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Created November 16, 2013 00:07
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/* B-Rush
* A great plugin where there are 5 Terrorists vs 3 CTs. The Ts must only plant at the "B" bomb site.
* Server admins can configure if players are allowed to buy/use FlashBangs, Smoke Grenades, HE Grenades,
* or AWPS. The number of AWPS allowed is configurable as well.
* If the CTs kill all of the Ts, the game continues to the next round, no modifications.
* If the Ts kill all of the CTs (or they somehow successfully bomb the B site), then the CTs become Ts
* and those Ts that killed a CT will be switched to the CT team. If only 1 or 2 Ts killed a CT, then one
* randomly selected T will become the 2nd and/or 3rd CT.
* This is a fast paced game that is quickly gaining interest. There are other private BRUSH mods, but
* this is the first public SourceMod plugin that I'm aware of.
* VERSIONS and ChangeLog
* * Initial Beta Release
* * Fixed mistake in CVar description for sm_brush_smokes
* + Added menu option for T who killed 2+ CTs to pick their teammates. If they don't pick
* them in time, the plugin randomly selects the player(s)
* + Added translations file (need other languages)
* + I added team scrambling for when CTs win 8+ rounds in a row
* * Fixed bug where player wouldn't respawn if they didn't use auto team select and tried to join a
* team that was already full.
* - This was caused by using CS_SwitchTeam - now using ChangeClientTeam
* * Increased the delay at the end of round when swapping players to new team.
* * Fixed bug where a T with a bomb who was switched to CT retained the C4.
* * NOTE I may not finish the nade limiter - since Valve has that built in, you can just use the
* ammo_<nadetype>_max and set it yourself
* * Now using a different, somewhat faster method for end of round team changes.
* + Added CVar for enabling/disabling the plugin - by request
* + Added automatic bot handling - by request
* + Added functionality for if the Terrorists successfully bomb the B site, the bomber will
* be moved to the CT team and if no CTs were killed by Ts, then the player menu will
* be shown to the bomber to pick their team.
* * Enhanced the score keeping
* + Added the Slovak translation file to Updater
* * Fixed bug introduced in where CT would spawn in Ts spawn area
* + Added live/not-live config file ability with a CVar that controls whether or not to use them
* + Added individual team freeze timers that can be controlled via CVars
* * Fixed bad SK translation file
* * Hopefully fixed the error - Property ''m_hOwner'' not found
* * Fixed bug where round would start with dead players sometimes.
* + Added CVar for round end handling - use god mode, teleport players back to spawn, or do nothing.
* + Added code to remove "PlayerX has joined the X team" message.
* * Fixed bug where player could buy and awp and drop it to get around the sniper limit
* + Added random model assignment for CS_SwitchTeam
* * Fixed Invalid_Entity error if C4 gets stripped by another plugin.
* - Removed 2 unneeded translation files.
* - Removed 2 unneeded defines
* * Fixed bug where player could join a team even if 8 players were already occupying all of the slots
* + Added ability to change the bomb site to rush and plant (by request) - new CVar sm_brush_bombsite A or B
* - Added message to player who gets bomb to let them know what site to plant at.
* * Fixed the freezing of players
* + Added fast round restart option with configurable time
* * Code adjustment from RedSword's comments in forums.
* - Removed set_random_model to make this plugin CS:GO capable
* - Removed waiting list feature
* * Fixed timer to use ClientSerial instead of client value
* + Added ability to reset player's cash to mp_startmoney when Ts win
* * Fixed issues with bot management
* * Fixed bot management
* + Manually added SMLib functions for less bloat
* + Added CS_UpdateClientModel for team switches (new in SM 1.5.1)
* * Now requires SM 1.5.1+
* + Added a couple more functions from Updater (thanks GoD-Tony)
* + Now using AutoExecConfig include file
* * Fixed menu not appearing to CTKiller
* TO DO List
* Add translation file
* - This is a biggie since a lot of swedish players like this game play
* + DONE v0.0.1.1
* Add a waiting list for those in spectate with a place holder system
* - If someone leaves the game, take the next spectater in the list and put them in the game.
* * If they end up not moving when they die or the round ends, put them back in spectate
* and bring the next spectator in line to the game
* - Or if someone leaves the game, put a menu up to those in spectate asking if they want to join
* Fix the team scrambler for if the CTs are just dominating the Ts
* - Maybe scramble the teams after the CTs win 8 times in a row? Maybe 10 times in a row
* - Move all three CTs or just the lowest scoring, or two lowest scoring?
* + DONE v0.0.1.1
* - It just scrambles the team right now... moves everyone to the T team and then randomly
* picks 3 to go CT
* Add different game types for when only 1 or 2 Ts kill the CTs
* - One way would be to display a menu to the player who killed 2 or 3 CTs and allow that player
* to select the T he wants to be on the CT team with him
* - Another way would be to allow the highest scoring CT (or CTs) to remain on the CT team
* * May not implement this
* Add functionality to allow server admins to determine how many of each grenade players are allowed to buy/carry
* - I have this in my GrenadePack2 plugin, just need to put it in this one
* * May not implement this
* Try to optimize this plugin by using less for (new... cycling through all of the players
* None that I could find during my testing
* Suggest something
#pragma semicolon 1
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Includes
// ===================================================================================================================================
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
//#include <morecolors>
#define MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH 256 //uncomment if not using morecolors and want to see debug strings
//#include <smlib\clients>
#include <autoexecconfig>
#include <adminmenu>
#include <updater>
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Defines
// ===================================================================================================================================
#define UPDATE_URL ""
#define SOUND_FILE "buttons/weapon_cant_buy.wav" // cstrike\sound\buttons
//#define PANEL_TEAM "team"
#define _DEBUG 0 // Set to 1 for debug spew
#define CLIENTFILTER_ALL 0 // No filtering
#define CLIENTFILTER_BOTS ( 1 << 1 ) // Fake clients
#define CLIENTFILTER_NOBOTS ( 1 << 2 ) // No fake clients
#define CLIENTFILTER_AUTHORIZED ( 1 << 3 ) // SteamID validated
#define CLIENTFILTER_NOTAUTHORIZED ( 1 << 4 ) // SteamID not validated (yet)
#define CLIENTFILTER_ADMINS ( 1 << 5 ) // Generic Admins (or higher)
#define CLIENTFILTER_NOADMINS ( 1 << 6 ) // No generic admins
// All flags below require ingame checking (optimization)
#define CLIENTFILTER_INGAME ( 1 << 7 ) // Ingame
#define CLIENTFILTER_INGAMEAUTH ( 1 << 8 ) // Ingame & Authorized
#define CLIENTFILTER_NOTINGAME ( 1 << 9 ) // Not ingame (currently connecting)
#define CLIENTFILTER_ALIVE ( 1 << 10 ) // Alive
#define CLIENTFILTER_DEAD ( 1 << 11 ) // Dead
#define CLIENTFILTER_SPECTATORS ( 1 << 12 ) // Spectators
#define CLIENTFILTER_NOSPECTATORS ( 1 << 13 ) // No Spectators
#define CLIENTFILTER_OBSERVERS ( 1 << 14 ) // Observers
#define CLIENTFILTER_NOOBSERVERS ( 1 << 15 ) // No Observers
#define CLIENTFILTER_TEAMONE ( 1 << 16 ) // First Team (Terrorists, ...)
