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Created April 6, 2020 20:47
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DirectAdmin CSF BruteForce AutoBlock Via Bash - Clean and Reset List
#Properly Pull all IP's from BruteForce Log!\
echo "Starting Proccess to block IP's in bruteForce Log from DA"
echo "==============="
exec cat /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/brute_log_entries.list | cut -d= -f5 | sed 's/\&.*//' | sed -e's/%\([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]\)/\\\\\x\1/g' | xargs echo -e | sed 's/ /\n/g' | uniq > bruteforce.txt
echo "==============="
# Extra Filter of BruteForce List | Uniq
echo "Filtering the IP's so there are no duplicates"
echo "==============="
exec sort bruteforce.txt | uniq -u > filteruniq.txt
# Block ALL IPS IN BruteForce Log
#while IFS= read -r in;do csf -d "$in";done < bruteforce.txt
# Dump Current Blocked IPS List from CSF.DENY
echo "==============="
exec cat /etc/csf/csf.deny | awk {'print $1'} > currentDeny.txt
#Check for dupes in the filteredIPS From the BruteForce Log and compairs to CSG DENY
# Saves a new list with needed IP Addresses for MASS DENY
echo "Compairing both lists for a uniqe output"
echo "==============="
exec comm -23 <(sort filteruniq.txt) <(sort currentDeny.txt) > newBlockList.txt
echo "done"
bash /rscripts/ && bash /rscripts/
bash /rscripts/ && bash /rscripts/
# Roll through the new list, there should be NO duplicates
echo "Starting block of all unique IP's"
echo "==============="
eval 'while IFS= read -r in;do sudo csf -d "$in";done < newBlockList.txt'
echo "Finished! Cleaning up!"
# Cleanup
echo "==============="
echo "Clearing Temp Data"
eval "rm -f bruteforce.txt currentDeny.txt filteruniq.txt newBlockList.txt"
echo "==============="
echo "Clearing BruteForce Log"
eval "rm -f /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/brute_log_entries.list"
echo "==============="
echo "Restarting CSF"
eval "sudo csf -r"
echo "==============="
echo "We are all done, the new BruteForce offenders have been added to CSF."
# Roll through the new list, there should be NO duplicates
echo "Starting block of all unique IP's"
echo "==============="
eval 'while IFS= read -r in;do sudo csf -td "$in";done < newBlockList.txt'
echo "Finished! Cleaning up!"
# Cleanup
echo "==============="
echo "Clearing Temp Data"
eval "rm -f bruteforce.txt currentDeny.txt filteruniq.txt newBlockList.txt"
echo "==============="
echo "Clearing BruteForce Log"
eval "rm -f /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/brute_log_entries.list"
echo "==============="
echo "Restarting CSF"
eval "sudo csf -r"
echo "==============="
echo "We are all done, the new BruteForce offenders have been added to CSF."
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