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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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DSL experiment in JavaScript for building expression AST
* This is a DSL experiment to build
* abstract syntax trees (AST) in Javascript.
* In this example we provide a simplified
* use case of building expression AST.
* The expression AST built here are
* equivalent to the following mathematical
* expressions:
* circle-area = pi * radius^2
* cylinder-volume = circle-area * height
* Or in their JavaScript form:
var circleArea = function(radius) {
return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2)
var cylinderVolume = function(radius, height) {
return circleArea(radius) * height
* I currently think of two candidate approaches
* to build the AST in JavaScript. The first
* approach is to use the fluent API style of
* chaining methods, demonstrated below:
.begin(function(define) {
* Another approach is to pass all arguments
* as dictionary for the constructor to build
* the AST in one go, demonstrated below:
namespace: 'my-formulas',
using: [
exportTo: module.exports
}, function(define) {
name: 'circle-area',
op: '*',
left: define.constant('pi'),
right: define.exponentiation({
base: define.variable('radius')
exponent: define.constant(2)
name: 'cylinder-volume',
op: '*',
left: define.subexpr('circle-area'),
right: define.variable('height')
* I would like to hear your opinion on
* which DSL style is more preferrable,
* and the reasons behind. Thanks.
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