#define CLIENTFILTER_TEAMTWO ( 1 << 17 ) // Second Team (Counter-Terrorists, ...)
// Team Defines
#define TEAM_INVALID -1
#define TEAM_ONE 2
#define TEAM_TWO 3
#define TEAM_THREE 4
#define TEAM_FOUR 5
#define SIZE_OF_INT 2147483647 // without 0
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Client Variables
// ===================================================================================================================================
new CTKiller = 0; // Holds the UserID of the T who killed 2+ CTs
new PlayerKilledCT[MAXPLAYERS+1] = 0; // Holds the number of CTs the T killed
new CTImmune[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false; // Marks the player as Change Team Immune
new SwitchingPlayer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false; // Flags the player as being switched by the plugin
new bool:PlayerSwitchable[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false; // Flags the player as switchable
// ===================================================================================================================================
// CVar Variables
// ===================================================================================================================================
new bool:UseUpdater = false; // Should this plugin be updated by Updater
new bool:UseWeaponRestrict = true; // Should this plugin enforce weapon restrictions
new bool:AllowHEGrenades = false; // Bool for allowing HEGrenades or not
new bool:AllowFlashBangs = false; // Bool for allowing FlashBangs or not
new bool:AllowSmokes = false; // Bool for allowing Smoke Grenades or not
new bool:AllowMolotovs = false; // Bool for allowing HEGrenades or not
new bool:AllowDecoys = false; // Bool for allowing HEGrenades or not
new bool:GameIsLive = false; // Bool for the plugin to know if the game is live (5Ts and 3CTs)
new bool:Enabled = true; // Bool for the plugin to know if the plugin is enabled or not
new bool:ManageBots = true; // Bool to let the plugin know if it should manage bots by reducing the bot_quota if a human joins
//new bool:FillBots = false; // Bool to let the plugin know if it should maintain 8 players and add bots if needed
new bool:UseConfigs; // Bool to let the plugin know if it should execute live/notlive config files
new Float:CTFreezeTime; // Time for extra time the CTs should remain frozen after mp_freezetime has expired
new Float:TFreezeTime;// Time for extra time the Terrorists should remain frozen after mp_freezetime has expired
new Handle:LiveTimer = INVALID_HANDLE; // Timer handle for checking when the conditions match to go live
new Handle:brush_botquota; // Handle for cvar bot_quota so we can change the amount later
//new Handle:g_BalanceBots = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:CTAwps = false; // Bool to allow CTs to purchase AWPs/Autos
new CTAwpNumber; // Number of AWPs/Autos to allow the CTs to buy
new bool:TAwps = false; // Bool to allow the Ts to purchase AWPs/Autos
new TAwpNumber; // Number o fAWPs/Autos to allow the Ts to buy
new FreezeTime; // Amount of time in mp_freezetime
new MenuTime; // Calculated time to show the menu to the player who killed 2+ CTs before the menu goes away and a random teammate is chosen
new CTScore = 0; // Holder for CT Score
new killers = 0; // Holder for the number of Ts that killed CTs
new g_BombsiteB = -1; // Holder for Bomb site B entity index
new g_BombsiteA = -1; // Holder for Bomb site A entity index
new numSwitched = 0; // Holds the number of Ts that are switched to CT - used for randomswitch and menu building
new bot_quota; // Holds the game's bot_quota
new the_bomb = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; // Holds the entity index of the bomb
new roundend_mode; // Holds the round end mode setting
new tawpno = 0; // Holds the number of AWPs/AUTOs the Terrorists have
new ctawpno = 0; // Holds the number of AWPs/AUTOs the CTs have
new bool:IsPlayerFrozen[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...};
new String:s_bombsite[] = "B";
new bool:fast_round = false;
new fr_time = 1;
new Handle:fr_restart = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:ResetPlayerCash;
new DefaultStartCash;
new g_iAccount = -1;
new bool:lateLoad;
new bool:gotBombIndexes;
new bool:IsCSGO;
//new Handle:quota_mode = INVALID_HANDLE;
#if _DEBUG
new String:dmsg[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "CSS BRush",
author = "TnTSCS aka ClarkKent",
description = "B Rush bomb site only - 5T vs 3CT",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
new bool:appended;
new Handle:hRandom; // KyleS HATES handles
HookConVarChange((hRandom = CreateConVar("sm_brush_version", PLUGIN_VERSION,
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_useupdater", "0",
"Utilize 'Updater' plugin to auto-update CSS BRush when updates are published?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnUseUpdaterChanged);
UseUpdater = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_useweaprestrict", "1",
"Use this plugin's weapon restrict features?\n1=yes\n0=no - if you are going to use a different weapon restrict plugin", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnUseWeaponRestrictChanged);
UseWeaponRestrict = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_hegrenades", "1",
"Allow players to buy/use HEGrenades?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnHEGrenadesChanged);
AllowHEGrenades = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_molotovs", "1",
"Allow players to buy/use Molotovs?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnMolotovsChanged);
AllowMolotovs = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_decoys", "1",
"Allow players to buy/use Decoys?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnDecoysChanged);
AllowDecoys = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_flashbangs", "0",
"Allow players to buy/use FlashBangs?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnFlashBangsChanged);
AllowFlashBangs = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_smokes", "0",
"Allow players to buy/use Smoke Grenades?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnSmokesChanged);
AllowSmokes = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_ctawps", "1",
"Allow CTs to buy/use AWPs/Autos?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnCTAwpsChanged);
CTAwps = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_ctawpnumber", "1",
"If CTs are allowed to buy/use AWPs/Autos, how many should they be limited to?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 1.0, true, 3.0)), OnCTAwpNumberChanged);
CTAwpNumber = GetConVarInt(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_tawps", "0",
"Allow Ts to buy/use AWPs/Autos?\n1=yes\n0=no", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnTAwpsChanged);
TAwps = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_tawpnumber", "1",
"If Ts are allowed to buy/use AWPs/Autos, how many should they be limited to?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 1.0, true, 5.0)), OnTAwpNumberChanged);
TAwpNumber = GetConVarInt(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = FindConVar("mp_freezetime")), OnFreezeTimeChanged);
FreezeTime = GetConVarInt(hRandom);
MenuTime = (3 + FreezeTime) / 2;
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_enabled", "1",
"Is this plugin enabled?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnEnabledChanged);
Enabled = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_managebots", "1",
"Allow BRush to manage bots, if present, when human players join or leave a team?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnManageBotsChanged);
ManageBots = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
#if 0
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_fillbots", "0",
"Allow BRush to maintain 8 players at all times by adding/removing bots?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnFillBotsChanged);
FillBots = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_usecfgs", "0",
"Should BRush execute the and brush.notlive.cfg configs (located in cstrike/cfg)?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnUseConfigsChanged);
UseConfigs = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_ctfreeze", "2.0",
"How long should the CTs remain frozen after mp_freezetime has expired?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 25.0)), OnCTFreezeTimeChanged);
