeParameter" : this.flags & 524288 ? this.objectFlags & 3 ? "InterfaceType" : this.objectFlags & 4 ? "TypeReference" : this.objectFlags & 8 ? "TupleType" : this.objectFlags & 16 ? "AnonymousType" : this.objectFlags & 32 ? "MappedType" : this.objectFlags & 1024 ? "ReverseMappedType" : this.objectFlags & 256 ? "EvolvingArrayType" : "ObjectType" : "Type", Ep = this.flags & 524288 ? this.objectFlags & -1344 : 0;
return `${ec}${this.symbol ? ` '${kp(this.symbol)}'` : ""}${Ep ? ` (${Fr(Ep)})` : ""}`;
} }, __debugFlags: { get() {
return ur(this.flags);
} }, __debugObjectFlags: { get() {
return this.flags & 524288 ? Fr(this.objectFlags) : "";
} }, __debugTypeToString: { value() {
let ec = ka.get(this);
return ec === void 0 && (ec = this.checker.typeToString(this), ka.set(this, ec)), ec;
} } }), Object.defineProperties(mb.getSignatureConstructor().prototype, { __debugFlags: { get() {
return kn(this.flags);
} }, __debugSignatureToString: { value() {
var ec;
return (ec = this.checker) == null ? void 0 : ec.signatureToString(this);
} } });
let El = [mb.getNodeConstructor(), mb.getIdentifierConstructor(), mb.getTokenConstructor(), mb.getSourceFileConstructor()];
for (let ec of El)
xa(ec.prototype, "__debugKind") || Object.defineProperties(ec.prototype, { __tsDebuggerDisplay: { value() {
return `${ig(this) ? "GeneratedIdentifier" : Un(this) ? `Identifier '${hl(this)}'` : Cd(this) ? `PrivateIdentifier '${hl(this)}'` : qm(this) ? `StringLiteral ${JSON.stringify(this.text.length < 10 ? this.text : this.text.slice(10) + "...")}` : lE(this) ? `NumericLiteral ${this.text}` : Xre(this) ? `BigIntLiteral ${this.text}n` : Tg(this) ? "TypeParameterDeclaration" : of(this) ? "ParameterDeclaration" : Vg(this) ? "ConstructorDeclaration" : uT(this) ? "GetAccessorDeclaration" : GE(this) ? "SetAccessorDeclaration" : WC(this) ? "CallSignatureDeclaration" : ND(this) ? "ConstructSignatureDeclaration" : e6(this) ? "IndexSignatureDeclaration" : t7(this) ? "TypePredicateNode" : Rg(this) ? "TypeReferenceNode" : H2(this) ? "FunctionTypeNode" : xL(this) ? "ConstructorTypeNode" : z4(this) ? "TypeQueryNode" : Lx(this) ? "TypeLiteralNode" : n72(this) ? "ArrayTypeNode" : t6(this) ? "TupleTypeNode" : i7(this) ? "OptionalTypeNode" : UX(this) ? "RestTypeNode" : n62(this) ? "UnionTypeNode" : OD(this) ? "IntersectionTypeNode" : H4(this) ? "ConditionalTypeNode" : J4(this) ? "InferTypeNode" : sR(this) ? "ParenthesizedTypeNode" : aW(this) ? "ThisTypeNode" : r6(this) ? "TypeOperatorNode" : ek(this) ? "IndexedAccessTypeNode" : dG(this) ? "MappedTypeNode" : EL(this) ? "LiteralTypeNode" : r7(this) ? "NamedTupleMember" : n28(this) ? "ImportTypeNode" : Dr(this.kind)}${this.flags ? ` (${Bn(this.flags)})` : ""}`;
} }, __debugKind: { get() {
return Dr(this.kind);
} }, __debugNodeFlags: { get() {
return Bn(this.flags);
} }, __debugModifierFlags: { get() {
return lr(__e(this));
} }, __debugTransformFlags: { get() {
return vn(this.transformFlags);
} }, __debugIsParseTreeNode: { get() {
return wx(this);
} }, __debugEmitFlags: { get() {
return Ln(Mm(this));
} }, __debugGetText: { value(Ep) {
if (Z_(this))
return "";
let Xd = Gs.get(this);
if (Xd === void 0) {
let Us = Wu(this), Vo = Us && cl(Us);
Xd = Vo ? CN(Vo, Us, Ep) : "", Gs.set(this, Xd);
return Xd;
} } });
Co = true;
e.enableDebugInfo = eu;
function dd(ka) {
let Gs = ka & 7, El = Gs === 0 ? "in out" : Gs === 3 ? "[bivariant]" : Gs === 2 ? "in" : Gs === 1 ? "out" : Gs === 4 ? "[independent]" : "";
return ka & 8 ? El += " (unmeasurable)" : ka & 16 && (El += " (unreliable)"), El;
e.formatVariance = dd;
class yp {
__debugToString() {
var Gs;
switch (this.kind) {
case 3:
return ((Gs = this.debugInfo) == null ? void 0 : || "(function mapper)";
case 0:
return `${this.source.__debugTypeToString()} -> ${}`;
case 1:
return ue(this.sources, this.targets || vr(this.sources, () => "any"), (El, ec) => `${El.__debugTypeToString()} -> ${typeof ec == "string" ? ec : ec.__debugTypeToString()}`).join(", ");
case 2:
return ue(this.sources, this.targets, (El, ec) => `${El.__debugTypeToString()} -> ${ec().__debugTypeToString()}`).join(", ");
case 5:
case 4:
return `m1: ${this.mapper1.__debugToString().split(`
m2: ${this.mapper2.__debugToString().split(`
return Ge(this);
e.DebugTypeMapper = yp;
function Kc(ka) {
return e.isDebugging ? Object.setPrototypeOf(ka, yp.prototype) : ka;
e.attachDebugPrototypeIfDebug = Kc;
function Yi(ka) {
return console.log(xo(ka));
e.printControlFlowGraph = Yi;
function xo(ka) {
let Gs = -1;
function El(xt) {
return || ( = Gs, Gs--),;
let ec;
((xt) => { = "─", xt.ud = "│", xt.dr = "╭", xt.dl = "╮", xt.ul = "╯", xt.ur = "╰", xt.udr = "├", xt.udl = "┤", xt.dlr = "┬", xt.ulr = "┴", xt.udlr = "╫";
})(ec || (ec = {}));
let Ep;
((xt) => {
xt[xt.None = 0] = "None", xt[xt.Up = 1] = "Up", xt[xt.Down = 2] = "Down", xt[xt.Left = 4] = "Left", xt[xt.Right = 8] = "Right", xt[xt.UpDown = 3] = "UpDown", xt[xt.LeftRight = 12] = "LeftRight", xt[xt.UpLeft = 5] = "UpLeft", xt[xt.UpRight = 9] = "UpRight", xt[xt.DownLeft = 6] = "DownLeft", xt[xt.DownRight = 10] = "DownRight", xt[xt.UpDownLeft = 7] = "UpDownLeft", xt[xt.UpDownRight = 11] = "UpDownRight", xt[xt.UpLeftRight = 13] = "UpLeftRight", xt[xt.DownLeftRight = 14] = "DownLeftRight", xt[xt.UpDownLeftRight = 15] = "UpDownLeftRight", xt[xt.NoChildren = 16] = "NoChildren";
})(Ep || (Ep = {}));
let Xd = 2032, Us = 882, Vo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), el = [], Fs = [], bu = et(ka, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
for (let xt of el)
xt.text = yc(xt.flowNode, xt.circular), _o(xt);
let qr = bn(bu), Ai = Ea(qr);
return ga(bu, 0), ic();
function Br(xt) {
return !!(xt.flags & 128);
function fa(xt) {
return !!(xt.flags & 12) && !!xt.antecedents;
function qa(xt) {
return !!(xt.flags & Xd);
function Ze(xt) {
return !!(xt.flags & Us);
function yr(xt) {
let bt = [];
for (let At of xt.edges)
At.source === xt && bt.push(;
return bt;
function oi(xt) {
let bt = [];
for (let At of xt.edges) === xt && bt.push(At.source);
return bt;
function et(xt, bt) {
let At = El(xt), We = Vo[At];
if (We && bt.has(xt))
return We.circular = true, We = { id: -1, flowNode: xt, edges: [], text: "", lane: -1, endLane: -1, level: -1, circular: "circularity" }, el.push(We), We;
if (bt.add(xt), !We)
if (Vo[At] = We = { id: At, flowNode: xt, edges: [], text: "", lane: -1, endLane: -1, level: -1, circular: false }, el.push(We), fa(xt))
for (let Wr of xt.antecedents)
Gr(We, Wr, bt);
qa(xt) && Gr(We, xt.antecedent, bt);
return bt.delete(xt), We;
function Gr(xt, bt, At) {
let We = et(bt, At), Wr = { source: xt, target: We };
Fs.push(Wr), xt.edges.push(Wr), We.edges.push(Wr);
function _o(xt) {
if (xt.level !== -1)
return xt.level;
let bt = 0;
for (let At of oi(xt))
bt = Math.max(bt, _o(At) + 1);
return xt.level = bt;
function bn(xt) {
let bt = 0;
for (let At of yr(xt))
bt = Math.max(bt, bn(At));
return bt + 1;
function Ea(xt) {
let bt = Rt(Array(xt), 0);
for (let At of el)
bt[At.level] = Math.max(bt[At.level], At.text.length);
return bt;
function ga(xt, bt) {
if (xt.lane === -1) {
xt.lane = bt, xt.endLane = bt;
let At = yr(xt);
for (let We = 0; We < At.length; We++) {
We > 0 && bt++;
let Wr = At[We];
ga(Wr, bt), Wr.endLane > xt.endLane && (bt = Wr.endLane);
xt.endLane = bt;
function ps(xt) {
if (xt & 2)
return "Start";
if (xt & 4)
return "Branch";
if (xt & 8)
return "Loop";
if (xt & 16)
return "Assignment";
if (xt & 32)
return "True";
if (xt & 64)
return "False";
if (xt & 128)
return "SwitchClause";
if (xt & 256)
return "ArrayMutation";
if (xt & 512)
return "Call";
if (xt & 1024)
return "ReduceLabel";
if (xt & 1)
return "Unreachable";
throw new Error();
function Vc(xt) {
let bt = cl(xt);
return CN(bt, xt, false);
function yc(xt, bt) {
let At = ps(xt.flags);
if (bt && (At = `${At}#${El(xt)}`), Ze(xt))
xt.node && (At += ` (${Vc(xt.node)})`);
else if (Br(xt)) {
let We = [];
for (let Wr = xt.clauseStart; Wr < xt.clauseEnd; Wr++) {
let io = xt.switchStatement.caseBlock.clauses[Wr];
lW(io) ? We.push("default") : We.push(Vc(io.expression));
At += ` (${We.join(", ")})`;
return bt === "circularity" ? `Circular(${At})` : At;
function ic() {
let xt = Ai.length, bt = el.reduce(($r, oa) => Math.max($r, oa.lane), 0) + 1, At = Rt(Array(bt), ""), We = => Array(bt)), Wr = => Rt(Array(bt), 0));
for (let $r of el) {
We[$r.level][$r.lane] = $r;
let oa = yr($r);
for (let Bl = 0; Bl < oa.length; Bl++) {
let iu = oa[Bl], Cu = 8;
iu.lane === $r.lane && (Cu |= 4), Bl > 0 && (Cu |= 1), Bl < oa.length - 1 && (Cu |= 2), Wr[$r.level][iu.lane] |= Cu;
oa.length === 0 && (Wr[$r.level][$r.lane] |= 16);
let ds = oi($r);
for (let Bl = 0; Bl < ds.length; Bl++) {
let iu = ds[Bl], Cu = 4;
Bl > 0 && (Cu |= 1), Bl < ds.length - 1 && (Cu |= 2), Wr[$r.level - 1][iu.lane] |= Cu;
for (let $r = 0; $r < xt; $r++)
for (let oa = 0; oa < bt; oa++) {
let ds = $r > 0 ? Wr[$r - 1][oa] : 0, Bl = oa > 0 ? Wr[$r][oa - 1] : 0, iu = Wr[$r][oa];
iu || (ds & 8 && (iu |= 12), Bl & 2 && (iu |= 3), Wr[$r][oa] = iu);
for (let $r = 0; $r < xt; $r++)
for (let oa = 0; oa < At.length; oa++) {
let ds = Wr[$r][oa], Bl = ds & 4 ? "─" : " ", iu = We[$r][oa];
iu ? (io(oa, iu.text), $r < xt - 1 && (io(oa, " "), io(oa, Bt(Bl, Ai[$r] - iu.text.length)))) : $r < xt - 1 && io(oa, Bt(Bl, Ai[$r] + 1)), io(oa, ae(ds)), io(oa, ds & 8 && $r < xt - 1 && !We[$r + 1][oa] ? "─" : " ");
return `
function io($r, oa) {
At[$r] += oa;
function ae(xt) {
switch (xt) {
case 3:
return "│";
case 12:
return "─";
case 5:
return "╯";
case 9:
return "╰";
case 6:
return "╮";
case 10:
return "╭";
case 7:
return "┤";
case 11:
return "├";
case 13:
return "┴";
case 14:
return "┬";
case 15:
return "╫";
return " ";
function Rt(xt, bt) {
if (xt.fill)
for (let At = 0; At < xt.length; At++)
xt[At] = bt;
return xt;
function Bt(xt, bt) {
if (xt.repeat)
return bt > 0 ? xt.repeat(bt) : "";
let At = "";
for (; At.length < bt; )
At += xt;
return At;
e.formatControlFlowGraph = xo;
})(re || (re = {}));
} });
function Ja(e) {
let i = kh.exec(e);
if (!i)
let [, l, u = "0", _ = "0", g = "", S = ""] = i;
if (!(g && !Yc.test(g)) && !(S && !Jm.test(S)))
return { major: parseInt(l, 10), minor: parseInt(u, 10), patch: parseInt(_, 10), prerelease: g, build: S };
function Vr(e, i) {
if (e === i)
return 0;
if (e.length === 0)
return i.length === 0 ? 0 : 1;
if (i.length === 0)
return -1;
let l = Math.min(e.length, i.length);
for (let u = 0; u < l; u++) {
let _ = e[u], g = i[u];
if (_ === g)
let S = Wh.test(_), D = Wh.test(g);
if (S || D) {
if (S !== D)
return S ? -1 : 1;
let A = bh(+_, +g);
if (A)
return A;
} else {
let A = Qg(_, g);
if (A)
return A;
return bh(e.length, i.length);
function Bd(e) {
let i = [];
for (let l of Hn(e).split(Ys)) {
if (!l)
let u = [];
l = Hn(l);
let _ = ny.exec(l);
if (_) {
if (!us(_[1], _[2], u))
} else
for (let g of l.split(Uu)) {
let S = A0.exec(Hn(g));
if (!S || !ll(S[1], S[2], u))
return i;
function Qa(e) {
let i = n_.exec(e);
if (!i)
let [, l, u = "*", _ = "*", g, S] = i;
return { version: new Xa(gl(l) ? 0 : parseInt(l, 10), gl(l) || gl(u) ? 0 : parseInt(u, 10), gl(l) || gl(u) || gl(_) ? 0 : parseInt(_, 10), g, S), major: l, minor: u, patch: _ };
function us(e, i, l) {
let u = Qa(e);
if (!u)
return false;
let _ = Qa(i);
return _ ? (gl(u.major) || l.push(nl(">=", u.version)), gl(_.major) || l.push(gl(_.minor) ? nl("<", _.version.increment("major")) : gl(_.patch) ? nl("<", _.version.increment("minor")) : nl("<=", _.version)), true) : false;
function ll(e, i, l) {
let u = Qa(i);
if (!u)
return false;
let { version: _, major: g, minor: S, patch: D } = u;
if (gl(g))
(e === "<" || e === ">") && l.push(nl("<",;
switch (e) {
case "~":
l.push(nl(">=", _)), l.push(nl("<", _.increment(gl(S) ? "major" : "minor")));
case "^":
l.push(nl(">=", _)), l.push(nl("<", _.increment(_.major > 0 || gl(S) ? "major" : _.minor > 0 || gl(D) ? "minor" : "patch")));
case "<":
case ">=":
l.push(gl(S) || gl(D) ? nl(e, _.with({ prerelease: "0" })) : nl(e, _));
