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Created March 24, 2018 15:35
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Experiment for simple implementation of HasField for extensible records
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
data Field (l :: Symbol) a where
Field :: a -> Field l a
class HasField a f where
getField :: a -> f
setField :: a -> f -> a
instance HasField (Field l a, b) (Field l a) where
getField (x, _) = x
setField (x, y) z = (z, y)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasField a v => HasField (b, a) v where
getField (_, x) = getField x
setField (x, y) z = (x, setField y z)
instance (Show a, KnownSymbol l) => Show (Field l a) where
show (Field x) = "[Field \"" ++ (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy l)) ++ "\" " ++ (show x) ++ "]"
getValue :: forall l a. Field l a -> a
getValue (Field x) = x
-- getEntry :: forall a v (l :: Symbol). (HasField a (Field l v)) => a -> v
-- getEntry x = let (Field y) = getField x in y
-- setEntry :: HasField a (Field l v) => a -> v -> a
-- setEntry x y = setField x (Field y)
type Foo = Field "Foo" String
type Bar = Field "Bar" String
type Baz = Field "Baz" String
type Inner a = Field "Inner" a
type Config a = (HasField a Foo, HasField a Bar, HasField a Baz)
getFoo :: HasField a Foo => a -> String
getFoo = (getValue :: Field "Foo" String -> String) . getField
setFoo :: HasField a Foo => a -> String -> a
setFoo x v = setField x (Field v :: Foo)
addBaz :: a -> String -> (Baz, a)
addBaz x y = (Field y :: Baz, x)
getInner :: HasField a (Inner b) => a -> b
getInner = (getValue :: Inner b -> b) . getField
config :: (Foo, (Bar, (Foo, ())))
config = (Field "baz", (Field "bar", (Field "foo", ())))
foo :: String
foo = getFoo config
config2 :: (Foo, (Bar, (Foo, ())))
config2 = setFoo config "fool"
config3 :: (Baz, (Foo, (Bar, (Foo, ()))))
config3 = addBaz config "buzz"
config4 :: (Inner (Bar, (Foo, ())), ())
config4 = (Field (Field "bar", (Field "foo", ())), ())
-- getInnerFoo :: forall a b. (HasField a (Inner b), HasField b Foo) => a -> String
-- getInnerFoo = getFoo . getInner
inner :: (Bar, (Foo, ()))
inner = getInner config4
foo2 :: String
foo2 = getFoo $ (getInner config4 :: (Bar, (Foo, ())))
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