CTFreezeTime = GetConVarFloat(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_tfreeze", "4.0",
"How long should the Terrorists remain frozen after mp_freezetime has expired?", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 25.0)), OnTFreezeTimeChanged);
TFreezeTime = GetConVarFloat(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_endmode", "1",
"What should happen to players when the round ends and the Terrorists are the winners?\n0 = Nothing\n1 = Teleport alive players back to their spawn\n2 = Give alive players god mode", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 2.0)), OnRoundEndModeChanged);
roundend_mode = GetConVarInt(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_bombsite", "B",
"What bomb site should be used?", FCVAR_NONE)), OnBombsiteChanged);
GetConVarString(hRandom, s_bombsite, sizeof(s_bombsite));
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_fastround", "0",
"Use fast round?\n0 = No\n1 = Yes, restart round fast to speed up game play when Terrorists win", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnFastRoundChanged);
fast_round = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_frtime", "1",
"If using fast round, specify the number of seconds to restart the round", FCVAR_NONE, true, 1.0, true, 5.0)), OnFastRoundTimeChanged);
fr_time = GetConVarInt(hRandom);
HookConVarChange((hRandom = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_brush_resetcash", "1",
"Reset player's cash when Ts win?\n0 = No\n1 = Yes", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), OnResetCashChanged);
ResetPlayerCash = GetConVarBool(hRandom);
hRandom = FindConVar("mp_startmoney");
if (hRandom == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Unable to hook mp_startmoney");
DefaultStartCash = GetConVarInt(hRandom);
g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
if (g_iAccount == -1)
SetFailState("Could not find m_iAccount");
fr_restart = FindConVar("mp_restartgame");
if (fr_restart == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Unable to hook mp_restartgame");
HookConVarChange((brush_botquota = FindConVar("bot_quota")), OnBotQuotaChanged);
bot_quota = GetConVarInt(brush_botquota);
//HookEvent("bomb_beginplant", Event_BeginBombPlant);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath);
HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("round_freeze_end", Event_RoundFreezeEnd);
//HookEvent("player_team", Event_PlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEvent("bomb_exploded", Event_BombExploded, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn);
HookEvent("bomb_pickup", Event_BombPickup);
AddCommandListener(Command_JoinTeam, "jointeam");
// Execute the config file
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.brush");
// Cleaning is an expensive operation and should be done at the end
if (appended)
if (lateLoad)
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
new String:buff[25];
GetGameFolderName(buff, sizeof(buff));
if (StrEqual("csgo", buff, false))
IsCSGO = true;
IsCSGO = false;
* Called before OnPluginStart, in case the plugin wants to check for load failure.
* This is called even if the plugin type is "private." Any natives from modules are
* not available at this point. Thus, this forward should only be used for explicit
* pre-emptive things, such as adding dynamic natives, setting certain types of load
* filters (such as not loading the plugin for certain games).
* @note It is not safe to call externally resolved natives until OnPluginStart().
* @note Any sort of RTE in this function will cause the plugin to fail loading.
* @note If you do not return anything, it is treated like returning success.
* @note If a plugin has an AskPluginLoad2(), AskPluginLoad() will not be called.
* @param myself Handle to the plugin.
* @param late Whether or not the plugin was loaded "late" (after map load).
* @param error Error message buffer in case load failed.
* @param err_max Maximum number of characters for error message buffer.
* @return APLRes_Success for load success, APLRes_Failure or APLRes_SilentFailure otherwise
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
lateLoad = late;
return APLRes_Success;
* Called after a library is added that the current plugin references
* optionally. A library is either a plugin name or extension name, as
* exposed via its include file.
* @param name Library name.
public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[])
// Check if plugin Updater exists, if it does, add this plugin to its list of managed plugins
if (UseUpdater && StrEqual(name, "updater"))
* Called when your plugin is about to begin downloading an available update.
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent downloading, Plugin_Continue to allow it.
public Action:Updater_OnPluginDownloading()
PrintToChatAll("::: BRush is downloading an update and will reload shortly :::");
* Called when your plugin's update has been completed. It is safe
* to reload your plugin at this time.
* @noreturn
public Updater_OnPluginUpdated()
* Called when the map has loaded, servercfgfile (server.cfg) has been
* executed, and all plugin configs are done executing. This is the best
* place to initialize plugin functions which are based on cvar data.
* @note This will always be called once and only once per map. It will be
* called after OnMapStart().
* @noreturn
public OnConfigsExecuted()
// Check if plugin Updater exists, if it does, add this plugin to its list of managed plugins
if (UseUpdater && LibraryExists("updater"))
// For the restriction sound that plays to the player
if (!PrecacheSound(SOUND_FILE, true))
LogError("Unable to precache sound file %s", SOUND_FILE);
if (ManageBots)
new Handle:hRandom = FindConVar("bot_quota_mode");
if (hRandom == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Unable to hook bot_quota_mode");
SetConVarString(hRandom, "normal");
SetConVarString(brush_botquota, "8");
* Called once a client successfully connects. This callback is paired with OnClientDisconnect.
* @param client Client index.
* @noreturn
public OnClientConnected(client)
if (!Enabled)
//if (!gotBombIndexes)
// GetBombsitesIndexes();
if (IsFakeClient(client))
CreateTimer(0.3, Timer_HandleTeamSwitch, GetClientSerial(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
* Called once a client is authorized and fully in-game, and
* after all post-connection authorizations have been performed.
* This callback is gauranteed to occur on all clients, and always
* after each OnClientPutInServer() call.
* @param client Client index.
* @noreturn
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
if (!Enabled)
if (IsClientInGame(client) && !IsFakeClient(client))
PrintToConsole(client, "\n\n******************************");
PrintToConsole(client, "[CSGO BRush] v%s by TnTSCS &", PLUGIN_VERSION);
PrintToConsole(client, "******************************\n");
* Called when a client is disconnecting from the server.
* @param client Client index.
* @noreturn
* @note Must use IsClientInGame(client) if you want to do client specific things
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Clean up client specific variables and open timers (if they exist)
// ===================================================================================================================================
if (IsClientInGame(client))
new quota = GetConVarInt(brush_botquota);
if (ManageBots && !IsFakeClient(client) && quota < 8)
// Increase bot_quota by 1
bot_quota = quota;
SetConVarInt(brush_botquota, bot_quota, true, true);
* @brief When an entity is created
* @param entity Entity index
* @param classname Class name
* @noreturn
public OnEntityCreated(entity, const String:classname[])
// Get the entity index of the bomb so we can later on have the owner of the bomb drop it, if necessary
if (StrEqual(classname, "weapon_c4"))
the_bomb = entity;
// If the bomb is planted, set the bomb entity index to -1 so we can bypass the bomb dropping function
if (StrEqual(classname, "planted_c4"))
/** ===================================================================================================================================
* The following JoinTeam will ensure that players cannot join a team if that team already has the maximum number of players allowed (5T, 3CT)
* If teams are 4T and 3CT and a player tries to join the CT team, they will automatically be placed on the Terrorist's team.
