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Created October 19, 2015 14:49
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Irvine Lib Implementation (WriteFloat)
; Source:
; Floating Point IO Procedures (floatio.asm)
Authors: W. A. Barrett, San Jose State University,
James Brink, Pacific Lutheran University
Used by Permission (July 2005).
Read and Write Float -- these work from keyboard or to screen, using
Irvine's character fetching and putting functions.
ReadFloat -- accept a float in various formats, returning it in the top
stack position of the FPU
WriteFloat -- Top stack value in the FPU is written out in a standard
ShowFPUStack -- Displays the floating-point unit's stack.
7/18/05: Minor editing and formatting by Kip Irvine
7/19/05 Added checks for infinity and NaN.
James Brink, Pacific Lutheran University (lines marked with *********)
7/20/05 WriteFloat no longer pops the stack. Kip Irvine.
7/22/05 Assembled in 16-bit mode.
1. If the exponent is over 999, it is shown incorrectly.
2. If a negative exponent is over 3 digits, the procedure halts.
; set this to 1 to display the FPU stack TOS value:
showTop MACRO msg
local smsg
; this macro supports the "showTop msg" scheme
smsg byte 0dh, 0ah, msg,0
mov edx,offset smsg
call WriteString
call showTopF
.data ; variables shared by two or more procedures:
pwr10 DWORD 1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000,1000000000
ErrMsg BYTE 0dh,0ah,"Floating point error",0dh,0ah,0
ReadFloat PROC USES eax ebx ecx
LOCAL expsign:SDWORD, sign:byte
; Reads a decimal floating-point number from the keyboard
; and translates to binary floating point. The value is
; placed in SP(0) of the floating-point stack.
expint SDWORD 0
itmp SDWORD ?
power REAL8 ?
showTop "R begin: "
call fpuSet
mov sign,0
; look for an optional + or - first
call GetChar
cmp al,'+'
jne R1
; is a '+' -- ignore it; sign= 0
call GetChar
jmp R2
cmp al,'-'
jne R2
; is a '-' -- sign= 1
call GetChar
inc sign
; here we are done with the optional sign flag
; look for a digit in the mantissa part
.IF (al >= '0' && al <= '9')
fldz ; push a 0. ONE thing in FPU stack
.WHILE (al >= '0' && al <= '9')
sub al,'0'
and eax,0Fh
mov itmp,eax
fmul ten
fild itmp
call GetChar
; decimal point in the mantissa?
.IF (al == '.')
call GetChar
fldz ; start the fractional part
fld ten ; get the power part started
fstp power ; will be 10, 100, 1000, etc.
.WHILE (al >= '0' && al <= '9')
sub al,'0'
and eax,0Fh
mov itmp,eax
fild itmp
fdiv power
fld power
fmul ten
fstp power
call GetChar
fadd ; add the front end to the back end
.ELSEIF (al == '.')
call GetChar
; something like ".ddd"
fldz ; ONE thing in the FPU stack
fld ten
fstp power
.WHILE (al >= '0' && al <= '9')
sub al,'0'
and eax,0Fh
mov itmp,eax
fild itmp
fdiv power
fld power
fmul ten
fstp power
call GetChar
; neither ddd.ddd nor .ddd
; so it's a syntax error
mov edx,OFFSET ErrMsg
call WriteString
fldz ; return a 1.0 in any case
call fpuReset
showTop "R end: "
; OK -- now we have the ddd.ddd part in ST(0)
; Now look for an exponent
; We still have the mantissa in the stack: ONE thing
.IF (al=='E' || al=='e')
mov expsign,1
call GetChar
.IF (al=='+')
call GetChar
.ELSEIF (al=='-')
mov expsign,-1
call GetChar
mov expint,0
.WHILE (al>='0' && al<= '9')
sub al,'0'
and eax,0FFh
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,10
mul expint
add eax,ebx
mov expint,eax
call GetChar
; power10 gets expsign*10^expint, stuffs it in exponent.
