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Created February 23, 2022 21:01
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public with sharing class UserTest {
// from Trailblazer Community
public static String getAppName() {
UserAppInfo userAppInfo = [SELECT Id, AppDefinitionId FROM UserAppInfo WHERE UserId = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
AppDefinition appDefinition = [SELECT DurableId, Label FROM AppDefinition Where DurableId = :userAppInfo.AppDefinitionId LIMIT 1];
return appDefinition.Label;
// failing test to illustrate the problem
static void queryTest(){
User appUser = new User();
appUser = [SELECT id FROM User WHERE Id IN (SELECT userid FROM UserAppInfo) LIMIT 1];
} catch (Exception e){
System.assert(false, e.getMessage());
System.assert(appUser.Id != null, 'User should be found if that user opened an app in the test context.');
// passing test to illustrate the solution
static void newUser(){
User standardUser = createUser('Standard User');
String appLabel = 'Sales';
insert standardUser;
getLabelAs(standardUser, appLabel);
// reuseable code in case there is a need to run the same test for multiple users/profiles
private static void getLabelAs(User u, String appLabel){
String label = '';
UserAppInfo app = new UserAppInfo();
app = insertUserAppInfo(u, appLabel);
label = getAppName();
System.assertEquals(label,appLabel, 'User app info record should be for the ' + appLabel +' record rather than ' +label);
// if you can't insert a user with this method, does the org have a user record you can query for instead?
private static User createUser(String profileName) {
Id profileID = [SELECT id FROM Profile WHERE Name = :profileName LIMIT 1]?.id;
User newUser = New User(
FirstName = 'Test',
LastName = 'User',
Email = UserInfo.getUserEmail(),
Alias = 'test',
Username = 'test' + profileID + '',
LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT',
ProfileId = profileId,
LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
IsActive = true
return newUser;
// setup a record for the running user to indicate their UserAppInfo with a nonspecific AppDefinition
private static UserAppInfo insertUserAppInfo(User u, String name){
AppDefinition appDefinition = [SELECT DurableId, Label FROM AppDefinition WHERE Label = :name LIMIT 1];
UserAppInfo app = new UserAppInfo(AppDefinitionId = appDefinition.DurableId, UserId =, FormFactor = 'Small');
insert app;
return app;
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