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Last active April 8, 2023 02:10
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  • Save soar/c95a14e225689f2499e6f98b7ea46ef5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"basics": {
"name": "Aleksey Smyrnov",
"email": "",
"phone": "+19477777742",
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"summary": "I'm into building complex, productive and technically beautiful systems",
"website": "",
"headline": "System Architect / SRE / Senior DevOps Engineer",
"location": {
"city": "Ottawa",
"region": "Ontario",
"address": "",
"country": "Canada",
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"profiles": [
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"username": "GitHub: @soar"
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"network": "Telegram",
"username": "Telegram: @thatisfine"
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"network": "WhatsApp",
"username": "WhatsApp: +19477777742"
"birthdate": "1989-02-16"
"work": [
"name": "OpServe (Canada)",
"position": "SRE / Head of Infrastructure / Senior DevOps Engineer",
"date": {
"start": "2021-03-01",
"end": ""
"url": "",
"summary": "I worked as a contractor, helping different projects to start their business. For all of them, I developed an infrastructure, wrote all the IaC-related code, built CI/CD pipelines, and deployed them to a cloud:\n\nC100 - a blockchain startup (GitHub Actions, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Postgres, MongoDB, InfluxDB)\nLendos - fintech startup running in AWS on Kubernetes\nDipOcean - NFT-related startup (GitLab, DigitalOcean, Kubernetes, Postgres, Docker)\nWSS - SEO industry startup with a distributed architecture and delivery network (BitBucket, AWS, ECS, Fargate)\nJustOrder - CRM-system for restaurants and fast-food businesses (GitHub Actions, Docker, Postgres)\n\nAlso, I developed a Terraform-based project to provision new Terraform projects from a template on the fly, with all the code, CI/CD, and automations.",
"id": "1cc8ea34-64a7-4cdd-96e3-80f007a17ce3"
"id": "b318f332-cf27-4167-8125-b696541dffb4",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2021-02-01T05:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2020-02-01T05:00:00.000Z"
"name": "AffSoft Media",
"summary": "I've led this project from building its architecture to production deployments. We've built a CRM system and distributed media-content delivery network for various advertising strategies. The main aim was to make the end-user experience smooth and fast, from a site opening to registrations in customer's systems.\nOur achievements:\n- 12 CRM systems in the production\n- Docker Swarm in production and K8s for test environments\n- 5 different data centers across the globe serving more than 1250 advertising websites",
"position": "SRE / Head of Infrastructure"
"id": "a86cf66c-6faa-4ab0-bca4-7d17ac56be52",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2020-03-01T05:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2017-12-01T05:00:00.000Z"
"name": "Jibrel (Switzerland)",
"summary": "I came into this project at the early start stage, just after the ICO phase, and spent the first year building an infrastructure from scratch. After that, I was responsible for picking a DevOps team of 4 people to help our project grow faster.\nWe had:\n\n12 test and 8 work-load clusters spread over the world\nMore than 2 TB of data in our Postgres databases\nHighly available system on all architecture layers from DNS to DBs\nTerraform for cloud provisioning (AWS EC2/S3/CloudFront/SNS/IAM/etc., CloudFlare, PagerDuty, OpsGenie)\nAnsible as the main software deployment tool\nDocker and Docker Swarm as an orchestration engine\nPrometheus and Grafana for monitoring\n",
"position": "DevOps Team Lead"
"id": "fec8e71a-114f-4792-8a6d-5c96b25d7875",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2019-07-01T04:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2014-01-01T05:00:00.000Z"
"name": "SugaRE",
"summary": "I've developed a private cloud for hosting clients and projects in development, based on Linux, OpenVZ, and libvirt technologies, and successfully migrated the whole infrastructure there from AWS. My project provided full operations automation (providing test environments, creating production replicas, backups, restorations, etc), based on Ansible, Rundeck, and custom Web-UI.\nAlso, I developed an architecture and deployed project for UralKali, which covered 5 datacenters across the country. The main goal of this project was to provide a fault-tolerant distributed database, for which I've implemented a system daemon above the MySQL engine, that covered all the requirements like sync and async replication, delayed transactions, etc.",
"position": "System Architect / Lead DevOps Engineer"
"id": "0bfd019b-cfb8-44ba-83f4-49d0d8b398fa",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2017-12-01T05:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2016-11-01T04:00:00.000Z"
"name": "Filiatix (Israel)",
"summary": "I came to this project at its start, so my main task was to build an infrastructure from scratch. I've built a hybrid cloud solution with Docker Swarm orchestration, with an option to be easily expanded to any IaaS provider because of flexible Ansible playbooks and Fabric-based deploy tool. So, my stack was:\n\nJenkins with a lot of Groovy DSL code\nDocker Swarm as an orchestration engine\nRundeck as a control panel for our team\nCustom service written in Python as a bridge between Docker CLI/API and CI/CD tools\nAnsible and Fabric library for provisioning and scaling infrastructure\nNginx as a balancer and an ingress controller\n\nAlso, I was involved in the development process as a System Architect and a Python developer.",