; Result returned in FPU.
mov eax,expint
imul expsign
call power10 ; TWO things in the FPU stack
fmul ; mantissa is sitting underneath; ONE thing left over
.IF (sign==1)
call fpuReset ; shouldn't affect stack position
showTop "R end: "
ret ; result should be in FPU top
ReadFloat ENDP
ShowFPUStack PROC USES eax
; Prints the FPU stack in decimal exponential format.
; Written by James Brink, Pacific Lutheran University.
; Used by permission.
; Adapted by Kip Irvine, 7/18/05.
; Revised 7/20/05.
; Receives: Nothing
; Returns: Nothing
; Technique:
; Uses FINCSTP move the stack top, effectly popping
; the stack without actually removing values.
; Note:
; This procedure clears the exception bits in the FPU status register
; before it terminates. This includes B, ES, SF, PE, UE, OE, ZE, DE,
; and IE bits.
; Uses:
; WriteFloat, mWrite, Crlf, WriteDec
ControlWordMask = 0000000000111111b ; Used to mask exception bits
SavedCWord WORD ? ; Control word when the procedure is started
UsedCWord WORD ? ; Control word used by procedure
; Write a header message.
mWrite <0Dh,0Ah,"------ FPU Stack ------", 0Dh, 0Ah>
; Set the control word to mask the exception bits
fclex ; Clear pending exceptions
fstcw SavedCWord ; Get copy of CW used to restore original
fstcw UsedCWord
or UsedCWord, ControlWordMask
fldcw usedCWord ; Mask exception bits
; Set up counter n for SP(n)
mov eax,0
; Display the stack (loop)
mWrite "ST(" ; Display stack index
call WriteDec
mWrite "): "
; Write the value of ST(n) and go to new line.
; WriteFloat pops the value from the stack, so we save
; and restore it to compensate.
; KRI 7/20/05: WriteFloat no longer pops the value from the stack,
; so I commented out the two calls to FST.
;fst temp ; save ST(0)
call WriteFloat ; write ST(0) & pop
;fld temp ; restore ST(0)
call Crlf
; Move the top of stack pointer.
; Increment count and repeat for 8 values.
inc eax
cmp eax,8
jl LDisplay
; clear any exceptions and restore original control word before returning
fclex ; clear exceptions
fstcw SavedCWord
WriteFloat PROC USES eax ecx edx
; Writes the floating point value in the top of the FPU stack
; to the console window. Displays in exponential format. The
; value remains on the stack.
temp_01 REAL8 ? ; KRI
iten SDWORD 10
mantissa REAL8 ?
zeroes BYTE "+0.", 7 DUP('0'), "E+000",0
NaNStr BYTE "NaN", 0 ;******
InfinityStr BYTE "infinity", 0 ;******
fst temp_01 ; KRI: save a copy
showTop "W begin: "
call fpuSet
ftst ;******
call fChkNaN ; check for NaN ******
jnz W0 ; jump if not NaN ******
mov edx,offset NaNStr ; print NaN ******
jmp W0a ; otherwise this is like a zero ******
W0: ;******
call fcompare ; look at the sign bit
jnz W1
; here the thing is all zeroes
mov edx,offset zeroes
call writeString
;fstp mantissa
fst mantissa ; KRI 7/20/05: changed fstp to fst
call fpuReset
showTop "W end: "
mov al,'+'
jge W2
mov al,'-'
fchs ; now have value >= 0
call WriteChar ; the sign
call fChkInfinity ; Check for infinity ******
jne w2a ; if not continue normally ******
mov al, 0ECh ; Print "infinity sign" ******
call writeChar ;******
jmp W0b ; finish like for zeros ******
; Suppose the number's value is V. We first find an exponent E
; and mantissa M such that 10^8 <= M < 10^9 and M*10^-8*10^E = V.