case "<=":
case ">":
l.push(gl(S) ? nl(e === "<=" ? "<" : ">=", _.increment("major").with({ prerelease: "0" })) : gl(D) ? nl(e === "<=" ? "<" : ">=", _.increment("minor").with({ prerelease: "0" })) : nl(e, _));
case "=":
case void 0:
gl(S) || gl(D) ? (l.push(nl(">=", _.with({ prerelease: "0" }))), l.push(nl("<", _.increment(gl(S) ? "major" : "minor").with({ prerelease: "0" })))) : l.push(nl("=", _));
return false;
return true;
function gl(e) {
return e === "*" || e === "x" || e === "X";
function nl(e, i) {
return { operator: e, operand: i };
function xc(e, i) {
if (i.length === 0)
return true;
for (let l of i)
if (wd(e, l))
return true;
return false;
function wd(e, i) {
for (let l of i)
if (!am(e, l.operator, l.operand))
return false;
return true;
function am(e, i, l) {
let u = e.compareTo(l);
switch (i) {
case "<":
return u < 0;
case "<=":
return u <= 0;
case ">":
return u > 0;
case ">=":
return u >= 0;
case "=":
return u === 0;
return re.assertNever(i);
function od(e) {
return vr(e, dm).join(" || ") || "*";
function dm(e) {
return vr(e, Lm).join(" ");
function Lm(e) {
return `${e.operator}${e.operand}`;
var kh, Yc, Hm, Jm, Vh, Wh, Ki, Xa, sc, Ys, Uu, n_, ny, A0, Wv = r({ "src/compiler/semver.ts"() {
"use strict";
km(), kh = /^(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\-([a-z0-9-.]+))?(?:\+([a-z0-9-.]+))?)?)?$/i, Yc = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[a-z-][a-z0-9-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[a-z-][a-z0-9-]*))*$/i, Hm = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[a-z-][a-z0-9-]*)$/i, Jm = /^[a-z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$/i, Vh = /^[a-z0-9-]+$/i, Wh = /^(0|[1-9]\d*)$/, Ki = class {
constructor(e, i = 0, l = 0, u = "", _ = "") {
typeof e == "string" && ({ major: e, minor: i, patch: l, prerelease: u, build: _ } = re.checkDefined(Ja(e), "Invalid version")), re.assert(e >= 0, "Invalid argument: major"), re.assert(i >= 0, "Invalid argument: minor"), re.assert(l >= 0, "Invalid argument: patch");
let g = u ? kt(u) ? u : u.split(".") : Pn, S = _ ? kt(_) ? _ : _.split(".") : Pn;
re.assert(De(g, (D) => Hm.test(D)), "Invalid argument: prerelease"), re.assert(De(S, (D) => Vh.test(D)), "Invalid argument: build"), this.major = e, this.minor = i, this.patch = l, this.prerelease = g, = S;
static tryParse(e) {
let i = Ja(e);
if (!i)
let { major: l, minor: u, patch: _, prerelease: g, build: S } = i;
return new Ki(l, u, _, g, S);
compareTo(e) {
return this === e ? 0 : e === void 0 ? 1 : bh(this.major, e.major) || bh(this.minor, e.minor) || bh(this.patch, e.patch) || Vr(this.prerelease, e.prerelease);
increment(e) {
switch (e) {
case "major":
return new Ki(this.major + 1, 0, 0);
case "minor":
return new Ki(this.major, this.minor + 1, 0);
case "patch":
return new Ki(this.major, this.minor, this.patch + 1);
return re.assertNever(e);
with(e) {
let { major: i = this.major, minor: l = this.minor, patch: u = this.patch, prerelease: _ = this.prerelease, build: g = } = e;
return new Ki(i, l, u, _, g);
toString() {
let e = `${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.patch}`;
return xn(this.prerelease) && (e += `-${this.prerelease.join(".")}`), xn( && (e += `+${".")}`), e;
}, Xa = Ki, = new Ki(0, 0, 0, ["0"]), sc = class {
constructor(e) {
this._alternatives = e ? re.checkDefined(Bd(e), "Invalid range spec.") : Pn;
static tryParse(e) {
let i = Bd(e);
if (i) {
let l = new sc("");
return l._alternatives = i, l;
test(e) {
return typeof e == "string" && (e = new Xa(e)), xc(e, this._alternatives);
toString() {
return od(this._alternatives);
}, Ys = /\|\|/g, Uu = /\s+/g, n_ = /^([xX*0]|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.([xX*0]|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.([xX*0]|[1-9]\d*)(?:-([a-z0-9-.]+))?(?:\+([a-z0-9-.]+))?)?)?$/i, ny = /^\s*([a-z0-9-+.*]+)\s+-\s+([a-z0-9-+.*]+)\s*$/i, A0 = /^(~|\^|<|<=|>|>=|=)?\s*([a-z0-9-+.*]+)$/i;
} });
function G1(e, i) {
return typeof e == "object" && typeof e.timeOrigin == "number" && typeof e.mark == "function" && typeof e.measure == "function" && typeof == "function" && typeof e.clearMarks == "function" && typeof e.clearMeasures == "function" && typeof i == "function";
function U1() {
if (typeof performance == "object" && typeof PerformanceObserver == "function" && G1(performance, PerformanceObserver))
return { shouldWriteNativeEvents: true, performance, PerformanceObserver };
function QS() {
if (mh())
try {
let { performance: e, PerformanceObserver: i } = (jkt(), sy(Bkt));
if (G1(e, i))
return { shouldWriteNativeEvents: false, performance: e, PerformanceObserver: i };
} catch {
function Yx() {
return Q_;
var Q_, aa, Nc, _f2 = r({ "src/compiler/performanceCore.ts"() {
"use strict";
km(), Q_ = U1() || QS(), aa = Q_ == null ? void 0 : Q_.performance, Nc = aa ? () => : ? : () => +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
} }), af, Df, un = r({ "src/compiler/perfLogger.ts"() {
"use strict";
try {
let e = Te.env.TS_ETW_MODULE_PATH ?? "./node_modules/@microsoft/typescript-etw";
af = gC(e);
} catch {
af = void 0;
Df = (af == null ? void 0 : af.logEvent) ? af : void 0;
} });
function Ar(e, i, l, u) {
return e ? Sm(i, l, u) : fg;
function Sm(e, i, l) {
let u = 0;
return { enter: _, exit: g };
function _() {
++u === 1 && gm(i);
function g() {
--u === 0 ? (gm(l), Qy(e, i, l)) : u < 0 &&"enter/exit count does not match.");
function gm(e) {
if (UT) {
let i = Qm.get(e) ?? 0;
Qm.set(e, i + 1), eT.set(e, Nc()), Sx == null ? void 0 : Sx.mark(e), typeof onProfilerEvent == "function" && onProfilerEvent(e);
function Qy(e, i, l) {
if (UT) {
let u = (l !== void 0 ? eT.get(l) : void 0) ?? Nc(), _ = (i !== void 0 ? eT.get(i) : void 0) ?? gN, g = tT.get(e) || 0;
tT.set(e, g + (u - _)), Sx == null ? void 0 : Sx.measure(e, i, l);
function nD(e) {
return Qm.get(e) || 0;
function rD(e) {
return tT.get(e) || 0;
function AE(e) {
tT.forEach((i, l) => e(l, i));
function $1(e) {
eT.forEach((i, l) => e(l));
function Ib(e) {
e !== void 0 ? tT.delete(e) : tT.clear(), Sx == null ? void 0 : Sx.clearMeasures(e);
function ZS(e) {
e !== void 0 ? (Qm.delete(e), eT.delete(e)) : (Qm.clear(), eT.clear()), Sx == null ? void 0 : Sx.clearMarks(e);
function I2() {
return UT;
function JF(e = Vl) {
var i;
return UT || (UT = true, lS || (lS = Yx()), lS && (gN = lS.performance.timeOrigin, (lS.shouldWriteNativeEvents || (i = e == null ? void 0 : e.cpuProfilingEnabled) != null && || (e == null ? void 0 : e.debugMode)) && (Sx = lS.performance))), true;
function o3() {
UT && (eT.clear(), Qm.clear(), tT.clear(), Sx = void 0, UT = false);
var lS, Sx, fg, UT, gN, eT, Qm, tT, GI = r({ "src/compiler/performance.ts"() {
"use strict";
km(), fg = { enter: tl, exit: tl }, UT = false, gN = Nc(), eT = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), Qm = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), tT = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
} }), L2 = {};
c(L2, { clearMarks: () => ZS, clearMeasures: () => Ib, createTimer: () => Sm, createTimerIf: () => Ar, disable: () => o3, enable: () => JF, forEachMark: () => $1, forEachMeasure: () => AE, getCount: () => nD, getDuration: () => rD, isEnabled: () => I2, mark: () => gm, measure: () => Qy, nullTimer: () => fg });
var kE = r({ "src/compiler/_namespaces/ts.performance.ts"() {
"use strict";
} }), ru, P2, DP, R2, UI = r({ "src/compiler/tracing.ts"() {
"use strict";
km(), kE(), ((e) => {
let i, l = 0, u = 0, _, g = [], S, D = [];
function A(Ne, yt, pt) {
if (re.assert(!ru, "Tracing already started"), i === void 0)
try {
i = (D8(), sy(k8));
} catch (Ot) {
throw new Error(`tracing requires having fs
(original error: ${Ot.message || Ot})`);
_ = Ne, g.length = 0, S === void 0 && (S = jo(yt, "legend.json")), i.existsSync(yt) || i.mkdirSync(yt, { recursive: true });
let jt = _ === "build" ? `.${}-${++l}` : _ === "server" ? `.${}` : "", ze = jo(yt, `trace${jt}.json`), nt = jo(yt, `types${jt}.json`);
D.push({ configFilePath: pt, tracePath: ze, typesPath: nt }), u = i.openSync(ze, "w"), ru = e;
let rt = { cat: "__metadata", ph: "M", ts: 1e3 * Nc(), pid: 1, tid: 1 };
i.writeSync(u, `[
` + [{ name: "process_name", args: { name: "tsc" }, ...rt }, { name: "thread_name", args: { name: "Main" }, ...rt }, { name: "TracingStartedInBrowser", ...rt, cat: "disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline" }].map((Ot) => JSON.stringify(Ot)).join(`,
e.startTracing = A;
function U() {
re.assert(ru, "Tracing is not in progress"), re.assert(!!g.length == (_ !== "server")), i.writeSync(u, `
`), i.closeSync(u), ru = void 0, g.length ? Ge(g) : D[D.length - 1].typesPath = void 0;
e.stopTracing = U;
function F(Ne) {
_ !== "server" && g.push(Ne);
e.recordType = F;
let W;
((Ne) => {
Ne.Parse = "parse", Ne.Program = "program", Ne.Bind = "bind", Ne.Check = "check", Ne.CheckTypes = "checkTypes", Ne.Emit = "emit", Ne.Session = "session";
})(W = e.Phase || (e.Phase = {}));
function te(Ne, yt, pt) {
qe("I", Ne, yt, pt, '"s":"g"');
e.instant = te;
let ie = [];
function de(Ne, yt, pt, jt = false) {
jt && qe("B", Ne, yt, pt), ie.push({ phase: Ne, name: yt, args: pt, time: 1e3 * Nc(), separateBeginAndEnd: jt });
e.push = de;
function ye(Ne) {
re.assert(ie.length > 0), Ue(ie.length - 1, 1e3 * Nc(), Ne), ie.length--;
e.pop = ye;
function me() {
let Ne = 1e3 * Nc();
for (let yt = ie.length - 1; yt >= 0; yt--)
Ue(yt, Ne);
ie.length = 0;
e.popAll = me;
let Oe = 1e3 * 10;
function Ue(Ne, yt, pt) {
let { phase: jt, name: ze, args: nt, time: rt, separateBeginAndEnd: Ot } = ie[Ne];
Ot ? (re.assert(!pt, "`results` are not supported for events with `separateBeginAndEnd`"), qe("E", jt, ze, nt, void 0, yt)) : Oe - rt % Oe <= yt - rt && qe("X", jt, ze, { ...nt, results: pt }, `"dur":${yt - rt}`, rt);
function qe(Ne, yt, pt, jt, ze, nt = 1e3 * Nc()) {
_ === "server" && yt === "checkTypes" || (gm("beginTracing"), i.writeSync(u, `,
{"pid":1,"tid":1,"ph":"${Ne}","cat":"${yt}","ts":${nt},"name":"${pt}"`), ze && i.writeSync(u, `,${ze}`), jt && i.writeSync(u, `,"args":${JSON.stringify(jt)}`), i.writeSync(u, "}"), gm("endTracing"), Qy("Tracing", "beginTracing", "endTracing"));
function st(Ne) {
let yt = cl(Ne);
return yt ? { path: yt.path, start: pt(ir(yt, Ne.pos)), end: pt(ir(yt, Ne.end)) } : void 0;
function pt(jt) {
return { line: jt.line + 1, character: jt.character + 1 };
function Ge(Ne) {
var yt, pt, jt, ze, nt, rt, Ot, Wt, on, it, Dr, zn, Bn, lr, vn, Ln, xr, ur, kn;
let Fr = D[D.length - 1].typesPath, ji = i.openSync(Fr, "w"), Ci = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
i.writeSync(ji, "[");
let Aa = Ne.length;
for (let Tr = 0; Tr < Aa; Tr++) {
let Pi = Ne[Tr], Co = Pi.objectFlags, qo = Pi.aliasSymbol ?? Pi.symbol, ba;
if (Co & 16 | Pi.flags & 2944)
try {
ba = (yt = Pi.checker) == null ? void 0 : yt.typeToString(Pi);
} catch {
ba = void 0;
let Js = {};
if (Pi.flags & 8388608) {
let xo = Pi;
Js = { indexedAccessObjectType: (pt = xo.objectType) == null ? void 0 :, indexedAccessIndexType: (jt = xo.indexType) == null ? void 0 : };
let Al = {};
if (Co & 4) {
let xo = Pi;
Al = { instantiatedType: (ze = == null ? void 0 :, typeArguments: (nt = xo.resolvedTypeArguments) == null ? void 0 : =>, referenceLocation: st(xo.node) };
let hs = {};
if (Pi.flags & 16777216) {
let xo = Pi;
hs = { conditionalCheckType: (rt = xo.checkType) == null ? void 0 :, conditionalExtendsType: (Ot = xo.extendsType) == null ? void 0 :, conditionalTrueType: ((Wt = xo.resolvedTrueType) == null ? void 0 : ?? -1, conditionalFalseType: ((on = xo.resolvedFalseType) == null ? void 0 : ?? -1 };
let Gl = {};
if (Pi.flags & 33554432) {
let xo = Pi;
Gl = { substitutionBaseType: (it = xo.baseType) == null ? void 0 :, constraintType: (Dr = xo.constraint) == null ? void 0 : };
let eu = {};
if (Co & 1024) {
let xo = Pi;
eu = { reverseMappedSourceType: (zn = xo.source) == null ? void 0 :, reverseMappedMappedType: (Bn = xo.mappedType) == null ? void 0 :, reverseMappedConstraintType: (lr = xo.constraintType) == null ? void 0 : };
