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Last active February 9, 2020 08:59
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digraph production_science_pack {
size="20, 20";
bgcolor = "transparent";
rankdir = TD;
ranksep = 0.3
node [colorscheme="paired12", shape=box, style="rounded, filled", fontname = "Yu Gothic UI, Segoe UI"];
edge [color="/X11/dimgrey", fontname = "Yu Gothic UI, Segoe UI", fontsize=10]
"ユーティリティSP"[color = 11]
"軽量骨格材"[color = 7]
"軽量骨格材"[color = 8]
"飛行用ロボットフレーム"[color = "/X11/dimgrey", fontcolor="/X11/white"]
"電気エンジンユニット"[color = 6, fillcolor = "/X11/lightgrey", style ="filled, rounded, bold"]
"エンジンユニット"[color = 8, fillcolor = "/X11/lightgrey", style ="filled, rounded, bold"]
"電池"[color = 2, fillcolor = "/X11/lightgrey", style ="filled, rounded, bold"]
"銅線"[color = 7]
"銅板"[color = 7]
# "生産性mod1"[color = 8]
# "電気炉"[color = "/X11/dimgrey", fontcolor="/X11/white"]
# "石レンガ"[color = 12, fontcolor="/X11/white"]
# "石"[color = 12, fontcolor="/X11/white"]
subgraph cluster_iron {
# label = "鉄から作る材料"
style = "dashed";
fontname = "Yu Gothic UI, Segoe UI";
fontcolor = "grey";
color = "/X11/lightgray"
# "レール"[color = "/X11/lightgrey"]
# "鉄棒"[color = "/X11/lightgrey"]
"鋼材"[color = "/X11/lightgrey"]
"パイプ"[color = "/X11/lightgrey"]
"歯車"[color = "/X11/lightgrey"]
"鉄板"[color = "/X11/lightgrey"]
"鋼材" -> "鉄板"
"歯車" -> "鉄板"
"パイプ" -> "鉄板"
subgraph cluster_oil {
# label = "主に原油+水で作る材料"
style = "dashed";
fontname = "Yu Gothic UI, Segoe UI";
fontcolor = "grey";
color = "/X11/lightgray"
"硫酸"[fillcolor = 11, color = 6, style ="filled, rounded, bold"]
"硫黄"[color = 11]
"プロパン"[fillcolor="/X11/white", color="/X11/grey", style ="filled, rounded, bold"]
"軽油"[color = 7]
"重油"[color = 12, fontcolor="/X11/white"]
"原油"[color = "/X11/dimgrey", fontcolor="/X11/white"]
"水"[color = 1]
"潤滑剤"[color = 4]
"プラスチック"[fillcolor="/X11/white", color="/X11/grey", style ="filled, rounded, bold"]
"石炭"[color = "/X11/dimgrey", fontcolor="/X11/white"]
"硫酸" -> "水"
"硫酸" -> "硫黄"
"硫黄" -> "プロパン"
"硫黄" -> "水"
"プラスチック" -> "石炭"
"プラスチック" -> "プロパン"
"プロパン" -> "原油"
"プロパン" -> "水"
"軽油" -> "水"
"軽油" -> "原油"
"プロパン" -> "軽油" [style = "dashed"]
"軽油" -> "重油" [style = "dashed"]
"潤滑剤" -> "重油"
"重油" -> "原油"
"重油" -> "水"
"制御基板"[color = 9]
"発展基板"[color = 5]
"電子基板"[color = 3]
"制御基板" -> "発展基板"
"制御基板" -> "電子基板"
"制御基板" -> "硫酸"
"発展基板" -> "銅線"
"発展基板" -> "電子基板"
"発展基板" -> "プラスチック"
"電子基板" -> "銅線"
"電子基板" -> "鉄板"
"ユーティリティSP" -> "制御基板"
"ユーティリティSP" -> "軽量骨格材"
"ユーティリティSP" -> "飛行用ロボットフレーム"
{rank = same; "制御基板"; "軽量骨格材"; "飛行用ロボットフレーム";}
"軽量骨格材" -> "銅線"
"軽量骨格材" -> "プラスチック"
"軽量骨格材" -> "鋼材"
"飛行用ロボットフレーム" -> "電池"
"飛行用ロボットフレーム" -> "電気エンジンユニット"
"飛行用ロボットフレーム" -> "電子基板"
"電池" -> "銅板"
"電池" -> "鉄板"
"電池" -> "硫酸"
"電気エンジンユニット" -> "電子基板"
"電気エンジンユニット" -> "エンジンユニット"
"電気エンジンユニット" -> "潤滑剤"
"エンジンユニット" -> "歯車"
"エンジンユニット" -> "パイプ"
"エンジンユニット" -> "鋼材"
"銅線" -> "銅板"
"硫酸" -> "鉄板"
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