* See Timer_HandleTeamSwitch for further details
* =================================================================================================================================== */
public Action:Command_JoinTeam(client, const String:command[], argc)
if (!client || !IsClientInGame(client))
#if _DEBUG
DebugMessage("[Command_JoinTeam] Client invalid or not in game.");
return Plugin_Continue;
// Figure out what team they player is trying to join
new String:TeamNum[2];
GetCmdArg(1, TeamNum, sizeof(TeamNum));
new team = StringToInt(TeamNum);
if (SwitchingPlayer[client])
#if _DEBUG
DebugMessage("[Command_JoinTeam] %N is allowed to join team %i because [SwitchingPlayer]", client, team);
return Plugin_Continue;
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[Command_JoinTeam] %N is attempting to join team %i", client, team);
// If human player is joining a team, let's reduce the bot count by 1 before they get processed
if (team != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
new quota = GetConVarInt(brush_botquota);
if (ManageBots && !IsFakeClient(client) && quota >= 1)
// Reduce bot_quota by 1
bot_quota = quota;
SetConVarInt(brush_botquota, bot_quota, true, true);
CreateTimer(0.3, Timer_HandleTeamSwitch, GetClientSerial(client));
return Plugin_Continue;
#if 0
* "player_team" // player change his team
* {
* "userid" "short" // user ID on server
* "team" "byte" // team id
* "oldteam" "byte" // old team id
* "disconnect" "bool" // team change because player disconnects
* "autoteam" "bool" // true if the player was auto assigned to the team
* "silent" "bool" // if true wont print the team join messages
* "name" "string" // player's name
public Action:Event_PlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
new team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
if (client == 0 || !IsClientInGame(client) || team <= 1)
return Plugin_Continue;
SetEventBroadcast(event, true);
if (SwitchingPlayer[client])
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[Event_PlayerTeam] %N is allowed to join team %i", client, team);
return Plugin_Continue;
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[Event_PlayerTeam] %N is attempting to join team %i", client, team);
CreateTimer(0.3, Timer_HandleTeamSwitch, GetClientSerial(client));
return Plugin_Continue;
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, team)
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[SwitchPlayerTeam] %N is being switched to team %i", client, team);
SwitchingPlayer[client] = true;
CS_SwitchTeam(client, team);
ChangeClientTeam(client, team);
//ShowVGUIPanel(client, PANEL_TEAM);
SwitchingPlayer[client] = false;
* Called when a player spawns.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
* @eventparam userid UserID of player spawning
public Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (!Enabled || client <= 0 || client > MaxClients)
new team = GetClientTeam(client);
new String:WeaponName[MAX_WEAPON_STRING];
new wEnt = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_PRIMARY);
if (wEnt == INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE && wEnt <= MaxClients)
GetEntityClassname(wEnt, WeaponName, sizeof(WeaponName));
if (StrContains(WeaponName, "awp", false) != -1 || StrContains(WeaponName, "g3sg1", false) != -1 ||
StrContains(WeaponName, "sg550", false) != -1)
case CS_TEAM_CT:
case CS_TEAM_T:
* Called when mp_freezetime expires.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
public Event_RoundFreezeEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new tCount = 0; new ctCount = 0;
Team_GetClientCounts(tCount, ctCount, CLIENTFILTER_NOSPECTATORS);
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Make sure conditions are appropriate for BRush round - 5 players on Terrorist's team and 3 players on CT's team
// ===================================================================================================================================
if (tCount == 5 && ctCount == 3)
GameIsLive = true;
// Let the players know this round is LIVE
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "LiveRound");
PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "LiveRound");
if (GameIsLive && UseConfigs)
ServerCommand("exec brush.notlive.cfg"); // Since the game had been live, but is now not live, execute the notlive config
GameIsLive = false;
// Let the players know this round is not live
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "NotLiveRound");
// Start a repeating timer (if one isn't already running) to constantly check for BRUSH live round conditions
if (LiveTimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
// The 3.0 seconds is for the PrintKeyHintText display time
LiveTimer = CreateTimer(3.0, Timer_CheckLive, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
CTKiller = 0; // Set this holder to zero so we'll know later on if there is a CTKiller
numSwitched = 0; // Set this to 0 so we can accuratly keep track of how many Terrorists are switched
killers = 0; // Set this to 0 so we can accuratly count how many Terrorist kill CTs
* Called when the bomb is planted.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
* @eventparam userid player who picked up the bomb
public Event_BombPickup(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (!client || IsFakeClient(client))
//if (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "A", false))
// PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "PlantA");
// return;
//if (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "B", false))
// PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "PlantB");
// return;
LogError("ERROR WITH BOMB SITE CVAR - it's not set to A or B!!");
* Called when a player starts planting the bomb.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
* @eventparam userid Player who is planting the bomb
* @eventparma site Bombsite index
#if 0
public Event_BeginBombPlant(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
if (!GameIsLive)
new bombsite = GetEventInt(event, "site");
if ((StrEqual(s_bombsite, "B", false) && bombsite == g_BombsiteB) || (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "A", false) && bombsite == g_BombsiteA))
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "B", false) && bombsite != g_BombsiteB)
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "PlantB");
//AcceptEntityInput(g_BombsiteA, "Disable");
if (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "A", false) && bombsite != g_BombsiteA)
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "PlantA");
//AcceptEntityInput(g_BombsiteB, "Disable");
EmitSoundToClient(client, SOUND_FILE);
//new c4ent = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_C4);
// CS_DropWeapon(client, c4ent, false);
* Called when a player dies.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
* @eventparam userid UserID who died
* @eventparam attacker UserID who killed
* @eventparam weapon String containing name of weapon killer used
* @eventparam headshot Bool: Was this a headshot kill?
* @eventparam dominated Bool: Did killer dominate victim with this kill?
* @eventparam revenge Bool: Did killer get revenge on victim with this kill?
public Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
if (!GameIsLive)
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Figure out who killed who. If a T killed a CT, mark that T as switchable just in case Ts win the round.
// ===================================================================================================================================
new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
if (attacker <= 0 || attacker > MaxClients)
new ateam = GetClientTeam(attacker); // Get attacker's team
new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); // Get the victim's client index
new vteam = GetClientTeam(victim); // Get the victim's team
// Ensure attacking team is Terrorist and it's not a team kill or self kill.
if (ateam != CS_TEAM_T || ateam == vteam || attacker == victim)
PlayerKilledCT[attacker]++; // Mark player as having killed a CT
PlayerSwitchable[victim] = true; // Mark this player as switchable in case the Ts win the round.