; (E will be in 'exponent', M will be in ST(0))
call splitup
fistp itmp ; save as an integer & POP
mov eax,itmp
cmp eax,pwr10+9*4 ; 10^9
jl W4
xor edx,edx ; it's > 10^9
add eax,5 ; for rounding
div iten ; divide by 10
inc exponent
; start with the MSD
mov edx,pwr10+8*4
xor edx,edx
div pwr10+8*4
and al,0Fh
add al,'0'
call WriteChar
mov al,'.'
call WriteChar
mov eax,edx
mov ecx,7
call wrdigits
; that takes care of the decimals after the decimal point
; now work on the exponent part
mov al,'E'
call WriteChar
.IF (exponent < 0)
mov al,'-'
neg exponent
mov al,'+'
call WriteChar
movzx eax,exponent
mul iten
mov ecx,3
call wrdigits
call fpuReset
showTop "W end: "
fld temp_01 ; KRI: restore saved value
WriteFloat endp
GetChar PROC
; Reads a single character from input,
; echoes end of line character to console window.
; Modified by Irvine (7/18/05): removed check for Ctl-C.
call ReadChar ; get a character from keyboard
.IF (al == 0dh) ; Enter key?
call Crlf
; call WriteChar ; and echo it back
GetChar ENDP
This sets the RC (10,11) & PC (8,9) bits of the FPU control word
also the exception masks (bits 0..5)
It saves the current control word
Resets FPU to the saved control word
RC: xx00 0000 0000b
00 - round to nearest (even)
01 - round down (toward -inf)
10 - round up (toward +inf)
11 - round toward zero (truncate)
PC: xx 0000 0000b
00 - single precision (24 bits)
01 - reserved
10 - double precision (53 bits)
11 - double ext. precision (64 bits)
; truncate, double precision, all exceptions masked out
stdMask = 1111000011000000b
stdRMask = 0000111100111111b
stdControl= 0000111000111111b
stmp word ?
sw word ?
fpuSet PROC uses ax
fstcw sw ; save current control word
mov ax,sw
and ax,stdMask
or ax,stdControl
mov stmp,ax
fldcw stmp ; load masked control word
fpuSet ENDP
fpuReset PROC uses ax bx
; This resets the control word
; bits defined by the stdMask
fstcw stmp ; get current control word
mov ax,stmp ; save it in AX
and ax,stdMask ; clear bits 6-7, 11-14
mov bx,sw ; get saved control word
and bx,stdRMask
or ax,bx ; set bits 0-5, 8-11
mov stmp,ax
fldcw stmp
fpuReset ENDP
power10 PROC uses ebx ecx
; power10 expects: EAX (signed exponent)
; This returns 10.0^(sign*EAX) in the FPU
binpwr10 REAL8 1.0E64, 1.0E32, 1.0E16, 1.0E8, 1.0E4, 1.0E2, 1.0E1
TOPPWR= ($-binpwr10)/type binpwr10
.IF (eax == 0)
fld1 ; load a 1
; get the sign of eax
mov bl,0
.IF (sdword ptr eax < 0)
neg eax
inc bl
; check for too-large exponent
.IF (sdword ptr eax > MAXEXPONENT)
; complain
mov edx,OFFSET ErrMsg
call WriteString
; ...but return 1.0
; now for the computation
; The general idea is that if eax= 11101b, then the value wanted
; is 10^(11101b)= 10^(2^4) * 10^(2^3) * 10^(2^2) * 10^(2^0)
; So we use a table of these powers, binpwr10.
; we start with 10^1
mov ecx,TOPPWR
mov esi,(type binpwr10)*(TOPPWR-1)
test eax,1
jz P2
fmul binpwr10[esi]
sub esi,type binpwr10
shr eax,1
loopnz P1
.IF (bl != 0)
; take the reciprocal
fdivr ; reverse division
power10 ENDP
status dw 0
showMsg byte "stack top= "
stbyte byte 0, 0dh, 0ah, 0
showTopF PROC uses eax edx
; showTopF prints the FPU TOP register (0-7) to screen
; This is a diagnostic routine
fstsw status
mov ax,status
shr ax,11
and al,7 ; TOP is 3 bits
add al,'0'
mov stbyte,al
mov edx,offset showMsg
call WriteString
showTopF ENDP
;-------------------------------------------------------- ******
fChkNaN PROC uses ax ;******
; ******
; Check the results of the last FTST instruction to see ******
; the Z flag is set if indeed the value was NaN ******
; 5432109876543210 ******
C3C2C0 = 0100010100000000b ;******
fnstsw ax ; mov the status word to AX ******
and ax, C3C2C0 ; get the C3, C2, C0 bits from the status word
cmp ax, C3C2C0 ; are all the bits 0 ******
ret ;******
fChkNaN ENDP ;******
;-------------------------------------------------------- ******
fChkInfinity PROC ;******
.data ;******
temp REAL10 ? ;******
.code ;******
fstp temp ; store value, fst can't store REAL10 ;******
fld temp ; restore the stack ;******
mov ax, WORD PTR temp
cmp WORD PTR temp, 0000h; is Exponent all 1 bits ;******
jne CF1 ;******
cmp DWORD PTR (temp+2), 00000000h ;******
jne CF1 ; check first 4 bytes of the mantissa ;******
cmp DWORD PTR (temp+6), 7FFF8000h ;******
; this checks last four bytes of the mantissa ;******
CF1: ;******
ret ;******
fChkInfinity ENDP ;******
fcompare PROC uses ax
; Compares two floating-point values.