"position": "System Architect / Lead DevOps Engineer"
"id": "d86f361e-af0c-4756-965f-d7e9d795e89a",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2017-02-01T05:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2014-12-01T05:00:00.000Z"
"name": "SevStar",
"summary": "My main responsibilities were: solving system architecture challenges, expanding and keeping our virtual infrastructure (VMWare) on the bleeding edge, and deploying fault-tolerant and highly available projects with continuous integration methodologies. I migrated most of the mission-critical services to deployments with Ansible.\nMy last projects as a developer were:\n- Distributed multi-master DNS service (fault-tolerant, IPv6-ready, more than 12k requests per second);\n- Dynamic route system (Python/Django UI and system scripts over BGP);\n- Distributed network monitoring system (more than 1000 devices): I've developed custom software for gathering and aggregating information about the network flow.",
"position": "Senior System Administrator / Python Developer / DevOps Engineer"
"id": "53fa08e6-885a-4be6-bb7b-0b0c8d5bb6e9",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2014-12-01T05:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2011-09-01T04:00:00.000Z"
"name": "SevTelecomService",
"summary": "Administration of VMware-based virtual infrastructure (10 hypervisors, more than 100 virtual servers, enterprise-level storage, virtual switches, backups, etc.) with Windows and Linux servers. Support and deploying:\n\nFull-stack network services (DNS, DHCP, routing)\nWeb-servers (LAMP)\nCompany database (About 1 TB of data)\nDevelopment environments\n\nI worked on bringing the development cycle to an enterprise level, and we successfully migrated from manual deployments to Git-based CI/CD solutions.",
"position": "Senior System/Network Administrator"
"id": "5f7ac8dd-ea36-4a0f-97ee-9ab2c6ebf22b",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2014-07-01T04:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2013-07-01T04:00:00.000Z"
"name": "Ramotion (USA)",
"summary": "The primary task was to build a virtual infrastructure for company live projects and development environments. After a successful migration, I was engaged in full-stack administration of web infrastructure: databases layer, web-servers (Apache, Nginx, Java, Ruby, Node.js) and zero-downtime deployment solutions (TeamCity, Jenkins). Also, I supported developers tools: own TeamCity and JIRA, test virtual environments.",
"position": "Senior System Administrator"
"id": "59961174-62d4-4742-81ec-116800b2880b",
"url": "",
"date": {
"end": "2011-09-01T04:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2007-09-01T04:00:00.000Z"
"name": "SevTelecomService (Ukraine)",
"summary": "Remote administration of web- and game servers. My main task was to provide qualitative low-latency services for ISP clients. More than 10 powerful bare-metal servers, 19 games with up to ~3000 simultaneous client connections.",
"position": "Linux/Windows System Administrator"
"awards": [],
"skills": [
"id": "ff86d539-b98a-4947-83fe-b0119f4c76ed",
"name": "Terraform",
"level": "6 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"id": "e5b7ea9f-1718-4d6a-887b-cf501f6fd218",
"name": "Python",
"level": "9 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"id": "3578f3f7-ec56-4248-945e-a9e43377ac63",
"name": "Linux",
"level": "15 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"id": "f312b43f-e7e3-4924-ba37-a86a88c7d8d4",
"name": "Ansible",
"level": "8 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"id": "9e3f6a70-57bc-4654-acc6-b02b21def7a1",
"name": "Bash",
"level": "14 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"id": "6f3daa15-02d4-4059-acfb-763575edd229",
"name": "Docker",
"level": "6 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"id": "4baac9b5-1ce1-4fed-8e4a-d7279bbecdd0",
"name": "Kubernetes",
"level": "3 years",
"keywords": [],
"levelNum": 0
"projects": [
"name": "CODElivery",
"description": "Infrastructure management system",
"date": {
"start": "",
"end": ""
"url": "",
"summary": "My pet project, which main aim is to remove a gap between development and operations by making deployments simpler and faster. Supports Docker and Kubernetes. Written in Python.",
"keywords": [],
"id": "35225930-726e-4b15-b061-9d2f7d529df5"
"name": "DevOps Test Task",
"description": "The task for an interview on a DevOps position",
"date": {
"start": "",
"end": ""
"url": "",
"summary": "Test task, which was developed to be given to candidates applying for a DevOps engineer role. Contains multiple aspects to estimate different sets of skills.",
"keywords": [],
"id": "c41e0161-4034-45e2-9011-a6b9c55be77b"
"education": [
"id": "ae3585f3-4da6-4a2a-902e-60cc6151c29f",
"url": "",
"area": "Radionics and Semiconductors, Micro- and Nanoelectronics Engineer",
"date": {
"end": "2011-07-01T04:00:00.000Z",
"start": "2006-09-01"
"score": "",
"degree": "Master",
"courses": [],
"summary": "As a graduation project, developed and build a hardware portable audio player, based on MSP430 MCU and custom OS written in C.",
"institution": "SNTU Technical University"
"interests": [
"name": "Travels",
"keywords": [],
"id": "db596e41-236b-4941-a39d-f59f612796d2"
"name": "Free Open-Source Software",
"keywords": [],
"id": "512de13f-f0ed-4661-b537-4d1ce860c5f7"
"languages": [
"id": "f9f64e23-3ddf-4de2-adda-3b911dcfffc0",
"name": "English",
"level": "B2 - Upper Intermediate",
"levelNum": 0
"id": "39ad7dc0-5baf-47b8-b081-c9fe627d17f2",
"name": "Russian",
"level": "Native",
"levelNum": 0
"name": "Ukrainian",
"level": "Native",
"levelNum": 0,
"id": "1507e9c9-c2c8-4b9f-a0da-f4821c81a005"
"volunteer": [],
"references": [],
"publications": []
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