let dd = {};
if (Co & 256) {
let xo = Pi;
dd = { evolvingArrayElementType:, evolvingArrayFinalType: (vn = xo.finalArrayType) == null ? void 0 : };
let yp, Kc = Pi.checker.getRecursionIdentity(Pi);
Kc && (yp = Ci.get(Kc), yp || (yp = Ci.size, Ci.set(Kc, yp)));
let Yi = { id:, intrinsicName: Pi.intrinsicName, symbolName: (qo == null ? void 0 : qo.escapedName) && Bu(qo.escapedName), recursionId: yp, isTuple: Co & 8 ? true : void 0, unionTypes: Pi.flags & 1048576 ? (Ln = Pi.types) == null ? void 0 : => : void 0, intersectionTypes: Pi.flags & 2097152 ? => : void 0, aliasTypeArguments: (xr = Pi.aliasTypeArguments) == null ? void 0 : =>, keyofType: Pi.flags & 4194304 ? (ur = Pi.type) == null ? void 0 : : void 0, ...Js, ...Al, ...hs, ...Gl,, ...dd, destructuringPattern: st(Pi.pattern), firstDeclaration: st((kn = qo == null ? void 0 : qo.declarations) == null ? void 0 : kn[0]), flags: re.formatTypeFlags(Pi.flags).split("|"), display: ba };
i.writeSync(ji, JSON.stringify(Yi)), Tr < Aa - 1 && i.writeSync(ji, `,
i.writeSync(ji, `]
`), i.closeSync(ji), gm("endDumpTypes"), Qy("Dump types", "beginDumpTypes", "endDumpTypes");
function vt() {
S && i.writeFileSync(S, JSON.stringify(D));
e.dumpLegend = vt;
})(P2 || (P2 = {})), DP = P2.startTracing, R2 = P2.dumpLegend;
} });
function N2(e, i = true) {
let l = di[e.category];
return i ? l.toLowerCase() : l;
var NA, cS, $T, $I, nT, kC, IP, jw, OA, DC, iD, LP, qI, VI, s3, O2, PP, FA, RP, WI, MA, he, Ie, fn, $t, nr, Gn, Ht, It, On, Et, dn, Kn, xe, Ir, sa, Ca, Ya, qs, Sc, Tl, Ic, es, yl, Fc, di, Ws, wc, uu, cd, Uo, fu, tp, xd, np, kd, Cp, as, ml, Wc, gf, hh, o_, s0, Qx, Gw, Hb, k0, F2, vl, rd, pm, wf, Ig = r({ "src/compiler/types.ts"() {
"use strict";
NA = ((e) => (e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.EndOfFileToken = 1] = "EndOfFileToken", e[e.SingleLineCommentTrivia = 2] = "SingleLineCommentTrivia", e[e.MultiLineCommentTrivia = 3] = "MultiLineCommentTrivia", e[e.NewLineTrivia = 4] = "NewLineTrivia", e[e.WhitespaceTrivia = 5] = "WhitespaceTrivia", e[e.ShebangTrivia = 6] = "ShebangTrivia", e[e.ConflictMarkerTrivia = 7] = "ConflictMarkerTrivia", e[e.NonTextFileMarkerTrivia = 8] = "NonTextFileMarkerTrivia", e[e.NumericLiteral = 9] = "NumericLiteral", e[e.BigIntLiteral = 10] = "BigIntLiteral", e[e.StringLiteral = 11] = "StringLiteral", e[e.JsxText = 12] = "JsxText", e[e.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces = 13] = "JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces", e[e.RegularExpressionLiteral = 14] = "RegularExpressionLiteral", e[e.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral = 15] = "NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral", e[e.TemplateHead = 16] = "TemplateHead", e[e.TemplateMiddle = 17] = "TemplateMiddle", e[e.TemplateTail = 18] = "TemplateTail", e[e.OpenBraceToken = 19] = "OpenBraceToken", e[e.CloseBraceToken = 20] = "CloseBraceToken", e[e.OpenParenToken = 21] = "OpenParenToken", e[e.CloseParenToken = 22] = "CloseParenToken", e[e.OpenBracketToken = 23] = "OpenBracketToken", e[e.CloseBracketToken = 24] = "CloseBracketToken", e[e.DotToken = 25] = "DotToken", e[e.DotDotDotToken = 26] = "DotDotDotToken", e[e.SemicolonToken = 27] = "SemicolonToken", e[e.CommaToken = 28] = "CommaToken", e[e.QuestionDotToken = 29] = "QuestionDotToken", e[e.LessThanToken = 30] = "LessThanToken", e[e.LessThanSlashToken = 31] = "LessThanSlashToken", e[e.GreaterThanToken = 32] = "GreaterThanToken", e[e.LessThanEqualsToken = 33] = "LessThanEqualsToken", e[e.GreaterThanEqualsToken = 34] = "GreaterThanEqualsToken", e[e.EqualsEqualsToken = 35] = "EqualsEqualsToken", e[e.ExclamationEqualsToken = 36] = "ExclamationEqualsToken", e[e.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken = 37] = "EqualsEqualsEqualsToken", e[e.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken = 38] = "ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken", e[e.EqualsGreaterThanToken = 39] = "EqualsGreaterThanToken", e[e.PlusToken = 40] = "PlusToken", e[e.MinusToken = 41] = "MinusToken", e[e.AsteriskToken = 42] = "AsteriskToken", e[e.AsteriskAsteriskToken = 43] = "AsteriskAsteriskToken", e[e.SlashToken = 44] = "SlashToken", e[e.PercentToken = 45] = "PercentToken", e[e.PlusPlusToken = 46] = "PlusPlusToken", e[e.MinusMinusToken = 47] = "MinusMinusToken", e[e.LessThanLessThanToken = 48] = "LessThanLessThanToken", e[e.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken = 49] = "GreaterThanGreaterThanToken", e[e.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken = 50] = "GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken", e[e.AmpersandToken = 51] = "AmpersandToken", e[e.BarToken = 52] = "BarToken", e[e.CaretToken = 53] = "CaretToken", e[e.ExclamationToken = 54] = "ExclamationToken", e[e.TildeToken = 55] = "TildeToken", e[e.AmpersandAmpersandToken = 56] = "AmpersandAmpersandToken", e[e.BarBarToken = 57] = "BarBarToken", e[e.QuestionToken = 58] = "QuestionToken", e[e.ColonToken = 59] = "ColonToken", e[e.AtToken = 60] = "AtToken", e[e.QuestionQuestionToken = 61] = "QuestionQuestionToken", e[e.BacktickToken = 62] = "BacktickToken", e[e.HashToken = 63] = "HashToken", e[e.EqualsToken = 64] = "EqualsToken", e[e.PlusEqualsToken = 65] = "PlusEqualsToken", e[e.MinusEqualsToken = 66] = "MinusEqualsToken", e[e.AsteriskEqualsToken = 67] = "AsteriskEqualsToken", e[e.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken = 68] = "AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken", e[e.SlashEqualsToken = 69] = "SlashEqualsToken", e[e.PercentEqualsToken = 70] = "PercentEqualsToken", e[e.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken = 71] = "LessThanLessThanEqualsToken", e[e.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken = 72] = "GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken", e[e.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken = 73] = "GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken", e[e.AmpersandEqualsToken = 74] = "AmpersandEqualsToken", e[e.BarEqualsToken = 75] = "BarEqualsToken", e[e.BarBarEqualsToken = 76] = "BarBarEqualsToken", e[e.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken = 77] = "AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken", e[e.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken = 78] = "QuestionQuestionEqualsToken", e[e.CaretEqualsToken = 79] = "CaretEqualsToken", e[e.Identifier = 80] = "Identifier", e[e.PrivateIdentifier = 81] = "PrivateIdentifier", e[e.JSDocCommentTextToken = 82] = "JSDocCommentTextToken", e[e.BreakKeyword = 83] = "BreakKeyword", e[e.CaseKeyword = 84] = "CaseKeyword", e[e.CatchKeyword = 85] = "CatchKeyword", e[e.ClassKeyword = 86] = "ClassKeyword", e[e.ConstKeyword = 87] = "ConstKeyword", e[e.ContinueKeyword = 88] = "ContinueKeyword", e[e.DebuggerKeyword = 89] = "DebuggerKeyword", e[e.DefaultKeyword = 90] = "DefaultKeyword", e[e.DeleteKeyword = 91] = "DeleteKeyword", e[e.DoKeyword = 92] = "DoKeyword", e[e.ElseKeyword = 93] = "ElseKeyword", e[e.EnumKeyword = 94] = "EnumKeyword", e[e.ExportKeyword = 95] = "ExportKeyword", e[e.ExtendsKeyword = 96] = "ExtendsKeyword", e[e.FalseKeyword = 97] = "FalseKeyword", e[e.FinallyKeyword = 98] = "FinallyKeyword", e[e.ForKeyword = 99] = "ForKeyword", e[e.FunctionKeyword = 100] = "FunctionKeyword", e[e.IfKeyword = 101] = "IfKeyword", e[e.ImportKeyword = 102] = "ImportKeyword", e[e.InKeyword = 103] = "InKeyword", e[e.InstanceOfKeyword = 104] = "InstanceOfKeyword", e[e.NewKeyword = 105] = "NewKeyword", e[e.NullKeyword = 106] = "NullKeyword", e[e.ReturnKeyword = 107] = "ReturnKeyword", e[e.SuperKeyword = 108] = "SuperKeyword", e[e.SwitchKeyword = 109] = "SwitchKeyword", e[e.ThisKeyword = 110] = "ThisKeyword", e[e.ThrowKeyword = 111] = "ThrowKeyword", e[e.TrueKeyword = 112] = "TrueKeyword", e[e.TryKeyword = 113] = "TryKeyword", e[e.TypeOfKeyword = 114] = "TypeOfKeyword", e[e.VarKeyword = 115] = "VarKeyword", e[e.VoidKeyword = 116] = "VoidKeyword", e[e.WhileKeyword = 117] = "WhileKeyword", e[e.WithKeyword = 118] = "WithKeyword", e[e.ImplementsKeyword = 119] = "ImplementsKeyword", e[e.InterfaceKeyword = 120] = "InterfaceKeyword", e[e.LetKeyword = 121] = "LetKeyword", e[e.PackageKeyword = 122] = "PackageKeyword", e[e.PrivateKeyword = 123] = "PrivateKeyword", e[e.ProtectedKeyword = 124] = "ProtectedKeyword", e[e.PublicKeyword = 125] = "PublicKeyword", e[e.StaticKeyword = 126] = "StaticKeyword", e[e.YieldKeyword = 127] = "YieldKeyword", e[e.AbstractKeyword = 128] = "AbstractKeyword", e[e.AccessorKeyword = 129] = "AccessorKeyword", e[e.AsKeyword = 130] = "AsKeyword", e[e.AssertsKeyword = 131] = "AssertsKeyword", e[e.AssertKeyword = 132] = "AssertKeyword", e[e.AnyKeyword = 133] = "AnyKeyword", e[e.AsyncKeyword = 134] = "AsyncKeyword", e[e.AwaitKeyword = 135] = "AwaitKeyword", e[e.BooleanKeyword = 136] = "BooleanKeyword", e[e.ConstructorKeyword = 137] = "ConstructorKeyword", e[e.DeclareKeyword = 138] = "DeclareKeyword", e[e.GetKeyword = 139] = "GetKeyword", e[e.InferKeyword = 140] = "InferKeyword", e[e.IntrinsicKeyword = 141] = "IntrinsicKeyword", e[e.IsKeyword = 142] = "IsKeyword", e[e.KeyOfKeyword = 143] = "KeyOfKeyword", e[e.ModuleKeyword = 144] = "ModuleKeyword", e[e.NamespaceKeyword = 145] = "NamespaceKeyword", e[e.NeverKeyword = 146] = "NeverKeyword", e[e.OutKeyword = 147] = "OutKeyword", e[e.ReadonlyKeyword = 148] = "ReadonlyKeyword", e[e.RequireKeyword = 149] = "RequireKeyword", e[e.NumberKeyword = 150] = "NumberKeyword", e[e.ObjectKeyword = 151] = "ObjectKeyword", e[e.SatisfiesKeyword = 152] = "SatisfiesKeyword", e[e.SetKeyword = 153] = "SetKeyword", e[e.StringKeyword = 154] = "StringKeyword", e[e.SymbolKeyword = 155] = "SymbolKeyword", e[e.TypeKeyword = 156] = "TypeKeyword", e[e.UndefinedKeyword = 157] = "UndefinedKeyword", e[e.UniqueKeyword = 158] = "UniqueKeyword", e[e.UnknownKeyword = 159] = "UnknownKeyword", e[e.FromKeyword = 160] = "FromKeyword", e[e.GlobalKeyword = 161] = "GlobalKeyword", e[e.BigIntKeyword = 162] = "BigIntKeyword", e[e.OverrideKeyword = 163] = "OverrideKeyword", e[e.OfKeyword = 164] = "OfKeyword", e[e.QualifiedName = 165] = "QualifiedName", e[e.ComputedPropertyName = 166] = "ComputedPropertyName", e[e.TypeParameter = 167] = "TypeParameter", e[e.Parameter = 168] = "Parameter", e[e.Decorator = 169] = "Decorator", e[e.PropertySignature = 170] = "PropertySignature", e[e.PropertyDeclaration = 171] = "PropertyDeclaration", e[e.MethodSignature = 172] = "MethodSignature", e[e.MethodDeclaration = 173] = "MethodDeclaration", e[e.ClassStaticBlockDeclaration = 174] = "ClassStaticBlockDeclaration", e[e.Constructor = 175] = "Constructor", e[e.GetAccessor = 176] = "GetAccessor", e[e.SetAccessor = 177] = "SetAccessor", e[e.CallSignature = 178] = "CallSignature", e[e.ConstructSignature = 179] = "ConstructSignature", e[e.IndexSignature = 180] = "IndexSignature", e[e.TypePredicate = 181] = "TypePredicate", e[e.TypeReference = 182] = "TypeReference", e[e.FunctionType = 183] = "FunctionType", e[e.ConstructorType = 184] = "ConstructorType", e[e.TypeQuery = 185] = "TypeQuery", e[e.TypeLiteral = 186] = "TypeLiteral", e[e.ArrayType = 187] = "ArrayType", e[e.TupleType = 188] = "TupleType", e[e.OptionalType = 189] = "OptionalType", e[e.RestType = 190] = "RestType", e[e.UnionType = 191] = "UnionType", e[e.IntersectionType = 192] = "IntersectionType", e[e.ConditionalType = 193] = "ConditionalType", e[e.InferType = 194] = "InferType", e[e.ParenthesizedType = 195] = "ParenthesizedType", e[e.ThisType = 196] = "ThisType", e[e.TypeOperator = 197] = "TypeOperator", e[e.IndexedAccessType = 198] = "IndexedAccessType", e[e.MappedType = 199] = "MappedType", e[e.LiteralType = 200] = "LiteralType", e[e.NamedTupleMember = 201] = "NamedTupleMember", e[e.TemplateLiteralType = 202] = "TemplateLiteralType", e[e.TemplateLiteralTypeSpan = 203] = "TemplateLiteralTypeSpan", e[e.ImportType = 