PrintToChat(victim, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "CTKilled", attacker); // Let the CT know they might get switched.
// This terrorist's first kill, perform first kill tasks
if (PlayerKilledCT[attacker] == 1)
// Notify the player they killed a CT and they will be switched if Ts win
PrintToChat(attacker, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "KilledCT", victim);
killers++; // Number of Terrorists who killed the CTs holder
// Mark this player as switchable in case Ts win the round.
PlayerSwitchable[attacker] = true;
// Mark this terrorist as ChangeTeam immune for handling later
CTImmune[attacker] = true;
else if (PlayerKilledCT[attacker] >= 2) // This terrorist's 2nd/3rd kill
CTKiller = GetClientSerial(attacker); // Mark client serial as the player who killed more than one CT
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[Event_PlayerDeath] %N a CTkiller [%i] = attacker's serial", attacker, CTKiller);
* Called when the bomb explodes.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
* @eventparam userid UserID of player who planted the bomb
* @eventparam site Bombsite index
public Event_BombExploded(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
// Let's make sure the bomber gets credit for this event and gets switched over to CT if the Terrorists win
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (client == 0)
if (PlayerKilledCT[client] == 1)
PlayerSwitchable[client] = true;
CTImmune[client] = true;
if (killers == 1)
CTKiller = GetClientSerial(client);
else if (PlayerKilledCT[client] >= 2) // This player is a CT killer
CTKiller = GetClientSerial(client);
* Called when the round ends.
* @param event Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking
* this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
* @param name String containing the name of the event.
* @param dontBroadcast True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
* @noreturn
* @eventparam winner Byte: Winner team/user index
* @eventparam reason Byte: Reason why team won
* @eventparam message String: End round message.
public Event_RoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
CreateTimer(0.6, Timer_SetScore); // See function for details
if (!GameIsLive)
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Figure out what team won and handle appropriately with announcements and team swapping if needed
// ===================================================================================================================================
new winner = GetEventInt(event, "winner");
numSwitched = 0;
if (winner == CS_TEAM_T)
CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_ProcessTeam); // See function for details
if (fast_round)
SetConVarInt(fr_restart, fr_time, false, false);
CTScore++; // Increase the CT's score by 1
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "CTWon");
if (CTScore >= 2)
CreateTimer(0.3, Timer_Announcement); // See function for details
tawpno = 0;
ctawpno = 0;
* Timer event to handle team switching
* @param serial Serial of ClientID passed to timer function
public Action:Timer_HandleTeamSwitch(Handle:timer, any:serial)
new client = GetClientFromSerial(serial);
if (client == 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
new team = GetClientTeam(client);
new tCount = 0, ctCount = 0;
Team_GetClientCounts(tCount, ctCount);
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] tCount = %i, ctCount = %i | %N is on team %i", tCount, ctCount, client, team);
/* If player is on a team that is full, move them to the other team. If the other team is full, move them to spectate */
if (((team == CS_TEAM_T && tCount > 5) && ctCount >= 3) ||
((team == CS_TEAM_CT && ctCount > 3) && tCount >= 5))
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N tried to join team %i, but both teams are full, switching to SPECTATE", client, team);
if (!IsFakeClient(client))
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR);
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "CantJoin");
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] Kicking BOT %N", client);
KickClient(client, "Bot shouldn't be here");
return Plugin_Continue;
if (team == CS_TEAM_CT && ctCount > 3)
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N tried to join team CT, but it's full, switching to Terrorist", client);
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T);
#if 0
if (ManageBots)
//CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_ManageBots, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
return Plugin_Continue;
if (team == CS_TEAM_T && tCount > 5)
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N tried to join team Terrorist, but it's full, switching to CT", client);
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT);
#if 0
if (ManageBots)
//CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_ManageBots, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
return Plugin_Continue;
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N is allowed to join team %i", client, team);
#if 0
if (ManageBots)
//CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_ManageBots, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
return Plugin_Continue;
#if 0
public Action:Timer_HandleBotTeamSwitch(Handle:timer, any:serial)
new client = GetClientFromSerial(serial);
if (client == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
new tCount = 0, ctCount = 0;
Team_GetClientCounts(tCount, ctCount);
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] tCount = %i, ctCount = %i", tCount, ctCount);
new team = GetClientTeam(client);
// Try and put client on a non-full team, otherwise, move to spectate and advise.
if (((team == CS_TEAM_T && tCount > 5) && ctCount >= 3) ||
((team == CS_TEAM_CT && ctCount > 3) && tCount >= 5))
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N tried to join team %i, but both teams are full, switching to SPECTATE", client, team);
if (IsFakeClient(client))
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] Kicking BOT %N", client);
KickClient(client, "Bot shouldn't be here");
SetConVarInt(brush_botquota, bot_quota);
return Plugin_Continue;
if (team == CS_TEAM_CT && ctCount > 3)
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N tried to join team CT, but it's full, switching to Terrorist", client);
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T);
return Plugin_Continue;
if (team == CS_TEAM_T && tCount > 5)
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] %N tried to join team Terrorist, but it's full, switching to CT", client);
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT);
return Plugin_Continue;
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[HandleTeamSwitch] BOT %N is allowed to join team %i", client, team);
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Timer_ManageBots(Handle:timer)
new t, ct;
Team_GetClientCounts(t, ct);
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[Timer_ManageBots] tCount = %i, ctCount = %i", t, ct);
if ((t+ct) != 8)
return Plugin_Continue;
* Function for timer that sets the scores
* @param timer Handle of timer
* @noreturn
public Action:Timer_SetScore(Handle:timer)
if (GameIsLive)
// Set the team scores
SetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_CT, CTScore);
SetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_T, 0);
// Set the team scores to something fun - pi :)
SetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_CT, 314);
SetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_T, 159);
return Plugin_Continue;
* Function for timer that Announces repeat CT wins and T taunts
* @param timer Handle of timer
* @noreturn
public Action:Timer_Announcement(Handle:timer)
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Just fun taunting messages to the Terrorists if they keep loosing to the 3 CTs
// ===================================================================================================================================
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "CTWonAgain", CTScore);
case 3: { PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TTaunt3"); }
case 4: { PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TTaunt4"); }
case 5: { PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TTaunt5"); }
case 6: { PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TTaunt6"); }
case 7: { PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TTaunt7"); }
case 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15:
// Switch up teams, and if CTs keep winning, keep switching up the teams
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "Scrambling");
* Function for timer Processes the teams when Terrorists win
* @param timer Handle of timer
* @noreturn
public Action:Timer_ProcessTeam(Handle:timer)
/* ===================================================================================================================================
ALL CTs get switched to the Terrorist's team.
The Terrorists who killed 1 or more CTs get switched to CT team.
If less than 3 Terrorists killed a CT, 1 or 2 randomly selected Terrorists will be switched to CT team (I may add a different method for
switching Terrorists to the CT team and have a CVar to define which method to use).