; Transfers ZF & SF registers from the FPU status word
; to the CPU, so we can do branches on them
fstsw status
mov ah,byte ptr status+1
mov al,ah
and ah,040h
and al,1
ror al,1
or ah,al
fcompare ENDP
normalize PROC
; shifts ST(0) into range 10^8 <= V < 10^9
; and adjusts the exponent in the process
tenp8 REAL8 10.0E8
onep8 REAL8 1.0E8
exponent SWORD 0
fcom tenp8 ; compare to 10^9
call fcompare
jl N2
fdiv ten
inc exponent
jmp N1
fcom onep8 ; compare to 10^8
call fcompare
jge N3
fmul ten
dec exponent
jmp N2
normalize ENDP
splitup PROC USES ecx esi edi
; Receives a non-negative number in ST(0).
; Suppose the number's value is V. The goal is to find an exponent E
; and integer mantissa M such that 10^8 <= M < 10^9 and
; V= M*10^-8 * 10^E
; (E will be in 'exponent', M will be in ST(0) on return)
; This uses the pwr10 table in an attempt to narrow down the
; appropriate power using a kind of binary search and reduction
onehalf REAL8 0.5
one REAL8 1.0
ten REAL8 10.0
bpwr10 WORD 64,32,16,8,4,2,1
binpwrM10 REAL8 1.0E-64, 1.0E-32, 1.0E-16, 1.0E-8, 1.0E-4, 1.0E-2, 1.0E-1
mov exponent,0
; see if == 0.0
call fcompare
jne S1
; start by seeing if it's greater than 10
fcom ten
call fcompare
jge S2 ; >= 10
; see if it's < 10
fcom one
call fcompare
jge S4 ; it's >= 10
jmp S3 ; it's < 10
S2: ; here, it's > 10
; so we'll reduce it using the binpwr10 table
mov ecx,TOPPWR
mov esi,0 ; index to binpwr10
mov edi,0 ; index to bpwr10
fcom binpwr10[esi]
call fcompare
jl S2c
fdiv binpwr10[esi]
mov ax,bpwr10[edi]
add exponent,ax
add esi,type binpwr10
add edi,type bpwr10
loop S2a
jmp S4
S3: ; here, it's < 1.0
mov ecx,TOPPWR
mov esi,0 ; index to binpwrM10
mov edi,0 ; index to mpwr10
fcom binpwrM10[esi]
call fcompare
jge S3c
fdiv binpwrM10[esi]
mov ax,bpwr10[edi]
sub exponent,ax
add esi,type binpwr10
add edi,type bpwr10
loop S3a
fmul onep8 ; multiply by 10^8
; adjust to range 10^8 <= V < 10^9
call normalize
; Round the mantissa to 8 decimal places
fadd onehalf ; add one half
frndint ; should truncate fractional part
; readjust to 10^8 <= V < 10^9
call normalize
splitup ENDP
; (Helper procedure) Writes 'ecx' digits of register eax
; as decimal digits, with leading zeros.
mov edx,pwr10[ecx*4]
xor edx,edx
div pwr10[ecx*4]
and al,0Fh
add al,'0'
call WriteChar
mov eax,edx
loop WR1
wrdigits ENDP
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