204] = "ImportType", e[e.ObjectBindingPattern = 205] = "ObjectBindingPattern", e[e.ArrayBindingPattern = 206] = "ArrayBindingPattern", e[e.BindingElement = 207] = "BindingElement", e[e.ArrayLiteralExpression = 208] = "ArrayLiteralExpression", e[e.ObjectLiteralExpression = 209] = "ObjectLiteralExpression", e[e.PropertyAccessExpression = 210] = "PropertyAccessExpression", e[e.ElementAccessExpression = 211] = "ElementAccessExpression", e[e.CallExpression = 212] = "CallExpression", e[e.NewExpression = 213] = "NewExpression", e[e.TaggedTemplateExpression = 214] = "TaggedTemplateExpression", e[e.TypeAssertionExpression = 215] = "TypeAssertionExpression", e[e.ParenthesizedExpression = 216] = "ParenthesizedExpression", e[e.FunctionExpression = 217] = "FunctionExpression", e[e.ArrowFunction = 218] = "ArrowFunction", e[e.DeleteExpression = 219] = "DeleteExpression", e[e.TypeOfExpression = 220] = "TypeOfExpression", e[e.VoidExpression = 221] = "VoidExpression", e[e.AwaitExpression = 222] = "AwaitExpression", e[e.PrefixUnaryExpression = 223] = "PrefixUnaryExpression", e[e.PostfixUnaryExpression = 224] = "PostfixUnaryExpression", e[e.BinaryExpression = 225] = "BinaryExpression", e[e.ConditionalExpression = 226] = "ConditionalExpression", e[e.TemplateExpression = 227] = "TemplateExpression", e[e.YieldExpression = 228] = "YieldExpression", e[e.SpreadElement = 229] = "SpreadElement", e[e.ClassExpression = 230] = "ClassExpression", e[e.OmittedExpression = 231] = "OmittedExpression", e[e.ExpressionWithTypeArguments = 232] = "ExpressionWithTypeArguments", e[e.AsExpression = 233] = "AsExpression", e[e.NonNullExpression = 234] = "NonNullExpression", e[e.MetaProperty = 235] = "MetaProperty", e[e.SyntheticExpression = 236] = "SyntheticExpression", e[e.SatisfiesExpression = 237] = "SatisfiesExpression", e[e.TemplateSpan = 238] = "TemplateSpan", e[e.SemicolonClassElement = 239] = "SemicolonClassElement", e[e.Block = 240] = "Block", e[e.EmptyStatement = 241] = "EmptyStatement", e[e.VariableStatement = 242] = "VariableStatement", e[e.ExpressionStatement = 243] = "ExpressionStatement", e[e.IfStatement = 244] = "IfStatement", e[e.DoStatement = 245] = "DoStatement", e[e.WhileStatement = 246] = "WhileStatement", e[e.ForStatement = 247] = "ForStatement", e[e.ForInStatement = 248] = "ForInStatement", e[e.ForOfStatement = 249] = "ForOfStatement", e[e.ContinueStatement = 250] = "ContinueStatement", e[e.BreakStatement = 251] = "BreakStatement", e[e.ReturnStatement = 252] = "ReturnStatement", e[e.WithStatement = 253] = "WithStatement", e[e.SwitchStatement = 254] = "SwitchStatement", e[e.LabeledStatement = 255] = "LabeledStatement", e[e.ThrowStatement = 256] = "ThrowStatement", e[e.TryStatement = 257] = "TryStatement", e[e.DebuggerStatement = 258] = "DebuggerStatement", e[e.VariableDeclaration = 259] = "VariableDeclaration", e[e.VariableDeclarationList = 260] = "VariableDeclarationList", e[e.FunctionDeclaration = 261] = "FunctionDeclaration", e[e.ClassDeclaration = 262] = "ClassDeclaration", e[e.InterfaceDeclaration = 263] = "InterfaceDeclaration", e[e.TypeAliasDeclaration = 264] = "TypeAliasDeclaration", e[e.EnumDeclaration = 265] = "EnumDeclaration", e[e.ModuleDeclaration = 266] = "ModuleDeclaration", e[e.ModuleBlock = 267] = "ModuleBlock", e[e.CaseBlock = 268] = "CaseBlock", e[e.NamespaceExportDeclaration = 269] = "NamespaceExportDeclaration", e[e.ImportEqualsDeclaration = 270] = "ImportEqualsDeclaration", e[e.ImportDeclaration = 271] = "ImportDeclaration", e[e.ImportClause = 272] = "ImportClause", e[e.NamespaceImport = 273] = "NamespaceImport", e[e.NamedImports = 274] = "NamedImports", e[e.ImportSpecifier = 275] = "ImportSpecifier", e[e.ExportAssignment = 276] = "ExportAssignment", e[e.ExportDeclaration = 277] = "ExportDeclaration", e[e.NamedExports = 278] = "NamedExports", e[e.NamespaceExport = 279] = "NamespaceExport", e[e.ExportSpecifier = 280] = "ExportSpecifier", e[e.MissingDeclaration = 281] = "MissingDeclaration", e[e.ExternalModuleReference = 282] = "ExternalModuleReference", e[e.JsxElement = 283] = "JsxElement", e[e.JsxSelfClosingElement = 284] = "JsxSelfClosingElement", e[e.JsxOpeningElement = 285] = "JsxOpeningElement", e[e.JsxClosingElement = 286] = "JsxClosingElement", e[e.JsxFragment = 287] = "JsxFragment", e[e.JsxOpeningFragment = 288] = "JsxOpeningFragment", e[e.JsxClosingFragment = 289] = "JsxClosingFragment", e[e.JsxAttribute = 290] = "JsxAttribute", e[e.JsxAttributes = 291] = "JsxAttributes", e[e.JsxSpreadAttribute = 292] = "JsxSpreadAttribute", e[e.JsxExpression = 293] = "JsxExpression", e[e.JsxNamespacedName = 294] = "JsxNamespacedName", e[e.CaseClause = 295] = "CaseClause", e[e.DefaultClause = 296] = "DefaultClause", e[e.HeritageClause = 297] = "HeritageClause", e[e.CatchClause = 298] = "CatchClause", e[e.AssertClause = 299] = "AssertClause", e[e.AssertEntry = 300] = "AssertEntry", e[e.ImportTypeAssertionContainer = 301] = "ImportTypeAssertionContainer", e[e.PropertyAssignment = 302] = "PropertyAssignment", e[e.ShorthandPropertyAssignment = 303] = "ShorthandPropertyAssignment", e[e.SpreadAssignment = 304] = "SpreadAssignment", e[e.EnumMember = 305] = "EnumMember", e[e.UnparsedPrologue = 306] = "UnparsedPrologue", e[e.UnparsedPrepend = 307] = "UnparsedPrepend", e[e.UnparsedText = 308] = "UnparsedText", e[e.UnparsedInternalText = 309] = "UnparsedInternalText", e[e.UnparsedSyntheticReference = 310] = "UnparsedSyntheticReference", e[e.SourceFile = 311] = "SourceFile", e[e.Bundle = 312] = "Bundle", e[e.UnparsedSource = 313] = "UnparsedSource", e[e.InputFiles = 314] = "InputFiles", e[e.JSDocTypeExpression = 315] = "JSDocTypeExpression", e[e.JSDocNameReference = 316] = "JSDocNameReference", e[e.JSDocMemberName = 317] = "JSDocMemberName", e[e.JSDocAllType = 318] = "JSDocAllType", e[e.JSDocUnknownType = 319] = "JSDocUnknownType", e[e.JSDocNullableType = 320] = "JSDocNullableType", e[e.JSDocNonNullableType = 321] = "JSDocNonNullableType", e[e.JSDocOptionalType = 322] = "JSDocOptionalType", e[e.JSDocFunctionType = 323] = "JSDocFunctionType", e[e.JSDocVariadicType = 324] = "JSDocVariadicType", e[e.JSDocNamepathType = 325] = "JSDocNamepathType", e[e.JSDoc = 326] = "JSDoc", e[e.JSDocComment = 326] = "JSDocComment", e[e.JSDocText = 327] = "JSDocText", e[e.JSDocTypeLiteral = 328] = "JSDocTypeLiteral", e[e.JSDocSignature = 329] = "JSDocSignature", e[e.JSDocLink = 330] = "JSDocLink", e[e.JSDocLinkCode = 331] = "JSDocLinkCode", e[e.JSDocLinkPlain = 332] = "JSDocLinkPlain", e[e.JSDocTag = 333] = "JSDocTag", e[e.JSDocAugmentsTag = 334] = "JSDocAugmentsTag", e[e.JSDocImplementsTag = 335] = "JSDocImplementsTag", e[e.JSDocAuthorTag = 336] = "JSDocAuthorTag", e[e.JSDocDeprecatedTag = 337] = "JSDocDeprecatedTag", e[e.JSDocClassTag = 338] = "JSDocClassTag", e[e.JSDocPublicTag = 339] = "JSDocPublicTag", e[e.JSDocPrivateTag = 340] = "JSDocPrivateTag", e[e.JSDocProtectedTag = 341] = "JSDocProtectedTag", e[e.JSDocReadonlyTag = 342] = "JSDocReadonlyTag", e[e.JSDocOverrideTag = 343] = "JSDocOverrideTag", e[e.JSDocCallbackTag = 344] = "JSDocCallbackTag", e[e.JSDocOverloadTag = 345] = "JSDocOverloadTag", e[e.JSDocEnumTag = 346] = "JSDocEnumTag", e[e.JSDocParameterTag = 347] = "JSDocParameterTag", e[e.JSDocReturnTag = 348] = "JSDocReturnTag", e[e.JSDocThisTag = 349] = "JSDocThisTag", e[e.JSDocTypeTag = 350] = "JSDocTypeTag", e[e.JSDocTemplateTag = 351] = "JSDocTemplateTag", e[e.JSDocTypedefTag = 352] = "JSDocTypedefTag", e[e.JSDocSeeTag = 353] = "JSDocSeeTag", e[e.JSDocPropertyTag = 354] = "JSDocPropertyTag", e[e.JSDocThrowsTag = 355] = "JSDocThrowsTag", e[e.JSDocSatisfiesTag = 356] = "JSDocSatisfiesTag", e[e.SyntaxList = 357] = "SyntaxList", e[e.NotEmittedStatement = 358] = "NotEmittedStatement", e[e.PartiallyEmittedExpression = 359] = "PartiallyEmittedExpression", e[e.CommaListExpression = 360] = "CommaListExpression", e[e.SyntheticReferenceExpression = 361] = "SyntheticReferenceExpression", e[e.Count = 362] = "Count", e[e.FirstAssignment = 64] = "FirstAssignment", e[e.LastAssignment = 79] = "LastAssignment", e[e.FirstCompoundAssignment = 65] = "FirstCompoundAssignment", e[e.LastCompoundAssignment = 79] = "LastCompoundAssignment", e[e.FirstReservedWord = 83] = "FirstReservedWord", e[e.LastReservedWord = 118] = "LastReservedWord", e[e.FirstKeyword = 83] = "FirstKeyword", e[e.LastKeyword = 164] = "LastKeyword", e[e.FirstFutureReservedWord = 119] = "FirstFutureReservedWord", e[e.LastFutureReservedWord = 127] = "LastFutureReservedWord", e[e.FirstTypeNode = 181] = "FirstTypeNode", e[e.LastTypeNode = 204] = "LastTypeNode", e[e.FirstPunctuation = 19] = "FirstPunctuation", e[e.LastPunctuation = 79] = "LastPunctuation", e[e.FirstToken = 0] = "FirstToken", e[e.LastToken = 164] = "LastToken", e[e.FirstTriviaToken = 2] = "FirstTriviaToken", e[e.LastTriviaToken = 7] = "LastTriviaToken", e[e.FirstLiteralToken = 9] = "FirstLiteralToken", e[e.LastLiteralToken = 15] = "LastLiteralToken", e[e.FirstTemplateToken = 15] = "FirstTemplateToken", e[e.LastTemplateToken = 18] = "LastTemplateToken", e[e.FirstBinaryOperator = 30] = "FirstBinaryOperator", e[e.LastBinaryOperator = 79] = "LastBinaryOperator", e[e.FirstStatement = 242] = "FirstStatement", e[e.LastStatement = 258] = "LastStatement", e[e.FirstNode = 165] = "FirstNode", e[e.FirstJSDocNode = 315] = "FirstJSDocNode", e[e.LastJSDocNode = 356] = "LastJSDocNode", e[e.FirstJSDocTagNode = 333] = "FirstJSDocTagNode", e[e.LastJSDocTagNode = 356] = "LastJSDocTagNode", e[e.FirstContextualKeyword = 128] = "FirstContextualKeyword", e[e.LastContextualKeyword = 164] = "LastContextualKeyword", e))(NA || {}), cS = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Let = 1] = "Let", e[e.Const = 2] = "Const", e[e.NestedNamespace = 4] = "NestedNamespace", e[e.Synthesized = 8] = "Synthesized", e[e.Namespace = 16] = "Namespace", e[e.OptionalChain = 32] = "OptionalChain", e[e.ExportContext = 64] = "ExportContext", e[e.ContainsThis = 128] = "ContainsThis", e[e.HasImplicitReturn = 256] = "HasImplicitReturn", e[e.HasExplicitReturn = 512] = "HasExplicitReturn", e[e.GlobalAugmentation = 1024] = "GlobalAugmentation", e[e.HasAsyncFunctions = 2048] = "HasAsyncFunctions", e[e.DisallowInContext = 4096] = "DisallowInContext", e[e.YieldContext = 8192] = "YieldContext", e[e.DecoratorContext = 16384] = "DecoratorContext", e[e.AwaitContext = 32768] = "AwaitContext", e[e.DisallowConditionalTypesContext = 65536] = "DisallowConditionalTypesContext", e[e.ThisNodeHasError = 131072] = "ThisNodeHasError", e[e.JavaScriptFile = 262144] = "JavaScriptFile", e[e.ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = 524288] = "ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError", e[e.HasAggregatedChildData = 1048576] = "HasAggregatedChildData", e[e.PossiblyContainsDynamicImport = 2097152] = "PossiblyContainsDynamicImport", e[e.PossiblyContainsImportMeta = 4194304] = "PossiblyContainsImportMeta", e[e.JSDoc = 8388608] = "JSDoc", e[e.Ambient = 16777216] = "Ambient", e[e.InWithStatement = 33554432] = "InWithStatement", e[e.JsonFile = 67108864] = "JsonFile", e[e.TypeCached = 134217728] = "TypeCached", e[e.Deprecated = 268435456] = "Deprecated", e[e.BlockScoped = 3] = "BlockScoped", e[e.ReachabilityCheckFlags = 768] = "ReachabilityCheckFlags", e[e.ReachabilityAndEmitFlags = 2816] = "ReachabilityAndEmitFlags", e[e.ContextFlags = 50720768] = "ContextFlags", e[e.TypeExcludesFlags = 40960] = "TypeExcludesFlags", e[e.PermanentlySetIncrementalFlags = 6291456] = "PermanentlySetIncrementalFlags", e[e.IdentifierHasExtendedUnicodeEscape = 128] = "IdentifierHasExtendedUnicodeEscape", e[e.IdentifierIsInJSDocNamespace = 2048] = "IdentifierIsInJSDocNamespace", e))(cS || {}), $T = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Export = 1] = "Export", e[e.Ambient = 2] = "Ambient", e[e.Public = 4] = "Public", e[e.Private = 8] = "Private", e[e.Protected = 16] = "Protected", e[e.Static = 32] = "Static", e[e.Readonly = 64] = "Readonly", e[e.Accessor = 128] = "Accessor", e[e.Abstract = 256] = "Abstract", e[e.Async = 512] = "Async", e[e.Default = 1024] = "Default", e[e.Const = 2048] = "Const", e[e.HasComputedJSDocModifiers = 4096] = "HasComputedJSDocModifiers", e[e.Deprecated = 8192] = "Deprecated", e[e.Override = 16384] = "Override", e[e.In = 32768] = "In", e[e.Out = 65536] = "Out", e[e.Decorator = 131072] = "Decorator", e[e.HasComputedFlags = 536870912] = "HasComputedFlags", e[e.AccessibilityModifier = 28] = "AccessibilityModifier", e[e.ParameterPropertyModifier = 16476] = "ParameterPropertyModifier", e[e.NonPublicAccessibilityModifier = 24] = "NonPublicAccessibilityModifier", e[e.TypeScriptModifier = 117086] = "TypeScriptModifier", e[e.ExportDefault = 1025] = "ExportDefault", e[e.All = 258047] = "All", e[e.Modifier = 126975] = "Modifier", e))($T || {}), $I = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.IntrinsicNamedElement = 1] = "IntrinsicNamedElement", e[e.IntrinsicIndexedElement = 2] = "IntrinsicIndexedElement", e[e.IntrinsicElement = 3] = "IntrinsicElement", e))($I || {}), nT = ((e) => (e[e.Succeeded = 1] = "Succeeded", e[e.Failed = 2] = "Failed", e[e.Reported = 4] = "Reported", e[e.ReportsUnmeasurable = 8] = "ReportsUnmeasurable", e[e.ReportsUnreliable = 16] = "ReportsUnreliable", e[e.ReportsMask = 24] = "ReportsMask", e))(nT || {}), kC = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Auto = 1] = "Auto", e[e.Loop = 2] = "Loop", e[e.Unique = 3] = "Unique", e[e.Node = 4] = "Node", e[e.KindMask = 7] = "KindMask", e[e.ReservedInNestedScopes = 8] = "ReservedInNestedScopes", e[e.Optimistic = 16] = "Optimistic", e[e.FileLevel = 32] = "FileLevel", e[e.AllowNameSubstitution = 64] = "AllowNameSubstitution", e))(kC || {}), IP = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.PrecedingLineBreak = 1] = "PrecedingLineBreak", e[e.PrecedingJSDocComment = 2] = "PrecedingJSDocComment", e[e.Unterminated = 4] = "Unterminated", e[e.ExtendedUnicodeEscape = 8] = "ExtendedUnicodeEscape", e[e.Scientific = 16] = "Scientific", e[e.Octal = 32] = "Octal", e[e.HexSpecifier = 64] = "HexSpecifier", e[e.BinarySpecifier = 128] = "BinarySpecifier", e[e.OctalSpecifier = 256] = "OctalSpecifier", e[e.ContainsSeparator = 512] = "ContainsSeparator", e[e.UnicodeEscape = 1024] = "UnicodeEscape", e[e.ContainsInvalidEscape = 2048] = "ContainsInvalidEscape", e[e.HexEscape = 4096] = "HexEscape", e[e.ContainsLeadingZero = 8192] = "ContainsLeadingZero", e[e.ContainsInvalidSeparator = 16384] = "ContainsInvalidSeparator", e[e.BinaryOrOctalSpecifier = 384] = "BinaryOrOctalSpecifier", e[e.WithSpecifier = 448] = "WithSpecifier", e[e.StringLiteralFlags = 7176] = "StringLiteralFlags", e[e.NumericLiteralFlags = 25584] = "NumericLiteralFlags", e[e.TemplateLiteralLikeFlags = 7176] = "TemplateLiteralLikeFlags", e[e.IsInvalid = 26656] = "IsInvalid", e))(IP || {}), jw = ((e) => (e[e.Unreachable = 1] = "Unreachable", e[e.Start = 2] = "Start", e[e.BranchLabel = 4] = "BranchLabel", e[e.LoopLabel = 8] = "LoopLabel", e[e.Assignment = 16] = "Assignment", e[e.TrueCondition = 32] = "TrueCondition", e[e.FalseCondition = 64] = "FalseCondition", e[e.SwitchClause = 128] = "SwitchClause", e[e.ArrayMutation = 256] = "ArrayMutation", e[e.Call = 512] = "Call", e[e.ReduceLabel = 1024] = "ReduceLabel", e[e.Referenced = 2048] = "Referenced", e[e.Shared = 4096] = "Shared", e[e.Label = 12] = "Label", e[e.Condition = 96] = "Condition", e))(jw || {}), OA = ((e) => (e[e.ExpectError = 0] = "ExpectError", e[e.Ignore = 1] = "Ignore", e))(OA || {}), DC = class {
}, iD = ((e) => (e[e.RootFile = 0] = "RootFile", e[e.SourceFromProjectReference = 1] = "SourceFromProjectReference", e[e.OutputFromProjectReference = 2] = "OutputFromProjectReference", e[e.Import = 3] = "Import", e[e.ReferenceFile = 4] = "ReferenceFile", e[e.TypeReferenceDirective = 5] = "TypeReferenceDirective", e[e.LibFile = 6] = "LibFile", e[e.LibReferenceDirective = 7] = "LibReferenceDirective", e[e.AutomaticTypeDirectiveFile = 8] = "AutomaticTypeDirectiveFile", e))(iD || {}), LP = ((e) => (e[e.FilePreprocessingReferencedDiagnostic = 0] = "FilePreprocessingReferencedDiagnostic", e[e.FilePreprocessingFileExplainingDiagnostic = 1] = "FilePreprocessingFileExplainingDiagnostic", e[e.ResolutionDiagnostics = 2] = "ResolutionDiagnostics", e))(LP || {}), qI = ((e) => (e[e.Js = 0] = "Js", e[e.Dts = 1] = "Dts", e))(qI || {}), VI = ((e) => (e[e.Not = 0] = "Not", e[e.SafeModules = 1] = "SafeModules", e[e.Completely = 2] = "Completely", e))(VI || {}), s3 = ((e) => (e[e.Success = 0] = "Success", e[e.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped = 1] = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped", e[e.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated = 2] = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated", e[e.InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped = 3] = "InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped", e[e.ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped = 4] = "ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped", e))(s3 || {}), O2 = ((e) => (e[e.Ok = 0] = "Ok", e[e.NeedsOverride = 1] = "NeedsOverride", e[e.HasInvalidOverride = 2] = "HasInvalidOverride", e))(O2 || {}), PP = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Literal = 1] = "Literal", e[e.Subtype = 2] = "Subtype", e))(PP || {}), FA = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Signature = 1] = "Signature", e[e.NoConstraints = 2] = "NoConstraints", e[e.Completions = 4] = "Completions", e[e.SkipBindingPatterns = 8] = "SkipBindingPatterns", e))(FA || {}), RP = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.NoTruncation = 1] = "NoTruncation", e[e.WriteArrayAsGenericType = 2] = "WriteArrayAsGenericType", e[e.GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams = 4] = "GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams", e[e.UseStructuralFallback = 8] = "UseStructuralFallback", e[e.ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences = 16] = "ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences", e[e.WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature = 32] = "WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature", e[e.UseFullyQualifiedType = 64] = "UseFullyQualifiedType", e[e.UseOnlyExternalAliasing = 128] = "UseOnlyExternalAliasing", e[e.SuppressAnyReturnType = 256] = "SuppressAnyReturnType", e[e.WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName = 512] = "WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName", e[e.MultilineObjectLiterals = 1024] = "MultilineObjectLiterals", e[e.WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral = 2048] = "WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral", e[e.UseTypeOfFunction = 4096] = "UseTypeOfFunction", e[e.OmitParameterModifiers = 8192] = "OmitParameterModifiers", e[e.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = 16384] = "UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope", e[e.UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType = 268435456] = "UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType", e[e.NoTypeReduction = 536870912] = "NoTypeReduction", e[e.OmitThisParameter = 33554432] = "OmitThisParameter", e[e.AllowThisInObjectLiteral = 32768] = "AllowThisInObjectLiteral", e[e.AllowQualifiedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier = 65536] = "AllowQualifiedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier", e[e.AllowAnonymousIdentifier = 131072] = "AllowAnonymousIdentifier", e[e.AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection = 262144] = "AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection", e[e.AllowEmptyTuple = 524288] = "AllowEmptyTuple", e[e.AllowUniqueESSymbolType = 1048576] = "AllowUniqueESSymbolType", e[e.AllowEmptyIndexInfoType = 2097152] = "AllowEmptyIndexInfoType", e[e.WriteComputedProps = 1073741824] = "WriteComputedProps", e[e.AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths = 67108864] = "AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths", e[e.DoNotIncludeSymbolChain = 134217728] = "DoNotIncludeSymbolChain", e[e.IgnoreErrors = 70221824] = "IgnoreErrors", e[e.InObjectTypeLiteral = 4194304] = "InObjectTypeLiteral", e[e.InTypeAlias = 8388608] = "InTypeAlias", e[e.InInitialEntityName = 16777216] = "InInitialEntityName", e))(RP || {}), WI = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.NoTruncation = 1] = "NoTruncation", e[e.WriteArrayAsGenericType = 2] = "WriteArrayAsGenericType", e[e.UseStructuralFallback = 8] = "UseStructuralFallback", e[e.WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature = 32] = "WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature", e[e.UseFullyQualifiedType = 64] = "UseFullyQualifiedType", e[e.SuppressAnyReturnType = 256] = "SuppressAnyReturnType", e[e.MultilineObjectLiterals = 1024] = "MultilineObjectLiterals", e[e.WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral = 2048] = "WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral", e[e.UseTypeOfFunction = 4096] = "UseTypeOfFunction", e[e.OmitParameterModifiers = 8192] = "OmitParameterModifiers", e[e.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = 16384] = "UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope", e[e.UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType = 268435456] = "UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType", e[e.NoTypeReduction = 536870912] = "NoTypeReduction", e[e.OmitThisParameter = 33554432] = "OmitThisParameter", e[e.AllowUniqueESSymbolType = 1048576] = "AllowUniqueESSymbolType", e[e.AddUndefined = 131072] = "AddUndefined", e[e.WriteArrowStyleSignature = 262144] = "WriteArrowStyleSignature", e[e.InArrayType = 524288] = "InArrayType", e[e.InElementType = 2097152] = "InElementType", e[e.InFirstTypeArgument = 4194304] = "InFirstTypeArgument", e[e.InTypeAlias = 8388608] = "InTypeAlias", e[e.NodeBuilderFlagsMask = 848330091] = "NodeBuilderFlagsMask", e))(WI || {}), MA = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.WriteTypeParametersOrArguments = 1] = "WriteTypeParametersOrArguments", e[e.UseOnlyExternalAliasing = 2] = "UseOnlyExternalAliasing", e[e.AllowAnyNodeKind = 4] = "AllowAnyNodeKind", e[e.