One way would be to present a menu to the Terrorist who killed 2 or more CTs and have that player select the player to swap (this could run
into time issues). Another method would be to select the CT(s) with the highest score(s) to remain on the CT team.
Move the Terrorists who killed a CT to the CT team, if less than three Ts killed a CT, randomly select 1 or 2
Terrorists to switch to the CT team or display the team picking menu to the CT killer.
Also, move the CTs to the Terrorist team since they just lost.
// Let's drop the bomb prior to player team movement so a CT doesn't end up with the bomb
if (the_bomb > MaxClients && IsValidEntity(the_bomb))
new bomb_owner = Weapon_GetOwner(the_bomb);
if (bomb_owner != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
CS_DropWeapon(bomb_owner, the_bomb, false);
// Go through each client and process accordingly
new team;
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
if (ResetPlayerCash)
SetEntData(i, g_iAccount, DefaultStartCash, 4, true);
if (IsPlayerAlive(i) && roundend_mode == 2)
SetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 0, 1);
SetEntityRenderMode(i, RENDER_TRANSALPHA);
SetEntityRenderColor(i, 255, 255, 255, 100);
team = GetClientTeam(i);
if (team == CS_TEAM_CT && !CTImmune[i]) // Switch this CT to the Terrorist's team
CreateTimer(0.2, Timer_ProcessCT, GetClientSerial(i));
else if (team == CS_TEAM_T && CTImmune[i]) // Figure out if we need to switch this Terrorist to the CT's team
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[Timer_ProcessTeam] numSwitched value is %i", numSwitched);
// If less than three Terrorists were switched to CT, we need to process further
if (numSwitched != 3)
if (numSwitched == 0) // CTs killed themselves or were slayed... something where Terrorists didn't kill them
else // Maybe there's a CT killer
// Since the Terrorists just dominated the CTs, reset the scores - it's only fun to see how many rounds (points) the CTs can get against the Terrorists
CTScore = 0;
//TScore = 0;
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Let's get the number of players on the Terrorist's team who killed a player (or players) on the CT team, then announce this everyone
// ===================================================================================================================================
CreateTimer(0.3, Timer_WhoWon);//, killers);
* Function for timer that announces the winner of the round
* @param timer Handle of timer
* @noreturn
public Action:Timer_WhoWon(Handle:timer)
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TWon", killers);
return Plugin_Continue;
* Function for timer to process the CT team switching
* @param timer Handle of timer
* @param client client index
* @noreturn
public Action:Timer_ProcessCT(Handle:timer, any:serial)
new client = GetClientFromSerial(serial);
if (client == 0 || GetClientTeam(client) <= CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
return Plugin_Continue;
CTImmune[client] = true;
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T);
return Plugin_Continue;
* Function for timer when BRush's conditions make it go not live. Will run until conditions to go live are met or the plugin is disabled
* @param timer Handle for timer
* @noreturn
public Action:Timer_CheckLive(Handle:timer)
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Repeating timer to check for team conditions. Once there are 5 players on Terrorist's team and 3 players on CT's team, the round will go live
// ===================================================================================================================================
if (GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T) == 5 && GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT) == 3)
LiveTimer = INVALID_HANDLE; // Always need to set back to INVALID_HANDLE when the timer has served its purpose
GameIsLive = true; // So Event_RoundFreezeEnd knows it's live
if (UseConfigs)
ServerCommand("exec"); // Since the game is now live, execute the live config file.
new times = 0;
while (times < 3) // Repeat the announcement 3 times
PrintToChatAll("\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "RoundGoingLive");
SetConVarInt(fr_restart, 5, false, false); // Restart the game since now the conditions meet a live match
CTScore = 0; // Reset the score for CTs
//TScore = 0; // Reset the score for Terrorists
return Plugin_Stop; // Stop this repeating timer.
// Conditions haven't been met to live the round for BRUSH, let any spectators know they are needed
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
if (!IsCSGO)
Client_PrintKeyHintText(i, "%t\n\n%t", "Prefix", "SpecAdvert");
PrintHintText(i, "%t\n\n%t", "Prefix", "SpecAdvert");
return Plugin_Continue;
* Function that handles the Terrorist's team swapping
* @param client client index
* @noreturn
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT);
if (IsPlayerAlive(client) && roundend_mode == 1)
* Function to Scramble teams - moves all players to Terrorist's team, then calls SwitchRandom to move 3 to CT
* @noreturn
// Move everyone to Terrorist's team
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i))
if (GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT)
SwitchPlayerTeam(i, CS_TEAM_T);
if (IsPlayerAlive(i))
// Pull 3 random Ts and put them on CT team
* Function to Switch a random Terrorist to the CT team
* @noreturn
* @note Uses the global variable numSwitched to know when enough players have been switched
while (numSwitched < 3)
// Since less than 3 Ts were switched to the CT team, randomly select 1 or 2 more to be switched
new i = Client_GetRandom(CLIENTFILTER_TEAMONE);
// If player is a valid client index and is not one of the just switched CTs, switch to CT team.
if (i != -1)
CTImmune[i] = true;
LogError("ERROR with SwitchRandom");
#if 0
public Action:Timer_BalanceBots(Handle:timer)
g_BalanceBots = INVALID_HANDLE;
public Action:Timer_MoreTs(Handle:timer, any:serial)
new client = GetClientFromSerial(serial);
if (client == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
new TeamCount = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT);
if (TeamCount < 3)
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_Teams);
SetMenuTitle(menu, "%t", "Menu2");
SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MenuTime);
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Timer_UnFreezePlayer(Handle:timer, any:serial)
new client = GetClientFromSerial(serial);
if (client == 0 || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
return Plugin_Continue;
FreezePlayer(client, false);
return Plugin_Continue;
* Called when a player attempts to purchase an item.
* Return Plugin_Continue to allow the purchase or return a
* higher action to deny.
* @param client Client index
* @param weapon User input for weapon name
public Action:CS_OnBuyCommand(client, const String:weapon[])
if (!UseWeaponRestrict || !GameIsLive || !Enabled)
return Plugin_Continue;
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Check if weapon being purchased is a flashbang, smoke grenade, or hegrenade, and restrict the purchase if those are prohibited
// ===================================================================================================================================
if ((StrContains(weapon, "flashbang", false) != -1 && !AllowFlashBangs) ||
(StrContains(weapon, "smokegrenade", false) != -1 && !AllowSmokes) ||
(StrContains(weapon, "hegrenade", false) != -1 && !AllowHEGrenades)||
(StrContains(weapon, "molotov", false) != -1 && !AllowMolotovs)||
(StrContains(weapon, "decoy", false) != -1 && !AllowDecoys))
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "NoNade");
EmitSoundToClient(client, SOUND_FILE);
return Plugin_Handled;
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Check if the weapon being purchased is an AWP or Auto and restrict the purchase if it is prohibited
// ===================================================================================================================================
if (StrContains(weapon, "awp", false) != -1|| StrContains(weapon, "g3sg1", false) != -1 ||
StrContains(weapon, "sg550", false) != -1)
new team = GetClientTeam(client);
case CS_TEAM_T: { tawpno++; }
case CS_TEAM_CT: { ctawpno++; }
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Weapon being purchased is an AWP/Auto, let's see if the team the player's on is allowed to buy AWPS/Autos
// If not, do not allow the purchase.
