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Last active October 25, 2019 22:05
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Save soachishti/b4bf2f55b99ef123a1a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Print Float Binary
; Print exponent if exponent greater than 10
; positive and negative exponent
; Change value of number and see result
divisor DWORD 10b
;number DWORD 1.5
;number DWORD 2.5
;number DWORD 3.5
number DWORD -13.5123
mantissa DWORD 0
leftMantissa DWORD 0
rightMantissa DWORD 0
exponent DWORD 0
res DWORD 0
beforePoint DWORD 0
tmp DWORD 0
main PROC
;mov eax, number
;call WriteBin
;call Crlf
; Identify sign
mov eax, number
shr eax, 31
jz positive
mov al, '-'
jmp lb_exit1
mov al, '+'
call WriteChar
; Getting exponent
mov eax, number
shr eax, 23
and eax, 0FFh
add al, -127
mov exponent, eax
;call WriteDec
;call Crlf
; getting mantissa
mov eax, number
and eax, 07FFFFFh ; get mantissa from num
shl eax, 8
or eax, 80000000h
mov mantissa, eax
;call WriteBin
;call Crlf
mov ecx, exponent
shl eax, 1
cmp cl, 0
; if ecx > 0
jna increase
dec ecx
; if ecx < 0
jnb decrease
inc ecx
jnz lp2
shr eax, 9
mov rightMantissa, eax
;call WriteBin
;call Crlf
;call WriteBin
;call Crlf
mov eax, mantissa
mov ecx, exponent
shr eax, 1
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 31
jnz lp3
mov leftMantissa, eax
;call WriteBin
;call Crlf
; Convert right mantissa to int
mov ecx, 22
bt rightMantissa, ecx
jnc lb1
mov eax, 1000000000
xor edx, edx
div divisor
add res, eax
;call WriteDec
;call Crlf
shl divisor, 1
dec ecx
cmp ecx, -1
jne lb
mov eax, res
mov rightMantissa, eax
mov eax, leftMantissa
call WriteDec
mov al, '.'
call WriteChar
mov eax, rightMantissa
call WriteDec
main ENDP
END main
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