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = 8] = "UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope", e[e.WriteComputedProps = 16] = "WriteComputedProps", e[e.DoNotIncludeSymbolChain = 32] = "DoNotIncludeSymbolChain", e))(MA || {}), he = ((e) => (e[e.Accessible = 0] = "Accessible", e[e.NotAccessible = 1] = "NotAccessible", e[e.CannotBeNamed = 2] = "CannotBeNamed", e))(he || {}), Ie = ((e) => (e[e.UnionOrIntersection = 0] = "UnionOrIntersection", e[e.Spread = 1] = "Spread", e))(Ie || {}), fn = ((e) => (e[e.This = 0] = "This", e[e.Identifier = 1] = "Identifier", e[e.AssertsThis = 2] = "AssertsThis", e[e.AssertsIdentifier = 3] = "AssertsIdentifier", e))(fn || {}), $t = ((e) => (e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.TypeWithConstructSignatureAndValue = 1] = "TypeWithConstructSignatureAndValue", e[e.VoidNullableOrNeverType = 2] = "VoidNullableOrNeverType", e[e.NumberLikeType = 3] = "NumberLikeType", e[e.BigIntLikeType = 4] = "BigIntLikeType", e[e.StringLikeType = 5] = "StringLikeType", e[e.BooleanType = 6] = "BooleanType", e[e.ArrayLikeType = 7] = "ArrayLikeType", e[e.ESSymbolType = 8] = "ESSymbolType", e[e.Promise = 9] = "Promise", e[e.TypeWithCallSignature = 10] = "TypeWithCallSignature", e[e.ObjectType = 11] = "ObjectType", e))($t || {}), nr = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.FunctionScopedVariable = 1] = "FunctionScopedVariable", e[e.BlockScopedVariable = 2] = "BlockScopedVariable", e[e.Property = 4] = "Property", e[e.EnumMember = 8] = "EnumMember", e[e.Function = 16] = "Function", e[e.Class = 32] = "Class", e[e.Interface = 64] = "Interface", e[e.ConstEnum = 128] = "ConstEnum", e[e.RegularEnum = 256] = "RegularEnum", e[e.ValueModule = 512] = "ValueModule", e[e.NamespaceModule = 1024] = "NamespaceModule", e[e.TypeLiteral = 2048] = "TypeLiteral", e[e.ObjectLiteral = 4096] = "ObjectLiteral", e[e.Method = 8192] = "Method", e[e.Constructor = 16384] = "Constructor", e[e.GetAccessor = 32768] = "GetAccessor", e[e.SetAccessor = 65536] = "SetAccessor", e[e.Signature = 131072] = "Signature", e[e.TypeParameter = 262144] = "TypeParameter", e[e.TypeAlias = 524288] = "TypeAlias", e[e.ExportValue = 1048576] = "ExportValue", e[e.Alias = 2097152] = "Alias", e[e.Prototype = 4194304] = "Prototype", e[e.ExportStar = 8388608] = "ExportStar", e[e.Optional = 16777216] = "Optional", e[e.Transient = 33554432] = "Transient", e[e.Assignment = 67108864] = "Assignment", e[e.ModuleExports = 134217728] = "ModuleExports", e[e.All = 67108863] = "All", e[e.Enum = 384] = "Enum", e[e.Variable = 3] = "Variable", e[e.Value = 111551] = "Value", e[e.Type = 788968] = "Type", e[e.Namespace = 1920] = "Namespace", e[e.Module = 1536] = "Module", e[e.Accessor = 98304] = "Accessor", e[e.FunctionScopedVariableExcludes = 111550] = "FunctionScopedVariableExcludes", e[e.BlockScopedVariableExcludes = 111551] = "BlockScopedVariableExcludes", e[e.ParameterExcludes = 111551] = "ParameterExcludes", e[e.PropertyExcludes = 0] = "PropertyExcludes", e[e.EnumMemberExcludes = 900095] = "EnumMemberExcludes", e[e.FunctionExcludes = 110991] = "FunctionExcludes", e[e.ClassExcludes = 899503] = "ClassExcludes", e[e.InterfaceExcludes = 788872] = "InterfaceExcludes", e[e.RegularEnumExcludes = 899327] = "RegularEnumExcludes", e[e.ConstEnumExcludes = 899967] = "ConstEnumExcludes", e[e.ValueModuleExcludes = 110735] = "ValueModuleExcludes", e[e.NamespaceModuleExcludes = 0] = "NamespaceModuleExcludes", e[e.MethodExcludes = 103359] = "MethodExcludes", e[e.GetAccessorExcludes = 46015] = "GetAccessorExcludes", e[e.SetAccessorExcludes = 78783] = "SetAccessorExcludes", e[e.AccessorExcludes = 13247] = "AccessorExcludes", e[e.TypeParameterExcludes = 526824] = "TypeParameterExcludes", e[e.TypeAliasExcludes = 788968] = "TypeAliasExcludes", e[e.AliasExcludes = 2097152] = "AliasExcludes", e[e.ModuleMember = 2623475] = "ModuleMember", e[e.ExportHasLocal = 944] = "ExportHasLocal", e[e.BlockScoped = 418] = "BlockScoped", e[e.PropertyOrAccessor = 98308] = "PropertyOrAccessor", e[e.ClassMember = 106500] = "ClassMember", e[e.ExportSupportsDefaultModifier = 112] = "ExportSupportsDefaultModifier", e[e.ExportDoesNotSupportDefaultModifier = -113] = "ExportDoesNotSupportDefaultModifier", e[e.Classifiable = 2885600] = "Classifiable", e[e.LateBindingContainer = 6256] = "LateBindingContainer", e))(nr || {}), Gn = ((e) => (e[e.Numeric = 0] = "Numeric", e[e.Literal = 1] = "Literal", e))(Gn || {}), Ht = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Instantiated = 1] = "Instantiated", e[e.SyntheticProperty = 2] = "SyntheticProperty", e[e.SyntheticMethod = 4] = "SyntheticMethod", e[e.Readonly = 8] = "Readonly", e[e.ReadPartial = 16] = "ReadPartial", e[e.WritePartial = 32] = "WritePartial", e[e.HasNonUniformType = 64] = "HasNonUniformType", e[e.HasLiteralType = 128] = "HasLiteralType", e[e.ContainsPublic = 256] = "ContainsPublic", e[e.ContainsProtected = 512] = "ContainsProtected", e[e.ContainsPrivate = 1024] = "ContainsPrivate", e[e.ContainsStatic = 2048] = "ContainsStatic", e[e.Late = 4096] = "Late", e[e.ReverseMapped = 8192] = "ReverseMapped", e[e.OptionalParameter = 16384] = "OptionalParameter", e[e.RestParameter = 32768] = "RestParameter", e[e.DeferredType = 65536] = "DeferredType", e[e.HasNeverType = 131072] = "HasNeverType", e[e.Mapped = 262144] = "Mapped", e[e.StripOptional = 524288] = "StripOptional", e[e.Unresolved = 1048576] = "Unresolved", e[e.Synthetic = 6] = "Synthetic", e[e.Discriminant = 192] = "Discriminant", e[e.Partial = 48] = "Partial", e))(Ht || {}), It = ((e) => (e.Call = "__call", e.Constructor = "__constructor", e.New = "__new", e.Index = "__index", e.ExportStar = "__export", e.Global = "__global", e.Missing = "__missing", e.Type = "__type", e.Object = "__object", e.JSXAttributes = "__jsxAttributes", e.Class = "__class", e.Function = "__function", e.Computed = "__computed", e.Resolving = "__resolving__", e.ExportEquals = "export=", e.Default = "default", e.This = "this", e))(It || {}), On = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.TypeChecked = 1] = "TypeChecked", e[e.LexicalThis = 2] = "LexicalThis", e[e.CaptureThis = 4] = "CaptureThis", e[e.CaptureNewTarget = 8] = "CaptureNewTarget", e[e.SuperInstance = 16] = "SuperInstance", e[e.SuperStatic = 32] = "SuperStatic", e[e.ContextChecked = 64] = "ContextChecked", e[e.MethodWithSuperPropertyAccessInAsync = 128] = "MethodWithSuperPropertyAccessInAsync", e[e.MethodWithSuperPropertyAssignmentInAsync = 256] = "MethodWithSuperPropertyAssignmentInAsync", e[e.CaptureArguments = 512] = "CaptureArguments", e[e.EnumValuesComputed = 1024] = "EnumValuesComputed", e[e.LexicalModuleMergesWithClass = 2048] = "LexicalModuleMergesWithClass", e[e.LoopWithCapturedBlockScopedBinding = 4096] = "LoopWithCapturedBlockScopedBinding", e[e.ContainsCapturedBlockScopeBinding = 8192] = "ContainsCapturedBlockScopeBinding", e[e.CapturedBlockScopedBinding = 16384] = "CapturedBlockScopedBinding", e[e.BlockScopedBindingInLoop = 32768] = "BlockScopedBindingInLoop", e[e.ClassWithBodyScopedClassBinding = 65536] = "ClassWithBodyScopedClassBinding", e[e.BodyScopedClassBinding = 131072] = "BodyScopedClassBinding", e[e.NeedsLoopOutParameter = 262144] = "NeedsLoopOutParameter", e[e.AssignmentsMarked = 524288] = "AssignmentsMarked", e[e.ClassWithConstructorReference = 1048576] = "ClassWithConstructorReference", e[e.ConstructorReferenceInClass = 2097152] = "ConstructorReferenceInClass", e[e.ContainsClassWithPrivateIdentifiers = 4194304] = "ContainsClassWithPrivateIdentifiers", e[e.ContainsSuperPropertyInStaticInitializer = 8388608] = "ContainsSuperPropertyInStaticInitializer", e[e.InCheckIdentifier = 16777216] = "InCheckIdentifier", e))(On || {}), Et = ((e) => (e[e.Any = 1] = "Any", e[e.Unknown = 2] = "Unknown", e[e.String = 4] = "String", e[e.Number = 8] = "Number", e[e.Boolean = 16] = "Boolean", e[e.Enum = 32] = "Enum", e[e.BigInt = 64] = "BigInt", e[e.StringLiteral = 128] = "StringLiteral", e[e.NumberLiteral = 256] = "NumberLiteral", e[e.BooleanLiteral = 512] = "BooleanLiteral", e[e.EnumLiteral = 1024] = "EnumLiteral", e[e.BigIntLiteral = 2048] = "BigIntLiteral", e[e.ESSymbol = 4096] = "ESSymbol", e[e.UniqueESSymbol = 8192] = "UniqueESSymbol", e[e.Void = 16384] = "Void", e[e.Undefined = 32768] = "Undefined", e[e.Null = 65536] = "Null", e[e.Never = 131072] = "Never", e[e.TypeParameter = 262144] = "TypeParameter", e[e.Object = 524288] = "Object", e[e.Union = 1048576] = "Union", e[e.Intersection = 2097152] = "Intersection", e[e.Index = 4194304] = "Index", e[e.IndexedAccess = 8388608] = "IndexedAccess", e[e.Conditional = 16777216] = "Conditional", e[e.Substitution = 33554432] = "Substitution", e[e.NonPrimitive = 67108864] = "NonPrimitive", e[e.TemplateLiteral = 134217728] = "TemplateLiteral", e[e.StringMapping = 268435456] = "StringMapping", e[e.AnyOrUnknown = 3] = "AnyOrUnknown", e[e.Nullable = 98304] = "Nullable", e[e.Literal = 2944] = "Literal", e[e.Unit = 109472] = "Unit", e[e.Freshable = 2976] = "Freshable", e[e.StringOrNumberLiteral = 384] = "StringOrNumberLiteral", e[e.StringOrNumberLiteralOrUnique = 8576] = "StringOrNumberLiteralOrUnique", e[e.DefinitelyFalsy = 117632] = "DefinitelyFalsy", e[e.PossiblyFalsy = 117724] = "PossiblyFalsy", e[e.Intrinsic = 67359327] = "Intrinsic", e[e.StringLike = 402653316] = "StringLike", e[e.NumberLike = 296] = "NumberLike", e[e.BigIntLike = 2112] = "BigIntLike", e[e.BooleanLike = 528] = "BooleanLike", e[e.EnumLike = 1056] = "EnumLike", e[e.ESSymbolLike = 12288] = "ESSymbolLike", e[e.VoidLike = 49152] = "VoidLike", e[e.Primitive = 402784252] = "Primitive", e[e.DefinitelyNonNullable = 470302716] = "DefinitelyNonNullable", e[e.DisjointDomains = 469892092] = "DisjointDomains", e[e.UnionOrIntersection = 3145728] = "UnionOrIntersection", e[e.StructuredType = 3670016] = "StructuredType", e[e.TypeVariable = 8650752] = "TypeVariable", e[e.InstantiableNonPrimitive = 58982400] = "InstantiableNonPrimitive", e[e.InstantiablePrimitive = 406847488] = "InstantiablePrimitive", e[e.Instantiable = 465829888] = "Instantiable", e[e.StructuredOrInstantiable = 469499904] = "StructuredOrInstantiable", e[e.ObjectFlagsType = 138117121] = "ObjectFlagsType", e[e.Simplifiable = 25165824] = "Simplifiable", e[e.Singleton = 67358815] = "Singleton", e[e.Narrowable = 536624127] = "Narrowable", e[e.IncludesMask = 473694207] = "IncludesMask", e[e.IncludesMissingType = 262144] = "IncludesMissingType", e[e.IncludesNonWideningType = 4194304] = "IncludesNonWideningType", e[e.IncludesWildcard = 8388608] = "IncludesWildcard", e[e.IncludesEmptyObject = 16777216] = "IncludesEmptyObject", e[e.IncludesInstantiable = 33554432] = "IncludesInstantiable", e[e.NotPrimitiveUnion = 36323331] = "NotPrimitiveUnion", e))(Et || {}), dn = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Class = 1] = "Class", e[e.Interface = 2] = "Interface", e[e.Reference = 4] = "Reference", e[e.Tuple = 8] = "Tuple", e[e.Anonymous = 16] = "Anonymous", e[e.Mapped = 32] = "Mapped", e[e.Instantiated = 64] = "Instantiated", e[e.ObjectLiteral = 128] = "ObjectLiteral", e[e.EvolvingArray = 256] = "EvolvingArray", e[e.ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties = 512] = "ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties", e[e.ReverseMapped = 1024] = "ReverseMapped", e[e.JsxAttributes = 2048] = "JsxAttributes", e[e.JSLiteral = 4096] = "JSLiteral", e[e.FreshLiteral = 8192] = "FreshLiteral", e[e.ArrayLiteral = 16384] = "ArrayLiteral", e[e.PrimitiveUnion = 32768] = "PrimitiveUnion", e[e.ContainsWideningType = 65536] = "ContainsWideningType", e[e.ContainsObjectOrArrayLiteral = 131072] = "ContainsObjectOrArrayLiteral", e[e.NonInferrableType = 262144] = "NonInferrableType", e[e.CouldContainTypeVariablesComputed = 524288] = "CouldContainTypeVariablesComputed", e[e.CouldContainTypeVariables = 1048576] = "CouldContainTypeVariables", e[e.ClassOrInterface = 3] = "ClassOrInterface", e[e.RequiresWidening = 196608] = "RequiresWidening", e[e.PropagatingFlags = 458752] = "PropagatingFlags", e[e.ObjectTypeKindMask = 1343] = "ObjectTypeKindMask", e[e.ContainsSpread = 2097152] = "ContainsSpread", e[e.ObjectRestType = 4194304] = "ObjectRestType", e[e.InstantiationExpressionType = 8388608] = "InstantiationExpressionType", e[e.IsClassInstanceClone = 16777216] = "IsClassInstanceClone", e[e.IdenticalBaseTypeCalculated = 33554432] = "IdenticalBaseTypeCalculated", e[e.IdenticalBaseTypeExists = 67108864] = "IdenticalBaseTypeExists", e[e.IsGenericTypeComputed = 2097152] = "IsGenericTypeComputed", e[e.IsGenericObjectType = 4194304] = "IsGenericObjectType", e[e.IsGenericIndexType = 8388608] = "IsGenericIndexType", e[e.IsGenericType = 12582912] = "IsGenericType", e[e.ContainsIntersections = 16777216] = "ContainsIntersections", e[e.IsUnknownLikeUnionComputed = 33554432] = "IsUnknownLikeUnionComputed", e[e.IsUnknownLikeUnion = 67108864] = "IsUnknownLikeUnion", e[e.IsNeverIntersectionComputed = 16777216] = "IsNeverIntersectionComputed", e[e.IsNeverIntersection = 33554432] = "IsNeverIntersection", e))(dn || {}), Kn = ((e) => (e[e.Invariant = 0] = "Invariant", e[e.Covariant = 1] = "Covariant", e[e.Contravariant = 2] = "Contravariant", e[e.Bivariant = 3] = "Bivariant", e[e.Independent = 4] = "Independent", e[e.VarianceMask = 7] = "VarianceMask", e[e.Unmeasurable = 8] = "Unmeasurable", e[e.Unreliable = 16] = "Unreliable", e[e.AllowsStructuralFallback = 24] = "AllowsStructuralFallback", e))(Kn || {}), xe = ((e) => (e[e.Required = 1] = "Required", e[e.Optional = 2] = "Optional", e[e.Rest = 4] = "Rest", e[e.Variadic = 8] = "Variadic", e[e.Fixed = 3] = "Fixed", e[e.Variable = 12] = "Variable", e[e.NonRequired = 14] = "NonRequired", e[e.NonRest = 11] = "NonRest", e))(xe || {}), Ir = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.IncludeUndefined = 1] = "IncludeUndefined", e[e.NoIndexSignatures = 2] = "NoIndexSignatures", e[e.Writing = 4] = "Writing", e[e.CacheSymbol = 8] = "CacheSymbol", e[e.NoTupleBoundsCheck = 16] = "NoTupleBoundsCheck", e[e.ExpressionPosition = 32] = "ExpressionPosition", e[e.ReportDeprecated = 64] = "ReportDeprecated", e[e.SuppressNoImplicitAnyError = 128] = "SuppressNoImplicitAnyError", e[e.Contextual = 256] = "Contextual", e[e.Persistent = 1] = "Persistent", e))(Ir || {}), sa = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.StringsOnly = 1] = "StringsOnly", e[e.NoIndexSignatures = 2] = "NoIndexSignatures", e[e.NoReducibleCheck = 4] = "NoReducibleCheck", e))(sa || {}), Ca = ((e) => (e[e.Component = 0] = "Component", e[e.Function = 1] = "Function", e[e.Mixed = 2] = "Mixed", e))(Ca || {}), Ya = ((e) => (e[e.Call = 0] = "Call", e[e.Construct = 1] = "Construct", e))(Ya || {}), qs = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.HasRestParameter = 1] = "HasRestParameter", e[e.HasLiteralTypes = 2] = "HasLiteralTypes", e[e.Abstract = 4] = "Abstract", e[e.IsInnerCallChain = 8] = "IsInnerCallChain", e[e.IsOuterCallChain = 16] = "IsOuterCallChain", e[e.IsUntypedSignatureInJSFile = 32] = "IsUntypedSignatureInJSFile", e[e.IsNonInferrable = 64] = "IsNonInferrable", e[e.PropagatingFlags = 39] = "PropagatingFlags", e[e.CallChainFlags = 24] = "CallChainFlags", e))(qs || {}), Sc = ((e) => (e[e.String = 0] = "String", e[e.Number = 1] = "Number", e))(Sc || {}), Tl = ((e) => (e[e.Simple = 0] = "Simple", e[e.Array = 1] = "Array", e[e.Deferred = 2] = "Deferred", e[e.Function = 3] = "Function", e[e.Composite = 4] = "Composite", e[e.Merged = 5] = "Merged", e))(Tl || {}), Ic = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.NakedTypeVariable = 1] = "NakedTypeVariable", e[e.SpeculativeTuple = 2] = "SpeculativeTuple", e[e.SubstituteSource = 4] = "SubstituteSource", e[e.HomomorphicMappedType = 8] = "HomomorphicMappedType", e[e.PartialHomomorphicMappedType = 16] = "PartialHomomorphicMappedType", e[e.MappedTypeConstraint = 32] = "MappedTypeConstraint", e[e.ContravariantConditional = 64] = "ContravariantConditional", e[e.ReturnType = 128] = "ReturnType", e[e.LiteralKeyof = 256] = "LiteralKeyof", e[e.NoConstraints = 512] = "NoConstraints", e[e.AlwaysStrict = 1024] = "AlwaysStrict", e[e.MaxValue = 2048] = "MaxValue", e[e.PriorityImpliesCombination = 416] = "PriorityImpliesCombination", e[e.Circularity = -1] = "Circularity", e))(Ic || {}), es = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.NoDefault = 1] = "NoDefault", e[e.AnyDefault = 2] = "AnyDefault", e[e.SkippedGenericFunction = 4] = "SkippedGenericFunction", e))(es || {}), yl = ((e) => (e[e.False = 0] = "False", e[e.Unknown = 1] = "Unknown", e[e.Maybe = 3] = "Maybe", e[e.True = -1] = "True", e))(yl || {}), Fc = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.ExportsProperty = 1] = "ExportsProperty", e[e.ModuleExports = 2] = "ModuleExports", e[e.PrototypeProperty = 3] = "PrototypeProperty", e[e.ThisProperty = 4] = "ThisProperty", e[e.Property = 5] = "Property", e[e.Prototype = 6] = "Prototype", e[e.ObjectDefinePropertyValue = 7] = "ObjectDefinePropertyValue", e[e.ObjectDefinePropertyExports = 8] = "ObjectDefinePropertyExports", e[e.ObjectDefinePrototypeProperty = 9] = "ObjectDefinePrototypeProperty", e))(Fc || {}), di = ((e) => (e[e.Warning = 0] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 1] = "Error", e[e.Suggestion = 2] = "Suggestion", e[e.Message = 3] = "Message", e))(di || {}), Ws = ((e) => (e[e.Classic = 1] = "Classic", e[e.NodeJs = 2] = "NodeJs", e[e.Node10 = 2] = "Node10", e[e.Node16 = 3] = "Node16", e[e.NodeNext = 99] = "NodeNext", e[e.Bundler = 100] = "Bundler", e))(Ws || {}), wc = ((e) => (e[e.Legacy = 1] = "Legacy", e[e.Auto = 2] = "Auto", e[e.Force = 3] = "Force", e))(wc || {}), uu = ((e) => (e[e.FixedPollingInterval = 0] = "FixedPollingInterval", e[e.PriorityPollingInterval = 1] = "PriorityPollingInterval", e[e.DynamicPriorityPolling = 2] = "DynamicPriorityPolling", e[e.FixedChunkSizePolling = 3] = "FixedChunkSizePolling", e[e.UseFsEvents = 4] = "UseFsEvents", e[e.UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory = 5] = "UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory", e))(uu || {}), cd = ((e) => (e[e.UseFsEvents = 0] = "UseFsEvents", e[e.FixedPollingInterval = 1] = "FixedPollingInterval", e[e.DynamicPriorityPolling = 2] = "DynamicPriorityPolling", e[e.FixedChunkSizePolling = 3] = "FixedChunkSizePolling", e))(cd || {}), Uo = ((e) => (e[e.FixedInterval = 0] = "FixedInterval", e[e.PriorityInterval = 1] = "PriorityInterval", e[e.DynamicPriority = 2] = "DynamicPriority", e[e.FixedChunkSize = 3] = "FixedChunkSize", e))(Uo || {}), fu = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.CommonJS = 1] = "CommonJS", e[e.AMD = 2] = "AMD", e[e.UMD = 3] = "UMD", e[e.System = 4] = "System", e[e.ES2015 = 5] = "ES2015", e[e.ES2020 = 6] = "ES2020", e[e.ES2022 = 7] = "ES2022", e[e.ESNext = 99] = "ESNext", e[e.Node16 = 100] = "Node16", e[e.NodeNext = 199] = "NodeNext", e))(fu || {}), tp = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Preserve = 1] = "Preserve", e[e.React = 2] = "React", e[e.ReactNative = 3] = "ReactNative", e[e.ReactJSX = 4] = "ReactJSX", e[e.ReactJSXDev = 5] = "ReactJSXDev", e))(tp || {}), xd = ((e) => (e[e.Remove = 0] = "Remove", e[e.Preserve = 1] = "Preserve", e[e.Error = 2] = "Error", e))(xd || {}), np = ((e) => (e[e.CarriageReturnLineFeed = 0] = "CarriageReturnLineFeed", e[e.LineFeed = 1] = "LineFeed", e))(np || {}), kd = ((e) => (e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.JS = 1] = "JS", e[e.JSX = 2] = "JSX", e[e.TS = 3] = "TS", e[e.TSX = 4] = "TSX", e[e.External = 5] = "External", e[e.JSON = 6] = "JSON", e[e.Deferred = 7] = "Deferred", e))(kd || {}), Cp = ((e) => (e[e.ES3 = 0] = "ES3", e[e.ES5 = 1] = "ES5", e[e.ES2015 = 2] = "ES2015", e[e.ES2016 = 3] = "ES2016", e[e.ES2017 = 4] = "ES2017", e[e.ES2018 = 5] = "ES2018", e[e.ES2019 = 6] = "ES2019", e[e.ES2020 = 7] = "ES2020", e[e.ES2021 = 8] = "ES2021", e[e.ES2022 = 9] = "ES2022", e[e.ESNext = 99] = "ESNext", e[e.JSON = 100] = "JSON", e[e.Latest = 99] = "Latest", e))(Cp || {}), as = ((e) => (e[e.Standard = 0] = "Standard", e[e.JSX = 1] = "JSX", e))(as || {}), ml = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Recursive = 1] = "Recursive", e))(ml || {}), Wc = ((e) => (e[e.nullCharacter = 0] = "nullCharacter", e[e.maxAsciiCharacter = 127] = "maxAsciiCharacter", e[e.lineFeed = 10] = "lineFeed", e[e.carriageReturn = 13] = "carriageReturn", e[e.lineSeparator = 8232] = "lineSeparator", e[e.paragraphSeparator = 8233] = "paragraphSeparator", e[e.nextLine = 133] = "nextLine", e[ = 32] = "space", e[e.nonBreakingSpace = 160] = "nonBreakingSpace", e[e.enQuad = 8192] = "enQuad", e[e.emQuad = 8193] = "emQuad", e[e.enSpace = 8194] = "enSpace", e[e.emSpace = 8195] = "emSpace", e[e.threePerEmSpace = 8196] = "threePerEmSpace", e[e.fourPerEmSpace = 8197] = "fourPerEmSpace", e[e.sixPerEmSpace = 8198] = "sixPerEmSpace", e[e.figureSpace = 8199] = "figureSpace", e[e.punctuationSpace = 8200] = "punctuationSpace", e[e.thinSpace = 8201] = "thinSpace", e[e.hairSpace = 8202] = "hairSpace", e[e.zeroWidthSpace = 8203] = "zeroWidthSpace", e[e.narrowNoBreakSpace = 8239] = "narrowNoBreakSpace", e[e.ideographicSpace = 12288] = "ideographicSpace", e[e.mathematicalSpace = 8287] = "mathematicalSpace", e[e.ogham = 5760] = "ogham", e[e.replacementCharacter = 65533] = "replacementCharacter", e[e._ = 95] = "_", e[e.$ = 36] = "$", e[e._0 = 48] = "_0", e[e._1 = 49] = "_1", e[e._2 = 50] = "_2", e[e._3 = 51] = "_3", e[e._4 = 52] = "_4", e[e._5 = 53] = "_5", e[e._6 = 54] = "_6", e[e._7 = 55] = "_7", e[e._8 = 56] = "_8", e[e._9 = 57] = "_9", e[e.a = 97] = "a", e[e.b = 98] = "b", e[e.c = 99] = "c", e[e.d = 100] = "d", e[e.e = 101] = "e", e[e.f = 102] = "f", e[e.g = 103] = "g", e[e.h = 104] = "h", e[e.i = 105] = "i", e[e.j = 106] = "j", e[e.k = 107] = "k", e[e.l = 108] = "l", e[e.m = 109] = "m", e[e.n = 110] = "n", e[e.o = 111] = "o", e[e.p = 112] = "p", e[e.q = 113] = "q", e[e.r = 114] = "r", e[e.s = 115] = "s", e[e.t = 116] = "t", e[e.u = 117] = "u", e[e.v = 118] = "v", e[e.w = 119] = "w", e[e.x = 120] = "x", e[e.y = 121] = "y", e[e.z = 122] = "z", e[e.A = 65] = "A", e[e.B = 66] = "B", e[e.C = 67] = "C", e[e.D = 68] = "D", e[e.E = 69] = "E", e[e.F = 70] = "F", e[e.G = 71] = "G", e[e.H = 72] = "H", e[e.I = 73] = "I", e[e.J = 74] = "J", e[e.K = 75] = "K", e[e.L = 76] = "L", e[e.M = 77] = "M", e[e.N = 78] = "N", e[e.O = 79] = "O", e[e.P = 80] = "P", e[e.Q = 81] = "Q", e[e.R = 82] = "R", e[e.S = 83] = "S", e[e.T = 84] = "T", e[e.U = 85] = "U", e[e.V = 86] = "V", e[e.W = 87] = "W", e[e.X = 88] = "X", e[e.Y = 89] = "Y", e[e.Z = 90] = "Z", e[e.ampersand = 38] = "ampersand", e[e.asterisk = 42] = "asterisk", e[ = 64] = "at", e[e.backslash = 92] = "backslash", e[e.backtick = 96] = "backtick", e[ = 124] = "bar", e[e.caret = 94] = "caret", e[e.closeBrace = 125] = "closeBrace", e[e.closeBracket = 93] = "closeBracket", e[e.closeParen = 41] = "closeParen", e[e.colon = 58] = "colon", e[e.comma = 44] = "comma", e[ = 46] = "dot", e[e.doubleQuote = 34] = "doubleQuote", e[e.equals = 61] = "equals", e[e.exclamation = 33] = "exclamation", e[e.greaterThan = 62] = "greaterThan", e[e.hash = 35] = "hash", e[e.lessThan = 60] = "lessThan", e[e.minus = 45] = "minus", e[e.openBrace = 123] = "openBrace", e[e.openBracket = 91] = "openBracket", e[e.openParen = 40] = "openParen", e[e.percent = 37] = "percent", e[ = 43] = "plus", e[e.question = 63] = "question", e[e.semicolon = 59] = "semicolon", e[e.singleQuote = 39] = "singleQuote", e[e.slash = 47] = "slash", e[e.tilde = 126] = "tilde", e[e.backspace = 8] = "backspace", e[e.formFeed = 12] = "formFeed", e[e.byteOrderMark = 65279] = "byteOrderMark", e[ = 9] = "tab", e[e.verticalTab = 11] = "verticalTab", e))(Wc || {}), gf = ((e) => (e.Ts = ".ts", e.Tsx = ".tsx", e.Dts = ".d.ts", e.Js = ".js", e.Jsx = ".jsx", e.Json = ".json", e.TsBuildInfo = ".tsbuildinfo", e.Mjs = ".mjs", e.Mts = ".mts", e.Dmts = ".d.mts", e.Cjs = ".cjs", e.Cts = ".cts", e.Dcts = ".d.cts", e))(gf || {}), hh = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.ContainsTypeScript = 1] = "ContainsTypeScript", e[e.ContainsJsx = 2] = "ContainsJsx", e[e.ContainsESNext = 4] = "ContainsESNext", e[e.ContainsES2022 = 8] = "ContainsES2022", e[e.ContainsES2021 = 16] = "ContainsES2021", e[e.ContainsES2020 = 32] = "ContainsES2020", e[e.ContainsES2019 = 64] = "ContainsES2019", e[e.ContainsES2018 = 128] = "ContainsES2018", e[e.ContainsES2017 = 256] = "ContainsES2017", e[e.ContainsES2016 = 512] = "ContainsES2016", e[e.ContainsES2015 = 1024] = "ContainsES2015", e[e.ContainsGenerator = 2048] = "ContainsGenerator", e[e.ContainsDestructuringAssignment = 4096] = "ContainsDestructuringAssignment", e[e.ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax = 8192] = "ContainsTypeScriptClassSyntax", e[e.ContainsLexicalThis = 16384] = "ContainsLexicalThis", e[e.ContainsRestOrSpread = 32768] = "ContainsRestOrSpread", e[e.ContainsObjectRestOrSpread = 65536] = "ContainsObjectRestOrSpread", e[e.ContainsComputedPropertyName = 131072] = "ContainsComputedPropertyName", e[e.ContainsBlockScopedBinding = 262144] = "ContainsBlockScopedBinding", e[e.ContainsBindingPattern = 524288] = "ContainsBindingPattern", e[e.ContainsYield = 1048576] = "ContainsYield", e[e.ContainsAwait = 2097152] = "ContainsAwait", e[e.ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion = 4194304] = "ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion", e[e.ContainsDynamicImport = 8388608] = "ContainsDynamicImport", e[e.ContainsClassFields = 16777216] = "ContainsClassFields", e[e.ContainsDecorators = 33554432] = "ContainsDecorators", e[e.ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait = 67108864] = "ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait", e[e.ContainsLexicalSuper = 134217728] = "ContainsLexicalSuper", e[e.ContainsUpdateExpressionForIdentifier = 268435456] = "ContainsUpdateExpressionForIdentifier", e[e.ContainsPrivateIdentifierInExpression = 536870912] = "ContainsPrivateIdentifierInExpression", e[e.HasComputedFlags = -2147483648] = "HasComputedFlags", e[e.AssertTypeScript = 1] = "AssertTypeScript", e[e.AssertJsx = 2] = "AssertJsx", e[e.AssertESNext = 4] = "AssertESNext", e[e.AssertES2022 = 8] = "AssertES2022", e[e.AssertES2021 = 16] = "AssertES2021", e[e.AssertES2020 = 32] = "AssertES2020", e[e.AssertES2019 = 64] = "AssertES2019", e[e.AssertES2018 = 128] = "AssertES2018", e[e.AssertES2017 = 256] = "AssertES2017", e[e.AssertES2016 = 512] = "AssertES2016", e[e.AssertES2015 = 1024] = "AssertES2015", e[e.AssertGenerator = 2048] = "AssertGenerator", e[e.AssertDestructuringAssignment = 4096] = "AssertDestructuringAssignment", e[e.OuterExpressionExcludes = -2147483648] = "OuterExpressionExcludes", e[e.PropertyAccessExcludes = -2147483648] = "PropertyAccessExcludes", e[e.NodeExcludes = -2147483648] = "NodeExcludes", e[e.ArrowFunctionExcludes = -2072174592] = "ArrowFunctionExcludes", e[e.FunctionExcludes = -1937940480] = "FunctionExcludes", e[e.ConstructorExcludes = -1937948672] = "ConstructorExcludes", e[e.MethodOrAccessorExcludes = -2005057536] = "MethodOrAccessorExcludes", e[e.PropertyExcludes = -2013249536] = "PropertyExcludes", e[e.ClassExcludes = -2147344384] = "ClassExcludes", e[e.ModuleExcludes = -1941676032] = "ModuleExcludes", e[e.TypeExcludes = -2] = "TypeExcludes", e[e.ObjectLiteralExcludes = -2147278848] = "ObjectLiteralExcludes", e[e.ArrayLiteralOrCallOrNewExcludes = -2147450880] = "ArrayLiteralOrCallOrNewExcludes", e[e.VariableDeclarationListExcludes = -2146893824] = "VariableDeclarationListExcludes", e[e.ParameterExcludes = -2147483648] = "ParameterExcludes", e[e.CatchClauseExcludes = -2147418112] = "CatchClauseExcludes", e[e.BindingPatternExcludes = -2147450880] = "BindingPatternExcludes", e[e.ContainsLexicalThisOrSuper = 134234112] = "ContainsLexicalThisOrSuper", e[e.PropertyNamePropagatingFlags = 134234112] = "PropertyNamePropagatingFlags", e))(hh || {}), o_ = ((e) => (e[e.TabStop = 0] = "TabStop", e[e.Placeholder = 1] = "Placeholder", e[e.Choice = 2] = "Choice", e[e.Variable = 3] = "Variable", e))(o_ || {}), s0 = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.SingleLine = 1] = "SingleLine", e[e.MultiLine = 2] = "MultiLine", e[e.AdviseOnEmitNode = 4] = "AdviseOnEmitNode", e[e.NoSubstitution = 8] = "NoSubstitution", e[e.CapturesThis = 16] = "CapturesThis", e[e.NoLeadingSourceMap = 32] = "NoLeadingSourceMap", e[e.NoTrailingSourceMap = 64] = "NoTrailingSourceMap", e[e.NoSourceMap = 96] = "NoSourceMap", e[e.NoNestedSourceMaps = 128] = "NoNestedSourceMaps", e[e.NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps = 256] = "NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps", e[e.NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps = 512] = "NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps", e[e.NoTokenSourceMaps = 768] = "NoTokenSourceMaps", e[e.NoLeadingComments = 1024] = "NoLeadingComments", e[e.NoTrailingComments = 2048] = "NoTrailingComments", e[e.NoComments = 3072] = "NoComments", e[e.NoNestedComments = 4096] = "NoNestedComments", e[e.HelperName = 8192] = "HelperName", e[e.ExportName = 16384] = "ExportName", e[e.LocalName = 32768] = "LocalName", e[e.InternalName = 65536] = "InternalName", e[e.Indented = 131072] = "Indented", e[e.NoIndentation = 262144] = "NoIndentation", e[e.AsyncFunctionBody = 524288] = "AsyncFunctionBody", e[e.ReuseTempVariableScope = 1048576] = "ReuseTempVariableScope", e[e.CustomPrologue = 2097152] = "CustomPrologue", e[e.NoHoisting = 4194304] = "NoHoisting", e[e.Iterator = 8388608] = "Iterator", e[e.NoAsciiEscaping = 16777216] = "NoAsciiEscaping", e))(s0 || {}), Qx = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.TypeScriptClassWrapper = 1] = "TypeScriptClassWrapper", e[e.NeverApplyImportHelper = 2] = "NeverApplyImportHelper", e[e.IgnoreSourceNewlines = 4] = "IgnoreSourceNewlines", e[e.Immutable = 8] = "Immutable", e[e.IndirectCall = 16] = "IndirectCall", e[e.TransformPrivateStaticElements = 32] = "TransformPrivateStaticElements", e))(Qx || {}), Gw = ((e) => (e[e.Extends = 1] = "Extends", e[e.Assign = 2] = "Assign", e[e.Rest = 4] = "Rest", e[e.Decorate = 8] = "Decorate", e[e.ESDecorateAndRunInitializers = 8] = "ESDecorateAndRunInitializers", e[e.Metadata = 16] = "Metadata", e[e.Param = 32] = "Param", e[e.Awaiter = 64] = "Awaiter", e[e.Generator = 128] = "Generator", e[e.Values = 256] = "Values", e[e.Read = 512] = "Read", e[e.SpreadArray = 1024] = "SpreadArray", e[e.Await = 2048] = "Await", e[e.AsyncGenerator = 4096] = "AsyncGenerator", e[e.AsyncDelegator = 8192] = "AsyncDelegator", e[e.AsyncValues = 16384] = "AsyncValues", e[e.ExportStar = 32768] = "ExportStar", e[e.ImportStar = 65536] = "ImportStar", e[e.ImportDefault = 131072] = "ImportDefault", e[e.MakeTemplateObject = 262144] = "MakeTemplateObject", e[e.ClassPrivateFieldGet = 524288] = "ClassPrivateFieldGet", e[e.ClassPrivateFieldSet = 1048576] = "ClassPrivateFieldSet", e[e.ClassPrivateFieldIn = 2097152] = "ClassPrivateFieldIn", e[e.CreateBinding = 4194304] = "CreateBinding", e[e.SetFunctionName = 8388608] = "SetFunctionName", e[e.PropKey = 16777216] = "PropKey", e[e.FirstEmitHelper = 1] = "FirstEmitHelper", e[e.LastEmitHelper = 16777216] = "LastEmitHelper", e[e.ForOfIncludes = 256] = "ForOfIncludes", e[e.ForAwaitOfIncludes = 16384] = "ForAwaitOfIncludes", e[e.AsyncGeneratorIncludes = 6144] = "AsyncGeneratorIncludes", e[e.AsyncDelegatorIncludes = 26624] = "AsyncDelegatorIncludes", e[e.SpreadIncludes = 1536] = "SpreadIncludes", e))(Gw || {}), Hb = ((e) => (e[e.SourceFile = 0] = "SourceFile", e[e.Expression = 1] = "Expression", e[e.IdentifierName = 2] = "IdentifierName", e[e.MappedTypeParameter = 3] = "MappedTypeParameter", e[e.Unspecified = 4] = "Unspecified", e[e.EmbeddedStatement = 5] = "EmbeddedStatement", e[e.JsxAttributeValue = 6] = "JsxAttributeValue", e))(Hb || {}), k0 = ((e) => (e[e.Parentheses = 1] = "Parentheses", e[e.TypeAssertions = 2] = "TypeAssertions", e[e.NonNullAssertions = 4] = "NonNullAssertions", e[e.PartiallyEmittedExpressions = 8] = "PartiallyEmittedExpressions", e[e.Assertions = 6] = "Assertions", e[e.All = 15] = "All", e[e.ExcludeJSDocTypeAssertion = 16] = "ExcludeJSDocTypeAssertion", e))(k0 || {}), F2 = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.InParameters = 1] = "InParameters", e[e.VariablesHoistedInParameters = 2] = "VariablesHoistedInParameters", e))(F2 || {}), vl = ((e) => (e.Prologue = "prologue", e.EmitHelpers = "emitHelpers", e.NoDefaultLib = "no-default-lib", e.Reference = "reference", e.Type = "type", e.TypeResolutionModeRequire = "type-require", e.TypeResolutionModeImport = "type-import", e.Lib = "lib", e.Prepend = "prepend", e.Text = "text", e.Internal = "internal", e))(vl || {}), rd = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.SingleLine = 0] = "SingleLine", e[e.MultiLine = 1] = "MultiLine", e[e.PreserveLines = 2] = "PreserveLines", e[e.LinesMask = 3] = "LinesMask", e[e.NotDelimited = 0] = "NotDelimited", e[e.BarDelimited = 4] = "BarDelimited", e[e.AmpersandDelimited = 8] = "AmpersandDelimited", e[e.CommaDelimited = 16] = "CommaDelimited", e[e.AsteriskDelimited = 32] = "AsteriskDelimited", e[e.DelimitersMask = 60] = "DelimitersMask", e[e.AllowTrailingComma = 64] = "AllowTrailingComma", e[e.Indented = 128] = "Indented", e[e.SpaceBetweenBraces = 256] = "SpaceBetweenBraces", e[e.SpaceBetweenSiblings = 512] = "SpaceBetweenSiblings", e[e.Braces = 1024] = "Braces", e[e.Parenthesis = 2048] = "Parenthesis", e[e.AngleBrackets = 4096] = "AngleBrackets", e[e.SquareBrackets = 8192] = "SquareBrackets", e[e.BracketsMask = 15360] = "BracketsMask", e[e.OptionalIfUndefined = 16384] = "OptionalIfUndefined", e[e.OptionalIfEmpty = 32768] = "OptionalIfEmpty", e[e.Optional = 49152] = "Optional", e[e.PreferNewLine = 65536] = "PreferNewLine", e[e.NoTrailingNewLine = 131072] = "NoTrailingNewLine", e[e.NoInterveningComments = 262144] = "NoInterveningComments", e[e.NoSpaceIfEmpty = 524288] = "NoSpaceIfEmpty", e[e.SingleElement = 1048576] = "SingleElement", e[e.SpaceAfterList = 2097152] = "SpaceAfterList", e[e.Modifiers = 2359808] = "Modifiers", e[e.HeritageClauses = 512] = "HeritageClauses", e[e.SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers = 768] = "SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers", e[e.MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers = 32897] = "MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers", e[e.SingleLineTupleTypeElements = 528] = "SingleLineTupleTypeElements", e[e.MultiLineTupleTypeElements = 657] = "MultiLineTupleTypeElements", e[e.UnionTypeConstituents = 516] = "UnionTypeConstituents", e[e.IntersectionTypeConstituents = 520] = "IntersectionTypeConstituents", e[e.ObjectBindingPatternElements = 525136] = "ObjectBindingPatternElements", e[e.ArrayBindingPatternElements = 524880] = "ArrayBindingPatternElements", e[e.ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties = 526226] = "ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties", e[e.ImportClauseEntries = 526226] = "ImportClauseEntries", e[e.ArrayLiteralExpressionElements = 8914] = "ArrayLiteralExpressionElements", e[e.CommaListElements = 528] = "CommaListElements", e[e.CallExpressionArguments = 2576] = "CallExpressionArguments", e[e.NewExpressionArguments = 18960] = "NewExpressionArguments", e[e.TemplateExpressionSpans = 262144] = "TemplateExpressionSpans", e[e.SingleLineBlockStatements = 768] = "SingleLineBlockStatements", e[e.MultiLineBlockStatements = 129] = "MultiLineBlockStatements", e[e.VariableDeclarationList = 528] = "VariableDeclarationList", e[e.SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements = 768] = "SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements", e[e.MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements = 1] = "MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements", e[e.ClassHeritageClauses = 0] = "ClassHeritageClauses", e[e.ClassMembers = 129] = "ClassMembers", e[e.InterfaceMembers = 129] = "InterfaceMembers", e[e.EnumMembers = 145] = "EnumMembers", e[e.CaseBlockClauses = 129] = "CaseBlockClauses", e[e.NamedImportsOrExportsElements = 525136] = "NamedImportsOrExportsElements", e[e.JsxElementOrFragmentChildren = 262144] = "JsxElementOrFragmentChildren", e[e.JsxElementAttributes = 262656] = "JsxElementAttributes", e[e.CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements = 163969] = "CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements", e[e.HeritageClauseTypes = 528] = "HeritageClauseTypes", e[e.SourceFileStatements = 131073] = "SourceFileStatements", e[e.Decorators = 2146305] = "Decorators", e[e.TypeArguments = 53776] = "TypeArguments", e[e.TypeParameters = 53776] = "TypeParameters", e[e.Parameters = 2576] = "Parameters", e[e.IndexSignatureParameters = 8848] = "IndexSignatureParameters", e[e.JSDocComment = 33] = "JSDocComment", e))(rd || {}), pm = ((e) => (e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.TripleSlashXML = 1] = "TripleSlashXML", e[e.SingleLine = 2] = "SingleLine", e[e.MultiLine = 4] = "MultiLine", e[e.All = 7] = "All", e[e.Default = 7] = "Default", e))(pm || {}), wf = { reference: { args: [{ name: "types", optional: true, captureSpan: true }, { name: "lib", optional: true, captureSpan: true }, { name: "path", optional: true, captureSpan: true }, { name: "no-default-lib", optional: true }, { name: "resolution-mode", optional: true }], kind: 1 }, "amd-dependency": { args: [{ name: "path" }, { name: "name", optional: true }], kind: 1 }, "amd-modu
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