// ===================================================================================================================================
if ((team == CS_TEAM_T && TAwps) || (team == CS_TEAM_CT && CTAwps))
// ===================================================================================================================================
// If the player's team already has its AWP limit, then this player cannot purchase it
// Otherwise, allow the purchase as long as the players has the money for it
// ===================================================================================================================================
if ((team == CS_TEAM_CT && ctawpno > CTAwpNumber) || (team == CS_TEAM_T && tawpno > TAwpNumber))
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "NoSniper");
EmitSoundToClient(client, SOUND_FILE);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "NoSniper");
EmitSoundToClient(client, SOUND_FILE);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;
CTImmune[client] = false;
PlayerSwitchable[client] = false;
PlayerKilledCT[client] = 0;
SwitchingPlayer[client] = false;
FreezePlayer(client, false);
// ===================================================================================================================================
// SMLib Functions (thanks berni)
// ===================================================================================================================================
* Returns the client counts of the first two teams (eg.: Terrorists - Counter).
* Use this function for optimization if you have to get the counts of both teams,
* otherwise use Team_GetClientCount().
* @param team1 Pass an integer variable by reference
* @param team2 Pass an integer variable by reference
* @param flags Client Filter Flags (Use the CLIENTFILTER_ constants).
* @noreturn
Team_GetClientCounts(&team1=0, &team2=0, flags=0)
for (new client=1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
if (!Client_MatchesFilter(client, flags))
if (GetClientTeam(client) == TEAM_ONE)
else if (GetClientTeam(client) == TEAM_TWO)
* Prints white text to the right-center side of the screen
* for one client. Does not work in all games.
* Line Breaks can be done with "\n".
* @param client Client Index.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @return True on success, false if this usermessage doesn't exist.
bool:Client_PrintKeyHintText(client, const String:format[], any:...)
new Handle:userMessage = StartMessageOne("KeyHintText", client);
if (userMessage == INVALID_HANDLE)
return false;
new String:buffer[254];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 3);
if (GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "GetUserMessageType") == FeatureStatus_Available
&& GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetString(userMessage, "hints", format);
BfWriteByte(userMessage, 1);
BfWriteString(userMessage, buffer);
return true;
* Gets the owner (usually a client) of the weapon
* @param weapon Weapon Entity.
* @return Owner of the weapon or INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE if the weapon has no owner.
return GetEntPropEnt(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_hOwner");
* Gets a random client matching the specified flags filter.
* @param flags Client Filter Flags (Use the CLIENTFILTER_ constants).
* @return Client Index or -1 if no client was found
decl clients[MaxClients];
new num = Client_Get(clients, flags);
if (num == 0)
return -1;
else if (num == 1)
return clients[0];
new random = Math_GetRandomInt(0, num-1);
return clients[random];
* Gets all clients matching the specified flags filter.
* @param client Client Array, size should be MaxClients or MAXPLAYERS
* @param flags Client Filter Flags (Use the CLIENTFILTER_ constants).
* @return The number of clients stored in the array
Client_Get(clients[], flags=CLIENTFILTER_ALL)
new x=0;
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
if (!Client_MatchesFilter(client, flags))
clients[x++] = client;
return x;
* Returns a random, uniform Integer number in the specified (inclusive) range.
* This is safe to use multiple times in a function.
* The seed is set automatically for each plugin.
* Rewritten by MatthiasVance, thanks.
* @param min Min value used as lower border
* @param max Max value used as upper border
* @return Random Integer number between min and max
Math_GetRandomInt(min, max)
new random = GetURandomInt();
if (random == 0)
return RoundToCeil(float(random) / (float(SIZE_OF_INT) / float(max - min + 1))) + min - 1;
* Checks if a client matches the specified flag filter.
* Use one of the CLIENTFILTER_ constants.
* Note that this already checks if the client is ingame or connected
* so you don't have to do that yourself.
* This function is optimized to make as less native calls as possible :)
* @param Client Client Index.
* @param flags Client Filter Flags (Use the CLIENTFILTER_ constants).
* @return True if the client if the client matches, false otherwise.
bool:Client_MatchesFilter(client, flags)
new bool:isIngame = false;
isIngame = IsClientInGame(client);
if (isIngame)
return false;
return false;
else if (!IsClientConnected(client))
return false;
if (!flags)
return true;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_BOTS && !IsFakeClient(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_NOBOTS && IsFakeClient(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_ADMINS && !Client_IsAdmin(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_NOADMINS && Client_IsAdmin(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_AUTHORIZED && !IsClientAuthorized(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_NOTAUTHORIZED && IsClientAuthorized(client))
return false;
if (isIngame)
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_ALIVE && !IsPlayerAlive(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_DEAD && IsPlayerAlive(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_SPECTATORS && GetClientTeam(client) != TEAM_SPECTATOR)
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_NOSPECTATORS && GetClientTeam(client) == TEAM_SPECTATOR)
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_OBSERVERS && !IsClientObserver(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_NOOBSERVERS && IsClientObserver(client))
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_TEAMONE && GetClientTeam(client) != TEAM_ONE)
return false;
if (flags & CLIENTFILTER_TEAMTWO && GetClientTeam(client) != TEAM_TWO)
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether the client is a generic admin.
* @param Client Index.
* @return True if the client is a generic admin, false otheriwse.
