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Created October 11, 2019 18:44
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/* Usage:
* coolerInterval( func, interval, triggerOnceEvery);
* - func : the function to trigger
* - interval : interval that will adjust itself overtime checking the clock time
* - triggerOnceEvery : trigger your function once after X adjustments (default to 1)
* - This script uses fs.stat to check the last modified time for a file
* - stats.mtime gives us the last modified time in miliseconds
* - We compare current time, date1 - and now, date 2 getting the time difference
* - we then use jsonfile from npm to write our new json data after the difference is
* - 1800 seconds (30 Minutes) or older. This script runs every Minute
* - Change runtime frequency via line 21 by chaning 1 to any timeframe 1 = 1 Minute
var coolerInterval = function(func, interval, triggerOnceEvery) {
// grab the starting time set next tick and count to 0
var startTime = new Date().getTime(),
nextTick = startTime,
count = 0;
// Set the Trigger timeframe - Onece Every Minute
triggerOnceEvery = triggerOnceEvery || 1;
// set up interval function
var internalInterval = function() {
// Adds a value and the variable and assigns the result to that variable.
nextTick += interval;
// add one (+1)
// If count matches line 21 fun the function and reset the count
if (count == triggerOnceEvery) {
count = 0;
// set the interval tick
setTimeout(internalInterval, nextTick - new Date().getTime());
// run the function
// Run the function and code the file checks
coolerInterval(function() {
console.log("Its been 60 Seconds");
// we require fs to access the filesystem
var fs = require('fs');
// define now
const now = new Date();
// use fs.stat to look up json modified date
fs.stat("/home/user/file.json", function(err, stats) {
// Grab your modified time variable and set it
var mtime = stats.mtime;
// set date 1
var date1 = mtime
// set date 2
var date2 = now
// time difference in miliseconds
var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime());
// time difference in seconds
var timeDiffInSecond = Math.ceil(timeDiff / 1000);
// Check if the time difference is 30 Minutes or Over
if (timeDiffInSecond > "1800") {
// Log the call to edit
console.log("Its been 30 Minutes, clearing PWD! For shell 1")
// Require jsonfile npm install jsonfile
const jsonfile = require('jsonfile')
// define our file
const file = '/home/user/file.json'
// present our data
const obj = {
data: 'data to write'
// write the data!
jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function(err) {
if (err) console.error(err)
}, 1000, 60);
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