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Created November 25, 2020 10:48
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import React, { FC, memo } from "react";
import { text, background, gradient, body1, headline2 } from '@sberdevices/plasma-tokens';
import { sberBox, sberPortal, touch } from '@sberdevices/plasma-tokens/typo';
import styled, { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components';
import { detectDevice } from '@sberdevices/ui/utils';
const TypoScaleSberBox = createGlobalStyle(sberBox);
const TypoScaleSberPortal = createGlobalStyle(sberPortal);
const TypoScaleTouch = createGlobalStyle(touch);
const AppStyle = styled.div`
const DocStyle = createGlobalStyle`
html {
color: ${text};
background-color: ${background};
background-image: ${gradient};
min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
export const App: FC = memo(() => {
return (
{(() => {
switch (detectDevice()) {
case "sberPortal":
return <TypoScaleSberBox />
case "sberBox":
return <TypoScaleSberPortal />
case "touch":
return <TypoScaleTouch />
<DocStyle />
<h2 style={headline2}>Hello world</h2>
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