new AdminId:adminId = GetUserAdmin(client);
if (adminId == INVALID_ADMIN_ID)
return false;
return GetAdminFlag(adminId, Admin_Generic);
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Thanks to exvel -
// Provided the GetBombsitesIndexes() and tock bool:IsVecBetween
// ===================================================================================================================================
new index = -1;
new Float:vecBombsiteCenterA[3];
new Float:vecBombsiteCenterB[3];
index = FindEntityByClassname(index, "cs_player_manager");
if (index != -1)
GetEntPropVector(index, Prop_Send, "m_bombsiteCenterA", vecBombsiteCenterA);
GetEntPropVector(index, Prop_Send, "m_bombsiteCenterB", vecBombsiteCenterB);
index = -1;
while ((index = FindEntityByClassname(index, "func_bomb_target")) != -1)
new Float:vecBombsiteMin[3];
new Float:vecBombsiteMax[3];
GetEntPropVector(index, Prop_Send, "m_vecMins", vecBombsiteMin);
GetEntPropVector(index, Prop_Send, "m_vecMaxs", vecBombsiteMax);
if (IsVecBetween(vecBombsiteCenterA, vecBombsiteMin, vecBombsiteMax))
g_BombsiteA = index;
if (IsVecBetween(vecBombsiteCenterB, vecBombsiteMin, vecBombsiteMax))
g_BombsiteB = index;
gotBombIndexes = true;
if (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "A", false))
AcceptEntityInput(g_BombsiteB, "Disable");
else if (StrEqual(s_bombsite, "B", false))
AcceptEntityInput(g_BombsiteA, "Disable");
bool:IsVecBetween(const Float:vecVector[3], const Float:vecMin[3], const Float:vecMax[3])
return ( (vecMin[0] <= vecVector[0] <= vecMax[0]) &&
(vecMin[1] <= vecVector[1] <= vecMax[1]) &&
(vecMin[2] <= vecVector[2] <= vecMax[2]) );
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Menu Functions
// ===================================================================================================================================
public DisplayMenuToCTKiller()
new CTclient = GetClientFromSerial(CTKiller);
if (1 <= CTclient <= MaxClients && !IsFakeClient(CTclient))
#if _DEBUG
Format(dmsg, sizeof(dmsg), "[DisplayMenuToCTKiller] %N is the CT killer and is being shown the menu", CTclient);
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_Teams);
SetMenuTitle(menu, "%t", "Menu1");
SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
// Display the team selection menu to the player who killed more than 1 CT
DisplayMenu(menu, CTclient, MenuTime);
public MenuHandler_Teams(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
new String:info[32];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info));
new UserID = StringToInt(info);
new client = GetClientOfUserId(UserID);
if (client > 0)
if (GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT) < 3)
SwitchPlayerTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT);
if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
PrintToChat(client, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "TooLate");
//ClientTimer[param1] = CreateTimer(0.2, Timer_MoreTs, param1);
CreateTimer(0.2, Timer_MoreTs, GetClientSerial(param1));
else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
public AddTerroristsToMenu(Handle:menu)
new String:user_id[12];
new String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
new String:display[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+15];
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T && !CTImmune[i])
// Retrieve and store the UserID of player index i as a string
IntToString(GetClientUserId(i), user_id, sizeof(user_id));
GetClientName(i, name, sizeof(name));
Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s (%s)", name, user_id);
AddMenuItem(menu, user_id, display);
// Apply extra feeze time and advise player if their team is being frozen for an extra amount of time beyond the mp_freezetime
new player_team;
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
player_team = GetClientTeam(i);
if (player_team == CS_TEAM_T && TFreezeTime != 0.0)
FreezePlayer(i, true);
CreateTimer(TFreezeTime, Timer_UnFreezePlayer, GetClientSerial(i));
PrintToChat(i, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "Frozen", TFreezeTime);
if (player_team == CS_TEAM_CT && CTFreezeTime != 0.0)
FreezePlayer(i, true);
CreateTimer(CTFreezeTime, Timer_UnFreezePlayer, GetClientSerial(i));
PrintToChat(i, "\x01 \x09[\x04%t\x09]\x01 %t", "Prefix", "Frozen", CTFreezeTime);
// ===================================================================================================================================
// Player freeze/unfreeze functions - Thanks to author of Freeze Tag for m_flLaggedMovementValue
// ===================================================================================================================================
* Function to handle un/freezing of a player
* @param client ClientID of player to un/freeze
* @param freeze True to freeze, false to unfreeze
* @noreturn
FreezePlayer(client, bool:freeze)
if (IsValidEntity(client))
if (freeze)
SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE);
SetEntityRenderColor(client, 0, 128, 255, 192);
IsPlayerFrozen[client] = true;
SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 255);
IsPlayerFrozen[client] = false;
SwitchingPlayer[client] = true;
SwitchingPlayer[client] = false;
* Function to clear/kill the timer and set to INVALID_HANDLE if it's still active
* @param timer Handle of the timer
* @noreturn
if (timer != INVALID_HANDLE)
if (AutoExecConfig_GetAppendResult() == AUTOEXEC_APPEND_SUCCESS)
appended = true;
#if _DEBUG
DebugMessage(const String:msg[], any:...)
LogMessage("%s", msg);
PrintToChatAll("[BRush DEBUG] %s", msg);
// ===================================================================================================================================
// CVar Change Functions
// ===================================================================================================================================
public OnVersionChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
// Make sure the version number is what is set in the compiled plugin, not a config file or changed CVar
if (!StrEqual(newVal, PLUGIN_VERSION))
SetConVarString(cvar, PLUGIN_VERSION);
public OnUseUpdaterChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
UseUpdater = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnUseWeaponRestrictChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
UseWeaponRestrict = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnHEGrenadesChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
AllowHEGrenades = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnMolotovsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
AllowMolotovs = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnDecoysChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
AllowDecoys = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnFlashBangsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
AllowFlashBangs = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnSmokesChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
AllowSmokes = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnCTAwpsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
CTAwps = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnCTAwpNumberChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
CTAwpNumber = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public OnTAwpsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
TAwps = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnTAwpNumberChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
TAwpNumber = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public OnFreezeTimeChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
FreezeTime = GetConVarInt(cvar);
MenuTime = (3 + FreezeTime) / 2;
public OnEnabledChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (StrEqual(newVal, "1"))
//HookEvent("bomb_beginplant", Event_BeginBombPlant);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath);
HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("round_freeze_end", Event_RoundFreezeEnd);
//HookEvent("player_team", Event_PlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEvent("bomb_exploded", Event_BombExploded, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn);
HookEvent("bomb_pickup", Event_BombPickup);
AddCommandListener(Command_JoinTeam, "jointeam");
Enabled = true;
//UnhookEvent("bomb_beginplant", Event_BeginBombPlant);
UnhookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath);
UnhookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_Post);
UnhookEvent("round_freeze_end", Event_RoundFreezeEnd);
//UnhookEvent("player_team", Event_PlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Pre);
UnhookEvent("bomb_exploded", Event_BombExploded, EventHookMode_Pre);
UnhookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn);
UnhookEvent("bomb_pickup", Event_BombPickup);
RemoveCommandListener(Command_JoinTeam, "jointeam");
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
CTImmune[i] = false;
PlayerSwitchable[i] = false;
PlayerKilledCT[i] = 0;
SwitchingPlayer[i] = false;
Enabled = false;
public OnManageBotsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
ManageBots = GetConVarBool(cvar);
#if 0
public OnFillBotsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
FillBots = GetConVarBool(cvar);
//if (FillBots)
//new humans = Client_GetCount(true, false);
//ServerCommand("bot_quota %i", 8 - humans);
//SetConVarInt(brush_botquota, 8-humans);
public OnBotQuotaChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
bot_quota = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public OnUseConfigsChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
UseConfigs = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnCTFreezeTimeChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
CTFreezeTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
public OnTFreezeTimeChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
TFreezeTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
public OnRoundEndModeChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
roundend_mode = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public OnBombsiteChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
s_bombsite[0] = '\0';
GetConVarString(cvar, s_bombsite, sizeof(s_bombsite));
public OnFastRoundChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
fast_round = GetConVarBool(cvar);
public OnFastRoundTimeChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
fr_time = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public OnResetCashChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
ResetPlayerCash = GetConVarBool(cvar);
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