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Created February 22, 2010 05:08
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# Don't use this in production code! Extending lots of objects during runtime
# will have a negative impact on performance/memory because ruby clears out
# the method cache.
# A better approach to implement this is to write a custom DataMapper::Type that
# delegates all methods to the underlying BigDecimal and just overwrites #to_s
# Why on earth haven't I thought about that before! Thx dkubb :P
# When this module is activated, it will round all BigDecimal property values
# to their specified :scale option when BigDecimal#to_s is called. This is
# achieved by overwriting all property readers for properties of type BigDecimal
# and then implementing the #to_s method with "round to scale" semantics on the
# metaclass of the BigDecimal instance to be returned. This way we can make sure
# that any occurrences of BigDecimals in web application views will always be
# displayed properly according to their specified :scale option. It can be argued
# that this functionality would be best kept in helpers, but the situation at hand
# didn't allow that since there are simply too many occurrences and we needed a
# quick fix.
# For the lazy, the module can be activated once and for all by e.g putting this into
# the merb after_app_loads block or similar places in other webframeworks.
# DataMapper::Model.descendants.each do |model|
# model.extend BigDecimalFormatting
# model.format_big_decimals
# end
# Of course, it's cleaner to just activate it by extending it into relevant models and
# calling the #format_big_decimals method explicitly *after* declaring all properties
# In the process of coming up with this solution I was surprised to see that it's
# neither possible to redefine BigDecimal#to_s by implementing it on a BigDecimal metaclass,
# nor by including a module that overwrites #to_s in BigDecimal. I have no clue about the
# latter, but the former issue always raised a Type error, saying
# TypeError: can't define singleton method "to_s" for BigDecimal
# However, it seems the method is still attached to the metaclass, so either just
# swallowing the TypeError, or overwriting #singletion_method_added seem to do the trick
# This was definitely surprising behavior!
class BigDecimal
def singleton_method_added(id)
module BigDecimalFormatting
def format_big_decimals
properties.reject { |prop| prop.type != BigDecimal }.each do |prop|
class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__
def #{}
result = attribute_get(#{})
if result.is_a?(BigDecimal)
def result.to_s(s = 'F')
class Quote
include DataMapper::Resource
extend BigDecimalFormatting
property :id, Serial
property :price, BigDecimal, :precision => 20, :scale => 2
property :click_price, BigDecimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
get '/quotes' do
erb :index
get '/quotes/new' do
@quote =
erb :new
post '/quotes' do
@quote = Quote.create(params[:quote])
redirect '/quotes'
get '/quotes/:id' do
@quote = Quote.get(params[:id])
erb :show
get '/quotes/:id/edit' do
@quote = Quote.get(params[:id])
erb :edit
put '/quotes/:id' do
@quote = Quote.get(params[:id])
halt 404 unless @quote
redirect '/quotes'
delete '/quotes/:id' do
@quote = Quote.get(params[:id])
#halt 404 unless @quote
redirect '/quotes'
@@ layout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>BigDecimal Standalone Demo</title></head>
<%= yield %>
@@ index
<h3>Listing Quotes</h3>
<% Quote.all.each do |quote| %>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= quote.price %></td>
<td><%= quote.click_price %></td>
<td><a href="/quotes/<%=>/edit">Edit</a></td>
<form action="/quotes/<%= %>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete" />
<button type="submit">Delete</button>
<% end %>
<a href="/quotes/new">New Quote</a>
@@ new
<h3>New Quote</h3>
<form action="/quotes" method="post">
<label for="quote[price]">Price</label>
<input id="quote_price" name="quote[price]" value="<%= @quote.price %>">
<label for="quote[click_price]">ClickPrice</label>
<input id="quote_click_price" name="quote[click_price]" value="<%= @quote.click_price %>">
<input type="submit">
@@ edit
<h3>Edit Quote</h3>
<form action="/quotes/<%= %>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put" />
<label for="quote[price]">Price</label>
<input id="quote_price" name="quote[price]" value="<%= @quote.price %>">
<label for="quote[click_price]">ClickPrice</label>
<input id="quote_click_price" name="quote[click_price]" value="<%= @quote.click_price %>">
<input type="submit" />
@@ show
<h3>Show Quote</h3>
<label for="quote[price]">Price</label>
<p><%= @quote.price %></p>
<label for="quote[click_price]">ClickPrice</label>
<p><%= @quote.click_price %></p>
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